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Author's Notes

"Pure fantasy from here on, though inspired by some innocuous events!"

Part 3- Take Two!

Less than a year later, in late spring, I was given a work assignment that called for a weeklong trip to New York … Long Island specifically.  I’d be right in my old stomping grounds around Huntington.  As I started making travel plans, it occurred to me that I should extend my stay to allow for some personal time to visit friends.  I couldn’t leave any earlier than Sunday but extended my stay through the following weekend. 

I started thinking about who I might see when Rosa came to mind.  I wondered … would she see me if I called her?  If she did, could I speak to her of the mistake I’d made almost three years ago?  What would she say or do if I did?  My mind went into overdrive trying to figure a way to at least talk to her about it.  At worst, if I admitted to her what a dope I’d been, I could at least confirm my suspicions and maybe be able to stop beating myself up about it.  At best, I might get to spank her, or even get spanked myself.

During the several weeks before my trip I played through endless scenarios of how to handle it.  Should I call her before the trip?  What would I say initially?  If she agreed to meet me, where would we go?  I decided not to call her beforehand, leaving my fate in question until I’d gotten there.  I’d ask if we could get together for a drink, or a harmless cup of coffee.  I hadn’t decided what to say if she asked me why, realizing that I shouldn’t over plan either and leave some things up to the moment.

I flew to New York on a morning flight, getting to my hotel in the early afternoon.  After settling in and getting something to eat I returned to my room to figure out how to reach her.  The phone book was no help, occurring to me for the first time that she might have married in the years since I’d seen her last!  I remembered where her parents lived and managed to find their phone number and speak to her mother.

Rosa had told me that her mother liked me the couple of times we met, saying I was a nice respectable boy compared to other guys she had dated.  She sounded almost glad to hear from me and gave me some information in addition to Rosa’s phone number.  Yes, she still lived on the ‘Island’.  Yes, she had been married, but divorced five or six months earlier.  She gave me her number, encouraging me to call her right away.  It took a while to build up the courage to finally call her.

It was a little awkward at first, but I managed to get the conversation friendly and convince her to meet me for a drink.  I offered the safer option of coffee, but she wasn’t available till the next night, and she’d prefer to go to a bar or club for a drink after ‘one of my typical Mondays’.  I had told her there was something I wanted to talk to her about, but downplayed the importance when she became very curious.  “No big deal … just want to see if you remember something the same way I do.”  I could tell that got her curiosity up.  We arranged a time and place to meet in the early evening for Monday.

I got off the phone feeling good … a little hopeful even, as she had warmed up nicely during the conversation and I no longer worried about being uncomfortable in talking to her, at least until we started talking about spanking!  So, after doing a couple of mental ‘high-fives’ I turned my attention to how to broach the subject to begin with. 

I didn’t really have much doubt that she was into spanking, so I didn’t have the problem that just bringing it up would brand me as some kind of kinky pervert.  I did, however, want to keep the discussion light … blame myself for being so dense … and if nothing else have a really stimulating conversation about spanking.  Hopefully stimulating enough to get her interested in picking up where we left off that evening in my bed when I had her over my knee.  Or even better, maybe in a desire to get even with me for the way I treated her, she’d choose to take it out on my bare bottom!

Again, cautioning myself not to over plan it, I tried to stop thinking about it … which was impossible both that evening and the following day.  I went about my business on Monday, which thankfully did command my attention, and allowed me to curb my growing anxiety most of the time, but inevitably I couldn’t stop running through various scenarios that had me returning to my hotel room with a sore, red bottom.

I finished my work for the day a little early.  Any other time I’d prefer that, but since work was keeping my mind off the anticipation of the evening to come, I’d wished it hadn’t.  I took the extra time to try to relax, calm down … take it easy, so I started with a swim in the hotel pool after which I showered and dressed for dinner and my meeting with Rosa.  Suspecting that Rosa would dress in a typically classy, yet casual way, I avoided the stereotypical jeans and sneakers, opting instead for lightweight chinos, a white sport shirt and casual loafers.

Dinner at the hotel with a glass of wine helped me relax a bit but didn’t stop the scenario playing in my mind.  I’d decided how I’d initially broach the subject, but felt I just had to let the conversation go from there and hope for the best.  I’m not at my best in such a situation, especially missing signals from girls the way I do, but I couldn’t predict enough of the conversation to plan where it would go.  Many different outcomes were possible.  By the time I’d stretched dinner into more than an hour, it was finally time to leave to meet her in Huntington.

My drive to the village of Huntington was uneventful and I arrived at the Artful Dodger about fifteen minutes early as planned.  I wanted to be sure to have my pick of seats and get another glass of wine to loosen up a bit more.

The Artful Dodger was a friendly tavern that Rosa and I had been to when we started dating.  Small and rustic, it offered a comfortable atmosphere for friends to get together and talk.  The music was soft, the lights were low and there was plenty of privacy as it wasn’t very busy on a Monday night.  Divided into two sections, one with high bistro tables and the other with rows of booths along the wall or separated by a partial wall, I selected a booth that afforded privacy, yet gave me a view of the door, so I’d see when she arrived.  I ordered a glass of Cabernet and waited for Rosa.

She arrives fashionably late, about five minutes and at the same time I’m calling out to her to point out where I am, I’m taking in the view of her.  Wearing what I’d call a trademark “Rosa” blouse … silky, ivory in color and sheer enough to reveal a lacy bra when in contact with it … and designer jeans that were tight enough to be enticing but not slutty … and relatively low-heeled shoes, she walked towards me with the classy air she’d use when she wanted to make an impression.  I took that as a good start.

“Rosa!” I said as we met with a hug and a peck on the cheek.  “You look amazing! … a sight for sore eyes!” I added holding her arm’s length to take it all in.

“Thank you.  You’re looking pretty good yourself,” she replied looking me up and down as well.

“Sit!” I said indicating the booth, “Do you want a drink?  White wine perhaps?”  I remembered that she liked Chardonnay.

“Yes, that would be nice.”  I motioned to the waitress and ordered the wine when she came to the table after which I sat down.

“I’m so glad you came,” I said without elaborating on why, so we didn’t charge right into the subject on my mind.

“Quite a surprise to hear from you … in New York no less!  How did you find me?”  I smiled as I told her how her mother had given me her number.  “Ah!  Figures.  She did like you.”

“I don’t think I would have found you without her … not knowing your married name.  I’m sorry … is that a sensitive subject?” I added seeing a pained expression on her face.

“Not really.  Not anymore.  I can talk about it now with minimal side effects.”  I took that as a cue that perhaps she did want to talk about it and encouraged her.  It wasn’t much of a story.  They’d met about a year after she returned from Florida, married too quickly, and realizing it in less than a year, they divorced as amicably as could be expected.  Now all she had to show for it was ‘a small house and a big, stupid car’.

Eventually she turned the conversation around to me and how I was doing.  With not much to report in the romance department … apart from the topic burning in my brain … I spoke about work achievements, which lead into a discussion of various people we both knew at my company … who had left, who was still there, who was doing what job and so on.  Eventually we ran out of this small talk and being very obvious, she jumped to the primary subject.

“So … what was this thing you wanted to talk to me about?  You said something about how I remembered something?”  My nervousness had to be plainly evident on my face and she offered a comforting smile.  “What is it, Mark?” she asked with piqued curiosity.

“It’s no big deal … I just feel very stupid about something and I … I just wanted to clarify something with you.”  She looked at me as though to say ‘So ….?’  “Well … it’s about us, really … I guess that would be obvious.  Rosa, do you remember how you used to say, ‘you need a spankin’ when I’d do something that annoyed you?”

“Yes …?” she said her interest and curiosity increasing.

“Do you know how I took … how I understood that remark when you’d make it?”

“Well, I thought I did, but later realized I didn’t.”  Okay … good so far.

“Yeah … well, you mean that last night we were together?”

“Uh … yeah,” she said leaving out the ‘duh’ that was obvious in her tone.

“Yeah …” I said accepting her answer, “Listen, let me just ask you straight out?” I said having lost all track of how I’d planned to start this conversation.  The look on her face told me she’d appreciate it if I got to the point.  “Were you, like … into spanking? … like, as a part of sex?” I stumbled out.

“Yes … I was,” she said with a smile that said, ‘this is getting interesting’, “… and I still am,” she added.  So far this is going very well, even if I’m just stumbling through it.

“Well, so was I,” I said with a pause to read her reaction … which was good.  “But … I didn’t realize you were until maybe a year ago.  I mean I …”

“I thought I was being pretty obvious … saying you needed a spanking … more obvious than I’d ever been before because … well, because I had a feeling you were into it too.  And then I let you put me over your knee and … then?”  She ended with a questioning tone.

“I know … I was so stupid,” I said noting her reaction of agreement.  “See, I really didn’t think people really liked it … or least no one I would know would like it … especially not a beautiful girl I happened to be dating!”  She liked my compliment and then listened to me tell the whole story of how I became enlightened through my kinky magazine.  She listened with seemingly genuine interest, but I could tell she was wondering where this was all going.

“So that night in my apartment, I was just thinking this whole ‘you need a spankin’ thing was just a game.  I couldn’t possibly have concluded that you wanted me to give you a real spanking … and then later we were on the floor, with my hands all over your delicious body …” She liked that compliment too.  “… but again, you stopped me when I tried to get past your clothes!  That was driving me crazy!”  Her face said ‘… and now you understand?’  “I guess I would have gotten in your pants a lot sooner if I had been pulling them down to give you a good spanking?”

“Oh yeah!” she said positively.


“Like I said … I’m so stupid!  Something else though … you were the one always saying ‘you need a spankin’ to me.  Did you want to spank me too?”

“Yes, I did.  I can switch both ways.  I prefer being the one with my pants down getting my bottom smacked, but I give spankings too … good ones!” she added with a smile.  “How about you?  Which do you prefer?”

“I’m like you … I think I’d like getting more than giving? … but seeing as how I’ve never done either, I suppose I can’t be totally sure.”

“Wait … you mean you’ve still never done any spanking??” I shook my head ‘no’.  “You figured all this out a year ago, but you still haven’t given or gotten a spanking!?”

“No!  It’s not something you can just ask someone about!”

“That’s why I use that ‘you need a spankin’ line!  You can drop that in normal conversation and get a sense from the reaction, without sounding like a pervert if they’re not into it!”

“I know but … but I haven’t had … I haven’t been with anyone … anyone like you since we broke up! “

“Awww … that’s so nice.  You’ve made me feel special!”

“Well … you were!  … you are! … but I was too stupid to notice,” I finished, putting my fate in her hands.

“Yes … you were,” she said taking my hands in hers, “… but you know what?  You need a spankin’!”  Her smile was precious, and I was jumping for joy inside.

“Yes … I really do,” I replied sincerely and added, “… promise?”

“Yes, I promise, but …”

“But what?” I said with a touch of alarm.

“It’s okay … you’re gonna get spanked! … good and hard, I might add! … but seeing as how I was the one who laid my ass on the line … quite literally! … and didn’t get it spanked!  Don’t you think you owe me one first?”

“I can’t disagree with that.”

“Good … so, tonight I get spanked and …”

“Tonight?  Really?” I said not believing how this was ending up. 

“Listen … all this talk about spanking has really got me going, and I sure as hell don’t want to wait another day!  It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good spankin’ and I want to feel someone’s hand besides my own smacking my bottom!”

“You spank yourself?”

“Don’t you?”

“Well … yes … but I didn’t …”


“You didn’t think normal people did that?  Listen … eventually you’ll realize … you’ll be surprised just how many people enjoy a good spanking from one side or the other, but you’re right about them not being easy to find.  If I didn’t use my own hand and a big wooden hairbrush on my bottom from time to time, I’d go out of my mind.”

“I have a paddle that I like, but it must be so much better with someone else!”

“Of course, it is … you’ll see.  You want to have one more glass of wine before we go?”

“I don’t need to, but if you want, we can.”  I sensed that she did and motioned to the waitress to bring another round.

“So, what positions do you like, Mark?  … or should I say, do you think you’d like?”

“Over the knee, I think.”

“You like being a naughty, little boy?”  The waitress arrived with our wine, so we stopped until she was out of earshot.  “Hmm? … a naughty boy who needs to be put across my knee and have his pants pulled down for a good spanking?”

“Oh, yes! … but aren’t you the one who should be answering such questions?  I already know you’re a naughty, little girl who needs a good spanking!  … and like it or not, you’re going over my knee for a bare bottom spanking! … but I suspect you’ll need more than that to teach you a lesson!”

“Ooo, and what lesson are you going to teach me?”

“That it’s not nice to tease and taunt me without telling me what you really want!!”  She laughed.  “… and then torture me with that gorgeous body of yours, but not let me even touch it!”

“I’m sorry,” she said with a pout, “I really am.  Am I going to get punished?  Are you going to spank me?”

“Yes, Rosa.  You’re going to get a good spanking on your bare bottom.”

“You’re going to pull my panties down too?” she said with this priceless little girl look.

“Yes … I may leave them on for a little while, but you won’t learn your lesson unless you’re spanked on your bare bottom.  You know that,” I replied in a fatherly tone.

“Yes, I know,” she replied with downcast eyes.  “If I have to get spanked, I’d like to do it now and get it over with, okay?”

“I agree,” I said getting up from the booth.  I went to the bar and gave the waitress twenty-five bucks with a look that said ‘Enough?’  She nodded and I went back to Rosa.  “C’mon, young lady, it’s time for your punishment,” I said as I took hold of her forearm and lead her to the door.

It was a warm evening when we got outside on the sidewalk.  We looked at each other with knowing smiles and started to cross the street to the parking lot.

“Are we going to your place,” I asked.

“No!  That’s too long a drive.  I don’t want to wait that long.”  My questioning look said, ‘Then where?’  “We’ll do it in my car!”

“Your car?” I asked incredulously.

“Yeah … you know … my ‘big, stupid car’?  It’s a conversion van.  It’s got all kinds of room for spankin’ in the back!”  I looked at her with doubt.  “It’s okay!  Really!  I’ve done it!  You’ll see.” 

Across the street now, we made our way through two rows of cars when the first … actually the only conversion van became visible another row back.  It was a fairly late model Dodge van with the kind of fancy graphic paint job that they all seem to have, though this one in more subdued shades of silver and gray.

She handed me the keys saying, “Here … you drive.”  My questioning look got an exasperated look.  “We can’t park right here … with all these other cars!?  Spanking can be a bit noisy; you know!  We’ll just move it to the back of the lot.”

We got in and I tried to look in the back to see the layout, but it was too dark to see anything useful.  I turned back around, found the ignition, and started the engine.  It turned over quickly after which the voice of Barbara Streisand filled the air.  I made a face.

“You still listen to her?” I said in mock disbelief.

“Hey!  Leave Barbara alone!  You need a spankin’!”

I laughed and replied, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!”

“You’re here all week, right?”  I nodded.  “I promise, you’ll have a nice sore bottom when you go home!  I’m not sure about tomorrow, but certainly by Wednesday you’ll know what it’s like to get spanked!”

“Not tonight?” I said with disappointment.

“No … I’m sorry.  It doesn’t work very good switching one right after the other.  It can, but it usually doesn’t.  Besides, I want to plan something special for your first one!”  She leaned over and kissed me passionately.  Her face just inches from mine, she returned to character and asked, “Are you going to spank me now?”

“In a minute, Rosa.  I need to move the car where we can have some privacy.  I don’t want you to be embarrassed by someone hearing your poor, little bottom getting spanked.”

“Ooo, it’s going to be a hard spanking then, is it?”

“Yes, Rosa.  You’ve been very naughty.  I think you’ll need a good, hard spanking to learn your lesson.”  She didn’t reply, but a mischievous smile came to her lips.  I checked my mirrors and began backing her ‘big, stupid car’ out of the parking space.  Driving to the end of the row I turned right and saw a nearly empty parking lot behind the row we’d come from.  Driving almost to the back, I picked a spot at the edge in a dark spot between the streetlights.  I looked at Rosa to see agreement in my choice of location.  We got out and I walked around to her side just as she pulled the large sliding door open.

Ceiling lights came on revealing an interior of various shades of gray, mostly on the light side.  Directly behind the front seats were two captain’s chairs that had been turned to face rearward, also facing a table supported by a pedestal in the floor.  On the other side of the table was a bench seat making for a grouping that could eat or drink at the table.  Rosa leaned over and flipped a lever at the base of the table’s pedestal, and another directly below the table causing the top to fold flat against the pedestal.

“Will you pull it out and put it in the back?”  I kneeled on the soft carpeting and lifted the pedestal out of a flush mounting in the floor and made my way to the back.  When I opened the back doors, Rosa greeted me kneeling on the back seat as though to direct my putting the table away, but her smile and the way she was bent over made me willing to bet she was really just showing me another position she’d like to be spanked in.

I laid the table in the space behind the bench seat and closed the doors.  As I came to the side of the van I noticed that Rosa had turned the captain’s chairs to face each other … allowing more room for extended legs and arms while draped across my knee.  She sat on the bench seat, all prim and proper with her hands in her lap and looked up at me with a childish, yet mischievous look in her eye.

“Are you going to spank me now?”

I climbed in and turned to slide the heavy door closed behind me.  Taking a seat in the chair behind the driver’s seat I turned to look at Rosa, still playing the frightened little girl contemplating the spanking she was about to receive.

“Yes, Rosa, it’s time for your spanking.  I want you to tell me why you’re getting spanked.”

“Because I’ve been a naughty girl.  I tried to tease you into doing something I wanted but wouldn’t tell you what it was.”

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“And what was it you wanted?”  She looked at me oddly, like she couldn’t remain in character and yet answer the question.

“Um … I wanted … I wanted to get spanked?” she said as a question not knowing where this line of interrogation was going.

“So now you’re going to get spanked because you wouldn’t tell me you wanted me to spank you … is that it?”

“Um … yes?” she replied, still confused.

“That hardly seems like fair punishment, does it?  I think this should be a particularly hard spanking if you’re going to learn a lesson from it.  Do you agree?”  Her smile said, ‘strange but cute’.  She stood up and came to my side, bent slightly as even the raised roof of the van did not accommodate her height.

“No, sir … it isn’t fair.  I understand that I’m going to get a long, hard spanking on my bottom.  Should I lay across your knee now?”

“Not yet,” I said as I reached for the waist of her jeans.  “First, I’m going to take your pants down.  I don’t think your pretty, little bottom would feel a thing with these jeans on.”  She smiled as she looked down at my fingers now pulling her zipper down as we both realized I was finally getting into her pants.  The zipper open, I tugged at the sides to pull them down over her hips without pulling her panties down as well.  As they came down, they revealed sheer, ivory panties that fit tightly with lace around the waist and legs.  As they were skewed by the jeans being pulled down, I pulled them up at the waist to smooth them out, which pulled them tight against her crotch, outlining a smooth pussy with a small patch of fine hair above.  Being my first time, I was doing things that may not have been appropriate for a spanking scene but trusted that Rosa would tell me sooner or later … like circling my hands around back to gently squeeze and lift her silky soft cheeks.  She didn’t seem to mind as evidenced by a soft moan.  “Such a shame I have to spank such a delicious pair of cheeks, but you must learn your lesson.  Over my knee, naughty girl.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied simply as she lay herself gently across my knee with her elbows on the floor near the driver’s seat and her long, sexy legs extending out the other side with her jeans banded about her thighs.  I turned a little in my seat so that her head wouldn’t be so close to the driver’s seat and more in between the two front seats.

I took a moment to both smooth her panties over her gorgeous bottom, getting another squeeze or two in, as well as consider how quickly we’d come to doing something I’d only fantasized about earlier this same day.  As I rubbed my hands across the tops of her cheeks, contemplating this accomplishment and the beauty of my naughty girl’s behind, I still couldn’t believe I was about to spank her … really spank her!  I must have lingered a little too long on this thought as a quick wiggle of her hips brought me back to reality.

“Please, sir … don’t make me wait!  I want to get this spanking over with so we can do other things that feel good!”

Moving my left hand to rest on her back, I raised my right and brought it down with soft smack on her right cheek.  Repeating on alternate cheeks, I tested her acceptance of gradually harder spanks.

“Thank you for not spanking me so hard,” she said, which I took as a request to spank harder.  Having only read stories about spanking I didn’t really have any idea just how hard these spankings really were.  I thought I knew how hard I’d want to be spanked, based on spanking myself, but that didn’t necessarily translate to the fairer sex.  I increased the pace a little and the force quite a bit, and continuously as well.  When I got to the point where I heard little ooo’s, ow’s and ah’s I surmised I was doing it hard enough … for now.

“Such a naughty girl!” I scolded.  “Needs to have her bottom spanked to teach her a lesson!” I said as I planted a series across both cheeks right at the softest spot.  I paused and placed both hands on her soft cheeks again.  “Not very warm yet.  I must not be spanking hard enough!”

As I raised my right hand again, she cried, “Please sir!  Don’t spank me any harder!  My poor bottom will be so sore!”

“I guess you should have thought about that before being such a bad girl!” I said as I resumed harder and faster than before.  I wasn’t sure how I’d know if I was spanking too hard, but hoped I’d see the signs if I did.  Her cries of pain were only a bit louder than before, which I took to mean I was accelerating at the right pace.  After twenty or more spanks in quick succession, I paused again. 

“I think we should get these jeans out of the way,” I said as I started sliding them down past her knees.  “They’ll be in the way when I’m ready to take your panties down!” I said making an excuse to hide my real motive, which was wanting to see if the crotch of her panties revealed the arousal I was sure she was feeling.  Once past her knees, she lifted her legs so I could pull them up and off.  “… and they’ll have to come down pretty soon,” I warned as I slid my hand up the inside of her thigh.  As my hand moved higher, she lifted her hips in anticipation of my fingers reaching her crotch.  I pulled out at the last moment, teasing what I could feel was warm and moist between her thighs and resumed spanking instead.

“Ohhhh, please don’t pull my panties down!?  You’re hurting my bottom so much already!” she cried as her movements became more extreme … even to the point of spreading her legs to give me a view of her wet panties.

“I think you know that a spanking on anything but a bare bottom is considerably less effective.  The humiliation of having your bottom bared in addition to the direct contact with flesh makes a punishment much more memorable! … and after all, you must remember being punished if it’s to be any deterrent at all.”  Without waiting for a response, I resumed spanking over her flimsy panties.  Alternating cheeks, back and forth I felt like I was getting the feel of it … knowing how fast, how far to push, how much to increase … as evidenced by her protests and her squirming that reflected arousal more than pain.  After thirty or forty spanks in quick succession I stopped again, and placing my hands on her warm bottom began soothing caresses that included exploring between her legs for the first time.

“Ooo, my poor bottom,” she said as she lifted it off my lap and pressing it against my fingers encouraged me to dig deeper into her steamy, wet crotch.  Pulling the crotch of her panties aside, I skimmed the soft folds of sensitive flesh avoiding penetration at this time.  “Ohhh, please don’t pull my panties down!?,” she whined as my hands went to the waistband and began to draw them down over her soft, pink bottom.  “Ohhhhhh,” she moaned as I scraped the fabric down over her sensitized cheeks, “Please don’t spank my bare bottom?!”  Past her cheeks now, I watched as the saturated crotch of her panties peeled away from her sticky, wet pussy.  I had all I could do to keep from stuffing my face in there to lick her from front to back, such was the state of her enticing pussy.

I let go of her panties just above her knees and resumed spanking, reveling in the fantastic feel of my flesh against hers as I spanked her bare bottom with abandon.  I couldn’t believe how different … how much better it felt to be smacking bare skin.  I watched her skin gradually change color to ever deepening shades of pink and light red.  I felt the growing heat of her tortured bottom.  I watched her soft bottom flesh react violently to each spank, the undulations spreading across her soft cheeks.

Without scolding I continued on and on, keeping the pace and the severity of my spanks consistent while varying the target widely.  From the tops of each cheek, to low across both cheeks, to many in succession on one cheek, our collective arousal built to a fever pitch until from the sound of her cries and moans, I suspected she was approaching climax.

My left hand, previously holding her hips pressed tightly against my body, now circled around and under her, and between her legs to stroke her sopping, wet pussy.  In this position I couldn’t reach to get even a single finger inside her, but was able to stroke my two middle fingers up and down her slit which, while settling her squirming down so that those fingers might stay where she very much liked them, increased her panting and moaning manifold.  Continually spanking across both cheeks with one hand and stroking her slippery slit with the other brought about the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever been able to deliver as she collapsed across my knee like a wet towel.

Stroking her back, bottom and thighs with both hands I felt her body gradually calm from the intense excitement just moments before.  As her gasps and moans became soft purrs of pleasure, I gently massaged her decidedly warm bottom.

“Mmm, such a naughty girl,” I said in quiet soothing tones, “getting all wet and horny from getting spanked! … the spanking she wanted all along!”

“Ooo, I’m sorry, sir!  I’m just a naughty girl who needs a good spanking!!  … and that was a very good spanking!  Thank you!” she said, rolling over on my lap enough to look at me directly.  Sliding her legs off my lap, she leaned forward and kissed me passionately, after which she kneeled on the floor in front of me and rubbed her bottom in a most provocative way.

“Well, let’s see if you like the next one as much!?” I said delighting in the look of alarm on her face.

“The next one?” she said seemingly genuinely worried, but there was a look in her eye that was glad I knew she wanted more.

“Oh, yes … we did say this needed to be a particularly hard spanking.  It’s hardly punishment if you got what you’d really wanted all along.  This is the spanking that will teach you not to tease me the way you did!”

“Ohhh, please sir!?  No more!  I can’t take another spanking!  My poor bottom is so sore and … ooo,” she said twisting to look at her backside, “look at how red it is!!

“… and I’ll make it redder still!  Come on, time to get ready for your next spanking!” I said using the word ‘next’ to suggest there might still be even more after this … though only if I felt she really wanted it.

“Oh please, sir!  You just can’t put me over your knee for another spanking!!  My bottom already hurts so much!”

“I’m not going to put you over me knee for this spanking.  You’re going to kneel on the back seat! … where I can swing even harder!”

“Ohhh, my poor bottom!  I just can’t … ow! Oww! Owww!!” she cried as I reached around and started smacking her behind really hard.  “Okay … okay … I’ll do it!!”  She stood and after letting her panties fall off over her feet, moved to the bench seat at the back of the van and tentatively kneeled on it.

“I think I’d like you to be naked for this one.  Hmm?  Let’s take off your pretty blouse and sexy bra … show me those beautiful tits!” I said as I reached around from behind to take them in my hands.  As the firm flesh filled my palms, her head rolled back onto my shoulder with a gasp as though she’d been waiting all night for me to squeeze her tits.  Leaving one hand on her chest, the other found her naked bottom and gave it a good smack.  Her head returned upright as I reminded her, “C’mon … blouse off!  I want to spank my naughty, naked girl!”

Her fingers started working the buttons.  Once open a quick flick of the front clasp on her bra and she shucked the remainder of her clothing off her back to fall on the floor below where she knelt.  Placing her elbows on the seat back, she taunted me with her pretty pink bottom, looking back at me to see my reaction.  Swaying her ass back and forth, she dared me to spank her again.  Placing my hands on her warm buns, I explored with eyes and hands all over her soft, sensitive parts which had her moaning and purring softly as her body moved with my hands … spreading her legs and lifting her bottom when my fingers slip into her crotch … pushing back against my hands as they massaged her hot bottom … pressing her tits into my waiting hands.

“Mmm, I think my naughty girl is enjoying this too much.  Maybe she needs to be spanked again?” I said emphasizing the word with a swat across her lower cheeks.  With my left leg kneeling on the seat beside her, I placed my left hand on her back and resumed spanking with my right, but soft and playful … pats more than swats.  “Hmm?  Do you need another spanking? … to learn your lesson?” I asked as my left hand slid down and between her legs to her soft, slippery slit.  She moaned in appreciation as I rephrased my question, “… or maybe you want another spanking? … a good, hard spanking on your naughty, naked bottom?”  As my fingers slid easily into her pussy, I gradually returned to giving her real spanks.  “Hmm, does my naughty, little girl want to get spanked again? … like this … and this?” I ask timing spanks on each cheek with thrusts of my fingers into her cunt.

“Yes!  Yes, spank me!  Spank my bottom,” she cries ecstatically and of course I comply, continuing various stimulations of her pussy as I spank her hard enough, but not as hard as before.  Her body straightens and stiffens, pushing her crotch against my hand and loosening the tension on her hot, red cheeks.  Sensing she’s approaching another climax; I gradually pick up the pace with both hands.

“Ooo, my naughty, little girl likes having her bottom spanked!” I said as I brought her to the brink and over.

“Oh my God … I needed that so bad!” she said gasping for breath.  Sitting on the bench seat next to me, she pulled my face towards her and kissed me saying, “Not bad for your first time!”  She turned towards me and lay across my knee, but before I could get the wrong idea she asked, “Please rub my poor bottom? … make it feel better?”

Taking the warm flesh in my hands, I caressed, massaged, and squeezed some of the pain away.  Squirming sensuously across my knee, Rosa gradually calmed down, but feeling a twitch in my crotch reminded her that I was still horny and hard.  Looking back at me, she slid off my lap and knelt before me.  Spreading my knees apart she situated herself between my legs and ran her hands up my thighs.

“Did you like spanking me?” she asked as her hands reached the bulge in my jeans?  I mumbled in the affirmative, choosing not to speak as she started rubbing me through my pants.  “Did you like taking me over your knee … pulling my panties down … and spanking my bare bottom?”  Pulling the button of my pants open, she then started on the zipper, pulling it down oh-so-slowly.

“Yes … you’re such a naughty girl, Rosa.  I’m sure I’ll have to spank you again!”  Slipping her hands around my waist, she pulled me forward until I sat at the edge of the seat.

“I’m sure you will too … but the next spanking won’t be on my bottom, will it?” she threatened as she pulled my jeans down and off.  I mumbled again as she slid her hands up the inside of my now bare thighs.  “The next time I see you, I’ll be putting you across my knee for a good spanking!”  If she kept talking like this, I was going to cum without her even touching me.  “Yeah … you’ll be my naughty, little boy when I put you over my knee and pull your pants down for a good spanking!” she taunted as my underwear came down and off as well.  Sensing my state, she took my shaft in her hands and gently stroked and squeezed as she continued her threats of what she was going to do to my ‘naughty bottom’ when she had me across her knee.

Leaning forward, she took me in her mouth; her sucking and licking taking every last bit of restraint I have to keep from cumming too soon.  It couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds before I exploded in her mouth in probably the best climax I’d ever had.  It was my turn to collapse, my limp body draped across the seat.  Rosa came up to sit next to me and kissed me gently but passionately.

“I’m sorry I was such a naughty girl.  I’ll try to be good, so you don’t have to spank me again,” she said with the cutest contrite look on her face.

“I know you will … and now that I’ve had my way with your gorgeous body, perhaps the next time you want a spanking, you’ll just ask!?”

“Yes, I will … I promise,” she replied, then added with a devilish smile, “but sometimes I’m just naughty … and I need to be given a spanking even when I don’t want it!  Will you spank me then too?”

“Oh, yes … I won’t hesitate to pull your pants down and give you a good spanking or paddling when you need it.”

“Mmm, you’re gonna paddle me too?”

“Yes … a nice, hard wooden paddle right across your bottom!”

“Ooo, that’s gonna hurt!  I’ll try to be a good girl.  Can I get dressed now?”

“Here … I’ll help you.”  I reached for her panties and jeans and held them as she stepped into them … first the panties, which I pulled up snug against her crotch, but not before planting a sloppy wet kiss on her pussy … then her jeans which I let her do her little dance as she pulled the tight legs over hers.  While she tugged on her tight jeans, I picked up her bra and blouse and helped her with those as well.  Fully dressed apart from her shoes she hugged me tight, laying her head on my shoulder as my hands caressed her sore bottom.

As she pulled away, I looked at my watch and sensing the same as me, she commented that it was still somewhat early and suggested we have another glass of wine.

“I’d like that,” I replied simply.  “I have a pretty easy day tomorrow anyway.”

“I don’t … in fact I’ve got a tough day tomorrow, but I don’t want you to leave just yet,” she replied with an affectionate look.  We opened the door to the van and checked that we were each put together properly before heading back to the Dodger.  It was a bit longer walk since we’d moved the van, during which we talked about how much the village had changed in the three years since we’d dated here.

Arriving back at the bar, we found a more secluded booth that allowed us to sit next to each other instead of across a table.  We were both in a very cuddly mood … me because of the door we’d just opened and Rosa for the same reason as well as the satisfaction of having a well spanked behind.  Wanting to get a better feel for what she liked about tonight I asked a few questions.

“So, you like role playing? … acting out scenarios when you get spanked?”

“Yes, I do.  That’s why I said you might have to spank me even when I don’t want it.  There’s something about the ‘being punished’ aspect of it that I really like.  There are times when I just want to be spanked, but I’ll usually try to provoke a punishment spanking rather than asking to be spanked.”

“I’ll have to remember that … but what if I spanked you when you didn’t want it?”

“Mmm, sometimes those are the best! … suddenly I’m face down across your knee with my skirt up and panties down about to get my bottom spanked!! … and I don’t even know why yet?  Ooo!  I’m getting wet again just talking about it!”

“But what if …”

“… if I really don’t want it?  I can be a good sport about it.  I’ll take my spanking, but you’d be able to tell I’m really not into it and find a way out of the scene.  I wouldn’t worry about that too much though.  It hardly ever happens.”

“That’s kinda how I imagine how I’d be … never a bad time for a good spanking, but then I have no experience to go on.”

“How about role playing for you?  Do you think you’d like it?”

“I like the idea of it; I just don’t know how good I’d be at it.”

“You did fine tonight.  You got the story a little twisted up, you know?  I was getting punished for wanting to get spanked?  It kinda worked on the premise that I’d been such a tease about it.  I liked the way you finished it up though … making me admit how much I wanted a spanking!”

“On the other hand, as badly as I want a spanking right now, I’d be happy to get one just because I like it!  Wanna go back to your van and take me over your knee?”

“Oh, Mark … I know how you feel, but I’d rather not.  In certain situations, it can work to switch on the same … day?  … date?  … but it usually doesn’t.  I hope you don’t …”

“I understand.  I think I even feel what you mean about switching places.  Somehow it wouldn’t feel … authentic? … if we were to do it now.  I just spanked you and … you know … it wouldn’t feel right if suddenly our roles were reversed.”

“Yes … authentic … good word!  Neither of us would get as much out of it than when it’s your turn and only your turn,” she said with an understanding smile.  “Unfortunately, I’m not sure I can make it tomorrow either.  I have a family event to go to tomorrow evening that leaves me with less than an hour of free time after work.”

“You can do a lot of spanking in an hour!?” I said hopefully.

“Ooo, you know it … but I want your first time to be a little more special than that.  Okay?  What is your schedule for tomorrow and Wednesday?”

“Okay.  Tomorrow is an easy day for me.  I’ll be done by one o’clock … two at the latest.  Wednesday is a normal day.  I’ll be done around four or five.”

“Okay, I’ll try to get out of tomorrow evening, but I’m not hopeful about it.  If not tomorrow, though we’ll definitely get together Wednesday night, okay?  Why don’t you call me during lunch tomorrow?  I should know by then about tomorrow night.  If I don’t answer, leave a message and worst case, I’ll leave you a message at your hotel, okay?”

We agreed on the plan, took each other’s phone numbers, told her where I was staying and gave her my spare key (which I’d gotten with her in mind, but didn’t think I’d actually get to use it).  Realizing our conversation couldn’t really go on to anything more interesting, we parted company with a hopeful look towards seeing each other in the next day or two.

As I drove back to my hotel, I had mixed feelings.  I was very excited about the way tonight had turned out.  I had actually given Rosa her long overdue spanking and it had been even more exciting than I imagined.  Talking about spanking as much as we did … having her willingly lay herself across my knee … taking her pants and panties down … and giving her a real and painful spanking!  As I relived the feeling of my hand smacking her bare bottom, and her pleas for mercy, all the while knowing she wanted what I was giving her and more, I started getting hard again.  But as much as I loved spanking her naughty bottom, I was certain I’d enjoy having my own spanked even more. 

As my feelings changed to frustration at the delay imposed by our schedules I had to remind myself that earlier in the day I didn’t really believe any of this would happen.  Now I just had to be a little patient before I’d get to know spanking from the recipient’s point of view.  ‘Just two days’ I was telling myself.  I was sure they were going to be two of the longest days I’d ever had!

Written by 2bespanked
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