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A Night To Remember

"A night out abroad goes very, very, well"

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Author's Notes

"This is based on one of my past experiences. Names have been changed or redacted for privacy and liberties were taken in describing the events of the night (I wanted to imagine a night where I gave as good as I got, although I am fairly certain that what I got far exceeded what I was capable of at the time). Hope everyone enjoys it!"

"Hey, you, come to the pub crawl tonight!" 

I paused my scribbling and looked up. A group of guys, dressed for a night out and holding bottles of wine, were looking directly at me. 

"Nah, guys, I've been out every night this last week, I'll pass." 

"Then what's one more night then? C'mon, you know you wanna." 

Well, couldn't fault that logic could I? Should've closed the room door if I wanted a quiet night. 

"I guess you've convinced me. Where's the ticket?" 

"Go down to reception, they'll tell you there. We'll be seeing you tonight!" 

The gang traipsed off, already half inebriated. I looked at the postcards I'd been writing - maybe I'd have another story for my friends back home after this. Last night's involved absinthe, though not enough to forget the mess I made. I certainly wasn't the first in Prague to have such an incident, though that wasn't much consolation at the time. 

I put my stuff away and headed out in jeans and a shirt. I'm sure I could take it easy; I have a train to catch tomorrow. Made my way downstairs to the start of the pub crawl, right by the old Town Square. 

Naturally, that group of people who recruited me were nowhere to be found. 

Those fuckers. 

I sighed and looked around - attendance was good, though I'd have to be a little less of a grump for any fun to be had. The event's organizers were wearing hi-vis jackets, greeting tonight's partygoers and already trying to build up a fun atmosphere. After a few minutes of trying to prepare myself mentally for the night ahead, they called out:

"Alright, everyone, gather round, we're gonna hit up 5 places tonight. You get two drinks at each stop, not including whatever else they throw at you. Just make sure you keep an eye on us guides here and we'll make sure you have a good time alright?" 

Light cheers, so at least some spirit in the group. When you travel alone, you learn to turn it on and make the rounds. "Hi, it's me, what's your name, where are you from, oh I love your accent, how're you liking where we're at, what brings you here? And so on." 

Sometimes you get a hit, a cool dude or gal who resonates with you. Sometimes you bomb. Sometimes it's just in between and you move on to the next guy. 

The pub crawl started and we arrived at the first bar where we were greeted by absinthe shots. Nice. 

I passed on those, opting for something at the bar instead. I was beginning to worry that perhaps I may have wasted both my time and my money, but a familiar handsome face chatting to a petite blonde at the bar indicated otherwise. I tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Hey Michael, I wasn't expecting to see you here." 

The man turned around - Michael was one of my compatriots from last night. He was an American with a fit build and chiseled jawline. 

"Hey good to see you! How're you feeling after last night?" 

"Could be better; I definitely wasn't expecting to be here this morning." 

"Haha, I bet. This here is Ella, Ella, this is K." 

"Hiya Ella, how's it going?" 

The three of us chatted while the drinks arrived. I explained my predicament to Michael and Ella, who welcomed me. Ella soon left after recognizing Michael's lack of interest. 

"You mind if I tag along with you a bit Michael? Promise I won't embarrass you."

He laughed. I appreciate Americans who get self-effacing humour. 

"I can't make the same promise to you, but sounds good to me." 

We made our way around, chatting up people wherever we went. We made an odd duo, I think - I was literally the only non-white person in the group (being of East Asian descent), and I would be at best described as cute and dorky. Michael was virtually Adonis. 

The next hour or so went by fast, and the crawl progressed to the third bar. The great unspoken thing about very attractive people is that they literally attract people. People (a good many being girls) came to us to chat (I presumed with Michael), but my sarcastic and witty remarks (I presume) had them wanting to stay. It was Michael who determined how much time we ought to give each person, and I just followed suit.

After getting what more drinks, I spotted a couple of ladies at a nearby table glancing at us. One was a petite Latina, long brown hair, darker skin, and wearing a shiny silver dress. The other was a medium build brunette, in jeans and a black top. 

Michael decided he wanted to dance, I decided it wasn't for me. We split up, he went to the dance floor, and I made my way over. 

"How are you two ladies doing tonight?" 

The Latina giggled, the brunette raised an eyebrow and said with an English accent:

"What happened to your guy? Not coming over with you?" 

"He likes dancing, but that's a last bar type of thing for me, y'know?" 

Thankfully, she smiled and lightened up. I continued:

"I'm K-, what are your names?" 

"I'm Isabella," said the Latina. 

"I'm Lyanna," said the Brit. 

"How has this night been going for you both so far?" 

"My English has not been so good, so I have been practicing with Lyanna here!"

"Ah, well I'm always happy to help on that front. How long have you been learning English for?" 

Isabella was certainly on the younger side. She was more open and expressive. Not to say that Lyanna wasn't, but she certainly was much more happy to sit back and listen. The back and forth continued pleasantly, with all of us chatting about our time in Prague. 

Then suddenly - 

"Oi, which of those two birds do you want? Save some for us eh?" 

The three of us looked over, where a very clearly drunk dude standing. Irish accent, if I had a guess. 

"Well, what is it?" 

"That's not very gentlemanly is it?" I responded. 

"Mate we're all fucking drunk, fuck being a gentleman and decide."

"This isn't a game I'm going to play." 

"Okay, different question then, who do you think is hotter?"

I should mention, he was right that we were all drunk. I was several drinks in at this point. The bar was dimly lit, but at that point, I had already taken a greater liking to Lyanna. Though more reserved, her comments were bright and witty and she came off as much more mature.

So naturally, I tried to point to her as surreptitiously as I could. 

"Aight got it, good luck mate." And the guy traipsed off. 

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I was under the impression Isabella was looking a little crestfallen while Lyanna looked a good mix of flattered and amused. 

"You realize that you weren't being particularly discreet," Lyanna said, attempting to be patronizing. 

I panicked and quickly said: "It felt like the quickest way to get him off our backs. Also-" I said gesturing to the both of them: "You're both very pretty and I didn't think saying I thought one of you was hotter would be an issue." 

Thinking about it now and sober, probably wasn't the greatest thing to say, but they seemed to accept my reasoning, though Isabella quickly excused herself after. 

"Damn, I hope I didn't hurt her feelings." 

"You didn't, I think she's just giving you a chance with me 1 on 1."

I didn't really clock what that meant at the time. I got us a round as we continued into normal conversation. Lyanna was in Prague following her sister's wedding and decided to do the pub crawl on a whim. She liked hearing about my travels and we discussed my last month at length. 

"So you're twenty-one and you've already traipsed across half of Europe on your own?" 

"Half is an exaggeration, and let's face it with the amount of Aussies I've run into I'm not going to remember most of Germany."

"Well, I'd better give them a run for their money then. You want anything?" 

"Gin and tonic sound okay?" 

"Double or triple?" 

"If you're paying, it's your choice." 

"Quadruple it is."

I laughed and watched as she headed over to the bar. She was slightly shorter than me, around 5'5 - she had a stout frame with a good curved figure. I found her very pretty - her eyes were a deep sparkling green, she had a beautiful smile, and she was clearly intelligent and funny. I remember thinking that it was fortunate to have run into someone like her at the time.

She returned with our drinks and said:

"I decided to get you a double instead. We don't want you passing out too early, right?" 

"I do have a train to catch tomorrow, so probably not."

There must have been a split second where she realized her flirtation had gone over my head yet again and then realized I was genuinely that dense and innocent. The speed of her assessment was impressive, considering it is only now years later in my recounting of this story that I realized what she was getting at. Though, perhaps it helped my chances at the time.

She asked, "When's that and to where?" 

"It's in the afternoon to Budapest, but my hostel's checkout time is unfortunately very early." 

"Well, more of a reason to enjoy tonight then!" 

"I'll cheers to that." 

Our glasses linked, and we began to chat more about ourselves. Lyanna was older than me by several years and worked as an opthalmologist. She was single and enjoying her mid to late twenties travelling as well. We discussed places we wanted to go to and see, places we’d been and liked. Before we knew it, our drinks had finished and it was time to go to the next bar. 

We continued to talk on the way there, though the topic of conversation changed as it became apparent that Mr Drunk Irish Dude was terrorizing the women in the group. We pulled him into our conversation, and Lyanna got into a heated argument with him over politics. 

I do love a fiery temper in a woman. 

Eventually, the conversation turned civil again as we got to the next bar. I got the next round of drinks and then went to see how everyone else was doing. 

Of course, Michael was nowhere to be seen. I found Isabella and apologized to her again, but she seemed perky and commented that it seemed like Lyanna and I were getting along well. I responded with yes, and she asked why I wasn't still with her. 

"Well, I thought it might be a little better to talk to a few more people and not crowd her." 

"Don't be silly! What if someone else comes along and she goes off with them?" 

I thought I was just at a pub crawl to meet randos, not have a romantic fling with someone I'd just met. The thought that Lyanna was even into me that way was several mental leaps I had not made until that moment."

"Would she??? But I wasn't intending for anything to happen tonight anyway." 

Isabella looked a bit flummoxed and said, "Dios mio, you're serious?" 

"Should I not be?" 

"I thought you liked her!" 

"I do!" 

"Then don't let someone else take her away!" 

I looked over to where she was, and two other guys had started to chat to her. 

"I think it'll be okay Isabella, but thank you for the vote of confidence." 

She laughed and rolled her eyes at me, exclaiming, "Okay fine, but I prefer she go with you than those two!" 

She then stomped off in Latina fashion and inserted herself between Lyanna and one of the boys. 

I went to go see what was happening elsewhere - most of the group was wasted and some were on the street looking worse for wear. I chatted to some of the organizers, asking what it was like to babysit adults before helping out with some of the more worse-off people. Thoughts of Lyanna flew through my mind as I went through the motions. She really was very attractive to me and I very much enjoyed talking to her.

I headed back into the bar for some waters for the drunkards outside and caught Lyanna talking alone to one of the earlier guys. 

Isabella really got into my head. I went over to say hi. 

"What are you doing with all those waters?" asked Lyanna.

"Some people upstairs are on the verge, so I'm just helping out." 

"You'd better stop wasting time then and go!" 

"I just wanted to ask real quick, are you gonna head back to where you're staying soon or are you gonna continue?" 

"I dunno, what are you planning?" 

"Well apparently the next club is a nice fancy one, so I was thinking I'd check that out before leaving." 

"Come back and get me before you guys start moving again then!"

"Ooh, yeah, I can do that." 

She smiled at me and shooed me off. The guy she was with gave me a friendly smile and nod. I returned with the waters and helped nurse a few people to their feet. Why? I don't know, call me a wet blanket or something. It felt better to do things than to keep trying to talk to new people at that point. 

The guides indicated we would leave soon, and as I popped through the door Lyanna seemed to have been coming already.

"Ah, I was coming to check if you'd left without me already!" 

A part of me knew she was joking, but I very confusedly responded, "Of course not, I do what I say I'll do." 

Look, I don't think I'm a good person, I have my fair share of bad moments, but looking back I can definitely understand why the rest of the night played out as is. 

Lyanna held out her hand and said: "Well, are you gonna take me to the next place or not?" 

I took it immediately and we rejoined the group together. Isabella noticed us and gave us a wink, and the rest were a bit too drunk and in their own worlds. We chatted to a few others (though the hand-holding stopped for a bit) and arrived at the massive club. There was apparently some sort of factoid about its size and the different floors that I couldn't tell was true or just grandstanding, but either way Lyanna and I went through it together. We kept close and danced/drank on each of the floors which all were themed differently.

There was a normal club floor, a hot club floor, etc etc. We eventually got to an ice-cold one, which was nice after the summer weather. Lyanna kept closer to me on that one for warmth. We then tried an oxygen bar there, which was weird and probably a waste of money. It was hard to tell, we'd been through at least 14-16 drinks at that point. We were getting along well though, and I held her hands again and I said:

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"I'm getting a little hungry and I'm not really feeling like clubbing, do you wanna get out of here?" 

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing actually, let's get out." 

We exited fairly briskly. The club was right on the riverside, and I couldn't have scripted the scenario better. For those who haven't been to Prague, the old city is a medieval fairytale beauty. 

Exiting the noise of the club into the night, we were greeted by a clear starry night, with a beautiful view of the castle lit up across the river and the Charles Bridge downstream. 

We both silently moved to the river to admire the view, and I looked deep into her eyes and asked, "May I kiss you?" 

"If you want to." Her words attempted to be coy, but her soft voice and eyes betrayed her. 

I met her lips with mine, slowly and gently at first, but within seconds our tongues were deep in each other's mouths with our arms wound tightly around each other pulling ourselves closer. We gently pushed our hips closer together, with Lyanna slowly grinding and getting a feel of my hardened member. 

Of course, Mr Drunk Irish Dude with his lads had to call out, "Get a fucking room already or give us the show now!" 

We broke apart - I was a bit stunned but Lyanna gave them the finger and yelled, "Piss off, you twats," which had me doubled over in laughter. 

I gently asked, "Should we find somewhere more private?" 

"We'll go to my Airbnb, I have a private room."

"Thank God, I thought we'd have to book a hotel cause I am not going back to my hostel for this" 

"We can still get a hotel room if you want."

"Hah - wait, well, do you want that?" 

Lyanna laughed and shook her head, took my hand and pulled me along. We were fairly silent as we moved through the streets. My head was still spinning from the alcohol and our romantic moment. Lyanna held my hand tightly and we were almost running at the speed we were going. We stopped to make out in a few empty alleys when either of us couldn't resist. 

When we finally arrived, Lyanna struggled with the key, but we eventually got in. We made out in the elevator on our way up, her hand on my bulging pants and I unhooked her bra. We stumbled into her room while kissing, and as we got to the bed Lyanna had pulled my pants off while I helped her out of her shirt. 

"When did you unhook this?" she asked giggling as her bra fell off. 

"In the elevator. Sorry, should I have asked first?" I said with trepidation. 

"Skilfully done, and no it's okay, but slightly worrying that you seem practiced."

“I promise you, that's not practice, just fast learning and a bit of luck. Do you have a condom?” I asked Lyanna as I undid her jeans and took my shirt off. 

“No, I thought you’d have one," she said. 

"I hate to admit but this isn’t the most common of events for me,” I said sheepishly, still in shock that I had found myself in this position and wondering if I was dreaming. 


Lyanna looked at me with a mix of thought and lust. 

"Well… I tested clean a couple of months ago and have the coil. I've only been with one guy since." 

I looked back at her blankly. 

"This is where you tell me who you've been with," she said amusedly, definitely recognizing that I was new to the situation.

"Oh. Uh, well, I've only had sex with one person and then I've fooled around with one other recently though we didn't go all the way, but I've never been tested."

She thought about it for a second. 

I continued: "I mean, I'd be happy just doing oral or something since we don't have a condom if you'd prefer?" 

Lyanna bit her lip, clearly debating if I could be trusted or if it was her arousal talking. 

"I think I'm happy to chance it if you are." 

"How drunk are you?" 

She laughed and smiled. We were both naked at this point, with me on top and my throbbing erection hovering outside her soaking-wet entrance. Her bright green eyes were locked on me, hungry for what would come next. 

"I'm drunk, but not enough that you should feel like you're taking advantage."

I closed my eyes and kissed her. Our tongues met and danced around each other; every moment was as fantastic as the first. I held her close and as I lowered my hips, my cock slipped straight inside her, almost as if she sucked me in. 

Our moans rang through the room as white-hot pleasure flooded our minds. It happened so slowly and yet so quickly, the feel of her soaking pussy stretch and wrap around my girth. I gasped, uttering a silent prayer to not empty my load instantly. 

"Wait not so fahhh- aaahh!" Her eyes rolled into her head in pure pleasure. 

I stopped immediately. "Sorry it jus-" 

Her legs wrapped around me, pushing me all the way in. 

"Oh fuck just fuck me it's alright." 

She kissed me this time, and for the next few minutes, I was in heaven. Our bodies moved in tandem, pulling away and meeting in a perfect rhythm. Lyanna panted and moaned with each thrust, sucking on my tongue and tasting me while my rock-hard cock thrust wave after wave of delight into her. Her arousal dripped down the base of my shaft, her silky smooth pussy wrapping around me eager to be filled. 

"Oh Lyanna…" I moaned her name. I had never done it bare until this moment in my life, and for it to be a result of one of the most romantic moments I had ever experienced was the most heavenly of ecstasies I could have ever imagined. 

Underneath me lay this gorgeous woman who kissed me with more passion than I had ever known. Her chestnut hair was trussed around my hands, her breasts soft and pressed against my chest. Her arms and legs held me as close to her as possible. Each push and pull of my cock into her made the building rapture harder to hold, the pressure being held back by a slowly collapsing dam. 

Through our moans, I panted out, "Lyanna, where should I finish?" 

She kissed my neck and said through her erratic breathing, "What do you mean?" 

That teasing minx. 

"Where should I cum?" 

"Wherever you want, babe." 

"Even inside?" 

"If you want to."

As if on cue, my willpower crumbled. I let out the most guttural and visceral "Ohhhhhhhh" as I emptied my load deep inside Lyanna. She kept fucking me until my orgasm was over, thrusting her hips and using her pussy to squeeze my cock for every drop of cum. 

What must've been ten seconds of pleasure felt like an hour. The burning intensity of our sex burned itself into my memory, a high I would never reach ever again. I collapsed on top of Lyanna and kissed her again, our bodies sticky and glistening with sweat. 

The world spun around us as we recovered from our lovemaking haze back into our alcoholic one. I rolled over and asked, "Would you like some water?"

"Yes please."

I was loathe to pull out of her, but I did so anyway. As I made my way to the kitchen, I paused to watch my cum trickle out of her. She had a neatly shaved bush, and it evoked some weird caveman animal pride and satisfaction to see my white jizz dripping from her.

Of course she noticed, and asked curiously, "What are you doing down there?" 

"Admiring. Do you want me to go down on you?" 

"Only if you want to." 

I breathed in the smell of our sex and gave her entrance a lick. The mix of our cum was sweet and bitter, but the ingested alcohol had other plans. 

"I really want to, but I think I need this water first." 

She giggled and said, "Sure." 

I went into the adjoining kitchen, grabbing a glass for both of us and some tissues for Lyanna to clean up. As I turned around to go back, she had caught up. I kissed her again as soon as we'd finished our drink, and we fell to the floor as I attempted to put myself inside her again. 

Giggling even more, she said: "What are we doing down here?" 

"I would like to do this again, but I don't think I'm working down there at the moment." 

"If you can get to the bed, I might be able to help with that." 

She smiled cheerily and sat me down at the edge of the mattress. She examines me at half-mast, which disappears into her mouth in the blink of an eye. Her beautiful green eyes stayed looking at mine while sucking and licking my cock expertly, her head bobbing up and down my shaft. Not art in the world could come close to the beauty I had ever beheld in that moment; I did not want the night to end. 

Her tongue adeptly stroked the underside of my cock and flitting over my sensitive tip while she sucked and fucked me with her mouth gradually stiffened me, and when she was satisfied with her work she got up, straddled me and slipped me deep inside her with one smooth motion. 

I kissed her just as deeply, the taste of my cum lingering in her mouth made me harder. She started to ride me - as she rose, I could see a mix of her juices and the creampie I gave her moments ago costing my member, igniting some animalistic instinct in me to thrust back. 

Lyanna held me down though, breaking our kiss and saying in the most sultry of voices: "It's my turn, behave." 

Yes ma'am

She went slowly at first, teasing me while she grinded her clit against the front of my cock. She put her tongue back into my mouth and pushed it gently against mine, sucking it softly. I held her by her bottom, gripping her soft flesh while she savoured every inch of my cock with her pussy. 

We continued like this in pure ecstasy, enjoying each other like was our last chance at love. I was allowed to take her tits in my mouth from time to time, during which I sucked on her hardened nipples and flicked my tongue up and down over them. 

Our breathing became heavy panting, and soon Lyanna started to arch backwards and moan. Her body trembled and quaked while I maintained our rhythm. Her orgasms quickly multiplied and I refused to stop. Her moaning grew louder as she began to speak, "Oh fuck fuck fuck oh God fuck K- ah ah aaaahhh!" 

She pushed me down and collapsed on top of me, only rolling off to the side when she couldn't handle it anymore. She attacked my mouth, kissing me ferociously. Our bodies pushed up against each other and all I wanted to do was fuck her more. She pushed my cock away when I tried to re-enter her gently. 

"I need a moment, but I have an idea." 

"What's that?" 

"How do you feel about butt stuff?" 

"Uhh… You want me to put it in your ass?" 

"You're not getting that lucky tonight. I'm going put my finger in yours."

I literally did not know that I could get any harder. 

"I've never done that before, but I'm always open to new experiences."

She said with a laugh: "Such a charming attitude", and then proceeded down again to blow me. She then spat on her finger and began to gently stroke the entrance to my hole. She used a liberal amount of spit, and I could feel her finger entering me up to the first knuckle. When she was satisfied with the lubrication, she took my whole cock in her mouth in one swift motion, and sucked hard as she shoved her whole finger into my ass. 

I yelped and moaned loudly at the same time. My heart was pumping and my senses were in overdrive. My earlier orgasm allowed me to experience the full brunt of pleasure without instantly cumming, and for the next few minutes, all I felt was the most amazing woman I had ever met put me in paradise. I had never felt so good and have never felt the same kind of pleasure since. 

I knew I needed to cum inside her again, and I told her to get up and bend over. She obeyed, and I drove myself inside her with reckless abandon. She gasped as my full length stretched her insides out once more. She moaned loudly as I pounded her with bestial lust, vigorously slamming my hips into her and professing how good her wonderful cunt felt to fuck.

Through her panting, Lyanna said "I want… oh fuck.. Ohhh… Oh baby I need you to cum inside me again."

Her command triggered my balls to tighten, and the pressure that had built up over our last hour of lovemaking released my second load as I painted her insides with spurt after spurt of my cum. My guttural groans of pleasure echoed through the room as I pumped Lyanna full of my seed once more. As my orgasm subsided we collapsed next to each other and kissed. When was finally broke apart, we smiled at each other and held each other in our arms. 

My eyes gazed into her green, and she absent-mindedly slipped out something that has stuck with me ever since. "You look so gorgeous."

I was speechless at the time, though I think I managed to respond, telling her how beautiful her eyes were. 

We lay cuddling for a while until reality hit us with the rising sun. I asked if Lyanna wanted me to stay the night, but she shook her head and I understood. We stayed together for another hour, I was unfortunately spent or I would have happily kept fucking her (and believe me, we tried). 

Eventually, she said, "I think it's time for you to go."

I got dressed, asking if I could see her again the next day. 

"I thought you had a train to catch?" 

"I'd miss it for you if you asked." 

We were standing by the door, her fully naked in front of me. 

"I think this is goodbye K-. Tonight was amazing, and let's leave it at that."

I kissed her with everything I had, and she responded in turn. I turned as I left, taking in one last look at the woman who had blown my mind, stole one more kiss, and left with a heavy heart. 

Written by Notanyoneyouknow
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