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After he had called downstairs, Dave snipped the door of the Penthouse open so he didn't have to run and open it for Sally each time she came up with the food. He jumped up to help Sally as soon as she pushed through the door. She was carrying a tray with the starters and putting them down on the sideboard. She slipped off a thin white cotton housecoat, revealing a maid's outfit.

"Christ! Sally, you can't wear that; you'll have the men grabbing at you all night..… Did Trish pick that?"

"No, it's what I chose. I don't want to look like a dowdy housemaid. I can handle myself."

She looked stunning; a white high-necked blouse, over which was a bibbed front, light blue flared maid's dress that hardly reached her mid-thighs. The skirt was flared out from the waist and had a white panel trimmed with lace on the front; it looked like she was wearing an apron, below which were blue high-heeled shoes and white stockings. The outfit made her legs look long and shapely. Her breasts stood out, holding the bibbed top away from her flat stomach. She was going to steal the show; it was bloody sexy.

"Well, if I wasn't worried about you before, I damn well am now. You remember your safe word; I think you might need it. Fuck, you make things difficult!"

They set the three plates of starters out on the coffee table, and then he showed her the silver tray with some mint-flavoured aperitifs to cleanse their palates and where the ice was if needed. Then he took her through the drinks they would be serving.

8:15 pm, there was a tap on the door and in marched Bob, followed by a big pot-bellied man wearing a denim suit, cowboy boots and a large stetson on his head. 

But that was not the big surprise; behind him were two black guys dressed in black suits, one about six foot four and built like a linebacker, the other a little shorter but also must have spent many hours in the gym. Then, a good-looking guy of about thirty brought up the rear. Dave knew he must be Bob's store manager, 'Adam'.

They passed Sally, each taking a glass of the mint aperitifs from her tray.

Bob started making introductions, "This is Bill." 

The Cowboy with the potbelly stepped forward, holding his hand to Dave, "Wild Bill, they call me, named after Wild Bill Hickok because, like him, I like to fuck big fat cows." And he burst into raucous laughter.

There was a crash behind Dave, and he spun around to see Sally fallen to her knees on the floor, picking up the glasses and the ice she had dropped. As she turned to get a couple of pieces behind her, the room went silent, Wild Bill's laughter stopping dead. They all took in the view of her pert little backside, split by a pure white strip of the thong. The flared maid's dress hardly covered but two inches of her bum.

"Okay, an interesting sight. I bet it's not often that Wild Bill gets the words taken out of his mouth." Said Dave as Sally leapt up, her face crimson.

Wild Bill stepped forward and belted Dave on the shoulder. "You're a good man," he bellowed, "I can see why Bob speaks so highly of you."

"Hey! little filly, don't run away; stay close to me, as I'm a real butterfingers and will be dropping things all night now that I've seen your pretty tail."

Bob stepped in and introduced the other three, "This is Rufus. He's the equal partner and owner of our company."

Bill spoke up, looking towards Sally, who was retreating to the bar. "We call him Ruff 'cause he likes his women that way."

Rufus stepped forward and shook Dave's hand. All Dave could think of was how Trish would react to these guys. Followed by the image of Trish and him in the lounge the night they role-played him being a black guy with a huge cock. He involuntarily looked down at the guy's crotch, then quickly glanced back to look Rufus in the eyes. Thankfully Rufus had a grin on his face and didn't seem bothered by Dave's startled reaction. Dave estimated he was probably around fifty, maybe ten years younger than Wild Bill.

Bob then introduced the next guy. Ezekiel; is Rufus's nephew and the CFO of the company, and this is Adam, my senior store manager.

Both Ezekiel and Adam stepped forward and shook his hand. They were much younger than Bill and Rufus, probably in their late twenties or early thirties.

Dave asked them what they wanted to drink, then went to the bar to mix the drinks. Three Jefferson's with ice and a splash of dry, which Sally carried over to the American guests, then another Jefferson's for Bob and a Rum & Coke for Adam, which he asked to be very heavy on the coke, as they had been drinking all day.

The only Rum Bob had supplied an 1888 Ron Gran Reserva, which Dave knew should never be served with coke. But he splashed a touch of the rum in the glass and filled it up with coke anyway. He thought, 'In this company, what the customer asks for, you give them.'

Each time Sally moved over to the men to serve, all their eyes followed her around the room. By the level of their eyes, it was easy to see the arse men from the tit men. Of course, Wild Bill had a funny embarrassing comment for her each time she passed him. But he was such a merry, cheerful guy; Sally now expected his remarks and laughed them off. 

Still, after half a dozen of these comments, Ezekiel came to the bar and apologised to Sally. "He's harmless, little lady; you don't take no offence now; he's just a big noisy cuddly bear." He drawled out in a smooth southern accent.

When Dave noticed they had finished picking at the starters, he sent Sally down to Trish to get the Crayfish boat, sauces, and scallop Mornay's. She slipped on the housecoat and left the room.

Immediately Bob exclaimed, "Fuck Dave, where do you find all these beautiful females. She a horny little thing, shame she doesn't do extras; I'd crawl over broken glass for that."

Everyone in the room started speaking at once, adding risqué, complimentary comments about Sally. Dave got the cold tray of seafood and some of the sauces from under the bench and set it in the middle of the dining table. By the time he had everything set up the way he wanted, Sally had walked in with the seafood boat. Every eye was on her as she set it down and wriggled out of the housecoat. Wild Bill called out as he rose from the Sofa. "Don't stop there; you had better take some more off 'cause it's getting dam hot in here, girl." And more chortles of his raucous laughter filled the room.

Bill moved across to the table and took the seat nearest the wall; Rufus sat next to him, and both had their backs to Dave. Bob sat down opposite Bill, with Ezekiel next to him. Adam settled on the end of the table and started a conversation with Ezekiel. Dave noted that the two younger guys hit it off very well.

As they tucked into the seafood platters, Dave sorted out the white wine, and Sally moved around the table, serving them as they listened to Rufus explaining how he and Bill got together. 

Bill had met Rufus in the worst Ghetto in LA. Bill had been there selling his wares from the back of a truck. No white guys dared to enter the Ghetto in those days, and when he started taking some flack, he spotted Rufus and called him over. Bill asked him to watch his back, and he said that he would pay him by the hour. Slowly, one by one, the women dared to drift out from their houses and started buying. By the end of the day, he and Bill were getting along just fine and arranged to meet on a different corner the next day. 

By the end of the month, Rufus had more money than he had ever had in his pockets before. Unasked, Bill had equally shared half the profits, and they had never looked back. Bill was the idea's man; he could spot a bargain and read where the market would go next. Rufus was the person man, quickly sorting out the many people that wanted a piece of their pie and banging a few heads accordingly.

Bill interjected, "Rufus can read people's minds. I would never go to a meeting without him. He picks up things I never see."

Rufus carried on. When they had gotten so big that they had warehouses in different states, they needed their own accounts dept and hired Ezekiel to run it. Rufus explained that Ezekiel was his sister's boy and the smartest kid with numbers ever to come out of the Ghetto.

Dave saw they were close to finishing with the seafood, so he called Trish and asked her to get the Asparagus and Scalloped Potatoes on the go. Then as he checked the Eye fillets, he heard something hit the floor, and Bill called out to Sally. "I've dropped my knife, be a good little filly, and pick it up for me, please?"

Sally stepped from the bar and pretended to accidentally hit the knife with her foot away from the table. She looked Bill in the eye, giving him a little girl lost look, and mouthed 'Sorry'. Then the little minx turned and bent over, fumbled to pick up the knife giving Bill, Dave, and Rufus a long clear look at that pert round bum. Dave knew the night would go awry when he saw her protruding camel toe barely contained by her white thong. And adding to his discomfort, she gave her bum a sexy wiggle, stood, and handed Bill his knife.

"Jesus, girl, you one-upped me. I won't be dropping that again. My heart just stopped. I thought the big guy upstairs was calling me up to heaven to visit him," holding his chest, Bill again set the room alight with merry bellows of laughter.

Ezekiel called out, nothing wrong with my heart. I've gone and dropped my fork. Sally moved around to his side of the table, only this time she faced him, looked into his eyes, and squatted slowly in front of him, knees wide apart. Adam had the best view and dropped his knife. His was a genuine accident, and he sat still, his mouth gaping wide. 

Ezekiel grabbed his chest, feigning a heart attack. "Oh goddam girl, you have just damaged my heart; it's having palpitations. Come and feel it."

Sally shook her head, "You're a very naughty boy trying to trick a young, innocent girl like that." And she sashayed back to the bar, with every eye in the room watching her ass.

Dave whispered in her ear, "You're are playing with fire, young lady. I hope you fully realise what you are doing. It's time to get the vegetables; off you go before you give me a heart attack as well."

While she was gone, Dave started clearing the table. The smell of the Filet Mignon cooking stopped them from eating more of the seafood as they realised they had another course to savour. When Dave tried to refill their wine, they all loudly declined, saying they would wait for Sally; they didn't want him stealing her job.

Soon Sally returned with the Asparagus and scalloped potatoes, and they set about serving the main course. Dave noted that as Sally moved around with the water, wine, and sauces, She was spending more and more time beside Ezekiel, and he, in turn, was engaging her in conversation at the expense of those on either side of him.

Ezekiel insisted Sally call him Zeek, and when she forgot a couple of times, he told her he'd put her over his knee and spank her if she forgot again.

When she next came behind the bar for water, Dave had a word with Sally about calling Ezekiel by his nickname. She explained that Zeek had told her that was what she was to call him. Then turning away with the water jug in her hand, she looked Dave in the eye. "I'm just trying to decide how long to leave it before calling him Ezekiel again. The thought of being bent over his knee and spanked in front of all these men is exciting." She winked at Dave and returned to her serving.

As the main course was coming to an end, Dave started to get the crepes underway. Rufus came over to talk with Dave, explaining he needed to stand and let the food settle, or he would never get a mouthful of the desert down his throat. Dave asked him how he enjoyed New Zealand. Rufus replied, "Fabulous place. Like every tourist, I like the unspoiled beauty once you leave the towns. But what impresses me most is that when I talk with the locals, I feel no racism at all. Oh! When I first confront them, there is often a startled look, but that quickly disappears, and they accept me. So I don't have to have my guard up all the time." Rufus paused, then replied again, "Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but there's not a day there when I don't meet people who have racism showing in their eyes, especially in the circles I frequent now. So it's very relaxing, spending a few days here."

Dave also found that Bill was married to Rufus's sister, "A big woman, like me." Rufus exclaimed. And also said that he was married to a white woman, "pretty as a picture," was his description.

Dave had sent Sally down to get the orange sauce from Trish while he and Rufus were talking. When she returned, he flamed each plate with Kirsch, and Sally served them with much fanfare.

When Sally set Bob's portion in front of him, Dave yelled out, "Make sure you let the flames go out." when Bob burst out laughing, he had to tell the table all about Dave's mistake when he was in his teens.

Dinner finished, and the guys drifted from the table into the lounge. Dave took them out Cognac and cigars. It was a Hennessy Cognac, and he thought that the Cognac, Bourbon and Rum might be part of the distribution deal that Bob was trying to nail. Only Bill took a cigar, but they all took a Cognac. He had Sally offer around a cheese platter he had made with the best New Zealand cheeses, but they all declined, grabbing their stomachs and complaining of being too full.

As with the stag party they had held four months before, the sofas and chairs had been arranged in a slight semicircle, looking away from the ranch slider. Ezekiel sat in the first chair, then Adam, Rufus, and Bob in the three-seater. Bill was farthest away in the other lounge chair.

As they all settled back to savour the Cognac, Dave saw the time, ten-fifteen, so trying not to attract any attention, he called down to Trish and told her it was her time. He then called Sally over and told her it was time for her to leave and head down to their room.

Sally hesitated; Dave knew she did not want to leave and heaved a sigh of relief when she turned away. But his relief was premature, as instead of picking up her housecoat and heading to the door, she walked over to Ezekiel, bent down, and talked into his ear. Ezekiel pulled her down to sit on his lap, looked at Dave, and said he wanted her to stay. 'Oh fuck,' thought Dave, pondering how she would react to the night's entertainment. But he certainly could not override Ezekiel.

Everyone was talking, and Dave got plenty of compliments about the food. He looked over to check on Sally again and saw that Ezekiel already had his hand on the top of Sally's legs, caressing the soft skin above her stocking tops. The arms of the chair would mask his actions, but Dave had a clear view, and his concern multiplied.

He stood at the bar pondering what he could do. But she had pressed upon him; she could handle anything and had her safe phrase (yellow shoes) if she needed it. However, the playful, excited look on her face told him he was unlikely to hear those words spoken that evening. 

After a few minutes, she got up and walked over to Dave, "Ezekiel has offered me this for my panties," she was holding a handful of US dollars.

"Would you look after it for me?"

"Sally, do you realise what you are getting yourself into? I'm not at all happy with where this is going. It's exactly why I was against bringing you tonight. But as I said to you when we discussed this night, what you do is up to you, but you have me worried."

Sally nodded, "Thanks, dad, but I'm okay," she turned, picked up her housecoat, and walked into the second bedroom. 

Minutes later, she appeared again. Dave saw that she had the thong secreted in her hand. But what made his heart miss a beat was that she had also taken off much more than the thong. Sally had also removed her blouse and bra. So you could clearly see the sides of her breasts, exposed on each side of the bib front. Dave had seen more than this at the stag parties she had done, but with her hard nipples poking through the thin cotton, her look tonight was far more arousing.

She walked straight over to Ezekiel, plopping herself down in his lap and stuffed her thong into his pocket. Ezekiel looked as stunned as anyone else in the room. 

A knock on the door broke the sexual tension that had silenced the room. The tentative knock emphasised how quiet everyone had gone, and as Dave moved across to open the door, he saw the others viably relax back in their chairs. 

"This will be our dancer, Maria," he called to them.

Trish stepped past him into the room. She passed him a large bag of clothes, saying, "Don't open that; it's my costume. Can you put it in the main bedroom?"

Trish hesitated and took in the five guys before her. A jolt of excitement ran through her as she realised two were black. A frown momentarily crossed her face when she saw Sally sitting on one of the black men's laps. She snapped her head towards Dave, a look of, 'why is she still here' on her face. Dave tried to give her a look back that portrayed his exasperation and also his having argued against her involvement all along.

She looked back to Sally, a slight feeling of jealousy in the centre of her chest as she took in her young firm breasts. Then, pulling herself together, she announced to the room, "Hi guys, I'm Maria, and if you're all good boys, I may dance for you."

As Bob was hauling himself to his feet to introduce everyone, Dave took in Trish's appearance. She was wearing a tight black high-necked dress that hugged every curve. It highlighted her hourglass figure, and he wondered if she had a bra on as her nipples were quite obvious.

She had her hair up, showing a diamond necklace and matching earrings. Dave hoped to hell the diamonds were fake or they were going to be bankrupt. The whole effect was expensive and gave her the look of a high-society socialite that few men would dare to approach. 

As Dave moved to the main bedroom to deposit her bag, he heard Bob introducing each of the men to Trish.

First, Bob guided her to Bill, introducing him as Wild Bill. He looked him in the eye and said, "Don't you dare tell her why you have that nickname." Bill grinned, reached out, took her hand, and kissed it. He was speechless, not something Dave thought would have happened very often. 

Bob moved Trish to the side in front of Rufus, "This is Rufus. He's an equal owner of the company with Bill." Rufus also reached forward and kissed her hand, saying, "Pleased to meet you, Maria. You look stunning."

Bill came to life; everyone calls him Ruff cause he likes his women that way. In her best southern drawl, Trish looked Rufus in the eye and said, "What a shame, you're not going to be interested in a delicate woman like me then, and I was hoping you'd take me riding."

A wicked smile spread over Rufus's face, "Delicate! Well, I will have to control my wild side, as I would love to ride with you any time you feel the inclination."

Everyone laughed as Trish stood there, fluttering her eyes at Rufus. Something tensed in Dave's stomach, a hard knot of jealousy. It took him by surprise, and he momentarily despised himself for encouraging Trish to do another men's night.

He forced the look of concern from his face, remembering how he had looked on the video of their last encounter, and forced a smile onto his face as Bob guided Trish in front of Adam to introduce him to her. 

Rufus caught Dave's eye, gave him the thumbs-up and mouthed, "What a stunner!" 

Meanwhile, Bob had moved Trish sideways again to stand in front of Ezekiel. 

Trish looked at him with concern, "Ezekiel, I'm surprised that a man with such a good religious name would have seduced this innocent young girl."

Ezekiel chuckled and replied, "Ma'am, my name was given to me by my parents, so it reflects their expectations of me. But I note your concern for this beautiful young woman. But I must point out that Sally has mesmerised me, befuddled my brain, and stolen my heart."

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Still using her broad southern drawl, she turned to Dave and asked, "Barman, Give me a strong drink; please, I'm going to need something to bolster me against these silken-voiced rogues."

They had pre-arranged that she would drink a Cosmopolitan, as she did not want to get as drunk as she had on the previous occasion. 

He put an extra-large shot of vodka in the cocktail and handed it to Trish. 

She was speaking with Rufus, who had joined them at the bar. Feeling awkward watching them interact, he looked away and saw the others had almost finished their brandies. So he crossed the room to refill them. As he passed Sally, he gave her a look that said she should behave and was alarmed to see that Ezekiel had his hand at the top of Sally's legs again. She ignored him, turned away and smiled dreamily into Ezekiel's eyes. 

Drinks refreshed; when he crossed to the bar, he saw Adam leant over, speaking in Sally's ear. What's more, he saw that Adam was holding her hand. Oh hell, he thought, just what he feared would happen when Trish convinced him to have her work this night. 

Back at the bar, Trish had finished her drink and nodded to him for another. Dave was much lighter with the vodka, hoping that if she stayed sober, she might not let things go too far. But when he handed it across, she downed the drink in two gulps and asked Rufus to excuse her as she needed to change for her dance.

She whispered to Dave that he was to turn the music on in about ten minutes, then with a flick of her head, she turned away. 

Dave saw Sally pull Ezekiel's hand away and shut her legs as Trish turned towards her. Trish ignored her and walked to the main bedroom, closing the door behind her. 

Dave noted the time and made small talk with Rufus. Then, a while later, he rechecked his watch, strode over and pressed Play on the boom box. 

The sound of a flamingo guitar filled the room. The bedroom door opened, and Trish stepped through. She wore a black flared Flamingo skirt trimmed with red lace, a frilled red blouse and a black waistcoat. She took up the stance of a matador, clicked her castanets into life and broke into a very professional rendition of a Flamingo Dance. Dave now realised what she had been learning at the dance lessons she had joined.

Arms held high, castanets snapping to the rhythm, she looked like she was facing off against a bull. She advanced on Bill and, throwing her head back, lifted the multi-layered skirt well above her knees. Bill caught a glimpse of bare flesh above her stocking tops. He clapped his hands, encouraging her to show more. But, instead, she spun away, prancing and swaying to the music, flicking the skirt up, revealing her long legs and the chunky black tap shoes that were rapping out a beat to the music.

The dance had everyone entranced; she'd always loved to dance and had achieved a very high level of competency, considering the short time she had for lessons. 

She pirouetted back towards Bill, reached down with both hands and lifted the skirt to her waist. The move was reminiscent of a Cancan dancer showing off her dancing feet. But Bill's eyes were nowhere near her feet; he was taking in the lilac transparent briefs and garter belt. Bill held his hand up to his heart again, and Dave hoped to hell he was just pretending to have a heart attack, as he had gone very red in the face.

She then turned her attention to Rufus, flicking the skirt in his face, then pulling his head forward; she dropped the dress down his back, leaving him hidden with his face up against the bare flesh at the top of her legs. She moved back slowly, dragging the skirt back over his head, hid her face behind a hand, and feigned embarrassment. Her sparkling eyes moved over them all, promising decadent pleasures to come.

As the guitar piece ended, the first strains of Ravels Bolero struck up. In the beginning, where you could only just hear the light drum beats, she straightened her dress and moved over by the table. Lifting one of the chairs, she dragged it to the centre of the lounge. Here she sat and proceeded to expose one leg at a time, running her hands down the leg to remove the chunky tap shoe and replace it with a high-heeled dress shoe. The shoes changed she ran her hands back up the leg, lifting the leg from the floor and revelling in the sensations these wayward hands were giving her. When the hands drifted too far and touched her crotch, she let out a gasp of pleasure. Then ran her hand down the other leg and repeated the process.

When her hand reached her crotch the second time, her gasp of pleasure changed to a look that said, 'I've gone too far'. She leapt up from the seat and slid her hands all over her body. The volume of the music rose, and the haunting melody of the bolero broke forth with the sounds of the Flutes. She swayed to the music and eased the waistcoat from her shoulders, holding it to her breast. Moving past the men sitting in front of her, she erotically pulled the waistcoat over her breasts, her face showing concern at the erotic feelings this produced.

The tempo increased as the French horn's, Clarinet's and Oboe's increased in volume, and she moved back in front of Rufus, lowering the waistcoat and giving him glimpses of her erect nipples pushing at the fabric of the satin blouse. Dave could see that this was not entirely an act; she was becoming aroused. He could see all the signs. And as the Violins and the rest of the orchestra increased in tempo towards the finale, she flicked the waistcoat over to him, reached behind and unfastened the skirt. She held the black fabric in front of her like a matador's cape. Dave was the only one that could see the red mini-skirt she had worn under the Spanish dress. She swayed erotically, holding the skirt and showing the men one leg and the other. Then, as the music rose to its tumultuous ending, she cast the bundle of black fabric towards the bar.

Everyone, except Bill, leapt to their feet, applauding. But Trish seemed in a trance and swayed to the new tune that filled the air. She ran her hands slowly down her body, emphasising the bits the men couldn't take their eyes from, and she moved into a typical stripper routine of bump and grind.

The following number was slower, and she invited Rufus to dance with her. He took her in his arms and moved her around the limited space before caressing her neck, breasts, and hips. But as soon as he became amorous, she twisted away and admonished him for being so naughty. Rufus was becoming visibly aroused, his erection painfully apparent in his pants. Trish swayed back towards him and, relenting, let him take her back into his arms. She turned in his arms so that her back was to him and indicated he could unzip her mini-skirt.

He tried to push the mini-skirt down her legs. But again, still in time with the music, she swayed her body away from him, waggling her finger and admonishing him for being in such a hurry. 

Standing just out of arm's reach, she unbuttoned her blouse enough to reveal her lace-covered breasts. Rufus was almost past control; he reached out, one hand on her shoulder, and with the other, he pinched the puffy erect nipple through the thin lilac lace bra. A jolt of pleasure showed on her face, but she pulled away from him, turned and backed into his arms. Rufus slid his arms around her body and clasped each of her firm globes. She could not twist away now, nor did she look like she wanted to. The mini-skirt threatened to slide off her hips, and Trish reached down and held it in place.

Rufus moved his hands up, slid her blouse from her shoulders, pealing it from each arm, he threw it towards the bar. His hands began roaming over her body. When he came to her hands, he pulled them aside, letting the skirt drop to the floor. Then, hands on her shoulders, he turned her and presented her to the rest of the men.

A rush of jealousy tinged with pride inundated Dave's brain. She looked beautiful and fucking sexy; her olive skin looked pale, framed by the large black man standing behind her. He ran his hands down to her enclosed breasts and lifted them, still cupping them; his long fingers snaked up and pinched her nipples through the lilac lacy material. As he pulled on her nipples, he leaned forward and chewed on her ear.

The music forgotten, they were swaying to their own tune now; he pressed himself into her hips, and she responded by bending and straightening her legs to rub her arse back against him. She had only her lilac panties protecting her, but they were so brief and transparent that she may as well have been naked. And Dave knew there would be; there was a distinct wet patch on the gusset of the sheer lacy fabric.

Ezekiel stood from the chair, lifting Sally as though she weighed nothing; his arousal was also apparent. Dave didn't know if this was his decision or hers, but they headed into the spare bedroom, not even bothering to close the door. Adam's eyes longingly followed their departure.

Keeping half an eye on Rufus's hands dropping down to Trish's panties, Dave moved over to stand between the two bedrooms. He needed to be sure Sally was okay and be in a position to hear if she was to call out her safe word. He glanced into the room and saw that Sally was lying on the bed with her hands working between her wide-open legs. Ezekiel was standing at the foot of the bed, eyes glued on her working hands, almost ripping the clothes from his body. And what a body he had; his ripped muscles were strained taught, as he struggled to keep his balance and get his pants down off his legs.

Dave dragged his eyes back to see what Rufus was doing with his wife. He saw that he had removed her bra and was attempting to slide her panties down from her hips. Trish squirmed away, her hips still undulating with the music, not quite being so far gone as to overcome her embarrassment at being watched by all these men. But that embarrassment and the situation were sending her over the edge anyway.

She turned in his arms and helped him get his shirt off; he unzipped himself but did not get any further as Trish dropped to her knees and grabbed his cock through the opening. Any inhibitions she had seconds before disappeared when she saw the size of the bulge stretching the front of his boxers. Lust drove her to bend forward and try to take it in her mouth, but Rufus pulled back.

It was clear he would ejaculate almost instantly if she continued. Bob stood and moved over to join the party, probably thinking he would take some of the heat from Rufus. 

Rufus felt he was going to explode, and he wanted this to last, so he lifted her in his arms and carried her past Dave and into the bedroom. He didn't turn on the light; plenty of light was spilling through from the lounge, enough for him to see clearly. Laying her on the bed, he removed her panties, then shedding his remaining clothes; he lay beside her and kissed her for the first time. Trish responded by rolling against him, trying to get as much of his flesh in contact with her body as she could, and hungrily returned his kiss.

The kiss brought another pang of jealousy, biting at Dave's core. He had to step aside as Bob and Wild Bill pushed past him to get a view of the action. Bill pulled the bedroom chair to the bottom of the bed and collapsed into it, a lecherous grin spread across his face. Bob just leaned against the wall just inside the door. 


Entranced by Trish's performance, it was not until Rufus got up and started to unzip her dress that Sally finally understood where this was heading. She saw the desire on both their faces, their intimacy; it made her very uncomfortable sitting there and watching. 

Clearly aroused, Ezekiel's hand was now massaging right at the top of Sally's legs, his knuckles occasionally brushing against her labia, making her extremely horny. She realised her legs had unconsciously spread wide apart, and her need for him making her squirm in his lap. However, she did not want it to happen here in front of everyone, mainly concerned with how Trish would react to her not leaving when she should have. Moreover, it was now obvious why they wanted her down in their room below. So she turned to Ezekiel and spoke into his ear. "I want you to make love to me, but not here. Can we go to your room?" 

Ezekiel stood up, and as if she weighed nothing, he carried her into the second bedroom. He put her down next to the bed, leaned forward, freed the bib of her maid's outfit, and soaked up the beauty of her bared breasts. He pushed her down onto the bed but did not join her; instead, his eyes roamed all over her body as he hurriedly removed his clothes. 

Sally saw that Ezekiel's gaze was fixed between her legs. She modestly put her hands down to cover herself, but they brushed against her labia; the exquisite feelings that ran through her body from this light touch caused her to thrust her fingers up and down her tiny pink slit. 

She sensed a movement by the door and glanced over to see Adam watching. Embarrassment coursed through her, so she shut her eyes. The light in the bedroom was on, and he was going to see everything. But she sensed another feeling deep in her mind, an exciting, pleasant one. She realised that she felt elation that Adam would choose to be there watching them rather than out watching Trish and Rufus. 

Eyes still screwed tightly shut, she felt Ezekiel move on top of her. His naked body slid up and covered her own. Opening her eyes, she saw the lust and the urgent need in Ezekiel's eyes. He lifted himself and eased himself between her legs. He had the biggest cock she had ever seen (she had only seen three others), and she felt a moment of fear, wondering if she would be able to accommodate him. Jules was not that big, and he hurt her sometimes. But she reached for him anyway and helped him line it up, felt him slip in, surprised that it entered her so easily and with no pain; she was so aroused and ready for it.

Still embarrassed, she glanced again towards the door, and a flood of disappointment hit her when she saw that Adam was not there. The disappointment was quickly forgotten, though, as Ezekiel took up a slow, steady rhythm of his hips. His actions brought the first twinges of an impending orgasm. She lifted her legs and locked them behind his butt, trying to get more and not let him go. Her hands reached up and pulled him down to kiss her.

Sally was being taken to a level she had not been before; she glanced around, wanting to take in and remember everything. And saw that Adam was back inside the door watching. Her joy at seeing him there brought a huge smile to her face. Adam, encouraged by this, picked up the chair beside him and carried it to the bed to sit beside her. Surprised at her reaction, she reached out, took his hand, and squeezed it.

Now, She gave her attention back to Ezekiel, rocking her hips to get herself off. Then, twisting her lower body up to grind her clit against his pubic mound, she was rewarded with waves of pleasure that built and built to an incredible orgasm.


Knowing things were about to escalate quickly between Rufus and Trish, Dave stepped out and looked into the other bedroom to check that Sally was okay. Adam was standing just inside the door and looked guilty at being caught watching.

Dave noted that Ezekiel was not as large as Rufus, 'thank god'. Six and a half inches at the most, maybe a bit thicker than average, but nothing like the monster his wife was holding next door. He hated to think of what that would do to the young girl. Watching her take Ezekiel's length in one long stroke, her hips bucking up to meet his every thrust, he turned away. He felt uncomfortable like he was watching his daughter, which was how he felt about her. The last thing he wanted was for her to look to the door and catch him watching. Obviously, she would not be calling out her safe word anytime in the near future. So he turned and returned to the main bedroom, followed by a guilty-looking Adam. 

It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the gloom. But in the light coming from the lounge, he saw that Trish had pulled Rufus up on top of her. His shoes, trousers, and boxers were on the floor at the foot of the bed. 

Trish was oblivious to all around her, overtaken now by animalistic lust. Rufus resisted her, got up and rolled Trish onto her stomach. Then putting his hands under her waist, he lifted her onto her knees, close to the foot of the bed. Lining up to take her doggy style, he ran his knob up and down her puffy slit. 

He turned to Bill, "Ever seen one this wet and ready?"

"Ah! But will she be able to take that monster of yours," Bill asked?

"Let's see," said Rufus as he lined up and slowly eased forward.

His swollen purple knob pressed her lips apart, stretching Trish beyond her wildest dreams. She swung her head around to look at him; her eyes pleaded with him to take it slowly. He obliged, easing forward, then pulling back a little before pushing in deeper. Trish grasped the bed cover tightly and pushed back against him, Her cunt sucking in another couple of inches. Rufus looked over to Dave and invited him to join the action, but he just shook his head. "I'm here to look out for the ladies; I'll just stay here, thanks."

Bill took that as an invitation for him to join the party, crawled beside Trish on the bed, and started caressing her hanging globes. Her eyes glazed over with lust; she felt him lie beside her. Then forcing herself to focus for a second, she looked to see who it was. When she saw it was Bill, she indicated to him that he get his cock out. Bill eagerly complied; he lay on his back, pulled his trousers off, and presented his cock to her mouth. 

As Trish took Bill's cock in her hand and guided it to her mouth, she felt Rufus sink his shaft fully home. Then, he began thrusting into her with increased speed; the pleasure this increased pace brought showed on Trish's face, and she forgot about Bill and slumped her head onto the bed, humping her hips to meet each thrust.

Bill accepted that he wouldn't get much attention for the time being, so he just lay there, stretching and tweaking her nipples. His face showed concern, though, as her hand gripped harder and started strangling his cock.

Dave was mesmerised by the view of Trish being taken like this. His eyes were fully adjusted to the gloom now, and he noted the flickering coloured diamonds of light playing over her beautiful body. They were reflecting into the room from the TV outside the room. All the signs were there that Trish was building to an orgasm.

Then Rufus started hammering home, Trish's elastic cunt finally taking everything he had. But the dance, the teasing, and now this beautiful round arse, bouncing hard against his thrusts, tipped him over the edge, and he exploded, shooting burst after burst of his warm spunk into her, then out and over her ass. 

“Fuck! oh, Fuuuuuuck!” Rufus cried. "That was far too fast, but the best I've had in a good few years. Fanfuckingtastic!" 

He looked to Bill as he withdrew and said, "Don't you mention that comment to Elaine, You BASTARD, you're always dropping me in it with her. It stays in this room, or I'll cut that tiny dick off at the base if I can find it."

Bill just held up his hands in defeat. "Safe with me, safe with me."

Trish had been close, but Rufus was too quick for her. She felt the touch of hands on her hips and knew it was Bob. He was old, and she wondered what it would be like to be taken by an older man. 

Dave looked up from Rufus's now deflating monster, Eyes swinging around the room to see their next moves. He noted that Adam had gone back next door; for some reason, he felt a twinge of happiness that he was not in the room. Rufus bent, picked his clothes from the floor and threw them out into the lounge with his other garments. He returned to the bedroom, took a robe from the wardrobe, and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Bob climbing onto the bed to join Bill and Trish.


To be continued…


Written by mingemuncher
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