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Kelly and I were seniors. It was the fall of 1977. The summer before, the parents of Kelly’s best friend, Yvonne, moved to the west coast as her mom had a major promotion with a pretty big company. Yvonne threw a fit about moving and the settlement was since she had turned eighteen, her folks rented her an apartment so she could complete her senior year and stay in town.

Shortly afterward Yvonne began dating my friend Patrick, who was a year behind her in school. They quickly set up house in the apartment and nearly every day after school they went there and fucked their eyeballs out before Patrick went home to his folks.

It was late in the fall on a Saturday that they invited Kelly and me over for a cookout. We enjoyed the meal and afterward, Kelly and Yvonne played some card game, which they loved and played for hours on end. I hated card games and never played them. So, Patrick and I drank some beer and listened to albums on the very sweet stereo system he had set up. The girls were working on a couple of cheap bottles of wine (Boone’s Farm or something close).

After a couple of hours, Patrick and I started whining about being bored and were they going to play cards all night? They invited us to join them. “Ah, no thanks for me.”

But Patrick piped up and said “Sure! But we pick the game.” The girls said okay. I just stared at Patrick. He knew I hated cards. Patrick said “Strip Poker!”

Well, now it could get interesting! The girls had only a splash left in both wine bottles. They giggled, looked at each other and simultaneously said they were in! Damn! Patrick was a lot sharper than I gave him credit for! We all sat at the card table in the living room, where they had been playing. Three of us knew nothing about actual poker, so Patrick gave us a quick run-through. We played a sample hand, cards out, and Patrick walked us through how it could go.

I lost the sample hand as I was dealt pure crap. We’re ready to move on to the real game and Kelly says “Hey, hold on. What are you taking off?”

“Huh? That doesn’t count!” I said.

“Oh yes it does!” says Kelly.

I kicked off my shoes. “Happy?” I asked. She and Yvonne just smiled.

Kelly lost a hand. She wasn’t wearing her sandals but declared they counted. Not sure how, but whatever?

I lost the next hand, so off comes my shirt. Yvonne pulled the same crap about her sandals. Patrick knew how to play cards and things were going his way. Yvonne loses the next hand too. Takes off her little white blouse. Her bra was nothing special, plain white. But I got an idea of what her boobs would look like. I’d say they were as large as an “A” cup could be. And I could make out her nipples poking through. I got busted for staring and Kelly kicked me under the table.

Patrick finally lost his shoes! Kelly lost her shirt. Things are happening now! I just watched Patrick’s face. Kelly’s tits are huge (32F bra size). A triple-hooker bra as I called it. A strong bra for a huge load we used to joke. Patrick just stared as I had at Yvonne. Moving on, Kelly lost again and off came her jeans. She tried to slide them off while still sitting. “Oh no!” we protested, “Stand up!” She did and we got to see her pair of pink hip-hugger bikini panties. She kept her knees tight together. I knew why she did. Her pussy was unimaginably wet at the slightest provocation. Her panties were probably soaked already.

Patrick lost his shirt and I lost my jeans. I tried pulling a Kelly. That didn’t fly. I had to stand up and then pulled my jeans straight down. My cock is 6 inches (on a ruler across the top, not fake porno size) and sticks straight out when it’s hard and it was hard enough to cut glass. It bounced up as the jeans went down and the head started to peak out of my fly. I adjusted and sat down quickly as the girls whooped and hollered. Yvonne and Patrick lost the next two and his pants and her shorts were off. I don’t know how, but he kept his dick under control. A bit of a bulge but nothing like my problem. Yvonne had a pair of boring white full-size panties to match the boring bra. Laundry day, perhaps?

I lost next: Oh, boy. Stood up with my cock sticking straight out and pulled down my colored bikini shorts (hey, it was the 70’s!). Drug my cock head down as I lowered them, for maximum effect. And then spring it popped out and stood at attention. I was watching Yvonne’s eyes. They never left my cock and she got a huge grin on her face. I knew she had been fucking one of my other friends before she got with Patrick and had heard stories of her running wild with seniors when she was a freshman. I had no idea how many dicks she had seen in her life, but she seemed impressed with mine and that worked for me!

Yvonne lost the next hand. “Finally!” I thought. She reached around to her back and unhooked her bra. She threw her forearm over her boobs and slid the bra out behind them. “Oh hell no!” I exclaimed. Not after the way she stared at my cock. She too finally succumbed to protests and lowered her arm. “Damn!” I muttered. Her boobs had nothing in common with Kelly’s. Perfect smooth skin, the last remains of a summer tan but her skin was naturally dark. It looked like tanned boobs surrounded by a darker tan. Her areolas and nipples were brown. Her areolas were slightly puffy and her nipples were like fat pencil erasers. They were hard and stuck straight out. I felt my pre-cum start to run. Soon enough my cock was dribbling onto the folding chair.

Patrick lost the next two hands (I’m pretty sure on purpose to move things along). As he dropped his underwear he stood there for a few extra moments and his dick started to stiffen and then point to the sky! He had a banana dick. It curved straight up with a hell of a bend. His dick was smaller than mine by maybe an inch (or more), but hard to tell? Mine’s pointing straight out and his is looking at the stars! Kelly was transfixed watching his cock get hard. In the middle of his show, she stood up and slowly pulled her panties down, not taking her eyes off his cock. Kelly didn’t fully shave back in those days. We only saw shaved beavers in pornos. She would trim it back for bikini season, but that was a fashion thing, not a sex thing. She had a curly and wiry black bush but I could see her slit was wet and when she sat down I could see the hair down in her crotch was all wet and matted.

Yvonne said “Who’s turn to deal?”.

“Bullshit! Drop ‘em now,” we demanded. She tried the same junk as with her bra. She pulled down her panties but kept a hand covering her pussy. We all gave her a dirty look. She finally dropped the hand. I was confused at the time at what I was looking at but later found out that she shaves and I was looking at a couple weeks of growth. I could see her lips. Wow. Wow! My cock was now twitching up and down under the table. I had pre-cum drips on the chair and both my inner thighs.

“Time to relax!” says Patrick. I followed his lead and we stepped over to the couch, laid on our backs on the floor with our feet resting upon the cushions. Cocks sticking up loud and proud. The girls were worked up too and needed no encouragement. They came over and started sucking our cocks, lined up so they were looking right at each other across our legs. They were really getting into it. Purring as they went along with the occasional moan from Patrick and me as things felt especially good. My eyes were on Yvonne. She was all the way down on his dick. I could tell her tongue was moving all over inside her mouth. She’d pull off for a minute and then lick his sack. And then she sucked his nuts one-by-one into her mouth and worked them over.

I was getting a world-class blowjob from Kelly but, honestly, my attention was elsewhere. After about ten minutes of this, I was feeling stirrings. Something had to change up because I did not want to lose my load so early into who-knows-what? I looked at Patrick and said “Wanna swap?”

He said “Sure!”

Kelly and Yvonne popped up without a moment of hesitation, walked around to each other’s position and went to work sucking the new cock in their mouth. Yvonne, I discovered gave a wet blowjob. She filled her mouth with spit and bobbed up and down on my cock. Then she swallowed the spit, pulled off and started sucking my nuts.

About that time, literally just a couple of minutes after the swap, Patrick and Kelly got up and moved to a spot on the floor in front of the TV, kind of behind me, and with Kelly on her back and her knees pulled up, Patrick slid his dick right into Kelly’s sopping wet hole. They started a slow rhythmic rocking back-and-forth fuck. Just like that, my best buddy was fucking my girlfriend.

About that time Yvonne pulled my leg, which was closest to her, off the couch and crawled between my legs. Then she really went to town on my ball sack. She was licking me all over and sucking my nuts into her mouth. She spread my legs wider and started licking me just below my butthole all the way across my sack, up my cock to the head and then plunged down on it. Then up she’d come and back to my ‘taint and lick me all the way back up. She was doing it slowly enough that I was not at risk for blowing my nut. But it was something not quite like anything Kelly had ever done to me before and it felt wonderful!

By now I heard Kelly (with her wet, slippery, horny-as-hell all the time pussy) start her quick build to an orgasm. I could hear his nuts slapping against her ass. In a moment she let out a guttural yell that nearly shook the windows. Yvonne started to giggle. Patrick asked her if she was alright! Yeah, they had definitely never heard Kelly cum before! After his brief pause to check on her, Patrick got right back at his slow roll on her. Kelly told me later that the shape of his dick had the head of his cock right on her G-spot. She’s used to fast and furious fucking when she wants to cum. But this was a slow build hitting her G-spot on each slow stroke and when it hit, she came like a volcano. Because of my angle, I couldn’t see that she had sprayed her lady cum all over and it was dripping off Patrick’s cock and balls and running down her ass crack and making a good size wet spot on their carpet.

They had settled into another slow fuck. While I was loving the attention I was getting from Yvonne, there were new worlds to explore. So, I slid my other foot off the couch, Yvonne got up and moved a few feet over to a wooden chair and sat down and leaned back with her cunt slid out to the front of the chair. I kneeled in front of her and we started kissing and played a great game of tongue hockey. She was a great kisser! Eventually, I worked my way down, working on her earlobes, neck, and a lot of time on those amazingly hard nipples. They were so firm I was basically chewing on them! Soon, I had my face into her semi-shaved beaver.

I was just amazed at how different Yvonne was from Kelly. Kelly’s 5’ 2” and all curves – huge tits and a nice bubble butt, pink areola and nipples that only come up when she’s very sexually excited. And a black hairy cunt that is always wet. And nice big pussy lips – very puffy and meaty. Yvonne is the virtual opposite. She’s 5’ 8”, very athletic build with small boobs, slim hips and kind of a flat ass (which ends at the top in a Y-shaped crack). She has very tight and thin pussy lips and cone-shaped tits with brown puffy areola with nipples that are always at attention.

So, it was a different experience to eat a pussy that wasn’t dripping down my chin before I even got going. But with the trimmed pussy I got to see a lot and up close. I studied that pussy and ate that pussy like it was my first time ever. She had blown me for a long time so I returned the favor.

During our pussy-eating time Kelly had come again, loud like the first but no cum spray this time. Her back was getting itchy from the carpet, so they changed it up. She mounted Patrick cowgirl style. Now she was in charge of the tempo. All I could think was “Hang on for your life dude!” She started bouncing up and down on his cock and quickly. At that speed, her tits were flying everywhere. Patrick grabbed hold of them, leaned forward and was sucking away, going from one nipple to the other. I could tell she and her nips were enjoying the attention.

Then she leaned back and put her hands on his shins. She brought her knees up and spread them wide open for him. She was looking right into his eyes and loved seeing the look on his face as he stared into her pussy, getting his first really good look at her. He got his hands down there immediately and started playing with her clit and sliding his fingers all over her wet lips. When she’s cum already and is then fucking some more, her slot is such a deep red and so hot, that it nearly throbs. Patrick was also having fun exploring new lands.

After a bit, Kelly leaned forward, put her hands on his chest and squatted over his cock. She was bouncing her ass up and down so hard and fast that everything on shelves in the whole apartment was rattling. I could tell she was close, and then it hit. She slammed down on him so hard I thought she may have broken him. She screamed “Oh God!” at the top of her lungs and sprayed cum all over his chest and groin. He countered it with a butt-lift and shot his load just as far as he could possibly push his cock into her vagina. She finally collapsed onto his chest and laid there. After she came down and caught her breath they started kissing and making out. His cock was still in her and after having deflated was starting to show small signs of life.

Aside from a couple of quick pauses to watch the ruckus across the room, I was still eating Yvonne’s pussy. Once she heard Kelly cum the last time, she really lubed up. In short order, I got her to cum by sucking and nibbling her clit. She grabbed my head and pulled it tight into her crotch. I could hear her breathing heavily and quickly. And then she relaxed and let go of my head, leaned back in the chair and looked very satisfied. I came to learn over the many times Yvonne and I would fuck in the future that was how she came and like everything else was as different from Kelly as it could be.

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Kelly was sliding around on Patrick’s cock and little by little it began to grow erect. She stayed down on his chest with her boobs smashed between the two of them and slowly started to rock back and forth with his, now grown, cock still deep in her snatch.

I love to eat pussy, I really, really do. And when I eat pussy it makes my dick very hard. My cock was approaching blue balls territory. Between the arousal of the card game, the long blow jobs and the long pussy eating session, I was in need of a big release.

I’m quite tall so things lined up rather well. I got on my knees, moved up in front of Yvonne, she spread her knees far apart and I slid my cock all the way into her cunt in one stroke. Damn did that feel good! It was not all wet and slippery. It was lubed but tight. Nice and tight. It felt like being gripped by velvet. I was so turned on by everything, I just started going to town with one objective: I wanted to cum. In a few minutes of hard strokes, I growled, stuffed my cock right up to her cervix and came like a fire hose. It was one of those super aroused special huge loads. And it felt amazing! I eventually pulled out to sit down and see what Kelly was up to. I heard Yvonne loud-whisper “Holy shit” and I turned to see a large pool of my cum had slid from her cunt and puddled in her chair. Her knees were still spread wide. I really appreciated the view. Her clit, though not very large, was still standing at attention, peeking out from her hood. What an amazing pussy.

Kelly’s legs were tired but she wasn’t done. She rolled off him, flipped over and put her ass in the air aimed right at Patrick’s head. He took the bait. He got up and lined up his cock behind her. He slid his banana dick up and down her wet slot a few times and then plunged it in deep. He was fucking her doggy style, her all-time favorite position. And now that he had a clue as to tempo, he was really going to town. Kelly buried her face in the carpet, grabbed the fibers with her fingers and came again. Patrick didn’t miss a beat and just pounded her ass all the way through her orgasm. Eventually, his pace slowed, because he is human after all. After another five minutes or so he grabbed her hips real tight, got on his feet instead of his knees and pushed up almost onto her back. Later she told me that somehow that smaller dick found its way to her cervix! That set Kelly off and she came yet again. Patrick froze in position with his cock further in her than I could imagine and splattered her pussy with a second load. They kind of fell apart into a cum and perspiration-soaked heap.

As we all relaxed and just laid around, Yvonne sat beside me and played with my cock. She was studying it like I had studied her pussy with my face buried in it.

There was no weirdness at all it. We hung out naked until it was time to head home. Everyone got dressed, hugged, kissed, said our goodbyes and Kelly and I left. The conversation is the car wasn’t much. It was kind of a lot to take in. We both agreed we were cool with each other and with having fucked others and that we both really enjoyed the things we had done. We didn’t talk about the next time. Which I thought was great because there was none of this just this once kind of talk.

We all saw each other at school on Monday and again nothing was weird. Later in the week Patrick and I were alone for a bit. He said Saturday night was “Pretty wild.”

“Yes, it was.” I agreed. He asked if Kelly and I had ever done anything like that before? I said “Hell no!” I wasn't going to let on to him that my girlfriend was a nympho. He'd find out for himself soon enough.

He said “Us neither. Do you think it will happen again?”

I told him that Kelly loves to fuck and we'll just see where it goes.

Yvonne flew out to see her folks for the holidays. She hadn’t seen them since August and was in high school. That was hard for Kelly and me to get our heads around, but different families are different. She was out there for 3 weeks. School break was two weeks. I didn’t see much of Patrick during the break. Once we were back at school he was really whining about his blue balls. Having gone from banging Yvonne every day to nothing for 2 weeks and counting, he was whining like a puppy. He had only spoken to her once. But, with only one phone in the house, rotary at that, in the kitchen, with expensive-as-hell Ma Bell long distance, he knew he was lucky to even get that.

Friday night was a basketball game and if you weren’t on the court as a player, cheerleader or in the band, you were there as a spectator. I drove Kelly and Patrick to the game and had a 6-pack chilling in the Impala. Our team was good and they were killing these little short guys on the other team.

As halftime was coming to the end we headed out of the car and popped open cans of Pabst. We sat there in the parking lot for a while. Then we came to a consensus that the game was boring and the second half would probably be worse. So, we started driving around.

Kelly asked Patrick if he had heard from Yvonne. That opened the floodgates. Soon he was whining about his blue balls. Kelly expressed sorrow for his condition but left him hanging. We hit a drive-thru and got some food and then finished our second beers. Some song came on that really got Patrick carrying on about needing to fuck as soon as he could. He said he was “So horny he couldn’t stand it.” Kelly reached down to his crotch to see if he was full of bullshit or not. He was not.

“Wow, you really are horny!” I heard.

“What?” I said.

Kelly said “Patrick really is horny. His dick is hard as a rock.”

“How do you know that?” I said.

Kelly says “I’m rubbing it.”

“Oh.” That was the best I could come up with!

A few minutes later I see him wiggle and hear his belt buckle. Kelly is fidgeting in his lap and I hear his zipper. Soon his jeans are down to his ankles. Kelly kept stroking his cock. Then Patrick unbuttoned her blouse, tugged around to get her bra up and over those tit mountains and finally succeeded. He’s playing with her tits as she plays with his cock. I’m getting hard and really enjoying seeing this.

A few minutes after that Kelly undoes her jeans and pulls them off. She gets her legs up on the seat and crouches way down on her knees, reaches over and gets my hard-on out from my jeans. Once out, she starts sucking me hard. She is wild horny now. Patrick takes in the view of her beautiful wet pussy, gives me a glance, I nod and he pushes his cock into her cunt. She groans on my cock immediately. Within two or three strokes she cums.

Now it’s on and we’re all into it. I quickly find a place to park. Kelly cums again. She comes up off my cock and is just moaning on and on about how great it feels having two cocks in her. Back to sucking me. Bobbing furiously up and down the whole length of my shaft. It’s all too much. I erupt into her mouth. That makes her cum again. She can’t swallow my cum as she cums and it drools out of her mouth onto my lap as she moaned through her orgasm. Patrick hits his stride and jackhammers her for just a couple minutes more and blows his wad deep in her vagina. He pulled out and sat down to catch his breath.

After a few minutes, Kelly twists around and sits up. She does her guttural growl “That was gooood…”

Patrick leans over and kisses her on the cheek and says “Thank you. That was fucking amazing.” Kelly wrestled her boobs back into her bra. We all got our pants back on. Kelly asked when Yvonne was due home? “Tomorrow,” said Patrick.

Kelly said “Oh? Well, I hope I tapped you down so you don’t have to fuck her stupid. Might blow her head off when you cum!” We made some more chit-chat as we drove Patrick home. But Kelly tried not to flirt because we could both kind of tell that Patrick was kind of hoping for a Round Two – ding, ding, ding!

He kissed Kelly on the lips when we got to his house and said: “I can’t thank you enough for that.”

I drove Kelly home. All of the lights were off. Her folks were in bed for the night. I went in with her, sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Within minutes she stood up and stripped completely naked. Then she pulled my pants off. She got down and sucked my cock up to full hardness. I laid on my side on the couch and she laid down and backed up to me. She reached down between her legs, draped her top leg over mine and pulled my cock into her wet hole.

She reached over and grabbed a blanket for us to cover with. We learned we needed to do that.

A year and a half ago her brother, who is two years older than her, and usually comes home way after midnight, had walked in on us fucking. Kelly had just turned 16 a few weeks prior. It had been a joint Sweet Sixteen party for her and an eighteen-and-can-now-legally-drink party for him. We were on the same couch as tonight. The TV was on so we didn’t hear him. Plus we were really into it. He flipped on the lights when he came in the front door, which is just four feet from the couch. We were both completely naked. The lights were glaring. He stood at the end of the couch. I was on my back, she had her back on me, laying back on my chest. I had my knees bent, feet on the couch and had her kind of lifted up off the couch. My cock was buried in her pussy and stroking in and out. Her cunt was spread wide open and literally (and I mean LITERALLY) aimed right at his face. It was summertime and she had her pussy hair bikini trimmed, so it was all right in view.

We were both so close to cumming when he came in that I don’t think we could’ve stopped if the Pope walked in. He just stared. For way too long. She made no move to get off or cover up, so I just kept fucking her as I had been. She was giving him a dirty look, not wanting to shout and risk waking her folks. But, it took him quite some time to finally see her eyes. Now, in his defense, he had to work his way past her spread wet pussy, over the huge 32F tits that were bouncing in rhythm, to finally get to her eyes. And that was all quite a view to behold! As far as she knew, he’d never seen her naked (especially those 16-year old huge firm tits of hers). I’m sure he was high as a kite, as he always was. After he was done watching for probably a full sixty seconds on the clock, he wandered off to his room in the basement. No one had said a word. We both came like a volcano right after he walked away. He couldn’t have gotten through the kitchen by then and probably heard us cum too. She tried to be quiet in their house, but still… My ass is only alive because her folks are both very, very sound sleepers. I’m sure he was probably jacking off in his room downstairs as we were cleaning up cum upstairs.

I’ll be honest: Being watched by someone standing right there was kind of a huge turn on. Yeah, it was weird it was her brother. But he never averted his eyes once. He just stared right at her cunt. At that moment, it was just a stoned guy staring at our junk as we fucked. Damn, I came hard! Come to find out Kelly really liked being naked and having strangers look at her body, especially her tits. I’m not saying there was anything with her brother because there wasn’t. He just happened to have been there that night and we got caught.

Her brother was cool enough to never say anything to her about it. But I found out he told all of his stoner buddies about it. In great detail. One of them described her pussy and tits to me in photographic detail. I told Kelly about it. She was neither mad nor surprised that he had blabbed. We had a great fuck talking about it. I think it actually turned her on knowing that all of his friends thought they could see her body right through her clothes. His buddies gave her The Look every time they came over. She just smiled back at them with a Don’t you wish? look. She wore tube tops, bikinis, halter tops, short shorts, you name it, all the way through school every time he had a party with his buddies at the house. She didn’t like those stoners enough to ever show them all of anything, but she loved teasing them by being half naked. Hah! She drove them all nuts.

Anyway, this night I was fucking her bubble butt from behind at a nice and quiet pace. She kept leaning back and whispering shit to get me going. “Did you like me sucking your cock while you drove? Does it turn you on knowing I had two cocks in me at once? Did you like that people could have seen in the car and watched us? Did you like hearing me cum? Did you hear when Patrick came? Do you like knowing his cock can make me cum? Do you like knowing he blew his wad in my pussy? Did you like watching him play with my boobs? Did you see how hard my nipples were? Do you think I’m a bad girl for letting him fuck me? Do you like knowing I’m getting fucked twice tonight? Do you really know how much I like to fuck? Were you thinking about the first time we fucked them? Did you like seeing me fuck Patrick? Did you have as much fun fucking Yvonne? Do you like her perky little boobs? Did you have fun with her nipples? Do you like how she sucked your cock? Did her pussy taste good? Did you make her cum? Do you want to fuck her again? Huh, do you? Do you? How bad do you want to fuck her tight pussy? How did it feel? Do you think Yvonne will let you fuck her because I fucked Patrick? Does she make your cock hard? Do you feel how wet my pussy is for you? Do you want to cum in my pussy?” “Grab my Nipples!”

Oh, my God. She was merciless! We had talked about everything after that night that we swapped. We shared exactly what we experienced, what we liked, what we could do without (that was a damn short list), and what had blown our minds.

She had me, she knew what I liked and she drove me over the cliff. I bit a couch pillow and blew my second load of the night. As soon as I started to blast, Kelly came yet again. God damn, that felt good. And she clearly knew that Yvonne’s pussy had me going…

“Wanna swap?” The best thought to ever hit my young brain…












Written by GoodToBeMe
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