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After addressing the guys in the lounge, Dave didn't wait to see them leave but shut the bedroom door behind him and moved to Trish on the bed. She had not moved; she was still lying on her side and couldn't look him in the eye. She had spunk all over her face, hair, and legs. He leaned forward, removed her shoes, undid the suspender belt, and rolled her stockings off.

Trish looked up and saw the remains of anger on Dave's face. "Oh! What have I done? How did that happen? You must hate me."

But even though the anger was almost gone, Dave struggled to provide a comforting answer, "I don't hate you," Was all he said, and he lifted her to her feet and walked her to the shower.

He turned on the water, set the temperature, and helped her into the shower. "Your dress is on the bed. Take your time, shower and get dressed. I'll go and get the van loaded, then come back to take you to our room."

"I can't walk out there and face them. I'm so embarrassed." Trish murmured.

"I'll sort that. Just get cleaned up." And he went back into the lounge, shutting the door hard behind him. The only person left in the lounge was James. He smiled at Dave and asked if he wanted a hand.  

"No, I'm OK, Maria is in the shower, and there is not much to do." Then Dave went to the other bedroom to get the trolly. He noticed that Pete was fast asleep in one of the beds and could see through the half-open bathroom door that George was in the shower.

Back in the main room, he placed all the beer from the chilly bin into the Fridge. Then put the four bottles of bubbly into the chilly bin and as many bottles of spirits as he could fit in with them. Most of the spirit bottles were unopened. The vodka bottle was near empty, and about a quarter of the Bacardi was gone. He put everything else, including some glasses, in the liquor cartons.

Loading the chilly bin and the cartons onto the trolly and the remaining unopened cartons of beer, he headed for the door. As he passed the settee, James looked up at him.

  "I've left you guys over a dozen beers in the Fridge. I'll get this down to the van and return for the rest of the glasses, food etc. Or do you want me to leave you some food? You guys haven't eaten much."

James replied, "No, we are all meeting up for breakfast downstairs in the morning and then leaving, so don't leave any food."

Dave pushed the trolly out the door and down the hallway to the housekeeping room. While waiting for the service lift to arrive, he thought about what had happened. He knew he should have been more supportive of Trish, but he was too screwed up to think straight. He was embarrassed by his reactions over the night. And even more so by the fact he was still fucking horny and had wanted to take her on the bed, even covered in all that spunk. How sick was that!

There was still some residual anger, though, and he was worried about his reaction if someone said the wrong thing. So he had to escape. He hoped Mata wasn't still down in the loading bay, as if that guy was to say anything. Dave knew he would probably crack. 

With some relief, when he exited the lift, he found a new night porter on duty with his eyes glued to the TV screen. The guy jumped up guiltily and helped Dave load everything into the van. Dave explained that he had another load, and they were now staying the night in the hotel. The porter said to leave the van in the dock overnight, as there was only one delivery on a Saturday, and it was usually after lunch. Dave thanked him and said he would leave the van keys with him when he returned, just in case. As he turned to close the van door, he noticed cash stuck in one of the beer mugs and put it in his pocket with the other money.

Dave lifted the insulated food storage cabinet onto the trolly, then headed back to the Penthouse. James was still on the settee when he entered the suite but looked half asleep. The doors to both bedrooms were closed, so he assumed George had gone to bed, and James was waiting for Trish to finish in the shower so he could also hit the sack.

Dave started loading the food cabinet with all the plates of food. He noted that they had cleaned up all the oysters, which brought a smile to his face. He had this joke he often used at a party— 'Last time I had oysters, the wife was a bit pissed off, all but two of them were duds'. It crossed his mind that there had not been too many duds in the batch of oysters tonight. He didn't think he would get too many complaints from the guys. They had also made a good hole in the plate of prawns, but he saw that nobody had touched the finger foods; just a few club sandwiches were gone.

James moved, then looked up, so Dave asked, "Sure you don't want me to leave any of this food?"

"No!" Replied James. "And George says to take all that beer in the Fridge also. As we won't be touching it."

Once the trolly was loaded up again, he took a final look around and started pushing the trolly towards the door. Then he remembered the video camera. Fuck! He had almost forgotten it. Looking over to see that James had his eyes closed, he slipped the Egyptian vase and the box with the camera into a half-full carton. Then sliding the camera out, he saw it was flashing 'SD Card Full'. Looking at his watch, he saw it was nearly 1:00 am and realised the video would have run out about an hour ago. It flashed through his mind that it should have gotten everything that happened in the lounge. Then he thought about how incriminating it was and whether he should destroy it.

He decided he could make that decision later and made the last trip down to the van. On the way back up, he stopped on the third floor and checked out their room. Everything looked alright; Trish's clothes were folded on the chair at the end of the bed. He pulled the money from his pocket and counted it; nearly two thousand dollars. They may be rich little society climbers, but they weren't tight. He realised George must have pressed them all to put in a couple of hundred bucks, and there was a hundred for Trish's knickers. Well, that's a relief, he thought. It should cover the clothes and the room, so the night would be profitable for them after all.

He returned to the Penthouse and found James still on the sofa with his eyes closed. Dave moved to slip past him and get Trish out of the bedroom while he slept.  

But the front door clicked shut, and James opened his eyes. Dave moved past him to the bedroom door. James spoke, "Don't get angry again, but George is in with Maria comforting her."

Dave stopped in his tracks. "Can you go to bed?" He said, pointing to bedroom two. He stood and waited until James entered the other bedroom and closed the door. Then he quietly opened the main bedroom door and slipped inside.

Trish and George were on the bed, George on top, holding himself up with his arms, pounding himself into her. Dave wanted to drag him off and punch his lights out. But Trish had her legs wrapped around George's arse and was moaning at him to fuck her harder. He could tell she was close to another mighty orgasm, and he found himself getting rock hard.  

He wanted to turn and leave, feeling disgusted at the fact he was so aroused. But he couldn't pull himself away, Trish's left breast was bouncing around with each of George's thrusts, and it was erect and swollen. George saw it too and leant down to take it between his lips. He sucked, licked and tongued her nipple like it was the last piece of candy on the planet. He must have sensed she was about to cum; as his right hand worked its way between them. Dave watched, his stomach clenched tight, as George worked on her clit.

George came first, exploding inside her, thrust after thrust, pumping his spunk into her depths. Trish squeezed her legs tighter around his arse, pulling him hard against her. It took her a few more seconds, then suddenly she went very still, holding her breath, and as he gave one last thrust, she shuddered violently, spasmed several times, and then jerked her groin hard on his shaft. She was still using her legs to pull George deeper, and a low moan left her mouth. 

Dave used that moment to turn and leave the room. He was confused; he was so horny from watching her taking that huge cock, but he also felt like she had betrayed him and had no idea how he would approach her. But underlying everything was a feeling of guilt. She had taken the place of the sick stripper to save his dream. He wanted to leave his safe, secure accounting job and start his own business. But he had failed to protect her tonight. And it was him that had a pocket full of money that was going to save their bacon.


Trish felt like dying when Dave left her in the shower. She needed comforting and wanted to cry out and ask him to stay and cuddle her. But she was too upset by the expression she had seen on his face and just slid down to the floor and contemplated what she had done, pretty sure her behaviour had likely finished their marriage.

She didn't know how long she sat there with the water cascading over her, but it didn't seem more than a few minutes before she sensed that Dave had returned. She saw his shape through the fogged-up glass and closed her eyes, too scared to look and see the expression on his face. Yet, even with her eyes closed, she saw his shadow getting into the shower with her. He tenderly lifted her onto her feet and wrapped his arms around her. She burst into tears and clung to him. He freed his arms, washed the mess from her hair, tenderly washed all over her body, and gently washed between her legs. When he turned her towards the spray to rinse the soap, she felt his hard erection push into her back. The touch sent a flood of relief flooding through her. 'He wanted her, and all was going to be OK'. 

Trish pushed back against him and murmured, "Take me to bed and make love to me, please." 

He lifted her up and out of the shower, quickly dried her off and carried her through to the bed. She never opened her eyes, not daring to look into his eyes yet, still frightened at what she might see. He held her easily in one arm, and she felt him throw the covers back. Then he lowered her to the bed, crawled in, and snuggled beside her. He kissed her tenderly, and she searched out his cock, sexual need coming upon her in a wave of emotion. She found his cock and wrapped her hand around it. She'd never felt it so large; her hand would not close around it. A seed of doubt bloomed in her mind, and he was taller and of a bigger build than Dave. Her eyes snapped open. And there was George leaning over her, looking lovingly down into her eyes.  

Trish snapped her eyes shut, evaluating what she should do. She was aroused and needed comfort. She could not face being left alone again and wanted to be loved. She heard herself asking, "Make love to me, please? Quickly, I need you."

George needed no encouragement. More than ready, he lifted her head and pushed two pillows under her shoulders, then rose above her, pushed her knees apart and positioned himself with his cock hovering above her mound. But instead of thrusting into her, he waited. He didn't want to fuck her with her eyes clamped shut. Instead, he wanted to look at her beauty and see the emotions play out in her eyes. It took nearly a minute; her hips kept bucking up and searching for him. But eventually, she opened her eyes, and he spoke quietly to her, "Put it in." 

Trish looked down and saw how big he was for the first time. She had glanced at it earlier and knew he was big, but there had been too much going on for his size to register. Her face showed a shadow of alarm, but she reached forward and took hold of him, pushing his shaft down so it lined up with her hole. He moved his hips so his swollen knob gently pressed against her slit and stopped. Trish had closed her eyes but opened them again and looked down to see what was happening. It was what George wanted; he wanted her to watch it slide in. He rotated his hips sexily but did not attempt to enter her.  

Trish saw that he wanted her to be more involved. So she cautiously retook hold of him and flicked his huge cock up and down her slit. A deluge of her juices turned his large bulbous knob all wet and shiny. She pulled it up against her clit and gasped at the sensations his touch invoked. Her sheath contracted, and she ejaculated a white squirt of fluid onto the back of her hand. She didn't think she had ever done this before. She wiped the back of her hand along his cock, then spread her juices along his shaft. Her Juices were flowing now, and George easily slid the first two inches past her puffy extended labia.

She threw her head back, shut her eyes, and braced herself, believing there would be some pain. Especially after all the attention she had received that night. But she was so turned on she didn't feel pain, just the wonderful feeling of being stretched wide. And involuntarily, she started moving her hips in an effort to get every last inch of him inside her.

But again, George stopped, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she did open them, he mouthed, "I want you to watch." 

She looked down and watched as George resumed pushing his massive shaft into her. And murmuring under her breath, "fuck me, how can I take that in my cunt?" she tried to relax and accept that the dirty words were awakening feelings she'd never experienced. 

George paced himself; he could easily have come in the first few strokes; he was so aroused. But he wanted this to last. So he just set a pace of long steady strokes and watched her reactions. She was insatiable; she didn't lift her eyes from his huge shaft. she started moaning out, "Fuck me harder." Then, "Oh god, I'm going to cum. Fuck me Fuck me."

George started to hammer into her now, but in his peripheral vision, he sensed a shadow entering the room and faintly heard the door click shut. He knew it was Dave. This dimmed his ardour slightly and allowed him to hold off and watch her cunt spasming around his shaft as she worked to her climax. The involuntary contractions milked him until he could hold no longer, and he felt like his whole insides emptied into her.

After Trish had her massive orgasm, he turned his head and saw that Dave had left the room. They lay together for a while, and then she reached up and clutched him to her. "What have I done" she cried out. I've almost certainly stuffed up my marriage tonight." 

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George held her tight and cooed into her ear, calming her down. When she seemed to have relaxed a little, he spoke to her. "Dave is waiting out in the lounge for you. I could see tonight he cares for you. When you're ready, get your dress on and go to him. I'll stay here so as not to cause a scene. Maybe he and his wife will have you stay over at their place tonight. Then you can get yourself together and leave it until tomorrow to go home and face your husband. He need never know; none of us guys will ever say a thing."

Trish looked up at him, "I can't walk out in front of those guys."

George reached out and turned her face to him, "there is no one out there but Dave; the others have all left. But I can assure you no one here tonight had anything but respect for you."

After a few minutes, Trish released herself from Georges's arms and searched out her dress. "I don't want to wear this." 

George leapt up, took a robe from the wardrobe, and helped her into it. And Trish picked up her bundled dress and stepped out into the lounge.


Dave sat on the sofa; he heard the lovemaking in the next room reach its climax. He heard Trish yell that she was coming, and also some language he never expected to come from her lips. He felt rotten and guilty, as he still had a massive hard-on and was conflicted about how they would face each other. But then he heard her cry, "What have I done." And that she had stuffed up their marriage. This last exclamation stung. He did not want to lose her. His whole life revolved around Trish. It wouldn't be worth living if he lost her and the kids.

He ran through his options. All his anger had gone, and he realised that most of what had happened was his fault. He had changed jobs and put their finances in jeopardy. He should never have let her into the room to strip. He knew bloody well what the guys were going to want. And he had a wad of money in his pocket that he should never have accepted. He also felt terrible about going along with the ruse that Trish was a friend's wife; he had been so weak in not stopping the gangbang, just because he was scared the young guys would find out about that.

So when she finally came through the door, looking dishevelled and as guilty as hell. He rushed over to her and rapt his arms around her. 

"I love you. I'm so sorry for not stopping things and protecting you. I'm gutted that I just stood by. I don't understand my reactions, I can make the excuse that I was so turned on, but that doesn't help what happened to you. Can you forgive me?" 

Trish slumped against Dave and burst into tears. She couldn't look at him but allowed him to walk her towards the door. 

George stopped them, "Bob gave me this to cover the day's expenses." He handed Dave an envelope. "There was two grand in there, but I spent some of it on food and drinks. I'd like you to have the rest," he turned and headed back to the bedroom. 

They caught the service lift down to their level and walked to the room without meeting anyone. Dave moved to put Trish into bed, but she pulled back, saying, "Dave, I need to shower. I need to get rid of any sign of George or what I have done washed away. Will you shower me?"

So Dave took her into the shower and spent the next twenty minutes washing her clean. Then with the lights out and only the moonlight from the large ranch slider, they climbed into bed naked, and Dave tried to get her to talk.

"Look, if we are to get through this, we need to be 100% honest with each other. I love you and know you well enough to know that you are embarrassed and blaming yourself. But I feel that this is probably more my fault." 

For the next while, he tried to explain all the emotions that had run through his mind during the evening. And after a while, Trish started talking and explained in stilted sentences how she did not understand how it had happened. But more so, she was struggling with the dirty things she had done that had been so Taboo for her whole life.

Then full of foreboding, he asked if she had enjoyed all the forbidden acts performed on her.

"Dave, I can't answer that. I'm too embarrassed. Can we just forget everything that happened?"

Dave tried to keep his seesawing emotions in check. "No, we have to be honest with one another and sort this out. I know it's bloody hard, but if we don't get everything on the table in the next few days, this will destroy us and our marriage. And I don't want that to happen. I need to know if you enjoyed some of what you did cause it certainly looked like you did."

Dave knew bloody well that she had enjoyed most of it. Those orgasms and the moans and groans did not come from someone acting under duress. But he needed her to admit it and then work out if she wanted it to happen again and how he could deal with that.

Trish hid her head in the pillow and said 'she did'. Dave lifted her head and kissed her, "Now tell me why and what bits were the most exciting."

"It was all exciting, the whole evening. I have never been that turned on in my life. I had at least four orgasms. I never knew that was possible. The feeling of being so wanted by all those young men was an amazing aphrodisiac. And it just built from there, and I couldn't stop myself."

Dave thought for a minute and then asked. "I only remember you having three; when was the fourth? And before you answer, I'm relieved that you enjoyed it, as it makes me a little less guilty at enjoying it so much myself."

"What ones do you remember?"

"Well, in the lounge with Pete and George. On the bed when you were double penetrated and gave me a blow job, and when you were with George after everyone had gone, I sat and listened from the lounge. You certainly came then."

"Oh, I also came when Ted ejaculated all over my face and even harder when Zach started swearing and calling me his bitch."

"But you hate swearing."

"I know, but even thinking about that makes me tingle between my legs. I don't understand what has gone wrong with me."

"That one I don't understand," said Dave, "I lost my cool and nearly ruined the whole evening. I'm surprised that one of the guys did not become aware you were my wife."

They talked for another hour and slowly became more candid with one another. They fought to understand all the doubts and fears they harboured. Finally, when Dave ran out of questions and shut his eyes to sleep, Trish whispered in his ear that she wanted him to make love to her.

It was very gentle, slow lovemaking. Trish didn't cum, but fell contentedly to sleep in Dave's arms. 

Dave woke and found Trish cuddling into him and stroking his morning erection. He saw that it was nearly ten and felt guilty about feeling horny. But Trish made it very clear she wanted him, and they made love as they used to in the early days of their marriage. It was awkward but exciting, and it almost felt like they were sleeping together for the first time. He tried uttering a couple of swear words when he had her pretty worked up and was astounded to find her responding with enthusiasm and her telling him to fuck her harder.

They drove home in the van. Trish didn't want to be alone in her car. She said she would be overcome with guilt and embarrassment and needed him near. The children were due home until dinner time, so they had the rest of the day to keep discussing things. After lunch, Dave saw the next-door neighbour out in his garden, so he went out and asked if he could run him into town to pick up Trish's car. But when he told Trish he was going to get her car, she insisted that she go with them as she still could not face being alone.

When they returned home and resumed discussing the night, Dave said he had a question he was scared to ask, but he had to ask it. "would you like to do something like that again?"

Trish didn't want to answer, but Dave pressed her into a response. "Oh god, I don't want to answer. I think you want me to answer no! And if I say anything else, you will hate me."

I won't hate you. What you just said tells me your answer, but I need to hear it from your lips, and we need to discuss how we handle that."

Trish whispered. "Who wouldn't want to experience all those sensations again? But I don't think I could ever do it. This happened spontaneously. If we ever tried to make that happen again, it would be planned and never the same. So I don't think it will ever happen again. Anyway, I'd be too embarrassed and scared of anyone we know finding out. So please don't ask me too."

"I won't ask you to do anything. But if you ever did want to, I ask that you don't do it behind my back. So please promise me that."


On Sunday, Trish clung around Dave and the children all day. Then on Monday, she started her first week back teaching and settled into meeting all her different levels of students. She came home that night enthused about her day and all the people she had met. But she quietly admitted to Dave when the kids were in another room that she had some panic moments during the day. 

"Friday night flashed across my mind, and I looked at these new faces and wondered what they would think of me. But the worst thing was that I got aroused thinking about it. I wonder how long this is going to last?" 

That morning once Trish and the kids had left for school, Dave had driven to a camera store and purchased a new 64Mb SD card, not wanting to return the camera to Steve with the existing card in it. He knew he could copy it and then delete the content. But he was not prepared to risk Steve or someone else retrieving that data from it. The original SD card he took down to the shop and locked it away in his office drawer with all the money they had made. 

Once Dave had seen the kids off to school on Tuesday, he went to their shop to continue tidying, painting and planning. Dave was painting their new bathroom/changing rooms when he heard someone enter the shop. 

It was Bob Simpson. "I'm here to settle up for the other night," Bob stated.

"But you already paid us up front," Dave responded.

"I know, but I have been talking to George. He's in raptures about the night you put on."

Alarm crossed Dave's face, 'two bloody days and George was blabbing it all over town.'

Bob saw the look on Dave's face, "Relax, he's sworn me to secrecy, and I'm sure he's not told me an eighth of what happened. But he tells me your stripper bailed at the last minute, and your wife jacked up a friend's wife to do the night. Moreover, he tells me that this woman's husband has no idea where she went that night, and she had to buy a dress, lingerie etc., in the hotel boutique. That must have cost a small fortune, so I've written a check that I hope covers it."

Dave looked down at the three thousand dollar cheque Bob had handed him. "This is a bit more than we spent."

"Don't worry about it. I've something else to run past you."

Bob explained that George had raved about Maria, said she was beautiful and hinted she had done much more than just dance. He had pressed Bob to try and get her phone number or address. "I don't suppose you'd give me that?"

I shook my head, "No. I've promised her no one will ever know about the night." 

"Well, I might be entertaining some important American guests in a couple of months. So, could you ask her if she would be interested in stripping again? I see that you don't think it's a good idea. But take this. It's a little incentive." He handed Dave an envelope and said, "You sort it out. I will happily double that for her if she's even half as good as George has said. And I want you guys to cater for the evening."

Dave tucked the envelope in his pocket, then brought up something weighing on his mind. "I'm a bit embarrassed about all the booze left over. It was hardly touched. It's all in the back room here. Can I give some of it back to you?"

Bob smiled at Dave. "Thanks for being honest, but I told my store manager to get one of our shops to supply it. I told them it was for my son's stag do, they were to cover some common cocktails and not to be stingy, and to put it down to Advertising/Marketing. So I have no idea what they supplied, and I certainly don't want it back. We will do the same thing for the function I just talked about, and I intend to have Adam, my store manager, with me at this function as I'm grooming him for higher things. He's a good guy."  

After he had left, Dave sat and pondered how to handle this. Finally, he checked the envelope, two thousand dollars cash. Fuck! he thought. Trish had been mortified when he told her about the almost two grand the boys had left for her. 'It makes me feel like a prostitute', she had told him. It took a long hard discussion before she accepted his argument that the money was to cover her clothes etc. So he hadn't dared bring up with her the $1400 in the envelope George had handed him at the end of the night. It was in the drawer; he was still unsure how to bank it without her having to face what she had done to get it.

He thought about her response, 'that she may like to try a repeat sometime', but he knew they were not ready to discuss that yet. So he slipped the envelope into the drawer with the other money and locked it away. He realised one of his next jobs had to be installing a safe somewhere on the premises.

He continued working on the restrooms for the rest of the afternoon. But his mind kept returning to Bob's offer. Bob's proposed function would be the perfect event if they were ever to try sharing again. Business people from the States would give them the anonymity they would want. Plenty of time, though, he decided not to mention anything about Bob's offer until he heard back from Bob that it was all go. And as Bob had never met Trish/Maria, he could substitute Silvia in her place if he thought neither of them could handle it. He told himself they still had a lot of work to do in sorting out their emotions before making such a monumental decision.

It was four months before Bob returned to Dave and said he had finally nailed down a distribution agreement with the American company. The three senior partners were coming to New Zealand in just over a month. He wanted to know if Dave had spoken with Maria and if she would dance for them.

To be continued...

Written by mingemuncher
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