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It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.

Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short, short cut-off jean shorts. They had been a pair of very worn-out jeans, with plenty of patches covering many of the holes, before Kelly chopped them off and got another summer out of them. On top, she wore my favorite tube top. It was just a tube (no shoulder straps) of scrunchy, elasticized white material, partially see-through, a one-size-fits-all thing that fought for its life to cover Kelly’s massive 32F jugs. Over that she had an unbuttoned flannel shirt, just in case she ran into any adults.

Kelly’s dishwater blonde hair was very long. It hung down to her butt. Kelly had let her hair out of her typical braid that day and it looked beautiful.

The bonfire was a massive fire pre-built out of maybe a hundred pallets. The fire was intense and the ring of students standing around the fire was a few hundred feet across. Our town was small, but the student population was huge (we were at the peak of the Baby Boom). The weather that week had been perfect, an Indian Summer. It was still in the seventies at the time of the bonfire. One side of the field where the fire was located backed up to a wooded area. We stood on that side.

The heat was sweltering. I think the pallets were made of oak or something. Kelly handed me her flannel shirt and I had it tucked into the back of my jeans. The circle kept growing larger as more kids showed up and more backed up, away from the heat. We were at the outside of the circle and had probably three or four rows of kids between us and the fire.

Kelly had been feeling frisky all day. Soon we were necking and playing a good game of tongue hockey. It was dark and everyone (well, those that weren’t doing the same thing we were) was looking toward the fire so I had slipped a hand into her shorts and then wiggled a finger through her bush to get a finger into her vagina. Kelly’s twat was still furry back then. It would be a few months later when she would shave it off for good. She was moaning softly as she enjoyed my kisses and the fingering.

That stopped suddenly when someone jumped up high on my back (no small feat as I’m six-four), like a damn monkey! “Jeez! Get a room!” she said. We recognized the voice. It was Lori. She was a little pixie. Barely a hundred pounds, small boobs, short hair, and pure devil! Lori had been my second piece. Kelly and I were at a wild party with her cadre.

I stood straight up and took a step back from Kelly. Lori didn’t drop off. Instead, she swung around like a monkey so she was facing me and wrapped her legs even more tightly around my torso. She lunged at me and buried her tongue past my tonsils. After a minute of a passionate ‘hello’, Lori broke for air. “What’cha doing, Stud?”

We started a conversation, including Kelly, but quickly realized we had a young man, who’d arrived with Lori’s attack. Kelly said, “You should introduce us.” Lori let us know that the guy was Tommy. Tommy and Kelly started a conversation because Lori went back to digging out my tonsils with her tongue.

Lori gave my tongue a rest and slipped her tongue into my ear. That was like my Achilles’ Heel. Kelly knew it made me instantly hard. Unfortunately, Lori either figured it out (which I doubt) or Kelly innocently told her (my bet). Lori had a nasty habit of occasionally leaping on me in the school hallways, slipping her wet tongue into my ear and telling me some nasty thing, either what she wanted to do to me, or something that had been done to her. She’d hop off, slip away, and leave me sporting a rock-hard boner.

As Lori tongue-fucked my ear, she explained to me that Tommy was an acquaintance of just that evening, who very much, “Wants to fuck me.”

“I don’t feel like it. I’d rather suck your cock. Whadya say Stud? Can I suck your cock? You know I like it when you cum in my mouth.” And that was a damn lie. I’d fucked Lori. We’d made out a few times. I’d fingered her, but I’d never cum in her mouth. It didn’t matter. My dick was dripping pre-cum like a river.

As Lori was working on my cock, through my ear, I was watching Kelly and Tommy. There was enough bonfire light between the bodies for me to see that Tommy had Kelly turned with her back to the fire, they were making out just as frisky as were Lori and I, and that Tommy had Kelly’s tube top pulled down and was pawing her tits.

Lori dropped off of me like a monkey falling out of a tree. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the woods. It was quite dark but we could tell there were a dozen couples scattered around. I noticed at least two piles on the ground. Seemed likely that they were fucking. The crackling of the bonfire was so damn loud you couldn’t really hear anything other than that.

Lori stopped suddenly, dropped to her knees in front of me, and quickly released my hard-on from my jeans. No one can deep-throat a cock as well as Kelly, but Lori’s a close second! Lori bobbed her head back and forth on my dick, her tongue swirling around my head, her tiny hand sliding up and down on my dick following her lips.

Lori clearly wanted me to explode and in only a few minutes I did just that. With all of the after-school Homecoming stuff that week, Kelly and I had missed out on our afternoons fucks at her house before her folks got home from work. I’d been storing it up for days from an over-active teenage cum factory.

I tapped Lori on the head as a warning. I assumed, correctly, that she’d want it in her mouth. I held her head as gently as I could, while inadvertently forcing my cock deep down her throat. I exploded rope after rope of cum into her tummy. She peeled my hands off when I was eventually finished so she could bob up and catch some air.

“Fuuuck!” she said quietly, “nothing to swallow!” as she stood up. I put my cock away and we found Kelly and Tommy. “See ya later Stud,” Lori said as she walked away, with Tommy in tow like a puppy dog.

Kelly looked at me. “Sooo…?”

“Lori wanted to blow me and you could see that she was pretty determined.”


“That’s what she did. What about Tommy? He seemed to like your boobs.”

“Boy, did he ever. Mangled the heck out of them. I tried to slow him down. I reached for his dick and rubbed it a little. He was hard. But then he kind of jerked around a bit. I’m pretty sure he came in his pants. At least he gave my breasts a rest.” We had a good snicker. “You’re not off the hook though. You’re still taking care of me tonight,” she said.

As the bonfire started to wind down, we headed to my big ass Impala and climbed into the back seat. It had actually cooled down (had been hard to tell with the fire) and the humidity had pretty well fogged up the car windows. Kelly quickly got naked and then sucked me hard. I slipped into a very, very wet pussy.

We were having a steady fuck, but I guess it was still enough to rock the car a bit. As people were leaving the bonfire some folks were banging on the car with their hands and shouting out their ‘support’ – “Give it to her good!” “I’m here if you need a real man!” “I can finish that for you!”

A couple of guys smashed their faces right against the windows and tried to get a look. “Yeah, they’re fucking alright.” One guy had his face in the back window right above Kelly’s head. “Damn, I could do better than him! Let me in, get it – Let me in!” He walked away laughing his ass off.

The crazy thing was, the more that people noticed us, the more heated up Kelly had become. She’d already cum twice and was working on a third. I’d been lying down on her missionary style. She pushed me up and started tugging her nipples with her hands.

Another face smashed into the window and just stared at Kelly. She was looking up, right at him. She orgasmed as he watched her, open-mouthed. I started banging her harder. The car was really rocking. Kelly let go of her boobs and let them fly around. A second guy joined the first in the window.

I put my hands behind Kelly’s knees and pressed them up towards her ears. By then, I truly had a wild fuck going. Kelly's tits were flying around. Her cunt was hiked up to where the Peeping Tom’s could see it. Another face smashed onto the back window, also staring right down at Kelly being fucked. Kelly came again, trying so hard not to scream, but her audience could tell from her string of “Oh, fuck!” exclamations that she’d cum again.

The two guys in the rear side window had an excited conversation, oblivious that if they heard us, we could hear them. Topic: “Shit! Did you hear that! She fucking came and we watched it!”

Kelly started huffing like a wild animal. I knew the stage she was at. Defcon 5. Out of control, would do anything, only her pussy could make decisions, and it was in terminal orgasm velocity. Kelly was lifting her boobs and pointing her rock-hard nipples at her audience. She growled at me: “Fuck me harder!” I was slamming her cunt with all I had. I was shocked when Kelly pushed me away and pulled off of my cock.

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“Lay on your back!” I followed orders. Kelly sat on my cock and leaned back against my chest. “Make me cum.” It wasn’t an order, it was closer to begging. One more guy had his face in the back window and a third in the side window. Kelly’s naked body was on full display. They could see her open cunt being nailed by my dick. Her tits shook wildly. I had her close when she reached a hand between her legs and frigged her clit. She didn’t hold back and screamed out an orgasm. I roared and shot my second load of the night into her twat.

After she came, Kelly opened her eyes and looked at each of the guys watching her. They didn’t know she had eyes. My cock slipped out and my load followed it. Kelly caught it and licked it off her fingers. It was then that they noticed that she was looking directly at them. They scattered quickly.

I rolled over the back of the front seat and started driving before I put my cock away. The place was nearly cleared out with only a few cars left from the hundred or so of an hour earlier.

Kelly was dressed by the time I dropped her off at home. She kissed me goodnight. She wasn’t ready to talk about the sex show she’d just given.

It was a couple of days later before I noticed the mess on the side of my car and another day after that before I figured out that it was cum. Not sure how many, but judging from location, more than one, probably more than two, guys jerked off on my car as they watched us fuck.

Friday night was the football game, of course. It was a great game. The score was close and the lead changed a couple of times. We were still having the Indian Summer weather. Kelly was wearing a school T-shirt. She’d bought a size medium, but discovered much to my joy, that they ran small. It fit her just fine everywhere except across her 32F hooters. It just looked weird with a bra smashed under it, so she went without one. It was red and had the school logo on the front, so you couldn’t really make out her nipples.

All was good with the shirt until the close game had everyone on their feet screaming and jumping around rooting on our team. Kelly's tits were shaking the hell out of that shirt. It rode up on her torso, exposing her belly button and a with every jump and bit more of her torso. Guys and adult men had noticed and every time there was a big play they watched Kelly’s tits fly around before a quick head snap to see the ball snapped.

Kelly also pretty quickly figured out what was happening and “cheered” more vigorously than ever. By the end of the game, the bottom of her shirt was just below her boobs. She played it off like a goofy high school kid just having fun, but she used every move she had to shake her tits for the men to watch. After the game, she even did a few cartwheels behind the bleachers as we walked to my car.

We had another quickie in my car that night before I dropped her at home. She sat on my lap with my cock penetrating her wet twat. As I slobbered around on her boobs we both talked about her showing off for the men. The more we talked about it the wetter she got. I told her that I knew she was hoping her shirt would roll completely off during a cartwheel and let all of those men see her huge teenie bopper tits. She smashed down on my cock and came just as I pumped her full.

While prom was a big formal thing, the homecoming dance at our school was much more laid back. The best part, in my mind, was that most of the girls wore short skirts instead of the long formal dresses they wore to prom. A few girls wore disco pantsuits (to the great displeasure of their dates). Kelly’s dress was nothing too special, but it was very short and that made it a winner!

We danced a lot. Kelly had a crew of girls she ran with and we mostly hung with them and their dates. The couple of girls that I knew who weren’t virgins also wore some pretty short dresses. The dance ran from seven to ten. It was probably after nine, when Kelly returned from a group trip to the restroom, that she slipped me her panties to stuff into my jacket pocket for safekeeping.

The later part of the dance was when they played all of the slow, hang off of each other, make-out songs. Yeah, we had chaperones, but the whole attitude of our town back then was: They’re kids, let them be kids, they're no worse than when we were kids. And probably half of the girls in our senior class were on the pill. Only one girl in our class of three hundred plus dropped out because she was pregnant.

Kelly pulled me down and whispered into my ear, “I may not be the only one that ditched their panties.” That got a raised eyebrow and a finger slipped into her pussy. Kelly was soaked and I fingered her fast. A minute later she caught me off guard when she stopped me and we switched partners with Becca and her date. Becca had a devilish smile on her face. As we danced my hands slipped down to her butt. Her dress wasn’t the easiest to feel through because it was kind of loose. Feeling no objections thus far from Becca I kind of moved her back toward the bleachers and slipped one hand under her dress onto her bare butt cheek. She moaned into my ear.

I turned Becca back around so my butt was facing the bleachers and slipped my right hand under the front of her dress and rubbed my hand up the front of her thigh to her groin. She stopped swaying and spread her legs a little. I had my middle finger inside a very wet pussy. I fingered her for a minute as she moaned non-stop in my ear. Then she stopped suddenly and pulled me back toward the rest of the crowd.

Becca cut in and took Donna’s date to dance with. I nibbled on Donna’s neck as we danced our way toward the bleachers. I had the game figured out and just as quickly slipped a finger to Donna’s panty-less slit. She wasn’t wet like Becca, but open for business. I rubbed her clit for a couple of minutes and then slipped a finger into her wet sheath. Donna moaned hard as I entered her. Thank heavens the band was loud. Donna let me continue to finger-bang her and within a couple of minutes, she shuddered on my hand and started to go limp. I held her up.

Donna looked at me with a shocked look on her face and then led me, very unsteadily, back to the group. She didn’t cut in with anyone and we continued to dance until Kelly reappeared with Becca’s date. At the next song, the last one of the night, we rejoined with our dates.

In the car after the dance, Kelly announced “Well, you won!” I looked confused. “Becca only stopped you from making her cum because she squirts like floodgates opening, but you had her there. You made Donna cum. Nobody else, even her own date, knew that Donna wasn’t wearing panties. Becca’s date rubbed her butt over her dress but didn’t check out below. He was just rubbing my butt over my dress too until I lifted up the back of my dress. He mashed my buns for a minute and then let go.”

I was looking at Kelly with an honest look of astonishment. She said: “So, you won for being ‘The Best’.” Kelly could see I was a bit confused by the title. “You’re the best because you didn’t put anyone’s hand on your dick. You figured out we weren’t wearing panties and you made all of us cum, or as close as we could get without making a mess. And we agreed, that makes you ‘The Best’."

It was then that I shared, in as nasty and as sexual of a way that I could, that fact that I found cum splats all over the side of my card from guys jerking their cocks as they watched Kelly being fucked on Thursday night. My story worked. Kelly kicked off her sandals, slipped down in her seat, had her heels on the dashboard, and masturbated by rubbing her clit at lightning speed. I kept chiming in with bits of my story and then I told Kelly how it felt fingering her friends. That shot her from the moon straight to mars!

She squirted all over my car and didn’t stop rubbing. She wanted another one. I pulled my cock out and started to stroke it. I turned on the dome light. Kelly shrieked seeing me jerking at the same time and she had a second, massive orgasm and again squirted all over the front seat and dashboard. As soon as she came down a little, she spun around on the seat, onto her tummy, her face by my cock, and said, “Keep doing it! I want to watch you do it!”

I pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car. I could tell she was serious. I got into it. Kelly told me about rubbing Tommy’s jeans, only this time she confessed the entire story. As Tommy was mauling her tits she was nibbling his earlobe and rubbing his cock. She asked him to unbutton his jeans and she reached in and rubbed his bare cock. It was hot against her hand. He was about as big as me.

She kept whispering nasty things, saying that she wanted Tommy to cum for her. Tommy badly wanted to fuck her. He was nearly begging. Kelly told him to just relax and enjoy what he was getting. She promised him that he could cum. It got him into what she was doing and Kelly stroked him until she felt a small amount of hot liquid run down her wrist. She pulled her hand out of his jeans and licked his small load from her hand.

I groaned, “Fuck! Here it comes!” Kelly watched the first shot fly and quickly got her mouth over my head and caught the rest of my load. She stayed on me until I was limp. She swallowed and sucked and licked me until I was clean and limp.

As she sat up Kelly said, “You can jerk off for me anytime you want. That was fun. I loved watching how you stroked it. Ooo!!” She wiggled in her seat a shimmy of happiness.

It had been a crazy week. Yet, by Monday we were back to fucking in her little bed every afternoon after school.


Written by GoodToBeMe
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