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It was January of 1978. After the first swap session between Kelly and me and Yvonne and Patrick, the relationship between Kelly and Yvonne moved to new territory. Now the girlfriends spent a fair amount of time talking about sex, and in great detail. They reported back to each other pretty much every time either of them had sex. They held back nothing. They compared lots of notes, talked about things to try, how that went, shared their devious plans and spent plenty of time talking about what the other thought about the sex with their partner.

Yvonne was back from her three-week visit to California. Kelly had filled her in on how she took care of Patrick’s blue balls after the basketball game. Yvonne was sincerely appreciative that she took care of him. Kelly also told her about the rest of the evening when we fucked and how she got me to cum talking dirty about me wanting to fuck Yvonne again.

Then Yvonne shared a little adventure from California. She visited the same fast food place several times and this college guy who worked there started flirting with her and after a while the flirting was mutual. Yvonne said she was just as hard up as Patrick. Finally, the flirting led to her meeting up with this guy after a shift. They ended up in the back seat of his car with Yvonne totally naked and this guy has his dick sticking out of his pulled down shorts. He was sucking Yvonne’s tits and finger-banging the bejesus out of her until she came. She sucked his dick and then gave him a handjob while he popped his load on her tits. She wouldn’t fuck him. That would be “cheating.” But having an orgasm was just good mental and physical health!

Yvonne mentioned to Patrick that she heard Kelly fucked him while she was gone. It caught him off guard for a minute, but he fessed up. Then she told him about California. It was weird for a minute. And then they were okay, and still are to this day. We all got on board with sharing everything with each other from that moment on.

Yvonne and Patrick invited Kelly and me to their apartment for Valentine’s Day 1978 (actually the Saturday before). Yvonne picked up Kelly earlier in the day and the girls make a big spaghetti dinner with homemade sauce and meatballs. We had a great meal, were all in good moods (the wine may have helped) and really enjoying our friendship.

After dinner, Yvonne got up, looked at me and said: “You need to come with me.”

“Okay?” I got up and followed her as she walked into their bedroom.

She stood me in front of their bed facing her and then took off my clothes! As she was pulling down my underwear she looked up at me and said: “Kelly took care of Patrick, so I owe you a favor.”

“Well, okay! Heck yeah!” I thought!

Once I was buck naked she pushed on my shoulders and shoved me back onto their bed. Then she did a nice little strip tease, twirling around after things dropped off, a little ass shake, enough to make it fun! Then when she was naked she crawled up between my legs and sucked my pretty hard dick to rock hardness. She crawled further up, reached between her legs and aimed my cock at her vagina and in one smooth move dropped all the way down. Oh, my God, did it feel good being back in that super tight pussy! I had thought about it, fantasized about it, been fucked thinking about it, and jacked off thinking about it.

None of that was as good as actually having my cock buried in her twat. She was sitting up on me cowgirl style. She started sliding forward and back. My cock wasn’t stroking her as much as it was going for a nice tight ride in a velvet grip. She kept moving that way for a long time. I could tell it was getting her closer and closer to an orgasm. About the same time that I had that thought, Yvonne and I were pulled back to earth by a blood curdling “OH FUCK! OH, FUCK!” from the living room. Yep, Patrick had fucked Kelly to what, of course, would be the first orgasm. Man, can’t leave those two alone for 5 minutes! Hah!

Kelly’s orgasm got Yvonne much closer. Her speed picked up from pretty slow to decent fuck-speed. She bit her bottom lip. She looked right into my eyes and gasped in a few breaths, stopped sliding her pussy and ground it deep into my groin and then she fell onto my chest. She had cum. I was right there too! I bucked my ass up and got my cock as deep as I could and felt five hard blasts of cum painted the inside of her cunt. I love fast fucking, but a slow build can also be wonderful!

She slid up on me, legs still spread wide across me and started kissing me. Like I mentioned from our first time together, Yvonne is a really good kisser. We were really enjoying that. Her pussy was just below my belly button. I felt it when my load of cum slid out of her pussy and onto my belly. After we had kissed for a few minutes, she flipped one leg over to the other side of me and then moved down to my stomach. She looked up into my eyes and then started to lap up my cum. Wow, that was hot as hell! After she lapped up the puddle, she licked and sucked my cock into a perfectly clean state. Of course, there is no way to stay limp while that is happening and I was again as hard as a rock.

“OH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! OH, FUCK!” and Kelly came again!

Yvonne said, “We better get out there and see if he killed her!” So, we walked our naked, happy selves out to the living room. Kelly was on her stomach. Patrick was on his back. They both glistened with perspiration. They both looked like they had just finished a marathon.

Patrick’s dick was leaking leftover cum. Yvonne got down between his legs and started sucking on it to clean/reinvigorate his cock. My favorite position with Kelly is to sit on her butt and bury my cock in her slit. So, I did just that. Her wet, cum-filled twat was an easy target and I was balls deep on the first stroke. Kelly had had her fun. I was just in it to blow a nut. I picked up the pace and was soon slapping my nuts all over her ass crack. When I came, I didn’t stop and hold, as usual, I just keep fucking right through it. A minute or so later I just popped my dick out and stood up. I dripped a bunch of cum onto her ass.

Patrick had fucked the life out of her. She barely moved while I fucked her and certainly didn’t cum. After she had cleaned up his cock, Yvonne and Patrick had just been watching Kelly and me fuck. Patrick had a hard-on. Yvonne moved over and licked up the cum I had dripped on Kelly’s butt. Okay, that also was very hot!

While Yvonne was licking, Patrick lined up on her doggy style. He shoved his cock into her and fucked her at Kelly-speed. In a couple of minutes, he busted his nut. The entire time Kelly was having her ass licked clean she just laid there. And Yvonne had done a very, very thorough job. She had licked places where I’m pretty sure I hadn’t dripped! She had her tongue going up and down her ass crack and although I couldn’t see it from where I sat, I found out later she had been licking her asshole too. Kelly had been smiling the whole time and said it felt “incredible!”

After Patrick came he went over and sat on the couch, where I was too. Yvonne sat up and leaned against a chair. Kelly finally came to life, she rolled over, laid spread eagle, her huge tits (covered with indents from the carpet fibers) laying out to her sides, her legs wide open, her hairy cunt laid out and a nice wet pink gash split down the middle. That was truly the sight of “well fucked”.

From that night on, we had sex with Yvonne and Patrick probably on average every month or two.

If you read “Road Trip With Kelly” I’m going to jump ahead a few months to the weekend of that trip. The road trip was Saturday. Yvonne and Patrick had plans for the next day, Sunday. Patrick told Yvonne “Kelly fucked the whole car.”

Obviously, Yvonne had questions. Patrick just said, “You need to talk to Kelly if you want details.” Kelly and Yvonne saw each other Monday morning and agreed they needed to “study” together on Monday night.

Kelly rode home with Yvonne after school on Monday. Yvonne had told Patrick they needed to study for an exam that evening. This was the story I heard about a few days later.

As soon as Yvonne closed her apartment door she said to Kelly, ”You fucked the whole car?!” Kelly said “No! I just fucked a couple of them. I blew the whole car though…”

The girls got into a bottle of Boone’s Farm and it was gone in minutes. The second one didn’t last too long either. Kelly relayed the entire story of the road trip in complete detail, leaving out nothing and spending a whole lot of time describing each cock, how it looked, how it felt, how it tasted, how it came, how that tasted, everything. Lots, and lots of detail. Kelly shared how she popped her finger into Patrick’s ass to make him cum. Yvonne had played with his butt hole and had a finger in there but wasn’t up to speed on the whole prostate thing. They wished they had a guy there so they could demonstrate and play.

Of course, once Kelly got to the deep level of description of Mike’s donkey dick, Yvonne was enraptured. She was nearly drooling hearing Kelly describe the monster cock she had sucked, deep throated, and fucked the silly hell out of. Yvonne just could not get her head around Kelly having the whole cock, as huge as she had described it, in her throat and he came in her throat not her mouth and there was nothing to swallow because it shot down her throat?

Yvonne’s mind was blown. Kelly kind of blew the whole thing off as “casual sex”.

Well, that led into a whole crazy “this or that” kind of a game about what was “casual” and what was “intimate.” His hand in your pussy or his cock? His tongue in your mouth or his cock? Your finger in his mouth or his butt? His mouth on your clit or your nipples? Seeing you topless or bottomless? Fucked from behind and not seeing him or having him under your skirt eating you and not seeing him? Letting him watch you pee or masturbate? Letting him cum in you or on you? Letting him cum on your boobs or your face? Let him lick your asshole or your clit? Letting him watch you get fucked or masturbate? Let him fuck you or your friend?

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They went on forever and ended in a screaming fit of laughter as the scenarios became more and more absurd. The final conclusion: It’s casual if you say so. Kelly said the road trip was casual. The four of us, Kelly, Yvonne, Patrick and me? That was “intimate.”

After a good laugh, Kelly looked over at Yvonne and said, “I am so fucking horny right now.” Their “this or that” had gotten progressively raunchier as they went on. Kelly’s pussy had taken notice and was now soaking wet.

They were both sitting on the couch facing the TV. Kelly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them and her panties down to her knees. She spread her knees and stuck a finger from her right hand into her vagina. She moved it around and got it soaking wet and then started sliding her finger up and down her slot, over her clit. She scooted her butt to the edge of the cushions and was laying back.

Yvonne had watched her every move. She stood up, pulled off her shorts and panties, sat back down on the couch and pulled her feet up on the edge of the couch. Her knees were spread wide. She put two fingers in her vagina, spread her lips and used her left hand to rub her clit. Soon she was slapping her pussy hard as she finger-banged herself.

For all the sex talk those two had been having, they had never talked about them masturbating. They both did it, but very much, up to now, in private. They were both watching and listening to the other. As each was finding their satisfaction, the other went up a level. Kelly won the race. No surprise. She had a nice, fulfilling orgasm. And it made her want more. She was getting off on being watched as much as she was from rubbing her clit. She stood up, kicked off her jeans, yanked her top and bra off and sat back down, now completely nude. She sat facing Yvonne, her back leaning on the arm of the couch, her legs spread as wide as she could, she followed Yvonne’s lead: She used one hand to rub her clit and the other to finger fuck herself. Then she would pull it off her clit and pinch her nipples for a while and then back to rubbing her clit.

Yvonne was looking right into her cunt and it finally put her over the top. She moaned probably more loudly than ever before when she came. She threw her head back, her toes curled, her knees slammed together trapping her hand in her pussy.

That blew Kelly over the cliff! She screamed “OH FUCK!” and had a huge squirting orgasm. She was spread wide open. She pulled her hands up to her boobs and sprayed her cum all over Yvonne. Yvonne had splatters from her head to her feet. She knew Kelly was a squirter but this was her first experience in seeing it in all its glory, no man or cock in the way. Just a free shot at a wide-open target.

They both just stayed still where they were. Eventually, they both had come back to earth. Yvonne looked at her and said, “We should get rid of this hair.”

“What?!” Kelly replied. Kelly had long hair down to her ass and was quite proud of it. No way would she cut her hair!

Yvonne said, “No you nut, our pussy hair. It’s in the way. And I think the guys would like it.”

“Oh, well I guess? Where's the scissors?”

“No, we need a razor.”

“You’re talking about it ALL coming off?”

“Yeah, baby smooth. Trust me, you’re going to love this.”

Yvonne reached out and grabbed her hand and walked her to the bathroom. She filled the tub and dropped in some bubble bath. Kelly got in the tub and soaked for a few minutes then sat up on the edge of the tub and spread her legs. Yvonne had put down a towel. Yvonne started pinching out tufts of hair and snipping them off with scissors. When she was just a mess of stubble Yvonne got out the shaving cream and started really getting her cleaned up. It took quite some time. They were serious about getting every last hair all the way along her lips and up through her ass crack.

With all the tugging on her lips, she was leaking lube so much she was washing away the shaving cream. Kelly couldn’t contain her moans as Yvonne kept tugging at her wet lips. Yvonne finally declared her “shaved!” and that the last step was to oil her all up to avoid red bumps. So, Yvonne poured baby oil in her hand, had Kelly stand up and started massaging Kelly’s pubic mound, around to her butt crack and down to her asshole and then back around to the front and into her crotch rubbing her lips thoroughly. Then she poured some more into both hands and had one working the front and one the back. She worked her way down and eventually slipped one middle finger up into her asshole and three of them into her vagina.

That did it. Kelly grabbed her arm to steady herself and shuddered her way through a beautiful orgasm. She looked at Yvonne and said, “Oh, my God, that was unbelievable!”

Yvonne just smiled and said “You’re welcome! Now it’s my turn!”

Yvonne had last shaved a few weeks ago, so it wasn’t the brush-beating that Kelly needed. Plus, Yvonne wasn’t as naturally hairy as Kelly. No need to shave her butt crack and fairly light hair on her pussy lips. Kelly had her cleaned up pretty quickly and then oiled her up. Then she had her lay down on the floor. Kelly got both hands on her, rubbing her clit and finger fucking her. She then slipped her pinky into her butt and kept finger banging her. It took some time, but she finally repaid the favor and Yvonne had a knee-clamping orgasm.

They agreed they would shave daily for the rest of the week. Plus, Yvonne explained to Kelly that stubble would drive her nuts with the itching, so she may want to keep it shaved all the time. They made plans for the four of us to get together Saturday morning.

So, I knew nothing of any of this adventure until the following week. Both Yvonne and Kelly made themselves unavailable for screwing that week. We were close to the end of the school year and did actually have to study.

Saturday morning came. We were all together at the apartment. The girls excused themselves to the bathroom, together. Seemed odd?

In a few minutes, they came out, apparently naked, each holding a bath towel in front of them like a curtain, they winked at each other and dropped the towels. Wow! Wow! Wow! Both of them had absolutely hairless baby-butt smooth, oiled little girl pussies. Kelly had shaved everything from her feet to her head. There wasn’t a hair anywhere on her body but her head. Arms, that little trail from her pussy to her belly button, she had shaved everything. My mind was blown. My cock wanted to explode. Holy shit!

They picked up their towels, laid them on the couch, sat down and spread their legs. I dove into Kelly’s pussy like an Olympic diver. I was sucking her lips and clit for all it was worthwhile rubbing my hands all over her body. She came pretty fast. I jumped up and stripped, then got on my knees and rammed my cock into her. I fucked for all I was worth. I pulled up her legs and had her knees on my shoulders. I was rubbing my hands all over her legs as I fucked her. In a couple of minutes, I came and she came with me. I pulled my cock out and used my hands to continue to play with her smooth pussy. Soon I was rubbing my cum, mixed with her baby oil, all over her cunt.

Patrick skipped lunch. He shoved his cock into Yvonne and they had been rhythmically fucking away. Several minutes later they both came. Patrick pulled out and sat down. I moved over and put a hand on Yvonne. I felt her up and then started slipping around in her tight lips. Soon, I wasn’t finger fucking either of them, I was just completely feeling them up as much as I could, both inside and out. Man, that feeling was just amazing. I was hooked on a shaved bush for life!

Yvonne reached out to the top of my chest and pushed me back. I laid on the floor. She walked up and over me, squatted, grabbed my cock and sat on it. Kelly got up and went over to Patrick, pushed him onto his back, dropped her knees on either side of his head and sat her pussy on his face. He was going to have to eat his way out of that prison!

Yvonne did the sliding back and forth motion from Valentine’s Day. Eventually, I came and she came right afterward. After Patrick ate Kelly to an orgasm, she swiveled around on Patrick to a sixty-nine position. She sucked his cock until he came. She actually found that was the perfect position to use for sucking him. His banana dick was aimed right at her throat in that position. She felt it was the most natural and comfortable position she had yet found with him. She was confident she had given him the blowjob of all blowjobs. It was the first time she had his cock in her throat. She was using her hands to fondle his nuts as she deep-throated him. She also tried out her move where she hums with a cock in her throat. Trust me, it’s a pretty incredible feeling. That’s what took him over the edge and he came in her throat.

Patrick had lost his concentration during his blowjob, but as soon as he came he went to town on her clit and quickly ate her to another orgasm.

And it wasn’t even noon yet! That was a great way to start the day! Unfortunately, most of us had to get to our part-time jobs, so off we went.

I picked Kelly up after work. I had been thinking of her pussy all day. When I took a restroom break I discovered a huge wet spot in my underwear from leaking pre-cum. As soon as she slid into the car I slipped my hand into her uniform slacks and felt up her pussy. Still amazing! She told me her pussy had been leaking all day. She had to go to the restroom every hour to blot up the mess with some toilet paper.

She was ready to explode, she peeled her pants down, leaned back onto the passenger door and spread her legs aimed at me. “Park and fuck me.” It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order. And I follow orders, so we pulled into the back of a parking lot, I whipped out my cock and rolled over and missionary fucked the hell out her. I swear we both came in about two minutes flat. Holy crap were we horny!

We were so looking forward to graduating in a few days! Schooling was very much in the way of our sex life. We needed an open calendar so we could fuck all the time. Summer would be here soon. Yes, lots more fun stuff happened. I’ll share when I can.










Written by GoodToBeMe
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