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Author's Notes

"This collection of stories is not necessarily written in chronological order rather it jumps from one set of couples to another. Don't be surprised if the couples start intermingling as the stories progress. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you haven't read the previous stories in this series, I invite you to do so before continuing. As always, please tap the like icon or leave a comment if the spirit moves you. Enjoy!"

When Carol woke up, she was a bit surprised to see a handsome young man in the bed beside her. It took her a moment or two to recall the events of the previous evening, and that recall triggered a pang of guilt that she had brought a man she had just met into the same bed she had shared with her late husband. She watched him for a few moments before getting up and going to the washroom. After cleaning off her makeup and the evidence of their tryst, she brushed her teeth and returned to bed.

He stirred as she pulled up the covers. She leaned over to kiss his cheek and smiled as he raised his hand to hold her face to him. “Hi,” she whispered. “Sleep well?” He nodded and then excused himself to the washroom.

She watched his naked behind as he walked away and recalled a little more detail of the previous night, his gentleness and eagerness to please her, and the unasked question he had mentioned after he collected a sample of their combined issue and shared it with her. If the question was what she thought it was, she would have no problem acquiescing to his request.

As he returned, she watched him again, his flaccid cock swayed in front of him as he walked. It was the first time she had seen it in the full light of day and it was a lovely sight indeed. She reclined onto her back and reached for him, they both knew instinctively that they would continue to explore each other’s bodies, the only question was how.

His lips were the first thing that touched her, brushing against hers that willingly parted to receive his tongue. He didn’t push his tongue into her mouth, rather he eased it forward and licked the tip of hers, drawing it forward into his mouth. They parted with a soft smack and he smiled at her.

He moved up and away from her and moved the covers back so he could drink in the view of her body. She instinctively tried to cover up, but he stopped her, “No, let me look at you.”

He traced his finger along her hip, up over her tummy, and circled one nipple then the other, smiling as he watched them respond by stiffening and poking forward, begging to be caressed and suckled. The finger continued upward, tracing the line of her collarbone, up the side of her neck, and down along her jawline to her chin. Finally, it came to rest on her lower lip after tracing along its delicate edge.

Her eyes were locked onto his as she opened her mouth and sucked the fingertip in and swirled her tongue around it. He removed it and leaned down to kiss her. “Carol, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he whispered. Her breath caught for a moment and then she sighed and pulled him toward her once more.

The kisses that had previously been soft and delicate turned firmer and more passionate. She wanted to convey her wanting of him through her lips and tongue. She felt him respond against her hip so she pushed forward to press his firmness between them. She moved her oral ministrations to his neck, nuzzling and licking for a moment and revelling in his reaction. “Roll over,” she whispered and she urged him onto his back.

She moved on top of him and began kissing and licking her way down to his chest when he stopped her. “I want to taste you first,” he said but she shook her head.

“I need to do this,” she replied. He acquiesced and she continued her way down. He moved the curtain of butter-blonde hair aside so he could see as her lips and tongue searched for those little places that would elicit a reaction at their touch. She found more than a few and she lingered at each one, enjoying the soft moans that came from him.

Then she was over him. She looked at it closely, marvelling at the difference in length and girth from when it was flaccid before. It had at least doubled in length and even more in thickness under her attention. The helmet-shaped head was soft and pliable above the rigid and firm shaft with its ripples and veins that she remembered from when he had penetrated her last night. She looked up at him and smiled, “Don’t stop me,” she said and she opened her mouth.

Is back arched and his ups pushed up as she took him in. He was definitely a little thicker than Aaron was, the head a bit more bulbous as well. She lashed her tongue forward, if his view had not been obstructed, he would have seen as it extended almost to his scrotum. Aaron had loved her long and talented tongue and how it felt as she wrapped it along his shaft.

She moved her mouth slowly along his shaft, taking about half of him in for the first little while, periodically taking her mouth off him and playing her tongue around its head as she looked up at him and smiled. She licked her lips and opened wide, closing her eyes as she descended onto him. Her lips did not touch him until he felt his head contact her throat, then they clamped down and she applied strong suction as she slid her mouth back up his shaft. He moved his head to one side to see her cheeks hollow in as she sucked.

Wow, she is so beautiful, he thought as he took in the sight of her shoulders and back as they curved to the swell of her hips and her perfect bottom sticking up in the air.

Three more times she repeated that particular move then she took her mouth off him again and licked her tongue around his head. “You’re going to love this!” she grinned, and she opened wide once more.

This time, when he felt his head at the back of her throat, there was only a slight hesitation as she drew in a deep breath and then swallowed him in. He marvelled at how easily he slipped into her throat and as he felt her nose touch his tummy, he also felt her tongue flick out and lick his balls. She was right, he was loving this!

She moved him in and out of her throat for a minute or so before taking his shaft in an all-around grasp and sliding it and her mouth along his shaft more quickly. Each time she came up, his head came out of her mouth but her lips never lost contact before she went back down. Every few strokes she would take him into her throat again before bringing her mouth back up along his shaft.

It’s a shame she washed off her lipstick, he thought, That shade she was wearing would have looked so hot on my cock!

The virtual image of her red-painted lips on him pushed him over the edge. He almost warned her but then he remembered her admonition to not stop her. Unwillingly, his hips pressed up into her face and he groaned loudly as he felt the pressure rise. He clenched his muscles to delay his eruption but it was no use. Just as she slipped him into her throat, his semen burst forth, flooding her throat. He felt her swallow repeatedly after each spurt and then suddenly her mouth was off her and she looked up again and smiled as the last few shots painted her face and landed on his belly.

She licked her lips and collected a few drops on her finger before licking them off. She opened wide again and sucked him dry, her tongue milking him along the bottom of his shaft as she came up. She relieved his head with a soft plop and quickly moved up to kiss him. She shared his issue with her tongue as they kissed, firmly at first and then more softly. Their kiss broke and she looked at him and smiled. He saw a few drops of cum on her cheek and nose and reached up to clean them with his finger.

“With your lips,” she whispered, “clean me with your lips and your tongue.” He obliged her and shared his collected bounty in another long kiss. She turned her head and placed it on his chest and listened to his heartbeat she they recovered.

“That was…” she interrupted him.

“The best blow job you ever had?” she finished his statement.

“It was,” he replied.

“Better than Aunt Jessie’s,” she teased him.

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“Yes, better than Aunt Jessie’s,” he laughed and she joined him.

They lay together for a few minutes and then she turned her head and smiled at him, “So what about that question you were going to ask me?”

“It’s moot now,” he chuckled and hugged her tightly. Rolling them onto their sides, he whispered, “My turn.”

He rolled her onto her back and just as she had kissed her way down his body, he did the same to hers, searching for those little spots that made her squirm or moan or sigh and cataloguing each one for later reference. On reaching her mound, he played with her hair with his fingers and lips and then ran his finger along either side of her pussy lips.

Using two fingers, he opened her up and licked up her slit, slipping the tip of his tongue inside her as he did. He kissed her turgid little bud before wrapping his lips around it and suckling on it. Her hips writhed and twisted under his attention and soft sighs escaped her lips. He shifted onto one elbow and slid two fingers inside her and curled them up to massage her G-Spot. Just like his Aunt Jessie has taught him, he knew that he’d found it by her reaction, a breathy “OH! MY!” burst from her.

Her hands found the sides of his head to guide him to where she needed him to be. Under her gentle pressure, he licked, probed, and sucked her to heights she hadn’t experienced in over a year. She felt the pressure build inside her as he finger-fucked her. He could tell she was getting close when her thighs clamped around his head and she pulled his face tightly to her.

“Oh, God! Yes! Right there! Mmm! SO CLOSE! JUST A BIT! OH THERE! YES! YES!” Her voice became louder as her orgasm built higher and higher. “AAGGGHHH! She screamed as she tipped over the top.

He felt her cum erupt from her in a little jet, not a squirt exactly but certainly wet enough as it flowed from her and onto his face. He tried his level best to lick up as much as he could but the excess ran down her thighs and over her bum onto the sheets below.

He relented a bit but she wasn’t quite ready to stop just yet. “More, please more!” she begged him to continue. He renewed his efforts and stuck to what was working for him and her and in short order her moans and sighs built to screams as she came again. This time her fluid flowed more slowly and with less volume. Again, he lapped and sucked on her, easing off to let her come down slowly from that exquisite peak of pleasure.

Sensing she’d had enough for now, he moved back up her body in the same manner as he had moved down. She was taken back by his patience, nothing was rushed and he learned quickly where she liked to be touched. As he settled beside her, they kissed softly and she tasted herself on his lips and tongue. She recalled the first time she had tasted herself on Aaron’s tongue and smiled at the pleasant memory.

"Oh, wow,” she whispered. David took that as a compliment but she soon disabused him of that myth. “That’s the first time I’ve thought of Aaron since he died and not gotten horribly sad.”

“What made you think of him in the middle of us kissing?” he asked.

Oh, sorry,” she giggled. “I was just remembering the first time he kissed me after going down on me and it made me happy.”

“Oh,” he said, “I thought you were complimenting my abilities.”

She kissed him warmly, “Your abilities are top class, believe me!” She wrapped him in a tight hug, “It’s been so long, I had forgotten what it feels like!”

“What does it feel like?” he asked as he guided her head to rest on his chest.

“Like I’m alive again,” she said. “Like a great darkness has been swept away and there is something to look forward to.” She lifted her head and looked at him, “I know this sounds awful but thank you!” She kissed him tenderly.

“I’m glad,” he said. They shifted so he was on his back and she was laying beside him. He held her tightly as she made tiny circles with her fingertip through the half-dozen hairs on his chest. She remembered doing that to Aaron as she told him the news that he was going to be a father. This memory was not so happy and she hugged David and started crying softly.

“Sshh, it’s okay, let it out,” he soothed her and her soft crying turned to heaving sobs as she thought of her daughter, just sixteen and on her way home from volleyball practice with her dad when the awful event happened. She sobbed until she was wrung out and then drifted off to sleep, still hugging him tightly.

David held her as she sobbed, feeling helpless because he didn’t know what to say. He watched her once she settled, admiring her youthful skin and delicate hands. He had noticed when he danced with her that she was nicely rounded and well-proportioned. Neither her hips nor her breasts were over or undersized for her body, she had a slight bulge at her tummy as many women do when they reach a certain age. How old is she? he wondered and he decided that he wouldn’t be so indelicate as to ask her. When she was ready, she would tell him.

When she awoke a couple of hours later, she felt a rumble in her belly. She turned and nudged her sleeping partner, “You hungry?” He mumbled that he was. She would have been quite content to have sex with him again but, as they had both said the previous evening, there was time for that later.

She rolled out of bed and went to the washroom. Emerging in a flowered kimono, she smiled when she saw him smiling at her. “I do love flowers,” she said. “I’ll go make breakfast.”

“Lunch actually,” he chuckled. He went to do his business and then joined her. Breakfast was simple bagels, fruit, and coffee. As they ate they chatted, asking each other questions about each other’s lives. He purposely avoided any questions that might make her sad again and by the time they were done, he knew that she worked in a hospital diagnostic imaging department, loved tennis and golf, and that her favourite movies were sappy chick flicks.

She learned that he was an engineering student who wanted to work in simulation, preferably flight simulation or AI development, he was not especially fond of either tennis or golf but that if she liked he would play with her.

“We have to go get our cars at some point,” she said.

“I have to have a shower before I go anywhere,” he replied.

“So do I,” she smiled at him seductively, “no point in wasting water, is there?” He took her hand and led her to the ensuite bathroom where over the next 30 minutes they made sure that every bit of their bodies was completely clean.

The Uber dropped them back at the community hall and as they stood by her SUV, they kissed and talked some more.

“Can I see you again?” he asked.

“I was hoping you would ask,” she replied. “Will you call me later this week?”

“You call me,” he said. “I don’t want o pressure you, when you’re ready, give me a shout.” She handed him a pen from her handbag and he wrote his number on her hand. He kissed it and whispered, “I’m so glad we met.”

“Me too,” she said as she looked up at him. “You might just have changed my life last night.”

“For the better, I hope?”

She laughed, “Oh yeah! Definitely for the better!” She kissed him again. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go talk to my husband and daughter. I go every Sunday, today I finally have some good news to tell them.”

She got into her car and waved as she drove away, waving her fingers at him before wiping away a tear. “Please forgive me, Aaron, it’s time to move on,” she prayed. Then her phone pinged, she sneaked a peek and saw it was Jessie.

“How was he?” was the message, followed by a string of emojis.

“He was magnificent!” she said to herself. She smiled and then reached down to acknowledge the warm feeling in her panties as she drove to the cemetery.

Written by CaressofSteel
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