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Trish lay on the bed alongside Dave. She had just told him about her affair with her exchange student in her last year of High School. A lesbian romance that she had never mentioned to a soul before: as far as she was aware, only her mother knew of the affair. She wondered now why she had never told Dave about it; he hadn't been at all upset. Quite the opposite, he seemed excited about her revelations.

She reflected back on those years and how much detail she should reveal. In the year before she had met Dave, after receiving the shattering break-up letter from Yvette, she had actively searched for a partner, wanting someone to love. She was struggling with her sexuality, and her first dates were all with female students she met at university.  

But after having to extract herself quickly from uncomfortable encounters, it became evident to her that she was not a lesbian. She then turned to some male students in her circle of friends. Unfortunately, her new dates were also a disaster; few lasted more than one night. Most of the affairs failed because she found they were just after one thing and treating her like an object, which got her back up.

She was aware of the rumours about her being a frigid, lesbian cock teaser, and the one she had worn all her life, little miss goody two shoes. But she was not frigid; the reality was that after most of those frustrating dates, she would crawl into her bed and masturbate while fantasising about being shared between two men. Of course, that wasn't her only fantasy, but it was the one that got her off the fastest.


Dave watched Trish, she was deep in thought, and he wondered if she would reveal any more of her past. He stroked the hair away from her ear and ran his finger along the small raised scar he found there. It was one of the few blemishes on her body and something that had happened to her long before they met. 

He was miles away himself, wondering if she was serious about calling it quits on the past year's sexual transgressions. Part of him felt relieved it might be over, but part of him had enjoyed the wicked acts he had watched her participate in. Their sex life, which had been slipping into mediocrity only a year ago, was very different now. It was nothing short of miraculous how frequently they made love nowadays, plus the kinky sex that Trish was now keen to try. And although the jealousy each time he watched her with another man almost crippled him at times, he had found them to be exceptionally erotic. No mean statement, as he had lived a life that had never lacked sexual adventure.

He was jerked from his daydream by a footfall on the walkway outside the bungalow. Trish was still absorbed in her memories and did not hear anything. But she snapped to attention when a knock sounded at their door.

Dave made to jump out of bed, but Trish moved faster and ordered him to stay put.

Dave objected, "No. I'll go. It may be Thierry. He was pissed that we escaped the party before he could have a crack at you."

"Or it might be Noel and Jacquelyn. I'll go. I don't want you getting angry and making a scene," she said, sliding off the bed and pulling on her long towelling robe. 

Giving Dave a look that said, stay put; don't you dare move, Trish stepped out to the lounge. She was pretty sure she knew who would be outside the door and knew that if she had let Dave answer it, he would send him away. 

That it was Alain outside the door, she was in no doubt. And she was fully aware she should be sending him away also. But the sexual magnetism between her and Alain that evening had been fierce and thrilling. When he took her to the dance floor with him, it was as if all the air had been sucked from the room and had her almost panting for breath. As they danced, she was oblivious to those around her. She knew she had danced with more than one of the other Gendarmes but couldn't have said which ones. She just knew she had felt exhilarated, and her cunt flooded every time Alain interrupted them and took her back in his arms.

When dancing with the others, she was constantly avoiding their wandering hands. More than one evaded her and slipped his hands under her dress. But Alain had not played that game with her. He had been respectful, his touches had been subtle, and he kept his hands well away from the more intimate parts of her body. Later, when they got to the cabin and were sat together on the settee watching the others molesting Jacquelyn, he had done no more than put his hand on her knee. She'd embarrassed herself by opening her legs wide like a wanton whore at his touch, but the most he had done was cup her breast and finger her nipple through her dress.

He voiced his displeasure at watching her with the other men and had wanted to take her back to his hotel. She had tried to explain that she and Dave had an understanding that they would not play around behind each other's backs. But he had not understood and asked how Dave could watch her with another man, and he threatened to leave rather than sit there and watch the likes of Thierry and Henri touch her. She had tried to appease him by telling him of her fantasy of having a threesome with Dave and offered to ask Dave about them leaving together.

 She had mouthed to Dave across the room that he could fuck Jacquelyn because she was afraid her desire for Alain would be so apparent that Dave would get all psyched out. But Dave had adamantly declined her invitation. And when Jacques had pulled her off the settee and bent her over the lamp table, the look on Alain's face had shamed her. 

She would have broken away from the sexual tangle of bodies and walked away from the cabin with Alain. But that would likely have spelled the end of her marriage, and she was not so besotted as to let any holiday infatuation ruin that. 

But when Pierre had taken her, and she orgasmed whilst imagining it was Alain, she knew she had crossed a forbidden boundary. She had dragged Dave out of the cabin and away to safety, vowing her adventures were over. But she was having second thoughts now, with two days of their holiday left.

All these thoughts raced through Trish's mind in those dozen steps from the bedroom to their front door. And she was feeling incredibly anxious as she opened the door and tried to look surprised at finding Alain standing there looking sheepish and concerned.

He quietly asked, " Are you guys okay? Dave looked really angry with you when you left."

Trish held her finger to her lips to quieten him, "Yes, we're good, but I haven't had a chance to ask him what we talked about."

Alain turned away, "I'll go then. I was just worried for you."

Trish stepped outside, pulling the door almost shut behind her. She stopped him by taking his arm just above the elbow. "No, don't go. Give me a chance to talk with Dave. Come in, and sit quietly in the lounge."

Still holding his arm, she indicated he should remove the boat shoes he was wearing and placing a finger against her lips, she drew him inside, motioning him to their couch. As she turned towards the bedroom, she saw Dave's shadow flicker across the wall and knew he had been standing inside their door, ready to leap to her aid. She knew him well and had known he would be listening at the door. She just hoped he hadn't looked and seen Alain.


Dave heard Trish open the front door and start talking in hushed tones. He could tell the visitor was male but could not hear who it was. And in case it got heated, he hopped out of bed and stood inside the bedroom door, listening to hear who it was. He had taken time to pull on his beach shorts, as he didn't want to go out and face Thierry, or any of the others for that matter, with his half-erection swinging between his legs.

After a minute, he heard the door close and Trish heading back. Quick as a flash, he was back under the covers, hiding the fact he may not have trusted her and had been out of bed. Trish entered the bedroom; instead of disrobing and climbing in as he expected, she crawled onto the bed and lay beside him, looking sheepish and guilty.

"Who was it?" Asked Dave.

Trish snuggled into him and mumbled something he could not make out. He knew something was not right. Her whole demeanour had changed. 

He asked again, "Who was it?"

"It's Alain."

"You say 'It's' and not 'Was', So you haven't sent him away," said Dave, sounding quite exasperated.

"You're angry. I didn't want to make you angry."

"I'm not angry; I'm not sure what I am. Even though I wanted to watch over Jacquelyn, I was happy we left that cabin tonight. As you said, I felt relief that we had ended our errant, self-indulgent journey. And although some of it was fucking great, our mixed emotions after every episode had me feeling pretty happy we would not have to go through all that crap any more."

"Dave, I feel the same, but Alain was really nice and thoughtful. When I was with him on the couch, I offered to ask you about us having a threesome and fulfilling our final fantasy. But events of the evening moved too fast, and I had no chance to run anything past you."

"Where is he? Outside?" Asked Dave.

"No! He's sitting out in the lounge."

"Oh! Christ, he's sitting out there listening to us. Fuck! I don't know how I will feel in a month or maybe six months, but right now, Fuck!" Dave lifted her head and looked into her eyes, "I felt such a sense of relief when we left that room tonight. I felt we were both making the right decision. It will be hard for me to reverse that and get back in the mood."

"I'll go and send him away," said Trish, making to roll off the bed."

"No! Let's go out there together and have a drink and talk. You are right; we both have to be on the same page. I have been looking forward to us having a threesome this year. But first, is it because he has a big cock you want him?"

Trish giggled, "No! I'm not saying there is no physical attraction because there is. But that is only a little part of it; it's more about sharing with you. I worry that this journey has been all about me. I know you try to explain that you get just as much out of these experiences, but I can't see how? And want to share with you, and to have you properly a part of the experience."

Looking at Dave, she could see he was still not convinced and far from happy about proceeding.

"Look, I'll try to explain." She spoke quietly, not wanting Alain to hear.  

"I'm quite vague about what actually happened this morning, although a lot of it has come back to me, watching what they did to Jacquelyn. But whatever, it left me incredibly horny. And all the orgasms I have had today have just left me wanting more. Every time, there has been the promise of an even bigger one just out of reach."

Trish paused and got her thoughts together. 

"It's tough for me to admit this to you, but I'm still fucking horny; look at me." Trish sat up and opened her robe, showing Dave her hard erect nipples. "And I'm as wet as hell. I know we can send him away and make love. But I don't think just you and I will get me to that elusive climax I feel hiding just out of reach."

"So you do think he might be a better lover than me and has a big cock?" Dave asked, only half joking.

"That's absolutely not true. I don't want Alain as a lover or think he may be better than you. Think of him more as an implement that may help you and me achieve that elusive orgasm. I'm not going to say I don't want to fuck him or to deny that his good looks and big cock are a part of it, but think of them more as just making him a better tool for the job."

Dave sat up and made to get off the bed. Trish turned to him again, "I'm sorry; it's like I'm pleading with you. But this has been one of my biggest fantasies for many years. Once we return home, I agree with you. We should probably rethink our marriage vows. And therefore, this may be my last chance to fulfil my fantasy, and I want it for you as much as myself."

Dave nodded to her that he understood. Then taking in her still-exposed breasts and hard nipples, he was conscious of the familiar ache in his gut, and his cock starting to harden.

Dave got up from the bed and jumped up and down. He needed to move and get rid of the erection already tenting the front of his boxers, as he did not want to step out in front of Alain with a raging hard-on. He straightened his board shorts, then helped Trish stand, "I understand. Let's go talk with Alain and see where this goes. I can't promise anything, but I'm more comfortable now we've talked." He took Trish's hand and walked with her out into the lounge. 

Dave directed Trish into the single armchair and sat beside Alain on the couch. Alain looked nervous, and Dave quickly assessed the guy for the first time. He knew they were about the same height and weight but had formerly not taken much more notice than that. He ascertained that the guy was in his mid-thirties and very athletic, as were all of the Gendarmes. But he now realised that the guy was quite handsome and didn't have the stern demeanour of the others in the group. In fact, he looked to be a decent, modest guy sitting there shyly on the couch.

Dave went straight on the attack, "Trish tells me you wanted to get her out of the bungalow and away somewhere on your own?"

Alain looked over at Trish, then directed his answer to Dave. "I could not bear to see Patricia taken by all those men. A couple of them are animals, and I strongly disapprove of their sexual excesses and treatment of women." 

Dave looked a bit disbelieving at this last statement. Alain saw this and spoke up. "I know. I just sat and watched on the beach this morning. But it's tough to back out of a situation like that. You get ridiculed and taunted for weeks afterwards. I have had a tough couple of years and would not wish that on you and Patricia. She is beautiful, and the two of you look to have a relationship I would die to have.

"Are you married?" Asked Dave. 

"I was married to a beautiful lady ten years younger than me. About two years into the marriage, I felt things were changing between us. I couldn't place anything that was particularly wrong, but she was going out with her girlfriends a lot, and she was starting to be quite cool with me when she was home. So when I was offered this posting to Tahiti for three years, I thought it would be any woman's dream, and she would jump at it, and the change would revive our marriage."

He quieted briefly, then continued, "She did not want to come here. She told me to go, set up the house, and she would follow. Three months after I arrived here, I got what I believe you call a 'Dear John' letter, saying she had met someone else and would not follow me to Tahiti. Then two weeks ago, after hearing nothing for two years, I got a letter from her saying she wanted a divorce. It was not a surprise. I expected it."

Again he went quiet and sat mulling over how much he should tell them before finding the strength to carry on.

"When I got that first letter, I phoned my oldest mate, who lives only five houses from our Paris home, and asked him to go and talk with her for me. I asked him to try and convince her she was making a mistake. But he reluctantly informed me that everyone knew she had been playing around for at least a year before I left, and he had wanted to tell me but didn't know how to bring it up. He told me there had been more than the one man that had visited with her over the last two years, but the last few months had been with the same guy.  

"You can imagine how I felt and, consequently, my loathing of what all my fellow Gendarmes get up to out here. Three of the guys back in that room are supposedly happily married. And I dislike Thierry and, to a lesser extent, Henri. He's just a sycophant who sucks up to Thierry and joins him in demeaning people."

"Which of them is married?" Asked Trish.

"Pierre, Rennie and Henri. Jacques used to be, but not now. Thierry hates women; he's always saying that he will never marry.

There was an uneasy silence following Alain's revelations, which Dave finally broke by asking Trish to put some music on. And he went to the kitchenette to make them all a drink. As Dave mixed three strong Canadian Clubs, the music started. Trish crossed the room and entered their bedroom. When she came back a few minutes later, she had shed the bathrobe and was wearing the silvery grey dress again. He noted that she had not put a bra on, but he could see a panty line, so she had shown some modesty.

Holding the drink out to Alain, he said. "It's Canadian Club and Dry, all we have, sorry. Have a sip and see if you like it." Then he handed Trish her drink before going and retrieving his own.

Dave and Trish opened the conversation, light at first, trying to get Alain to forget his problems. But Alain asked some questions, which soon had them explaining how they had gotten into sharing and how they both felt they were probably at the end of that journey. Then the conversation gravitated back onto Alain's situation. They both quizzed him on what he was going to do.  

While Dave asked him a question, Trish lay back in the armchair and studied them both. She realised that for her fantasy of having the two men take her, she would have to take charge. Both men were starting to get more comfortable around one another but were still very guarded in their comments, Alain especially so.

Alain answered Dave's question, "I have no idea what to do. I've talked to no one about this mess before tonight. She'll want half the home, and it's my old family home. I guess we will have to sell it, as I don't have the money to buy her out. I have only six more months here, and I have to return to Paris, and I know the guy she's with, he works in my station. How do I go to work each day with a guy living with my wife? It's a nightmare."

Alain looked morose, and his eyes were starting to moisten. Trish saw that she needed to snap Alain out of this mood, or her fantasy would be on the rocks. She wanted to be fucked, and her imagination had run wild for years about being forced to do kinky things.  

But it was not going to work that way, so she leaned forward and took Alain's hands in her own. "How do you know this guy works with you?"

"Because Pascal wouldn't give me his name. Pascal and his wife come to many of the police functions, and through me, he has become friends with half a dozen of my mates on the force. He's evaded questions, and I can tell by the answers I do get, that it has to be someone I know. Also, he hinted that it was his wife that had seen the comings and goings. So for her to know who it is and tell him, it has to be someone they have met with me."

"Is Pascal a Gendarme?"

"No, we went to school together; he's an electrician. But I know that even though I am here in Tahiti, he and his wife still mix with all our friends on the force."

Do you have a lawyer?" Asked Trish.

"Yes, my older brother, I've hardly ever used him, but he handles all my brothers and sisters' legal matters."

Trish, "How many brothers and sisters?"

"There are seven of us, three sisters and four of us boys. My Parents died about six years ago; they are mostly older than me. I'm the second youngest."

"Right! Here's some advice. No! More than advice; take it as my instructions on what you must do. Get on the phone with your brother and get him to contact your wife, with the intention of his representing you in the divorce proceedings."

Alain interrupted, "I can't. I'll have to admit to him I'm losing our family home. That's the biggest part of my dilemma."

"I'll get to that. Hear me out," snapped Trish. "You are going to have to face the family at some point. The quicker you get that out of the way, the better. Run this past him - there are seven of you interested in that home, so your wife will only be eligible for half of one-seventh of the home's total value. A good lawyer will be able to swing the right paperwork to cover that."

Alain perked up, sat forward and gave Trish his full attention.

"Next, who is your boss at the station in Paris, and do you know him?"

"Yes, I won the top policing award for two years running in our station, both presented by him, and we get on well. He is a surveillant général; most stations have a sergeant principal or a sergeant managing them. But our station is quite a bit larger than others in our area of Paris."

"Perfect!" beamed Trish. "You need to find out from your friend the name of the guy your wife is seeing. Be firm; if he is a real friend, he will tell you, especially now that a couple of years have passed and she has requested a divorce. Or you can find out his name from your brother, the lawyer."

Trish leaned forward and gripped Alain's hands tightly, getting him to look into her eyes and concentrate. "If this guy is a fellow Gendarme, and you seem pretty confident now that he is. You write a letter to your Superintendent, laying out the situation. I'm sure that in the police regulations, there will be something like 'not causing distress to your fellow officers'. When you are back in Papeete, look this up or ask your union rep about it. And point out that you will leave the force if the guy is there when you return. The guy will probably get posted somewhere quite distant. They will not want something like that broadcast around."

Alain's face broke into a smile, and he leaned forward and kissed Trish on the cheek. Then guiltily looked over to Dave and apologised. "Sorry, Dave, but your wife is very clever. I have been so down; I have not thought through any of this properly."

"That's why I married her, not just for her pretty face and nice bum," said Dave, laughing.

"I don't have to look up the regulations. It was drummed into us at our initial training for the force about acceptable behaviour and looking after our fellow officers. And I have never paid a penny for my home. It just worked out that I was living there when my parents passed, and as the station was within a mile of the house, that is where I stayed. I've never even thought about the rest of the family, and none of them has ever brought it up, but of course, we should all have an equal interest in it."

They all sat back and contemplated what they had just discussed. Then Alain threw back the rest of his drink and asked Dave if he could have another. While Dave went over to the bench and filled their glasses, he saw Trish pull Alain up for a dance. She turned up the volume, and as it was a fast number, they just stood apart and abandoned themselves to the rhythm.

Dave put their drinks on the coffee table, and once he had his drink, he collapsed on the settee. But Trish was over in a flash and hauled him out to the dance floor, where she proceeded to bump and grind with the both of them.

The following number was even faster, and Alain started showing them moves that were popular in Paris when he left there. And they all laughed and built upon these moves, each trying to be better or sillier than the other. When the song finished, they were all sweating profusely, and each reached for their drinks and took large swallows to cool themselves.

Alain's mouth dropped open in shock as Trish lifted her dress over her shoulders and threw it onto her chair. Then she turned and ran out through the ranch slider, her tit's swinging and her perfect globes scissoring around the cord of her thong. Alain stood open-mouthed as they heard the splash as Trish dived into the sea.

Dave saw that Alain was taken aback and didn't know what to do. So he yelled out, "Last one in's a miserable bastard." 

Then dropping his shorts, he followed Trish through the ranch slider. Leaping high and tucking his legs to his chest, he made a massive bomb beside her. When he surfaced, he found Trish laughing and joined in her merriment when he saw what she was looking at.

There was Alain cautiously manoeuvred through the ranch slider, naked. He had two hands spread over his groin, trying to hide his semi-erect monster. And even with both hands clasped there, a good portion of it was visible. Dave critically evaluated the size. It was probably not as large as a couple of others Trish had tackled that year, but it was definitely worthy of a merit award.

Dave held onto the base of the handrail pole and drew Trish to him. She snuggled against him, feeling the heat from his body as he manoeuvred her around so he could rest his swelling cock in the crack of her ass.  

Alain had taken hold of the handrail pole on the other side of the steps and was only just within arm's reach of them. Trish beckoned him to come closer to her, but he hesitated and looked to Dave for his approval. Dave nodded his head and also beckoned with his hand.

As Alain moved close to them, Dave spoke, "Alain, this is Trish's fantasy, so don't ask or worry about me anymore. I'm just as much in her hands as you are."

"I feel awkward, but I appreciate you guys showing me a way out of my troubles."

Trish did not want the conversation to get serious again. And to stop that from happening, she reached over and grabbed his shaft. She gave a surprised gasp. "Shit, that's big. I hope to hell that is fully hard? Or I'm in big trouble."

Alain blushed but took one of Trish's breasts in his hand and felt its weight and shape. But unfortunately, he only had one hand free as he supported himself with the other arm on the bottom step.

Trish lifted herself, reached behind and slid Dave's cock between her legs. He objected, "If you leave that there, I will come."

"That's the idea; I want you to last when we get in the bedroom. So hurry up while I do the same for Alain."

  Knowing the score, Dave closed his eyes and worked himself slowly in and out between her legs, but there was not enough lubrication because of the salt water. So he reached down, slid her thong down to her knees and, bending his prick upwards, slid into her from behind. His eyes opened wide, and he whispered in her ear, "Shit, you're wet, and don't tell me it's because we're in the sea. You little minx, you're turned on."

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He held her under her right armpit to keep her afloat. So there was no hiding that the arm he held was jerking up and down. When her other arm reached down, he visualised the hand sliding down and cupping Alain's balls. He watched the transformation on Alain's face. First, it went from awkward/embarrassed to surprise, then that stupid look a dog in heat gets.

Dave should have been embarrassed staring at another man, but he was distracted by the feeling of his seed rising through his shaft. So he let his body sink and came up hard, fully embedding himself in Trish's hot quim.

Trish felt Dave coming, she knew all the signs, and she let him have one hard thrust, then lifted and flicked her butt to the side, wanting to avoid taking his mess. But Dave knew she had been too late. His eruption was so powerful there had to be a least an eggcup full of his seed ejaculated in that first thrust.

Dave took a better grip on Trish, as he had nearly dropped her when he came. He held her up so her tits were above water before Alain's face. He didn't know if it was the sight of these or that Trish's hand was now going overtime on his shaft. But Alain leaned forward and took a nipple in between his lips, and within seconds, his face twisted up as he ejaculated.

Both men leaned back, elbows on the bottom step for a minute, coming down from their highs. The deck lights highlighted the fact that the water around them was polluted with ropes of their spunk. All three saw the stringy mess together, and there was a panicked rush to get out of the water. Standing on the deck, the three broke into laughter, and then Trish grabbed the one beach towel draped over the deck chair and ran inside.

She yelled back that they were to stay there and she would bring more towels. Both men looked awkward, standing naked in front of each other. Also aware they were in full view of anyone walking on the beach. The beach was dark, and probably no one there, but they couldn't see that, lit up as they were from the lights of their bungalow. When Trish returned with towels, both hurriedly wrapped them around their waists and headed inside to finish their drinks.

Alain, knees shaky, slumped down on the settee, his eyes following Trish as she went to the CD player and changed CDs. Then she joined Dave in the kitchen, where he was opening a bottle of Veuve Clicquot bubbly they had brought on holiday. It was a bottle left over from one of their early stag parties. And they had brought it with them on the odd chance they managed to find someone to fulfil their fantasy. Dave thought that the first stag party seemed a million years ago; so much had happened since. But it seemed very appropriate that they were having this particular bottle now. 

"I thought tonight might be a good time to crack this; he may like to celebrate," said Dave, tilting his head towards Alain.

Trish leaned in a spoke quietly, "Yes, I think it's his lucky night, and maybe mine as well. I have wanted to do this with you for a long time now. Are you all right? Can I have my fantasy?"

"Yes, I'm okay. He's a nice guy. But I want to face you and look into your eyes when you come. But there's no way I'll let you try and take that monster of his in your ass."

"I've thought about that also. Leave it with me; I'll sort that out." Then Trish wandered back to the lounge and pulled Alain up for a dance.

He protested that he should be getting back to his hotel as he had to leave for the mainland on the first flight in the morning. But Trish pointed to Dave, placing the glasses of bubbly on the coffee table, and told him they had some celebrating to do first, "Anyway, it's not even midnight yet."

At the end of the dance, they all clinked glasses to Alain's success in the next couple of days. Then Trish made Dave dance with her. He was feeling pretty mellow, and when he looked over Trish's shoulder and saw Alain watching with an apprehensive look, he lifted the back of Trish's towel and flashed her bum at him. She reacted as he knew she would, snapping her hand behind her to pull it down, telling him to behave himself. Dave and Alain both laughed, each seeing the funny side of her modesty in light of what they had done out in the water.

For the following few numbers, Trish swapped between them on the dance floor. They both pulled her towel up or down to expose her to the other. Soon Trish had joined in, flicking the guy's towels aside until their antics turned into a mad wrestle in the middle of the lounge. Dave wormed his way between Trish's resisting thighs and managed to clamp his mouth over her sex. Alain took charge of her breasts, teasing her nipples with his teeth.

But when he moved higher and passionately kissed Trish, she ducked her head away and announced, "I think it's time you boys took me to bed. Much more of this tomfoolery and booze, and I doubt either of you will be of any use."

So Dave picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her down in the middle of their king-sized bed and slid his right arm under her neck. Alain was right behind them, but sat at the bottom of the bed, lifted Trish's foot and started sucking on her toes.

"Oooh! That tickles; come up here and cuddle me."

Alain didn't stop; he just kissed, licked and nibbled up past her ankles, then onto her calves. Then he lifted her legs and nibbled the hollow behind her knees before carrying on to her thighs.

It was apparent to Dave where Alain was heading, so he shifted himself and kissed her tenderly before moving down and lightly nipping her hard nipples. Trish squirmed around and began to moan as both men reached their goals.

Dave knew when Alain's tongue started working between her slick, excited labia. She arched her back, turned her head from his kiss, and spoke to Alain, "Please! Not there. I'm dirty; Dave came in me."

Alain's reply was a heavily French-accented mumble; that Dave made out to be, "I don't care." 

Trish arched up again and gasped in a long, drawn-out breath of air. "Shit, Dave, I think it must be Gene Simmons down there. His tongue is as long as his cock!!" Dave dived back to work on the hard pebbles that crowned her firm breasts, sucking and pinching each in turn. Soon he felt her hands around his head, lifting him back to her lips.

"Christ, talk about you guys being too quick. I'm about to come myself." And she attacked his mouth and made it seem like she was attempting to tie knots in his tongue. It wasn't long before she was arching her back up off the bed and letting out a sonorous, moaning wail of pleasure.

Dave sat up and watched the orgasm take her. She had her eyes clamped shut, emotions ran all over her face, and her body vibrated with pleasure. He gently kneaded her breasts until she finally slumped on the bed.

Alain stopped moving then but stayed put, lightly pressing his mouth on her vagina. Dave stroked her neck and ears and kissed her forehead until she finally opened her eyes and grinned at him. "That was good, not the big one, but nearly. It's so much better for me, having you with me."

After a few moments, Trish gave a little start and tried to wriggle up the bed. Dave looked down to see that Alain had started to move, lightly running his tongue along her slit. He pushed her labia apart and slowly sank his long tongue deep inside her.

Still quite sensitive, Trish tried to move away from his attentions, but he had a good grip on her hips and continued to work his tongue deeper into the slurry of viscous juices oozing from her cunny. 

Finally, she gave up fighting Alain and lifted slightly to watch his progress. Dave was lying to her left. He shuffled himself up the bed a little to support her shoulders. Already hard, his cock swelled even more when her legs involuntarily spread wider to give Alain easier access. He knew she was getting aroused again, he could see it in her eyes and the slight tremors he felt as he held her.

With his free hand, he reached forward and caressed her breast. He felt her nipples harden again under his renewed attention. Her building arousal triggered his own, his cock twitched, and he felt a burning desire to climb on top and take her hard. But he held himself in check; he knew she wanted Alain, and that was something he was eager to watch.

Dave let go of her shoulders. Trish slumped back on the pillow with another moan. He wriggled back down beside her and rolled her onto her side, then thrust his cock along the crack of her ass. This action dislodged Alain from between her legs, and he slid up alongside her, and they kissed. Then he dropped his mouth to her breasts and set his snakelike tongue to work on those. 

With Alain out of the way, Dave lifted Trish's leg higher and pushed his knob against her puckered brown knot. Trish squirmed away from his pressure. Dave realised she was not quite ready and needed lubrication. He reached behind him and pulled open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. They had brought some of their sex toys with them on holiday. He hastily grabbed the bottle of lubrication gel and started applying it to her ass and his cock.  

Alain had transferred his attention back between Trish's legs. He sat beside her, gazing intently as his fingers plunged deep and searched for her 'G' spot. Dave had an old fantasy of using a vibrator and feeling the vibrations through the thin membrane of her arse. His hand returned to the bedside drawer, grabbed their vibrator and handed it to Alain.

Now slick and well-lubricated, Trish welcomed Dave's assault on her backside. She pushed back against him, and he easily slid deep between her cheeks. He heard the vibrator switch on, and as he slowly withdrew and pushed in again, he felt the vibrator slide along the underside of his cock.

The feeling was exquisite for both him and Trish. Her eager hips bucked against the two phallic objects assaulting her. Then, attempting to match the opposing rhythms, she reached down and held Alain's hand until he finally synced his movements in time with Dave's thrusts, and then she just groaned and lay back, enjoying the sublime sensations emanating from between her legs. 

As the waves of pleasure made her body writhe against them, she realised that her big elusive orgasm might be building. And that she needed Alain in her urgently.  

She reached forward and pulled his head to look into his eyes, "For god's sake, throw that away and fuck me now."

Dave was disappointed when Trish told Alain to withdraw the vibrator. Watching the handsome Frenchman working the six-inch vibrator between his wife's legs was as arousing as he could ever have hoped for. Of course, in his position half underneath Trish, he couldn't actually see the vibrator sliding between her folds. But just watching the concentration and lust on Alain's face gave Dave a perfect mental image of what he was doing. That picture, and the vibrator sliding along his shaft, was everything he had ever dreamed of.

When Alain slid the vibrator out of her now very wet, receptive folds, Trish jerked back and rolled on Dave, pushing him onto his back. She manoeuvred around, keeping him firmly embedded, until she had her shoulders nestled in the crook of his right arm and her ass up and resting on his pelvis. It allowed them to turn face to face; both lowered their heads to each other and kissed.

They drew apart slightly to watch each other's expressions. Dave continued to thrust hard into her ass, and they aggressively resumed their passionate kiss.

Breaking apart to gaze into each other's eyes again, they saw Alain, legs wide apart, struggling to maintain balance as he lowered himself over Trish's hips. He squatted, holding his massive phallus in one hand, the other placed on the bed for balance. Trish moved her long shapely legs together to lay along the top of Dave's, allowing Alain to straddle them more easily. Then, once he was in place, she spread them again until they rested against Alain's calves.

Dave saw that Alain would never be able to hold this position for any length of time. He motioned for Alain to stand again, reached behind and pulled the pillows down. Lifting Trish, he placed two under her back, one under her head, the other under his head. Comfortable now, he encouraged Trish to spread and raise her legs, which he caught and pulled towards her chest. Then he motioned Alain attempt penetration again, and with his legs much closer together, and now able to kneel rather than squat. 

Alain pushed down on his shaft, lined it up, and ran his knob along Trish's slit. She eagerly spread her legs further apart, and her slick, excited cunt seemed to swell in anticipation. 

The pillows under their heads allowed them both to view the action. "Fuck!" said Trish when she finally took in the size of the cock rubbing against her. There had to be two inches showing in front of his hand and more behind. 

"Maybe this was not such a good idea." She exclaimed, turning to look at Dave.

Alain looked between them, "I'll be as gentle as I can; tell me if it is too much. I'll stop."

He was holding himself, awkwardly balanced, with just his knob nestled in her folds. Trish returned her attention to him, "No, I'm alright. Just go slowly, please." A thought popped into her mind, 'I have had one this big before." then, " Not with Dave's cock up my ass though'.

Dave sensing what she was probably thinking, immediately piped up, "Should I withdraw?"

Trish flicked her head around to him, "Don't you dare! Just hold still and let me get acclimatised."

Alain pushed forward a little, withdrew, then applied more pressure, sinking another half inch before pulling back again. His head bent forward, watching his progress, pulling back each time he saw her hips pull away in discomfort. But when half his shaft was embedded, and he knew there was no possibility of his falling out, he raised his head to take in her beauty. The edgy, concentrated look left his face, replaced by a broad grin, as he admired her sensuous naked form beneath him.

For Trish, just watching the tip of his shiny bulbous knob slipping in and stretching her wide had her close to another climax. She strained to hold it back. It was way too soon. She wanted to be fucked, not defeated by her orgasm, which she knew would set both men off as well and almost certainly bring an end to the night.

She turned her head, taking in both men's expressions; the look on their faces showed both urgency and desire. There was no doubt that they were close as well,

"Please stop. Hold yourselves still. Don't move an inch until I tell you, and don't either of you dare come."

Trish shut her eyes, attempting to hold her orgasm back. But Alain's attempts to embed himself fully had dislodged Dave. He was about to slip from Trish's tight ass. Using his free left hand to lift Trish's hip, he slid up the bed and plunged home to reconnect deep in her ass.

Trish had been lying still, attempting to think of anything but sex. But images of the day flooded her mind, what Jacques had done to her only that morning, seeing Jacquelyn receiving the same treatment and then her fingering Jacquelyn earlier in the evening. These thoughts refused to go away, and Dave's single thrust tipped Trish over the edge. She wanted to arch her back and yell all the dirty words she knew as the orgasm took her. But she stayed still, ramrod stiff, as the molten heat flowed from her cunt to all extents of her body.

Dave was watching her face when her climax hit. He almost panicked, seeing her face twist up in what looked, to him, like unbearable pain. And although her body was still and showed no visible signs, her cunts rhythmic clenching on his cock told him she was climaxing. He looked to see if Alain was watching her face. But he saw that Alain's attention was between her legs. The look on his face told Dave that he too was appreciating the rhythmic pulses clutching his shaft.

Luckily for Dave, his momentary panic had somewhat subdued his desire and helped ward off his almost certain ejaculation.

As Trish's palpitations calmed, she opened her eyes. Alain's face was now just above hers, he went to kiss her, but she turned her head to Dave and saw concern there.

Dave spoke up, "Did you just cum again? Shall we stop for a bit and let you get things together?"

"No, I'm okay, don't move, and yes, I had a small one, bear with me."

Trish thought to herself, 'it wasn't that small,' but she knew the big one was not far off now if she could get the guys to hold their climaxes. But she knew she couldn't delay them much longer. So even though still extremely sensitive. She started pushing her hips against Alain, trying to take in the last inch of his cock.

Trish was spent, her overheated pussy still throbbing from her second climax. A sheen of sweat covered her bare legs and back, but she had to drive through all this if she was to have any chance of achieving the elusive final orgasm. She noticed that Alain was breathing deep, tasting the air, and she became embarrassingly aware of the pungent smell of her sex enveloping them.

She drew Alain's head to her shoulder, embarrassed at his scrutiny and his luxuriating in her smell. He now supported himself on both hands and nibbled on her ear. Then feeling the willingness in her hips, he applied pressure, wanting to bury his remaining inch or so.

"Alain, please hold still a little longer. I'm very tender." She looked down and saw he was almost fully immersed. "Let me do the work for a minute at my own pace."

Trish eased down, feeling proud accomplishment as some more of his cock slid into her abused folds. She held still, the sensitivity and tension in her sheath nearly overwhelming her. Then as the intense feelings receded, she pushed down again and felt relief to see his shaft slide home and his mons rest hard against her.  

Again she motioned to Alain to hold still and give her a moment.

Dave, head up, watched the last of Alain's thick cock push into his wife. He noted how swollen her mound looked, never having seen it that pronounced before. He wondered if it was always like that after an orgasm, engorged with blood, and had he not noticed. Or was the angle he was viewing it from, or the fact it was now smoothly shaved and naked or was it Alain's thick cock causing it to look so pronounced. 

Whatever! the sight of her prominent mound turned him on, fuelling all the lustful thoughts racing around in his mind. Overcome with the need to fuck Trish hard, he grabbed her hips and thrust forcefully, then moved a hand around to molest her tits. Alain felt Dave's thrust and followed suit. Trish made to stop them but saw she had no chance, so she clenched her arse together and concentrated on getting herself off. And as Dave searched her mouth and kissed her, she felt her arousal surge.

The feeling was intense and overrode the acute sensitivity of her clit. Her mouth opened, and she thrust her tongue between Dave's lips. Her body started to writhe around between the two men. She swivelled her hips, thrust her butt hard against Dave's throbbing member, and then tried to buck her mons against Alain's onslaught.  

Their passion rose and took over. Both men were lost now, driving themselves mercilessly into her. Her toes curled up, her fingernails forced into the palm of her hands, back arching, hips bucking. She let out a throaty, purring growl and raked her nails down Alain's back. He howled as he came, and it pushed her over the edge. She spewed out the filthiest phrases she could think of, calling them both vulgar names and questioning their birth status.

It was good, the orgasm she had been searching for all day. Warm feelings ran all over her body, little bursts of charged sensitivity. She marvelled at the various parts of her body that were thrumming with new erotic sensations; her ears, lips, breasts, and even her toes. But especially, her vagina, which was strangely not unbearably sensitive like usual, but hot and aflame with delicious contractions. Yet, amazingly, she still felt a smouldering craving and realised she would eagerly keep fucking if the men had been capable.

So there was a slight disappointment when she felt Alain's cock shrinking and sliding out of her. Dave also withdrew, thinking she would be too sore from having him in her any longer. She turned to Dave and kissed him, then lay back on the pillows and relaxed as she came down from her high.

Finally, her passions abated; she asked Alain if he was good. He rolled clear, lay on his back and gave her a nod, too exhausted to talk. The acrid scent of the men's sweat and semen, mixed with her pungent aroma, permeated the bedroom air.

"Are you alright?" Alain asked.

"Better than alright." She replied. "I don't think I'll walk again, nor be able to have sex for a week, but I'm feeling pretty dam good, thank you!"

Dave propped himself on an elbow, "Yell out when you are ready, and I'll carry you to the shower."

"I need to go." Said Alain, "This has been the best night of my life, but I'm feeling awkward now and will just say or do something stupid. Besides, I have to be up early for the plane in the morning, and I will go straight to the 'le commissariat' when I land, as my shift starts at 9:00 am.

He rolled to the edge of the bed, looking for his clothes. Trish reached over and held his arm, "Alain, Don't go yet. I want to fall asleep in between you both. Can you call someone and have them take your bag to the airport?"

Alain looked over to Dave. Who smiled and said, "The boss has spoken, don't look to me for affirmation."

He whispered to Trish, "Was that as good as you fantasised?'

"Yes, probably better. What about you?"

"Really good. It's hard for me to admit, but as we have discussed, watching you with others is incredibly erotic but always leaves me racked with guilt and mixed emotions. This time was very different, a lot more erotic. Participating and feeling your arousal build, then your total abandon to the desire convulsing through your body, was as good as anything I have ever experienced. And my emotions are much more under control."

Trish leaned over and clung tightly to Dave, then in a quiet voice, "Would you want to do that again?"

"Maybe! Have to be the right guy, though. I wonder if we could get Alain to take a holiday in New Zealand sometime?" He laughed, trying to make it like what he had just said was a joke.

Trish then turned and asked Alain how he felt. He was almost asleep but grinned and nodded his head.

They all drifted off to sleep. Both men snuggled into Trish.

Dave woke. He wasn't touching Trish, and remembering where he was, took him a moment. He could hear Trish and Alain whispering in French. Their murmuring and the movements of their bodies must have been what had woken him. Then, as his mind cleared, he took in Trish's encouraging sounds and realised they were playing with one another.

He lay still, slightly upset that she was being intimate without him, but the voyeur in him wanted to listen and watch.

Then Trish uttered, "Oh God! I need you in me; I'm going to cum."

That statement told Dave that they had been playing with one another for some time, and he had another pang of jealousy. The room was well lit, as they had never turned the lights off out in the lounge, and the pool lights were shedding light in through the bedroom window. So through squinted eyes, he watched Trish lift her leg and drape it over Alain's hip. The euphoric moan Trish uttered as Alain slammed into her unsettled him even more. No gentle loving, this one, it was a fuck for his own gratification.

Trish had to know he was awake. No one could have slept through their frantic coupling. So he stopped playing dead and rolled into her back. He encircled her waist with his free arm, and he felt no flinch or awkward realisation when she became aware of him. Instead, she reached back, took his hand, pushed it down onto her bum, and whispered, "Finger my butt. I'm about to cum. Another big one. It's fucking incredible."

Dave pushed his finger up to the second knuckle, feeling the long slow strokes of Alain's cock running along his fingertip. He bit hard into her shoulder and savoured the emotions her writhing body generated in his own body.

Then he diddled her bum and kissed and nibbled her neck for the next ten minutes until they climaxed in a cacophony of sounds and amorous endearments. 

Trish rolled over and searched out Dave's mouth. "Sorry I did that without you. I couldn't help myself. I woke to him rubbing that huge cock up and down on my hip."

They kissed, and Dave found he was not upset. But instead, he was aroused enough to think about making love to her. But that was not going to happen. He was too tired, and what seemed like minutes later, but was more like an hour, Alain's phone alarm woke him with a start. He cuddled into Trish, and they watched Alain climb out of bed and head to the lounge to find his clothes. He returned minutes later, fully dressed.

Trish rolled out of bed and fetched her purse. She was naked but didn't bother to cover herself. Pulling out one of their business cards and handing it to Alain, she got up on tiptoes and kissed him goodbye.

 "I want to know what happens with you and your wife. Dave and I are here for one more night, then we fly over to Papeete and stay one night at the Sheraton before we fly home to NZ. Will you contact us at the Sheraton and tell us what is happening? And maybe you could find time to write to us when you get back to Paris."

They had shut their eyes and were already starting to drift off when they heard the front door snip shut. 

To Be continued…

Written by mingemuncher
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