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Chapter 1 Right after Dawn left on Sunday morning, Angela’s phone rang.

“Yes Master?”

“Two men are at your front door. They will pack up your belongings and move you to your new apartment.”

“But Master, how will I explain this to my landlord?”

“You don’t. By the time she gets home, you will be gone. Do you owe her any money still?”

“I owe her three weeks rent.”

“Leave her a check, but no note.”

“Yes Master. But she is also my friend Master. She has been very good to me.”

“Shut up and do as you are told. The only person you need is me, or whoever I tell you that you need. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.”

“Oh, and I will find out if you try to leave her a note. Now hang up and go let the men in.”

“Yes Master.”

Angela got up and opened the front door. She saw a van backed into the driveway as the first man came in and asked which room was hers. She pointed it out and he headed for the room with several boxes and a roll of plastic bags. The second man asked her for her mobile phone telling her she would not be needing it anymore.

“Yes sir.”

“Drop your bottoms and turn around.”

“Yes sir.”

Angela turned around, dropped her lounge pants and bent over the couch. He removed the harness and pulled out the butt plug. She felt the man spit on her, then felt a finger push into her ass. He twisted and turned it around a bit, then spit on her again and stuck in a second finger, fucking her for awhile, calling her a dirty whore and a cunt. Finally, he pulled his fingers out and pushed in the butt plug back in.

The second guy came out of her room, climbed on the couch and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. He stroked it a few times, then put it in her mouth. She heard the man behind her unzip his pants and then he began rubbing his cock up and down between her ass cheeks. When it got hard, he slid it into her pussy. Both men came in about ten minutes, then went back to work packing up her room. She put the harness back on and sat back down.

She heard a lot of noise in the room, drawers opening and closing and things being pulled from the closet. Soon they began carrying bags and boxes out to a van in the driveway. One of the men asked if she had any belongings anywhere else in the house. She pointed out a few things around the house and also said she had a half dozen boxes of things she was storing in the basement.

“What’s in them?”

“Just some personal things sir. Mementos, a couple of family photo albums, some things my grandmother left me and my collection of figurines.”

The man made a phone call to Michael to ask him about the boxes. He answered a few questions, then hung up.

“Michael said to leave them. There is no room in the new place and you don’t need them anyway.”


The man put his hand up and Angela stopped.

“Everything is packed. Here is your checkbook. Write your landlord her check and hurry up about it. Then give me your car keys and get in the van.”

“Yes sir, but I am not dressed.”

“Well, you should have thought of that before we packed everything.”

Angela wrote the check and handed it to one of the men, who went and put it on the kitchen table. He took back the checkbook and grabbed her purse, then pointed to the door. She walked out of her house barefoot and in her pajamas. She went to the van and got in the back. One of the men got in her car and they all drove off.

Chapter 2

Carly had been watching Angela whenever she had the chance. She had tracked down all the plate numbers and was gathering as much information as she could. She had worried that Angela might not be strong enough not to tell Michael what had happened after she had met with her in the theater. It had been a risk, but she needed to do it. She had no idea when she would be able to contact her again.

After a few days, she had called the store and asked to speak to Angela. She was told that Angela had been temporarily transferred to another store, but that someone else would be happy to assist her. She said no thanks and hung up without leaving her name.

At first she thought that Michael had moved her to the Bridgeton store as an incentive to prove his ‘love’ for her. That was bad, because it most likely would be followed by more intense training and discipline. She called over to the Bridgeton store, but was told there was no salesperson there by that name, but they believed that she worked at the Eastwick store. Now she was really worried. That meant Angela had to be working at the West End Mall store. That store was a dump and there were rumors for quite some time that it was going to close. She did not even understand why it was still open as more than half the mall was vacant.

It also meant that Michael was probably going to start moving away from her or possibly turn her over to a new Master. Carly knew now that she would have to get her out soon, even if it meant taking her against her will. It was risky, but she was considering contacting Dawn and enlisting her help. Since it seemed like Sunday had been Angela’s day off, she called the West End store and asked if she would be working on Monday. She was told yes, Angela was on the schedule for Monday. Carly thanked her and hung up.

Just around 10 on Sunday morning, she drove over to Dawn’s and parked down the street. She was just in time to see Angela’s car pulling out behind a van and it appeared to be a man driving it. She got her camera out and took a few quick shots, then followed them, keeping her distance.

The man driving the van got on the phone. He told Michael they were done and on the way to the new apartment. He said everything had gone well and that she had not given them any trouble. He listened for a bit, then said that they left the cameras in place.

“Yes sir, all of them. The mics too. And you were right, tongue studs do feel awesome.”

Angela stiffened when she heard that. When Dawn had told her that the cable guy had added a jack in her room and replaced the one in the living room, she really hadn’t thought that much about it. And while she thought it was possible there was more than one camera in her room, she had never considered he had bugged other rooms. And now that she was leaving, there should be no reason for anything to be left behind unless he was watching and listening to Dawn as well.

She had to somehow warn her so they could be removed, but she had no idea how she would do that. She was certain the new apartment would be bugged as well. They had taken her mobile phone and she surely couldn’t do it from work. She had no idea when she would be allowed any free time or if someone would be watching her.

The van was nearing the West End Mall and turned on the road that ran along one side of the mall. They finally turned into a large complex of run down looking one, two and three story buildings just under a mile down the road. A couple of groups of young men in baggy pants and wearing red caps tilted to one side, as well as a few girls in very short skirts and wearing a ton on makeup, were hanging around. The lawns were more dirt and weeds than grass. There were junk cars parked in the lot, some of them without tires, that she was sure hadn’t run in quite some time. Dumpsters in the parking lot were overflowing with garbage and she saw at least two men that appeared to be pissing right out in the open.

They pulled up in front of one of the single story units and parked. Several people looked over their way, but one of the men gave them a look and they went back to what they had been doing.

“Get out. We are here.”

“Yes sir.”

She followed them to one of the units. One of the men unlocked the front door. When they walked into the room, the only furniture was two straight back chairs, a small table and an air mattress.

“Go sit down.”

“Yes sir.”

The men quickly emptied the van of all of Angela’s belongings, just bringing them in and leaving everything on the floor. When they were done, one of the men handed Angela a phone. She recognized it as one of those simple phones that a few numbers can be programmed into and those are the only numbers that could be called. Before returning her purse, they went through her wallet and took out her credit cards, some family photos and several other items, including her driver’s license.

“Your bank account has been closed and your credit cards have been cancelled. This phone service is less than $10 a month and Michael said all this will help you learn to budget your money better. You will be able to cash your paycheck at the currency exchange in the mall and can pay cash for everything. That way, you will only be spending what you have and not get yourself into financial trouble.”

“Since you do not own any linens or kitchen stuff, Michael has kindly supplied you with some things to get you started. There is a grocery store across from the mall and a Laundromat a block further down the street from here. He does not feel that this is a safe place to leave a car, so we will take it and he will keep it safe while you are here. He found you this place because it is close enough to work to walk. Here are the keys to the apartment.

"The rent is $500 a month, but that includes the utilities and basic TV service and is due on the first of each month. A property manager comes around to collect it. He is also going to let you select up to $600 of furniture from the scratch and dent stuff at the store. You can have three months to pay for it and he is giving you a very favorable interest rate. He is also giving you an extra day off to get yourself settled in. You will not need to report to the store until Tuesday.”

The two men turned and walked out. The van pulled out, followed by the other man driving her car away. Angela sat there in a daze, not moving. She found a lamp in the closet, but there was no bulb in it. The only light she had was in the kitchen above the stove, and in the bathroom. The windows in the unit had no curtains on them. After about half an hour, she finally got up and walked around.

As she opened empty cabinets, roaches scurried away. The sink was black with grime and the bathroom was atrocious. The fridge was barely cool, so she turned it to the coldest setting and hoped that would help. Angela realized she needed to go shopping for some things, so she got dressed and left for the store.

Chapter 3

Carly had followed the cars to the complex and watched Angela and the men exit the vehicles and go inside one of the units. The men unloaded a number of boxes and plastic bags into the unit, then left, taking Angela’s car with them. She snapped numerous photos of the men, the van and the area. She sat for awhile to see if they would come back or not, but she dared not go to the door. If Michael had bugged her bedroom, he surely had this place bugged as well. She tried calling Angela’s phone, but only got a recording saying the number was no longer in service.

Carly had feared this, but had thought she would have more time to work on getting Angela out. He was isolating her. He had taken her from her home and friends. He had taken her car and probably her phone, so she would have no way to contact anyone. He had obviously picked this place because not only because it was walking distance to the mall, but also because it was a dump. She knew there was another new low cost housing complex fairly close by on the other end of the mall.

Angela would have work and this, and nothing else. No friends, no way to contact her family. And now she was sure Michael would only see Angela when he wanted to use her. He probably told her he moved her so she would have a place of her own where she would have some privacy, leading her to believe that meant he would be seeing her there. But Carly doubted he would be visiting her much anymore, if at all.

Angela put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, picked up her keys and purse and walked out the front door, checking it to make sure it was locked. It was not very secure, but at least the lock worked.

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She walked past the groups of boys barely even hearing their cat calls and obscene comments and headed to the grocery store.

Carly was just about to leave when she saw Angela come out of her apartment. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked disheveled and disoriented and she seemed almost oblivious to the comments being yelled at her. She watched to see where Angela might be headed and to make sure she wasn’t being followed, until she finally determined she was most likely headed to the grocery store across from the mall.

Carly drove over there, parked and waited until she saw her coming through the parking lot. Carly tucked her hair into a baseball cap, put on some sunglasses and went into the store. She hung around the entrance reading the flyer until Angela walked in, grabbed a cart and started into the store. Carly took another cart and followed her.

Angela walked up and down the aisles aimlessly, seeming to realize where she was periodically and throw something into her cart. She got cereal, but no milk; coffee, but Carly doubted she had a coffee pot or coffee maker. She picked up a small bag of flour, a few cans of vegetables and a loaf of bread. Carly continued watching until she was sure no one was following her.

Carly added things to her own cart, milk, some bottled water, lunch meat, other staples and some cleaning supplies; lettuce and additional salad ingredients and a couple of bottles of dressing. She also grabbed a small steak, a package with two small pork chops; and some frozen items, trying to fill in all the things Angela was forgetting, but was almost surely in need of. She got in the line directly behind Angela who still hadn’t noticed her.

“Hi Angela.”

Angela jumped and turned around. When she saw Carly, she began to panic.

“It’s okay Angela. No one is watching you.”

Carly unloaded both carts and indicated for the cashier to ring everything up together, then put it all into her cart and led Angela out to her car. She opened the door and gently guided Angela in, then packed the groceries into her trunk.

“Please Angela, let me take you away from here.”

“No, I need to prove to Michael I can handle this. I know he did this for me so I would not have such a long commute. It’s just temporary until they can get more help here. If I can sell things here and do well, I will be a much better sales person when I get back to Eastwick. And then I will be assigned to Bridgeton.”

“No Angela, it almost certainly isn’t temporary and I guarantee you that he will never bring you back to Eastwick, or send you to Bridgeton. He has isolated you, taken your car and I’m guessing your phone too. He moved you away from Dawn… “

Angela seemed to awaken at the mention of Dawn’s name.

“Dawn! You have to go tell her. And he had me leave without telling her where I was going either.”

“Either? What should I tell her, Angela?”

“Tell her about the cameras and the mics. I didn’t know there were mics. And I thought he was only watching me. She has to get rid of them so he can’t see her. Please Carly, go tell her.”

“Okay Angela. I will go tell her. I will drive you back to your apartment, but he probably has cameras in there too, so I won’t risk going inside. But I will be around Angela. I will find a way to stay in touch.”

Carly drove Angela back to her apartment and pulled up near the building, she could see the door was wide open and that the contents of all the bags and boxes had been dumped all over the floor. A small group of teens was standing several doors down from Angela’s door, laughing and pointing at her when she got out of the car.

“Angela, is there a chair or something you can put under the door knob to secure the door?”


“Good. Please do it as soon as you get inside and leave it there. I will take care of this for you. I bought several newspapers and a couple rolls of tape. You can use it to cover the windows for now. Now let’s get your groceries out of the car so you can get inside.”

Angela and Carly unloaded all the bags and stacked them on the sidewalk, then Angela made several trips to get them all in. Carly waited until she saw her finally close the door and hoped she put the chair against the door like she said. She could tell Angela was still in shock, and the break-in was not going to help. She wished she could have gone in there and assessed everything, but she couldn’t risk it. Carly drove out onto the street and parked where she had a view of the parking lot. She took out her camera and zoomed in on the group, taking pictures of each of them.

Chapter 4

Carly was on her phone before she even pulled away. She called her office and said she had sent them some information and told them what she wanted done. If she couldn’t get Angela out of there, she was at least going to make it as safe and comfortable as possible there for her. After that, she headed over to Dawn’s house.

Angela was so disoriented and confused, she had not even realized that Carly would have had no way of knowing who Dawn was or where she lived. She hadn’t been able to get a great deal of info out of Angela and wasn’t even sure if Dawn would be home. It was apparent she had not been home while Angela was being moved, but if she still wasn’t home, Carly would wait for her or leave her card and a message to call.

She drove over to the house, but did not see a car, though it could be in the garage. When she knocked on the door, there was no answer. She noticed a neighbor across the street watching her and walked over there.

“Do you know when Dawn will be home?”

“I think she usually gets home around 3 on the Sundays she works, but sometimes she is gone all day long. Don’t know what happened to Angela, that boarder of hers though. Looks like she moved out or something. Couple of guys in a van got here right after Dawn left this morning.”

“Do you by any chance know where Dawn works? I have some information for her about Angela.”

“Let me see now. I think on Sundays, she volunteers down at the Goodwill store on Maple. We give her stuff every so often to take down there.”

“Thank you.”

Carly got back in her car and drove over to the Goodwill store. She had only seen Dawn once, and that was briefly from a distance, but as she walked through the store, she spotted her right away.

“Are you Dawn?”

“Yes. May I help you with something?”

“Well not exactly. More like the other way around. How long before you get off work?”

“Just exactly did you say who you are?”

“My name is Carly. Your room mate Angela staged my home last month.”

“Ah yes, I recognize the name. But what could you possibly want with me?”

“We will need to get somewhere we can chat privately. Will you be off work here soon?”

“Well now you’re scaring me. Has something happened? Is Angela okay?”

“No, she isn’t and I need your help.”

“It’s almost time for me to leave anyway. Let me tell them I’m leaving now. Is she in the hospital? Should we go there?”

“No, she is not in the hospital. She is fine for now. Let’s just go back to your house and talk. No, wait. Is there a quiet place nearby we can go to?”

“Yes, the coffee shop on the corner is pretty quiet this time of the day.”

“Okay, let’s take my car.”

Chapter 5

They got to the shop and ordered a couple of coffees. They found a table in the corner and sat down.

“Please tell me what’s going on and why we came here instead of going home or to where ever Angela is. You are really scaring me.”

“Okay, let me start at the beginning. First, let me tell you my full name. I am Special Agent Carly Brennan of the FBI. Setting that aside for the moment, shortly after meeting Angela, I came to discover that she had fallen under the influence of a very bad man. Through some very harsh methods, he has brainwashed her. At this point, she thinks she loves him and that he loves her. But I can assure you, he doesn’t.

"He is using her for his own sadistic purposes. He has already done some horrible things to her and I feel it is going to be quite some time before she will recover. She is going to have some lasting scars though, both mental and physical, and she is going to need some friends to help her through it all. I don’t know for sure how close the two of you are though, but if not you, perhaps you know some of her friends.”

“Oh my god! I knew something was going on, but I thought it was the stress of the new job. What has happened to her? How can I help? She’s a really sweet kid.”

“Well, first you should know that she is no longer at your house. This man who refers to himself as her Master has moved her out. Part of what they do once they have established a level of control is to isolate them from friends and family. He has moved her into an apartment near the West End Mall, where he has transferred her. She no longer has her car or mobile phone.”

“I know about the transfer, but she said it was just temporary. Why on earth would she move, and without letting me know? We have to get her out of there right away.”

“She still believes the temporary part to be true, but I doubt it is. And I think now that he has gotten what he wants from her and has broken her will, he will pass her onto someone else, or at the very least share her with another master. She has already been passed around and marked. She didn’t move on her own. She was moved by him, and I am sure he told her not to leave you any explanation why. .Have you noticed anything new or changes in her recently?”

“Well yes. She had her nipples pierced. She had always said she hated that. You know, she has been acting different recently as well. More withdrawn sometimes, especially the past few weeks and I have had the feeling that she has been hiding something from me.”

“You have no idea just how much she has been hiding. And I have already tried a couple of times to convince her to leave him, but his hold on her is very strong. I have seen this before, but never quite this quickly. I have made some arrangements so she is as safe as I can make her for now and I am looking to see what can be done to break his influence over her. For now, I just wanted to know if she would have your support once I get her out of this, or if you knew who could help.”

“Of course, I’ll do everything I can to help her and I know others that will help as well.”

“Okay. Now, about your house. She was kind of babbling, but I suspect your house has been bugged, both with cameras and mics. She knew her room was, but something now makes her think there are more. Have there been any workmen or servicemen with access to the whole house recently?”

“What?? There are cameras in my house? Where?” and mics? And yes, come to think of it, I did find it a little odd at the time, but then just dismissed it. Not too long ago, a cable guy came to install a jack in her room. While he was there, he offered to put one in my bedroom as well. He was up in the attic for quite some time and he did have access to most of the house while he was there. He changed the cable outlet in the living room too. He said it was corroded. Please, how can I get rid of them?

“Okay. When you get home, look around at the ceiling, then look in your phone directory and call this number. Tell them you are hearing noises in your attic and are worried it might be raccoons and you need someone to come and check it out as soon as possible. We’ll get someone over there right away. Once all the cameras and mics are gone, we can safely talk in your house. In the meantime, act normal. Do what you would usually do. You would expect her to be home today when you get there, so look for her, check her room and react accordingly. I will see you when they are done and give you some additional information. Now let me drive you back to your car.”

“Thank you. Are you sure you she is safe? And please will you keep me updated? Are you sure we cant' do anything now?”

“Of course I will keep you updated, and I am working on getting her out of there as soon as I possibly can. The timing has to be right though and certain arrangements have to be made, or she will go right back to him as soon as she can. She is as safe as I can possibly make her for now, and until I make sure she is permanently safe, I’m not going to stop.

To be continued…

Written by adele
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