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Two Cougars Ch. 03

"Things heat up in more than one way."

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Chapter One

The Bar

“And who’s this drink of sunshine?” Cynthia said, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing in a seductive way.

“Oh, this is um, my friend…” Trisha hesitated, and he could see she was struggling to recall his name.

“Matt, nice to meet you,” I smiled over my shoulder at the sexy woman.

“Oh, you two must be real close,” Cynthia laughed sarcastically as she shook her head at Trisha. “Nice to meet you, Matt, I’m Cynthia. Here. I’m a hugger.”

Cynthia laughed as she leaned down and pulled me in for an embrace. It was nearly impossible for me to avoid her long lines of cleavage as she nuzzled her cheek next to mine. Cynthia looked to be about the same age as Trisha and Helen but was clearly more obsessed with her appearance. She wore a bit more makeup than the others, with dark red lipstick, mascara, and foundation, giving her a younger appearance. Her blonde hair flowed behind her, and her enormous, well-sculpted breasts were clearly a prized possession as she showed so much of it from her top. All of which seemed to be used regularly to attract men between my age and hers, it would appear.

Cynthia pulled away from the hug just as another man bullied his way forward to introduce himself. “How’s it goin’, man? I’m Blake,” the man said.

I nodded and shook the man’s hand. Blake was maybe late 20s or early 30s and wore a leather jacket. While I could tell he wasn’t in as great of shape as I was, he definitely dressed and paid more attention to his hair, which seemed to be filled with 20 different products. Granted, I wasn’t planning on going out tonight. Instead, I had planned on getting drunk in front of my parents’ TV surrounded by a sea of cardboard boxes filled with their possessions as I tried to bring myself to throw away some of their stupid knick knacks I struggled to even part with.

“So what you doing out? I thought you never left the house anymore?” Cynthia laughed like it was a joke, but she was clearly digging at Trisha.

“What? I still go out sometimes,” Trisha’s eyes bounced to mine, then back at Cynthia. “Maybe not every night like you… but no, it’s my birthday so we-”

“Oh my god! Happy birthday!” Cynthia danced excitedly.

“Thanks,” Trisha sighed a reserved sigh.

“Wow, you must really be getting up there now, huh?” Cynthia said with a devious smirk on her face. Her hand had remained on my shoulder and coaxed a soft, repetitive rub on my shoulder as she spoke.

“Uh, you’re like a year behind me, right?” Trisha’s eyes narrowed.

“Really? Seemed like more than-”

“Oh hiii, Cynthia…” Helen said as she brought over three shots and a pitcher of beer. I half stood to help her set it down and felt Cynthia’s exploratory fingers slide down my back. Blake was glaring at me as if ready to fight from the touch.

Cynthia quickly shortened her teasing playfulness at the sight of Helen. If it wasn’t for the tattoos that covered Helen’s arms and chest and the disproportionately large breasts Cynthia had, the two women were nearly physical mirrors of one another.

“Helen, you bring this lady out for her birthday?” Cynthia asked.

“That’s right, dear. We’re here to party!” Helen said, shimmying her hips in front of Cynthia’s so she was beside me and bumping her butt against my shoulder. Cynthia made a sound that mixed with shock and outrage at her being shoved away from the table by Helen’s move.

“Okay, okay…” Cynthia rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arm around Blake’s arm and moved for the door. “Well, we’ve got our own party to go to anyway.”

Blake waved and said, “Happy birthday,” to Trisha as if planting the seed for future conquests. Trisha smiled and nodded appreciatively, though Cynthia shot a dirty look at her date.

“Oh, hey, Cyn?” Helen called over her shoulder, pausing the two. “You have my $5 I loaned you last month?”

“I didn’t know you wanted it back,” Cynthia laughed and looked at Blake as if she spoke another language. “Who demands $5 back?”

The couple shared a good laugh as they walked to the door until Helen shouted, "Hey, fuck you, bitch! You owe me money!” And then chucked a full glass of beer at them. Fear stained the couple’s faces as they ran the last remaining steps out the door, just dodging where the glass of beer shattered against the wall.

“God dammit, Helen!” The bartender cursed. “What have I told ya, huh?”

All the conversations paused to take in Helen’s theatrics. Trisha shot to her feet and, with her hands around her friend’s shoulders, pulled her back to her seat. “I’m so sorry,” Trisha mumbled with pink cheeks.

Helen’s cheeks were a shade of red as well, but I assumed by how hard she was breathing it wasn’t because she was embarrassed. I sat silently, sipping my glass of beer, still waiting to see if we were about to be kicked out of there or not. Conversations returned to the other patrons, and the bartender muttered some curses to himself and seemed to let it slide.

“That fucking cunt!” Helen snapped, hammering her fist on the table hard enough to make the pitcher of yellow beer slosh about. “Sorry—can I have some of this?”

Helen snatched the half-empty glass of beer from my hands and downed the rest in one pull.

“Well, yeah, no problem now that we seem to be missing a glass,” I smiled.

A smile cracked across Helen’s face before she broke out laughing. The chain reaction brought all three of us to laughter at the craziness that had just ensued.

“I’m sorry. Did I scare you away by revealing my crazy side too soon?” Helen giggled as she poured another beer from the pitcher for me.

“No, I could use a little excitement in my life,” I said.

Helen stood with a seductive smile. She pushed the beer over to me, and her long line of cleavage lingered before me. “Oooo… could it be that we found one of the last good men left to drink with tonight?” Helen bumped her butt against Trisha’s shoulder before coming beside me. “If it’s excitement you’re after, you’re sitting at the right table, baby.” Helen leaned over my side and gave my cheek a long, lingering kiss. Helen’s breasts pressed against my shoulder as she straightened, rubbing her hand against my chest. “Right, Trish?”

Trisha seemed to be shrinking in her seat, trying to hide her blushing face.

“I’ll be back, gonna get another glass and apologize to Randy… oops!” Helen laughed as she walked off.

My eyes met Trisha, and we both laughed uncomfortably. Breaking the silence, I started, “She is, umm…”

“Very,” Trisha said, and the two of them laughed. “Always been like this too, trust me.”

The typical Saturday night regulars came in and joined the already busy crowd. The lights turned down, and the music turned up.

“Shot glasses!” A man shouted down at their table.

“What?” I yelled over the country song that was playing.

“You got all the damn shot glasses on your table! I need them back!” The bald man shouted angrily. Hours had passed, and I took a deep breath. I looked down and realized the table was full of empty shot glasses. Dozens of shots the three of us took or with other groups of people who were friendly with Helen. Somewhere in my drunken haze, I told Trisha about my returning here for my parents’ funeral and to pack up their things. She told Helen, and upon hearing that, every drunk regular in the bar was buying us shots. Some knew of my parents, and some just out of drunken respect, I suppose.

One of the shots they took was when a random guy was passing them around to all the regulars when the Powerball numbers were being announced on the TV over the bar. The man said he’d pay for the drinks from his winnings when he won. He didn’t win. The last shot they had taken was when me and Helen yelled out for everyone to quiet, then had the entire bar sing ‘happy birthday’ to Trisha as she laughed, pink faced.

I could barely feel my face as I struggled to gather the shot glasses for the man who, after focusing my vision, I realized she was Randy, the bartender. I knocked one empty over and, trying to grab it, knocked two moreover.

“Oh, shit…” I laughed, and Helen and Trisha fell into another on the other side of the table, laughing.

“Fuckn a,” Randy cursed and stormed off with most of the glasses. “I’m closing you out.”

“Hey, you forgots these ones!” I called after him, holding up two glasses, but he ignored me.

Helen stood, bending over me to grab the glasses from my hands while brushing her breasts in my face. “Here, I’ll see if we get another round before he closes us out,” she said.

My drunken eyes followed her as she walked through the crowd. When I looked back, Trisha was shaking her head with a frustrated smile on her face.

“What?” I asked.

“I just hate her sometimes. Like, look at her. Er- look at you!” Trisha pointed at me as she leaned over the table.

“Me?” I asked dramatically, putting a hand over my chest.

“Yes, you. You. With your puppy dog smile, innocent shit. Helen just shakes her tits in your face and she has you wrapped around her finger. It just comes so easy to her.”

“You could do what she does. What’s stopping ya?” I asked.

“Oh, please.” Trisha crossed her arms. “You just want more breasts in your face.

“Well, yeah…” I said, and Trisha giggled. Looking over my shoulder, I leaned forward. “Don’t tell her this, but I much prefer yours than hers.”

Trisha’s eyes looked at me, and our eyes lingered on each other for a long moment, which felt heated and charged. Like if we weren’t in public, we could rip each other’s clothes off right that minute.

“Okay.” Helen fell onto the table and startled us both. “We probably should go. This creeper at the bar won’t leave me alone. And I closed out your card, aaaand the bills a bit more…”

"Ah, who gives a shit!” I said, snatching Helen's receipt and credit card. “Where is this creeper? I’ll beat his ass!” I said as I stood and immediately had to grab the table as the vertigo kicked in.

“Whoa, I don’t think so,” Trisha said as she jolted to her feet and steadied me. “I think not.”

Helen took me by the hand and led us to the door. I felt Trisha’s hands guiding me from behind on my hips.

Once outside, we laughed, and all three of us took turns falling into each other as we crossed the street to the hotel parking lot where I parked.

“There’s no way you’re driving,” Trisha said immediately.

“Oh, come on,” Helen protested. “It ain’t far to my place!”

“Are you kidding?” Trisha laughed. “No.”

A smile grew on my face as my vision focused on the red ‘VACANCY’ sign in the window of the hotel.

“How about we stay here for the night?” I asked, looking at Trisha. “Want to share a room?”

“Yes, the birthday girl does!” Helen yelled.

Chapter two

The Hotel Room

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I’m not sure when I awoke. I’m not sure what time it was or even where I was. I’m not sure how drunk I was at that moment. And I wasn’t sure how long she had been awake. It was a strange feeling to be completely in the moment and to make no effort to leave it. To lay there and have no curiosity about your life before or after that moment, but to be totally entranced by that place you occupied.

I laid on the bed of the slightly chilly hotel room on my side beneath a thin she beside Trisha who mirrored me and laid on her side under the dim light of the room. Helen’s soft snores were background noise from the couch she somehow passed out on.

Trisha’s soft doe eyes rested on mine without any discomfort. She rubbed slowly up and down my calves as her fingernails traced my inner forearm and biceps of my hand that was trapped beneath the pillow she laid on. On one of her passes up my biceps with her hand, I took her hand in my free hand and brought it to my lips, kissing the top of her hand. A cute, warm smile grew across the beautiful woman’s lips as my kiss went around her hand to her tender inner wrist.

Warmed by the moment, she reciprocated by flicking her hair out of the way as she kissed my forearm and slowly but passionately kissed up my bicep. Brushing her hair behind her ear, I cupped the back of her neck as I leaned forward and kissed Trisha deep and long on her lips. The kiss lingered exploratively as our two bodies faced one another on our sides. I traced the tip of my fingers down her spine to the small of her back and felt her squirm and coo a giggle before my warm palm cupped her thick ass cheek. Squeezing it tightly as I slid my fingertips down the line of her ass crack, suddenly Trisha’s kiss grew deeper and tender, and she sighed into me.

Her leg coiled around mine like a constrictor snake, securing her prey from escape. I felt her bare breasts and hard nipples press against my chest as her delicate hands groped and rubbed at my shoulders and back as we kissed. Blood pumped to my member, engorging it to point at her. My middle finger slightly parted her pussy lips as I continued to pinch her ass. Trisha began to pant between kisses as her body subconsciously tried to hump me. Her hips ground on my erection that pressed against her. It was a slow movement that progressed on its own. Within minutes, I had turned Trisha onto her back as I crawled between her tender thighs. Her hands caressed my back and pulled at my hips, begging for me to enter her.

My cock throbbed, the engorged spear tracing her moist pussy lips. Our kiss never broke as my tongue danced with hers, and my left hand slid down to my thick, full breast. Without intent, almost as if our bodies made it happen on their own, the swollen head of my cock pierced Trisha’s wet, tight pussy lips. Pressing inside her, I felt her warmth engulf me and squeeze my shaft as I pressed deeper. Trisha broke from our kiss as she gasped, and her eyes held another as I held inside her.

Slowly pulling out and pushing back inside this gorgeous woman, I watched her mouth open, and her eyes roll back in her head, and I basked in watching her pleasure. My next thrust was harder, and I forced a whimper out of her parted lips. Remembering her sleeping friend, Trisha clapped both her hands over her mouth as the next hard thrust came. Her muffled moans filled the sheets as they fucked under as I grabbed the meat of her hips.

Each rough thrust rocked her entire body and increased the volume of her moans. Pulling her down into my thrust, I fill her pussy with my throbbing cock as I feel her juices pour around my shaft. Her hands lifted to my neck in a panic to pull me down to kiss her before she screamed too loud. I fell forward into a deep kiss and, in doing so, hurried my cock deep inside her, forcing her to moan into me. My hands found her hands as our fingers interlocked, and I pinned her hands to the bed above her head.

Trisha’s thighs wrapped around my hips as I bucked into her. I broke the kiss as my face dangled inches above hers. I watched her strained eyes full of pleasure stare back. I saw her massive tits bouncing to her chin with every thrust. I picked up my pace, looking down on this woman, thinking there was nothing I needed more at that moment than to cum, looking into her beautiful eyes.

Trisha pinched her lips shut as my cock pounded her hole harder. My balls smacked into her body with every thrust. Through squinted eyes, Trisha held her breath and nodded with my thrusts until her eyes fluttered completely backward.

“Oh god, oh god, oh…” she repeated in barely above a whisper as I roughly fucked her hard. For a moment, her lips still moved, but no sound escaped until she took a deep gasping breath and moaned a loud, “Oh my god, You’re gunna—you’re- ahh! Ahh, oh god, I’m cumming!”

I felt her fingers clench on mine as her thighs cinched around my waist, trying to keep my cock from pumping in and out of her. My engorged shaft stuffed inside her harder and harder as her entire body spasmed and went rigid. When her body went limp, she almost immediately began to moan again as my cock filled her up. My fingers released hers as I cupped her face and stuffed deep inside her. Her ragged breaths were hectic as her tits bounced in circles on her chest. “Oh god… oh my… I can’t… I… I…” Trisha cried.

I felt the peak strike as my eyes locked with hers and groaned as my hard cock came inside her.

Trisha released a moan. “Oh, god, I’m cumming again! Yes, cum inside me, baby, ahhh!” The strings of warm cum spurted deep inside her pussy as I cupped her cheek and pulled her lips to mine. My iron-hard shaft flexed inside her as I rammed inside her.

“Mmmmmm oh gah- mmmm!” she moaned between our passionate, wild kisses. Her lips clung to mine and her arms wrapped tightly around me as if she couldn’t stand there being an inch of space between us. The kiss we shared was like nothing I had ever felt. There was an intensity as we held one another. My throbbing cock stuffed inside her pulsating pussy. The moment was overwhelming as I felt her back arch and hips writhe with her orgasm.

The moment lingered for seconds, but I tried to hold on to the feeling to make it last forever. We turned in the bed on our sides and, in a tangle of limbs, stared at one another as we both panted. It was the most comfortable stare I had ever felt. Not awkward in the least. It was as if, in the low light of the room, we were seeing each other for the first time. Her fingernails tickled as they ran down my bare back and around to my chest, exploring my muscles. Strands of her bangs clung to her sweat-dabbed forehead, and I brushed them to the side with my finger. Trisha turned into my palm, kissing it lightly, and I brought my thumb down, softly outlining her lower lip.

The beautiful older woman smiled and, after a few seconds, snaked her tongue around my thumb before wrapping her lips around it, seductively teasing it. Her eyes stared at mine, enjoying my arousal by her. She grew a wicked smile as she finally pulled her mouth away. It was about that time that both our panting breaths and movements had slowed enough that the faint sound of Helen snoring became audible again. Just then, almost on cue, Helen snorted a loud snore and turned over on the couch, and both Trisha and I stifled a shared laugh.

It was shortly after the two of us allowed sleep to take us, but our hands and legs remained wrapped around each other.

Chapter three

The Hotel Room

The morning struck like a sledgehammer might have. Before the strike, I had a lingering feeling of pain in the moments before I opened my eyes. I recalled hearing panicked whispering and bottles clinking that seemed to echo in my head. It was the door shutting that made the final blow to wake me. I sat straight on the bed, and the bright sun cut through the corner of the curtain and sliced right into my eyes. It felt as though it cut my brain in half.

I stood to get out of its path and nearly stumbled into the TV. I was naked and alone in the hotel room. I had so many questions, but they could wait. I sprinted to the bathroom and immediately had to empty my stomach.

My mind struggled to remember what happened last night. There were flashes in my mind. Laughing, drinking, and very erotic scenes, but they were all jumbled up. Once I was dressed and I noticed several paper towels and shower towels covering a stained spot on the bed beside me. It looked like someone else had gotten sick.

Finally, when I saw the two notes hastily written on the table that was covered in empty beer cans, I remembered the two women’s names. Helen and… Trisha…

I smiled as I read the first note.

‘Thanks for the excitement. Call me sometime. Love, Helen’

There was a heart drawn over the ‘love’ in the note and her phone number written beneath it. The second note was much shorter and was not signed. It only read.

‘I’m sorry!’

I tried to think of why she might be sorry and thought it must be because she was the one who got sick in bed. The thought passed quickly as I got to cleaning the room up while sipping water with shaky hands. I was pleased to find my wallet and phone still there, despite hooking up with two random girls I didn’t really know.

What was I thinking? I’ve never done anything like that before. I’ve always kinda looked down on people who sleep around but… last night was the most fun I’ve had in months… I think… can’t really say for sure if I don’t remember.

Checking out of the hotel, I begrudgingly told them about the stain on the bed and ate the $50 cleaning fee.

Oh well. Funerals, storage garage for some of my parents’ things, what’s another charge on my credit card.

My parents did have life insurance, but the insurance company had been giving me the runaround on when or if, at this point, they were going to pay out. I hated thinking about money after their death, but unfortunately, money was what made the world turn. Being an untenured, brand-new teacher meant I had very little of it.

Once back in my parent’s house, surrounded by a sea of boxes and half-empty shelves of knickknacks and books, I plopped down on the couch, having a pile of documents fall onto my lap that was on the cushion beside me. After righting the pile, I clicked on the TV and let the news wash over me. My stomach still gurgled unhappily. I checked one of my jeans pockets and found the crumpled receipt from the bar yesterday. $224.95

“Holy shit…” I groaned as I dropped my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. Doing the math between the liquor store, the bar, and the hotel, I had to be close to maxing out my credit card. And I still have to get a moving truck… Maybe I can open another card and pray life insurance pays out before I have to start paying on them. Maybe start looking for a second job. I can double-dip while I’m out on paid leave, perhaps.

“…That’s right, Tom,” the news anchor said on TV. “And in other news, we now know there was a winner for last night’s Powerball numbers. The winning ticket was sold, in of all places, Helena, Ohio.” The broadcaster said with a certain disdain in her voice as she spoke. My eyes opened at the mention of my hometown. “And we have confirmed that’s the only winning ticket sold. As crazy as it sounds, there’s one winner out there who is walking away with $859,000,000. Wouldn’t that be nice? No one has come forward yet to claim the prize…”

My hearing went in and out, and I felt my palms become sweaty as doubt crept into my mind. No way, the stats on winning are impossible. I couldn’t have… how many times did I give my father shit for buying these things.

“…Just in case you missed it, last night’s winning numbers were: 02 27 92 04 15 and 51…”

Despite my doubtful thoughts, I quickly grabbed my phone, opened a note, and typed the numbers out before they went off-screen. Digging through my pockets, I found nothing and started to become more and more panicked until I opened my wallet and found a half-crumbled Powerball number. Unfolding it, I read the numbers slowly, comparing them to my note. With each number I read, I felt my hands tremble more and more.

’02… 27… 92… 04… 15… 51…’

“No way… this can’t be right…” I said aloud to no one but myself. But the adrenaline of my win was already exploding inside me.

Written by djmiles
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