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Chapter 1

Very soon, Angela felt Michael cum inside of her, but it happened so fast, she did not have time to cum herself. Though quite aroused and deeply in need of an orgasm, he had just cum too quickly to get her off. He pulled out of her as soon as he finished, leaned over and pecked her on the cheek and crawled back under the covers.

“Master, may I speak?”

“Make it fast, I am tired.”

“Please Master, I need to cum. May I?

“Very well then, if it will shut you up and stop you from whining all night. You may masturbate yourself to one orgasm, but be quiet about it. I don’t want to be kept awake by your moaning or shaking.”

“Thank you Master."

Angela quietly masturbated herself to an orgasm. It was not fully satisfying but at least it brought some relief. Angela realized she needed to use the bathroom, but did not want to wake Michael to ask permission, nor did she want to just get up and go. So she finally just decided to try and sleep and wait until she woke up to ask. After awhile she finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

She woke up to the ringing of the phone. Michael was nowhere to be seen, so she picked it up. A voice told her to shower, then put her shoes and coat back on which she would find in the closet and wait standing with her back to the door. She had twenty minutes to get ready, then someone would come to her door to get her. When Angela went into the bathroom, she got the first good look at her tattoos and noticed the wrist and ankle cuffs were gone. The one on her shoulder said I am a cum slave; the one on her breast said property of Michael. The new tattoo on her butt cheek was a man standing over the girl with his cock out and pointed at her mouth. Her nipples were very sore, but she remembered the instructions she had gotten with the first piercing and tried to turn them a little bit.

Angela stuck out her tongue and twisted the stud in there as well. She tried to see what the tattoo in her inner thighs was, but it was difficult to see; as best as she could tell, it was a pair of hands grabbing her pussy lips. How was she ever going to explain these to Dawn. She was not going to be able to wear tank tops or shorts around her anymore, or anything too see through.

She looked at the time and quickly used the toilet, brushed her teeth and showered. Her butt plug was sitting on the counter, but there was no lube in sight. She used some saliva and a bit of soap, and managed to get it in. She used her toilet trick, but it went in so easily that she felt next time, she would be able to just push it in. She used a comb that was on the counter to put her hair into some sort of style, then found her coat and heels and put them on. She noticed her choker on the dresser and put it back on as well, then went and stood by the door as instructed. After about a minute, the door was opened and a blindfold was once again placed over her eyes. She was led out and back into what she assumed was the same van as Saturday. This time, she was allowed to sit undisturbed.

After what seemed to be a much longer return ride, the van finally stopped. She was led out of the van, the blindfold was removed and she found herself standing in front of her car. A man wearing the same clear mask as before opened her car door and removed an envelope from the seat. Angela was handed some of her clothes and told to remove her coat and get dressed. Though there were many other cars and traffic around and a very good chance that someone would see her, Angela complied. She used the car and the open door to block as much as possible, then put on her bra, the blouse and skirt as quickly as possible. She buttoned the blouse, but left the skirt open so she could slip in the garter belt without having to pull the skirt up all the way. After adjusting her skirt, she sat on the edge of her seat and put on her nylons.

The man watched her dress, then handed her the keys and told Angela she was to go directly to the store and report to Lorraine, then he got in the van and drove away. She knew her car was not parked where she had left it, and finally realized it was in a shopping mall about five miles from the store. She got inside and drove directly there as instructed. Although her hair was not really done, it was at least neat, but she had no makeup on; still, she felt that the man may have reported what time she was dropped off, so she dare not take too long to punch in.

Angela hurried in and went directly to Lorraine’s office.

“Hello Mistress.”

“Strip so I can see the tattoos.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Angela removed her clothing and placed it carefully on a chair. She then turned and showed each tattoo to Lorraine, sitting on the desk and raising her legs to display the ones on her inner thighs. Lorraine reached out and twisted and pulled the bars in Angela’s nipples, causing her to wince slightly, then asked to see the tongue stud.

”As soon as you get used to those, we will move onto the next larger bar. You have nice large nipples, so we will go as large as we can with them. And I am sure you will continue to enjoy the feeling and pleasure they will give you. And Michael said he may want two more studs added to your tongue as well. He does love the feel of them running along his cock when he fucks a mouth. Joseph really did a good job on everything. There is a bit more to be done on the new buttock tattoo but he had so much to do to get it all done in the time he was allotted. We have discussed this in detail and it is a good start to what Michael has in mind for you. You will be quite beautiful when he is done. Michael loves body art on his pets, as well as piercings.”

Angela silently cringed to herself at what Lorraine had just said. She still felt they were unattractive and unnecessary, yet Michael wanted to make her beautiful for him. And if Michael felt these made her beautiful, then she wanted them as well. Lorraine’s yank on her clit ring brought her back to reality.

“You will find training materials from an interior design seminar in your car. It has been made to appear that you attended and passed the course, however, we expect you to study the materials and pass the course tests for real to become certified. You will need to do this as soon as possible. And we hope you have finally learned that your only limitations are those you place on yourself. When you are told to do something you don’t think you can do, you should not hesitate to do it anyway, since other people know what is best for you.”

“Yes Mistress. I did discover that, and will do as I am told.

“Have you gotten used to the new butt plug?”

“Yes Mistress.”

Lorraine pulled a bag from her desk drawer and handed it to Angela. Inside was an even larger plug, this one made of metal, and the harness with the dildo.

”Remove the plug you have in now, and replace it with this new one. I will help you get it in just this once. After this, you will need to do it yourself. You may want to practice some, as you may not always have a toilet seat handy to sit down on to help you get it in. You will wear this all the time from now on except when you need to remove it to relieve yourself. You will wear the harness with the dildo all the time as well It will continue to be used to train you in self control.”

“Yes Mistress.”

When Angela heard her mention the way she put the plug in, she realized that either Lorraine was also watching her, or she talked a lot more with Michael than she had thought. Or perhaps they still spent time together as she had thought once before. She pulled out the butt plug and bent over the desk. She felt the plug being pushed against her hole and rubbed around some, then felt lube being dripped on her. Then plug was once again pressed against her and this time pushed in until it popped. Before she could react, Lorraine pulled it out and pushed it back in.

“Now put the harness on.”

“Yes Mistress.”

When Angela looked at the harness, she noticed a wire running from the dildo to the back of the crotch strap. She put it on and Lorraine made some adjustments, then picked up the remote. Suddenly, there was a jolt in her ass, then one from the dildo, and another on her clit. Then the dildo began to vibrate. Each time, Angela reacted with a jump and a little screech. Lorraine laughed each time.

“You will learn to take those without reacting. This is all part of your training. You must learn to control every part of your body so you can do whatever it takes to please a Master or Mistress or anyone else they instruct you to obey. Plus you will discover how much pleasure these will come to give you as well. The time may even come when you will find it difficult to achieve an orgasm without them. You may think some of this is punishment, but you will see that it is the withholding of these pleasures is the true punishment. Michael is doing all of this for you.”

“Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress.”

Before we proceed, would you like some strokes first?”

“Yes, please Mistress.”

Lorraine pulled out a large wooden paddle and landed a dozen strokes on Angela’s ass. Each stoke had the effect of pushing the plug into her g-spot. Then she felt small jolts being given to her in various places.

“Is that arousing you?”

‘Yes Mistress. Very much.”

“Would you like to cum?”

“If it pleases Mistress.”

“Well, it doesn’t. There is work to be done. Perhaps later. I will give you another dozen strokes, then I have an assignment for you.”

“Yes, whatever Mistress desires.”

Lorraine administered the additional strokes, then told Angela to get dressed.

“Now I have received a call from a realtor, requesting someone to look at a house he has just listed. The current owner has already moved out to begin a new job and much of the household has already been packed up and removed. The house needs to be staged for an open house this Sunday. This will be a promotion for you if you do as well as you have been doing. Not every salesperson is permitted to do these stagings. I need you to go there today as soon as we are done here and do a walk through. See what is left in the house that can be used. Make a list of the additional items that will be needed and what else should be removed.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“If you see anything that needs to be repaired or painted, let the realtor know right away, but only if you really think it necessary. Come back here when you are done and select what you need from the store to complete the staging. Select only items in stock, nothing is to be special ordered. You will not have time to do diagrams as you did before, so your notes need to be thorough. The items will be delivered on Saturday to the house, so you must have everything you need at that time. You will be there to oversee the crew in setting it up. Wear pants on Saturday as you may need to assist in the staging.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“I expect you to do a good job with this. We have worked with this realtor once before and anticipate this to generate a lot of future business for us if you do well. Here is the address and directions. The realtor will meet you there in an hour. Return here when you are done. Now get dressed and go.”

“Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. I will do my very best, Mistress.”

Chapter 2

Angela dressed quickly, took the address from Lorraine and went back to her workstation. She returned her sales packet and picked up a staging packet, made a quick stop in the bathroom to check her hair and put on a bit of make up, then left. She arrived at the address about ten minutes early, but the realtor was already there. She went in and introduced herself, saying Lorraine had sent her to help. The realtor explained that the owner of the house had been unexpectedly transferred to a new location and had to leave on very short notice.

The company had sent a crew to pack up the household and move everything the owner had designated to the new location where it would be stored until the employee could find new housing. He had already had a crew in to clean the house thoroughly and had done some repairs and painting. They just needed to make the house appear lived in for the open house and subsequent showings if needed. Some of the furniture and other items had not been moved as the owner had decided to just replace them when he bought a new home.

“We don’t need a lot of stuff, just enough to give it a lived in look. I do have some items, like dishes, pots and pans, a few decorative items and some small furniture pieces we can use. Sorry for the short time frame, but we just got the listing from another realtor that backed out of the deal. The open house had already been scheduled, so we are trying to get this done quickly.”

“Then we should get started. Let’s see what we have and go from there. I do see that the front porch looks a little bare. A small glider or porch swing on one side and a couple of potted trees on the other side would make it much more inviting. We have some artificial trees that we could use, but live would be better. We also do not carry outdoor furniture, so if you have access to anything like that, that would be great. Otherwise, I can see what I can do.”

“I can get the plants, no problem. I think I can get my hands on a small wrought iron café type table and two matching chairs. Would that work?”

“That would be perfect. Now let’s see what we have inside.”

They walked in and started going through the rooms. Angela took notes of what was in each room, the approximate dimensions, location of windows, and anything else she deemed pertinent. She noticed the fresh paint in several rooms, and did not see any holes or other obvious needed repairs. However, when she looked under the sink in one of the bathrooms, she noted the bottom board was wet and warped. She turned on the water noticed the faucet was leaking. She pointed it out to the realtor who made a note of it.

The owner had left cleaning supplies and some food in the cabinets, a number of plants and some small appliances. All of that would add to the lived in look. When they had gone through the entire first and second floors, they went to the basement. There was some old exercise equipment and a couch. The basement had a musty smell, but there was a very nice fireplace on one wall. The floor and walls were finished, but the walls were done in a rather dark paneling. Angela also discovered a window hidden behind a bookcase.

She told the realtor, the bookcase needed to be moved to open the window and let in some light. The window would probably also benefit from some simple curtains. To combat the musty smell and also to brighten the basement even more, she suggested painting the paneling an off white. Next, they went outside. There was a deck, but it was dingy looking. Angela said it at least needed a good power washing, possibly a new stain if needed and there was enough time. Even if they could not re-stain for the open house, it might be a good idea to do it anyway.

The realtor made all the notes and thanked Angela for getting there so quickly.

“I will make sure the things we discussed will be taken care of by Saturday morning. Do you know what time the truck with the other things will be here on Saturday?”

“No, but I will find out and call you. And I will be sure to be here before they arrive, so we can get started immediately. I know you are very short on time.”

“Before you leave, I was told that you are very good at giving blowjobs.

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My wife refuses to give them to me and it has been quite awhile since I have had a really good one. If you are as good as I was told, and you do well in this staging, I can see where the two of us, and the store could have many more collaborations.”

He pulled her over to the couch and laid her down so her head was hanging over the arm of the soda, then pulled out his dick. It was slender, but quite long already. He put it in her mouth and proceeded to fuck her with it, pushing it deep into her throat with each stroke. He gave her an instruction from time to time and told her to play with his balls. His head was thrown back and he was moaning as his cock got harder and harder. Finally after about ten minutes, she felt his hot sperm shoot down into her throat. She swallowed it as he ejaculated. Then he pulled it out and let it hang loose for a few minutes, until it got soft enough for him to tuck back into his pants. He left the basement without a word. Angela got up after a minute and left as well

Chapter 3

When Angela returned to the store, she reported to Lorraine’s office.

“I have finished at the house Mistress. The realtor and I discussed a number of things to be done before the furniture is delivered. The house had already been cleaned and painted, but I did recommend the basement paneling be painted as well. The basement smelled a little musty and was rather dark. I felt the paint would help both. There were some minor repairs as well.”

“Very good Angela. Do you have an idea of the furniture that will be needed?”

“Yes Mistress. None of the bedrooms had any furniture at all, except for one bed which had no linens on it at all. I feel we should set up two of the rooms as bedrooms and the third as an office or just as a sitting room. There is a loveseat and chair in the living room we could move into there, and if we added the bookcase from the basement, put a few books and decorative items, along with a TV on it, that would be perfect.”

“That sounds like it would work well. What else?

“If we use the loveseat and chair there, we need all the furniture for the living room, and dining room, but there was a small table and four chairs left in the kitchen. The table top was a bit nicked up, but a tablecloth and matching chair cushions will freshen that up. The basement has a very nice fireplace, and a couch that could be placed in front of it unless we use it in the living room. There is some exercise equipment, which could be set up in a corner or removed entirely. I’m not quite sure which way to go on that until I see what type of furniture I pick out.”

“So you are ready to walk through the store and pick out what you need?”

“Yes Mistress. I will do that as soon as we are done here. Mistress, do you know what time the truck will deliver the furniture on Saturday morning? I told the realtor I would find out and let him know.”

“I will arrange for the truck to be there by 8 am. The two men will remain to help with the furniture and I understand the realtor will also have a few people there to help.”

“I will let him know, Mistress. May I go select what is needed now?”

“Not just yet. The realtor called and told me he was very pleased with ALL your work and thought you earned some pleasure. Remove your skirt and nylons. I will give you two dozen strokes.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Angela did as she was told. She felt Lorraine’s hand rub her ass, then land the first blow. This coincided with a sharp jolt from the dildos in her ass and pussy, as well as the vibrator going off. The first blow was followed by eleven more.

“Are you getting excited?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Would you like to cum?”

“Very much Mistress.”

“Very well then. I will apply another dozen strokes, and you must cum by the time I am through. Oh, you may not touch yourself.”

“Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress.”

The shocks stopped, but the vibrator continued both inside her and against her clit. By the time three more strokes had been applied, she was at the edge. As the next stroke was applied, the orgasm hit her hard. Each of the remaining strokes initiated another spasm, until Lorraine stopped. Cum was dripping down her legs.

“Good girl. You may use my bathroom to clean yourself off and get dressed, but make it quick. Then go pick out what is needed and return here with the order when you are done, so I can make the arrangements. Do not put the order through as a sale, as this will be handled as a rental only.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Angela cleaned up and left the office. She was wondering how she would be paid for this. She had already been gone from the store for four hours and by the time she was through, would have lost an entire day of potential sales. She would be out of the store on Saturday, so that would be another day of no sales. And Lorraine had just said the furniture was not being sold. On top of that, she had missed work on Sunday, so was not even sure she would make her sales goals this week. It would take a lot of work on her part to hit her sales goal in the days she was scheduled to work, but she dared not ask and would just have to wait and see.

Angela went out and selected the furniture after calling the realtor to let him know what time the truck would arrive. She referred to her notes to make sure she had all the large pieces she would need. Then she went back and selected a number of accessories, a few additional small pieces of furniture, some books, paintings and a few other knick knacks. When she was satisfied that everything was covered, she wrote it up and took the order to Lorraine.

“Did you check to make sure everything was in stock?”

“Yes Mistress and I either pulled it off the floor, or put a hold on each item until you can finish the order. I would like to pick up a few things at a home store, like the stick-on hangers for the paintings, and a table cloth and cushions for the kitchen table and chairs, if that is ok. The realtor said he could scare up some towels for the bathrooms and linens for the bed that is there if we can supply linens with the bed for the other bedroom”

“Very well, just bring the receipt so you can be reimbursed. You may return to work now and finish out the day. The remainder of the week you will work your regular shifts, but your Saturday shift will be at the house. You will stay there until everything is completed. If you should finish early, you may have the rest of the day off and need not return here.”

“Thank you Mistress

Chapter 4

Angela returned to the floor and put on her name badge, but it was already late, and she made no sales. When it was time to leave, she punched out and headed home. When she arrived, she got her bag from the back seat and saw another bag which she took in as well. She said hi to Dawn and went to her room. When she looked in the second bag, there were several books on interior decorating as well as a notepad with handwritten notes that Lorraine had mentioned. Another folder contained diagrams of room layouts on graph paper, like the ones she had done for Carly. Angela put on some lounge clothes and went back out to the kitchen. She was aware of the larger plug in her ass, and hoped she would get used to it soon, as it was still uncomfortable. Dawn was pouring some wine into two glasses and asked Angela if she was hungry. Angela said she was and would love something to eat. She also went to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water. She drank one down immediately, then sipped at the other in between sips of wine.

“So, tell me all about the seminar. Did you learn all about interior decorating?”

“It was all pretty boring - color charts, how to lay out rooms. Mostly it was just sitting in classrooms listening to someone lecture, then doing assignments between classes. Bunch more stuff I brought home to study and learn.”

“Sounds really great! I am so glad you are doing well in this job and enjoying it so much.”

Angela had to keep the irony of that statement to herself. Dawn would never guess in a million years what part of her new job entailed, or what kind of training she had received that weekend. She could never tell her or anyone else about her secret life. But the one thing she now felt secure in was that Michael must love her. She was sure everything would be okay now. Her training was complete and now there would just be love. Or at least that is what she hoped for.

Angela went to work on Tuesday morning, and punched in, and went through the rest of her morning routine. The day went by uneventfully, but traffic was light. She only made one sale, but that was not bad when the top salesperson only made two sales. When her shift was over, she punched out and left. She had not seen Michael or Lorraine all day and did not even know if they were there.

The next two days went about the same, except the traffic was better on Wednesday, and Angela made a number of good sales.. Carly did stop in the store on Thursday to let her know that the realtor loved all the changes and felt confident that it would make the difference. She said she would keep Angela informed. Then she asked how she was doing. Angela said she was fine, then said she had to get back to work.

Carly left, but she had a feeling something big had happened. She could see a difference in Angela’s demeanor, and it was not for the better. She had seen the same thing in her friend. She found out later that she had been repeatedly used by all the senior members of the cult. The leader had told her it was part of the initiation and proof of her love for him and her loyalty to the ‘family’. After the men were through, the leader ‘married’ her. She later described her wedding night with him as wonderful, saying how gentle and loving he was that night.

Carly had been doing some additional research on the world of domination. She was fairly certain that Angela had been involved in some sort of intense training session that ended with her Master seeming to be kind and loving toward her. This would have sealed her loyalty to him. She would now be convinced that he loved her and that would make it almost impossible to get her out at this time. He might treat her well for a time, which would strengthen the bond to him even further

After her friend was ‘married’, the cult leader was good to her for a short time, then, the exploitation of her friend began again. It took a long time before she became disillusioned, but even then, getting her out was difficult and she was certain the case would be similar with Angela. Carly had no choice but to wait until something more happened before she could even begin trying to convince Angela to leave. In the meantime, she was determined to find out who her Master was. Perhaps if she found him, she could find some way to convince him to let Angela go instead.

Chapter 5

After Carly left, Angela returned to the floor and almost immediately got a customer. A recently divorced woman was looking for a new bed to replace the one her ex took. Angela showed her what they had available or could be ordered. She found one she really liked and since her ex had to pay for half of it, she went ahead and placed the order. It wasn’t a huge sale, but it would help, especially since Angela had missed a very busy day at the store on Monday.

That turned out to be her only sale of the day. Angela wondered what was going on. She had not seen Michael all week. And the only contact she had had with Lorraine other than the examination of her latest body art had been for business. And though she had maintained her place during those discussions, it had almost seemed as if it didn’t matter one way or another.

Nothing more had been said about the previous weekend, her training, what would happen next or anything else. But for the tattoos and her memories of the weekend, it was almost as if it hadn’t even happened. She finished out the day and left to go home. Thursday was pizza and movie night, so she stopped and picked up a movie and some beer. They ordered a pizza when she got home, then they sat and talked while waiting for it to arrive. But all these thoughts about what had been happening were racing through her mind and she barely even heard what Dawn was saying to her.

“You seem preoccupied Angela. Is something wrong? Did something go wrong at work?”

“I’m okay. Just thinking about this house I am staging on Saturday. I want to make sure I do a good job, so my ma, uh, boss is pleased with my work. Plus, I lost all day Sunday and most of Monday between the seminar and visiting the house. I only made one sale today because it was very slow. I will also miss any sales on Saturday. I am not sure how this will work as far meeting my weekly sales goal and for compensation. It is a little different from the other house I did, as we are not actually selling them anything, and nothing has been said. I am still in my probationary period, so it is important.”

“Surely, if they are the ones sending you out on these jobs, they are happy with your work. And they must also be taking your hours away from the store into account.”

“I hope so.”

“You should ask them.”

“I don’t want to do anything that might make Michael or Lorraine mad.”

“Well, it is a legitimate question and you should not be afraid to ask.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

After watching the movie and chatting a bit more with Dawn, Angela went to her room, where she removed the harness and the plug.. After taking her shower, she faced the task of replacing the plug, but found that with a bit of lube and one quick plop on the toilet it went in pretty easily. The smoothness of the metal seemed to help. She put the harness back on and went to bed. She had almost drifted off to sleep when her cell phone rang. She recognized the number and put the phone on speaker.


“Hello Angela. I have not spoken to you in awhile.”

“No Master. Have I done anything wrong?”

“I heard you have been out to another home and will be overseeing the staging on Saturday. I am pleased Lorraine has the confidence in you to allow you to do this.”

“Yes Master. Thank you Master. I only hope that my results will provide the additional business for the store as Mistress Lorraine suggested.”

“I’m sure you will do fine. You are a good little pet and seem to have learned your lessons well last weekend.”

Angela twitched when Michael said that. He was pleased with her. She was beginning to be aroused. In her mind, Angela was picturing Michael’s fingers in her, his cock in her mouth. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan.

“What are you thinking of my little slut? Are you imagining me fucking you?”

Angela reddened at how transparent she must be.

“Uhh, no Master. I am just pleased to hear from you.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Uhh, no Master. Sorry. Yes, I was thinking of you fucking me.”

“That’s better. You must never lie to me.”

“I won’t ever do it again Master.”

“Very good. I’m happy with your progress. Now I’m going to hang up, but I want to watch you for awhile. You may play with your tits, but you may not cum unless I decide to call you back and permit it.”

Suddenly, the vibrator started buzzing and Angela felt some very strong jolts in her pussy and ass. She could not imagine how he could be doing that over the phone, but it was driving her crazy. She could not control the wave rising within her, and she dared not remove the harness. If she came without permission or removed the harness, he would be very displeased. And both he and Lorraine had made it very clear that her asking for permission to cum had to stop…

To be continued…

Written by adele
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