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In the dark of the sleeping area, Hailey dropped the towel, pulled on a pair of panties and slipped under the sheet. Hailey slept restlessly for a few hours before awakening. Her mind drifted to recent events. She was pretty sure Justin at least suspected she had developed more than a friendly type interest in Brian and he in her. Hailey hadn't decided yet how deep her feelings for Brian went. But she was still wanting to play. If Justin is as sound a sleeper as I have heard he is, well... She laughed to herself and got out of bed.

What she was about to do was really pretty daring. Sure, she had been nearly naked in front of Brian and Justin several times previously, but there'd always been some justification for it, or at least the appearance that it might have been just accidental.

Brian had been asleep but woke when Hailey sat on the edge of the bed. She'd spotted Brian's shorts on the side of the couch and was pretty sure he was naked under the sheet. And she was bare except for a pair of panties, with Justin sleeping only a few feet away. Pretty hot! she thought.

As Brian came awake, his eyes immediately locked on Hailey's almost naked body. She suggested before he had a chance to say anything, "I was thinking you might be interested in a little more 'practice', like we did a few weeks ago."

Brian's jaw dropped. "Well hell yes," he exclaimed. "But I am kind of bowled over - you wearing just panties."

Hailey tucked one leg under her and extended the other in front of her as she leaned back on her arms. She arched her back some, making her naked breasts even more prominent. She remarked coyly, "And I was thinking about taking those off too."

"Jesus Christ," he said, "and you got to know I don't have anything on under this sheet. Could lead to something else."

"And you'd object?"

"Of course not," Brian's hand crept up Hailey's leg, "but it's not like we're all that alone either" His fingertips went up the outside of her thigh, up her hip and across her stomach.

"You wouldn't really care if he did wake up, would you?" Hailey asked. She relaxed her arms and lay flat on her back on the bed.

"Uh... probably not," Brian proclaimed as his hand circled Hailey's breasts and played with her nipples.

"So you'd be okay with him watching us?"

"Like I told you before, if it's okay with you, it's okay with me."

Hailey closed her eyes in reaction to the pleasure she was feeling. "Yeah, but what if he wants to play too?" she asked.

Brian let his fingers wander up Hailey's inner thigh. "That would be up to you," he carefully said.

Hailey rolled over on her stomach, looking in astonishment at Brian. "Are you sure you mean that?" she quizzed.

"Well, I think I do," he allowed. "But I'm not sure it matters tonight anyway." He cupped his ear, calling Hailey's attention to the snoring that was coming from the other couch.

Hailey put her hand under the sheet and took hold of Brian's bare cock. "So you think it'd be okay if we did a little making out then?" she prodded. As one hand spread the pre-cum over his shaft, the other was tugging at her panties.

Brian helped Hailey off with her panties and allowed her to press his hand between her legs. Both wanted it but Brian was having second thoughts. Hailey sensed Brian's hesitancy.

She was disappointed but relieved at the same time. There was a question in her mind as to what might happen if, as she expected, the making out turned into making love and Justin awakened. They played with each other a few minutes longer, but the urgency was gone.

"I think I should get back to my own bed," Hailey said quietly. Brian nodded.


The next morning, Hailey was the last to wake, and when she did, Brian and Justin were already in the kitchen area fixing breakfast. She wrapped the sheet around her otherwise naked body and as she approached the table, said, somewhat matter-of-factly, "I don't think I want any breakfast. I just want some toast and coffee."

She continued, a bit more conversationally, "I have been dying to get in that old claw foot tub ever since we got here. So, if you guys don't have any objections, I'm going to do it while you're eating." She continued, "I'll take my coffee now. You can bring my toast when it's ready." She didn't wait for an answer. She poured a cup of coffee and left the kitchen area.

Hailey stopped at her duffel and dug out a razor. Parking her coffee and the razor on the window ledge, Hailey adjusted the spigots until she felt the water temperature was right. Standing at the side of the tub with her back to the kitchen, Hailey unwrapped and dropped the sheet to the floor. She was naked.

Yes, Hailey had said she was willing to take her bath with the guys watching, but Brian still felt a twinge of jealousy at seeing, for the first time, Hailey naked in the presence of Justin. But he also felt a stirring in his pants. Yeah, he did like Hailey's games.

Hailey was just about to shave her legs when the toaster popped. As she put a leg on the edge of the tub she said sweetly, "Will one of you please bring me my toast. It doesn't need to be buttered."

Brian took the two slices of bread out of the toaster and put them on a small plate. Justin held out his hand. "C'mon bro, you get to live with her. Let me do it."

Brian passed the plate to Justin. With Hailey in the bath with no clothes on, Brian had wanted to do this himself. Hailey, however, took no notice of Justin, taking the plate of toast from him and putting it on the window sill along with her coffee. As Justin returned to the kitchen, Hailey resumed her shaving.

Hailey's playfulness returned as she finished her bath. Drying off, then wrapping the towel around her naked body, she returned to the kitchen area and the eating island. She looked at Brian, saying, "I thought the toast was exceptional. I thoroughly enjoyed it while shaving myself." As she said this she lifted a leg up onto the table edge and said to both of them, "See, smooth as silk. Wanna feel?"

After allowing each a quick feel of her bare leg,
she adjusted the towel and jokingly said, "I can't imagine what dinner is going to cost me."

"If you continue having as much trouble keeping your clothes on as you have so far today..." Brian winked at Justin. "it might even be free."

It looked a little like rain and appeared that they wouldn't be going anywhere today. Justin said he'd turned the hot tub on earlier, so they could do some tubbing. Hailey could tell by the look in his eyes, and the fact that she hadn't brought a bathing suit of any kind with her, that Justin was trying to promote her into skinny dipping. Teasing was one thing, but being naked with these guys for an extended period of time was yet another.

Hailey looked at Brian. He shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. Whatever it was that was bugging her, something didn't seem quite right. Nevertheless, after a few moments had passed, Hailey, in a faint voice said, "Sounds good." Hailey then asked Brian privately, "You gonna be okay with this?"

"Like I've been saying," he replied quietly but not especially convincingly, "if you're having a good time, then I will be too." Hailey put her mouth closer to Brian's ear and cupped her hand around it, hiding her comment entirely from Justin. "With both you guys hitting on me the way you have so far this morning, it might be more than you can handle."

"I'll show you what I can handle," Brian whispered. He slipped his hand between the folds of Hailey's towel and brushed his fingers lightly across her already moist pussy lips.

"And I thought you were going to be my protector," she whispered as she clamped her legs around Brian's hand. Turning loose she cautioned, "Just don't forget, you said it was okay."

Justin was already in the tub and sitting with his back to the corner of the cabin. Brian dropped his towel, climbed into the tub and sat a third of the way around the tub from Justin. Hailey removed her towel with her back to the tub. As she got in though, she turned briefly, exposing her front side to Brian and Justin. Both got a brief look at her pussy, her firm breasts and already hard nipples as she slipped into the water opposite them.

"There's space for you between us," Justin said. "We don't bite, you know."

"Yeah, well I'm not so sure about that," Hailey responded. "Not ready to take chances." At least not yet.

After a time, Hailey relaxed and began having fun. Brian and Justin were really liking the way Hailey was showing off and Hailey was liking the attention she was getting. "So," Brian began, swallowing hard as he did so, "don't you think you would be having more fun if you were over here between us?"

Be careful what you ask for, Brian. "Maybe," Hailey replied hesitantly. I can't believe I'm letting this happen. Hailey stood up, turned and sat down between the guys. "Now you two behave," she said as she put an arm across each of their shoulders. Hailey pulled Brian and Justin tight into her sides. Damn, that feels good, she thought.

It did take a few minutes before Hailey felt Justin's hand creeping slowly up her leg. His fingers slid between her thighs, close to her pussy. Her head went back, her eyes rolled into the top of her head and her breathing got heavier. Oh god, why can't I just let it happen? Justin's fingertips grazed her pussy lips.

I can't let this happen, she said to herself. She took her arm from behind Justin's head, wrapped her hand around Justin's and gently moved it from between her legs, sliding it slowly up her naked body and pressing it against her breast. She took her other arm from around Brian's neck and slipped her hand into Brian's lap, brushing her fingers lightly against his rigid cock. You okay, she mouthed. Brian nodded. She took his hand and placed it on her other breast.
Hailey loved having her breasts played with. And it's oh so fun when there's two of 'em doing it. She again put her arms around the guys' shoulders, then kicked her body upward until she was floating, Brian and Justin helping her, each with a hand on her ass.

As she floated, their hands roamed the length of her body, from her feet to her head and everything in between. They massaged her tits, pinched and rolled her nipples, slid their hands along the backside of her calves and up her thighs. Hailey even let Brian run a hand between her thighs and against her pussy. I could really get used to this, she thought.

Then the sky opened and the rain poured down. The party came to a quick end as they grabbed their now wet towels and ran into the house. Although each of them was naked, they all sponged off with their wet towels in what appeared to be a total disregard for modesty. Hailey even sat on one of the couches, completely bare, and attempted to dry her feet.

She eventually wrapped the damp towel around her body, struck a pose like she was modeling and asked, "Can I stay like this?"

"Is the Pope, Catholic?" Justin blurted. "Of course you can. And we won't even object, will we Brian, even if you have trouble keeping it on."

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Hailey, out of earshot of Justin, whispered to Brian, "You okay?" Brian nodded. "Even if it comes loose?"

"Oh yeah," Brian enthused. "Just make sure I'm looking when it happens."

Justin had dragged out an old Monopoly set. Brian and Hailey joined him. Everyone was still dressed in damp towels as the game began.

When Hailey kneeled to roll the dice, the guys took turns snaking their hands up between her legs and brushing against her bare pussy. Hailey playfully swatted them away each time, but never acted too serious about it. As they finished, declaring Justin the winner, Justin asked lustfully while looking at Hailey, "So what do I get for winning?"

"A knee in the crotch if I feel your hand between my legs again," Hailey tauntingly replied.

After a dinner of soup and sandwiches, the guys set about building a fire in the fireplace. As they did so, Hailey went to change out of her wet towel.

When she returned she was wearing the now infamous shirt with the top two buttons undone, showing a good bit of her otherwise bare breasts. "Uhm, you did good," Brian said as he looked her over.

"How about you take turns dancing with us?" Justin politely asked. "Would you do that?"

Hailey looked at Brian. He rolled his eyes while nodding his assent. "Have we got some music?" she asked.

"I've got my iPod," Brian exclaimed, "I think it'll be loud enough."

Justin grabbed Hailey for the first song and when it ended, Brian took over. As they danced, Brian whispered to Hailey. "Looks like he had his hands all over your ass. You wearing panties?"

"Uh huh. You don't want me to take 'em off, do you?"

"If it was just the two of us, for sure. But with you dancing with Justin too?"

Brian looked questioningly at Hailey. "You mean you'd do that again?"

"Not unless you really wanted me to."

"I think I'd rather you didn't."

Thank you God for small favors. "Good, then they stay on."

"Justin undo that button?"

Oh shit, he is jealous. "Uh no," Hailey lied, "I did that just before we started dancing."

"Wanna undo some more?"

"You want me to?" Hailey teasingly asked. She rubbed her crotch against his. "Oh yes, I guess you do. One, two, how many were you thinking?"

Brian answered with his hands. He began hastily undoing one after another of Hailey's buttons until they were all undone. "My god, what are you doing? Justin is watching!"

"So let him watch. I'm tired of pretending. You got to know that I am absolutely smitten with you and after last night, I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual. If Justin hasn't figured that out, he's got to be blind."

Justin was indeed watching and yes he had already guessed that Brian and Hailey were more than just friends. He watched as Brian finished undoing the buttons on Hailey's shirt, spread it open, and pressed her bare tits against his bare torso.

Hailey's mouth opened slightly as she lightly touched Brian's tongue with her own. The kiss caused a chill to run through her. The feeling she got when Brian kissed her back was electric. She lost herself in the kiss. Brian softly enjoyed her mouth, breaking occasionally to toy with her lips.

As the kissing continued, Hailey fell toward the nearby couch, the one opposite Justin. Brian fell with her, both coming to rest on their sides with Hailey against the back of the couch. Brian wished they could stop long enough to make the couch into a bed but there was no way that was going to happen.

Brian lowered his hand and caressed Hailey's panty-covered ass. Hailey responded, pushing herself against his thigh which was now buried between her legs. The kissing turned from gentle kisses to harder sloppy ones. Justin heard Hailey moan as her body reacted to Brian's ministrations.

Justin, sitting only a few feet from them, had a ringside seat. The sight of Hailey's open mouth receiving Brian's tongue and her bare breasts rubbing against Brian's chest sent waves of excitement through Justin's body.

As they ground against each other their arousal level went up. Hailey moaned and whispered suggestive things in Brian's ears. It wasn't that she didn't want Justin to hear her. She had pretty much forgotten he was even there.

As Brian's hand worked its way between them, Hailey whispered, "Oh Brian, you have no idea what you are doing to me."

She let out a loud moan and arched her body. Justin could tell they were grinding their crotches together. He couldn't actually see all of what was going on but he could imagine. His cock hardened as he pictured his friend caressing Hailey's breasts and playing with her nipples.

Hailey's hands surrounded Brian's face as she kissed him long and hard. She whispered, "Fuck me Brian."

Brian had heard, but he didn't respond. His brain wouldn't let him believe that she really was ready to do it, especially not with Justin watching. The breathing got heavier and even though Hailey was still wearing her panties and Brian still wearing his shorts, it appeared to Justin as if they were already fucking.

Hailey's hands were lost between them, somewhere below Brian's waist. One of her hands lowered the zipper on his shorts and slipped inside. She wrapped a hand around his cock. Her other hand undid his belt and pulled on the snap to his shorts until it came undone.

With nothing remaining to restrict her movement, Hailey put both of her hands through the front of Brian's shorts and wrapped them around his cock. She pulled it out and squeezed it between her legs.

Again she whispered to Brian, this time with a little more desperation in her voice, "Please, fuck me."

Brian heard her and was sure this time that she meant it. He nuzzled her neck and quietly questioned, "With Justin watching?"

Hailey responded defiantly, "If he wants to watch, let him." Justin's watching was adding to Hailey's excitement. She grabbed Brian's shorts and pulled them down past his hips. "I don't care," she announced in a loud voice, "In fact, I think it's kind of fun, having him watch, don't you think?"

There was no mistaking her this time and from what Brian could tell, Hailey knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted to be fucked, and she wanted to be watched. Justin wished it was him that was doing the fucking and Brian doing the watching, but even so, it was still the hottest thing he'd ever been a part of.

Hailey got Brian's shorts down past his hips. She released his cock from between her legs. While watching Justin, Hailey tugged her panties down and wriggled them off.

Brian's back was to Justin so he couldn't actually know it, but he was sure Justin wouldn't be missing any of this action. Brian had to admit, it was pretty exciting, fucking Hailey while his best friend looked on. His cock slid into her wet pussy.

The reaction from both was immediate. The kissing was hot. Hailey's hands grabbed his ass, pulling him in tight. Brian held the back of the couch with one hand and buried his head in her breasts, sucking on her nipples while fucking her.

Like two animals in heat, they went at it hard and fierce. Hailey didn't know if it was from being watched or from the long deep strokes, but whatever it was, she was riding an incredible wave of pleasure that was bringing her quickly to orgasm. The fucking was intense. Grunts and moans filled the room. Justin's mouth hung open. He unsnapped his shorts and urgently slid his hand inside.

Hailey said, loud enough for Justin to hear, "Oh my god Brian, I just love having your cock in me." Her body convulsed and her nails dug into Brian's ass cheeks. Hailey's spasms drove Brian over the edge. He moaned loudly as his sperm splashed against the walls of Hailey's pussy. He continued to ram his cock into her hard and fast. Justin had hold of his own throbbing cock, thinking the orgasm he was witnessing would never end. But it did. Brian's jackhammer-like action slowed and then stopped.

Hailey looked over at Justin. He was staring at her with his hand in his shorts. Knowing he was watching them had excited her - while it was happening - but now she was embarrassed. She snatched up her panties and hastily pulled them on. "Did you get an eyeful?" she asked as she got up to retrieve her shirt.

Ignoring the sarcasm, Justin responded, "That is the most incredible orgasm I have ever seen."

Hailey was buttoning her shirt. Her tone remained unchanged. "Oh! Like watching do you?"

Continuing to ignore what was quite obviously a confrontational tone, Justin replied, "Well, actually, that's the first time I've just watched... but I have to say, watching you is just about the most fun I've ever had."

Hailey blushed as she soaked up the compliment. "So, I guess you liked it then?"

"Uh huh. You going to let me watch again?"

"Well, uhm..." Hailey swallowed hard. She wanted to say yes, but didn't dare. "Uh, I think that would have to be up to Brian."

"What would be up to me?" Brian asked, rising to a sitting position. He had dozed off at the conclusion of the lovemaking and was unaware of what was taking place.

Hailey was continuing to loosen up. "Justin seems to have liked watching us. Thinks he might like us to do it again."

"Are you shitting?" Brian blurted as he scrambled to recover his shorts. He was feeling really strange, knowing Justin had watched them through all of it. "No way is that ever going to happen again!"

Justin didn't buy the protestations he was hearing, but he knew better than to argue. "Right, it was just one of those things. But I did at least get a confirmation to one of my suspicions."

"And what was that?" Brian asked suspiciously.

"You two really are into each other. I had suspected a little hanky-panky maybe, but nothing so intense."

"So you weren't all that surprised?" asked Hailey.

"Surprised? No," Justin began lightly, "but I do think you're crazy to have chosen Brian over me, but - and this is a big but - Brian would have to be crazy not to want you."

"So you don't have a problem with it then?" Hailey asked again.

"Like I said," Justin affirmed, "Other than it being him instead of me - no, I don't have a problem. In fact I think it's great!"

"And we're still okay?" Brian asked, pointing his finger back and forth between he and Justin.

"Of course. I guess I'll have to be careful coming on to Hailey from here on out, but other than that, I don't see why anything should be different."

"Nothing?" Hailey asked.

"Nope, in fact as long as Brian doesn't seem to object, you can keep right on with your teasing. I love it. You can even run around naked if you want."

"Dream on," responded Hailey with a grin on her face.

"Yeah, dream on buddy," Brian said with a chuckle.


The next morning, when they were preparing to leave, Hailey asked Brian if he had something other than shorts she could wear. "You guys have seen enough of me. I want to wear some clothes for the trip home."

"And when we get home, you going to take up wearing a nun's habit?"

"I might..." Hailey grinned. "If I don't have to wear anything under it."

Written by TraceEkies
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