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It was Sunday, and when Hailey came out of the bedroom, Brian was parked in front of the TV. Looking up, he observed, "After seeing you in as little as panties and a T-shirt, I wasn't expecting to see you in something so conservative. You do remember that your parents are gone for the day."

"Yes, I remember... but conservative?" Hailey replied, "Not what Daddy would have thought. He would say that this was way too tight, and with buttons from top to bottom, entirely too suggestive."

"Oh yeah, definitely suggestive, I am already imagining what that dress might look like with another button or two undone."

Hailey beamed. "What does my 'big brother' think I can get away with?" She made a quarter turn to either side, undoing the top couple of buttons and smiling at Brian's reaction.

"Uhm, yeah. That's better."

"Well... it is Sunday... and Mom's not here to fix us breakfast so I was kinda hoping I might talk you into going someplace for brunch."

"Uh, yeah... I suppose you could talk me into that."

"Of course, I could change, if you'd rather..." Hailey plopped down in an easy chair and unbuttoned two of the bottom buttons. The dress split open, nearly to her panties.

Brian licked his lip. "No. You stay the way you are. I know a place we can go." He continued to stare. Hailey wasn't wearing hose and although the hem of the dress came almost to her knees, with the bottom buttons undone, and sitting down, Hailey's inner thighs were deliciously exposed. Brian stood. "Give me a couple of minutes. These shorts are not going to cut it where we're going."

Hailey's dress was tight, necessitating that she undo a third button in order to get into Brian's truck. Once she had the door closed though... I could redo a button or two, but... a smile grew on her lips. Hailey stretched her bare legs toward the drive-shaft tunnel, the unbuttoned dress riding even further up her bare thighs. "Are you going to be able to get us to the restaurant in one piece?" she saucily asked Brian.

Brian had his head turned toward the front but his eyes were focused on Hailey's bare legs. "I'll get us there. Fortunately, it's not far. But you're not making it any easier."

"Just having fun," Hailey replied, looking at the bulge in Brian's jeans.

The place they went to was a popular college type hangout that was a moderately priced restaurant for breakfast and lunch, and a raucous watering hole at night. On Sundays, they had a brunch menu that was considered one of the best in the city. And for brunch, the tables in the mostly booths type place were covered with white linen tablecloths.

A waiter took them to one of the more distant booths. He pulled the table to one side, allowing them to slide easily into the booth. As Hailey slid into the booth, she spread her legs, exposing her white silk panties. Brian followed, his eyes noting the tantalizing display. The waiter took his time pulling the table back into place, making sure he got a good look.

After the waiter was gone, Brian said, "I think he enjoyed the view."

Hailey had a Cheshire cat type grin on her face. "And does my 'big brother' approve?"

"Well, he shouldn't, but he was looking too. Although I'm guessing you wanted me to look."

"Don't you just love that about me?" Hailey chirped.

"That and a few other things. Sorry, I was out of pocket during the transition, but you have definitely changed... and for the better, I might add."

"Just keep in mind that a lot of changes were initially because I wanted you to notice me."

"I'm sorry I ignored you, but when I hit high school, I decided it wasn't 'cool' to have a female playmate three years younger than me. And once I was in college, well high school girls were just too young."

"But I think you've changed your mind about that."

"Well, it's kind of hard, not to have, living with someone as sexy as you."

The conversation was interrupted as the waiter returned to serve coffee and take their order. Once he had left, Hailey picked it up where they'd left off. "Before the waiter came, you said I was sexy and that I'd changed. What exactly were you referring to?" Hailey was smiling, intrigued by the direction of the conversation.

"Well of course, I always did think you were cute, but now that you've grown up, you've also become hotter than a firecracker!"

"I'm glad you think so, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant when you said I'd changed."

"No, I guess not," Brian confessed.

Hailey was still smiling. "So what did you mean?"

"Well, admit it, you did used to be goody-two-shoes - no way would you ever let anyone see your panties, certainly not like you did that waiter... or letting someone who doesn't live with you, see you without a bra... I mean, I'm loving the way you are, but you’re not the same girl anymore. Not what I was expecting."

"You complaining?"

"No way. I'm loving it. Just surprised, is all."

"So how about the dress? You like it?"

"Oh yeah, especially with no bra and so many buttons undone."

The waiter appeared with their order. Both had ordered the brunch special, eggs benedict with breakfast potatoes and a fruit bowl. There were two mimosas that the waiter left sitting on the tray behind him.

"The mimosas come with the brunch special," the waiter said, "but I've got to see some ID before I can serve them." Brian offered up an ID - fake but indistinguishable from the real thing - and informed the waiter that Hailey wasn't old enough. The waiter looked at Brian's ID, handed it back and placed both mimosas in front of him. "Since you're the only one old enough to drink, I guess you'll just have to drink both of them." He winked as he picked up the tray and left.

"That guy gets a good tip," Hailey insisted.

"Oh of course. That's why he did it." Brian pushed one of the mimosas over in front of Hailey. "Enjoy! Now, where were we?"

Hailey hesitated long enough to shovel a forkful of food into her mouth. With hollandaise dripping from her lips she offered, "I think you were telling me how much you like this dress, buttons undone, not wearing a bra - something like that."

"Right, all of the above," Brian clarified as he cut off a bite of egg, ham and muffin. Pausing before putting it into his mouth, he added, "But even with a couple of buttons undone, it's really not all that obvious that you're not wearing a bra."

Hailey slowly undid a couple more of the top buttons. Although the nipples were still covered, it was now really obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Would I be right in thinking," Brian suggested, "that you really like guys looking."

Hailey smiled as she slowly acknowledged, "Could be."

Nothing much more was said until they'd finished eating and the waiter showed up with the check. After he had scurried off with Brian's credit card, Brian volunteered, "I was thinking I might invite some friends over this afternoon. Cowboys are playing Seattle - it's just an exhibition game, but most of us want to see it anyway. Would you have a problem with that?"

"Of course not." Hailey smiled and fiddled with the next lower button on her dress, the one just above her navel. Then looking in Brian's direction she asked, "Am I invited, or should I stay in my room?"

The button business had not gone unnoticed. "Well, not only is it your house, but there is no way I would want you to stay in your room."

"Other girls too?"

"You will likely be the only female. Just you and a bunch of guys."

"Sounds like fun," Hailey replied, enjoying the very real possibility that she would be the center of attention.

Brian called a few of his friends and hastily arranged the party. Spotting the waiter on his return with the credit card, Brian suggested, "I could get him to move the table back for us."

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"I doubt he'd mind too much," Hailey replied with a smirk.

As Brian signed the check and retrieved his credit card from the waiter, Hailey couldn't help but notice the bulge below Brian's belt. He motioned the waiter to pull the table back. Hailey made sure the waiter had plenty to remember her by.


Later that same day, Hailey was alone at the house - Brian had gone for beer. She was in her room, naked except for a pair of panties, appraising herself in the mirror when she was interrupted by the doorbell. Damn, he forgot his key, she said to herself. The doorbell rang again. "Just a minute," she singsonged. A bath towel hung on the back of the bedroom door. Hailey looked at it. I wonder. It is just Brian, and it is just for a few seconds, she murmured to herself. What the hell, she thought as she snagged the towel off the hook. She wrapped it snugly around herself and raced for the door.

Holding the towel tightly to her breasts, Hailey opened the door, not to Brian as she had expected, but to three strange guys, whom she presumed to have come to watch the game. Hailey, as well as the guys, were all taken aback by the situation. Although the guys had heard that Brian was staying with some hot female, they had never met her and certainly were not expecting her to answer the door, especially not in a towel.

Hailey found herself being examined by three guys she had not previously met. If I hadn't thought it was Brian, I would have been wearing something more appropriate, but what the hell... Hailey stepped from behind the door, offering a full view of her towel-covered body. "Well," she said with a smile, attempting to downplay the awkwardness of the situation, "I guess you're here to watch the game."

"Uh-huh," drawled one of the guys. "Brian here?" Then added under his breath, "Hope not."

Hailey pretended not to notice the come-on and responded, "Went to pick up the beer - should be back any minute now."

Looking at Hailey's barely covered body, one of the guys hesitantly suggested, "Well... we could wait out in the car till he gets here," but watching you would be way more fun.

"No way are you going to wait in the car," insisted Hailey, "I'm sure Brian would want you to come in and make yourselves comfortable." And while I'm finding this kind of awkward, it could be fun. Hailey opened the door wider. Licentious thoughts filled their heads as the guys took in the sight of the scantily clad teenager. Three hot guys and me in panties and a towel! Catching the looks she was getting, Hailey relaxed her grip on the towel, allowing it to slip down to where it was showing more of her breasts.

Each of the guys adjusted the bulge in his shorts, confirming that Hailey in a towel was having its effect. The lips of the first one through the door mouthed a silent, oh my god, while over his shoulder, to his buddies, he sputtered, "Brian said she was hot!"

I know I shouldn't be letting them in with me in just panties and a towel, but god, this is so exciting! Hailey said to herself.

The one closest to her, who also seemed to be their self-appointed spokesperson, proceeded with the introductions. "I'm guessing you're Hailey, Brian has mentioned you."

She acknowledged. "Uh, yeah... right - Hailey."

"I am Robert and these two," he said turning back toward his friends, "are Josh and Leo. Leo's the short one."

"I am not short!" Leo protested.

"Okay then, the shorter one," Robert amended. Leo was not totally appeased but said nothing. Plenty tall for me, Hailey thought to herself, just not as tall as Josh.

Hailey looked in turn at each of Brian's friends. Robert was making no secret of his attempts to see if she was wearing panties. Leo turned away each time she looked in his direction, and although Josh kept his head bowed, Hailey could tell he was still looking. Robert continued with his inspection, but looked up long enough to remind Hailey, "You did say we were supposed to come in, didn't you?" She stepped aside and motioned them through. The door opened into the family room. Hailey followed them in, then continued on toward the bedrooms. "You are going to join us, aren't you?" Josh inquired confidently.

Hailey stopped just short of the passageway to the bedrooms. She considered how to answer. Later, but definitely not in a towel. "Well, I was going to do some reading, but I suppose I could join you, if you're sure you want me to," she responded hopefully.

"Oh for sure, we definitely want you to," Leo blurted.

"Well if you're really sure... but I will need a few minutes to finish dressing."

"Or you could stay like you are," Robert suggested, hoping that Hailey just might take him up on his daring suggestion.

Hailey pretended to be shocked by the proposal. To herself though, she was more honest. Could be fun, but no way am I going to do that today. "No, I need to put something more on. Shouldn't even have answered the door like this." She made a step in the direction of the bedrooms.

Robert's face turned sour as he asserted, "What a shame and I thought you were enjoying yourself. I know we are."

Hailey, turning defensive, tightened her grip on the towel and tugged it back up a bit, covering her cleavage. "Maybe so," she allowed sheepishly.

Robert's face lit up. "So we like to look and you like us looking. Not sure I see a problem."

Hailey was still turned in the direction of the bedrooms. Yeah, I could. She turned slowly toward Robert, her defensiveness fading. "If I knew you guys better... still not sure it'd make a difference... but maybe... " Hailey murmured, allowing the towel to slip back down to where it had been, exposing the tops of her tits.

Josh spoke up from the overstuffed chair , "Guess that makes Brian the lucky one. I sure wish I had a friend, even half as hot as you are."

Hailey blushed as she shifted from one foot to the other. Looking down at her barely covered breasts, she responded, "I'm glad you're liking the towel, but when Brian gets back-"

The door burst open and Brian came in carrying a case of beer. Kicking the door closed he asked, "When Brian gets here, what?"

Hailey responded quickly, "I was just saying that when you got back, I was going to finish dressing."

Brian's dick grew harder as he digested the scene. Alone with three guys, towel, tits mostly exposed and legs bare... my god is she hot or what? Continuing to stare, he voiced his opinion, "The guys, me included, are absolutely loving the way you are, but... if you don't put on a little something more, there won't be anyone watching the game."

"Sounds good to me." It was Josh who felt compelled to say something.

Leo followed close behind. "Yeah, forget the Cowboys and Seattle."

Robert didn't really think Hailey had taken offence to anything that had been said but just in case, he did attempt to smooth things over. "I think we need to show a little gratitude toward Hailey for allowing us to watch the game in her house and keeping us company until Brian returned. The towel has been fun, and I'm sure Hailey liked the attention, but I can also understand why she wants to change into something else."

"Thank you," Hailey whispered softly to Robert as she turned toward the bedrooms. Closing the door to her room, she dropped the towel and began a rapid-fire conversation with herself. Wow, what a kick. Even Brian got hard as soon as he saw me.

Hailey was careful about how she dressed for the game. She barely knew these guys and didn't want to set off any more alarm bells than she already had.

Written by TraceEkies
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