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Author's Notes

"Author's note: I’d like to thank my friend and editor, Harvey, for going over this piece."

I opened one eye and quickly closed it. I was trying to force myself back to sleep, because subconsciously I knew it was way too early to be awake. Fresh, clean salt air from the ocean permeated my nostrils, and it smelled divine.

Both of my eyes were now open, and I came to the unfortunate conclusion that I'd never get back to sleep. James's arm was wrapped securely around me, holding me tight as we slept. I'd always loved being the little spoon, and feeling his hard body pressed against mine all night was something I’d sorely missed in the month since I'd seen him.

I looked over and noticed that the large sliding glass door to the upper-floor balcony was open, letting in a gentle, warm wind from off the ocean that was making its way into the master bedroom. I thought of staying in bed cuddled up against James. However, I knew my stirring would eventually wake him, and I knew he must be tired.

Carefully, I slid out from underneath his arm, grabbed one of his large white t-shirts from a nearby chair, and made my way to the bathroom to use the toilet. I stepped back into the bedroom and smiled when I observed that James was still sleeping peacefully. We’d had a late night the evening before. I flew from McCarran to LAX to meet him, and from there we traveled together to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Our flight hadn't departed until nine, so after we cleared customs, took the half-hour limo ride from the airport to the resort, and got checked in it was after one in the morning.

James had booked us into a three-bedroom suite affectionately nicknamed the Surfer's Villa. All three bedrooms were on the upper floor, and the living area was on the bottom floor. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee. While there, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. The entire suite was tastefully decorated in rustic, old-world Mexican decor. However, the almost rustic ambiance was in sharp contrast to sleek, modern southwestern paintings and sculptures prominently displayed on the walls that reminded me of a Beverly Hills art gallery. It was a delightful decorative duality that I immediately loved.

The first floor of the suite had a spacious living room, casual eating area, formal dining room, and a full gourmet kitchen. I had to admit it wasn't quite as visually stunning as the suite at the Bellagio. However, the nearby beach, crystal blue water, and white sand more than compensated for any lack of decor.

I grabbed my coffee and opened the sliding door to the massive deck. The large open-air patio had a small in-ground pool, hot tub, and several lounge chairs and daybeds for sunbathing. Additionally, there were stairs that led down to the white-sand beach, and about fifty feet beyond that was the Pacific Ocean.

I had picked up a brochure at the front desk when we checked in, and I browsed through it as I sipped my coffee. I was surprised to learn the resort was divided into two separate areas. The first was designed specifically for tourists who were traveling with their families; there were pictures of several playgrounds and a small water-park. The brochure mischievously designated the second area of the resort as an adults-only playground. My jaw dropped as I read that the beach below was topless-optional and the large pool on the adult side was also topless-optional. I was beginning to realize why James had picked this resort instead of one of the many others.

I tried to put this shocking discovery out of my mind by grabbing my Ernest Hemingway book, A Farewell to Arms. I'm not sure how much time passed, perhaps an hour or a bit more. Regardless, two chapters and three cups of coffee later, I felt a presence behind me. "It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

I turned and looked up into James's crystal-blue eyes and put down my book. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt. "You can't beat the view." I paused for a moment before continuing, "I bet all your girlfriends love coming here with you."

He gave me a disapproving look. I could tell he didn't think much of my saucy remark. "Other than my wife and kids, you're the first woman I've brought here." He took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Besides, all my other girlfriends prefer Puerto Vallarta."

We both broke into big smiles. Smart-ass.

We silently sipped our coffee for a few moments until James broke the silence. "We never discussed last month at the Bellagio. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

I could feel my face glowing red from embarrassment as the memories of that torrid night played back in my mind: the cable ties, the flogger, the red marks all over my body, the deep red welts on my ass, and the panic attack I’d suffered after James left that morning. Even though my body had healed from the physical effects of that evening, I knew that I still hadn't fully processed the emotional and psychological ramifications of what I’d allowed him to do.

"Well?" James said, bringing me back to the now.

I took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts. There was so much I didn't understand about James and the lifestyle. For better or worse, I wanted to learn more and get some of the puzzling things between us out in the open. I looked up and our eyes met. "Why did you restrain me?"

He gave me a wide-eyed, uneasy look. "Sometimes I forget how inexperienced you are." He took a deep breath. "For a submissive, being restrained is about giving up control and trusting the dominant with their safety and well-being. By restraining you, I was in complete and total control."

I felt a tear come to my eye. "It scared me."

His eyes widened. "So, you felt nothing but fear the entire time?

I hesitated for a moment and tried to collect my thoughts. "No. I was afraid, but … I felt so many different emotions."

He spoke slowly, as if emphasizing every syllable. "Tell me every single thing you felt."

I looked down. His gaze, I thought. He has such a penetrating gaze. It was as if he could see right through me, and at that moment I felt so uncomfortable. I looked into his eyes and studied his facial expressions. My uneasiness. My apprehensiveness. This conversation... it’s turning him on. "Being tied up, and especially that blindfold … it magnified every sexual impulse that went through my body that night."

He smiled. "You're a natural submissive. You were afraid, but you didn't let that emotion control you and you fought through it, which let you experience everything I had to show you."

I hated that word: Submissive. To me, a submissive was someone who was weak and powerless, someone who let the world run over them while standing there and letting it happen. "So you want me fragile and helpless?"

He shook his head. "A submissive has the ultimate authority, a lot of power, Melanie. However, they choose to give it to their dominant. It's called a power exchange." We sipped our coffee for a few moments until James broke the silence again. "Tell me the other things you were feeling."

I thought for a moment. "Aside from being afraid, I felt challenged. You were trying to break me, and I wasn't going to let that happen."

His mouth dropped open. "Break you? Is that why you didn't use your safe words?" I looked down in embarrassed silence, which gave James the answer to his question. "This isn't a game about winning or losing. It's about your safety while we explore and find your limits." He paused for a moment. "I wasn't trying to break you, as you call it. I was helping you discover how much pain you felt comfortable experiencing."

"I shouldn't like experiencing pain at all."

He gave me a disapproving look. "We've talked about this before, Melanie. It's okay to like what you like. Don't let society's view of what’s normal influence what you want to experience sexually. What we choose to do in the privacy of our bedroom is no one else's concern."

I took a deep breath. "Sometimes what we do affects other people, though."

He gave me a hard stare. "What people, what do you mean?"

"It was difficult for Gianna to see me the morning after we …" My voice began to crack, and I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes.

James took a big sip of his coffee and collected his thoughts. "I realize this isn't easy for you, Melanie." He paused before continuing, "I can only suggest that you be forthright with her concerning what you like sexually, and it would also be beneficial if you were honest with yourself."

I gave him a cold stare. "And just what does that mean?"

"Pain, when administered properly, can exponentially intensify any sexual act, and whether you're willing to admit it to yourself or not you enjoy it more than most."

Is he right? Am I a pain slut? Or, even worse, am I letting him turn me into one? That thought was almost too horrific to contemplate.

He continued speaking. "The most important thing to remember is establishing your limits."

I thought for a moment. "There were a couple of times when you were close … you got very close to the amount of pain I could take."

He gave me another disapproving look. "I gave you very explicit instructions, Melanie, before we began that session. What should you have done?"

"I should have said the word yellow."

He gave me another cold stare. "Yes, you should have, because that would have told me you were close to the amount of pain you wanted to experience and I would have backed off." We silently sipped our coffee for a few moments before he broke the silence. "I love your competitiveness and your mental and physical strength. However, during a session, you must be cognizant of your safe words and use them if you need to. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," I said softly.

He stood up, grabbed both of our empty cups, and went back inside to the kitchen to refill them. He moved so smoothly, so confidently, like he owned the room. It reminded me of the first night we met in that large ballroom at the Paris. A few seconds later, he walked back out onto the deck. "Just a little half-and-half, right?" he said while handing me the mug.

I smiled sweetly. "Yes, dear." I watched while he took a sip of the hot coffee. "Can I ask you something else?" I said softly.

"Of course you can."

"Why did you want me to get my pubic hair removed with a laser? I would have kept it shaved for you, since that's what you wanted."  I paused before continuing. "I know it's the trend these days and it's what guys like."

"No, Melanie. Your pussy being bare doesn't have anything to do with the latest trend." He took a deep breath. "Submissives don't have pubic hair, and permanently removing yours was a way to mark your body as mine."

I could feel my face glowing red in embarrassment. I knew that the removal of my pubic hair was critical to James, but until now I didn't fully understand why. I could also feel my vagina begin to moisten. The thought of being his … his possession, his property … was incredibly arousing.

"You like being mine, don't you?" he said huskily.

Our eyes met. "Yes, I do, James."

"There is nothing more arousing than a submissive woman who's also a natural slut."

I could feel my face glowing red in embarrassment. "You just seem to bring that out in me."

"No, trust me, it was always there."

We took another sip of our coffee and got lost for a few minutes in reflective thought. I could tell from the hungry look in his eyes that it wasn't going to be long before we would be making our way up to the bedroom. My mind drifted back to the hour or so when he was sleeping and I was reading my book and admiring the magnificent white sand beach and crystal blue ocean. The scenery just outside the balcony was so serene, so beautiful, and so ... romantic. I broke the silence. "You told me when you left that morning, you'd make it up to me."

He gave me an uneasy look that quickly broke into a big smile. "Let me guess; I can see a trip to the jewelry store in our future."

I gave him a little scowl. "No, nothing that expensive." I paused before hesitantly continuing. "While we're here, no blindfolds, no restraints, and no floggers ... okay?"

He gave me a disillusioned look. "You still want to have sex, though, right?"

Smart-ass. "We can still have sex ... right after we get back from the jewelry store."

We both burst into laughter. Then he stood up and extended his hand, and I took it. When I stood up, he swept me up into his arms and carried me up the stairs, crossing the threshold wedding-night style. I wanted so much to kiss him, but I also didn't want to distract him while we were ascending the stairs. Once we reached the master bedroom, he laid me down on the bed, quickly removed his clothes, and crawled on top of me. Immediately, his mouth possessed mine in a hot, passionate kiss.

I could feel his hands run up and down my body, caressing my flesh. It had been just a little over a month since I had seen him, and his doing that made me realize just how much I’d missed him. His hand slipped underneath the hem of the t-shirt, and he pulled it up, over my body, and then off. Once my breasts were exposed, his mouth was all over them.  He alternated from one to the other, kissing, sucking, nibbling, and gently biting until my pink nipples were standing proudly off my breasts. "God, I've missed these," he said while kneading my large breasts.

I ran my fingers through his thick salt-and-pepper hair. His mouth and hands were driving me crazy, and I could feel my already-moist vagina become damp with his skilled ministrations. Between moans, I was able to direct him. "Lower … please, James … lower …" I whimpered.

My nipple popped out of his mouth. "Tell me what you want."

"My pussy ... put your mouth on my pussy." He smiled. I knew he loved it when I begged, and I reveled in incorporating that into our lovemaking. "Please, James … don't tease me."

Characteristically, he took his time, tantalizingly tormenting me. He slowly kissed his way down my stomach while his hands never left my breasts. His mouth traveled further south to my navel, his tongue dipping in and out. I let out a little moan when he bit me, leaving small teeth marks on my stomach. I heard him inhale deeply. "I can smell your pussy; I love how hot and wet you get for me."

I really wanted to feel his mouth on me, and I didn't know how much more of this tormenting tease he'd put me through. "Please, James … please …" I moaned while desperately trying to push his head lower.

Taking me by surprise, he wrapped his arms underneath and then up between my thighs. He then rolled me towards the head of the bed, which simultaneously spread my legs and lifted my ass off the mattress. Thankfully, because I had been incorporating yoga into my workouts for years, his sudden move wasn't painful. "Oh, God," I moaned when he sank his tongue deep inside my pussy.

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Almost immediately, it felt as if lightning bolts were shooting through my body. I could feel his tongue lick the walls of my vagina before exiting and moving upwards to my clit. I gasped when he took the little bud into his mouth and began deliciously sucking on it. "Jesus … James … yeah… just like that …" I moaned between little sips of breath.

His hands were still on my breasts, and he was alternating between kneading them and roughly squeezing my nipples between the tips of his fingers. I felt my orgasm begin to build as he continued his assault on my vagina. My whole body felt like it was on fire as he continued to lap at my clit. "Just a little more, James … just a little more …"

I tried to hold my orgasm back as long as I could because I didn't want the intense pleasure he was giving me to end. Unfortunately, I could only last a few more seconds before I let go and my body released. When I came back down and was aware of what was happening, I felt James licking the wetness from the inside of my thighs. Our eyes met. It was erotic seeing his face wet with my juices.

"Are you ready for some more?" he asked huskily.

My face broke into a big smile. "If you're so inclined."

Without warning, he rolled me forward again towards the head of the bed. Then he plunged his tongue into the depths of my vagina, over and over and over without mercy. Almost involuntarily, I squeezed his head between my thighs. His mouth felt so amazingly good; it felt as if it were everywhere at once. His large hands were roughly kneading my breasts and pushing my body down into the mattress. I could feel that familiar tell-tale sign from my body that I was getting close, and James knew it as well. "Let it go for me, Melanie," he said in a deep baritone pitch. It was as if I could hear the lust dripping from his voice.

My body began to shake almost uncontrollably as wave after wave of my orgasm coursed through me. When I regained my senses, James was looking up at me from between my legs. "I want your cock in my mouth," I whispered. 

He moved up my body and our lips met in a passionate embrace. It was exceptionally erotic for me when I could taste myself on his mouth. He then flipped over on his back and pulled me on top of him while we continued to kiss. I reached down and began stroking his big cock, which caused him to moan and break our kiss. "I've missed this the last month," I said while continuing to move his member up and down in my hand.

I kissed his neck and licked some of the sweat that had collected there. Then I moved down to his chest, kissing, licking, and sucking. I flicked my tongue over his erect nipple, but I didn't tarry long there because I knew he didn't like much of that. When I kissed lower, that familiar scent entered my nostrils. It was manly, just a little funky, and so astonishingly intoxicating. My mouth watered in anticipation of what would come next. I ran the tip of my tongue through the slit in the head of his penis and collected the pre-cum that had formed there. I could hear a quiet moan slip through his lips. I grasped him in my hand and his cock felt alive as it pulsed and fluttered.

Teasingly, I ran my tongue up and down the veined underside of his cock, which elicited primal moans from his lips. The more I toyed with him, the more pre-cum leaked from the head of his penis. I made a lewd slurping sound as I collected the small pool that had collected on his stomach.

Taking him by surprise, I plunged his cock deep into my mouth. I could hear him gasp and moan in appreciation as I worked him in and out. I took a deep breath, relaxed my throat, and began to work him deeper. I have never had much of a gag reflex, and within a couple of minutes I was taking him all the way down to the root. I could feel his fingers weave through my hair as I bobbed up and down on him. He had incredible control, but within a few minutes his breathing changed and I knew he was getting close. He could have come in my mouth if he’d wanted to, but instead he gently pushed me away. To let him calm down, I took one of his testicles into my mouth and gently rolled it around. "Oh, God, Melanie ... yeah … that feels good."

It gave me such pleasure to know he was enjoying what I was doing. He opened his legs wider, giving me better access. I continued to suck and gently lick the round orbs as he emitted soft little moans. Almost subconsciously, I began licking underneath his ball sack and an erotic shiver coursed through my body. I had engaged in ass play many times with women who I knew enjoyed it and loved to reciprocate on me. However, the thought of doing it with a guy had never really crossed my mind until that very moment.

Hesitantly, I began to lick lower, which immediately got James's attention, and our eyes met. For a few seconds he silently watched me, as if questioning whether I was bold enough to do it. At that point, more than anything, I wanted to break new ground; I wanted to please him in a way I'd never done before. At that moment, it wasn't something I wanted, but something I needed.

I licked just a little lower until his voice broke the silence. "Only your tongue, nothing else."

I give him my best sexy, pouty look. "Yes, Daddy," I said seductively. Gently, I licked over his asshole several times and I could hear him moan and feel his body tense up. God, he loves this. 

I collected as much saliva as I could on the tip of my tongue for lubrication and slowly began pushing it inside the little puckered hole. He let out a low, guttural moan and his hands again weaved through my long blonde hair. I inched closer to him and was able to slide my tongue in just a bit deeper. "Oh, God, Melanie," he said over and over as I worked my tongue in and out of him.

A few seconds later one of his hands left my hair and moved to his cock, and he began stroking himself as I continued to tongue his asshole. After a few moments I heard his breathing change and I knew he was getting close. For a moment, I thought he was going to lose control, but at the last possible second he pushed me away and was able to regain his composure. He pulled me up to him and gave me a long, wet kiss. After he broke our embrace, he spoke. "You’re just fucking incredible," he said in a deep, husky voice.

I couldn't help but smile. "I want your cock inside of me, James."

He pushed me back on the bed and then moved on top, his weight sensually crushing me. I could feel his cock press against the inside of my thigh, and he quickly took it in his hand and found my aperture. I was so slick and wet from the amazing foreplay that my body offered little resistance, and he sank himself into me with one long, smooth stroke. I wrapped my arms and legs around his body, and we moved slowly, gently, in perfect unison. It felt like we were one. Before long, the sweat of our bodies began to mix, which just seemed to add to our passionate lovemaking.

We were so close. It was as if I could feel his heart beating through his chest. The weight of his body on top of me, his manly smell, his torso sensually crushing my breasts, it all added to the erotic experience for me. Unlike so many of our previous couplings, this time his movements were controlled, gentle and smooth as he worked himself in and out of me.

Taking me by complete surprise, he wrapped his arms around me and rolled both of us over to where we had changed positions, and I was now on top of him. I looked down, and our eyes met. "Ride me, Melanie," he groaned huskily.

I put my hands on his muscled chest, which made it easier for me to gain leverage and take control. I had always found it easier to reach orgasm in this position where I could control the incline and tempo. I began to grind my pelvis into him by changing the angle so his thick cock was perfectly grinding against my clit. I didn't hold myself back, and after a minute or so I was shaking violently on top of him while my orgasm racked my body. When I came down, he was looking directly into my eyes. "I could watch you come all day long," he said between little gasps of breath.

"Come with me, Daddy."

He picked up the pace just a little, and I squeezed my vaginal muscles as hard as I could, something I knew he loved. He felt so big inside me as he continued to thrust. His breathing began to change, and I knew he was getting close. I could have released again at any time, but I wanted to wait so we could reach that peak together. A few moments later I felt his body begin to stiffen and shake, and I let myself go. Simultaneously, his cock pulsed inside me and I could feel his semen squirt into my vagina. I collapsed on top of him as both of us struggled to regain our breath. Our morning was perfect. I’d learned so many things about him and what he wanted from me. James could be very demanding, and so many times being with him was very challenging. However, that morning my world felt perfect, and there was nowhere else I would have rather been.

It was such a beautiful day, and I was so happy to be with James. He could be so tender and loving when he wanted, and the fabulously romantic scenery of the beach and sand only added to those feelings of enchantment I was experiencing after we made love. I had always attempted to keep my relationship with James grounded in reality because I knew he didn't have the same feelings for me that I had for him. However, that morning I briefly let myself pretend that we were a newly-married couple on our honeymoon. Emotionally, I knew that was very dangerous, but I couldn't help myself. We showered together and James ordered room service for breakfast. When it arrived, it was as if we had enough food to feed a small army. "Are you sure we have enough food?" I teased.

He smiled. "I just asked them to bring a little of everything, but I didn't expect this."

The wait staff had brought large family-style portions of breakfast tacos with chorizo, egg, and potatoes; sweet potato chorizo hash with eggs, avocado, and crema; huevos rancheros; chipotle chicken breakfast chilaquiles; chipotle and jalapeno bagels; and churro doughnuts.

While we ate, we talked about his restaurants, my classes, and my final grades for my sophomore year. I had worked very hard academically and had made the Dean's List. James told me several times how proud he was, and I have to admit I yearned for his praise about anything. It didn't matter if his approval came from the marks I received in my classes or the marks he made on my body; I just wanted to please him. I could almost feel myself falling deeper in love with him. Once we'd finished breakfast, James looked into my eyes. "Let's hit the beach," he said casually. "You can go upstairs to change, and I'll wait here for you."

Previously, when we’d gotten out of the shower, James had put on swim trunks and a Hawaiian shirt. Because I wasn't sure what he would want to do after breakfast, I put on a little sundress. "That sounds like an excellent idea. Just give me a few minutes to change and I'll be back down."

As I stood up from the table, he spoke again. "Make sure you wear one of the suits I mailed to you," he said sternly.

Two weeks prior, James had sent me a package containing five Wicked Weasel micro-bikinis. I hadn't looked at them after opening the package; I’d just stuffed them into my drawer with the rest of my more-standard bikinis. I could feel my stomach start to get queasy. The Wicked Weasel suits he’d purchased were only half-bikinis at best, and I wasn't particularly anxious to try them on. He was in such an open mood earlier and freely answered all of my inquiries, so I couldn't help but want an answer to the final question concerning our relationship. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

I took a deep breath. "Why do you have me wear the type of clothes you do?"

This was something that I’d struggled with since I met James. I loved wearing sexy clothes, especially the expensive designer apparel he purchased for me. Unfortunately, some of his wardrobe choices bordered on the extreme. On most occasions, I felt comfortable wearing sexy little mini-dresses and skirts. However, there were times when he demanded I wear extreme club-type clothing in inappropriate situations. One example was when he had me wear the yellow scrunch dress to his upscale Italian restaurant. The thought of being dressed in a Wicked Weasel micro-bikini on the beach instead of one of my regular bikinis was very disconcerting to me, and I hoped he'd explain his reasoning behind his clothing choices.

"We've talked about this before."

"Yes, but you weren't very forthcoming with your answers, though," I said sheepishly.

He took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. "You have a beautiful body, Melanie, and I enjoy purchasing and dressing you in risqué clothing because it pleases me to show you off to others."

I could feel my face glowing red in embarrassment. It took me a few seconds to collect myself before I could respond. "I love wearing the beautiful clothes you buy me. However, it's difficult when you ask me to wear things that make me stand out and get unwanted attention."

He smiled. "You're referring to that yellow dress that you wore in my restaurant, aren't you?"

I shot him a disapproving look. "Yes, I'm referring to the yellow scrunch club dress that you made me wear."

"Do you know how beautiful you looked in that dress that evening?" I looked down, and I could feel myself blushing again. "Do you know how proud I was of you that night? Everyone in that restaurant knew you were with me." He paused and looked directly into my eyes. "You're mine, Melanie, and every person in that restaurant knew it. I know being on display is something new to you and I realize it was a tough situation. But you got through it, and you made me very proud."

"Displaying me is very important to you, isn't it?"

"It's a very significant part of our relationship."

I wasn't sure I liked being dressed inappropriately so people could gawk at me. Nonetheless, I realized how important it was to James, and I wanted to please him. I concluded that, even if his clothing choices made me somewhat uncomfortable, I would find a way to get through it, since it was what he wanted from me. I broke into a little smile. "So which one of those suits do you want me to wear?"

"Surprise me."

To be continued ...

Written by melanieatplay
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