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Here's To The Place We First Met

"- "It’s greedy, bordering on desperate, as I grab and pull at her. I can't feel her enough, can’t have her close enough." -"

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Author's Notes

"All my stories are the property of me/the writer, unless I permit you to republish them. English is not my first language, but I hope you enjoy, nonetheless :) I'd love to hear about your experience in the comments! xxx"

I’m getting ready to go to the movies with my Jane. She likes her movies blasted at her face, with the sound volume to follow. We head out after a wonderful home-cooked dinner.

We find our seats in the fifth row from the back. The closer we get to the movie starting, the more we realize that there is only going to be a handful of people in here. 

As trailers for other movies start flashing across the screen, Jane and I start messing about as usual: fighting for popcorn rights, armrest rights, and pointing out the movies we should definitely see. 

Not long after the movie starts, a couple at the far end of the theater starts making out rather aggressively.

“It’s probably their first time at the movies together,” Jane says as she sees me glancing at them.
“You and I didn’t eat each other’s faces back then for that reason,” I whisper.

“We can if you feel left out. You want me to suck your cock now that we’re here?” she jokes, amused.

She kisses me alluringly. As her hands reach up under my shirt, running a finger along the skin above my belt, my hands grab hers. The warm wave that rushed through my groin made me realize I had to stop her.

But then I think twice. Two can play this game.

Jane anticipates my move and sinks into the chair, pulling her legs up as a shield between us.
But I grab her ankles and pull her legs across my lap, locking them in place with my arm.

She is fighting between the playful side and the side that eagerly welcomes my kisses.

I slide a hand up along the inside of her thigh, my fingers digging into the soft flesh. She attempts to keep it at bay while keeping my lips locked on hers.

She tries to stifle the small shrieks coming from her mouth every time my hand inches closer to where her dress ends.

I shush her, though I can’t quite keep my laughter in either. We call it a truce, and I press my lips to hers a couple of times before we tangle up together and watch the movie.


 “I’ve got just one more thing before we go home,” I tell her as we pull out of the movie theater’s parking lot.

“And what is that?” she asks with amused suspicion.

“Well, with the risk of sounding corny, you’ll see when we get there.”

It’s a twenty-minute drive, and I’m impressed that she doesn’t attempt to make me tell her where we are going. I can see her trying to figure it out every time we pass a road sign, though.

When I pull into a makeshift parking lot bordering a dense forest and tall hills behind it, it dawns on her, and her beautiful smile lights up.

I have brought us back to the place where we had our first hike and date together two years ago. A simple double date that my friend had persuaded me to participate in.

My friend had a lousy day with a girl who only made complaints. I had met Jane, and my life has been happy since.

Parking on the pitch-black grass field, the darkness swallows us whole as I turn the key and kill the engine.

“Your table awaits in the back, Miss,” I say cheekily.

She giggles, amused, and we move to the backseat, the sunroof giving a perfect view of the starry night.

I had packed a small bag with snacks before we left for the movie theater, hiding it under the seat.

“I can’t forget this place,” I say as we sit, leaning back, snacking on gummy bears. “Best hike in my life, even better after you started opening up a bit.”

“I have no idea what you mean; I’m like an open book,” Jane says dryly, but she laughs as I nudge her shoulder.

“I feel like I learned a lot about you on that hike,” I then continue. “Like how you are just as bad as me at receiving compliments and that you massively underplay what “a few tattoos” mean.”

I’m referring to the fact that Jane, among several, got a massive tattoo of a snake-like dragon going from her left side and down along her curvy figure, past her hip ending just below her thigh.

“It was all these small things, but they painted the picture of you. That’s probably what I remember the most from that hike.” 

Jane nods her head, reaching into the snack bag with a pensive look on her face.

“That’s funny, because what I can’t forget is... how I absolutely annihilated you in Jeopardy!”

I’m already fake-boxing her arm before she finishes her sentence. She laughs hysterically.

My friend, on the verge of throwing himself off a hill, suggested a casual game in hopes of making his date stop complaining about birds birding and the hike involving walking. 

Back then, Jane’s laughter was the most beautiful song I had ever heard. To this day, it still is.

Eventually, though, she needs oxygen. She shifts in the seat, her eyes getting that studying, curious look in them.

“I also can’t forget that I had the best hike of my life,” she says, and her eyes lock onto mine.
She makes me smile so ridiculously much.

I reach over, twisting a lock of her dark brown hair around my fingers. Running through the strand until I brush against her jawline. She responds so immediately to my touch. A small pressure there, and she raises her chin. Another here, and she turns her head. I can guide her blind and still know exactly where she is.

Two fingers under her chin, and she reacts instantly to the small pressure, tilting her head back.
I focus on her slightly parted, faint-red lips. I notice how they scream for mine, making my tongue run eagerly along the inside of my teeth.

The sheer anticipation conjures delightful memories in my head, right from the first time we kissed until those times we lost all inhibitions and made out like there was no tomorrow.

I end both her and my suffering as I lean closer and carefully press my lips to hers.

My fingers run up over her cheeks, cheekbones, and halfway into her hair, grabbing on tight. Our lips move slowly, dancing perfectly together; every push and pull is reciprocated.

My desire for her is lured out of its box, where it has been hiding while priorities had to be made. But as Jane’s fingers reach around the back of my neck, pulling me closer and simultaneously deepening our kisses, it stirs up everything in me.

She grabs my wrist, pulls herself onto my lap, straddling me, and wraps my arms tightly around her waist. Her weight in my lap and her hungry kisses cause me to lose all inhibitions, and I rip her jacket down over her arms and throw it on the seat next to us.

Grabbing her waist, my fingers dig into the fabric of the dress. The warmth of her skin beneath it soothes me and riles me up all the same. It’s greedy, bordering on desperate, as I grab and pull at her. I can't feel her enough, can’t have her close enough.

Her elevated breathing and leaning in close to me let me know she feels the same. Her hands work down over my chest as she unbuttons my shirt. It seems she decides not to bother with it, as she suddenly rips the rest of the shirt open, buttons shooting everywhere.

“Sorry,” she mumbles shortly.

But I just pull her close again, pressing my lips against hers. I don’t mind. At all. It was kind of hot, really.

My hands trail up her thighs, my fingers leaving red lines behind. I reach around her thighs and further up until my hands cup each of those perfect domes that are her soft ass-cheeks. I press the tip of my fingers down and in between her ass and her panties.

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She moans into my mouth as I dig into the warm softness. Grabbing two good handfuls, I can’t resist guiding her hips in a slow roll, making her pantie-covered pussy slide first up and then down over my erection. It leaves me winded and with a frantic, beating heart.

I wrap an arm around the small of her back, holding her in place as my other hand searches down past her ass and in between her legs. But her pussy needs no preparation today. She is just as ready as I am. Nonetheless, I can’t resist. I slide a finger in between her wet lips and back until I find her entrance, wet and warm.

To my satisfaction, a soft moan vibrates against my lips as I sink two fingers into her pussy. Her moan radiates vulnerability but also greed. She presses herself down against the palm of my hand. Grinding against it. I’m more than happy to oblige, and I slide my fingers in and out.

Reaching as deep as I can, I curl my fingers the way that makes her toes curl, and her fingers grab onto me tight.

Her hips start to move in my embrace, dancing perfectly with my fingers. The way her lips disappear from mine as her head leans back with a deep, warm sigh is a sign of her total surrender to the pleasure swirling in her body.

I reach down her back with my other hand, feeling the fabric of her panties. Cotton. Easy. I stretch it between my hands and easily force a finger through the fabric and tear them apart and off her body. She makes quick work of my belt and jeans, pushing them down around my knees.

Her lips are back on mine, and her tongue is stirring up a hectic dance with mine. She reaches down between us, and the second her fingers wrap around my hard cock, my breath gets caught in my throat, and I gasp. She leads my cock to her pussy entrance, and her moans join mine, voicing our mutual relief as she tortures and pleases us by sliding slow – oh so slow – down onto my cock.

I rip the skirt of her dress aside, my hands closing around her naked skin by her hips. Every time she slides up my cock and away, I promptly yank her back. I reel in the strong sensations it sends through my groin as I slide into her with such force and speed.

She picks up on my rhythm and tempo, soon rendering my hands around her hips redundant. Sliding in and out of her like this nearly drives me insane, and I forget how to breathe all over again.

But I know I’m getting close. My eagerness has acted without thought of consequences. If Jane continues like this much longer, I’m going to cum. My fingers tighten around her waist, stopping her movements.

“I need you for more than five minutes,” I say with a windy, dark voice.

Jane smiles sweetly and complies. Her hands close tenderly around my face, and her lips press against mine in a warm, passionate kiss.

I carefully pull her close again, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her lips caress mine in slow, soft, sensual waves. Her tongue dances in loving swirls around mine. I brush her sundress’s thin straps off her shoulders and gently pull the dress down below her breasts, leaving them exposed. I run my hands up over her stomach and naked breasts.

Her gasp sings in my ear, and her fingers tighten in the back of my hair as I slightly squeeze one of her nipples between my index finger and thumb. She swallows hard as I twist the other with a small pinch. I kiss each of her nipples delicately and take them into my mouth.

The first one, my tongue flicks over and circles it. Then I proceed to do the same with the second one. Her breathing quickens as sensations spread from her breasts and throughout her body. To my satisfaction, I feel her nipple harden under my tongue, and it glistens with my saliva as I move back to the other one.

Her otherwise steady hips start to shake as she tries to resist bucking them as my tongue explores her nipples. Sliding back and forth on my shaft as my tongue pleasures her nipples is tempting to her.

The alluring sensation in my groin has withdrawn, so I guide her hips to move again, letting her know that she can cave in. My lips travel up over her chest, along her throat, and along her jawline until I reach her lips again, and she welcomes me readily. There is an urgency to her kisses, a need to devour me utterly and completely.

Her hips swing back and forward, stroking and hugging me tightly. Her pussy devouring my cock with haste each time she jerks back to me.

I reach up with one hand, taking her breast in the L of my hand. She gasps loudly as I close my lips around it, sucking hard. The gasp turns to moans and I feel her thighs squeeze in on each side of me. I press my hand to her back, pressing her and her breasts close to me. I leave a gentle bite around her nipple, and the moan is yanked from her mouth faster than ever before.

I continue to pull gasps and moans from her mouth as I venture between her perfect breasts and hard nipples. I am licking, sucking, and biting them until they are nearly drenched with my saliva. My hot breath trails down over them every time she slides back and forth on my cock.

Her hips roll in heavenly waves, crashing against me, leaving an onset rising. At this point, it doesn’t matter how slow or fast she moves; every inch of me is burning with heavenly sensations. Jane isn’t late to pick up on it, and she increases her speed as she reaches back and supports one hand on my knee.

I whimper at the merciless sensation that grows more intense by the second. Her rolling hips are now a never-ending dance, and my hands desperately cling onto her thighs as my knees press into the backs of the front seats, nearly going insane over this constant, high pleasure that only climbs and climbs.

As pleasure wraps Jane’s body in its folds as well, her legs start shaking. Her moans turn to whimpers, and she's breathing hiccups as she slides back and forth on me. Something I recognize very easily.

I quickly reach a hand up into the back of her hair and pull her to me, keeping her lips pressed to mine as we both feel the sensation gather. My hand turns to a fist in her hair as I feel it descend on me.

Our lips lean slack against each other, our breaths slamming together in soundless moans as we feel it climb and climb each time we meet at the hips. Then Jane utters a long, loud moan, and I feel her pussy pulsate around my cock.

She rolls her hips in deep, quick motions. Faster and faster, harder and harder until my body too tenses and I cum with such a rush, I stop breathing for several seconds. My hand grips tightly at her hair, while she makes sure not a single molecule of mine or hers is left unstimulated.

Her hips now move gently over and over, until I finally manage to breathe out and my whole body relaxes. My head leans back against the seat as I pant heavily.

After a few seconds, I manage to lift my arms and reach around Jane, pulling her to me. I can feel her breasts press against my chest as she too breathes heavily. As always, she looks amazing with the flushed cheeks and lips and the slightly tangled hair.

“Are you okay?” she whispers, her fingers caressing my damp skin and press against my throbbing pulse.

I need to swallow a few times to get my dry throat and mouth working.

“We should go to the movies more often.”

It quickly gets chilly, and I pull my shirt around me, then remember that most of its buttons are spread out around the car’s interior.

“Are you okay?” I now ask her, concerned that she will get cold.

She huffs with a small smile, shaking her head at my worrisome heart.

“I’m perfect,” she promises.

I nod my head with a smile. Yes, she is.

Written by Miiitch
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