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Author's Notes

"Chapter two of the tales of four couples who all attended the same wedding. If you haven't yet read chapter one, you probably should. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, please say so by clicking that "Like" button and leave a comment if the spirit moves you. Enjoy!"

Two days after the rehearsal, we all gathered in the back garden of a community hall under a flowering apple tree to watch Jessica and James pledge their love to each other and promise to share everything with each other. Unlike most wedding ceremonies, there were no promises of fidelity or obeying and, given what I know about them both, I wasn’t surprised.

The reception was held inside the hall, there were only thirty or so people, the dinner was provided by a local church women’s group and the bar was open. A great time was had by everyone and, after a couple of hours, people started filtering out. Around midnight, there were only four couples left, Kelly and me, the bride and groom, the Best Man and Maid of Honour who had danced together and held hands most of the night and one other rather odd couple, a mature woman and a much younger man who had shared a few dances but mostly sat and talked all night. Well, she did most of the talking and he was proving to be a good listener.

Kelly and I had decided to leave and we went over to Jessie and James to say good night.

“Thank you, guys, so much!” gushed Jessie as she hugged us both. “This day has been perfect and you helped make it happen!” She hugged us again and I shook James’ hand. As Kelly gave him a hug I saw his hand move to her backside and pull her hips close to him. Jessie put her arms out for one last hug and whispered to me, “James is asking your wife if she’s changed her mind about joining us.” She put her hand on my ass and pulled me toward her, “I can tell you are intrigued  by the idea.”

“Not tonight,” I said. “Kelly and I have to talk about such things before anything like that might happen.”

Jessie kissed me softly, “Fair enough,” she said, “I guess it will just be the four of us then!” She pointed at Serena and Scott who were standing close by.

“If you write a story about your wedding night, I want to read it!” I said.

“I’ll share it with you!” she said, "maybe you could publish it!”

We said our good nights and left.

About a month after the wedding, Jessie and I went for lunch. During lunch, she said, “I have an incredible story to tell you about my wedding night. Can we go somewhere quieter?” I suggested we go to my house. “Kelly won’t mind?” I didn’t think she would.

I got us each a soft drink and we sat in the living room. I was almost vibrating with anticipation, expecting a story about a wedding night foursome, but that wasn’t the story she wanted to tell me.

“You know that other couple that was dancing together in the corner at the end of the night? The older woman and the younger man? Well, that’s my cousin, David and the older woman is mine and James’ friend, Carol. They were the only single people we invited so it made sense to sit them together. It seems they hit it off!”

Jessie related the story to me as Carol had related it to her with enough detail that zero imagination was required. I will tell that story from Carol’s perspective.

~ ~ ~

I couldn’t believe it when I heard my friend Jessie asked me to attend her wedding. I was both happy and sad, happy for Jessie because, after a few failed relationships, she was finally going to be happy but sad because I had lost my husband and daughter the previous year at the hands of a drunk driver. Four lives, three innocent and one not, gone just like that.

I cried every day for months afterward and Jessie was right there with a kind word and a soft shoulder to try to ease my suffering. In time the anger faded as did the hurt but the loneliness never did. The nights alone in bed were the worst, my husband was an energetic and inventive lover and as much as I missed our lives outside the bedroom it was alone at night that I missed him the most. Jessie had even offered to help in that regard but, although I think we could have had a great time, I wasn't into women.

When I got to the wedding, I was surprised to learn that the only other single person there was Jessie's twenty-year-old Cousin, David. He was great company, talking to me and making sure my glass was always full, he even asked me to dance when I looked at the couples on the floor. I’m not much of a drinker and when I do drink, I get pretty talkative, so looking back, I shouldn’t be surprised that I bared my grief and anguish to him.

Once I started, I couldn’t stop, I told him everything about the accident, my shock and all the stages of grief that I had gone through so far. Through it all he held my hand and listened and he offered me his handkerchief (what twenty-year-old carries a handkerchief these days?) to wipe away my tears. When the DJ played a song that I told him my husband and I used to like to dance to, he took my hand and led me to the floor, holding me gently as we swayed. My tears stained the shoulder of his jacket as I sobbed.

It felt so wonderful to be held close again. Oh sure, I enjoyed and endured many, many hugs over the past year but this felt different. At one point, I stopped crying long enough to look up at him and apologize for being such a downer. He wiped my cheek with his finger and smiled as he told me he was enjoying being with me and that he was happy to help in some small way. Then he kissed my forehead and pulled my head back down to his shoulder.

As we continued to sway, I pressed my hips forward. I hadn’t meant to do it, I just felt so comfortable in his arms that it happened without me thinking. I felt no sign of arousal from him. It was then I realized that he was built very much like my late husband, he had a similar height, weight and build, his hands were soft yet firm and when he held me it was with almost the same soft squeezing pressure.

As the evening wore on, we talked and drank and he even made me laugh out loud a few times, something I had not done in a very long time. He was smart, funny and so very kind and I told him so.

“Why has some young lady not snapped you up?” I asked.

“Just haven’t found the right girl I guess,” was his reply. “Girls my age are just so shallow, so into themselves. It’s all caramel macchiatos and selfies, that’s not me.”

“What is you,” I asked him, genuinely interested.

“Books, peace and quiet, learning new things, old movies, enjoying the outdoors,” he said. “I’m a people watcher, I enjoy just sitting and watching people, imagining their lives. You can learn a lot about people just from paying attention.”

“Like what?” I asked him.

“Like you love flowers,” he said. “Your dress is a flower print, it's lovely by the way, your perfume smells like roses, the way you stopped and touched almost every arrangement when you first came into the room.”

“You noticed that?” I asked, very surprised.

“I noticed you from the first moment I saw you,” he said. “You looked both happy and profoundly sad.” He squeezed my hand, "Now I know why.”

I heaved a great sigh as I felt a wave of sadness wash over me but for the first time in a long time I suppressed it. “What else have you learned?” He continued.

“I've learned that you loved your husband very much, as most wives do. You miss him terribly, not just for his love and his company but for the intimacy. I could tell by the way you held me as we danced, in particular to that one song, I think you were reminiscing about him.”

“Wow, you have read me like a book,” I told him. “If I was fifteen years younger…” You see, the drink also makes me horny, something else I missed very, very much. Fingers and toys are no replacement for the human contact of the brush of a tongue along a sensitive spot or the exquisite pleasure of a firm cock sliding inside.

“What difference does that make?” he asked. “Can I tell you something?”

“Of course,” I answered.

“I like you very much,” he said. “In fact, I am very attracted to you, not just physically but I think you are someone I would like to get to know better, Someone I would like to attend a play or go to a museum or walk on a beach with.”

“I thought you were just being kind,” I said.

“I was trying to be at first but then as I got to know you, all these things kept coming into my head. “He squeezed my hand and looked around. “Looks like it’s time to go.” I looked around and there were only four couples left and one of them was leaving.

“Can I offer you a ride home?” he asked me. “You’ve had quite a bit to drink and I want you to get home safe.”

“So have you,” she said, pointing to the seven beer glasses on the table.

“I can go with you in a taxi, drop you off and then go home,” he said. It was at that moment that I knew I could not spend another night alone.

“Or, you could stay at my place,” I suggested. I was as nervous as a virgin on prom night. What was I thinking? I had just met this man, this wonderful but much younger man and now I was inviting him to spend the night with me! He smiled at me and said nothing, taking my hand and leading me to the foyer to get my coat.

I could feel the four pairs of eyes on me as we walked away from them, feel them judging me, except for one pair that I knew would be so happy for me. I put on my coat and then I stopped and turned, “We have to say good night,” I said.

We walked hand in hand over to the bride and groom. I took Jessie in for a great big hug, ”Congratulations you two! I hope for nothing but good things for you both!” We hugged again, “And thank you for inviting me, this night might just have changed my life!” She smiled at me as broadly as she had smiled at any time that day.

“I see you guys hit it off!” she said wickedly. “I hoped you guys would just be company for one another, I never dreamed this might happen!” She hugged me again. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

“Fortunately for me, that leaves me lots of room to play in!” I replied. I kissed Jessie's red-painted lips, “Ask me again sometime!”

“You know I will!” she said. I hugged James and thanked him as well. Then David and I held hands once more and we left.

Our hands played with each other during the cab ride home, we snuggled together in the back seat and twice he turned my face towards his and he gave me the gentlest of kisses. Between the excitement of the moment and the copious amount of vodka I had consumed, I was getting more than a little turned on. It felt good to feel that natural warmth in my pussy again. I brushed my fingers along his zipper and, unlike when we were dancing earlier and his manhood responded. He leaned into me and whispered, “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

I kissed his cheek, “I haven’t been this sure about anything in a very long time!” We kissed again, his tongue flicking forward to brush my lips for the first time and mine responding without conscious command from my brain.

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After what seemed an eternity, the cab arrived at my place. David paid the fare and he got out, coming around to my side to open my door and hold out his hand to assist me out. I took it and as he helped me up, I went straight into his embrace. He closed the door with his foot as we maintained our lip lock. We just stood there as the driver eased the car away from us, kissing and letting out tongues explore.

I don’t recall which one of us broke that kiss, I suppose it doesn’t matter. I took his hand and led him through the gate and my small front garden. When I let go of his hand to fumble with the key, I felt his hand caress my bottom. My knees buckled as I recalled how my husband used to do that. For an instant, I felt a flash of guilt at the thought of taking this young man into our bed but I shook my head and put that thought behind me; it was time to move forward with my life.

As the door clicked closed behind us, he took me into his arms and wrapped me in the most delicious embrace as his lips found mine again. He was a wonderful kisser, knowing instinctively exactly when to change pressure with his lips, when to tease and when to demand. “Mmm, I like kissing you,” I purred. My hands went unbidden to his belt but he stopped me.

“There’s time for all that,” he said softly. Then he scooped me effortlessly into his arms, showing a strength that wasn’t obvious from looking at him. Our lips locked together again as he carried me back through the house, I only had to point the way once. He moved to my unmade bed and sat me down, “I’m sorry, everything’s such a mess,” I started but he soothed me.

“It’s fine,” he said, “the bed has your scent.”  He reached around to unzip my dress and knelt on the floor before me. Pulling it off my shoulders, my rather plain underthings were exposed to his eyes.

“I’ll bet you were hoping for sexy,” I said as he gazed at me.

“You are so unbelievably sexy, just as you are,” he replied. His hands took mine and he pulled me to my feet and slid my dress down to puddle at my feet. Our eyes were closed as we continued kissing so when I reached up to unbutton his shirt, I had to do so by feel. Once his shirt was off I knelt to unbuckle his belt and trousers and slide them to the floor. I could see that he was fully aroused, my finger traced its outline through the fabric and he let out a sigh. I pulled down his boxers and caressed him, observing his shaft with its twisting veins, the broad purple head and the little bead of precum at its tip. This was the first cock I had seen since my husband made love to me the night before he was cruelly taken away from me and it was a beautiful sight to behold. I shivered with the anticipation of it filling me to my core.

I leaned forward and flicked it with my tongue but again he stopped me, pulling me to my feet. “Later,” he said, “We’ll get to all that!”

He reached around me to unclasp my bra, I stopped him and moved his hands to the front where the little hook and eye held it together. He smiled at me as he deftly undid the clasp and gently moved the garment away from my breasts. “So beautiful,” he breathed. Then he sank to his knees to remove my knickers. As he slid them over my hips, he planted soft kisses on the front of them, moving slowly inward until I felt his lips just above my bush. “So, so beautiful!” I thanked the fates that I had trimmed it the day before, I used to keep it well manicured but since my husband’s death, I hadn’t bothered.

“He stood up and took me into his arms again. Hugging me tightly and kissing me. I was as ready for him as I had ever been in my life. I felt the wetness in my pussy as he scooped me up and placed me on the bed. He moved over me and whispered, “Last chance to change your mind,” he teased. Even if I had every member of my family in the room watching there is no way I could have stopped now.

“Make love to me!” I pleaded. I felt his hand place the head of his member against me and with two fingers, he deftly plied my pussy lips apart and slid himself into me. I felt the rounded head pass into me, rubbing against my G-Spot as it passed. Then came the firmness of his shaft, I could feel every vein on the inside of my long-neglected pussy. Finally, the joint sensation of his balls against my bottom and his head against my cervix, he fit me perfectly, just as my husband had.

I wrapped my legs around his bottom and held him into me as I delighted in the feeling of having my pussy full again after so long. He seemed quite content to just stay in that position but then I felt his weight come off me as he moved his hips. The pressure on my cervix relented as his shaft slipped out of me. I tried to concentrate on the feeling of the broad ridge of his glans, anticipating it passing over my magic spot but it wasn’t to be, he didn’t draw back quite far enough before sliding forward again. Then he said the words that no man has ever said to me before or since.

“Tell me how to love you,” he said softly. “Command me, coach me, help me make you cum!” I had never been particularly vocal in bed, sure I made the requisite noises at the required times, but I wasn’t a talker. Previously for me, sex was intended to pleasure my partner, of course, I got my own pleasure from it but somehow, I knew that for both of us, this night was about me.

“Slowly,” I coached him, “pull back a little further so you are just inside me. There, right there, I can feel you rub my G-Spot. Now back in slowly, that’s it. Push yourself into me, do you feel it? Yes, my lover, that’s the way! Now again, more quickly now! Back out until, Ahh, that’s it! Now harder into me! Mmm, just like that!”

I must be a very good coach because he picked up the lesson very quickly. He picked up the pace and in his excitement, he slipped out of me a couple of times but he slipped right back in, except for one instance when his cock almost invaded my bum. “Nope!” I cried, “Not there!”

“Sorry,” he groaned but I soothed him.

“There’s time for that later as well!” It took my husband and me a long time to overcome my fear of pain before we managed to accomplish much back there but once we figured it out, it became a regular part of our lovemaking. I missed having my ass full of his cock almost as much as I missed it in my pussy.

I could tell he was getting close and I wasn’t far behind. I pushed his body up and guided his hand to my pussy, “Rub my clit,” I urged him. He obliged but he wasn’t doing it the right way, not for me. I covered his hand with mine and guided his fingers to rub with one either side of my clit. “Like that!” I groaned. “Oh, fuck Aaron, I’m going to cum!” Aaron was my husband’s name; I had gotten so lost in the moment that it was like I was back with him. It didn’t seem to bother him, he just kept pumping into me and rubbing my hard little button.

Then it happened. I know everyone thinks that couples orgasm together all the time but in all the years with my husband, it had only happened once or twice. Most times, one of us came first, as often as not it was me, and then they would help the other one get there. This time, however, we could not have timed it better.

Just as I felt the final upswell of pleasure burst forth from inside me, he grunted and groaned and pushed himself into me. I felt his warm spunk wash over my cervix as my pussy spasmed around him and I leaked my fluid onto his cock. I was not a squirter, at least I never had done before, but I surely released a flood from inside me. The warmth of our orgasms filled my loins and as surely as I could feel the pulsing of his cock, I know he could feel my pussy contracting around him. At least I could feel it.

He tried resuming his thrusting but I stopped him with a kiss and by wrapping my heels onto his backside to hold him into me. “That was enough,” I whispered. “There’s time for more later!”

We stayed coupled together for a few minutes, then he moved off of me and descended my body, planting soft kisses all the way down. Parting my thighs, he leaned forward and kissed the top of my opening and I felt his finger slide inside me and scoop up some of our joint issue. He kissed his way back up my body and looked at me before slipping his finger into his mouth and then kissing me. He shared with me the taste of us and when our kiss broke, I asked him why he did that.

“I wanted to taste us. Besides, I might ask you a certain question later and I thought I might get this out of the way early,” he replied.

“No man has ever done that to me, before although, I don’t have much of a sample size,” I said.

“Oh, if you don’t mind me asking, how many men have you been with?” he asked.

I jiggled as I giggled, “Ordinarily, that would be a rather personal question from someone I had just met, but given the circumstances, the answer is two.” I pulled him in for another taste, “One former lover and my late husband, Aaron. What about you? How many girls have you been with?”

“Also a rather personal question,” he said, “No girls but two women.”

“Really?” I said, rather surprised. “I have to tell you; you are a very skilled lover for such a young man. You must have had a very good teacher.”

He smiled sweetly, “I did.”

“Who was it?” I was genuinely interested.

“Are you sure you want to know?” he asked. I nodded emphatically. “Well, you see, My Aunt Jessie is a very special aunt!”

“NO!” I exclaimed. “NO WAY!” It was his turn to nod emphatically. “Oh, I have got to hear that story!”

“Maybe, I’ll tell it to you some time.”

~ ~ ~

“No fucking way!” I exclaimed to Jessie as she sat across our dining room table from me. "Carol told you all that?”

“And then some,” Jessie replied, “I’ll tell you the rest of it someday!”

“Fuck me!” I breathed.

Jessie smiled wickedly, just then we heard the front door open, Kelly was home with the shopping.

“Maybe someday, if your lovely wife will let me!” she loudly enough for Kelly to hear.

“Let you do what?” Kelly asked as she set down the shopping bags.

“Fuck your husband,” Jessie smiled. She was enjoying this.

“Excuse me?” Kelly asked. “What the fuck have you two been up to here?”

“Nothing sweetheart,” I said defensively. “You remember that other couple that was at our wedding, the older woman and the younger man? Apparently, they went home together and Jessie was just telling me about it.”

“In great detail,” added Jessie unnecessarily.

“And how would you know those details?” Kelly asked.

“Carol told me,” she said. “Last weekend after she spent the night with me and James.”

“Jesus Christ Jessie, is there anyone you’re not fucking?” I asked.

“Just you two,” she said suggestively.

“Yeah,” said Kelly. She finished putting away the shopping and came over to us, kissing me first and then moving to Jessie.  I had thought they were going to hug but Kelly surprised us both and kissed Jessie firmly on the mouth. “About that…”

Written by CaressofSteel
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