This whole thing felt so strange. Not only was my wife spending the evening with another guy, there was a clear vibe that the only reason they were planning on seeing each other was for Eric to fuck her. There was no pretense of going on a date, or going out in any way. This whole evening was planned so Stacy could be fucked, and probably fucked a lot. They had to have realized how that made me, her husband, look. It was like there was a neon sign over Stacy's pussy that flashes "Tim can't satisfy me".
Her body, so petite, tiny, and lean, God, she was hot. Stacy was thirty years old but could easily pass for sixteen.
I knew I was helpless in her sexual power over me. But it wasn't until this week that I ever thought this fact would be flexed so assertively and yet effortlessly against me.
As the clock reached three pm, I suddenly realized Eric would be here any minute and my thoughts turned to my friend. My anger and humiliation towards him over the past 24 hours were on a level that I felt certain my friendship with him was over. I couldn't accept him as a friend now. So, what to do when he arrives? I knew for a fact that Stacy needed what he could give her. I knew it was just a pure physical thing. Eric, after all, was also married. His wife was ten years older than Stacy and to put it nicely, on a scale of one to ten, she would be about a four, and Stacy is an eighty-nine!
I decided to just avoid seeing him at all. When I told Stacy that I was just going to go next door now and avoid the situation, she seemed almost relieved. She was texting when I told her. She told me that Eric couldn't stay the night. His work schedule had changed and could only stay for about three or four hours. I somehow felt better knowing they wouldn't be together all night.
Stacy walked with me next door (the two doors were literally about four feet apart). She hugged me and said, "As soon as Eric leaves, I will knock on the wall and you can come back, OK?"
I nodded yes.
I was an emotional wreck, but I loved Stacy so much that I couldn't bring myself to deny her something she so clearly needed. I watched as she tip-toed back inside her room. Her room. Wow, that sounded cold. It was still so cute/sexy seeing her holding her tank top down over her ass in case anyone walked by nearby. The door closed and I closed mine. I lay on the bed and decided after he arrived I would maybe go to the bar and get a drink.
I would end up not leaving the room.
I suddenly forgot I had left the beer in our other room. I was definitely going to need a drink. I sat on the bed and looked over the food and drink options from the room service menu. I could hear the muffled tones of Eric and Stacy talking. He had obviously just arrived. I looked at the wall behind the bed I was sitting on. The bed in that room was just on the other side of that wall.
I felt humiliated. All three of us knew exactly why Eric was there. I can't even imagine the smug cockiness it must give a guy to have that ability. When I saw him fucking Stacy the night before I couldn't really see his cock, but I knew by Stacy's response to it that he must have been very big.
I looked at the restaurant and bar menu. I figured I'd go up to the bar and get drunk and maybe watch whatever sports were on the TV.
I opened my suitcase, grabbed a light jacket, and was heading towards the door when I heard a thud next door. I then heard Stacy groan, or grunt, I wasn't sure.
The wall dividing the two rooms trembled. It sounded a little bit like demolition work could be going on. Then, I heard it again.
There was an odd pause between each time she made that guttural groan. The picture on the wall in my room banged.
It was rhythmic. About one full second between each groan. Eric had been in the room maybe three minutes and he was already fucking my wife. But, it wasn't a rapid fucking. He was driving into her hard, holding it, pulling out and driving back into her. But, this exact pace went on for like eight minutes, non-stop.
"Ung! Ung! Ung! Ung! Ung!"
Stacy would groan every time he slammed into her. He asked her something. I couldn't make out what it was, but I know her answer was yes. I heard her saying "yes" every time he asked her something.
"Ung! Ung! Ung!"
He just kept driving into her as if he was trying to push her through the wall. The headboard in their room was now banging pretty loud against the wall, in that perfectly paced rhythmic beat.
Suddenly out of nowhere, Stacy started to scream. And I mean she screamed like she was being killed. She just screamed for like ten seconds.
The rhythmic pace stopped. There was a moment of silence. I looked at the wall, as if it would help me hear better. Then, I heard them talking. Back and forth in conversation. Eric laughed loudly. Then I heard Stacy giggling her cute little girl giggle. They talked a little more. I heard Stacy laugh again, and then it was quiet for like five minutes. I wasn't sure what was going on.
Then, the picture of sail boats that hung on the wall began to shake again. Stacy could be heard again almost right away. It was the most agonizingly beautiful moan. It was desperate and almost as if she wanted to cry. It was like Eric was taking her soul out of her body and she was reluctantly letting go. I could tell by the sounds coming through the wall that he was brutally fucking her now. He wasn't being gentle. Stacy is so tiny, and it was clear he was pounding her. I was sure the sail boats were going to fall off the wall.
She began to scream again.
"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"
It was like there was no wall between us.
Eric stayed in our room for about three and half hours. They had fucked five separate times. Stacy had climaxed at least seven times. The last twenty minutes he was there it was pretty quiet. I think I heard the shower running. Then, I heard the door open and close. He was gone.
About eleven minutes passed and Stacy had not come over to check on me or tell me the coast was clear. I decided to check on her.
I slid the room card and opened the door. The room was not lit. The sun was still on its way to setting. I saw Stacy on the bed, on her back, knees up, legs open. Her right hand was gently rubbing her pussy. She wasn't masturbating, just massaging and caressing her pussy. She was staring up towards the ceiling and didn't acknowledge my presence. She was still covered in sweat. Her hair looked almost wet. Maybe she had showered.
I walked over and quietly sat on the bed. She continued to stare up into nothingness. Her eyes had a half conscious far away look. I didn't know what to say in a situation like this. She looked completely exhausted and worn out.
I asked her, "Are you OK, honey?"
After a moment or two, she slowly turned her head towards me. She just weakly nodded yes.
Then, she slowly spoke. "I never knew it could be like that. I can't feel my legs."
I nodded yes. "Baby?" I asked her, "It kind of sounded like you were crying earlier. Is everything OK?"
She nodded yes. "I don't know what to say. I've never been fucked to an orgasm before. It's so different than a normal one. It's a much deeper experience, honey. I just started sobbing when he made me cum for him. And then, he just kept making me cum so much."
She reached over and held my hand. She likely was not aware the effect her words were having on me as her husband. She was just honestly conveying what she had just been through. But, she had to know at some point she was taking my feelings of being a man away from me. If you saw the dream-like state she was in as she lay there on the bed, you'd know she had experienced sex on a deeper level. It was animalistic.
I could feel she had something to tell me. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew it was coming soon. Her priority was now Eric, not me. She confirmed that. "I know you are gonna hate me for saying this, but Bill is coming back tomorrow. He is taking me to lunch and then we're gonna come back here, OK honey?"
What could I say?
What had started out as a husband-wife trip had turned into my wife basically being fucked daily by my friend from high school. I had to know where I stood.
"Baby, are we divorcing?"
She sounded almost surprised. "Of course not, honey. We are here for a week. And then we go home. Eric lives here with his wife. You and I live a 1000 miles away and we have our life together. I just can't say no to him. And, I know you know, that on a sexual level, I have needed what he is able to give me. I love you Tim. I don't love Eric."
For better or worse, her words were welcome to my ears. Still, it didn't need to be said that I could never give her what he was giving her. I think as we sat there, we both knew that her pussy would very likely belong to him permanently.
Stacy said she needed to rest for a while. I asked if I could lay next to her.
She nodded yes, and allowed me to snuggle up next to her. She lay there on her back, naked and insanely beautiful. To see Stacy naked is pure heaven. Every inch of her body is perfect. She looks as if she was designed for the sole purpose of fucking.
We slept until ten pm. We ordered some room service and just hung out in our room. The vibe between Stacy and I was hard to describe. The biggest change seemed to be in the fact that Stacy was realizing what a well endowed alpha male could give her. She didn't make a point of rubbing my nose in it, but she had an air about her that she knew she was the sexually dominant one in our marriage now. She loved me, but it felt a little more like the love she would have for a sibling or a close friend. Day two of our trip was now gone and I had not once had any sex with my own wife. Little did I know that would basically be the case for the rest of the trip, and beyond.
Day three began with Stacy still in a bit of a post sex haze, but she had a renewed zest for things. She was eager for us to go to the pool and lay out and swim. She slipped on her tiny black bikini, the one with the thong bottom.
It was a warm sunny day and this time she made no effort to cover herself up with a sarong. She seemed to have a more sexy strut to her walk.
Usually Stacy just lays out and reads when we are at the pool. This time she was in the water and talking to other guests, who all seemed drawn to her at some point. After about and hour of us being at the pool, a young guy and his buddy came in and set their towels down and walked down the steps into the pool. Stacy was there, skimming her hand along the surface of the water.
From where I sat it looked so clear. They were hunters and they had found their prey. They were all standing and talking in the shallow end. It was comical looking because both guys were over six foot and Stacy is barely five foot. They were obviously enjoying her company. Her bikini top was small and her tits were visible by cleavage or from the sides. Luckily she was already in the water when they arrived. They would probably lose it if they saw her bare ass in that thong bikini bottom.
Stacy was always pretty shy or quiet in public settings like this. Now, she seemed to have this confidence. The guys motioned to the area where they had their towels laid out on a couple of lounge chairs. They must have asked her to come over because as the two guys walked towards the pool steps, Stacy looked over at me and smiled and waved as she followed them out of the pool. They were walking on either side of her as they made it to there chairs. Again, as so often with Stacy around really tall guys, she looked like a fourteen year old kid.
They were about thirty feet from me, so I could hear them talking but not really hear what was being said. But they laughed a lot and Stacy seemed to be having a lot of fun. As time passed she seemed to be focused more on just one of the guys. It's amazing to observe nature like this. From my view the natural alpha of the group likely took the lead in getting her attention. But, all of this can happen so subtly and can easily go unnoticed by people passing by.
Sure enough I was right, the other guy eventually got up, grabbed his stuff and headed back to their room, I assumed.
Stacy and the young guy (I later found out that he went to San Diego State) continued talking and hanging out. At one point she sat on the end of the lounge chair and he sat behind her and applied sun tan oil to her shoulders. His hands would go down her sides and I could swear his finger tips were caressing the sides of her tits.
Finally, they stood up, her bare ass facing me. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips. On her tippy-toes, she kissed him back. They said their goodbyes and she returned to me. I felt the eyes of some of the guests on her and then me as she came back to me. At that moment it felt like the entire world knew I couldn't sexually satisfy my wife.
She smiled at me and sat down. "Hi honey, enjoying yourself?" she said with a smirk and some sarcasm, her confidence bursting.
I nodded yes.
"You seem very popular here, my dear," I joked.
"Real men know what they want."
She said it in confident tone, like she wasn't kidding. Maybe it was me. Maybe I only heard it that way. She sat back down on the lounge chair next to me.
We sat there for a while. I drank my beer. Stacy was relaxing and watching all the guests enjoying their day.
A little while later we were back at the room. Stacy stood at the bar counter reading or texting someone.
"Eric says he has to work until ten pm tonight and then has to get home. His wife isn't feeling well," she informed me. Great I thought. No Eric tonight! My chances just got better.
"But, he said he will stop by for a few minutes if I want." We looked at each other. No words were said. We both knew what Stacy wanted or needed. Eric would be coming to our room before he went home.
Shortly before Eric was scheduled to get off work from the hotel restaurant, I hugged Stacy and told her that I was going next door to take a shower. I made up some lame excuse that I liked the shower next door better than this one. She sort of knowingly agreed and walked me to the door again.
I could tell she felt uncomfortable about what she was putting me through. Stacy knew as well as anyone that this was wrong of her. She wasn't a bad person. She was just getting fucked so good, she could no longer think straight or say no to him. When I looked at it from her perspective, I kind of couldn't blame her. Plus, the more I looked at the situation, the more I realized this wasn't going to end in marriages being ruined. We would all be going back to our normal lives in a couple of days.
I sat on the edge of the bed in the room next door. I turned on the TV. Within minutes I heard Eric arrive at the other door. Inside, they talked only briefly before the talking stopped. I could almost hear the kissing. That was the level of sound coming through the wall. Loud passionate kisses could sort of be heard. Then, like clockwork, Stacy could be heard.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"
"Fuck me, Eric! Fuck me. Fuck me!" Each word was an effort to say, each word spoken separately from the other. "Fuck... Me... Eric!"
Within three to five minutes of him fucking her Stacy would begin to scream. I was amazed that the entire hotel wasn't calling the front desk. But, the good (or bad) thing about this hotel, our rooms were in blocks of four. Two rooms upstairs and two room downstairs. That made up one building and there was some lush tropical landscaping between one building and the next. I had the other room next to theirs, and no one was staying in the rooms upstairs. So it was just us occupying this one building. The pool out behind us was always busy and noisy enough that they couldn't hear Eric and Stacy. The other side of the building was looking out over a marina. The nearest boats were over a 100 feet away.
So, Stacy just screamed and screamed as Eric pounded her little pussy. After about twenty to thirty minutes of them fucking, and Stacy climaxing at least three times, it suddenly was quiet. I heard the door open and Eric apparently had left. What happened next was a bit of a shock.
There was a frantic knock on my door. I jumped up and went to the door, opened it and it was Stacy in just a thin white tank top. She rushed in and pulled me by the hand over to the bed. I was fairly sure she was going to let me fuck her, sort of reclaim her. That didn't happen.
She pushed me back onto the bed. I fell back onto my back. She climbed on the bed. Her hand was holding her pussy as if she had still been covering it from being outside briefly. I was wrong again.

"Lay back. Lay back, honey!" she said frantically.
I did as she said, sure that I was finally about to have sex with my own wife. She looked so good standing on the bed straddled over me. She knelt down on my chest and spoke. "Baby, do you love me?"
"Yes, of course," I quickly replied.
"There is something I want to do," she said.
"OK, anything, what is it?"
"I want to feed you Eric's cum. Suck his cum out of me. I want you to swallow it."
Stacy couldn't even wait for my reply. She just leaned forward and scooted her pussy over my mouth and removed her hand. Almost instantly, his still very warm fresh cum began to slowly pour out of her pussy right onto my face, lips and mouth.
"Open your mouth, honey," she practically demanded.
I opened my mouth and she reached down and opened her pussy a little more and suddenly this stream of warm cum came pouring out, faster now. There was a ton of it. It just kept coming out. I had to swallow twice, then a third time. There was a little bit more and I swallowed a fourth time.
"Can you taste him, baby? Can you taste him?"
Then, in a frantic state of arousal, Stacy leaned into my face and rubbed her pussy and clit against my mouth and nose. She was practically grinding her pussy on my face. My face was glistening with the wetness of her pussy and Eric's cum. Her hands were holding the top of my head as she ground her pussy roughly into my face. She basically masturbated to climax on my face.
Finally she climbed off me and lay on her back, breathing heavy. We both lay there side by side in silence. It felt like I had a gallon of Eric's cum in my stomach now.
Stacy suddenly spoke.
"Isn't he amazing, baby?"
I was confused, aroused, and suddenly wrestling with my place as a man. But, the truth just seemed to take over my body. I nodded yes before I could even think.
"Tell me you like tasting his cum, baby."
"I... I guess. I don't know."
"Oh God, his cock is so much bigger and powerful than yours, honey. He fucks me so good. God, he fucks me good."
We were both laying on our backs facing the ceiling. I was shocked as I lay there that as Stacy talked like this I was getting hard. I'm sure it had to do with my total lack of sex the last week.
Stacy was laying to my left, so I casually slid my right hand down to my shorts and subtly pulled them down just enough to free my hardening penis and I began to stroke myself as she talked. I wasn't sure if she knew I was doing it.
"You know he fucks me better than you ever could, right honey?"
Her words were coming faster now. There was an animus tone to her suddenly.
I would just nod yes, or meekly say, "Yes."
"He knows I'm going to cum every time he fucks me. He fucks me whenever he wants now, baby. You know I won't say no to him, don't you honey?"
"Yes, I do. I know."
"He is so cocky about it now. Just earlier tonight, when he came in the room, he told me to get on the bed and spread my legs for him. And I did, baby. I couldn't wait. Tonight, I begged Eric to fuck me, honey. I begged him."
I wasn't sure if Stacy had any idea that I was already close to cumming.
I was being completely cuckolded now. It was like she was actually more aroused by this fact. I can't explain it, but as I lay there, I was welcoming this new reality. It felt like it had always been there and had never been tapped open. It was just like Stacy's sex life in that regard. She had never fully experienced what she had needed all along, until Eric took her. Stacy and I were both being awakened to our true needs.
It was so intense. I was so turned on by how she was acting and talking now. I was panting as she talked. My mind was jumping ahead of her. As I lay there with Stacy I was literally hoping she would never allow me to touch her pussy again! I was in deep. What had come over me? If Eric had walked into that room right then, I would have begged him to fuck Stacy.
We had two days left of this trip, and Stacy's body was in full heat. She had become sexually insatiable.
"Eric likes it when I beg him to fuck me, honey. It shows him that my pussy belongs to him now. He knows he took my pussy away from you. Eric knows it's his now."
I was on the verge of an orgasm that had been building up since the other day. Whatever Stacy said next, no matter what it was, I was going to be hemorrhaging through an orgasm like I never had.
"You know honey, after that first night with Eric, I told him that he never has to wear a condom when he fucks me. He cums inside my pussy every time he has fucked me. He knows he is allowed to cum inside me, honey. Eric knows I will be so happy to go back home with his Alpha seed inside me. He knows that, honey. We both know what that means too, don't we, honey?"
I couldn't even begin to reply. My orgasm had started before she even finished speaking. I roared out loud as I came so hard, my fate sealed as I came. I convulsed uncontrollably.
Stacy, acting as if she knew my fate was sealed, just casually leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then, she got up off the bed and strutted like gymnast to the door. Just before she opened the door to leave, she spoke.
"By the way, Eric has tomorrow off. You may want to order yourself room service." She opened the door and left. Two seconds later she opened it and leaned and said, "Oh honey, no need to order any dessert. I'm sure Eric will have something for you." She was giggling as she closed the door.
About an hour later I got up the courage to go next door. Stacy was alone and so I knew I wouldn't be interrupting her. I opened the door and the bathroom light was on. Some steam was still coming from the bathroom, so I knew she had just showered. It let her know it was just me as I closed the door and came in.
When I walked around the corner she was standing in nothing but a pair of white thong underwear. She was at the sink combing her wet hair. When she saw me, she turned towards me to say hi. But, the strangest most subtle horror happened as she did. Hardly anyone else would have even noticed but me. As she turned to face me, she took her arms and hands and covered her bare tits up as we talked.
Stacy was now no longer even allowing me the thrill of looking at her amazing tits. She never said it, but Stacy had never done that in the four years we had been married, and we had lived together almost six years. I acted as if I wasn't aware of what she was doing. But, it was a massive shift. Stacy was now not allowing me to see her naked. Imagine how she must see me now.
Strangely, as we stood there talking and Stacy covering her tits, I found myself becoming aroused by the fact that she was denying me this basic husband privilege.
She eventually told me, in a nice sweet tone, "Honey, could you wait outside until I get dressed?"
I nodded yes, and closed the door for her as I walked out.
I looked over at the bed. Eric had fucked my wife so many times on that very spot. I couldn't even count how many times he had fucked her since we arrived here. I looked up at the wall, knowing that I'd be laying on the bed just behind that wall as he fucked her. God, I wish I had a big dick. I know I'm no alpha male, but maybe if I had a large cock all this would be turning out different.
Our fourth night was a warm evening. Stacy came out of the bathroom in a semi sheer white tank top and nothing else. It was like she didn't want me to see her hot body, and yet she did. I made us a drink and we stood out on the balcony in the warm light breeze of the night.
I swear its true. A woman actually looks more beautiful after being fucked good. Stacy had a glow about her as she stood next to me. She had that shower fresh scent. That smell of her sexy wet hair. The tropical plants around us. The smell of her cocoa butter lotion. Good god,she was a tiny, cute, sexy, torture machine! If I leaned back I could see her little bare ass teasing out from under the tank top. Is this natural? Is she doing this on purpose? Is it all in my head?
We finished our drinks and went to bed around midnight. I scooted over to her and told her I loved her. She turned to face me.
"I love you too, Tim. You are amazing for putting up with this. I had no idea this would happen. I never meant for it to happen. But, I also know that you now understand some things more than you did when we first arrived."
I nodded my agreement. She was right.
"Eric and I are purely physical, honey. You are my husband, and you will always be my husband."
She leaned over to kiss me. It was on the cheek.
She said goodnight and rolled over facing the other way.
I turned the other direction and closed my eyes. Stacy then said one more thing. "I can talk to Eric tomorrow and see if he would allow you to watch us when he fuck me."
She said it so casual and off handed, but also in a way that sounded as if she would be giving me a treat, like I'd be lucky if they allowed me to watch them fuck.
"Yes, honey," was all I could muster.
I had a strong feeling this last night of our trip was going to be brutal.
I woke up around nine am. Usually in our daily lives we are up by seven am, so nine am felt like a nice sleep-in. To my surprise Stacy was already up and dressed. She had on a very cute short skirt. It was like that mesh material, stretchy but soft and comfortable. It was a putty color. Of course Stacy's was form-fitting and left only her pussy and ass to the imagination. All of her legs were showing, as in right up to her butt. On top she had no bra on under a knitted mesh bikini top. If you stood in front of her you could pretty much see her tits in between the knitted material.
She was drinking a cup of coffee as she sat on the living room sofa. She was fiddling with her phone. She saw me get up and said,
"Good morning sleepy head."
I staggered in and kissed her on the forehead.
"Excited for your visitor today, honey?" I said, trying to sound OK with it.
"I think you know the answer to that sweetie," she replied with a smirk.
We were scheduled to fly out fairly early the next day, so today would be her last day of getting what she clearly needed from Eric.
"Any time set yet for when he is coming over ?"
"Well, it's our last day here, and he has off today, so its a little after nine now. I think he said he will be here around noon."
Damn, I thought to myself. These two are going to fuck all day. They were like wild animals. Although I don't think even wild animals fuck as much as these two.
"Baby, what you said to me last night in bed... I don't want to be in the same room and see you two together. I don't think I could handle it."
Stacy got up and walked over to me. No. She slithered over to me. I was practically scared of her now. She could tell me to jump out the window of a skyscraper and I think I'd do it at this point.
She got up face to face with me. God, she was so tiny and yet held so much power.
"But honey, I want you to be here."
I looked down at her. My mouth was dry. I felt like a child going to see the principal. Her smooth, light tan skin bursting behind the thin white tank top, her tits tauntingly visible under it, I was powerless.
She held my gaze until I caved in. "OK," I said.
She was dressed in a way that I assumed either the three of us or just the two of them would maybe go for lunch or to the pool. She made no mention of plans.
Around noon I was standing at the kitchenette counter pouring some orange juice. There was a knock at the door and Stacy went over and let Eric in. With her back to me, they kissed for a minute, talked intimately to where I couldn't hear them, and then she turned and walked over to the counter I was at. The bar/counter is sort of like a sideboard table. I was at the left end putting the orange juice away. Stacy walked over and was facing me at the end of the right side of the counter, about four feet from me. She was barefoot and that short little mesh skirt clung to her form. She had a coy look on her face when she leaned her hands on the edge of the counter and said.
"Honey, why don't you pour Eric and I a glass of that orange juice."
"Sure," I said in a friendly tone. As I was reaching up for two more glasses, Eric was now standing right behind Stacy. She had an almost devilish smirk on her face, as if she knew something I didn't.
As I set the glasses down on the counter and grabbed the bottle of orange juice, Eric's hands were rubbing Stacy's ass and she was slightly squirming to his touch.
I did my best to stay cool and ignore it. As I poured, though, Eric slowly lifted the back of her skirt. Stacy bent over a little bit more and spread her feet apart a little further. Eric slid his shorts down just enough to get his cock out. Stacy kept her eyes on me the entire time.
I couldn't not believe they were going to do this to me.
Eric began trying to work his large cock into her pussy from behind. Stacy stood still for him and braced herself by holding the sides of the counter top. She looked up at me with a teasing cruelness. Suddenly Eric's hands went to her waist. He gripped her waist and began driving into her.
"Mmmm. Yes! Oh My God, that feels so good, baby," she purred.
At that moment, who she was referring to was a complete mystery.
Stacy never broke eye contact with me except when she couldn't help but close her eyes.
"Mmmm. Fuck me, Eric. Fuck me good. You know you fuck me so good, baby. Are you watching Eric take my tight pussy, honey?"
I stood in silent shock.
"See how his big cock makes my pussy feel so good. You could never fuck me like this, could you baby?"
I almost dropped the container of juice. It took all my strength and concentration to set it safely on the counter.
Eric, gripping her little waist, was just pumping her hard. Her little body bucking forward with each hard thrust into her.
"Eric took my pussy baby. He took it from you. He is fucking me right in front of you now. He knows he can. He knows he owns my pussy now. I want him to fuck me more than I've ever wanted you to fuck me."
"Ohhh, Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Yes. Yes. Yes."
"Keep watching honey. I'm about to cum for Eric. I want you to watch me as I cum on his big cock. He is so deep baby. He feels so good."
My feet were going numb. I felt like I was standing in cement. I couldn't move.
"Ohhhh! Ohhh! Ohhh! Fuck! Fuck! Eric! Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm gonna cum..."
Then, it hit.
"Ahhhh ! Ahh! Ahh! Gawwwd! Fuuuck, fuuuck!
Stacy was convulsing out of control. Eric's cock buried inside Stacy was the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor. She was screaming non-stop.
Finally, the torrential tide of her orgasm washed slowly back away. Her elbows were leaning on the counter now, trying to hold herself up. She literally couldn't stand on her own. Eric was just reaching his orgasm. He gripped her tight and just thrust into her and held her still as he bucked and bucked. He came for at least ten seconds. He held her like a rag doll as he pumped her full of his alpha seed.
He then pulled out from Stacy's pussy and stuffed his big cock back in his shorts. He clearly could bring Stacy to orgasm at the snap of a finger. He held her up with his hands. She didn't speak. He helped walk her over to the bed where she laid down. She was like an injured bird. She curled up on her side and seemed to be in a state of bliss, on the verge of falling asleep or passing out.
Eric turned to me after getting Stacy settled.
"Dude, Stacy just can't get enough, I swear. I've been feeling bad for taking her like this, but she keeps texting me non-stop, begging for it. And look at her man, she's hot as fuck. Ain't no way any guy is going to turn that down."
I stood there and listened, already mostly knowing what he said was true, though I wasn't aware that she was texting him and begging for it.
"I love you man, but I'm being honest. As long as Stacy needs to get fucked by a real man, I'm gonna be giving it to her."
As much as I hated his words, it did seem as if this was pure brutal nature raising its ugly head. I hated his "real man" comment. But, deep down I knew he was right. Even as I stood there, I felt the raw power of his masculine sexuality. There was no debating that Stacy was built to be satisfied on this level. I was as aware as anyone that I wasn't built to meet her pussy's needs. And then, along comes Eric, a superior alpha male that could tame any woman.
I think by now, all three of us knew Stacy's pussy was his now. She loved me as her husband, and planned on staying with me. But Eric and Stacy were literally built for each other. Even if Eric magically disappeared, her pussy would still need him. His cock, easily over eight inches and thick; he used it like the powerful weapon it was.
End Part Two