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Dave was looking into his open safe, there were a few business documents and the two incriminating DVDs from the Stag Parties, but his eyes were resting on the eight and a half thousand US dollars they had received in tips at Bob's function.

They only had a few bookings for January, which was a relief, as they had had functions coming out of their ears for the last three months. He transferred his attention to their function book and checked the details of those two bookings. Both bookings were simple, and he knew Sally could handle them, as they were both on the weekend, and Adam liked to help out to be with her on the weekends.

It would be a good time to take Trish on holiday. With that in mind, he picked up the phone and called a friend who worked at travel agents about booking a week or more in Bora Bora. His friend promised to get back with a quote in an hour or two. 

Dave had asked about French Polynesia, as he and Trish often talked about Rufus's story of him and his wife with a pop band there. They had also played out that scene in their bedroom on more than one occasion in the last six months. Also, Trish spoke passable French, so he thought that might be helpful.

 Their role plays were an established part of their sex life these days. But Dave wasn't sure he wanted to have Trish taking part in another group gangbang. But they had discussed finding a man so he could share Trish in a threesome. Trish wanted dave to be part of the action in their next sexual adventure.

They talked extensively about what sort of partner would be acceptable. Trish was not just looking for sex; she wanted to be seduced, wined and dined, and taken out of her comfort zone, where she had existed for the last twenty years. She was up for trying new situations but did not want cheap, quick sex. Unfortunately, they had no luck finding anyone, but Dave thought the opportunities could be better on holiday.

 The travel agent returned his call later that day, saying he had a deal in Moorea, Tahiti. He explained to Dave that Bora Bora was very popular, expensive and always packed with tourists. That was unless you could afford to stay at the most exclusive of their resorts there. He had found an excellent deal for ten days at a very smart resort on Moorea for a much more reasonable price, with overwater accommodation that would usually be way out of their reach. "You will get a better class of guests there, as it caters to a wealthier clientele," he explained.

Dave confirmed the trip with him and asked about using US dollars to pay. But the Travel agent told him that would be poor economics. "You change the money into NZ dollars to pay me, meaning you lose in the exchange and then have to change NZ money into French francs up in Tahiti. Much better to save your US dollars to use in Tahiti, as you'll get reasonably good rate there."

Dave transferred the money and raced home early to tell Trish what he had booked. He wasn't worried about the kids. One of the grandparents would love to have them. And Trish didn't start back teaching until the end of the summer school holidays in early February.

They stepped off their Air New Zealand Flight in Papeete a week later. And when the taxi pulled up outside their beautiful resort. They thought they had arrived in heaven. Once they had checked in, the porter led them past the pool and bar complex and onto the overwater walkway to their bungalow. Their bungalow was the second one out from the beach. Most of the bungalows appeared unoccupied, as only a few private decks had unpacked furniture.

Once settled in their room, Trish grabbed a handful of the US dollars and headed for the shop. Half an hour later, she returned with a white bikini and a Turquoise cover-all. The cover-all was not the sort you wore from the shoulder, but a much smaller one that was all the rage around the pool, a thin piece of material that you just knotted at the waist. The bikini, much to Dave's surprise, was tiny. There were some around the pool that were even briefer, but it was minuscule compared to anything Trish had ever worn in the past. 

 Mid-afternoon saw them perched on day chairs around the pool, Trish working on getting some good bikini lines. Dave was checking out the ladies around the pool. He had noticed a couple of ladies sunbathing topless down on the strip of beach that their overwater bridge crossed. So he hinted that they moved their chairs to the beach so she could sunbathe topless.

Trish's response was predictable, "Good try, mate, but I'm not going topless; you just keep perving on all these other ladies by the pool."

Time just flew; they tried all the activities, kite-sailing, windsurfing, etc. But most of the time, they spent by the pool, drinking and savouring the fantastic food. It took Dave two days to convince Trish to go topless, and once she had done it a couple of times, she became pretty used to it and worked on getting those beautiful breasts a golden brown like the rest of her body. 

But they had not seen any guys in the resort that looked like possible candidates for their nocturnal fantasies. Of course, plenty of men were interested in Trish, and eyes followed her every time she walked around the pool. But the men that did pluck up the courage to talk with Trish all seemed to have a wife glaring at them from the other side of the pool.

With only four nights left off their holiday left, they woke to another beautiful day. After breakfast, they grabbed their beach gear and took up a spot on the lawn next to the pool. They had both resigned themselves to the fact that no illicit affair was likely to happen. But they were far from disappointed. Their holiday had been relaxing, and they had had great sex in one of the most idyllic settings on earth.

They Arranged their deck chairs facing away from the pool, looking out towards their bungalow. It gave them a little privacy if Trish wanted to slip her top off, and they loved the view of the sea.

The resort deck chairs were wooden and in two parts; the main body had an adjustable backrest and a separate footstool that locked onto the main chair body with two small pins. It was a good idea; far easier to shift around, and you could use it just as a chair if you wanted and have the footstool as a table. By this stage of their holiday, they knew the ropes and would get a spare footstool from another setting and place it between their deckchairs for their drinks and nibbles.

Midday, Dave had gone to the lunch bar and picked up some food. On the way back with it, he noticed a guy turning his chair around to perv on Trish. The guy was with two mates that were facing the pool. They were new arrivals. He had noticed them being escorted to a cabin when he and Trish were at breakfast that morning. He wondered if they were day guests as they only carried small duffle bags. 

The guys stood out from the other guests. They looked to be military, and Dave thought they could be special forces, as the other guests gave them a wide berth when they walked past. They all looked to be in their thirties, extremely fit and athletic.

Dave sat in his chair and laid the food down on the footstool. He glanced towards the pool, pretending to check out the bar, and sure enough, the guy was checking Trish out. Dave leaned over to Trish as they ate their lunch, "Don't look around. I think a guy is watching you. I will go check out the shops and see what he does. I won't be long and will bring you back a drink."

 Trish made to object to his leaving, but Dave stood up and walked away before she got any words out of her mouth. He looked in the shops for a few minutes, then headed upstairs, knowing the restaurant had huge ceiling-to-floor windows looking over the pool and out to the main beach.

No one was in the restaurant, which was just as well, as they wouldn't have been impressed with his beach shorts and flip-flops. He crossed the dining floor and looked around the edge of the window frame, taking care not to show too much movement. Sure enough, the guy had already joined Trish and sat opposite her on the edge of his deck chair. He was talking animatedly with Trish, and Dave noticed she seemed relaxed and interested in the guy's conversation. He also noticed that the guy's two mates were still sitting by the pool but constantly glancing over their shoulders to check his progress.

 Dave pulled up a chair and sat back far enough that only his head would be visible from down below. The guy said something to Trish, and she burst out laughing. Again the guy leaned forward to speak, and Dave saw that he put his hand on Trish's knee and stroked down her calf lightly as he continued talking. 

Dave looked around the pool to see if anyone else was noticing but could see no one taking any interest. Then, shifting his attention back to Trish, he saw the guy lift her leg, compliment her and run his hand from ankle to thigh. His hand ventured a little high, and Trish stopped him, glancing around left and right to see if anyone noticed.

The only people looking were his two friends. He traded some comments with Trish and then waved them over. Dave noted again that by how they moved and held themselves, they had to be special forces. The two guys broke up their deckchairs and brought the bodies over. They sat down on either side of Trish, and introductions were made. The guys all gave her the European kiss on each cheek, and he thought he saw hands bumping against her breasts as they leaned in to kiss her, but maybe that was just his active imagination.

He wondered if it was time to return but was enjoying sitting and watching, it was satisfying his voyeuristic nature. The first guy stroked her leg again, leaning in, telling her things that had her laughing. It was fascinating watching this; the guy was good, and every response he got from Trish gave him the license to move his hand and stroke a bit higher along her leg. The strokes and subtitle touches seemed to relax Trish as he saw her legs involuntarily part. Then the guy moved his hand right up onto her crotch; she grabbed it, glancing around and trying to push it away. But he kept his hand there for a bit, laughing and patting between her legs, before sliding it back down to her knees. Dave realised it was time to get down there and check if she was okay.

When Dave reached the pool, he saw that Trish was talking and smiling, and seemed at ease again. So he diverted to the pool bar, picked up two Pina Coladas, walked over, and sat on his footstool alongside the guy paying Trish all the attention. 

Trish sat up and introduced everyone. He learned that the main protagonist was Jacques, and the other two guys were Rennie and Pierre. They were Gendarmes, more accurately from the SOS (Special armed offender's squad), and they were coming to the end of their two years secondment, from the Paris police. They were based in Papeete and out on Moorea at a two-day rugby sevens tournament. 

They should have been staying at the hotel where the tournament was taking place. But there had been a cock-up, and their room had been double booked. So they had been put up at this more up-market resort. The other team members were still all lodged at the event hotel. However, they had won all their matches the day before and one that morning, so they only had to return to the event the next day for the finals. 

While all this was being discussed, Dave noticed that Jacques had resumed stroking Trish's leg. He could see that Jacques was observing him for a reaction.

"I see that you are a man that likes to see his wife happy," Jacques said in his sexy French accent.

Dave just nodded at him, "Yes. I like her to be happy."

Jacques lifted his hand higher up the inside, almost to Trish's bikini bottom. "I think you like to 'watch' her being happy, too." He said, giving Dave a knowing look and moving his hand higher, brushing his fingers over the gusset and circling them around her mound.

Trish reacted immediately and caught his hand, lifting it away.

"If she is happy, then I am happy; this is more about her, not just me." Replied Dave.

"I think you also get a lot of pleasure." And he leaned forward and undid the tie on one side of Trish's bikini bottoms and ran his fingers under the hem, back between her legs.

Again Trish grabbed his hand and tried to remove it, but he held firm. 'There is no one watching us, ma chérie. Let me have but a moment." And he flicked the side of the bikini out of the way, so she was exposed and ran his finger through her slit. As he pulled it away and lifted his fingers to his nose, a thin viscous string of her lubricating juices stretched out two inches before it broke.

He held his slick wet fingers out to Dave, "I think she is excited, and although she objects, I think she is very happy and aroused."

Dave had been concentrating on Jacques's hands and had not noticed Rennie lean forward to shield Pierre from any eyes at the pool, but he saw now that Pierre was playing with Trish's breast and pinching on her nipple through her bikini top.

Pierre said something in French, Jacques replied, then spoke to Dave, "He does not speak any English but says her nipples are very hard, and her breasts are the firmest he has felt in many years."

Suddenly Trish gave a spasm of pleasure and sat up, "God, this has gone too far. Not out here; someone is going to see." And she grabbed the side of her bikini and started tying it up again.

Jacques took her hand, stopping her, and asked, "Shall we go to your room or ours?"

Trish responded, "I think Dave and I need to go to our room now and get ready for dinner." Obviously, meaning just the two of them.

"Good," replied Jacques, "We have been wanting to see in an overwater bungalow." 

Picking up Trish's drink and handing it to Dave, he said, "You take Pierre and Rennie to the room. I will wait a minute with Patricia, then bring her separately. It will look much better."

Dave hesitated, unsure about Trish's response. Did she want this? Her words indicated just the two of them, but at Jacques's instruction about going separately, she had looked Dave in the eyes and laid back on the deck chair, so he took that to mean she was accepting Jacques's directive.

Dave saw sense in walking past the pool separately, and though he was nervous about leaving Trish with a stranger, he was ablaze with amoral thoughts of what would happen when they got to their room. The usual knot of concern was twisting his guts; how could he live with his abhorrent acceptance of what these individuals would do to his wife? But his arousal was overpowering, and he just turned and led Rennie and Pierre to the bridge that led out to their bungalow. When they stepped onto the bridge, he turned to ensure Jacques wasn't absconding somewhere with Trish.

 Dave pulled up short; Jacques had Trish by the elbow and was walking her around the top of the pool in the opposite direction. With a sinking feeling, he made to run after them, but then he saw Jacques steer her back towards the poolside bar, then directly towards them before he could move. Dave realised Jacques was parading her past everyone seated around the pool. He had not let her do up the bikini tie, and Trish was clasping the strings of her bikini tightly in her hand.

Jacques stopped Trish in front of the pool bar. She was trying to shield herself with the beach bag she held in her other hand. He took the bag from her, and Dave didn't have to read his lips to understand what he had said to her.

 "Stand up proud. You are magnificent," with a wave of his hand at the people around the pool, "Everyone here desires you. Look at their eyes; they are praying that you will let those strings go." 

With a quick motion, he flicked her hand away, and the bikini dropped open, revealing the whiteness of her bikini line and a flash of her black pubes. She blushed crimson red; he caught the strings for her, then let her grab hold of them again before moving again towards the bungalow.

Rennie spoke to Dave in heavily accented English, "You have a beautiful wife. She is truly magnificent. I think she is that actress, you know - Demi Moore."

Dave just nodded; he had heard this comment many times before. He turned, opened the door, and followed Pierre and Rennie into their lounge. They moved straight to the couch and sat at either end, leaving a space where they expected Jacques to deposit Trish.

Dave turned back to the door to await Trish. However, when he turned her from the bridge to their bungalow, he stopped her and pulled her hand away from the strings. The bikini fell open, but Trish clamped her legs together to prevent it from dropping off entirely. Jacques held her arm and waited. Finally, when she looked at him, he said, "We will wait here until you let it drop."

Trish blushing red, opened her legs and let the bikini bottom drop to the deck, then made to cover herself and run for the door. But Jacques held her, "No, I need to present you properly to my friends. And he reached behind her and undid her top, then stood waiting for her to remove it. Trish hesitated and realised she could not move until she was naked. She snapped her head around to see who was watching, bent her head forward and lifted the cord from around her neck up over her head, and let the top drop to the deck. Before Jacques could stop her again, she shook herself free of his grip, held her head up and proudly walked past Dave into the bungalow.

Dave poked his head out the door to see who was watching, but no one seemed to be taking any notice, apart from two guys sitting at the bar. He turned to watch Trish, with her head held high, move elegantly across the lounge and sit between Pierre and Rennie. Jacques followed close behind her, removing his speedos as he walked.

Pierre and Rennie each took hold of her legs, pulled them apart, and watched Jacques drop to his knees and lower his head between them. Trish sucked in a sharp breath, closed her eyes, and groaned as Jacques's mouth enveloped her sex.

Dave moved over to stand behind Trish on the couch, and reaching over, he took each of her nipples between thumb and forefinger, eliciting a groan of appreciation. They had agreed that if anything happened on their holiday, he was to be involved. 

Pierre and Rennie began shedding their shirts and shorts, and when naked, they sat down on each side of her again, Rennie nibbling on her ear and Pierre pushing one of Dave's hands away and taking her nipple between his lips. Rennie ran his tongue down her neck, then up again to her mouth, where he waited for a second for Trish to open her lips and let him kiss her. 

The previous two times he had watched Trish taken by other men, the kissing always upset him the most. But this time, he could see little emotion in the kiss; it was just about sensations. Rennie searched out her tongue, and Trish finally showed some enthusiasm and kissed him back. Pierre wasn't nearly so subtle; he was now using his teeth on her nipple and had dropped a hand down to rub her clit.

Dave tried to calm his beating heart, settling back to watch these three men assail her stunning body and feed her newfound craving. Then, when Rennie dropped his head down to Trish's other breast, Dave leaned in and kissed her. She flung a hand behind his head, pulled his mouth against her lips, and eagerly searched his tongue. 

Kissing Trish passionately, he watched Jacques probing her with his tongue, and when he withdrew and pulled back, her hips followed, searching out the relief she desired. Dave was concerned, as Jacques would nibble at her, then nip down on her clit with his teeth and pull back. But he could see he wasn't hurting her, as her hips lurched after him each time he nipped and pulled away. 

When Jacques sensed she was ready, he rose and pressed his purple knob against her slit. Dave watched, mesmerised, as Trish pushed her hips at him, the lips parting around his knob and sucked him deep inside her.

Jacques set to with a steady rhythm, pushing hard at the end of each stroke, grinding his wiry pubes against her swollen clit. Dave could feel that her body was now demanding release. She groaned urgently into his mouth and arched her back away from the couch, thrusting her tits against the two men assaulting them.  

Suddenly, Jacques pulled out and shot his seed all over her stomach. Trish let out a wail at her loss, but Pierre was off her tit in a flash and in between her jerking hips. He rammed into her and took up the same thrusting rhythm. She opened her eyes wide to see who was now taking her, and her desire seemed to intensify once she saw it was a new partner.

Trish searched out Dave's mouth again, but Jacques moved up to kneel on the sofa and presented his cock to her lips. She willingly opened her mouth, curled her tongue around his fast, softening prick and sucked him clean of her juices. So Dave moved to the side and, taking one of Trish's hands, held it tight as he watched her orgasm take hold.

 As her orgasm exploded, it brought Pierre to a head as well, and they both thrashed around in a mutual climax as Pierre's arse clamped tight, pumping his seed deep within her. And before Trish could recover, Rennie was between her legs, thrusting his engorged rod into her creamy canal.

He fucked her so hard that Dave made to intervene, as her thought Rennie had to be hurting her. But Trish hooked her legs behind his back and tried to draw him in even harder. So Dave stepped aside to watch what they would do with her next.

He didn't have to wait long; Jacques tapped Rennie on the shoulder and indicated for him to pull out. Then they both lifted her off the couch and onto the floor. They lifted her onto her hands and knees, and then Rennie resumed fucking her from behind. Jacques dropped to the floor on his back, and looking like he was going under the wire on an assault course, he wriggled his way in between her arms underneath into a sixty-nine position and attacked her clit from below. Rennie's cock and balls were sliding along his forehead to his nose. Dave thought to himself, these two know one another well; not many men would be comfortable with that.

Trish didn't need any encouragement; Jacques's flaccid prick sitting under her nose was a treat she couldn't resist. First, she lowered her head and took it into her mouth. Then her cheeks caved in as she attempted to suck him hard again. Surprisingly Jacques's prick started to grow right away. Trish kept having to raise her head so she could swallow gulps of air through her mouth, and each time she did, when she bent her head back to the task, less and less of him would fit in her mouth. It was thickening and growing longer by the minute.

Pierre just sat back on the couch and watched the proceedings with Dave. He looked like he had had his fill for the night. But Jacques didn't. He was now almost fully hard again. He reached up and tapped Rennie in the ribs, then tried to spin Trish around 180 deg on top of him. Rennie saw what he was doing, withdrew, and helped Jacques, even taking hold of Jacques's cock and guiding it into Trish as she lowered herself.

 Rennie then positioned himself above her and pressed his prick against her ass. Dave leapt to his feet and, in one stride, pushed Rennie aside.

"This is mine. It's something Trish and I have wanted to do for months."  

Dave was relieved to see Rennie move over to the couch without argument.

As he held his glistening knob against her puckered hole, Dave whispered in her ear that it was him. she let out an excited whimper and pushed eagerly back against him until his firm shaft slid home into her forbidden passage.

Dave and Jacques pounded away at her, one pushing in as the other withdrew, until they felt her building up to a second climax; then both went to town, not bothering with keeping in time, both just trying to get as deep as they could. Dave pulled hard on her hair, making her arch her back and allow Jacques access to her tits. He squeezed and pinched the nipples, and as Trish erupted into her climax, Jacques yelled French obscenities in her ear. 

All three exploded in almost simultaneous orgasms. They collapsed on the floor, and then Jacques looked at his watch and uttered, "Fuck! Guys, we are getting picked up for dinner in ten, on your feet." And pulling on his speedos, he acknowledged Dave with a 'thank you' and followed the other two out the door.

Dave lay beside Trish and spooned into her back. He didn't say anything; he didn't have to ask if she was alright. They had been in this situation before and knew what each other was thinking. The look on Trish's face told him she was sated and happy. A little of her natural embarrassment was visible. But she now knew she didn't need to feel awkward around Dave. She knew he got satisfaction from this as well.

After a while, Trish asked Dave if having her with another man was what he had expected. 

"It was, but I would rather the other two were not there watching me. But they certainly got you well prepared, so I'm okay."

"It was incredible for me. I've not climaxed that hard for a very long time. And it was ten times better having you there with me. Let's shower and get some food."

Dave was tender with her in the shower. He gently massaged her back, neck, legs, etc. Taking care to keep clear of her nipples and vagina, he knew she would search him out and need his loving soon enough. She always wanted him soon after, to prove to her that he still loved and needed her. After each of the times they had done this previously, she was insatiable for two or three weeks after. That was the real reward Dave got from these nights. Her loving was as erotic as it had been in their first weeks of courtship, only much more adventurous as she wanted to repeat some of the debased things the men had forced upon her.

They didn't go to dinner, too exhausted to leave the bungalow. Instead, Dave ordered room service, and they ate on their bed. Then they made slow passionate love and fell asleep.

In the morning, they awoke, intending to lie in a while and make love again before going to breakfast. But there was a knock on the door before they were fully awake. They both jumped out of bed, Trish pulling on one of the bungalow robes as she stepped over to the door to see who was there.

 Jacques pushed past her into the lounge, "Come on, rise and shine, I have a new experience for you this morning, and we only have just over an hour. The rest of our team is coming to pick us up at 10:00 to go win the Sevens trophy for the ever-victorious Gendarmes."

"Get your bikini on," he quipped as he stepped into the bedroom behind her. "Gee Dave, you're slow away this morning. I'm looking for something sexy for your beautiful wife."

 As Dave got out of bed, Jacques started rummaging through her wardrobe and drawers. He pulled out the turquoise cover-all, "This will have to do. Don't you have any short skirts?". 

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He turned to Trish; she had her bikini top on and was pulling up her bikini bottom. Dave marvelled at the fact that they were both accepting a stranger in their bedroom while both were naked.

Jacques threw his hands in the air, "magnificent, beautiful, what a sight for a randy man's eyes in the morning, eh!" He stepped up to her, ran his hands over her hips, and helped her knot the cover-all on her left hip. Then Trish let out a sharp gasp of embarrassment as he undid the clasp on her bikini top and lifted it over her head. 

"We are not wearing bras this morning. "Today's lesson is to teach you to be like a French woman and saviour the looks of desire that this will engender in the men around the pool. Also, the envious looks of their wives."

Trish gave him a very determined look, "I am not walking out that door topless. You have to be dreaming!"

"Ah! Patricia! Have you not learned yet, that you do not have a choice in the matter? You will do as you are told." And for the first time, Dave saw a ruthless, determined look cross his face.

He took Trish by the arm and strode her over to her beach bag. It was still where he had dropped it the night before. Picking it up, he stepped out of the bedroom and guided her towards the front door.

"Wait!" Trish cried, "I need to go to the toilet. Give me a minute to compose myself."

As the bathroom door clicked shut, Jacques turned to Dave, "Did you know Patricia was submissive? You seem surprised every time she complies with my commands."

"No, she seldom complies when I attempt to order her around."

"Well, be prepared to be surprised again, as I'm about to treat her to something she will have never experienced before. You will have to trust me and try not to interfere."

"I don't feel comfortable having you walk her outside half naked. She will feel humiliated."

"But it turns her on. Do you not see that? She can't do the things she dreams about on her own. She craves to be forced into situations that are way out of her comfort zone. And that is what I am about to give her. Trust me. I have met women like her before. You will have a wife that is so sensual; you will hardly know her." 

Trish came out of the bathroom as Jacques finished talking. She looked at Dave as though she was seeking his permission. But when Jacques held out his hand to her, she meekly went to him and let him guide her out the door.

Fuck! Dave had to see this. He slipped his arms into a Hawaiian shirt and pulled on some shorts. There was no time to draw on his underpants; he just turned and followed them. Then, hesitating, he turned back, grabbed his camera, and raced out to catch them. 

It went through his mind that only ten months earlier, he would have bet the Crown Jewels against Trish stepping outside topless, even if there was not a single person within a mile. Yet he watched Jacques, still firmly holding her arm, guide her off the bridge and towards the pool bar. She was looking straight ahead, ignoring the stares of the guests around the pool. Dave noticed three familiar-looking men sitting at the pool bar. He knew instantly that these were some of Jacques's sevens team members. He looked around to locate Rennie and Pierre and saw they we away to his left and had set up a couple of deck chairs and footstools at the far end of the small beach.

They sat on each side of one of the deck chairs, with the back of the seats hard up against the small sea wall. Dave surmised straight away that this was where Trish would be taken. He set off across the lawn and positioned himself by the children's paddle pool; it was where he would have the best shot of Trish and Jacques coming towards him as they passed the Day Restaurant.

Looking back to the pool bar, he saw that Jacques was introducing Trish to the three men. She was handling herself well, smiling and shaking their hands and looking like there was nothing out of the ordinary, her standing amongst them, with seemingly nothing on but a slender turquoise sash knotted on one side. 'Christ' he thought, "She looked sexy and beautiful'. Yet Dave knew this was so far outside her comfort zone that she would be crapping herself.

Jacques picked up a pine colada, handed it to Trish, and then escorted her to the Day Restaurant, which was packed with people having breakfast. He paraded her past them, and everything stopped in the restaurant; the place went silent, and food stopped millimetres from mouths. Even wives were too stunned to poke their husbands. There were plenty of attractive topless women around the pool every day, but most of them pulled a top on when they got up to walk around. But then, not everyone had a figure like Trish's. He shot a half dozen shots as they walked towards him, then headed for the end of the small beach to sit and await their arrival.

Jacques walked her back down in front of the early sunbathers by the pool. Going across the grass would have been a shorter route, but that was not Jacques's intention. He was talking with her, and Trish's face reflected her excitement; his lesson in obedience and exhibitionism was giving her. Dave marvelled that Trish was letting him do this to her. The Trish he had always known would be cringing in embarrassment.

 There were two deck chairs. Dave sat on the edge of the deck chair next to Rennie, with Pierre perched on the sea wall opposite them. Then watched as Jacques helped Trish down the three-foot sea wall onto the beach and helped her lay down on her deck chair.

Rennie and Pierre both lent forward, gave her the French kiss on each cheek, and spoke to her about how beautiful she looked that morning. Well, that was what it looked like they were doing, but French always sounds sexy, as if the person speaking it is giving a sexy compliment while saying the most mundane things.

Jacques, lifted her legs and shifted the footstool over a foot or more so it was no longer lined up with the deck chair body. It meant that he could sit on it facing Trish, rather than sitting side-saddle on the chair to pay her any attention, and she had a little bit of the stool for her legs.

He turned to Dave, "That went well, she is very excited, and I think very wet. But we will see how wet when my friends are here. They are walking over now."

Dave turned to see the three men leaving the pool bar.

Jacques spoke to Dave again, "We have little more than forty-five minutes, then we all have to leave to play the first semifinal. It's a shame, but we want the trophy, so we don't want to default in the Semis. But that should be enough time to take this excitement she has just achieved, to a far higher level."

 Then turning to Trish, Jacques moved his hands to Trish's legs and massaged under her knees, slowly moving them apart. And Dave watched with amazement as Trish willingly spread her legs apart.

They had set up the chairs at the end of the strip of sand. The sea wall here altered ninety degrees and continued into the sea. About thirty feet of boulder breakwater was on the other side of this wall before you reached the main beach. The men walked out on this abutment wall and sat on it, feet in the sand. They sat parallel to Trish's deckchair. The guy closest to Pierre was right by his shoulder.

 Jacques introduced them, "This is Alain, Henri, and Thierry. Guys, this is Dave and his exquisite wife Patricia, who you just met." They all lent over and shook Dave's hand. Jacques then cast his hands apart, encompassing Trish's body, "And isn't she something?"

 He turned to Dave, "I will speak in English, as I want Patricia to understand everything that happens. Alain speaks good English, Henri a little, but Thierry, not a word so the others can explain anything they do not understand."

He leant forward, lifted the Turquoise sash to Trish's waist, untied the strings on each side of her bikini bottom, and then nudged her to lift her hips. He pulled it free. Trish attempted to stop him from taking her bikini bottom off, but he shook his head, and she dropped her hands back to her sides, looking very embarrassed.

As the bikini bottom came away at her groin, there was a long strand of clear thick fluid stretching from the very wet gusset to the pouting lips of her cunt. He held it about fifty millimetres away, not letting the string break, and turned to the three men. "Did I not tell you how wet she gets? And this is from a short walk around the pool. Can you imagine how wet this can get with the right stimulation?"

He put the slip of white cloth in his pocket, "I will give these back to you tonight at dinner, but you are not to wear any lingerie today, you understand?" 

Trish stayed silent, so he brushed her mound with his fingers, then reached up and lightly smacked a breast. Trish nodded, and he turned to Dave, "You will enforce, Non!"

 Dave uttered, "Gladly."

Jacques started rubbing along her legs, around her mound, onto her flat stomach, down over her hips to her knees, inside her legs and up again. Each time he did it, he moved her legs wider apart. Rennie and Pierre made similar movements around her neck, breasts, and down over her stomach to the top of her mound.

Rennie sat up and exclaimed, "Quelqu'un vient!" And all three of them sat back, Jacques pulling the cover-all back down to cover Trish's black bush and white bikini line partially.

Dave looked up and saw that there was a couple walking along the path towards them, looking like they were heading to the bar to get a drink. When level with the group, they glanced down but quickly snapped their eyes forward, probably embarrassed seeing Trish so scantily clad amongst all the men. As they swung their heads to the front, Jacques lifted the sash back to Trish's waist and continued his massage. Finally, after four or more caresses, he dipped two fingers into Trish, pulled them out, and stretched a long strand of her juices between his fingers and thumb.

"It is getting wetter." He said to everyone. "But I think we can get this much wetter yet,"

Rennie again uttered, "Quelqu'un vient!" Everyone pulled back again, Jacques covering Trish. She was getting quite agitated and hot, but as she realised people were coming, she became flustered and embarrassed, and her eyes became clear again. She attempted to cover herself, but Rennie held one hand, and Jacques restrained the other.

This time, Dave knew the couple that was approaching. He had noticed them around the resort over the last couple of days. They were an attractive couple, both looked upper class, and everything about them spoke of money, his shirt, her designer beach bag, sunglasses, her bikini, and cover-all. She had nodded to Dave a couple of times when she had caught his eye by the pool.

They stood on top of the wall, pretending to look at the view, but as she glanced over at them, Jacques very deliberately held his hand above Trish's knees, closed two fingers, leaving the two middle fingers pointing straight out, and keeping his eyes on the woman on the wall, he slid them along the inside of Trish's leg, under the cover-all and pushed them deep between her legs. There could be no doubt he had his fingers embedded in her cunt. 

The woman jerked back but did not look aghast; instead, the look that crossed her face was more one of awe, tinged with desire. But her partner did look shocked, and he grabbed her arm and forcefully dragged her away.

Jacques laughed, "She came hoping to see that, but her husband is too full of himself even to realise she wants to look. A weak man, only interested in himself." And he flicked the cover-all up onto Trish's waist and started moving his fingers again.

Rennie and Pierre followed Jacques's lead and resumed working at her nipples, neck, and ears. Dave was getting pretty turned on himself, and he noticed that Henri and Thierry looked rather heated and sported large bulges in their shorts. Alain looked more in control, but Dave noted that he also dropped his hand to his groin and adjusted himself. 

Dave looked to see where the husband had dragged his wife and was surprised that they had only gotten about twenty paces, to the far side of the grass and she was giving him both barrels, gesticulating wildly at him that he was an idiot.

He returned his attention to what was happening with Trish. When Thierry spoke, “Quelqu’un vient tu vas te faire prendre.” Dave looked to see who was coming this time and saw the same lady returning, her husband following very sheepishly behind.

They sat down on the wall, about five feet away. This time Jacques had not bothered to pull the sash down. Trish, by now, realised that 'Quelqu'un vient' meant someone was coming and looked really embarrassed that she had not been covered. She spun around to look at the couple, slamming her legs together on Jacques's hand. She bent back, trying to hide her face behind Rennie, who was leaning forward to resume teasing a nipple.

Jacques looked over to the woman, still slowly stroking his finger between Trish's closed legs. "What is your name?"

"Jacquelyn and my very jealous husband is 'Noel'. I am interested in joining you, but my husband is unhappy." She said.

"Does your husband speak English?"

"Non. Only a few words."

"Good, we are conversing in English so my little Patricia can understand. I am teaching her how her embarrassment can be channelled into the most amazing 'la petite mort'." Jacques looked at Dave, "Climax, but the French expression is much more apt; it means the little death," he explained.

Then he addressed Jacquelyn again, "But there is a price to pay if you want to sit and watch," and slipping Trish's bikini bottom partially from his pocket, he spoke to her again, "Patricia has given me these. You will take yours off, now!"

Jacquelyn interjected, "I would, but Noel would never agree to that," and she rose to leave.

But Jacques let go a stream of French at Noel, and Dave turned to see Noel's reaction, then watched Jacquelyn lift her cover-all to her waist and unfasten the clips on either side of the bikini. She looked around, lifted her hips slightly off the wall, and removed her bikini bottom, moving to place this in her beach bag.

"Non! Hand them to Dave," exclaimed Jacques, "we are all having diner here tonight, and you can retrieve them from him then."

 Jacquelyn didn't hesitate. She moved to hold them out to Dave. But Noel grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up and away. Thierry was up and beside Noel in three strides; bending down to his ear, he half-whispered a lengthy diatribe in French. Before Thierry had finished talking, Noel dropped his hand away from Jacquelyn's arm, and she leaned over and handed her bikini briefs to Dave.

Jacques said something to Thierry, then looked to Dave, "Thierry thinks that as all guests have removed something, Noel should make an equivalent gesture. Dave turned his head back towards Noel and watched as he unzipped himself and released his stiff prick into the air. He then nervously moved close to his wife, took her beach bag and placed it on the other side of him, so he was concealed from anyone who may look over from the pool. He looked scared and bloody miserable and rubbed his shoulder where Thierry had held him.

Jacques looked at his watch again, "Patricia, we need to go. I need you to work yourself to a climax for me, please. I will help." And he took her ankles, lifted them, pushing her knees towards her chest. Rennie and Pierre took an ankle each from him, pulling them up so that her knees squashed into her breasts hard enough to lift her butt from the deck chair.

 Jacques spread her apart some more and dipped one finger into her cunt. He pulled it out, covered in her juices, showing it to Henri and Alain on the wall. Thierry dropped the beach bag onto the sand and sat beside Noel. Jacques dipped his fingers in again, stirring them around, withdrawing a scoop of her juices, spread it around her anus, then plunged the finger home. Almost involuntarily, Trish pushed her hips up to meet his finger.

"See, look at the reaction; she is as sensitive here as she is in her cunt. Then, looking over to Henri and Alain, he told them that Dave had fucked her in her arse the night before.

He lowered her ass back onto the deck chair, still thrusting his finger in and out; he assaulted her cunt again with two fingers from the other hand. "Come on, ma Cherrie, let's see you move now. I want to feel your cunt gripping me. Work it on my fingers."

 Trish's reaction to this dirty talk was instantaneous, and she drove her hips to meet his every thrust. Rennie and Pierre upped their assault as well, Rennie massaging from her neck down around the side of her tits, leaning in to kiss and nibble on her ears when she arched her head back. Pierre attacked her nipples, flicking them with his fingers before sucking them into his mouth.

Jacques leaned forward, "open your eyes, good now look at my boys," Rennie lifted her a bit more and turned her head to the guys on the wall.

"See the lust in their eyes and their stiff cocks almost bursting out of their pants. They want to fuck this tight little cunt of yours. The embarrassment of being watched and his dirty talk was working. Trish was visibly agitated and straining to gain release.

Jacques was pumping his fingers harder and faster. "Come on. You need to hurry. A group of men are about to head this way from the bar. Do you want them to see you spread like this?"

 Dave swung his head away and looked to see who was coming, but there was no one, all a ploy by Jacques, playing with her, edging her on. He did see that Noel had climaxed, he'd shot his seed up the front of his shirt and all over his trousers, And Jacquelyn had two fingers buried deep between her legs. She wasn't moving her hand though, so close to her own 'la petite mort', she was scared to move, wanting to wait for Trish to come.

Trish let out a wail of frustrated anguish at Jacques's revelation about men coming. She tensed and squeezed on Jacques's fingers, trying to get herself a release from this experience that was so intense she felt that her whole body was alive with electric jolts. Then she felt it coming, a massive wave of pleasure. She reached out for Dave's hand and squeezed it hard.

"Yes!" Croaked Jacques, "I feel it coming. The walls of your sheath are rippling and squeezing my fingers; unbelievable, this will be a big one."

He pulled his finger from her arse, took a small thin spatula from his pocket, and held it above his other rapidly thrusting hand. As Trish went rigid and arched her hips high off the chair, he flicked the spatula, with a distinct crack, right on her clitoris. Pierre was waiting for this, and in time with the hit, he pinched hard on both nipples. Dave expected a howl of pain from Trish, but she pushed both hips and chest upwards, searching for more.

 She arched herself up like this for maybe fifteen seconds, then she relaxed a little, and Dave thought she was coming down; Jacques hammered a couple of hard deep thrusts of his fingers into her cunt, and Alain moved over from the wall, leaned forward and pushed his finger in her arse. Trish thrust her hips up again to try and get more of them in her, and an even bigger spasm took hold, arching her upward. Again smack with the small spatula, and nipples crushed between fingers and thumb.

They did it to her at least six times, and each time the orgasms seemed to be stronger than the last. Finally, she went limp, and as Rennie and Pierre released her, she collapsed back onto her chair.

"Good girl, we must hurry away now; we will see you tonight." And he stood and signalled his guys they must hurry. As Jacques moved in front of Jacquelyn and Noel, he ushered them away, also, "Leave them alone, please. They need time alone." 

Then he turned to Dave. "I hope you are feeling fit; she is far from finished. You have a hectic morning ahead of you."

Dave moved over and took up Jacques's vacated position on the stool. He took hold of Trish's hand, pulled the cover-all down, so she didn't look completely naked, and stroked her leg to let her know he was there.

She was out of it, so he looked up and watched Jacquelyn and Noel try to walk nonchalantly across the grass towards their room. Noel had grabbed her beach bag and was holding it in front of himself, trying to hide the mess he had made. But he felt sorry for Jacquelyn, the diagonal of her cover-all did not come anywhere near to hiding the fact she had lost her bikini bottom. And because of the sun's angle, a glistening wet smear showed clearly down her legs. He hoped for her sake; not everyone was paying attention as they passed the Day Restaurant.

After five minutes, Trish looked up at him, "God, I need you. If you don't return with me to the Bure now, I will ask you to fuck me here."

"Fuck!" Thought Dave, what has he done to you? He went to lift her and realised that, like Jacquelyn's, the cover-all would not hide the fact that she was naked under it. Her almost luminescent white bikini line was like a spotlight on her nakedness. They had to walk at least thirty paces to the bridge, in front of a busy pool and bar.

He looked in her beach bag and saw that her towel from the day before was still there. He stood her up and wrapped the towel around her waist. She asked for his shirt, and she slipped it on when he handed it to her. But he had learned plenty in the last half hour and stopped her from buttoning the shirt. Looking from the side, she looked semi-decent, but from directly in front, both her beautiful globes pushed the shirt front wide apart. Walking her along to the bridge, he noticed that her steps made her breasts swing free, exposing them to anyone who glanced their way. Trish was unconcerned; she just needed to get to their room.

He opened the door of the Bure and ushered her inside. As he moved to shut the door, though, Trish whispered, "Take me now. I need you." 

So he swung the door back wide open, dropped his shorts moved her up against the open door, lifted her leg, and slid himself home. He looked left and right along the walkway and was almost disappointed to see no one around. He fucked her hard, and she just encouraged him to fuck her harder. He came fast, so pent up with the spectacle he had witnessed.

But a first for him, he hardly softened and so kept thrusting. Trish had several minor spasms but kept demanding more. In days gone past, he would have pulled out. But that morning, he kept thrusting until finally, she came and collapsed into his arms. His legs were shaking, and it took all his strength to hold them both from collapsing to the floor.

Finally, he closed the door and helped her over to the settee. They sat quietly, both trying to regain some strength. Trish looked at him, "I still have small climaxes running through my body. I want a shower, but I hope you will make love to me again when I regain some strength. I'm so horny. What have they done to me?"

"Come on," said Dave, lifting her up and carrying her across the lounge, out onto their private deck above the water. He stood her up and un-knotted the cover-all, letting it slip to the deck, then slid his shirt from her shoulders and walked her down the steps into the sea.

 The lukewarm water felt cold; they were both so hot. Dave pulled her to him, holding onto the steps with one hand. Trish swung her arms around his neck, and after a while, when they had cooled down, she lifted her legs and wrapped them behind his butt. They stayed like this for quite a while until she started rubbing herself against him. And after another period, Dave felt himself getting hard again. Trish felt his hardness grow and lowered herself to a position where her cunt could slide along his shaft. Then they both felt the need again, and she pulled herself up onto his neck as he positioned himself, and she lowered herself onto his now very erect prick. Dave didn't move at all; he let Trish move at her own pace, and finally, when she was moaning and jerking herself to another orgasm, he took her hard with short jerks of his hips, and they climaxed again, almost in unison.

People on the shore probably saw them enter and exit the water, and it couldn't have taken much imagination to figure out what they had just done. But he didn't care.

They moved inside and sat on the sofa, he had made her a cup of soup, which sounded stupid, but they always brought some with them on holiday. You never knew when you would not want to go out, etc. Trish needed the energy, and neither was ready to go out and face other guests.

She cuddled against him and thought aloud, "I have no idea how many orgasms I have had this morning." Then looking up at Dave, "That one on the deck chair was the most powerful experience I've ever had. Was it good for you?"

Dave paused, then answered, "the best for me, too, I have many questions, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to handle all the answers. So if it's okay with you, I'd like to leave that discussion for another day."

Dave was quiet for a bit, then, "do you want to check out? I can get us a place in Papeete for the last two nights. That's if you have had enough?"

Trish snapped her head around, "Do you want to leave? You know we both have to be totally happy to continue. The second one of us has doubts; we agreed we would stop."

Dave didn't hesitate, "I'm happy if you want to stay; it's just that you had taken a lot of punishment last night and this morning. And it looks like there will be three new guys joining us tonight. I don't see how you can take anymore."

"I'll be okay. I just need some time out for a few hours. Also, I want us to be there to look after that lady. Did I hear right that Jacques has told her to join us? I don't think she knows what she is getting herself into."

"Yes, I was a bit concerned about her. That husband is a bit of a trendy wimp. I don't think he will handle any lewd behaviour well. Also, I don't like that Thierry guy. He's a sadistic-looking little bastard. I feel he's keen on debasing her before her husband."

They got up and lay on the bed, with Trish cuddled tightly up against Dave, and within minutes had both dozed off. A light knock on the door woke them half an hour later. Trish sat up, "Jesus, that can't be Jacques arrived back. I'm not ready for any more excitement yet." 

She lay back and pulled the bed cover over her as Dave slipped off the bed. He pulled on his beach shorts and moved towards the bedroom door. Then, turning back and looking very determined, he said, "I'll send him away. I can't take any more of this now, either."  

To be continued…

Written by mingemuncher
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