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It was nearing the end of May, and business was thriving; Dave and Trish had good bookings for the next few months. They found that for every function they did, they invariably got one or two more inquiries from word of mouth. 

They were feeling much more confident they may make their new enterprise work. The function at the Penthouse had saved their bacon; it wasn't until the accountant did the books at the end of March that Dave realised just how close they had come to going belly up and losing everything. 

Bob had come good on his promise that he would give them some work. Dave was now making lunches for Bob's board meetings each month. And they had catered for a function at one of Bob's subsidiaries, at a get-to-know-you evening. The amount of work was getting to a point where he really could do with Trish being a lot more hands-on, especially for the corporate lunchtime trade that was building fast. But Trish did not want to leave the teaching job now; she enjoyed being back in the classroom. 

They had had a few awkward days in the week after the stag party, and things were still not all normal; Dave had to be very careful what he said sometimes. But over the last month, Trish had come to accept that her actions the on the night at the penthouse function would not destroy their marriage. And they had started role-playing again, with Trish asking Dave to act out some of the more risqué things she had done that night. 

The frequency of sex had been frantic in the first couple of weeks, sometimes twice a day. Their sex life had changed quite abruptly after the party; talking dirty and blow jobs were included, something she had only ever been half-hearted about in the past. Trish had been insatiable at times, but dave put this down to her need for reassurance more than sexual need. They even stepped off the track on a bush walk one weekend and had a quick bonk against a tree. Dave had tried to get her to make love out in the open, but Trish had never been up for it. 

Outside the bedroom, though, it was Trish of old. None of their friends or family would have ever suspected what she had done, nor the changes that had taken place in their sex lives. 


As well as the usual functions, they had done five stag do's in the last four months, an area of their business that was very successful and profitable. In the first one they did after 'The penthouse night', Silvia had asked if she could bring her flatmate, as Silvia warned Dave that she might have to stop stripping. She had a new boyfriend who was unhappy about her work. 

Silvia explained to Dave that Sally was an attractive eighteen-year-old struggling to make ends meet in the city. She was from Taihape, a small town halfway down the North Island, and worked as a shop assistant in a lingerie shop. Dave was happy about having someone else to call on, as he knew the issues involved in having a girl phone in sick. So he asked Silvia to bring her to the shop on Saturday morning, and they would sort something out. 

When he mentioned this to Trish, she said she wanted to be involved and rode down to the shop with him on Saturday morning. At around 11:30, Silvia walked through the door with Sally, an attractive petite blue-eyed blond. She had a figure to die for but looked way too innocent of disrobing in front of guys, which would be a big part of her popularity at stag parties.

 Trish took Sally aside and had a good talk with her to ensure she was aware of what she was getting into. Whilst Trish was talking with Sally, Dave showed Silvia around the premises. She was impressed and asked Dave about getting a job with them. He explained that they were very close to needing someone but, at best, he could only offer a couple of days when they finally did employ. Silvia laughed and told him she was a terrible cook anyway. "Who you really should employ is Sally; she is an amazing cook." 

Trish returned then and said, "This is what we will do. I'll take Sally shopping now, and we will pay for an outfit for her to wear out of subsequent wages. Then, if she is OK and happy to do some more nights, she can keep the clothes; we will pay her the same as Silvia. 

Of course, when they got home, the usual argument started about Trish coming to the stag party to make sure Sally was OK. 

Dave put his foot down, "No way, we've been over this a dozen times. I will look after her and tell you how she gets on." 

Sally's first evening was a roaring success; her innocence had all the guys going nuts over her. Silvia and Sally brought the guys to their feet, most with huge bulges in their pants. She had taught Sally all the moves to get the guys jumping and her bevy of tricks to ward off the gropers. That turned out to be the last night they used Silvia. 

Even that first night, guys offered her money to go further than just stripping, but Dave stepped in and defused the situation. Of course, there was always a guy or guys trying to get a date at the end of the night, but to Dave's knowledge, she rejected them all. And every night, he dropped her back to her flat and walked her to the door. But one night, she asked him to drop her off at another address and informed him she had a boyfriend. He was surprised, as he had never seen her accept anyone's advances. 


In the first week of June, Bob walked through the door. As usual, Dave was alone in the shop, finishing one of his handyman projects. 

"Hi, Dave." He called out over the sound of the drill. "That function I spoke to you about some months back is all go at last. Did you speak with Maria?' 

"I did," Dave replied. "Not at all certain, but she may be interested, but I'll need to talk with her again and run the date past her." 

Dave had yet to mention the function to Trish; the time never seemed right. However, on more than one occasion in the last month, she fantasised about being double penetrated by him and an imaginary man in the heat of the moment. So he thought he could talk her into stripping again.

Bob filled him in on who was coming and what he wanted. The date was just over seven weeks away, on a Saturday night. Dave knew straight away they had nothing on that night. But he kept quiet for the moment; he needed to sort out if he wanted to go through all those tumultuous emotions again and ask Trish what she thought. 

Bob said there would be three business executives flying over from the States. Bob had been trying to nail down a lucrative distribution deal for their company's products for over a year. The Americans, however, having floated half the shares in their company a couple of years previously, had to have three choices of a distributor to put in front of their board. They were to be in town for five days, but he only had them for the last two. In addition, two other companies were vying for the contract; they would be entertaining them over the first three days. 

Bob thought the deal was as good as signed and sealed, as two of the guys coming held the majority of the shares in their company, and he got on well with them. But he explained to Dave that he never sat back and rested on something like this; either of his competitors could easily pull a quick one on him. 

They had requested to see a Maori cultural event, so he was flying them down to Rotorua on a private jet on Saturday morning, where he had a game of golf lined up, then a private cultural show before they flew back up to Auckland. They were all scheduled to land at 7:30 on Saturday night, so Dave should look at the first course starting around 8:30 pm. 

Bob said he had already checked and placed a preliminary booking for the same Penthouse they had used last time. They sat and discussed some of the finer details. Bob wanted the best, crayfish, oysters, everything; it would be at least a three-course meal, more if you have any ideas. Cost is not an issue. The booze will be the same deal as last time, only I will provide better quality this time. He was putting the three of them up in adjacent Penthouses. He and his store manager would share Penthouse they would use for the function.

Dave asked about getting a room in the Hotel for them, one with a kitchen. He already had some ideas about what he would serve, and they would need an extra oven and microwave. Also, if he could talk Maria into dancing for them, she could change down in that room. 

"Do you think she will be on?" Bob asked. "I've hinted that I may have something special for them. "I say again, money is no problem." 

They jacked me up with a high-class hooker when I was over in the States last week, and I found they had probably paid over US$5000 for her, and it may have even been more than that. Plus, you know the Yanks, they tip like their one hundred dollar bills are bits of confetti. So I know they spent a hell of a lot on me." 

"Look, I can't promise anything. I'll talk to Maria, but there are a couple of issues. First, I'm guessing that you know Maria did much more than strip at your son's stag party?" 

Bob nodded, "Yes, that's what I'm hoping for." 

"Well, that is where there might be a problem. That night was absolutely the first time she had ever done anything like that, and it got totally out of hand, and she did some stuff she was mortified about afterwards. When I tried to give her the money the boys gave me, she refused; she said it made her feel like a whore. When I turned up at my mate's house in the weeks after, she was ice cold on me. Even my mate asked me what I had done wrong." 

Dave hesitated and let that sink in, then continued, "But we are alright now. I said the money was for the dress and lingerie, etc. So I need to think about how to handle this. If I can talk her into entertaining again, I'll use the money you have already given me, it's locked in that drawer over there, by the way, and I'll buy her some high-end clothes for the night. But whether she goes any further than just stripping, I have no control over that. If they are some obnoxious Yanks yelling rude comments at her, she will probably walk out the door."

Bob waved his hand, indicating he understood, then, "Any costs for clothes, etc., just add them to the bill. As I have already said, the cost is not a problem. I really need you to make this happen for me."

Again Dave hesitated, "I might add one of your son's friends called Maria his fucking bitch at the end of the night, and I lost my rag." 

Bob nodded, "Yes, George said you could handle yourself and gave them all a bit of a fright." 

"Well, I was pretty mixed up that night. I had only ever known her as this goody-goody woman who did everything by the book. I was astounded she would even contemplate taking an item of clothing off in front of strange men, let alone strip at a stag do. But I'll tell you, her striptease was one of the most erotic things I have seen in my life, so if that is as far as she goes, your friends will have seen something special and be pretty impressed. If she goes a bit further, that will be up to how you handle her. But be aware money will not buy her. We need to think about that. I have some ideas, but leave them with me." 

Dave saw Bob off and sat down and thought hard. The change in Trish over the last month had Dave thinking she may be interested, but he had some talking to do and would need to help her overcome her anxiety about being too embarrassed to function on the night. 


Two days later, on Saturday morning, Dave and Trish were down at the shop preparing food for a tennis function on Sunday. He was still pondering about the right moment to bring up Bob's business function with Trish. This morning was not the right time, as Sally could arrive anytime to help with the food, as she often did nowadays on the weekends. 

When Sally did turn up, she was visibly upset. Trish threw an arm around Sally's shoulder, took her into the office, and closed the door. Finally, after nearly an hour, Trish came out on her own, looking like thunder, "She's had a huge breakup with her boyfriend, who quite frankly has turned out to be a real asshole." 

Then she explained to Dave what had happened. Jules had been at the first stag party Sally had done for them. He had seen her at the lingerie shop a couple of weeks later, walked in, and asked her out. They had dated for two weeks, and she had fallen for him, so much so that she started spending most nights at his flat, and there was talk about her moving in with him. 

Then things started to go south, he had introduced her to anal sex, and that became the norm in their sex lives, his not wanting it any other way. He also started to treat her rough during their sex sessions, called her names, and hit her a few times. It had finally come to a head last Thursday night when after having sex, he had dragged her out into the lounge almost naked and tried to get her to have sex with his three flatmates. When she refused, he erupted and called her a dirty little whore, saying she was happy to get her clothes off for other guys, but wouldn't do what he wanted. He had hit her and kicked her out of his flat, dressed only in her nighty. One of the other boys had brought her clothes out to her. 

But that was not the end; that morning, Jules had turned up at Sally's work and tried to get her to return home with him in front of her boss and a couple of customers. When she refused, he got angry, called her a slut, and told Sally's boss about her stripping at the stag do's. Sally's boss, evidently a bit of a prude, had sacked her on the spot. 

"I want to have her move in with us for a few weeks, as she can't afford the rent at her flat now. Is that OK with you?" 

"Yes, that's fine with me, and she can do a few days here, helping me with the corporate lunches; I'm struggling with those now." 

"Good, I'm going to drive her to her flat now to get all her clothes. Silvia can find another roommate. After that, I'll make up the spare bed in our rumpus room. See you when I get home." 

"I want the guy's address; I need to talk with the bastard." And Dave marched over to the office. Sally was sitting in a half-fetal position. She looked up at Dave with a tear-streaked face.

"I want Jules's address."

"Oh, I don't want you to go there; there are four of them," sobbed Sally. 

"I don't care if there are fifty of them; the address please?" 

With the address tapped into his phone, Dave drove across town. When he arrived at the door, he found the front door open and walked straight through to the lounge. Four guys were sitting around drinking beer. 

"Which one of you is Jules?" He asked. His voice was relatively calm, considering how angry he felt. 

Three hands pointed to a guy sitting in an armchair. Dave took three strides across the room, grabbed Jules by the neck, and physically lifted him off his feet. The others made to get up. Dave swung around to them, still holding Jules up, his feet barely touching the floor. 

"I know all you lot. You were at the first stag do, the first time Sally stripped for me." Then, as the three of them slumped back into their seats, he let go of another burst. "After she was good enough to strip for you, you bastards treated her like shit and even tried to gangbang her. What assholes!" 

"It wasn't us!" Cried one of them, "We didn't want that at all. It was Jules who wanted that. It never happened." 

Turning his attention back to Jules, Dave growled, "But you didn't stop him beating her up and damn near raping her." At that point, Dave smelt a shitty smell and threw Jules into the armchair. 

Dave looked back at the three guys, "The weak bastard has shit himself. Real men don't hit women and don't shit themselves. I came here to give you a hiding, but you're frankly not worth the effort." 

Dave turned to leave but then spun around and said to them, "He went to her work today and made a scene that got her sacked." Then staring directly at Jules, "If you ever go near her again or interfere, even indirectly, I'll come back and give you the beating you deserve. Do you understand?" 

Jules slumped down in the chair, looking close to tears. The three other heads in the room nodded vigorously. 

Dave didn't go back to the shop. The food for the next day was all but done, so he drove straight home. Trish met him at the door, "Are you alright? You were pretty angry; I was worried about what you might do." 

"I'm alright,.... all's good. I didn't hit any of them, but I did shake the shit out of Jules and gave them all a heap of verbal abuse. He won't give Sally any more trouble. Where is she, by the way?" 

"Downstairs with the children, she's going to babysit them tonight, and I've booked a restaurant for you and me. We haven't been out on our own for months." 

When they were out at dinner that night, Trish told Dave; that to get Sally to open up to her that afternoon, she had shared a bit about her stripping on the night of the penthouse function. Dave asked her why, as it was something they had agreed that no one else was ever to know. She explained to him that Sally was devastated and needed to get a lot off her chest, and sharing the information, had gotten her to open up. 

"Interesting though, she was very interested in how you reacted to having me naked in front of other men." 

"You didn't tell her you bit went further than stripping though, Did you??" 

"No, of course not." Trish didn't tell Dave that she had hinted to Sally that the night had gotten a bit out of hand. 

Then she asked him, "You know, the night at the Penthouse, you were going to take a video. You have never mentioned it. Did you take it? I thought about it when I was telling Sally about that night." 

"Yes, I pressed the record button five minutes before you entered the room. But then I forgot all about it; I nearly left the video camera in the Penthouse." 

He told her how he had only remembered it as he left the room with the last load of food and drinks. Then he explained about buying a new SD card for Steve, as he did want any chance of the video falling into his hands. 

"So where is it now? Have you watched it?" 

"No, I locked the old card in my drawer at the shop. It's still there; I haven't touched it." 

"Could we watch it tomorrow afternoon, before the tennis dinner? I've arranged for Sally to go with the children to your parents in the afternoon?" 

Dave gave Trish a lascivious look, "Yes, now and again, I see it in the drawer and wonder about bringing it up with you." 

The following day Dave took their laptop to the shop and burned a copy from the SD card onto a DVD. He quickly looked at the video and stopped when he saw Trish enter the Penthouse. Knowing she wouldn't want him to watch it without her, he didn't want to have to lie by saying that he hadn't. But he was relieved to see the video camera had recorded and that the two or three minutes he watched were very high quality. 

It brought back a flood of memories; he had forgotten how beautiful and sexy she had looked that night. The thought of watching that video later in the afternoon had him as horny as hell. 

If Trish handled it well, he thought it might be the right time to bring up Bob's executive dinner. 

After lunch, with the kids and Sally away, Dave and Trish settled in front of the TV. He made them both a stiff drink and asked Trish for a final time if she was sure she wanted to watch it. He knew she was, but the decent thing to do was ask. She smiled at him, "of course!"

He pressed play, and the video appeared on the TV, showing the penthouse lounge. You could see the Penthouse TV, and it was playing a blue movie. George came into view, carrying a couple of cocktails over to the guys on the settee. George then walked towards the camera, returning to the bar to get his drink (Dave felt Trish squirm into him when she saw George coming towards her on the screen). George returned to his seat and sat beside Pete; almost immediately, there was a knock at the door. Dave was happy to see he was out of view when he opened the door, as his reaction when he opened the door and saw it was Trish was probably not very good. Then he appeared almost frog-marching Trish across the room into the main bedroom. 

They saw the look of concern on George's face, and then with some encouragement from the rest of the guys, he crossed in front of the camera and into the bedroom to see what was wrong. Then a couple of minutes later, he came into view again and told the guys all was OK, but they had to play it cool, as she was not a stripper and likely to take off if they got out of hand. The guys all acknowledged that they would behave, and seconds later, Trish walked out into the middle of the lounge. 

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Dave turned to Trish, "It's funny watching this. I never realised how badly I reacted and had forgotten how beautiful you were, dressed in those clothes." 

"Oh god! I feel as nervous as I did on the night." Said Trish. 

They both went silent and watched the night unfold. Before the video had even got to George dropping his trousers, neither of them was watching the video. Trish was down on her knees, giving Dave a blow job, and he was intent on fingering her to a climax. Seeing it had finished, they turned the TV off and then made love on their lounge floor. Saying they would watch it the next night.

Lying in bed, waiting for sleep to overtake them, Dave asked Trish if she had thought about stripping again. She replied that she had thought about it but hadn't decided as she was worried about someone finding out.

They had to watch the video in their bedroom the following night to see it through. But again, they got so aroused they missed some of it. 

After they had finished making love, Trish commented that the video only showed half the action. "I wish we had put another camera in the bedroom. That would have been hot!"  

"Well, I could try and arrange that next time," said Dave, watching her reaction.

Very embarrassed, she whispered, "Would it be OK if you looked for another guy so they could try double penetration together? I want to do that with you."

He cuddled into Trish and told her he would love to do that with her and keep his eyes open. 

"Have to be someone we both feel safe with, though. And I couldn't handle it being anyone that we know."

With Trish's revelation, Dave felt comfortable mentioning Bob's proposal. 

"Bob Simpson called into the shop a couple of days ago and asked about doing another function for him. It's one he told me about months ago, and I thought that had fallen through." 

"Why didn't you tell me about it months ago?" Asked Trish, looking put out. 

Dave hurried to placate her, "It was three days after the night in the Penthouse, and I didn't think you were ready. I certainly wasn't. I was still very screwed up about how I had reacted." 

Dave explained what Bob had told him about the event. It was three American executives from a company with whom Bob was hoping to land a very lucrative distribution contract. "If I have it right, I think it will give him the agency to distribute some of their products into Australia and New Zealand, thereby letting him expand his business to Australia. So it's a huge deal for him." 

"So, how do you feel about my doing it?" Trish wanted to know. 

"I'm pretty sure I can handle it as long as we are both on the same page. For me, it's all about watching you get aroused. I never thought I could handle you with another man, but that video has just cemented how turned on I got, and I'd like to see that again. Is that sick? I kind of think it is, yet I can't help it. It gets me really turned on just thinking about that night. 

Trish sighed, "I don't know; it was very erotic for me as well. But going into a room and knowing what would happen could be just too embarrassing. I might bail out. I just never saw it coming last time. I kept thinking I would flirt a bit and stop before anything got out of hand. Then I got so turned on; it all happened before I had a chance to think of all the ramifications." 

"It was a bit like that for me also, but I have to admit that knowing what may happen this time turns me on even more. But I'm also being selfish. We stand to make a lot more money out of this one. Bob has already given me $2,000 for clothes, etc. and has said he will double that if I could talk you into doing it. So don't make a decision now. Sleep on it; we will discuss it tomorrow. But whatever you decide, I am cool with it, OK?" 

The following day Trish woke Dave early, not having slept much as she was so excited. She said she wanted to do it as she may never get the opportunity again. "Can I have that $2,000 you said you have? I'm going to go out today and see about some dance lessons and look for what I will wear. I want to do it properly this time, seeing as it's not just a bunch of randy boys." 

On Saturday, when Sally was at the shop helping prepare food. He told her some details of the function they had coming up in a few weeks and about the meal he was planning to serve. Sally offered her own suggestions and then asked if she was to be stripping at it. Dave told her it was not that sort of event, so that she wouldn't be. 

But once he ran the menu past Trish that night, she brought up the fact that he could not prepare and serve all that on his own. "We need to have Sally there on the night." 

But Dave immediately put a stop to that. "We can't have her there; you know this will likely go further than just stripping. And I don't want to get her involved; she is too young and innocent." 

However, over the next few days, Trish wore him down, making him admit there was no one else, and she explained to him that Sally was not anywhere near as innocent as he believed. 

Dave argued, "You have to ask her, though. I'm not doing it. It wouldn't be right for an old fella like me to ask a young girl to work at a function like this." 

It took another couple of days for Trish to convince Dave it was his job to ask Sally. So he called Bob and told him he would need help with the cooking and serving. He also explained that the young lady he had in mind was lovely, but would not be involved in anything more, so he would send her to their room to watch TV before Maria arrived. Bob just told him, "It sounds fantastic; make it happen. Go buy her a sexy maid's outfit, and add it to the bill." 


So one day, around two weeks from Bob's function, when Sally was helping Dave get the lunches ready. He asked her to come and sit with him in the office as he had something to discuss. As she sat down, he pondered how much to tell her and where to start. 

Sally asked, "Am I in trouble?"

 "No! Hell No! Sorry, why do you ask that?" 

"Well, you look very worried." She replied.

 "Sorry, I've got a job proposition for you, which could put you in a rather precarious situation. So I'm very nervous and trying to figure out how to word it. I have been against asking you, but Trish argues that you are the only person we can ask." 

"I'm OK. I can handle a lot more than you think." 

"OK, it's that business function we did the menu some weeks ago. It's to be in the Penthouse down at the Chateau Hotel for the guy that paid for the last one we did there." 

Sally interrupted. "Is that the one that Trish stripped at? Is she going to strip again?" 

Dave blurted out, "No!" and then thought, 'Shit, she's sure to see Trish all dressed up.' And hesitated, then, "Well, maybe." 

"Don't be upset. I think it is fantastic that you would allow Trish to do that. I wish I could find a man who was OK about me doing what I wanted to do." 

So Dave filled her in on some of the finer details. First, he told her that the clients must not know that he and Trish were married, and her name would be Maria for the evening. She and Trish would warm the food in the room on the floor below, and Sally would need to fetch and serve the food on the night. Then when Trish came up to dance for them, Sally could go down and watch the telly. 

He also explained that he was worried about her being there, as she was almost certainly going to get propositioned to go topless or even worse. "They are Americans, and in my experience, when you get rich dudes like that, they think they can buy anything." 

"What if I want to do some things they ask?" retorted Sally. 

"You don't need to do anything you're uncomfortable with, and I don't want you to stay; is that understood? I have made it plain to the guy paying for this that you are just there to help me serve and no extras." 

But then Dave remembered how quickly the first do in the Penthouse got out of hand. "If you get uncomfortable during the night, do you want a safe word you can say, and I'll step in?" 

Sally took all this in, "OK, 'yellow shoes', if I use a sentence with yellow shoes in it, you will know I'm unhappy and want you to help me." Then after a few seconds, she spoke again. "But you're holding something back; you're not telling me everything." 

"No, I'm not! Why do you say that?" snapped Dave. 

"What you described is nowhere near as bad as any stag parties you asked me to work. You're telling me I don't have to get my boobs out. And I get propositioned plenty at all those Stag Do's." 

Then she went on, "I suspected that Trish went much further than just stripping at that stag do months ago. We got close and shared some personal stuff when Jules dumped me. But I knew she wasn't telling me the whole story. I just couldn't believe she would do anything like blow jobs. She's just too nice and beautiful. When she was telling me about stripping naked and feeling very horny, I thought she was just making it up to make me feel better." 

Dave realised he had to be a little more honest; she had easily summed up the situation. "It will probably go a bit further, these guys are very wealthy, and they are paying us a great deal for the night, so it's going to be hard not to let them see more than Trish dancing." 

"Wow! I think that's cool. But how are you with Trish going further? In my limited experience and everything I have read, all men get super jealous." She hesitated, "Is Trish OK with all this? You're not making her do it, are you?" 

Dave sighed; he realised why Trish had insisted it was him who asked Sally. She knew she would be caught in just the situation he found himself in. She had thought he would be a lot stronger than her. 

"Look, Sally, to explain all our conflicting emotions and anxiety's about what happened last time would take hours. Hell! We are only coming to grips with some of it four months later. But yes, that one night, for the first time in our life, got a bit out of hand, and we both enjoyed it at the time; afterwards, though, we were very screwed up, and I'm certain that most people's marriages would never have survived. But it just made me love Trish even more. So anyway, I don't want you to be cajoled or bribed into that part of the evening." 

Sally, "Thanks, Dad, I'll be OK, and I'll go down to my room when I'm told to. It would probably be best if we don't say too much to Trish about our conversation, though. I can imagine she would be very embarrassed." 

Dave left the meeting with Sally realising that she was much more mature than he had given her credit.  


With one week to go, they started concentrating on putting together all the various foods and other items they would use on the night. He also went to the local electronics store and bought a new Sony video camera and a card that would last over three hours. He wanted to avoid borrowing his mate Steve's again. He would have to modify the small chest they had used at the last function, as the camera was smaller. He also asked the guy serving him about security cameras; he had been thinking about how Trish wished they could have a video in the penthouse bedroom. The salesman said they didn't do those but gave him an address for a security company that sold them. 

The next day Dave drove to the security company and was pleasantly surprised to find a small unit that looked like an infrared fire sensor that you attached near the ceiling in the corner of a room for only $299.00. It was 1080p and recorded to your phone, or more importantly for him, to a micro SD card. It was motion sensitive, and the guy said it was suitable for a couple of hours if you put a larger card in it. 

He ordered one, and while the salesman went out the back to get a new unit, he had second thoughts, 'what if they go into the other bedroom?' So when the guy returned with the unit, Dave got him to go and get another one. 

When he returned to the shop, he played around with them. A piece of double-sided tape seemed to work fine for holding it up in the corner. There was a thin lead that had to go to a power socket, and he thought that might be a problem, but the lead was long, so it should reach somewhere in the room. He went out front waited for ten minutes, then wandered back out to the kitchen and moved around all equipment. After five minutes, he removed the micro SD card and reviewed the footage. Fantastic, the footage started as soon as he entered the kitchen, and he noted the quality and field of view were good. 

He didn't mention the cameras to Trish; she had asked him days ago if he was going to get the camera off Steve again. He just answered her, 'that it was all sorted'. Then started going over the food he intended them to serve. 

He wanted to start with avocado wedges wrapped in prosciutto ham with a special sauce dribbled over them, Devils on Horseback (Prunes wrapped in bacon, a very Kiwi tradition), and tiny little Whitebait Fritters with a dash of Tatar Sauce. 

Entree; would be a huge platter of seafood, Aussie king prawns, scallop rings, Morton bay bugs, and various other deep-fried seafood. Dave had made a wooden boat to stand a crayfish on its tail, with the meat extracted and laid in its open shell. Around it would be arrayed shells of scallop mornay, oysters, green piped mussels, sauces, etc. A lot of this Trish would be preparing in their room below. 

Main course; Filet Mignon, served with Asparagus and scalloped potatoes. Dave would cook the Filet, and Trish would do the condiments. 

Desert: Crepes Suzette. 


On Monday, he and Bob met at the Hotel. Dave wanted to go over the food, drinks, etc., with him and check out the kitchen's appliances. The manager took them up to the Penthouse Bob had booked. When the manager heard about Dave's food preparation requirements, he told them he had a better room. He explained the view was not as good, but the appliances and layout would suit better. Dave noticed with relief that the new room had the same shelves in the kitchen for him to place the hidden video camera. 

After showing them the new Penthouse, he took them down a floor to a different room; a mini-suite with a much larger Kitchen. Dave was surprised at the size of the room; it was nearly as big as the Penthouse. It had a lounge and bedroom divided by a screen and a good-sized kitchen in the large entry foyer. 

They left the manager and went down to the bar, as Bob wanted to know about the menu. Dave told him vaguely what he was planning, and when he mentioned Crepes Suzette for dessert, Bob asked if he had ever flamed it with Kirsch. 

Dave laughed, "No, but I know about Kirsch. I worked as a wine waiter at the old Royal International Hotel when I was about eighteen. I had an older couple at one of my tables. After dinner, the gentleman asked for two glasses of Kirsch. Not knowing what it was, I went and asked the bar manager. 'Sure', he said and took a silver tray, placed two liqueur glasses on it, then filled them to the brim with a clear liquid, which he set alight. When I left the bar, the flame was bluish, but by the time I set them down on the table, the impurities must have burned off, as the flame was only a distortion of the air. 

The guy picked his up and went to take a sip, and set his moustache on fire. I panicked, dipped my napkin in the ice bucket and slammed it under his nose, putting the flames out. I was sure I would get sued for everything I owned." But the couple were so embarrassed that they just paid their bill and hurried out the door. The people at the other tables nearby were fighting to suppress their laughter. 

Bob laughed, "I'll get a bottle of Kirsch and a bottle of Grand Mariner sent around to the shop, and you can experiment with which is best. I want things to be different and remembered." 


One day, a week before the big event, Sally had become bold and had quizzed them about what had happened when Trish stripped; she had it in her head that Trish had given the groom a blow job at the stag do. They both stepped carefully around her questions and didn't discourage her from thinking this was what had happened. Then, too embarrassed to tell her the full extent of the evening, they told her about a course they had booked her on. It was a culinary course, for three days a week, four hours a day, starting in three weeks. They had wanted it to be a surprise for her birthday but had to tell her to distract her. Sally was over the moon about it and lost interest in the first party.

Saturday, all three met at the shop, giving themselves time to prepare all the sauces and load the van. Dave begged to see the maid's outfit Sally and Trish had chosen for her. But they cheekily told him that, like Trish's outfit, her's was a surprise and that he just had to wait. 

At about 6:30 pm, they had everything loaded and set off for the Hotel. They had their overnights bags with them; they had decided that Sally would have the sofa bed in their lounge and stay the night as well. 

At the loading dock, Mata welcomed them like long-lost friends. He helped them get everything up to the two rooms. Dave didn't know if he should be amused or angry at Mata's struggling with which of the women to perv at but noted with little surprise that Sally seemed to be getting most of his attention. 

Dave worked in the Penthouse sorting out the drinks while Sally helped Trish in the room below for the first hour. Once he unpacked the alcohol Bob had supplied, he took note of the more up-market brands and grinned at the prospect of keeping the unused alcohol. The drinks that caught his eye were two bottles of Jefferson's Ocean: Aged at Sea, a Bourbon he'd never seen before. Guessing that this must be what the Americans drank, he made sure it was placed at the front of the bar, with half a dozen whiskey glasses. 

The last thing was to place the small Egyptian chest with the video camera on the shelf in the kitchen. Then Dave set about installing the two security cameras in each bedroom. 

The main bedroom was easy; right inside the door was a power outlet, so the camera went up in that corner and looked directly at the king-sized bed. But in the other bedroom, the camera needed to go above the door, but it only gave a line of sight of one of the beds. Still, thinking that it was the bed most likely to be used, that's where he placed it. 

He was nervous when he looked up at the camera, thinking about the possibility of the cameras being found, and he knew it might be difficult to retrieve them afterwards. But the thought of capturing footage of Trish in the bedroom overrode all his concerns. 

Once everything was to his liking, he wandered down a level to change, as it was getting close to the time their guests were due to arrive. He walked in on the girls helping each other with their makeup, both in just their lingerie. They had both had their hair done that afternoon, Sally's bob-cut blond hair shining and looking like a barbie doll's wig, it was so perfect, and Trish had her black hair piled up on her head; she looked very posh. 

Sally was sitting in front of the mirror, wearing a brief white lacy bra that struggled to contain her pert firm globes, white stay-up thigh-high stockings with sexy lace tops, and a white thong. His heart raced harder when he saw the very expensive-looking lingerie and suspenders that Trish was wearing. They tried to kick him out of the room, but he had to change, so they ordered him into the bathroom to change, giving him instructions that he was to leave once changed and to keep his eyes on the floor. 

When he returned to the Penthouse, there was a message under the door saying the guests had called; and had just landed. He knew they would be only forty minutes away. He started to sweat, apprehension and nerves hitting him for the first time. He fought to calm himself and called Trish to tell Sally to bring the starters up in about thirty minutes. 

To be continued...


Written by mingemuncher
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