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The Lake Weekend Arrives, The Finale

"A sexual rollercoaster ensues that expands our sexual appetite even more."

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It was Sunday morning, and the welcoming hugs had turned to heavy petting between Tom and Susan and also Kim and me. Tom's hands quickly were inside Susan's shorts, while Kim's were pushing mine down. Kim promptly dropped to her knees and began swallowing my rising hardon. Tom followed suit and dropped to his knees, pulling Susan's shorts and panties with him. Lifting each leg, he removed them completely before stuffing his face into her open snatch.

They each continued until Susan and I both climaxed. This was their way of thanking us for getting them back to a good place. With our orgasms finished, they left us to recover while getting back to making breakfast. Susan and I were happy for both of them but were unsure where things would go from there. Unwilling to dampen their seemingly upbeat spirits, we settled at the table and let them serve us breakfast.

It was Kim that started the conversation. "So, we were thinking that it would be a nice day for a picnic. We could pick up some subs from the deli up the road and head back to that cove that we all had so much fun at last night. I'm thinking clothing-optional and a lot of sharing of bodily fluids. Any objections?"

I glanced at Susan, and she at me before she spoke up. "You won't get any objections from us, but have you two discussed this openness thoroughly because we don't want any hurt feelings down the road?"

Tom jumped in with, "Yes, we talked for most of the night and shared everything, including all the things we did with the two of you and everything that was done to Kim last night, including when Susan sucked her pussy clean."

Susan blushed at Tom's comment as I said, "Okay, as long as there are no hard feelings for past sins, mostly being mine. However, going forward, we'll have to be able to deal with this open relationship, and the best way to do that is to be completely honest about our time outside of our marital beds. Meaning no more sneaking around. If we want time with another partner, we have to tell our own about it first and deal with any jealousy as it comes up. And believe me, there will be some. We are only human, and your mother and I have dealt with plenty over the last thirty years."

"Believe me when I say that we both understand. We may not have had as many experiences as you two, but we have had quite a few lately. We or I, to be truthful, know that the way we were headed previously wasn't going to last. There were things that both of us needed, and neither of us was getting. Now that we have opened up to each other, we'll do our best to keep it that way while enjoying sharing ourselves with the two of you. Both of you have already taught us so much, and to be frank, we love having sex with you," Kim added.

"Okay then, why don't you girls go grab the food while Tom and I get the boat prepped," I suggested.

"Alright, Honey. You boys don't have too much fun while we're gone," Susan grinned before kissing me full on the lips.

After they disappeared, Tom inquired, "What did she mean by that?"

"Oh, we've had some three-ways with a girlfriend of hers over the years, and we always talked about having one with a male partner. She'd love to have two cocks at the same time, and I'd like to try a little real-life anal."

"Real-life anal? Do you mean like a real cock in your ass?"

"Yes. Susan has used one of her strapons on me occasionally, and I really enjoy the feeling. I think it would be even better with a real one that actually cums inside of me."

"So Susan thought that you and I..."

"She was just hinting at it since we've all come so far this weekend. I guess she thought that if she mentioned it that it would encourage me to talk about it with you."

"Were you thinking about asking me to help you with this?"

"Actually, I hadn't thought about it at all. If it weren't for Susan bringing it up just now, it probably would have never been mentioned. Why? Are you considering the idea?" I asked with a hint of interest.

"Well, to be completely honest, which seems to be the theme here lately, I dabbled in a little same-sex play back in college. It was only with one guy that I met in a science class, Billy, after we were paired together for a project. He turned out to be gay but was fighting it at the time due to parent pressure. He loved everything about being fucked and even did me a couple of times, although he was very much a bottom."

"So why did it all end?"

"We nearly got caught one night out on the campus grounds. There'd been a huge kegger across campus, and walking back at three a.m., he started feeling frisky. Billy pulls me into a basement doorway that was no longer accessible from the inside and drops his pants while assuming the position. Fortunately, I'd only unzipped my fly and was just starting to enter him when we heard some noises. I quickly pulled out and zipped up before turning around. Seconds later, a bunch of guys walked up and looked down to see him standing there with his pants around his ankles. When one of them asked what was going on, I replied that he had the squirts and that I was the lookout. Fortunately, they bought it and moved away as Billy covered himself up."

"So, that scared him off?" I asked.

"Not entirely, no. But it did get us talking about what would have happened if we were caught. After that, we met up less often and finally quit seeing each other altogether. I have to admit that it took me a long time to get back to dating women again. It was so much easier with Billy. If either of us were horny, then we fucked, without any of the dance that dealing with women sometimes brings. They're just so dramatic and over-the-top sometimes."

"I understand. Sometimes a guy just needs to drain his sack to clear his head, and all the drama is too much. Even with Susan, sometimes I jerk off rather than try and negotiate her mood. So, do you want to go down to the boat and fuck me in the ass?" I inquired with a big grin on my face.

"Sure. But why down by the boat?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure that I left my bag of goodies on there, and that's the only bottle of lube that I brought along."

"Gotcha," Tom agreed as he followed me closely from behind. After finding the bag, I pulled out the lube and dropped my shorts, and kicked them off of my feet. Handing the bottle to Tom, I bent over and spread my legs in anticipation of my first man-on-man sex. Tom didn't disappoint as he squirted a glob of lube onto my pucker and began working it inside. After the second finger was in and stretching me, I heard his fly unzip, and his shorts hit the ground.

It got hushed as his fingers left my ass, and I could hear the squelch of the lube as he applied it to his hardon with a few strokes. Without ceremony, I felt the tip of his cock press inside my welcoming and relaxed pucker. After a couple of shallow in-and-outs, Tom pushed all the way inside me. The feeling of another man's scrotum touching mine was indescribable, and the warmth of his penetrated penis was heaven.

"God, that feels fantastic! Please fuck me at whatever pace you like," were my comments before Tom started a moderate slapping of my ass with his groin as he used me for his own enjoyment. I simply held tight to the back of the boat as his pace increased, and the feeling of being truly fucked spread like a warm wave across my body. As his pace ramped up, so did my pleasure. Before long, I felt that familiar tingling before I started to shoot, untouched, onto the ground below me.

The clenching of my buttocks due to my orgasm seemed to set Tom off too. As he neared his own cum, he asked, "Inside or out?"

"Inside!" I yelled, then added a little less bravado, "Definitely, inside."

It felt like a warm slime filling my bowels as he ejaculated. When he began to shrink, he slipped out, and I handed him a towel to clean himself as I did the same.  

"That was better than I imagined. Thanks for indulging me," I offered as we both cleaned up.

"No problem. It brought back some fond memories of Billy, so thank you. It was also a nice break from dealing with Kim for sex. Let me know if you ever want to go again," Tom replied.

"Absolutely, and if you ever just need to spill your spunk into someone drama-free, you know who to see."

A minute later, we were dressed again and cleaning up the boat for our picnic. With that finished, I excused myself as I felt the trickle of his cum down my crack and scrotum. Once I returned, so had the ladies, and we went about filling the boat with blankets and supplies before heading out.

It was only eleven-thirty in the morning as we motored away from the dock with pleasure on our minds. I steered us toward the cove that we used last night to see if it was vacant. Along the way, Susan snuggled up next to me not so quietly inquired, "So, did you get a real dick in your ass while we were gone?"

"Yes, I did, and it felt fabulous, especially when he came inside me."

"Did you cum from being fucked without touching yourself?"

"Yes, I did," I bragged a little too loudly.

"Well, I guess the circle is complete now," Kim voiced.

"Not exactly, since you two haven't given each other an orgasm yet," Tom added while eyeing Kim and Susan.

"And how do you suggest we do that, oh sexual guru?" Kim smart-assedly replied.

"That is up to you, but I'm sure that Steven and I will be happy to watch you play together," Tom answered.

"And will you be fucking his ass again as you watch us?"

"That's a thought, or maybe I'd fuck yours while your mama eats your pussy. How about that?"

As they traded ideas, I noticed that our cove was already occupied and veered off toward another. Figuring that it would be tough to find a spot to play naked without interruption, I increased our speed and angled toward the far side of the lake.  

"Where are we going, honey," Susan asked.

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"It looks like our cove and a few others are already taken, so I'm heading for one that nobody else has the nerve to enter."

"Are you talking about that long, narrow creek that you have to paddle through?"

"Yep, even we haven't been there in a few years, so I'm sure that it will be some work to get through. Open the storage box, and grab my machete, Baby."

Susan opened the toolbox and found the machete as we crossed the lake at a brisk pace. Nearing the cove, I said to Tom, "Come back here and move us in nice and slow as I chop away some of the overgrowth."

I moved up front, and Susan handed me the knife. Propping myself up on my knees, I sliced away the hanging vines and branches that were intruding on our progress. This long, narrow creek opened up to a smallish lagoon at the end. The land area at the end was almost impossible to get to due to the dense briars surrounding the area. So. once we were there, no one would bother us.

Tom yelled, "Hey, I'm going to have to cut off the engine. There's just too many weeds in the water to keep it running."

"Okay, grab the oars and use them to push us along."

"We're on it," Kim said as she grabbed one to help push.

The land was only another thirty feet. With everyone working together, it only took another few minutes to make our way to shore. Once there, I stepped out and pulled the boat up a little while swiping away at errant branches. There was a nice size clearing here at one time that was about fifty feet around. With the extra growth and lack of use, it was almost half that size, but still plenty for the four of us.

Talking out loud as we approached, I said, "Once upon a time, this place was actually a boat ramp, and all of the cleared area was concrete, albeit a bit busted up now."

As everyone began unloading our supplies, I kept up my work on widening the area by trimming back the encroaching shrubbery. With a nice open area cleared out, we placed the blankets and opened the cooler. Tom put some music on his phone, and we all started drinking and chilling. It wasn't long before Susan and I started dancing and making out. Tom and Kim followed our lead, and we all had fun playing.  

Knowing that we'd all seen each other's naked bits already, made it so much easier to start stripping away the clothes as we went. Susan and I both started with our shorts, and it wasn't a surprise to anyone that neither of us was wearing underwear. Our shirts covered a little, but hands kept wandering about, and soon enough, the shirts were gone too. The hands that strayed were not just ours but also Kim's and Tom's. Before long, they were naked too, and we all switched partners.

As Kim and I kept up the slow dance with roaming hands. Susan had Tom on his back and rode his cock in a slow-motion bronco style. When Kim saw what was going on, she wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped up, and gripped my waist with her clenching legs. I positioned my hardon at her entrance, and she slid down as it slowly permeated her slick puss. The fucking had begun, and the animalistic sounds were filling the area.

Eventually, I placed Kim on her back next to Tom while still drilling her slick cunt. With their heads side-by-side, the two of them started kissing and caressing. Kneeling right next to Susan's bouncing ass, I slipped a finger into her pucker and gave her a good drilling as she started to cum all over Tom. My other hand went to Kim's clit and flicked it slowly at first but gradually built up to a spastic pace as she began to peak.

After they both finished, I pulled from Kim and pulled her into a seated position before whispering, "Go sit on Tom's face and make him lick your little star."

I helped her onto her knees before she planted her ass on Tom's face. In a commanding voice, she ordered, "Eat my ass, you bastard!

Once she was in place, I moved behind Susan and pushed her down onto Tom's chest while uttering, "Eat your daughter's pussy, my little slut."

As Susan got to work sucking Kim's puss, I spat on my cock and worked it into her winking pucker. I held Susan in place by her shoulders as Tom and I pumped her needy holes. Everyone was having a good time and making noise, especially the girls. I felt Tom's cock inside my wife, and it brought back the recent memory of it being inside me. As we each pumped her eager entrances, our cocks rubbed back and forth against each other. The feeling was exquisite and made my own ass tingle.

Kim's eyes were closed as she relished the feeling of two mouths ravishing her nether regions. Trying to keep my mind off my own pleasure, I moved a hand from Susan's shoulder up Kim's torso. Stopping briefly at her breasts, I tweaked and rolled each nipple before moving on. Sliding up her chest to her neck, I gripped the back and pulled her face to mine. Our lips engaged, and our mouths went wild as we both neared the brink.

It was Kim that exploded first, followed quickly by Susan. I was next as Kim's mouth kept up its assault on mine. Tom added his to the mix seconds after me, and we all voiced our pleasure through screams and moans. Kim was still on fire as she raised up from Tom and pushed me out of Susan and onto my back. Straddling my waist, Kim slipped my mostly hard penis into her pussy and began riding me uncontrollably. After another climax, she collapsed onto me and kissed me through ragged breaths while still pumping my cock inside her.

With enough wind to speak, Kim begged, "Roll me over and fuck me hard."

I did what she asked, and less than a minute later, she went rigid and wailed, "Fuck yesss!"

After several deep pants, she appealed, "Again," with a scratchy and barely audible voice.  

Rolling her back on top of me, I reached for her legs and pulled her knees up, exposing her. "Tom, let's do a little double penetration on your wife." Susan moved off of him and sat on my face while he moved to her backside and worked his cock into her pucker. I held her knees, and he had her shoulders as we began working her into another frenzy.

Kim's mouth found mine as we dined on Susan together. After only a minute, Kim came again but uttered, "More," into my mouth. Tom and I kept it up through two more of her climaxes before she finally relented and squeaked out, "Nuff."

Tom and I both quit pumping, and he slid from her. Susan moved off of me as Kim dozed on top of me. Susan and Tom cuddled for a while as we all took a needed break. Kim was out...

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Written by stockingluvr
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