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Hailey was wearing a man's shirt. Her feet and legs were bare, and what she was wearing under the shirt, if anything, was a matter for conjecture. "Can I join in?" she asked as she entered the den. Brian and his friend Justin were in a serious-sounding discussion.

"You wouldn't be interested," Brian responded.

"Just a minute, bro!" Justin snapped. "Who says she's not interested?"

Brian was bent over the coffee table writing something. He looked up at Hailey. Immediately he understood why Justin had argued with him. She did often dress like this but lately had been careful not to provide any suggestion to Justin that he might go further. But today, you could almost say that she's encouraging him. "I doubt that you'd be interested in what we're planning, but if you want to stay..." Brian paused and gave Hailey a thorough once-over. "Well, I certainly don't have any objection."

"I know I'm not exactly dressed for company," Hailey blushed faintly, resting her hand on her hip, "but Justin seems to like it. How about you, Brian, do you like it too?"

Justin looked first at Hailey, then at Brian. He wasn't sure how this little interchange was going to go. Brian made a quick look in Justin's direction, then cautiously said, "Well, if I still was pretending to be your brother, I'd have to object. But since we did away with that..." He brightened. "Yeah, damn right I like it!"

Brian was sitting on the couch. Hailey plopped down next to him. A few feet away, sitting in an easy chair, Justin watched as Hailey's shirt tail went briefly awry before being hastily tucked between her legs. "You wearing anything under that?" Justin predictably asked.

Hailey stole a glance at Brian, then replied with a bit of a grin, "What do you think?" Brian was surprised that Hailey was encouraging Justin's remarks, but said nothing.

"I'm guessing nothing," Justin replied slowly.

Hailey looked quickly at Brian. His head was turning side to side, ratcheting between her and Justin, as if he were watching a tennis match. To Justin she asked, continuing to add fuel to the fire, "And why would you think that?"

"Well, I know for one that you love to tease, and I'm thinking that secretly, you'd rather not to be wearing anything at all, although you'd probably never admit it."

"You're right about that." Two pairs of eyebrows shot up. "Even if what you're saying is true, no way would I ever admit it. So what are you guys working on?"

"You mean you're not going to answer the question?" Brian snapped.

"Nah, more fun to keep you guys guessing." Hailey reached over to the paper Brian was writing on. She pulled it toward her and read, 2 cases of Bud Light. That was all.

Brian snatched the paper away. "We were just starting."

"At least you got the important stuff taken care of." Hailey looked at both of them.

"Uhm well," Justin began. Then looking across at Brian he said, "Since Hailey seems so interested in getting involved in this thing -"

"How could I be interested, I don't even know what it is."

"Okay, let me explain," Brian said. "Justin's uncle has a cabin down in the hill country, and he said we could use it anytime we wanted. So, we were thinking about going down there this Friday, come back on Monday."

"I wanna go too," Hailey declared excitedly.

"Uhm, I think I'd like that," Justin hastily replied.

Hailey saw the way he was looking at her. "Ah," she said, "I think I understand. You want me to go, but only if I'll dress the way I am right now."

"Well, you got to admit, it would be fun." Justin was grinning from ear to ear.

Hailey blushed a deep crimson but otherwise didn't reply.

Brian looked at how Justin was leering at Hailey. "Look, Hailey," he said. "It might be fun to imagine you going with us, but it's just not realistic."

Hailey pouted. "Sounds like you guys - well, Justin at least - would like having some eye candy with you. What if I'm willing to go along with that?"

Justin was staring daggers at Brian. He really was thinking they needed Hailey to go with them. Brian saw the looks he was getting from Justin but began to explain anyway. "Hailey, you got to know we'd love having you along, but there's no privacy. The cabin is just one big open room. Well there is a closet for the commode, but there's no shower and even the tub is just sitting out in the room. Justin's Uncle Walter says there's not even a curtain around it."

Uhm, that does sound a little risky, especially with Justin around, but, "Well, if I had to..." Hailey began. Her face brightened. "I could take my bath with you guys watching."

"Oh yeah, now we're talking," Justin quickly said, looking hopefully at Brian.

Brian didn't like the way Hailey was teasing Justin. He continued, trying to talk her out of it. "And there's only one bed."

Hailey looked thoughtful. "You mean you guys are going to sleep together? Now that should be interesting."

"Of course not," Justin snapped hastily. "There are two couches that make into beds. We're going to flip a coin to see who gets the bed."

"Well, if you let me go, I could sleep in the bed and you guys could each have a couch." Hailey's face lit up. "See, you don't even need the coin flip anymore."

Justin opened his mouth to voice his approval, but Brian cut him off before he could say anything. "Yeah, but what about changing clothes and all that?" Brian asked.

"Hey, c'mon bro." Justin jumped in again. "She wants to go. Don't ruin it."

"I just want to be sure she understands," I don't really like the idea of Justin ogling Hailey while she's taking her bath, changing clothes, or running around in her underwear, which she is likely to do. If it was just me - for sure - but Justin too? "There won't be any privacy."

Hailey was deep in thought. Definitely going to be challenging, but could also be fun. "I still want to go."

Justin wanted to lock it in. "So lack of privacy wouldn't be a problem for you?"

Hailey looked at Brian. He looked like he might be willing to let it happen. Continuing to watch Brian's reaction, Hailey replied to Justin's question. "Well, if you guys aren't too obvious about it," Hailey replied evenly, but then raising her voice, added, "But you can forget about me getting between the two of you in that truck, dressed like I am. I'm not that crazy."

"Okay. and how you dress at the cabin," Justin slyly suggested, "well that would be up to you."

"I can assure you, it's not going to be all that exciting, well maybe just a shirt and panties but I do intend to be dressed most of the time, except maybe when I'm taking a bath."


Later that day, after Justin was gone, but before Hailey's parents came home, Brian knocked on Hailey's door. "Can I come in?" he politely asked through the door.

Hailey snatched the door open. "Of course. I was just changing before Daddy and Mother get here." She was wearing panties and a bra. As Brian followed her into the room, she resumed picking through her clothes for something to wear, ignoring the fact that she had just invited Brian in while she was wearing just underwear.

"If you do go to the cabin with us - and you do still have to get your father's permission - well, I mean like... running around in just a shirt and panties, I'm sure we'd like that, but taking a bath and changing with us watching? Of course, we'd like that, too, but I'm not so sure it's a good idea."

Hailey understood that Brian's real concern was Justin. She put her arms around Brian's neck and pressed her underwear-clad body against his. "Well, I am going to have to bathe and I am going to have to change, but if you can somehow keep Justin from watching while I do it, well, that would be fine with me." She rubbed her panties across the front of Brian's jeans. "But the shirt; that'll be okay?" She looked into Brian's eyes.

"You mean with just panties under it?"


"Well, I know Justin's gonna love it."

"That hard thing you got there..." Hailey slipped her hand between them. "... says you'll like it too."

"Yeah, like this afternoon in that shirt, well I kind of like it when you tease my friends, but I do worry, especially around Justin, that it might go too far."

She rubbed the front of Brian's jeans. "Well, if you think I'm going too far - you just stop me."

Brian looked down at Hailey. "For whatever it's worth," he said. "I hope you talk your dad into letting you go."

"Me too," Hailey said, pushing Brian away. "Now get out of here and let me finish dressing. He'll be home any minute now."


"Not a good idea," Morgan Adams said, throwing a wet blanket on his daughter's request. "Spending several days at a remote cabin with two guys is not the kind of thing you need to be doing. Not at any age, and especially not at seventeen. No, no way. You're not going."

"But Daddy," Hailey pleaded.

Mr. Adams snapped the newspaper he was reading, then folded it open to the editorial page. "No buts," he said. "You're not going."

"Morgan," Mrs. Adams argued. "I heard the kids talking about it - separate bedrooms, a couple of bathrooms - no different than when they're home alone here."

Oh, boy, has she got that wrong, thought Hailey.

"But with Justin along?" Mr. Adams countered.

"Justin's stayed here when we've been gone. It's no different."

Well maybe just a little, Hailey said to herself.

"Okay, mother, if it was just up to you, would you let her go?"

Hailey looked toward her mother, her eyes pleading for support. Oh please, oh please, oh please.

"Yes, I'd let her go. She's old enough to be making her own decisions."

Mr. Adams put down his paper and removed his reading glasses. He looked directly at Hailey "She is your mother, and she is my wife. If she thinks it's okay, I guess it's okay with me too." He spoke sternly, "You can go if you must, but I still wish you wouldn't."

"Oh, thank you, Daddy. And please don't worry. I can take care of myself." I think.

"Well, I hope so. I do love you, sweetheart."

"And I love you too, Daddy."

Mrs. Adams got up and went toward the kitchen. She stopped in the doorway and signaled for Hailey to follow her. In the kitchen, Mrs. Adams asked her daughter, "You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Uh-huh," Hailey nodded. At least I think so.

"I know one of them is Brian, and I do think he's a good guy, but you're still dealing with two guys who I'm certain have things in mind for girls like you," especially ones that look like you do. "Three nights with two horny guys in a one-room cabin..."

"One-room cabin?" Hailey interrupted. "But uh..."

"I overheard you and Brian talking."

"But that's not what you said to Daddy."

"You do want to go don't you?"

"Yeah." Hailey hesitated. "At least I think so."

"You are at least a little worried about what you might be getting yourself into, aren't you?"

"Well," Hailey looked to the side. "Maybe just a little. But I do want to do it! And I think I can handle it."

"I'm sure you can, but you need to be careful. And when you say no, say it like you mean it. Brian loves you and he's not going to let anything happen that shouldn't."

"I guess that's why I think it's okay. But thanks Mom, I will be careful. And thanks for getting Daddy to agree."


Hailey was stuffing a few clothes into a drawstring bag. She hollered to Brian who was in the next room doing the same. "Hey, is there a pool or anything? Should I bring a bikini?"

Brian stepped into the hall and stuck his head in the door. "There is a hot tub, but if I know Justin, you won't need a bikini for that."

Hailey tossed the bikini she'd been looking at, back into the drawer. "And I'm assuming that we're going in that truck of Justin's."

"Uh, yeah, that's the plan."

Umh, riding the gear shift again. And a couple of hours...

Brian grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Hailey's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, "You ready, Hailey?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a minute," she replied without looking up.

"Well get a move on. Justin's outside waiting."

"Almost ready. Go wait in the truck. I'll be right out."

"Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting."

Hailey still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on panties and a bra and found a pair of cutoffs she wanted to wear. She looked at herself in the mirror. A couple of hours of straddling the gearshift. These cutoffs are kinda short, but at least they cover my panties.

She rummaged around in her closet, looking for a top she could wear. She wanted something at least a little bit suggestive, but not overly so. After all, I am supposed to be the eye candy. Hailey came across a sort of halter-type sweater she hadn't worn in a couple of years. Gotta be a little small now, but if I can still get into it...

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She put it on. It might have been made of sweater-type material, but it exposed way too much skin for it ever to have been meant for warmth. The sleeves were short and it was designed to leave the shoulders bare. It was also cropped to leave a few inches of bare midriff. It could be pulled down as far as she dared, but at a minimum, it was going to show the tops of her breasts.

It had five buttons down the front. After putting her arms through the sleeves and tugging the top together, it was all Hailey could do to get it buttoned. She looked in the mirror and scowled. The bra straps were showing and the seams of the bra were showing through the sweater. Bye, bye princess, she said to herself.

She hastily unbuttoned and removed the sweater. She unsnapped the bra and tossed it into an open drawer. She put the sweater on again and buttoned it fully. It was pretty tight. She slowly undid the top and second buttons, her cleavage popping into view. After studying herself in the mirror for a few more seconds, she undid the bottom button as well, exposing her belly button, and a goodly amount of midriff. Only two buttons held the sweater together, one mid-way between the peaks of her breasts, the other just below it. She looked at herself in the mirror. More daring than I had in mind, but uh, what the hay? Hailey grabbed her duffel and dashed for the door.

Brian stepped out of the truck, holding the door for Hailey. As she threw her duffel into the back of the truck, he remarked, "Good thing your dad wasn't home or you'd never have gotten out of the house."

As she let Brian help her into the truck, she defended herself. "Just doing my part. After all, I did agree to be the eye candy."

Hailey hopped into the truck, her bare legs straddling the gearshift. She said to Justin, "Just make sure your hands don't get to wandering off that gearshift knob," grinning as she spoke, "I'd hate to see your fingers broken before we even get there."

Justin put his hands up in a mock gesture of surrender. "No, no. I'll behave myself." Although Hailey's bare thighs were only inches away from his hand when he was shifting, he managed to get into high gear and cruise down the road without ever once touching her bare skin.


At the cabin, each grabbed their belongings and made their way inside. Justin had been there before, but for Brian and Hailey, it was the first time. They had to look it over. It was pretty much as Justin had told them, kitchen and eating area to the right of where they came in, sitting area, and fireplace to the left.

What Justin had not mentioned though, was the wall opposite the entrance. It was totally glass, offering a breathtaking view of the lake below and the tree-covered mountains beyond. On the far end of the wall to their right was the cabin's only bed, positioned such that its occupants went to sleep and woke up as if suspended in the trees and surrounded by a panorama of nature's beauty.

Not far from the bed, up against the glass, was an old claw-foot bathtub. At the left end of the glass wall, adjacent to the sitting area, was a door to the open deck that ran from one end of the house to the other. On the end near the door was the hot tub. Hailey was dumbstruck. "My god," she cooed, "this is so neat! I could just stay here forever."

Brian and Justin tried to build a fire in the fireplace. While they were doing this, Hailey changed into something she thought might be more appropriate. She was thinking, something kinda sexy without being too revealing. The pants she chose were a light green harem type and somewhat translucent. For a top, she had brought a similarly colored satin camisole.

In subdued lighting, which she had expected there to be, both would be decent enough to wear around Brian and Justin. However, the light in the sitting area was provided by a pair of bare bulbs and could hardly be described as subdued. The panties she had brought were all pretty much on the skimpy side and she hadn't even brought a bra.

In this harsh light, both the panties and lack of a bra are going to be quite obvious. However, I did agree to be the eye candy, she said to herself as she ventured cautiously into the sitting area. Justin sat on one couch, his back to her approach. Opposite, seated on the other couch, Brian looked up at the sound of her footsteps and immediately caught his breath.

In the full light of the sitting room, Hailey looked to be almost naked. His mouth dropped open. Justin, seeing Brian's reaction, turned hastily to see what had caused it. He emitted a low whistle. "My god, that is even better than the shirt!"

"Sorry guys," she offered as her face turned a deep crimson, "I wasn't expecting the light to be so bright, but I doubt you'll care."

"Oh no," Justin insisted as Hailey took a seat next to Brian. "Not bothered in the least, are we Brian? At least not in a bad way."

Brian hastened to assure Hailey. "Don't pay any attention to us. We do understand."

Hailey was initially bent forward, making it less obvious how little she was wearing, but as she got more comfortable with the situation, she straightened and leaned back on her elbows. Brian and Justin did little to disguise their interest. With the camisole and harem pants doing precious little to hide anything, Hailey's exhibitionist tendencies blossomed. She liked that she was getting so much attention.

For an hour or more, Hailey sat around, talking with Brian and Justin as they downed a couple of beers, all the time pretending to be unaware of the near transparency of her attire. When it came time to make their beds, Hailey pushed the envelope even further.

When she bent away from them, she offered a tempting view of her thin harem pants stretched across her tiny panties. And, when she bent toward one of them, the camisole top dropped away, baring her chest and nearly all of her breasts. She even had the moxie to look up occasionally from the more suggestive poses, to confirm that she was having the desired effect.

In the beginning, Brian was concerned about how exposed Hailey was and how Justin might behave. As the evening wore on though, he worried less about Justin's reaction and focused more on how Hailey was enjoying herself. And if asked, he would have to have admitted her behavior was exciting him too.


Hailey wakened midway through the night. She had gone to bed in panties and a camisole and without putting anything more on, walked quietly through the kitchen to the commode closet.

The sound of the closet door awakened Brian and upon her coming out, Brian motioned for her to join him at his bedside.

"How come you're not sleeping?" she whispered quietly so as not to awaken Justin.

"The squeaking of the bathroom door woke me," Brian whispered. "I must not have been sleeping too soundly." He gave the scantily clad teenager a once over before adding, "Seemed like you might have had some fun tonight."

"Uh-huh, I did," she whispered in reply, looking over at Justin to make sure he was still sleeping. "Made me wet. You liked it, I guess?"

"Oh yeah, by the time we went to bed, I was so horny I thought I'd never get to sleep."

"You too huh. I'm still wet. Here feel." Hailey boldly took Brian's hand and put it between her legs, against her damp panties.

Brian considered maybe pushing her panties aside and getting a finger in, but he wasn't sure how she might react. And whether or not she liked it, he was afraid any noises she might make, could wake Justin.

Hailey was encouraging Brian, pushing her damp panty-covered pussy against his fingers, but also thinking they probably shouldn't go any further. She got up on her knees and leaned over Brian. She gave him a deep and passionate kiss, running her fingertips lightly over the sheet, along his growing erection, then coyly said, "Goodnight." She got up and returned to her own bed, leaving Brian with his mouth hanging open.


Hailey was the first to get out of bed the next morning. She headed for the commode closet in just panties and camisole. In addition to brushing her teeth, she put on a little makeup and lightly brushed her hair.

Hailey found the coffee they had bought and started brewing a pot. Not being particularly quiet about it, she quickly roused Brian and Justin.

Brian pulled on some shorts and staggered toward the commode closet. As he passed through the kitchen area he gave Hailey a smile. With Justin here, dressed as she was, it was considerably more daring than it would have been, had it been just the two of them at home. He got hard thinking about it.

Justin pulled on a pair of sweat pants before joining Hailey in the kitchen area. He snuggled up behind her and gave the back of her neck a little kiss good morning. He whispered in her ear, "Thanks for filling my dreams with exciting thoughts last night."

"Just make sure it remains thoughts. I signed on as eye candy - nothing else," Hailey quipped. Justin stuck his tongue out in response as he circled the counter.

As Brian joined Justin on the opposite side of the counter from where Hailey was preparing breakfast, Justin remarked, "I certainly do envy you, bro, waking up to a sight like this every morning." He canted his head in Hailey's direction.

Brian responded, "Well she doesn't look quite this good every morning, but I do have to admit she has made breakfast my favorite meal."

"So what do I have to do to get invited for breakfast?" Justin asked. "I think I could get used to scenery like this real fast."

Hailey turned and in mock indignation said, "With rare exceptions, such as this morning, this look is strictly for family and since Brian's acting as if he really is family, he qualifies. But you don't, so enjoy it while you can." She bent over the eating island and put a plate of sausage and eggs in front of Justin.

Hailey's camisole top was loose and fell away from her breasts as she bent over. The view the guys got was straight down seventh avenue, nipples and all. Hailey grinned as she straightened up. She knew what Brian and Justin had seen. She had wanted them to see. And Brian was obviously enjoying the show too. He turned to Justin. "Way better than usual." Addressing Hailey he added, "If Justin is the cause of the morning delight, I want him to join us when we get back home." Hailey blushed but didn't respond.

Hailey made sure Brian and Justin got a good view each time she poured coffee or served food, especially Brian. As Brian and Justin reluctantly left the table, Hailey was sure that each had thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast - the protrusion in their pants was unmistakable.

After breakfast, the three made plans to hike to some waterfall Justin's uncle had told him about. "Unfortunately it's just a waterfall," Justin said, "but my uncle thinks it is the most beautiful sight in the world." He hesitated, then addressing Hailey, added, "Of course, he's never met you."

Hailey blushed. "Oh please keep it up," Hailey urged. "Flattery just might get you, uh, who knows what."

Hailey was afraid they might run into a family or something and insisted on wearing at least shorts and a blouse. She didn't wear a bra but it was still pretty modest, especially for her.

When they returned from the hike, Hailey went to change. I've been goody-two-shoes long enough. She pulled a large bath towel from the duffel and held it up. Looking toward the sitting area, Hailey stripped quickly out of the shorts and blouse and wrapped the towel around her body. Now if I can just keep it on. Hot!

Brian looked up at the sound of Hailey's approach. "Holy shit," he exclaimed.

"As many snarky comments as you guys made about how I was dressed today, I thought you might like this."

"Oh, I like it alright. It's going to be fun watching you tease Justin, but you have got to know he's going to be doing his best to talk you out of it. He might even rip it right off you."

Hailey quickly looked toward the commode, to be sure that Justin still hadn't come out, then wrapped her hand around the bulge in Brian's shorts. "And if he succeeded..." She paused momentarily as Brian's cock grew in her hand. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Well uh, maybe, especially if you were liking it too."

"Uh-huh," Hailey said knowingly. There was a click and a squeak as the 'closet' door opened. Hailey jerked her hand away from Brian's swollen cock as Justin looked in their direction.

Justin joined them and for the next couple of hours, they drank beer and nibbled on chips as they reminisced about the day's events. Brian and Justin repeatedly came back to how much of a tease Hailey had been at breakfast. But in spite of the constant attention they were giving to Hailey and her towel, they made no mention of it.

Written by TraceEkies
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