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3 - She Wants a Real Spanking

“No, not like before,” she interrupted, “This would be different!”

“Different, how?” I asked, more than a little suspicious, given her history.

“You know I enjoyed our spanking sessions, don’t you?”

“I liked to think so, but I was never entirely sure.”

“Yeah, cuz you were paying me, right?” she replied, disappointed.

“Um, yeah. And you only tolerated getting spanked because of that, right? I mean, remember when I gave you that birthday spanking? What was it, twenty-seven spanks? And you were in tears! I felt so bad!”

“Actually, I kinda wished you would have kept spanking me. I’ve learned that I like to get spanked even though I cry!” I didn’t know what to say, so I was silent, and she continued, “Yeah, I like real spankings now, but I cry!”

“You mean back then you would have liked …”

“No, but I’ve since had a few really good spankings and liked it! That’s why I thought of you. You were always so nice to me even though you were, as you said, ‘paying me.’ And I liked spanking you and toying with your bottom, and I loved what you did to me, even if it was just your fingers! So, I thought it would be fun to get together again and do spankings and a bunch of things we couldn’t do before, you know? No money, no time limit, just sexy spanking and, other stuff!”

“Okay. I’d like that too, Taylor. When?” I asked, wondering if she’d have to find someplace to do it like before.

“How about Thursday night?” she asked, proposing just a few days away.

“That’s good for me. Where will we …” I started anticipating having to wait for a location.

“You can come to my apartment, okay? It’s in about the same area we used to meet in.”

“Works for me,” I said, liking how this was going more and more.

“Good! Nine o’clock? I’ll text you the address.”

“I’m looking forward to it!” I said honestly.

“So am I! See you on Thursday!” she said and hung up.

Thursday arrived, and I found myself sitting in the parking lot of a modest but well-kept apartment complex. The degree to which she had gotten her act together was still unknown, and I was somewhat skeptical, but each step seemed to show an improved lifestyle.

Having arrived early, I waited until nine before heading up to her apartment and knocking on the door right on time. Seeing her upon opening it, I was immediately taken by her appearance differently than before.

Taylor had always been dressed very casually and often didn’t look like she’d put any thought at all into what she wore or how she wore it. Her hair similarly looked like an afterthought, but the overall look was endearing, like a girl next door who’d just woken up.

The woman who stood before me now was not that girl. Her pretty face was made more so with a light application of make-up, while her sometimes stringy hair beautifully framed that face with waves and blonde highlights. Dressed in very tight jeans and a light sweater, with broad horizontal stripes accentuating her proud stance, she was no longer that girl selling her services.

“Hi, Mark!” she finally said with a smile as she interrupted my reverie, enjoying her effect on me just standing there looking.

“Wow! Taylor! You look great!” I said enthusiastically and, at the same time, wondered if I made too big a deal of it, drawing too much of a contrast to her prior appearance.

“Thank you! Come in!” she said, stepping aside to allow my entrance. Closing the door and leaning against it, she proudly displayed her new look. “You like?” she asked as if there was still some doubt.

“Yes! I like!” I replied, holding my arms out, her still slim body filling them quickly.

“Thank you again!” she said, kissing me lightly but genuinely. “Come! Sit!” she said, indicating the sofa in a small but cozy living room. “Would you like some wine?” she asked as she went to the kitchen.

“Yes, red if you have it,” I answered, sitting on one end of the sofa. She returned a minute or two later with two glasses, red and white.

“To old friends,” she toasted, offering her glass for the light clink.

“To friends,” I shortened it, and we touched glasses before sipping. “So, I can see things have really turned around for you. Want to tell me about it?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“I would, but maybe later?” she said, moving close to me on the couch for a kiss, our lips touching tentatively, then passionately. Separating but leaving her hand on my cheek, she added, “I thought maybe we could do one of us and then go out for a drink. I’ll tell you about it, and then we come back here for the other?”

“Okay. I’ve had some very naughty thoughts about you and your body!” I confessed, using the same excuse as before to earn my punishment.

“Mmm, I can’t wait to hear them!” she said as she stood up. Standing to face her, we placed our hands on each other’s bodies as we had many times before, a prelude to undressing each other. “But I’m the one whose been naughty! You were always so nice to me, and I treated you so poorly!”

“How?” I asked, truly surprised by this revelation.

“Seeing you in all those sketchy locations, dressing poorly and complaining about my life! I’m the one who deserves a spanking! Give me a good one, Mark!” I suspected these were partly real feelings but also excuses to get spanked. I decided to play along.

“Much of it was out of your control, Taylor, but I suppose you could have done more to minimize those aspects of our meetings,” I said, unsure what to call our sessions. “So, as it may help you to maintain your current behavior, you should get a spanking,” I said as I held her chin in my left hand and gave her butt a good smack with my right.

“Yes, sir!” she said, reacting to the smack, “put me over your knee with my pants down and spank me!” She let a small smile escape her contrite look. Testing whether she wanted and could take more than before, I turned her sideways, bent her slightly forward, and spanked her jeans-covered bottom at least a dozen times. With little response to this attack, I felt comfortable that she’d be able to take more, but how much more was still unclear.

“Let’s get these pants down,” I said as I sat on the sofa, pulled her in front of me, and opened the front of her jeans. I smiled when I saw her tight white cotton panties come into view as I struggled with getting the tight pants over her hips.

“Do you like my panties?” she asked, hoping I’d recognize the panties I’d once suggested she wear for her spanking instead of the tiny bikinis and thongs she usually wore. I like such panties, but in Taylor’s case, they were also intended to protect her bottom a little more, hoping she could take more spanking with them. She had admitted that they were more comfortable, though not very sexy to anyone except me, but she’d only worn them twice and then had to admit she’d lost them, a casualty of her chaotic life.

“Yes, I do. I’m glad to see you wearing proper panties for a naughty girl to be spanked in!” I said as her jeans hit the floor, and she stepped out of them. Patting my thigh, I directed her over my lap. She bent into position on my knees and wiggled around a bit to get comfortable with her torso on the sofa next to me and her feet on the floor.

I smoothed out her panties after they ended up askew from dragging her tight pants over them, making sure they hugged every curve and crevice of her delicious bottom. Satisfied with her panties, my hands rubbed and explored her beautiful buns, but then held her in place around her waist as I began spanking her covered bottom.

An occasional ‘ow’ or moan escaped her lips, but I could see she was enjoying it. As usual, the pace and intensity gradually ramped up, which she noticed but absorbed easily, especially with her panties still offering some insulation from my punishing hand.

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“Ohh, it’s starting to hurt, sir!” she said with a smile, making sure I knew she was only playing her role.

“It will hurt even more when I take your panties down, young lady! Which I think we’ll do right now!” I said, giving her a few good hard smacks on each cheek. Slipping my fingers into the waist, I began pulling them down, getting an appreciative groan as they scraped across the peak of her pink bottom.

“I’m sorry, sir! I deserve to be spanked on my bare bottom!”

I left her panties just above her knees with the round, squishy bottom I remembered in full view, and my hands couldn’t resist exploring their softness. A bit of squirming and spreading her legs invited my fingers to explore previously unseen parts. The warmth in her bottom extended between her legs, where the humidity rivaled a hot summer day in Florida. In the past, because all I could do was finger her, I enjoyed watching my fingers slide through her slit and into her vagina, and I did again now. After some wiggling on my lap, she’d kicked her panties off and spread her legs even more with audible approval of my finger’s efforts.

Leaving my left hand firmly holding her near cheek, I lifted my right and brought it down with a firm spank on the other. Her body jerked in response but quickly pushed her bottom up, inviting another, which became many more as I spanked her bouncing bottom in earnest. Well beyond the point where before she would have been crying and getting off my lap, I spanked her harder than ever for close to five straight minutes.

“Oh, sir!” she complained when I paused and reached back with one hand to rub her bottom. “My poor bottom really stings! I hope you’re not going to use that big, round paddle on my sore bottom!” she whined, making sure that I would do just that, referring to that Smash ball paddle she’d used on me so many times.

“Oh? Don’t you think you deserve to be paddled?” I asked as I spanked harder and faster than before.

“Ow-ow-ow! It’s up to you, sir, to decide if I should be paddled!” she cried just as I finished spanking.

“That’s right, young lady! And … you … are … going … to … get … paddled!” I said with a spank, emphasizing each word. “Now, get up and bend over the end of the sofa!”

“Yes, sir!” she said as she slid back onto her knees and stood up with her hand furiously rubbing her red bottom. She walked to the sofa’s end and turned to bend over but stopped to tease me by rubbing her bottom with a pretend pout and showing me her smoothly shaved pussy for the first time tonight, knowing how much I like her tight cameltoe.

I got up and moved to stand behind her running my hands down the sides of her body to her sore bottom and then back up to her small tits, squeezing them hard. Grasping the hem of her sweater, I pulled it up and off, placed my hands back on her now bare tits, and thoroughly enjoyed them and her reaction.

Sliding my hands down her abdomen, they slid easily between her expectant thighs to spread her plentiful juice, painting all I touched with it. Moaning loudly, her head fell to rest on my shoulder with her eyes closed, taking it all in. Not wanting her to cum just yet, my hands moved back to her tits.

“You want me to paddle you, don’t you!”

“Yes, sir! Bend me over and paddle my bare bottom!” she moaned as I gently pushed her down into position and went to my bag to retrieve the paddle. She smiled when she saw me walking back to her with it in my hand.

“Ten swats!” I proclaimed.

“Oh, please, sir! So many?” she complained falsely.


“Oh, sir! Please, not so much!”

“Twenty!” I said, thinking that really was enough, adding, “Care to make it twenty-five?”

“No, sir. Twenty swats on my bare bottom!” she barely finished when the first swat landed with an ‘oof’ in response. The large round face of the paddle easily covered her entire bottom, and all twenty landed in pretty much the same place, making a nice, round, red spot on each cheek, getting some aural response from Taylor with every swat. The last five hurt a lot, and I knew I’d pushed her to just about the right point for the first real spanking I’d ever given her.

“Good girl,” I said, making sure she knew I was done.

She just lay there a few moments before reaching back to rub her red spots for a few more moments with loud sighs, telling me it felt good. Standing up, she turned, and while still rubbing with her left hand, her right reached around my neck and pulled me in for a whispered ‘thank you’ and a kiss. I reached back to caress her warm, red buns while she had both hands around my neck, and before kissing me again, I saw tears in her eyes. I was briefly alarmed, but then a pained smile on her face and the memory of her telling me she usually cried when spanked made me feel better.

“Are you okay,” I asked, wanting to be sure.

“I’m more than okay! she replied with a sincere face. “Would you like to lick me? Please?”

I guided her back to the front of the sofa, had her sit down, and knelt before her, pulling her knees apart as my tongue homed in on her flooded slit. She gasped when it moved to her clit to nibble and lick for a few seconds. Falling back against the sofa, she spread her legs even further and, pushing up, shoved her pussy into my face.

Gently holding and squeezing her sore cheeks as my mouth feasted on her slippery wet slit had her writhing on the sofa, and it wasn’t long before her climax reached fever pitch, the fever breaking with spasmodic jerks of her cunt into my face, still attached to her wet lips.

“Oh my god, Mark!” she exclaimed as her shudders eased. I sat next to her and pulled her over to lay in my lap, and while she tried to calm down, my fingers went back to work on her tits and pussy, hooking a finger inside to stroke that special spot. Still recovering from her first orgasm, her body movements excited again, and in no time, she came again with the same violent spasms wracking her spent body.

“Holy shit!” she gasped as she reached for my neck to kiss me passionately. Our lips separated and came together over and over again while I held her close. Along the way, she sat up next to me, and, putting one arm around me and the other hand between my legs, she showed me just how much she had enjoyed the spanking, the paddling, and the licking. It was apparent I’d enjoyed it too, and if she kept stroking me, I’d cum in my pants.

“I’m really glad you liked it. Now I’ve done all those naughty things I just thought about before!” I said with a big smile. “Are you gonna spank me for it?” I asked, moving on to chapter two of this evening.

“Oh yes! I’m still gonna have you over my knee for a good spanking! And bend you over for a long, hard paddling, but maybe we should take a little break first?” My disappointment must have shown because she added, “I’ll make it worth the wait! I promise!” I reminded her of her earlier comment about going out for a drink.

“I’ve always wanted to go out in public with a really sore bottom from a good spanking! No one around except us knows I’ve just had my bottom spanked like a naughty little girl!” I nodded my agreement, and she stood to put her panties back on.

“Well then, to make sure you get the most out of it, I think we need to freshen up that sore, red bottom first!” I said as I put my foot on the coffee table and pulled her over my raised knee. Yanking her panties down, I spanked her hard and fast for almost a minute, and despite her squirming and protesting as she dangled over my knee, she enjoyed the renewed sting I put in her fleshy cheeks; her face streaked with more tears.

“Ooo, yeah! Mmm, that feels good!” she said with halting breath as she stood back up and pulled her panties gently over her red cheeks. “I can’t put those tight jeans back on now,” she said, laughing, “Hang on a sec!” She disappeared presumably into her bedroom and came out in a short, sexy skirt. Grabbing her sweater off the floor and putting it on, she declared herself ready to go.


I hope you liked this change in the dynamic with Taylor! Remember to 'like' and/or 'favorite' my story if you liked it! Thank you for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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