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Author's Notes

"This is the Tuesday of the week before the wife starts a new job. This takes place in the era before cell phones, the internet, etc. References are made to other characters and events in the Private Game series."

After breakfast and seeing Mike off to work, Lynn relaxes at the kitchen table with her second cup of coffee. She thinks about setting up dates with Eric and Mark.

She has a wicked smile as she reminisces, ‘So that’s what a zipless fuck is all about. Did I really fuck a stranger at the Sheraton? Yeah I did and it was great. And Mike will never know. I’m definitely going to try that again. Maybe the next time I’ll tell him to eat me out to see if he can taste anything after I shower.’

She changes into shorts and a loose top and takes a walk to distract her from thinking about meeting Derek and William in the afternoon.

At the same time, their neighbor Pete is at Marcy’s house getting a blowjob.

Marcy slides her tongue around his mushroom head, “God, I love this big cock. I called Wayne at work and told him you were coming over. I love teasing him about fucking in our bed.”

“It’s more convenient having a husband who knows and gets turned on.”

They have sex and in the afterglow of their release, Marcy is laying on her side toying with one of his nipples. They discuss people in the subdivision.

“Speaking of neighbors, I had an interesting conversation with Lynn on Friday.”


“Don’t be coy with me. Your hot neighbor across the street. The one you want to get into bed.”

“That’s for sure. I’ve got some things to tell you, but you first.”

She gives him the details of their conversation.

He perks up. “She told you about looking at another guy’s cock?”

“That and Mike was right there watching her.”

She tells him more, “After Mike went to work and they were alone, he asked her if she wanted to see it.”

She tells him about her and Rosemary’s suspicions. They compare notes.

Pete says, “Yeah she’s cheating on him. I saw those two guys but didn’t see her in the morning with Mike’s friend. They were acting friendly?”

“Real friendly. That was after she saw his dick.”

He tells her about the guy he saw last Wednesday.

Marcy says, “Yep your right. She’s cheating. I wonder if Mike knows.”

“He knows.” He tells Marcy about the conversation he had with Mike on Sunday.

“I wonder if he told Lynn?”

“I don’t think so. I told him not to confront her and just let it ride. He went back to cutting grass like everything was normal.”

“That hot little minx. Three guys.”

“You told her about me?”

Marcy tells him about describing his nine-inch cock to Lynn.

“So you know she’s cheating, and she knows about your endowment. The next time you see her, steer the conversation and invite them over to your hot tub.”

“Thanks for the tip. Now I want some more pussy.”

Derek calls Mike at work. They discuss last week’s sex romp at the Ritz-Carlton.

Derek says, “I had a great time. Lynn has become even more uninhibited since our first night. I’m glad you were there to watch and join in.”

“I really enjoyed it. Walking in when you had your hand up your skirt was hot.”

“I told you I know how to work with cuckold couples.”

“The next time you are in town I’d like to invite you to our house. It would give you and Lynn some time together in the privacy of our home.”

“I’ll take you up on that. At your house we don’t have to worry about someone in the next room.”

They share a laugh.

Derek continues, “There’s been a change in plans. We don’t have time for lunch. Have Lynn come straight to my room.”

“I know she’ll like that.”

“So do I. Since she likes two men, we’ll make sure she gets all she wants.”

“I’ll let her know.”

“I’ll see you my next trip. I appreciate the invitation to your house.”

Mike calls Lynn and tells her about the change in plans.

She’s excited, “Honey, that is so hot! I can’t wait. See you after work.”

Lynn has a light lunch and prepares herself for her afternoon appointment with two businessmen. She dresses in an ensemble consisting of her dark blue skirt and jacket, no blouse, thong, garter belt, and hose.

She gets in the car and adjusts her skirt above mid-thigh showing her stocking tops. She looks in the review mirror and sees Pete retrieving his mail. She unfastens the top button and opens the jacket revealing her left breast to the bra cup. She adjusts the seatbelt so it tightens over her chest, perfectly framing her exposed breast. She also opens her legs a little showing a garter belt clip.

She backs into the street and lowers her window, “Hi Pete. How’s it going?”

“Hi Lynn, just another day in the neighborhood. It’s good to see you.”

They exchange pleasantries. She looks at his crotch. There’s a nice outline. She catches him unashamedly looking at her exposed breast and legs.

“You’re looking good today. I like the outfit.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it. I’m going to a business meeting.”

“In that case, you may want to button up your jacket.”

She looks down, “Ohh..that would be embarrassing. Thanks for noticing.” She undoes the seatbelt, covers her breast with the jacket, refastens the top button, and readjusts the seatbelt, “There, that’s better.”

“I wouldn’t say that’s better. But you won’t be embarrassed.”

She says in a kidding manner, “Pete that’s so silly.”

“And you should probably lower your skirt.”

She teases, “You don’t think this appropriate for a business meeting? You men don’t know what a hassle it is driving with a skirt. It’s more comfortable this way.”

“The garter belt is a nice touch. Black is a good color with that skirt.”

“You’re pretty observant. I don’t like wearing pantyhose when it’s this hot.”

He says, “We’ve never gotten together except at neighborhood functions, you and Mike should join me in my hot tub some evening.”

“That sounds like fun. You live across the street so we can play it by ear.”

“In case Mike’s not up for it, you can come by yourself.”

She smiles, “Pete you‘re so naughty.”

She leaves Pete and heads for her rendezvous. ‘I can’t believe it. I’m on my way to take on two businessmen at their hotel and I’m projecting my availability to a retired marine.’

She parks her car in the garage and takes the elevator to the lobby level. By this time she’s familiar with the elevators to the guest rooms. She walks down the corridor to Derek’s room and knocks on the door. A younger guy opens the door.

She’s startled, “Oh, I’m sorry, I must not have the right room.”

Derek speaks from inside, “This is the right room. Come on in.”

This is awkward.

Derek catches her confusion, “Let me introduce you. Lynn, this is Steve.”

Steve is around her age, five-nine with dark hair, and a very nice-looking body. ‘Mmm….he looks hot. I think I’m going to like this.’

Derek hands her a glass of wine.

She extends her arm to shake Steve’s hand, “It’s nice meeting you. Are you from out of town?”

Derek explains Steve just joined their team to be their local project manager.

“I know you’re disappointed William couldn’t make it. But you like two men and didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“That’s alright. I’m just a little surprised that’s all. But I’m not disappointed.”

Derek traces a finger from her neck to the tops of one of her breasts, “I like your outfit.”

She replies in a sultry voice, “I thought you’d like it. It’s the same one I wore last week.”

He kisses her neck, “Mmm... I like your perfume.”

“I wore it for you. I know what you like.”

They embrace and she puts her arms around his neck and gives him a deep open-mouth kiss. He reciprocates by probing her open mouth with his tongue. He feels the firm globes of her ass.

Steve stands close by and watches, mesmerized as the lovers passionately kiss. ‘I can’t fucking believe it. She’s as hot as Derek told me. I can’t wait to get some of that pussy.’

She turns her attention to Steve, “What about you? Do you like my outfit?”

He caresses her from her neck to the swelling of her breasts. “No blouse. I like the touch.”

He feels the fullness of her breasts against his chest and she senses the stirring of his cock. They kiss passionately for a few minutes before breaking.

Derek tells them, “Why don’t you sit on the couch. Steve, you and Lynn can get better acquainted.”

The younger couple sit on the couch. Steve wraps his arm around another man’s wife in a tight embrace. She eagerly accepts his kiss. He tastes the sweet remnants of wine on her full lips. Lynn readily responds to his caresses. They passionately kiss while exploring their bodies.

Derek relaxes in the same comfortable chair where Mike watched his wife suck Derek’s cock. He sips his wine and watches the younger couple’s make-out session and slowly strokes his cock through his slacks.

Steve kisses Lynn’s sensitive area around her clavicle and Lynn moans, “Ohh..god this feels so good.”

He unbuttons her jacket exposing her bra-encased breasts Her nipples are outlined through the thin fabric. Steve lightly strokes the tops of her breasts and runs a finger in her bra cup brushing her nipple. She slides a bra strap off her shoulder giving him better access to her breast. He kisses and tongues her erect nipple. Lynn holds his head tight against her breast.

“Ohhh..kiss my tits.”

His left-hand caresses her hip to mid-thigh below her skirt. She places a hand over his. He lightly strokes her stocking-clad inner thigh under her skirt. She opens her legs as far as the skirt will allow. He reaches the soft skin above her stocking tops and strokes her until a finger brushes her pussy. He feels her wetness through her panties. He raises her skirt and opens her legs. A line of moisture coating her slit is visible.

He uses a finger to pull aside her panties and lightly opens her slit. God is she wet. She gasps and involuntarily raises her hips pushing his finger deeper into her cunt.

“Ohh..fuck. Play with my pussy.” She looks with hooded eyes at Derek and says, “Can you tell my pussy’s wet? Do you like watching Steve play with me?”

Derek doesn’t respond, he takes another sip of wine.

Steve probes Lynn’s hot and juicy cunt. He parts her outer folds inserting a finger in her adulterous passage. Heat emanates from her cunt. 

She moves her hand to his crotch, where she feels his semi-erect cock. She squeezes him and runs her thumb and two fingers against his length. He feels nice and thick. Not as big as Chuck and Derek or Tommy, more like Chris or Eric.

Lynn whispers in Steve’s ear, “Did Derek tell you I’m adventuresome and like naughty things.”

He doesn’t say anything. He keeps his mouth covering a nipple and opening up her pussy with two fingers. She tells him to undress.

He stands in front of her and takes off his shirt. He looks her in the eye and unbuckles his belt and unfastens his slacks.

“Let me help with this.”

She unzips him and pulls his slacks off his hips. They fall to the floor and he steps out of them. Her arousal increases at the bulge in his briefs, inches from her face. She eases her palm across his abdomen, reaches in his briefs, and feels him. Steve inhales from the sensation of the warmth of Lynn’s hand on his cock pushing his hardness into her palm. She tugs his briefs off his hips, where they join his slacks on the floor.

She strokes him with her left hand. Her wedding and engagement rings glistening in the dim light. Steve’s cock is fully erect, his ball sac tight.

She caresses his body, “What a great body and nice cock. Thank you for the treat, Derek.”

Steve tells her he played intramural soccer league in college and still plays in an adult league. Lynn loves soccer players. During her wild phase in college, a soccer player boyfriend had the biggest cock she had until fucking Chuck.  

In a tantalizing voice, she asks, “What would you like?”

He applies pressure on the back of her head pulling her to his cock, “Suck it.”

Steve gasps as her warm mouth slides over his cock. She licks the length of his shaft, giving him light kisses on the sensitive underside beneath the crown.

Sucking a nude man while she’s still dressed further enflames her. Her wanton behavior fuels her lust. With Chuck, Derek, and Chris, there was some preliminary flirtation. Within twenty minutes of being introduced to Tommy and Steve, she had their cocks in her mouth.

Derek commands, “Play with your pussy while you suck him.”

She opens her thighs and plays with her clit.

The room is very quiet except for the cool jazz on the radio, Lynn's sucking noises, and Steve’s moans.

Derek undresses and walks to the sofa. Lynn has Steve’s cock in her mouth. He lifts her chin and says, “You look good with a cock in your mouth, but we better get you out of these clothes. We don’t want to stain your outfit.”

They help take off her jacket. She unfastens her bra and slides it off her arms, fully exposing her breasts. She unzips her skirt and lifts her hips and drops it on the floor. Derek picks up her clothing and folds it over a chair.

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Lynn says, “Thank you Derek. You are so considerate.”

She has a cock in each hand slowly stroking, feeling the ridges and veins and their swollen cockheads. She alternates sucking each one. She slavers their tight ball sacs, her tongue explores the ridges. She draws their cocks in her mouth as deep as she can.

Derek says, “You’re learning how to take big cocks.”

A couple of times she gags, spittle, and cum dribble on her breasts. She’s glad Derek suggested taking off her clothes.

Derek stops her and helps her stand up. The threesome form a wife sandwich. Her panties come off and fall to the floor. She loves the feel of two sets of hands fondling her body. Steve is in front. He runs his fingers through her soft pubic hair to her lust-engorged vulva. Two fingers slip in without resistance.

“Ohh..fuck that feels good. Play with my pussy.”

Steve tells Derek, “Man you were right. She does have a hot pussy. It’s already wet.” He asks Lynn, “Have you ever had two guys before?’

She breathlessly replies, “My husband’s friend and another guy.”

“So you know what to expect.”

She loves the wife sandwich. Derek kisses the back of her neck and Steve her lips. Steve’s cock, slick from her saliva and pre-cum presses against her stomach. Derek’s cock is nestled in the valley of her firm, tight glutes.

They break the sandwich. Lynn unfastens her hose from the garter belt and throws it on the floor. She lays in bed and rolls the hose off her raised legs. They join the garter belt on the floor.

She spreads her legs wide and says, “Who wants some married pussy.”

Derek and Steve join her in bed. She remembers the erotic thrill of being in bed with Chuck and Tommy. She strokes their cocks while they take a nipple in their mouths.

She arches her back pushing her breasts against their eager lips and tongues, “Ohh.. that feels so good. Do anything you want.”

They alternate playing with her pussy. She bucks against their hands feeling the penetration of two sets of fingers. It doesn’t take long for her to reach orgasm.

With lust in her voice, she asks, “Who’s fucking me first?”

Derek says, “Steve you owe it to yourself to taste her pussy before you fuck her.”

Steve lays between her outstretched legs and takes in the sight of her enflamed cunt. Her labia is coated with pussy juice. He licks her inner thighs, teasing her until reaching her lips.

As soon as his tongue opens her slit, she lifts her hips, pushing her cunt to his mouth. “Ahh…god that feels so good. Eat my pussy.”

Derek kneels by her head and feeds her his cock. She eagerly draws him in her mouth.

Steve increases his tongue motion, lapping her sweet juices. She pulls his head tighter to her cunt. She revels in the sensation, until she explodes in an orgasm on his mouth. Juices are coating his lips. He kneels between her legs and they exchange a passionate kiss. She tastes her juices on his lips.

Derek says, “I told you she has a sweet pussy. Now it’s my turn.”

They exchange places. Derek doesn’t take preliminaries; he covers her cunt with his mouth. Steve feeds her his cock and fondles her breast.

“Fuck Derek, you told me what a hot slut she is, but man, the way sucks cock.”

It doesn’t take long for her to cum on the older man’s mouth.

“I think she’s wet enough. Steve, you take the first fuck.”

Steve kneels between Lynn's spread legs. Her tits are swollen with desire, the nipples erect, and the aureoles fully dimpled. He takes them in the hands. She moans and arches her back to push her tits against his palms.

Lynn strokes his cock at the outer passage of her pussy. She rubs his cock up and down her slit, teasing her clit, feeling her juices coat the swollen head. She guides the swollen head to the opening of her pussy. He enters her and Lynn lifts her hips to drive his cock into her pussy. He brings his cock out until just his head is in and slams back into her.

"Ohhh. God Steve, that feels so good, fuck my pussy."

Derek is content to sip his wine and watch his younger colleague fuck Mike’s wife.

He gives him encouragement, “Fuck that married slut. She likes a good pounding.”

Lynn matches thrust for thrust. She kisses from his neck to his nipples using her tongue and teeth to give him little nips.

She feels her orgasm building and cums with another earthshattering orgasm.

“Ohhhh…..fuck..god your cock feels so good.”

She toys with his nipples and says in a little girl voice, “Now it’s your turn to cum.”

Steve takes more forceful strokes. She feels his cock tensing and then throbs as he lets a blast of cum in her married pussy. He pulls out and three more ropes land on her abdomen and pubic hair.

“God that was great.”

Steve eases his flaccid organ from her distended cunt and flops on his side. He leaves a trail of cum on her thigh.

Derek says, “Now it’s my turn.”

She opens her legs for another fucking. Derek kneels between them with his buttocks resting on his heels. He takes her by the waist and pulls her up on his thighs. Her legs are lewdly spread on either side of his thighs, exposing her open pussy to his lustful gaze.

She guides his erect organ to her opening. He takes a powerful thrust, driving the full length of his cock into her pussy. She arches her hips to meet his thrusts, until their bodies meld.

She has a total look of lust, “Fuck me with that big dick.”

He fucks her and talks dirty about the men she’s been fucking.

He slow fucks her, “God... Derek just like that. You know how I liked to be fucked.”

They arrive at a mutual climax, Derek’s cum joining Steve’s in her pussy and on her abdomen.

Lynn laughs with her post-coital release, “Fuck was that good. I just love two cocks.” She kisses each one, “You guys know exactly what I like.”

Lynn forgoes any more wine and asks for water instead. Derek brings her water. He also brings a washcloth to wipe the cum from her body.

She stops him, “You’re so considerate but leave some for my husband.”

Steve interjects, “For your husband? What’s he going to do, lick it off your body?”

Lynn says, “He likes to lick me after I’ve been fucked.”

Derek says, “You’re a younger man. You’d be surprised what goes on behind closed doors.”

“Fuck I guess I do.”

They relax with Lynn in the middle. She languidly strokes their cocks. “I guess you’re going back to your meeting?”

“We don’t have anything scheduled until dinner.”

Derek positions Lynn on her stomach with a couple of pillows underneath her propping up her ass. Her vulva remains open, her pubic hair matted, slick with her juices and cum. She eagerly anticipates another onslaught on her married pussy.

Derek kneels between her open legs and lines up the head of his cock to her vaginal open. He slides half of his cock in her tight passage and she moans. With a more forceful stroke, he drives the rest to the hilt.

She arches her neck, veins protruding, “Ohhh..fuck…give me that big cock.”

They take turns fucking her pussy and ass. Lynn loses track of how many times she cums.  Her arms are outstretched and her hands clutch the rumpled sheets while two men take turns with her.

They conclude with Lynn sucking Steve to completion while Derek fucks her ass. He cums on her ass and lower back.


Mike arrives home a little early. Lynn still isn’t home from meeting Derek and William. The answering machine is blinking. There is a message from a real estate agent and the other is for Lynn.

Lynn, this is Chris. I’m looking forward to helping you shop Thursday. There’s been a slight change in plans. Let’s meet at 12:30. I was also thinking about that other shop.

He goes upstairs to his home office. A few minutes later he hears the garage door. He greets his wife at the door. In spite of fixing her hair and freshening her makeup, she looks a mess. She exudes sex and lust. She might as well have a sign on her forehead saying, ‘I just got fucked.’

She forcefully kisses her husband. Her tongue intertwines with his. He tastes alcohol and cum in her mouth. He moans on his adulterous wife’s tongue.

“Jeez, your body is so hot.”

Her voice is husky with lust, “Two men got it hot for you. That’s what you want. You like other men getting my body hot.”

“I do.” He steps back and admires her, “You’re wearing the same outfit.”

“Derek liked it last week. I’m getting used to wearing a skirt.” She lifts her skirt showing her stocking tops and garter belt straps, “And this too.”

“I like it.”

“Do you think it would project my availability if I flashed my stocking tops and garter belt tops?”

“I think that’s an unmistakable sign.” He gives her a light kiss. “How was William?”

“He wasn’t able to make it.”

“You must have been disappointed.”

“Not at all. Derek invited another work colleague.” She tongues his ear, “The older man makes sure his married mistress is taken care of.”

“Was the married mistress taken care of?”

“Mmm..she was. Let’s go to the sitting room and she’ll tell you all about it.”

Mike follows his wife upstairs and joins her on the sitting room loveseat. They passionately kiss. Mike explores his adulterous wife’s body.

He kisses her erogenous zone and the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He continues to the tops of her breasts. “Mmmm…someone tastes nice and salty.”

“I know you like the salty taste, especially since you know where the taste comes from.”

He lightly caresses her stocking-clad inner thigh under her skirt. She opens her legs as far as the skirt will allow. He reaches her soft skin above her stocking tops and strokes her until a finger brushes her pussy. He feels her wetness through her panties.

“Ohh.. yeah.. honey that feels so good. Steve felt me like that.”

“I take it Steve was the other guy.”

 He raises her skirt and opens her legs. A line of moisture coating her slit is visible. He strokes her panty-covered vulva. There are white cum stains on the crotch. The stains are highly visible in contrast with the black color of her panties.

“We better get you out of these clothes.”

“That’s what they said.”

Lynn undresses and hands Mike her jacket and skirt for him to fold up. She leaves on her panties and gets in bed. Her husband joins her.

She lifts her hips and Mike slides her panties off. She spreads her legs, “Now honey, you can see what they left for you.”

The aroma of sex is much stronger. He lays between her legs basking in the sight of her wet vulva. The musky scent of semen and pussy juice hits his nostrils. Her pubic hair is matted, the beginning of her love canal is visible after being stretched by two big cocks.  He tongues her pubic hair and around her mons tasting other men’s cum. He licks on either side of her cunt before opening her slit with his tongue.

She leans up on her elbows, “You look so hot eating other men’s cum from my pussy.”

He cleans the cum from her vulva and abdomen. He lays next to her pulls his wife’s body tight against him. He feels the suppleness and heat. They passionately kiss, her mouth accepting his eager tongue, their desires fueled by Lynn’s infidelity.

He sees red marks on her breasts.

Lynn smiles and says, "Looks like they got carried away."

“How did they treat you?”

Her voice is husky with passion, “They treated me like a slut. I was their fuck-toy. They took turns fucking me. One would slide his cock out of my pussy and the next one would take his place.”

“They left cum other places.”

She rolls over on her stomach. There are more cum splotches on her lower back and glutes. He kisses from her neck down her spine and licks the cum from her firm ass. There is muskiness and the smell of sex from her anal opening. He licks the crevice of her cheeks. More cum. He tongues her rosebud.

“Did they fuck your ass?”

“Both of them did. They took turns with my ass just like my mouth and pussy.”

 She spreads her legs and stretches her arms above her head. “Derek and Steve had my pussy now you get some.”

He strokes himself and basks in the sight of his wife’s body, “God you look so good after you’ve been fucked.”

He slides his cock into his wife’s adulterous cunt. She’s open from taking other cocks but is still nice and tight. She lifts her legs, giving her husband easier access.

He claps her tight, mashing her full breasts against his chest. He cups her ass, pulling her tight against him. He does not take deep thrusts but pins her between his body and the bed, grinding his cock against her clit.

“Ohhh…fuck that feels so good. Your cock is so hard.”

His thrusts are more forceful. His voice is husky. He slams her, “You’re a fucking slut,” “Ughh...I am a slut,” Slam! “You give other men your pussy.” “Ughh...I like giving men my pussy. They get a lot of pussy.” Slam! “And you suck their cocks.” “Ughh...I suck their cocks. I swallow their cum.” Slam! “You fuck men in our bed.” “Ughh, I like fucking in our bed.” Slam! “Are you going to keep fucking other men?’ “Ughh...I’m going to fuck other men.” Slam! “And you’re going to tell me about it.” “Ughhh. Not all the time.”

Mike pounds his wife. Their bodies tense at the same time, necks extending and veins protruding. Lynn feels her husband’s cock throb as he lets loose a blast of cum in her pussy.

He collapses against her. Their chests are heaving, trying to catch their breaths.

He rolls off.

Lynn releases a post-coital laugh, “God honey, I don’t think you’ve ever fucked me like that. This cuckolding is great!






Written by TuWatchu
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