Chapter 1
Regardless of whatever else would happen, Carly decided she needed to plan on how to get Angela out and when she could do it safely. She was still not sure she would be able to talk Angela into leaving voluntarily, and she could do nothing officially. She finally decided that she would enlist Dawn’s help with it when the time came. But it was going to have to wait until more investigation had been done, and hopefully they were able to file charges. There were still a lot of ifs. In the meantime, she would try and get everything in place. That meant talking to Dawn and putting in a call to the people that had gotten her friend away from the cult. Angela would be much easier to grab, but just as hard to deprogram. After calling them, she provided the background information they would need to get her, and what Angela was enduring so they would be prepared for her when the time came. She said they would be informed when they should grab her or if there was any change in her status. Carly was contemplating trying to contact her one more time and at least see how she is doing.
The surveillance van on the unit had been called off, and though the bug was still in place, it was not being monitored any longer. Her friend on the police department told her they were putting in an undercover officer and had set up a few surveillance cameras throughout the complex, one of which covered Angela’s unit. They were mainly watching for drug deals, but would also keep an eye on her as well. Carly decided she would try to catch Angela in the grocery store again. She doubted that she was still being followed, but she would watch for any signs of it before actually talking to her. Carly had a lot of personal time coming and decided to take some of it now.
Since George had indicated he had picked out some furniture, Angela had not bothered to look for anything. When her shift was up, she punched out, grabbed her things and left the store. She wondered what she would find when she got home. When she left, there was no group lingering outside. As she walked down the road, she still saw no one. As she entered the complex, she saw several groups of teens standing around, but as she walked by, no one bothered her or said a word. She got to her unit and unlocked her door. The first thing she noticed was that the air mattress was gone and in its place was a twin bed with a four poster frame. A strap with a cuff at the end was attached to each post.
On one side of the bed was a small night stand and a gaudy lamp. There was a different table and set of chairs in the kitchen and the old one was gone. Her TV and DVD player were on a small stand along with her DVDs. Along one wall was a love seat, floor lamp and an odd looking chair. The living room area was also partially covered with a red patterned rug. A small coffee table was on the rug in front of the love seat.
Chapter 2
Angela set her things down and was about to get undressed when there was a knock on the door. She looked out the peephole and saw that it was J from George’s office this morning.
“C’mon bitch, open the door!”
Angela hurried and opened the door. J stepped inside and was followed in by an old man who looked and smelled like he had not bathed in quite some time.
“George said you need to make some money to help pay for all this nice stuff he picked out for you, so I’m gonna do what I can to get you some business. I should be able to get you at least a couple of guys most nights, though those will probably be mostly a quick fuck or a blow job. On the weekends is when you should be able to make some better money. George says he has a lot of friends that love doing all the same things as you… rough stuff, ass fucking, gang bangs and such. And I know those boys that were here yesterday have been telling all their buddies, so that should bring you some biz as well. But don’t you worry none. I’ll never be far away, and I’ll take care of all the financials. Your bill will be paid off before you know it.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, old Henry here hasn’t had a blowjob in about three years. So why don’t you just go ahead and get his rocks off for him.”
“Yes, sir.”
J pointed Henry to the love seat. Angela followed him over and unzipped his fly and pulled his member out. It was small and wrinkled and she wasn’t sure she would even be able to get it hard, let alone get him to ejaculate. She started to get down on her knees, when J told her to just bend over. She did and he came up behind her, removed the harness and pulled out the plug from her ass, stuck two fingers inside her ass, then slid his cock into her cunt. He started pounding into her, forcing her mouth into Henry’s lap. Henry was finally starting to respond a little and she put a bit more energy into it. He was leaning back with his eyes closed and moaning. All of a sudden, he got a little harder and she felt a few weak squirts of jizz mixed with urine shoot into her mouth. She swallowed it when he was done, but stayed bent over as J was still fucking her. A few minutes later, she felt him pull out of her pussy and ejaculate on her ass cheeks.
“Okay old man, you got your rocks off. Go on home now.”
Henry got up and left, forgetting to zip up his zipper.
“Okay, I got a guy that will be here in about ten minutes. All he wants to do is piss on you and then jerk off on you. All you have to do is sit there. If you want, he will even do it while you are in the tub so you don’t have a mess to clean up. So go ahead and get yourself ready while I go get him.”
“Yes, sir.”
Angela got undressed and put her things away. When she went to hang up her suit, she saw there was a small dresser in the closet besides all the other furniture she had seen in the rest if the apartment. She quickly rinsed out her bra and blouse and hung them up in the closet for now. She had barely finished when the door opened and J walked in with another guy. She went into the bathroom and stepped into the tub, where she sat down. The guy followed her in while J went and sat down on the love seat and turned on the TV.
The guy undid his belt and zipper and let his pants fall to the floor. He moved in close to the tub and started urinating all over Angela including her face and head. When he told her to stick out her tongue, she did as she was told and he peed on that too. He must have been holding himself all day, or had a lot to drink before coming over, because it seemed like it would never end. When he finally finished, he started stroking his cock. After about ten minutes or so, he said he was cumming and for her to open her mouth again. He aimed at her mouth, but most of it ended up all over her face and hair. When he was done, he just pulled up his pants and left.
Angela heard the door close and J came into the bathroom.
“I got a guy that wants to get laid but there is no way he can get away from his old lady this time of the evening. He can stop over on his way to work in the morning though. He’s already paid up and should be here around 7. He’s pretty much a straight sex guy, just wants to stick his dick in a warm pussy. Shouldn’t take him more than fifteen minutes, so you should have no problem finishing up and getting to work on time. I’ll just lock the door on my way out.”
“Yes, sir.”
J left the apartment and Angela turned on the shower with the water turned as hot as she could stand. She scrubbed herself from head to toe and brushed her teeth while still in the shower. When she was done, she grabbed a towel and dried herself off, replaced the plug and harness, then went out into the kitchen. She opened the package with the two pork chops and pulled out one of the frying pans. She added a little margarine to the pan and seasoned the chops with some salt and pepper. While they were cooking, she opened a small can of peas and put them into the one pot to heat up, then made a small salad. When everything was ready, she took it into the living area and sat down on the love seat. The TV was still on, so she sat and watched the program J had been watching. When she was done, she took her dishes into the kitchen, washed everything and put it all away.
Chapter 3
Angela watched TV for awhile then put some sheets and the blanket on the bed, set her alarm, double checked the lock on the door and went to sleep. Just before 7 am, there was a knock on the door. Angela got up and let the guy J had mentioned in, then led him to the bed. She removed the harness, but left the plug in. He took his pants and shirt off, and climbed on top of her. It was several minutes before he got hard enough to get his dick inside her. He just stroked in and out of her for about five more minutes, then came inside her. When he was done, he asked her if she liked that, then got dressed and left without even waiting for an answer. She went in and took a quick shower, then made herself some breakfast. She figured she better start watching her money, at least until she saw how big her paychecks would be from this store once her deductions were taken out.
She also had no idea how much money these men were paying J or how much she would actually get once the furniture was paid off. She decided that other than food and a few supplies for the apartment, the other items on her list would have to wait. As long as she could keep her sheets clean and hand washed some of her lingerie, she might be able to limit her laundry to one load a week. One week dark clothes, and the next week, lights. Maybe she could find a small used cart or wagon at the resale shop to use to carry groceries and laundry.
Angela had also noticed buses going up and down the road. She made a note to check out the schedule and stops. When winter rolled around, or if it was raining badly, the option to take a bus might be nice even though it wasn’t that far. She would prove to Michael that she was learning; learning to trust and obey him without question; learning to take care of herself and budget her money; and learning to push her boundaries and expand her experiences and come to like them just as he and George had told her she would.
She cleaned up her dishes from breakfast, put the butt plug and harness back on, got dressed and headed to work. She would have a little time before she needed to get to work that she would use to check out the second hand store. Payday was on Friday, and would include her last week over at Eastwick, so she should be ok if she spent a few dollars there on a couple of things.
At the resale shop she was able to find a small fold up wire cart for $5, but nothing else. She still had a bit of time, so she stopped in at the dollar store where she picked up a set of towels for $3, a package of paper towels and one of toilet paper for a dollar each, as well as a small broom and dustpan combo for $2. She hurried to work and put the items in her locker. The wire cart did not fit in there, so she used the padlock to attach it to the locker handle. After setting up her workstation, she punched in and waited for customers.
The morning was fairly slow, but she managed to sell a few scratch and dent items. She was heading to lunch when she heard a page calling her to the office. The door was open and Bambi was not there, so she knocked then stepped in.
“Yes, Master?”
“I talked to J this morning. He told me you had a few customers last night and one this morning.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Well, he said dat a few comments were made about your lack of enthusiasm and a couple of da boys from the other day said da same thing. If you expect da word to get around and make some decent money, you betta get a little more lively and at least act like you are enjoyin’ yourself. Just because you are not permitted to orgasm doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you are doing. I guess Michael was right. Just when it looks like you have learned something, you go and prove you haven’t learned a thing. Right now, I just can’t justify spending any money on more body art or anything else and I doubt Michael will either. You are just going to have to stay half finished until I can decide what to do about it.”
“But… I mean, yes, Master.”
“Bambi called in sick today, and she usually does me in da mornin’, so I am pretty horny right now.
Regardless of whatever else would happen, Carly decided she needed to plan on how to get Angela out and when she could do it safely. She was still not sure she would be able to talk Angela into leaving voluntarily, and she could do nothing officially. She finally decided that she would enlist Dawn’s help with it when the time came. But it was going to have to wait until more investigation had been done, and hopefully they were able to file charges. There were still a lot of ifs. In the meantime, she would try and get everything in place. That meant talking to Dawn and putting in a call to the people that had gotten her friend away from the cult. Angela would be much easier to grab, but just as hard to deprogram. After calling them, she provided the background information they would need to get her, and what Angela was enduring so they would be prepared for her when the time came. She said they would be informed when they should grab her or if there was any change in her status. Carly was contemplating trying to contact her one more time and at least see how she is doing.
The surveillance van on the unit had been called off, and though the bug was still in place, it was not being monitored any longer. Her friend on the police department told her they were putting in an undercover officer and had set up a few surveillance cameras throughout the complex, one of which covered Angela’s unit. They were mainly watching for drug deals, but would also keep an eye on her as well. Carly decided she would try to catch Angela in the grocery store again. She doubted that she was still being followed, but she would watch for any signs of it before actually talking to her. Carly had a lot of personal time coming and decided to take some of it now.
Since George had indicated he had picked out some furniture, Angela had not bothered to look for anything. When her shift was up, she punched out, grabbed her things and left the store. She wondered what she would find when she got home. When she left, there was no group lingering outside. As she walked down the road, she still saw no one. As she entered the complex, she saw several groups of teens standing around, but as she walked by, no one bothered her or said a word. She got to her unit and unlocked her door. The first thing she noticed was that the air mattress was gone and in its place was a twin bed with a four poster frame. A strap with a cuff at the end was attached to each post.
On one side of the bed was a small night stand and a gaudy lamp. There was a different table and set of chairs in the kitchen and the old one was gone. Her TV and DVD player were on a small stand along with her DVDs. Along one wall was a love seat, floor lamp and an odd looking chair. The living room area was also partially covered with a red patterned rug. A small coffee table was on the rug in front of the love seat.
Chapter 2
Angela set her things down and was about to get undressed when there was a knock on the door. She looked out the peephole and saw that it was J from George’s office this morning.
“C’mon bitch, open the door!”
Angela hurried and opened the door. J stepped inside and was followed in by an old man who looked and smelled like he had not bathed in quite some time.
“George said you need to make some money to help pay for all this nice stuff he picked out for you, so I’m gonna do what I can to get you some business. I should be able to get you at least a couple of guys most nights, though those will probably be mostly a quick fuck or a blow job. On the weekends is when you should be able to make some better money. George says he has a lot of friends that love doing all the same things as you… rough stuff, ass fucking, gang bangs and such. And I know those boys that were here yesterday have been telling all their buddies, so that should bring you some biz as well. But don’t you worry none. I’ll never be far away, and I’ll take care of all the financials. Your bill will be paid off before you know it.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, old Henry here hasn’t had a blowjob in about three years. So why don’t you just go ahead and get his rocks off for him.”
“Yes, sir.”
J pointed Henry to the love seat. Angela followed him over and unzipped his fly and pulled his member out. It was small and wrinkled and she wasn’t sure she would even be able to get it hard, let alone get him to ejaculate. She started to get down on her knees, when J told her to just bend over. She did and he came up behind her, removed the harness and pulled out the plug from her ass, stuck two fingers inside her ass, then slid his cock into her cunt. He started pounding into her, forcing her mouth into Henry’s lap. Henry was finally starting to respond a little and she put a bit more energy into it. He was leaning back with his eyes closed and moaning. All of a sudden, he got a little harder and she felt a few weak squirts of jizz mixed with urine shoot into her mouth. She swallowed it when he was done, but stayed bent over as J was still fucking her. A few minutes later, she felt him pull out of her pussy and ejaculate on her ass cheeks.
“Okay old man, you got your rocks off. Go on home now.”
Henry got up and left, forgetting to zip up his zipper.
“Okay, I got a guy that will be here in about ten minutes. All he wants to do is piss on you and then jerk off on you. All you have to do is sit there. If you want, he will even do it while you are in the tub so you don’t have a mess to clean up. So go ahead and get yourself ready while I go get him.”
“Yes, sir.”
Angela got undressed and put her things away. When she went to hang up her suit, she saw there was a small dresser in the closet besides all the other furniture she had seen in the rest if the apartment. She quickly rinsed out her bra and blouse and hung them up in the closet for now. She had barely finished when the door opened and J walked in with another guy. She went into the bathroom and stepped into the tub, where she sat down. The guy followed her in while J went and sat down on the love seat and turned on the TV.
The guy undid his belt and zipper and let his pants fall to the floor. He moved in close to the tub and started urinating all over Angela including her face and head. When he told her to stick out her tongue, she did as she was told and he peed on that too. He must have been holding himself all day, or had a lot to drink before coming over, because it seemed like it would never end. When he finally finished, he started stroking his cock. After about ten minutes or so, he said he was cumming and for her to open her mouth again. He aimed at her mouth, but most of it ended up all over her face and hair. When he was done, he just pulled up his pants and left.
Angela heard the door close and J came into the bathroom.
“I got a guy that wants to get laid but there is no way he can get away from his old lady this time of the evening. He can stop over on his way to work in the morning though. He’s already paid up and should be here around 7. He’s pretty much a straight sex guy, just wants to stick his dick in a warm pussy. Shouldn’t take him more than fifteen minutes, so you should have no problem finishing up and getting to work on time. I’ll just lock the door on my way out.”
“Yes, sir.”
J left the apartment and Angela turned on the shower with the water turned as hot as she could stand. She scrubbed herself from head to toe and brushed her teeth while still in the shower. When she was done, she grabbed a towel and dried herself off, replaced the plug and harness, then went out into the kitchen. She opened the package with the two pork chops and pulled out one of the frying pans. She added a little margarine to the pan and seasoned the chops with some salt and pepper. While they were cooking, she opened a small can of peas and put them into the one pot to heat up, then made a small salad. When everything was ready, she took it into the living area and sat down on the love seat. The TV was still on, so she sat and watched the program J had been watching. When she was done, she took her dishes into the kitchen, washed everything and put it all away.
Chapter 3
Angela watched TV for awhile then put some sheets and the blanket on the bed, set her alarm, double checked the lock on the door and went to sleep. Just before 7 am, there was a knock on the door. Angela got up and let the guy J had mentioned in, then led him to the bed. She removed the harness, but left the plug in. He took his pants and shirt off, and climbed on top of her. It was several minutes before he got hard enough to get his dick inside her. He just stroked in and out of her for about five more minutes, then came inside her. When he was done, he asked her if she liked that, then got dressed and left without even waiting for an answer. She went in and took a quick shower, then made herself some breakfast. She figured she better start watching her money, at least until she saw how big her paychecks would be from this store once her deductions were taken out.
She also had no idea how much money these men were paying J or how much she would actually get once the furniture was paid off. She decided that other than food and a few supplies for the apartment, the other items on her list would have to wait. As long as she could keep her sheets clean and hand washed some of her lingerie, she might be able to limit her laundry to one load a week. One week dark clothes, and the next week, lights. Maybe she could find a small used cart or wagon at the resale shop to use to carry groceries and laundry.
Angela had also noticed buses going up and down the road. She made a note to check out the schedule and stops. When winter rolled around, or if it was raining badly, the option to take a bus might be nice even though it wasn’t that far. She would prove to Michael that she was learning; learning to trust and obey him without question; learning to take care of herself and budget her money; and learning to push her boundaries and expand her experiences and come to like them just as he and George had told her she would.
She cleaned up her dishes from breakfast, put the butt plug and harness back on, got dressed and headed to work. She would have a little time before she needed to get to work that she would use to check out the second hand store. Payday was on Friday, and would include her last week over at Eastwick, so she should be ok if she spent a few dollars there on a couple of things.
At the resale shop she was able to find a small fold up wire cart for $5, but nothing else. She still had a bit of time, so she stopped in at the dollar store where she picked up a set of towels for $3, a package of paper towels and one of toilet paper for a dollar each, as well as a small broom and dustpan combo for $2. She hurried to work and put the items in her locker. The wire cart did not fit in there, so she used the padlock to attach it to the locker handle. After setting up her workstation, she punched in and waited for customers.
The morning was fairly slow, but she managed to sell a few scratch and dent items. She was heading to lunch when she heard a page calling her to the office. The door was open and Bambi was not there, so she knocked then stepped in.
“Yes, Master?”
“I talked to J this morning. He told me you had a few customers last night and one this morning.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Well, he said dat a few comments were made about your lack of enthusiasm and a couple of da boys from the other day said da same thing. If you expect da word to get around and make some decent money, you betta get a little more lively and at least act like you are enjoyin’ yourself. Just because you are not permitted to orgasm doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you are doing. I guess Michael was right. Just when it looks like you have learned something, you go and prove you haven’t learned a thing. Right now, I just can’t justify spending any money on more body art or anything else and I doubt Michael will either. You are just going to have to stay half finished until I can decide what to do about it.”
“But… I mean, yes, Master.”
“Bambi called in sick today, and she usually does me in da mornin’, so I am pretty horny right now.

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I’ve had a hard on all morning, and know just where to stick my big fat dick to make it feel better. Set your ass up on dis windowsill and pull up your skirt and take dat harness off. In fact, I think we can do away with that harness and plug from now on; der jus’ gonna get in da way. And let’s see if you can’t look like yer enjoyin’ it”
Angela did as she was told. The sill was not very wide and she found her back pressed against the window to the outer office where Bambi normally sat. The curtains parted a bit so anyone right outside might be able to get a view of what was happening. George unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. He stepped in between Angela’s legs and pushed them up over his shoulders, then pushed his cock into her pussy and pounded into her, banging her against the window with each thrust. She did her best, bucking and arching her hips into his, even letting a few moans escape. The problem was, some of the actions were actually exciting her and she had to concentrate on not cumming. George fucked her for about ten minutes before grunting and shooting his load into her. As soon as he was done, he pulled out of her and stepped back. He pulled up his pants and sat down at his desk.
“Dat was a bit betta. Now if you can just do dat with your customers, you will do ok. Now get your ass back on da floor.”
“Yes, Master.”
When she walked out of the office, it occurred to her that this whole experience she was being allowed to have really was just one more step in teaching her control. George was correct. She should be able to enjoy it and still control her body and not have an orgasm. Angela slipped into the restroom and cleaned up the cum from her legs then wolfed down her lunch and returned to the floor. Business picked up a bit in the afternoon, but she still only had $400 in total sales by her quitting time. She punched out, gathered up her purchases and headed back to the apartment.
Chapter 4
When she arrived at her apartment, J was waiting for her with a couple of young looking boys.
“These here are the Johnson twins and they are turning eighteen in a few weeks. Their buddies are gonna throw them a party and they don’t want anyone to know that they are virgins. So you go on and give them the works. I’ll be back in an hour with another customer.”
“Yes, sir."
The twins came in and first she unzipped both their flys and pulled out their cocks. They both got hard almost immediately.
“Slow down boys, we have plenty of time.”
Angela stroked them both gently then moved her head back and forth between the two of them. When she felt like one was ready to cum, she stopped and pinched the head of his cock slightly, while moving her mouth to the other twin. She kept this up for a bit, then told them both to get undressed while she stripped as well. She led them to the bed and pushed one of them down, then mounted his cock. She told the other twin to come up behind her and put his cock in her too. She expected him to fuck her ass, but instead he slipped into her pussy as well. Both boys fucked her that way for a little bit, then the second twin asked if he could fuck her ass. She told him he could, so he pulled out and pushed his cock into her.
She was bouncing up and down on the first twin's cock and the other boy was moving in and out of her ass. She was feeling some pleasure and automatically responding, but never felt like she was going to cum. After a few more minutes, both boys came inside her. She got off the bed and thanked them both for such a lovely experience, telling them they were both very good. They got dressed and left beaming.
Angela looked and saw she had about thirty minutes until J returned with another customer. It wasn’t enough time for dinner, but she did pull a TV dinner for the freezer and stick it in the fridge. She hung up her clothes, rinsed out her bra and blouse, and cleaned herself up. She drank some water, turned on the oven to preheat it and sat down to wait. About ten minutes later, J knocked on the door.
“Come in, sir.”
J walked in with two older men. At least these two looked a little cleaner than the other old guy.
“Two blowjobs.”
J left the unit and both guys immediately unzipped and pulled their dicks from their pants. They walked over to where Angela was sitting and stood close in front of here. She took each cock into a hand and moved her mouth back and forth between the two of them, sliding her mouth up and down their shafts. Neither one of them was very large, so she had no problem taking them all in. When the first one showed signs of cumming, she sucked his balls inside her mouth. He moaned loudly and shot his wad into her mouth. She swallowed it all and licked him a bit more before switching to the second man. She barely got him inside her mouth when he came as well. They thanked her, zipped themselves up and left.
Angela locked the door, stuck the dinner in the oven and took a shower. When she came out, she made a small salad while she waited for the dinner to finish cooking. She made a mental note to pick up a bottle or two of wine, or possibly one of those four packs of individual bottles. It would remind her of the evenings she and Dawn sat around sharing a bottle of wine. When the frozen dinner was done, she removed it from the oven and ate it while watching TV. Since J had not said anything about bringing someone around in the morning, and George had not said anything about coming in early, she picked out an outfit for tomorrow, set her alarm for 8:30 and went to bed.
The alarm had not yet gone off when Angela woke up. She looked and saw that it was almost 8:30, so she went ahead and got up. She decided to make herself a cheesy omelet and some toast. She thought of the trip to the grocery store that first day. If Carly had not been there, she would have somehow have had to find the time for a second trip. She had been in such a daze, she was sure that she would have had very little actual food. She was unsure what she had put in the basket and what Carly had, but was pretty sure it was mostly Carly. It suddenly occurred to her that Carly had paid for all of it as well. She was going to have to find a way to get the money back to her. She thought she still remembered the old address, so if she sent it there, it should get forwarded to her new place.
Chapter 5
Angela was looking forward to getting her paycheck and maybe doing some shopping after work. She was not scheduled to work tomorrow though, so if she couldn’t do it tonight, she could do it tomorrow. She ate her breakfast, packed a lunch and got ready to leave. She had put the cart near the front door so she wouldn’t forget it. Just as she opened the door, J walked up followed by a guy who looked to be in his early thirties.
“Hey babe, sorry for the late notice, but Tom here is in sore need of a good fuck. His wife is like nine and a half months pregnant and he hasn’t gotten any in a coupla months now.”
“Yes, sir, but I will be late for work if I do this now.”
“Not to worry. Do this guy and I’ll drive you there.
“Ok, sir.”
Angela went back inside followed by Tom and J. She removed her clothing and headed for the bed, but J pointed to the love seat and told her to bend down over the arm. She climbed on the seat and did as she was told. Tom walked up behind her and started slapping her ass. Each blow stung as it landed.
“I know how much you like that and it has been quite awhile since you have had a good spanking, so when I was talking to Tom and he mentioned how much he likes spanking too, I figured it was a match made in heaven.”
“Yes, sir.”
She could feel his cock pressing against her through his pants as he kept spanking her. She was sure her ass was quite red, but her pussy was also beginning to twitch. About the time, J crawled onto the love seat in front of her, unzipped his pants, grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth. He used his hands to force her mouth up and down on his shaft. Pretty soon, he pushed her head down and let loose deep in her throat. She swallowed as he pulled out. Tom was still spanking her and she finally gave J a plaintive look.
“C’mon Tom, let’s move it along. Little slut here has to get to her day job.”
Tom pulled his pants down and entered her pussy. He was very hard already and within five strokes, he let loose inside her. He gave her a few more slaps on her ass, then pulled out, got his pants back on and left. Angela would have loved to go wash up a bit before leaving, but it was nearly 10 already. She settled for a quick wipe with a wet paper towel and a swig of water. J had told her to be waiting outside in two minutes while he got his car. She was there when he pulled up. She hopped in the car and he dropped her off at the employee entrance three minutes later.
She rushed in to put her stuff in her locker and get a workstation set up. She bypassed getting the extra forms she usually put in her basket as a decoy, and just took her clipboard from her locker and grabbed a few pens. She really wanted to use the restroom, but she was already late punching in to work. It was 10:10 when she finally did. George was standing at his window, looking at his watch and Angela half expected him to wave her into his office, but he just turned away. She made her way to the front of the store and waited for the next customer to come in the door.
It was quite busy and it was two hours before she finally had a chance to run to the bathroom. Angela wet a few towels and grabbed a few dry ones and went into a stall. She cleaned herself up a bit more, finding some cum that had dribbled down her leg. She went back out and immediately got another customer. All but one of the people she had waited on so far made a purchase, and her sales today were her best morning so far. Maybe if George saw she was doing well, he wouldn’t be as upset about her being late.
Angela finally had a chance to take her lunch around 3 pm. When she went through the outer office, Bambi called her over and handed her a pay envelope. Angela went to the lunchroom and got her lunch, sat down and opened her check. This was her first check that only reflected pay from this store. She almost passed out when she saw it. Her commission percentage had been dropped to a lower amount. When she saw that the total for the furniture George had picked out for her came to $2200 and the interest rate she was being charged was the same as the store financing charged the regular customers, she almost started crying.
By the time all the taxes and other deductions were taken out, plus a payment toward the furniture, and after setting aside $250 toward the rent, she was left with almost nothing. She would barely have enough to get food to make it till next paycheck, and certainly nothing for any extras. Perhaps she could approach George about getting at least a part of whatever money J was collecting from the men she saw. When her quitting time arrived, she was heading to her locker when she was paged to the office.
“Just what is your excuse for being almost thirty minutes late today?”
“Master, sir came by as I was walking out the door with a man for me to please. It must have taken longer than sir anticipated, but as soon as the man was done, sir gave me a ride over here. And I punched in at 10:10, so I was only ten minutes late.”
“Are you disputing what I say? You are to be here at 9:45 to get setup. Now I can forgive the lateness due to the circumstances, but your insolence is another story. I knew your pay check was quite small, and I was going to offer you the chance to work some extra hours next week. However, I have changed my mind about that now. As far as this weekend goes, Michael said he has several clients and some friends in town this weekend and has requested you be available for them. I know you were scheduled to work on Sunday, but he is the big boss, so I will see you on Monday.”
“Yes, master.”
Angela could hardly contain her excitement as she walked home. Michael had asked for her!! He was coming to see her! He did still love her! Whatever else had happened, nothing could make her happiness stop.
To be continued…
Angela did as she was told. The sill was not very wide and she found her back pressed against the window to the outer office where Bambi normally sat. The curtains parted a bit so anyone right outside might be able to get a view of what was happening. George unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. He stepped in between Angela’s legs and pushed them up over his shoulders, then pushed his cock into her pussy and pounded into her, banging her against the window with each thrust. She did her best, bucking and arching her hips into his, even letting a few moans escape. The problem was, some of the actions were actually exciting her and she had to concentrate on not cumming. George fucked her for about ten minutes before grunting and shooting his load into her. As soon as he was done, he pulled out of her and stepped back. He pulled up his pants and sat down at his desk.
“Dat was a bit betta. Now if you can just do dat with your customers, you will do ok. Now get your ass back on da floor.”
“Yes, Master.”
When she walked out of the office, it occurred to her that this whole experience she was being allowed to have really was just one more step in teaching her control. George was correct. She should be able to enjoy it and still control her body and not have an orgasm. Angela slipped into the restroom and cleaned up the cum from her legs then wolfed down her lunch and returned to the floor. Business picked up a bit in the afternoon, but she still only had $400 in total sales by her quitting time. She punched out, gathered up her purchases and headed back to the apartment.
Chapter 4
When she arrived at her apartment, J was waiting for her with a couple of young looking boys.
“These here are the Johnson twins and they are turning eighteen in a few weeks. Their buddies are gonna throw them a party and they don’t want anyone to know that they are virgins. So you go on and give them the works. I’ll be back in an hour with another customer.”
“Yes, sir."
The twins came in and first she unzipped both their flys and pulled out their cocks. They both got hard almost immediately.
“Slow down boys, we have plenty of time.”
Angela stroked them both gently then moved her head back and forth between the two of them. When she felt like one was ready to cum, she stopped and pinched the head of his cock slightly, while moving her mouth to the other twin. She kept this up for a bit, then told them both to get undressed while she stripped as well. She led them to the bed and pushed one of them down, then mounted his cock. She told the other twin to come up behind her and put his cock in her too. She expected him to fuck her ass, but instead he slipped into her pussy as well. Both boys fucked her that way for a little bit, then the second twin asked if he could fuck her ass. She told him he could, so he pulled out and pushed his cock into her.
She was bouncing up and down on the first twin's cock and the other boy was moving in and out of her ass. She was feeling some pleasure and automatically responding, but never felt like she was going to cum. After a few more minutes, both boys came inside her. She got off the bed and thanked them both for such a lovely experience, telling them they were both very good. They got dressed and left beaming.
Angela looked and saw she had about thirty minutes until J returned with another customer. It wasn’t enough time for dinner, but she did pull a TV dinner for the freezer and stick it in the fridge. She hung up her clothes, rinsed out her bra and blouse, and cleaned herself up. She drank some water, turned on the oven to preheat it and sat down to wait. About ten minutes later, J knocked on the door.
“Come in, sir.”
J walked in with two older men. At least these two looked a little cleaner than the other old guy.
“Two blowjobs.”
J left the unit and both guys immediately unzipped and pulled their dicks from their pants. They walked over to where Angela was sitting and stood close in front of here. She took each cock into a hand and moved her mouth back and forth between the two of them, sliding her mouth up and down their shafts. Neither one of them was very large, so she had no problem taking them all in. When the first one showed signs of cumming, she sucked his balls inside her mouth. He moaned loudly and shot his wad into her mouth. She swallowed it all and licked him a bit more before switching to the second man. She barely got him inside her mouth when he came as well. They thanked her, zipped themselves up and left.
Angela locked the door, stuck the dinner in the oven and took a shower. When she came out, she made a small salad while she waited for the dinner to finish cooking. She made a mental note to pick up a bottle or two of wine, or possibly one of those four packs of individual bottles. It would remind her of the evenings she and Dawn sat around sharing a bottle of wine. When the frozen dinner was done, she removed it from the oven and ate it while watching TV. Since J had not said anything about bringing someone around in the morning, and George had not said anything about coming in early, she picked out an outfit for tomorrow, set her alarm for 8:30 and went to bed.
The alarm had not yet gone off when Angela woke up. She looked and saw that it was almost 8:30, so she went ahead and got up. She decided to make herself a cheesy omelet and some toast. She thought of the trip to the grocery store that first day. If Carly had not been there, she would have somehow have had to find the time for a second trip. She had been in such a daze, she was sure that she would have had very little actual food. She was unsure what she had put in the basket and what Carly had, but was pretty sure it was mostly Carly. It suddenly occurred to her that Carly had paid for all of it as well. She was going to have to find a way to get the money back to her. She thought she still remembered the old address, so if she sent it there, it should get forwarded to her new place.
Chapter 5
Angela was looking forward to getting her paycheck and maybe doing some shopping after work. She was not scheduled to work tomorrow though, so if she couldn’t do it tonight, she could do it tomorrow. She ate her breakfast, packed a lunch and got ready to leave. She had put the cart near the front door so she wouldn’t forget it. Just as she opened the door, J walked up followed by a guy who looked to be in his early thirties.
“Hey babe, sorry for the late notice, but Tom here is in sore need of a good fuck. His wife is like nine and a half months pregnant and he hasn’t gotten any in a coupla months now.”
“Yes, sir, but I will be late for work if I do this now.”
“Not to worry. Do this guy and I’ll drive you there.
“Ok, sir.”
Angela went back inside followed by Tom and J. She removed her clothing and headed for the bed, but J pointed to the love seat and told her to bend down over the arm. She climbed on the seat and did as she was told. Tom walked up behind her and started slapping her ass. Each blow stung as it landed.
“I know how much you like that and it has been quite awhile since you have had a good spanking, so when I was talking to Tom and he mentioned how much he likes spanking too, I figured it was a match made in heaven.”
“Yes, sir.”
She could feel his cock pressing against her through his pants as he kept spanking her. She was sure her ass was quite red, but her pussy was also beginning to twitch. About the time, J crawled onto the love seat in front of her, unzipped his pants, grabbed her by the hair and shoved his cock in her mouth. He used his hands to force her mouth up and down on his shaft. Pretty soon, he pushed her head down and let loose deep in her throat. She swallowed as he pulled out. Tom was still spanking her and she finally gave J a plaintive look.
“C’mon Tom, let’s move it along. Little slut here has to get to her day job.”
Tom pulled his pants down and entered her pussy. He was very hard already and within five strokes, he let loose inside her. He gave her a few more slaps on her ass, then pulled out, got his pants back on and left. Angela would have loved to go wash up a bit before leaving, but it was nearly 10 already. She settled for a quick wipe with a wet paper towel and a swig of water. J had told her to be waiting outside in two minutes while he got his car. She was there when he pulled up. She hopped in the car and he dropped her off at the employee entrance three minutes later.
She rushed in to put her stuff in her locker and get a workstation set up. She bypassed getting the extra forms she usually put in her basket as a decoy, and just took her clipboard from her locker and grabbed a few pens. She really wanted to use the restroom, but she was already late punching in to work. It was 10:10 when she finally did. George was standing at his window, looking at his watch and Angela half expected him to wave her into his office, but he just turned away. She made her way to the front of the store and waited for the next customer to come in the door.
It was quite busy and it was two hours before she finally had a chance to run to the bathroom. Angela wet a few towels and grabbed a few dry ones and went into a stall. She cleaned herself up a bit more, finding some cum that had dribbled down her leg. She went back out and immediately got another customer. All but one of the people she had waited on so far made a purchase, and her sales today were her best morning so far. Maybe if George saw she was doing well, he wouldn’t be as upset about her being late.
Angela finally had a chance to take her lunch around 3 pm. When she went through the outer office, Bambi called her over and handed her a pay envelope. Angela went to the lunchroom and got her lunch, sat down and opened her check. This was her first check that only reflected pay from this store. She almost passed out when she saw it. Her commission percentage had been dropped to a lower amount. When she saw that the total for the furniture George had picked out for her came to $2200 and the interest rate she was being charged was the same as the store financing charged the regular customers, she almost started crying.
By the time all the taxes and other deductions were taken out, plus a payment toward the furniture, and after setting aside $250 toward the rent, she was left with almost nothing. She would barely have enough to get food to make it till next paycheck, and certainly nothing for any extras. Perhaps she could approach George about getting at least a part of whatever money J was collecting from the men she saw. When her quitting time arrived, she was heading to her locker when she was paged to the office.
“Just what is your excuse for being almost thirty minutes late today?”
“Master, sir came by as I was walking out the door with a man for me to please. It must have taken longer than sir anticipated, but as soon as the man was done, sir gave me a ride over here. And I punched in at 10:10, so I was only ten minutes late.”
“Are you disputing what I say? You are to be here at 9:45 to get setup. Now I can forgive the lateness due to the circumstances, but your insolence is another story. I knew your pay check was quite small, and I was going to offer you the chance to work some extra hours next week. However, I have changed my mind about that now. As far as this weekend goes, Michael said he has several clients and some friends in town this weekend and has requested you be available for them. I know you were scheduled to work on Sunday, but he is the big boss, so I will see you on Monday.”
“Yes, master.”
Angela could hardly contain her excitement as she walked home. Michael had asked for her!! He was coming to see her! He did still love her! Whatever else had happened, nothing could make her happiness stop.
To be continued…