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Author's Notes

"Author's note: I’d like to thank my friend and editor, Harvey, for going over this piece."

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous while we walked to the beach. There was a thick grove of palm trees that separated the hotel and pool area from the beach. As we walked down the cobblestone path through the palm trees, the distinct smell of the salt air became more prominent. James securely wrapped his arm around me, which gave me a measure of confidence. Regardless, there was a churning nervousness in my stomach, especially when I saw the hundreds of people who were already on the beach. The majority of the women were wearing incredibly small bikinis and some of them were even topless.

When we reached the ocean, I discovered that James had reserved a private cabana, which allowed us to get out of the sun. In the sand in front of the cabana was a large circular table with six chairs and an umbrella covered with a grass thatch. In front of the table was a group of lounge chairs for sunbathing. I found out later that the resort stocked our cabana with an ice chest full of bottles of water and various types of fruit juices. Adding to the overall ambiance, there was also a small army of wait staff that brought alcoholic beverages to the beachgoers. The white sand beach and the light-blue crystal-clear water looked amazing and nothing like many of the Southern California beaches that I was used to growing up.

"So, are you ready to go for a dip?" James asked.

I thought about making some excuse for not going into the water as a stalling tactic but decided against it. But eventually I would have to come to grips with what I was wearing, and I thought I might as well rip off the Band-Aid and get it over with. "Yeah, I'd love that, James."

Hesitantly, I removed my Mara Hoffman one-shoulder dashiki navy-blue-and-white beach wrap. The beach dress had made me feel a bit uncomfortable because it had a slit in the side up to my waist that exposed my left leg. Nonetheless, it covered the rest of my body, so I didn't mind the subtle glances I received from the other beachgoers.

Unfortunately, the faint glimpses changed to overt ogling when I removed the wrap and exposed my bikini. Out of the five Wicked Weasels James had purchased for me, I’d chosen a frozen-blue, tri-top, sheer-vision bikini. It was made of a lightweight stretch fabric that felt like satin on my skin. The suit had a thong bottom and was incredibly small and tight. It had the most material by far of the five suits, which was the primary reason I’d chosen it over the others. Regrettably, as I soon learned, when it came to Wicked Weasels, more material didn't necessarily mean that more of my body would be covered.

Once I had removed the beach wrap, I left it in the cabana; James took my hand and we walked towards the water. Immediately, dozens of eyes were on me, and I felt so uncomfortable. Just as he had in his restaurant, James slowed his walking pace to what felt like a near crawl, which gave everyone around us ample opportunity to view my body in the barely-there bikini. I was able to take a little comfort in the fact that many of the women were wearing small bikinis like mine and some were even topless. I tried as hard as I could to put up a good front and act confident. Truthfully though, I felt so nervous and apprehensive because so much of my body was exposed. After what seemed like an eternity, we cleared the twenty-five feet of sand and made it into the ocean. The water temperature was perfect. It was just cool enough to be a refreshing respite from the hot sun without being too cold.

Once we were in the ocean, James wrapped his arms lovingly around me, pulled me out into neck-deep water, and gave me a long, hot, passionate kiss. "Do you like all those eyes on you?" he inquired huskily.

I thought for a moment. "I like that you like their eyes on me," I said truthfully.

"You have such a beautiful body, Melanie. It would be a shame not to let others see it and enjoy it." He paused for a moment while the waves of the Pacific Ocean gently collided against us. "You've never liked showing off, though, have you?"

His comment brought up a lot of issues for me. I did love showing off and wearing sexy clothes … to a point. Looking back, I wasn't confident enough in my sexuality at that point in my life to not want to conform. I loved wearing sexy clothes in a club because everyone else was in sexy clothes as well. However, when James forced me to wear clothes that made me stand out I felt very insecure, and that was very difficult. I knew that he was teasing me a bit. However, I yearned to please him so desperately and completely, so his words stung just a bit. "I've worn very sexy, revealing clothes for you, James," I said defensively.

"I agree, you have, but not of your own accord."

"You'll just have to teach me to be sluttier for you," I teased.

"Maybe we should start now, then."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?" Before I knew what was happening, his fingers untied the knot on my bikini top. Instantly, my breasts fell free, and I immediately moved forward and pressed my torso into James's chest, which helped keep me covered. There were quite a few people within proximity to us in the water. However, none of them seemed to notice what was going on between James and me. "So this is your idea of turning me into a wanton woman?" I teased.

He gave me a mischievous smile. "That was step one."

I looked at him questioningly, almost afraid of his response. "What's step two, then?"


James moved away from me several inches, which created some space between us. He then rested his hand on my stomach. My eyes got wide. "James, you can't …"

He smiled. "Oh, but I can …" His hand slowly began to inch lower, down my stomach.

"James, please …" I whimpered while nervously looking around us.

"It's okay, Melanie, no one is watching us; just concentrate on me," he said huskily.

I was too nervous to form a coherent thought. I obeyed and let him do what he wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself close to him, which I hoped would block the potential view of any onlookers. His hand continued to work its way south until it reached the thong bottom of my bikini. I gasped when his fingers slipped underneath the thin material and began sensually rubbing my mound. Almost subconsciously, I let go and closed my eyes so I could block out the people around me and just concentrate on his touch.

I opened my legs just a bit which gave James better access, and his fingers slipped lower to the lips of my vagina. I wanted to open my eyes so bad and ensure no one was watching us. Thankfully, his deft, smooth fingers slipped inside of me and partially took my mind off my surroundings. I wrapped my arms tighter around James's neck while simultaneously kissing and sucking on his ear lobe. My actions only seemed to spur him on, and within a few seconds two of his fingers were thrusting in and out of my pussy incredibly hard. Subliminally, I knew part of me, on some level, was terrified about participating in such an intimate act in public. However, it was as if James's fingers that were probing inside me overruled that part of my brain.

"Don't hold it back, Melanie, let yourself go," James said seductively into my ear.

I continued to kiss and suck on his ear lobe, which I hoped would hide the pleasure I knew was etched on my face from any potentially prying eyes. Ordinarily, his thrusting fingers would have caused me to come very quickly. However, it was such an unsettling feeling being brought to orgasm in such a public place that I actually had to concentrate and block out the people around me. From deep within the pit of my stomach, my orgasm began to build, which caused me to moan incessantly in James's ear. "Just a little bit more, Daddy," I whispered.

I could feel him pick up the pace as his fingers sank deep into my body. "Yeah, let it go for me, Melanie."

I tightened my grip around James's neck, which helped to steady the trembling effect of my body while I released in orgasm. While coming back down from the peak, I hesitantly opened my eyes and looked around. The majority of the swimmers appeared to have no idea of what just happened. However, there were two college-age guys about twenty feet away from us who were snickering and laughing while looking at me. I could feel my face blush a dark red crimson.

"That was so hot, Melanie. I can't tell you how proud I am of you."

I couldn't help but smile. His words of approval meant so much to me. He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss. At that moment, my world felt perfect. "It was difficult at first," I admitted, "but you got me into it pretty quickly."

"Those two guys over there seemed to like our little show," he said.

I could feel my face glowing red in embarrassment again. "I hope they didn't see much," I said shyly.

He smiled. "I think they saw enough."

Our eyes met, and he gave me another hot kiss. I could tell that what we'd done had turned him on. Thankfully, my body was pressed against his and no one could see that I was topless. After he broke our kiss, he began speaking. "As much as I'd like to give them an encore performance, I'm getting thirsty; let's get back to the cabana."

"I'm thirsty too. Could I get my top back?"

He gave me a sly smile. "I think you'll be okay without it."

A sense of panic washed over me. "James, please … I … I … need my top."

He looked into my eyes while holding me tight. "I'm right here… trust me, Melanie."

His words were so calming and soothing. I took a deep breath and started to calm somewhat. "Okay," I whispered.

We separated and he firmly took hold of my hand. As we made our way toward the beach, the neck-deep water began to give way and almost immediately, dozens of eyes were on me. I had to fight the overwhelming urge to make a ‘hand bra’ to cover my breasts. To make matters worse, once we were approaching the shore and in the knee-deep water, I realized that the material of my bikini bottom was virtually see-through! The ultra-tight satin-like fabric had molded itself perfectly against the lips of my vagina and created an obscene camel-toe that was all but transparent.

I tried to look straight ahead, but my peripheral vision caught the gawking stares and shocked expressions of the men and even some of the women. To say that I was embarrassed would be the understatement of the century. I think I would have been okay being topless because there were quite a few women around me who also weren't wearing tops. However, they all had standard bikini bottoms on, which kept them somewhat covered. As we walked through the white sand, I tried to look as confident as possible, but inside I felt nauseated.

Once we reached the cabana, I quickly grabbed my beach wrap and put it on. James pulled two bottles of water out of the ice chest and walked over to me. There was a small, rustic wooden table inside the cabana; we both sat down, and he handed me a bottle of water. I was upset, and I knew he felt it. There was a full minute of uncomfortable silence before he began speaking. "You have such a beautiful body. I wish I knew why you are so intent on hiding it."

I shot him a dirty look. "I was naked out there, James, or I might as well have been. This bikini bottom is transparent once it gets wet."

"I know you're upset, and I want you to tell me why it bothers you so much," he said soothingly.

My jaw dropped. He really didn't get it. "Everyone on that beach was staring and gawking at me, James."

"Not everyone, I think there were a couple of people who were asleep." He cracked a little smile after I rolled my eyes and shot him another dirty look. "Look at me," he said gently. Our eyes met. "You're mine, and I'll never share my property with any man." I could feel a little tingle between my legs, and I began to calm down. "The only thing they will ever be able to do is look; I want to make sure you know that."

I looked into his deep blue eyes. Until that moment, I’d never fully realized how much pleasure he got from displaying me in front of others. "Showing me off means a lot to you, doesn't it?"

"More than you'll ever know."

I looked down, feeling extremely embarrassed from what I was about to admit. "I want to please you, but sometimes it can be challenging."

He reached across the table, took my hand, and romantically squeezed it. "You're a proper young woman who had a very traditional upbringing." He paused while collecting his thoughts. "So when I see you give yourself to me like this, it's incredibly arousing."

We spent the rest of the day on the beach, frolicking in the sand and the surf. I made a conscious choice not to let the people around me affect the way I felt, and looking back, it was the first time I truly felt comfortable with my body. Like many of the women around me, I chose not to wear my top, and even the transparent bikini bottom didn't spoil my mood. James never left my side the entire day, and I felt so safe and secure. What started as a terrifying and embarrassing moment turned into one of the most liberating experiences of my life. James taught me how to be comfortable in my skin and love my body.

- - - - -

It was almost six o'clock, and the sun was beginning to rest low in the sky. A cool breeze had picked up from the ocean, and it was rustling the nearby palm trees. We agreed that we were getting hungry, and hand-in-hand, we made our way back to the villa.

We showered together and washed the sand and sweat from each other's bodies. I didn't miss the solitude of his and hers bathrooms in the Bellagio suite because it was wonderful getting ready for dinner together in the master bathroom. While I was doing my hair, I couldn't help but sneak glances in the mirror while he shaved. Just being in his presence was intoxicating, and I reveled in the smooth, romantic vibe that seemed to encompass everything we'd done since we arrived in Mexico.

I left my long blonde hair down and curled it around my face in soft waves. Once I completed the finishing touches on my make-up, I started thinking about what I should wear. I walked into the master bedroom just as James was sliding his boxers up onto his hips. "Now that is one nice ass," I said in a playful voice.

He turned, and our eyes met. "You'd better put on some clothes, young lady, or I'll be having you for dinner." Big smiles broke across both of our faces. It dawned on me that I was standing naked in front of him. I felt so comfortable around him that the thought of being nude didn't really cross my mind.

"You'd better tell your submissive what you want her to wear, Sir."

He thought for a moment. "Surprise me."

My jaw dropped. Is he letting me choose? "If I'm going to make an informed decision, you'll have to let me know where we're going," I said teasingly.

"A five-star restaurant."

Time to mess with him a little. "No Mickey D's?"

He laughed. "Not tonight."

I closed the several feet that separated us and gave him a hot, lingering kiss. "I'll be back in a flash."

I walked into the large walk-in closet and thumbed through the dozen or so dresses I had brought with me. After some careful consideration, I settled on a black, plunge, ruched cross-back Bodycon minidress. I knew James would like it because it had a deep ‘V' in the front that exposed a lot of my breasts and it was cut very high with the hem lying on my upper thighs. It was perfect–especially sexy, yet very elegant. To complete the look, I chose a four-inch Tony Bianco open-toe heel with a leather ankle-strap and a silver buckle closure that made the shoe really pop. Because of the design of the dress, I couldn't wear a bra, and I adhered to James's 'no panty or thong’ rule when we were together.

As I descended the stairs, I caught a glimpse of James putting the finishing touches on the Windsor knot of his tie. He heard the click of my heels on the polished metal staircase, which immediately drew his attention.

While James was drinking me in, I took the opportunity to observe what he was wearing. He had chosen a dark blue shadow-plaid suit and a white shirt with vertical purple stripes. There was also a purple tie and matching pocket square patterned with small white diamonds. He looked so handsome. Once I had descended the staircase, he took my hand, raised it above my head, and twirled me around. "You look simply stunning, Melanie."

I beamed at his compliment, and I had to admit I loved dressing up for him. Knowing he appreciated the time and effort I put into looking good for him only made me want to please him more. While he was inspecting me, I was beginning to realize that our pre-date routine was also something more because it had almost taken on a form of foreplay. Wearing sexy clothes that he had purchased for me, doing my hair and make-up to perfection, was part of the process, part of the ritual, of being with him. "You clean up very well yourself, Mr. Moretti."

His face broke into a big smile. "I also like that you are adhering to my no-thong rule."

I could feel my face burn in a red-hot ember of embarrassment. Apparently, my twirl had exposed more of my body than I had intended, and it took me a few seconds to compose myself. "Well, I didn't have much choice, did I?"

"No …" his word lingered huskily in the air, "you didn't." Fuck. I wanted him so bad that my body was aching. His every action exuded power and dominance, and that was so erotic to me. "We'd better get going before I decide to forgo dinner and find a piece of furniture to bend you over."

- - - - -

James's hand rested firmly on my exposed thigh during the twenty-minute drive to the restaurant. I couldn't help but gently tease him about the Town Car he had procured instead of our usual limousine. Of course, he shot back with a good-natured but smart-ass remark concerning how I was becoming too spoiled. Almost immediately, I thought back to the expensive dinner a couple of weeks prior at the Hard Rock with Gianna and Tim and my quandary concerning the upper-class privilege that James's wealth was affording me. "Do you really think I'm becoming spoiled?"

His face broke into a little grin. "You're becoming exceptionally spoiled, but that's the only way I want it."

I couldn't help but smile. "Just let me know if I begin to turn into some entitled bitch, okay?"

James seductively squeezed my thigh. "If that were to happen, you'd be the first to know because I'd put you over my knee."

I couldn't help but think how beautiful he made me feel. It seemed so easy to control my emotions for him when he was in California and we were apart. However, once we were back together, those romantic feelings came rushing back and it was so hard to keep myself emotionally under control.

The Town Car pulled up in front of Pitahayas Restaurante. Set on the eastern shore of Cabo San Lucas above a white-sand beach, Pitahayas could only be described as majestic. The smell of the salt air and the sound of the waves gently crashing against the beach only added to the romantic ambiance. James exited the back of the Town Car, walked around to my door, helped me out of the back seat, and pulled me close to his side. 

We were met almost instantly by a young, pretty Mexican girl who said something in Spanish. James answered her in Spanish, and I was a bit shocked because he had never spoken anything other than English to me since I'd known him. The hostess made a gesture to us to follow her and she led us to our table. While clutching James's arm securely, I was able to take in some of the beautiful scenery.

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We walked along a cobblestone pathway, beset on both sides by small cacti and palm trees that were swaying in the gentle evening breeze. Two broad, overlapping, circular grass huts covered the main dining area, giving the restaurant an amazing tropical vibe. A large tree in the center of the dining area decorated with small white lights reminded me of Christmas and gave the room an intimate, romantic ambiance. There were no walls to separate the main dining area from the outside, which gave the diners an unobstructed view of the beach and ocean.

We followed the hostess through the central dining area and outside to an open deck built above the beach and ten yards from the coast. In the midst of a beautiful Mexican sunset, we enjoyed our dinners and some light conversation. I ordered the black rice with blue crab that came with tomatillos, salsa alfredo, and mango. James chose pork-belly tacos with sides of guacamole and a cream chili sauce. The food was incredible, and the romantic atmosphere only added to the sensual vibe between James and me. Amidst our perfect evening, there was a question that had been on my mind since we arrived, and I was reluctant to ask him. However, because he had been so open with me all day, I decided to throw caution to the wind. "I don't want to ruin this perfect evening, but may I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

I took a deep breath. "You told me earlier that we'd be spending a week here in Mexico. Typically, we only spend a weekend together; how are you able to get away for so long this time?"

James took a big sip of wine, and I could see the reservation etched noticeably on his face. He hated talking about his wife and children, and my question had created a strange contradiction. It was almost as if he wanted to forget them entirely when we were together, even though I knew he loved them dearly. "My wife grew up in Connecticut. For the last few summers, she's taken the children back east for a month to see her family."

"And you didn't want to go with her?"

"It's difficult to leave my restaurants for a month, but, more importantly, I wanted to spend some time with you." I listened intently, took a sip of my wine, and waited for him to continue. "I'm planning on flying back in a couple of weeks to be with them, but, to be honest, I'm not very enthused because of the … you know … in-laws thing."

I couldn't help but smile. I loved it when he opened up to me like this because it made me feel closer to him, more attached to him, and a more significant part of his life. We were in such a romantic, intimate setting. Again, it was difficult not to let my mind wander to dangerous places. If I admitted the truth to myself, I wished that his children were mine, and as I looked into his crystal blue eyes while we ate I couldn't help but wonder what our children would look like.

The rest of the evening was incredible. We finished two bottles of wine while talking about his restaurants and the courses I would be taking when school resumed in the fall. He made me feel so comfortable and relaxed. Even though portions of the day had been quite tumultuous, just being with him made me feel so content and at ease. Once we finished our meal, I stood up and the wine hit me hard. I felt very unsteady on my feet and James came around to my side of the table to assist me. Thankfully, he took my arm, which gave me some much-needed stability and helped me through the restaurant and out to our waiting car.

After he assisted me into the back seat, he slid in beside me until our legs deliciously rubbed together and his hand gently rested on my thigh. I was very buzzed from all the wine we'd consumed, and as each second passed, I was becoming aroused and caught up in the hedonistic moment. I reached over and began to rub the very noticeable bulge in the front of James's trousers. I could hear a low moan escape from his lips. "And just what are you doing, Melanie?"

"Does that mean you want me to stop?" I cooed seductively.

A smile broke across his face. "I didn't say that."

I felt the car begin to pull out of the parking lot as I carefully unzipped his fly and extracted his thick penis from the confines of his trousers. He let out a muffled moan when I moved my head into his lap and took his cock into my mouth. His hands began to lovingly stroke my hair as he quickly grew to full hardness in my mouth. After a few seconds I had coated his member with my saliva and was smoothly bobbing my head up and down. Before long James's hips were gently thrusting upward, which sent his cock deeper into my throat. While I lovingly fellated him, I remembered back to the last time I had given him a blowjob in a car. We’d been on the freeway driving back from the Valley Automall after he purchased the Land Rover Discovery for me and I couldn't help but thank him in my special way.

It still amazed me how far we'd come together in the short time that we had known each other. I couldn't help but feel that he was growing me up. I had never been in such an intense, demanding relationship. James made the guys that I had previously been with seem like boys, and compared to him that's what they were.

I could feel his hands move through my hair and then grip it tightly as he gently pushed my mouth up and down on his cock, which brought me back to the now. His hips began to thrust upward again, which made me think he might come in my mouth. However, I couldn't be certain, because his breathing was very shallow in an apparent attempt not to draw attention to what was going on in the back seat.

"We are almost to your hotel, Sir," a voice said in broken English from the front seat.

I quickly expelled James's cock from my mouth, sat up in the back seat, and wiped some errant saliva from my chin. I watched as James struggled to get his spittle-covered erection back into his trousers. After I straightened myself up, the driver's eye caught mine in the rearview mirror and he gave me a knowing grin. I could feel my face burn red in embarrassment, and I quickly looked away and slid closer to James's side.

The Town Car came to a smooth stop in front of the main entrance of the hotel and the driver opened the rear door for us. James stepped out of the car, took my hand, and helped me onto my feet. I purposely avoided eye contact with the driver while James tipped him. Even though I was still very buzzed from the wine, I didn't want to think about or even acknowledge the show that I’d put on for the driver as he took us back to the hotel.

It was a short walk back to our suite. James held me close to his body while we walked briskly on the cobblestone pathway that wound through the tropical landscape. I still felt very rickety on my feet due to the wine and James steadied me as we walked in the moonlight. I watched as he opened the door, and we stepped inside. Immediately, he pulled me to him, and we embraced in a long, hot kiss. Without warning, he scooped me up into his arms and once again carried me up the stairs to the master bedroom.    

Once inside, he laid me down on the king-size bed, stood at the foot, and began to remove his suit. I kicked my heels off onto the floor and watched as he loosened his tie. Slowly, as if teasing me, he unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled his belt, and glided his trousers down his legs. He looked so strong and virile towering above me. Teasingly, I slowly hiked up my skirt until my pussy was exposed to his lustful gaze. Very calmly and deliberately, my hand moved down to between my legs and I ran my middle finger through my wet slit as I watched him tug his boxer shorts down his muscled thighs until then they ended in a heap with the rest of his clothes on the floor. He took his erect cock in his hand and slowly began to stroke it. "I love it when you touch yourself for me," he said huskily.

I opened my legs further, making sure he had a good view of my exposed body. My pussy felt like a hot, humid swamp, and when I dipped a finger inside, we could both hear the squishing noises emanating from between my legs. He was stroking his cock harder now and I could see the pre-cum dribble out of the slit.

Our eyes met. "Make yourself come for me, Melanie."

"Yes, Daddy."

I set up in the bed, quickly removed my dress, and lay back down again. Our eyes met again and I opened my legs depravedly wide for him. My fingers began rubbing, pinching, and pulling my nipples while my other hand moved south between my legs. Under his lecherous stare, I added a second finger and worked it in and out of my pussy. He was stroking his cock harder and faster and the pre-cum was oozing out of the slit at an increased rate. "Yeah, just like that, baby, come for me."

I used my thumb to rub little circles over my clit while using my fingers to rapidly penetrate my sex. My nipples were standing proudly as I continued to manipulate them with my fingers. "Yeah, Melanie, let it go for me."

I felt my orgasm begin to build in the pit of my stomach. I could hear the slapping sound of James stroking his cock and the spongy, liquid sound of my fingers moving rapidly in and out of my wet sex. My body shook and my world went dark as my orgasm overtook me. When my senses were back, James was still standing at the side of the bed, rubbing his big cock while looking down over me.

"Come here, little minx."

I couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Daddy."

I got onto my stomach and slid to the edge of the bed. James held his wet fingers up to my mouth and I licked the pre-cum off them. "Tell me what you want, Melanie."

I smiled. "You're going to make me beg for it?"


I looked up at him lustfully. "I want your cock in my mouth."

I opened my mouth, and he inched forward. Slowly, luxuriously, I licked the bulbous head of his penis like a lollipop, and I heard him moan above me. As my tongue swirled around the head, his cock began pulsing and felt alive. After only a few seconds, I tasted his pre-cum in my mouth. I inched just a little closer, opened my mouth wider, and took him in. Almost immediately, I could hear low moans of pleasure escaping from his lips. As I began to suck him harder, I felt his hands weave through my long blonde hair and begin to guide my head forward and then back, over and over. I relaxed my throat and took him deeper until my lips were touching his torso. He began thrusting his hips forward and then back. Like so many of our previous sex sessions, James took control, and oral sex changed from me giving him head to him fucking my mouth.

After a few moments, I held my head still, kept pressure on his cock with my lips, and let him control the pace. His breathing became more rapid and shallow and his grip on my hair tightened. His hips began to buck wildly and I was almost certain he would come in my mouth until he regained a measure of control and took a step back, which caused his cock to slide out. 

I looked up and our eyes met. Playfully, he rolled me over onto my back and into the center of the bed. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, kissing me incredibly hard and mashing his muscular chest into my breasts. I could feel his erection pressing into my inner thigh. My pussy was so hot and wet I just wanted a measure of relief. "Please, James … please …" I pleaded.

"Tell me what you want," he said in a low, gravelly voice.

"I want to feel you inside of me."

His lips curled into a small smile. "Tell me how bad you need me."

This was a little game we played often. He loved it when I was dependent on him and under his complete control. "I need you so bad, Daddy."

He reached between us, took his cock in his hand, and rubbed the head up and down the lips of my vagina, teasing me further. "Tell me what you want," he whispered in my ear.

"Your cock inside of me … please, James …" I begged and whimpered. I could feel him rubbing the head of his penis up and down the lips of my vagina. I gasped when he found my opening and began to gently push into me.  "Oh, God, James." I moaned.

He continued to move his hips forward and his cock simultaneously opened and filled me. I could feel his weight sensually crushing my body as he moved on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and clung to him while moving my hips to meet his thrusts. "You feel so good," he murmured under his breath, almost as if he was speaking to no one in particular.

I could feel him picking up the pace as he pressed himself in and out of me. I squeezed the muscles in my vagina hard and adjusted the angle just a bit, which caused his thick penis to brush perfectly against my clit. Almost instantly, I could feel my orgasm begin to build in the pit of my stomach while I continued to cleave to his body. My world felt perfect. A light ocean breeze gently filled our room with the sweet scent of salt, and moonbeams through the open window bathed us in a wondrous glow. Together, they created a spellbinding, romantic ambiance that I'll never forget.

My body began to shake as my orgasm rocked me to the core and my world went dark. When I came back down to Earth and my senses were once again about me, I could tell that his breathing had changed and that he was getting close to orgasm. His sweat covered my body, and more than anything I wanted him to come inside me. Just when I thought he might, he slid out of me. "Get on your hands and knees, baby," he ordered.

Quickly, I flipped over and complied with his command. I quivered when he ran his hands over my breasts and gently pulled my nipples. I loved it when he touched me and explored my body. "Spread those legs, put your face down and ass up."

Again, I acquiesced to his command. I buried my head in the pillow, opened my thighs as wide as I could, and lifted my bottom up in the air, presenting my most intimate region to him. Seconds later, he slid in behind me, wrapped his arms around my thighs, which immobilized me, and I felt his tongue enter my wet pussy. I moaned as he licked my breach from clit to asshole and I could feel his saliva begin to mix with my vaginal secretions.

I gripped the sheets tightly while he moved his tongue in and out of me. He was incredibly accomplished at cunnilingus and it only took a minute or so before I felt my next orgasm begin to build. "My clit … James … my clit …" I moaned as the waves of my release commenced overtaking my body. I could feel his mouth on my sensitive little bud just as the waves were beginning to crash into me and my world went dark.

When my wits were back about me, James had already positioned himself behind me and was rubbing the head of his cock up and down the lips of my sodden vagina. I wanted to feel him inside me again so bad my mind was almost unable to form coherent thoughts. "Please … James … please … don't tease me…" Without warning, he sank himself into me with one long, smooth thrust. "Oh … God … yes …" I grunted.

He placed his hands on my hips and began a smooth, sensual, rhythmic pace. In the doggy-style position he always felt much bigger and thicker inside me. Before long I was squeezing my vaginal muscles around his cock and thrusting my pelvis back, meeting each of his thrusts. Just as he started to pick up the pace in earnest, I felt warm moisture dribble onto my asshole. Next, one of his hands moved from my hip and I felt his thumb ease into my rosebud. The sudden, but not unwelcome, addition immediately produced a full feeling within my body. While driving himself in and out of me harder and faster he continued to work his thumb in and out of me, which was beginning to loosen my very tight orifice. The additional stimulation of his thumb, combined with his hard cock thrusting in and out of my vagina, propelled me quickly to my next orgasm. Within seconds I was shaking violently underneath him.

When I came back down, I noticed his breathing had once again changed and I thought he might come inside me. However, he pulled out, regained control, and after a few seconds I could hear his breathing return to normal. We took a few moments to catch our breath and recover. But it wasn't long before I felt the head of his cock press against my asshole. "Relax, Melanie," he said in a deep, husky voice.

I took a deep breath and attempted to prepare myself for what I knew was coming. I was a bit nervous because this was the first time he had ever attempted anal sex without some type of bottled lube. His bulbous head hesitantly slipped into my bottom and produced an instant discomfort when it met my tight ring, which thwarted James's progress. Cautiously, he eased himself forward, my body gave way, and he slipped an inch or two inside me. "Oh … God… James …" I moaned.

There was a slight ache that emanated from deep inside as he continued to slide himself into me. My body continued to yield to his encroachment and within several moments he had buried himself deep inside my bowels. He remained motionless for a full minute and let me adjust to him inside me. 

"Are you okay?" he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

I took a deep breath, then responded, "I'm all right, just go slow."

Carefully, he began to move in and out of me at a snail's pace. There were several more moments of discomfort, but that quickly gave way to an intense, pleasurable feeling that I was beginning to yearn for. He felt so big inside me, and I felt so full.  "God, you feel so fucking tight," he groaned from behind me.

There was an intense, powerful feeling building in the pit of my stomach. The discomfort had long departed and what was left was an all-consuming pleasure that I wanted more of. "I'm doing okay, James … just a little bit faster." Once he knew I wasn't in any peril, he gradually picked up the pace, which produced an almost indescribable feeling that grew exponentially with each harder stroke. Before I knew it, I had lost all mental faculties as a powerful orgasm washed over my body.

When my senses reawakened, I heard James breathing harder, faster, and I knew that his orgasm was fast approaching. He felt like a rutting bull behind me, pounding me out. I knew there was no way he would be able to maintain this torrid pace for long, so I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit, sending myself over the edge. Almost simultaneously, I heard him grunt and I felt white-hot splashes of cum inside my asshole.  When I came back down, his body was sensually crushing mine into the mattress. After a full minute, our breathing returned to normal; I felt his cock deflate and withdraw from my body. He then slid to my side and pulled me close, spooning me tight. I felt so safe, so sated, and in that moment … my world was perfect.  

I was about to ask him what was on the agenda for the following day, but I was too late. I could tell from his soft, gentle breathing that he had already drifted off to sleep. I wasn't sure what other adventures we'd experience together in Mexico; I just knew that I loved being with him and I couldn't wait for what tomorrow would bring. 

Written by melanieatplay
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