Part 8- Public Punishment
I woke up with the covers in disarray, Rosa’s head on my shoulder and my arm around her. I rubbed her back softly as I recalled the previous night’s activities. I lifted the little bit of bed sheet covering her bottom to see she still had a nice red blush, and no bruises, which I didn’t expect as I’d only spanked her with my hand. I didn’t want to wake her up, but on the other hand I wished she would.
Before the trip we had agreed that only one of us would get spanked on any given day. There might be, probably would be, multiple spankings during that day, but it would be clear each day, who was giving and who was getting spanked. As the realization that today was my day sunk in, I became even more anxious for the day to begin. We had planned out many days of the week, but we left today open partly because it was Saturday and the beaches, and such would be busy (and for what we wanted to do we wanted as few people around as possible) and also to just have a rest day after the week’s work while anticipating our spanking vacation together.
So, we had no plan, but I thought perhaps Rosa might. Personally, I would have liked nothing better than to have Rosa wake up and put me right over her knee for a wake-up spanking! Little did I know that thinking about the exciting airport spanking I’d arranged, she’d fallen asleep with the idea that she should thank me first thing in the morning with a nice, sexy spanking as soon as we woke up. No punishment or role playing, just give me the spanking I’d been waiting weeks for just because I wanted it.
She stirred as I kissed her hair and slowly lifted her head to look dreamily into my eyes. “Good morning,” she said softly with a kiss.
“Good morning for me, but is it good for you?” I asked playfully. “Your bottom is still pretty red.”
“Ooo, yeah,” she said as she slipped one hand down to rub her bottom softly, “it feels wonderful! You couldn’t have welcomed me to Florida any better. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I was nervous about whether you’d go along with it or even like it if you did.”
“No, I loved it! I was nervous about being caught at first, but by the end I don’t think I would have cared if someone walked up and watched! Not the last part, of course, but the spanking. I can’t wait for my next public spanking!”
“I’m a little nervous about trying it, but I think I’ll be like you in the end.”
“So… I’ve gotten my first spanking so maybe you should get yours?” She paused as though expecting a reply, but continued before I could, “Would you like a spanking? Hmm? Would you like me to take you over my knee and give you a good spanking? On your bare ass?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” She sat up in the bed, and leaning against the headboard, patted her knee.
“Come! Over my knee! You want a spanking, don’t you? You want to lie across my knee so I can spank your bare bottom!” She knew by now how I reacted to just saying the word ‘spanking’, so she used the word often in her threats and come-ons. She didn’t have to ask me twice as I was over her knee in seconds waiting for the first stroke, and I was in heaven once it came.
She spanked me a lot like the last one she’d given me at her house before we parted although quite a bit harder as she wasn’t building on any prior spankings. Hard and steady, all over my cheeks, lots of talk about spanking, how much I love it, how red I was getting and lots of additional stimulation in other areas. She’d rub and squeeze my hot buns, stroke my cock and balls, and even tease my tight anus between my cheeks. She knew just how to make it intense, and yet back off at the right times to prolong the agony I wanted so much.
Finishing me off with a long series of fast and furious swats to my bottom, she asked me if I liked my spanking and how I proposed to thank her for it. She accepted my first proposal to bury my face in her crotch and eat her pussy until she came, which was followed up with a long, hard fucking during which she reached around and spanked me harder than before.
We’d gotten up late, but it wasn’t even noon before we were both sexually spent once again. We got out of bed and had some tea before we showered, not together, but not without a few spanks on my wet bottom either, and dressed for the rest of the day.
The rest of the day, and the rest of the week, for that matter, was a string of activities and events arranged so that someone ended up getting spanked. A visit to the park or the beach was set up such that a ‘public’ spanking could be given. In between activities, when we were at my home, we each got our share of spankings for trumped-up offenses. For example, when Rosa returned a half hour later than expected from the supermarket, she was told she’d be spanked severely after we’d put all the groceries away. There was palpable excitement in the air as we carried bags from the car to the kitchen and put the food away. She beautifully played the part of the contrite girl as I led her by the wrist to the bedroom and over my knee for the promised spanking.
Most were planned, but few if any were scripted, unlike when we were spanked together at Aunt Amy’s where they both knew the script, but thankfully I did not. Some were completely unplanned, like the time I spanked her in a movie theatre. Others had almost no plan: ‘Take Mark to the park and spank him,’ was the only plan for my first public spanking… and I loved it!
We tried to avoid crowds in all our activities, never knowing when an opportunity might present itself, and with fewer people around, the odds of such opportunities improved; like when we went to the movies on Sunday night. I imagine Sunday night is not as heavy as other weekend evenings, but the parking lot was surprisingly empty even so. Unfortunately, the romantic comedy we went to see had enough people that even copping a feel was pretty much out of the question. Rosa had picked the movie but that didn’t stop her from endlessly criticizing the main character and plot twists. If I’d enjoyed the movie, I would have been at least a bit angry with her.
"That wasn’t fair! The movie wasn’t that bad! You know, you need a spanking," I said in response to her final critique of the movie as the credits rolled.
“I know! I wish you could give me one right here!” she replied with sincere desire.
“I think I may be able to accommodate you!” I said as I took her hand and pulled her towards the door as she sputtered what, how and when type of questions. I had noticed that the last couple of rows of seats in the theatre were just behind the projector. A low, sloped ceiling still permitted full view of the screen, but one could not see the square window through which the film was projected.
I pulled her along as we exited the theatre we were in and began scanning the marquees of the other theatres within this twelve-theatre complex. I checked my watch so I could pick one that was in progress, but likely to be unattended. Considering how empty the parking lot had been and the number of people in our show, there had to be at least one, probably two or three. Some of the titles being unfamiliar, it was hard to make a choice, but I finally settled for what I thought was a family movie and hoped there weren’t any families here on a Sunday night. We entered the theatre only to find two small groups of people and the theatre not laid out like the one we’d been in.
“What are you doing?” Rosa asked as I pulled her out of there and decided to just try the next theatre down the hall. It wasn’t any good either, but the next one was perfect. An empty theatre and the last two rows hidden from the projection room, and it was a very noisy action movie that I hoped would mask the sound of the spanking Rosa was about to get.
“Alright, young lady, kneel on the seat and bend over!” I said, pointing to a seat at the end of the last short row. As she squeezed by me in the row, I added, “I’m going to teach you to keep your comments to yourself and let others enjoy the movie even if you aren’t!”
“I’m sorry, Mark! I won’t do it again! I promise! Please don’t spank me!” she pleaded as she got into position during a quiet part of the movie. As I yanked her tight, sexy shorts down below her cheeks, she continued, “Ohhh, don’t pull my pants down! Not here! Please! Someone will see!!”
As if on cue, the movie’s noise level rose with some kind of battle scene, as I began spanking over her extremely tight boy-short panties. She stopped protesting as I quickly ramped up the ferocity of my hand spanking her gorgeous ass. When it was time to take her panties down, a prelude of fast-paced spanking on both cheeks ensured the flesh would be hot and tingly, just the way you want it before your bottom is bared.
“You can’t pull my panties down! Not here!?” she pleaded unconvincingly as I moved my hand around her body, inching the tight panties down an inch or two at a time. Once over the bulge of her cheeks, and my fingers in the elastic at her sides, I watched as the fabric pulled away from her sticky crotch. “I don’t wanna get spanked on my bare bottom,” she whined just before I did just that, laying on a series of ten to fifteen strokes on alternating cheeks. On and on I went, even through quiet passages of the movie until I felt she’d had enough — for now.
“That should be enough to get the point across for now, young lady,” I scolded as I finished and pulled her panties up, letting the elastic snap against her sore bottom, “but you’ll be getting more later when I can spank you properly! Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” she replied sheepishly as she pulled her pants up and gave me a short, but delicious kiss of thanks. Of course, she did get spanked again later, several times, in fact, but those ended with climaxes for us both.
For my first ‘public’ spanking, we went to a park I had scoped out after one of our calls where we discussed such things. I’d chosen a park that was divided in half by a lake, one half being where the playground, ball field and picnic areas were and where most of the people went. The other half had a healthy trail, where various exercise stations were strategically placed along a two-mile trail. You’d jog from station to station and stop to do the prescribed exercise: pull up, sit up, balance beam, etc., and then continue to the next stop.

I chose the park and location because I hoped this exercise area would be effectively abandoned on a weekday in early to mid-morning. At one point I’d thought we could even turn it into a competition, whoever wins gets a spanking at each station, but dropped the idea partly because few of the exercise stations were private enough, but also because Rosa wouldn’t want us both getting spanked around the same time. Being a competitive person, I had dreamed up other similar schemes that I thought would be fun and made my mind up that I’d have to convince Rosa as well, but this wasn’t the situation to do it, especially since it was my day to get spanked!
Instead, having parked on the side where all the mothers and children were, we took a nice, long walk to the other side to a park bench that was suitably shielded from nearly all angles. Along the way, we teased each other about spanking and sex, basically building up the mood, during which I even got my bottom smacked several times. She enjoyed watching my buns jiggle under my gym shorts since we’d both agreed to wear no underwear; the theory being that it would be quicker and easier to both expose and cover up if we needed to. In effect, I was already getting my public spanking since we were walking right along the edge of the lake and anyone who might be watching us could see Rosa pull her hand back to smack my bottom.
“So WHERE is this BENCH you picked out?” she asked, punctuating her words with spanks on my already tingling bottom, “the BENCH where I’m going to SPANK you?” We were walking on the exercise trail towards the spot I’d picked out.
“Just ahead, around that bend in the trail,” I replied, indicating a point forty or fifty yards ahead, where the trail curved to the left around a large bush and away from the lake. As we rounded the corner, the spot I’d picked was obvious to Rosa. We stopped and looked forward and back, confirming how private it was. The bench was set parallel to the trail, set back a good fifteen or twenty feet from the trail and surrounded by high bushes and palmetto palms on three sides, offering a semiprivate place to sit and view the lake. Rosa agreed it was a perfect place. The only exposure was to the trail for maybe ten feet or so. Otherwise, you’d have to be across the lake, probably with binoculars, to see anything.
I took Rosa down the trail a little further where the parking lot for this end of the park would be visible. “No cars!” I commented, showing Rosa where they’d be. “Go sit on the bench and see if you can hear me coming when I jog past.”
“Under the circumstances, do you REALLY think YOU should be ordering ME around right NOW?” she said smacking my bottom really hard. “Bend over!” she ordered and took hold of me around my waist before peppering my backside with a dozen or more spanks equally distributed to both cheeks. My thin nylon shorts offered little protection and I felt every swat she gave me. “Maybe I should pull your pants down right here for a good spanking on your bare ass!” she threatened as she took hold of the elastic waist and pulled them down a couple of inches.
“Please Rosa! Not here! Not on my bare bottom! Please, can we go to the bench before you take my pants down?” I pleaded with at least a little real concern. Ignoring my pleas, she yanked them down just below my cheeks and gave me five good ones on each side. “Ow! Please, Rosa!?” I pleaded, more for her benefit now as being spanked out in the open like this was already getting to me. She yanked my pants up as quickly as she had taken them down and turned me to face her.
“Now… I’ll go sit on the bench and you jog past to see if I’ll hear you. Understand?” she said smacking my bottom yet again. I nodded and she turned to walk to the bench. “You’ve got a serious spanking coming, young man! And I don’t want anyone interrupting us!” she called over her shoulder as she walked away. “Make it a realistic jog! If you don’t, your bare bottom will pay for it!”
I did as I was told, from both directions and then went to stand in front of Rosa seated on the bench. “So? Could you hear me?” I asked.
“Just barely. Which means you’ll have to stay pretty quiet no matter how hard I’m spanking you! I’m certainly not going to take it easy on you just to avoid someone seeing your naughty little bottom getting spanked! Now, get over my knee! We’ve wasted enough time here already!”
Moving to her side, I lay down across her lap with my bottom perched on the edge of her right thigh. We each adjusted a little, but I was still moving when she started spanking, for which I was scolded as she spanked me over my shorts. She spanked away, delivering easily a hundred swats to my barely covered behind, all during which I couldn’t wait for her to pull my pants down. I could already see what Rosa had said about the airport spanking, that the further you go, the less you care about being caught.
She spanked almost non-stop and at a steady rhythm as she scolded and I pleaded, playing our roles. When she finally stopped to pull down my pants, it was the most glorious baring of my bottom I’d had yet. Being out in the open, sort of, like we were, apart from the excitement the danger of discovery added, the cool breezes of early morning wafting across my naked buns gave me a raging case of goose bumps. She noticed and teased me about it… something about my bottom being cold and her offering to warm it up for me, which, of course, she did with a volley of spanks on my now naked bottom.
Relishing every spank to my bare bottom, I found it hard to pretend I didn’t want to be spanked, but neither did I show how much I was enjoying it. Painful exclamations were frequent enough for Rosa to imagine she was still punishing me, even if only half of them were for real.
The spanking continued with Rosa changing my position a couple of times, once to kneel on the bench and another time to bend over with my hands on the bench. We were in this position when we heard a car go by somewhat distant and behind us. She continued at a slower pace, both of us with our ears listening carefully as the sound stopped, followed a few moments later by a car door closing. Rosa put me back across her knee, noting it would be easier for me to sit up and hide what we were doing from that position. I lay with my chest against her thighs and my ass hanging way out, ready to roll up onto the bench if necessary.
We waited for what seemed an awfully long time before Rosa resumed spanking me, but slowly, with a long pause between spanks, as we listened for the sound of footfalls on the trail. We eventually waited so long we both got impatient and returned to a regular paced spanking, assuming the person was either not going on the trail or had gone off in a different direction. Rosa was right at the end of a blistering volley of hard swats when we were proven wrong.
We both heard the shoe scuff on the pavement, and it was close. I sat up as quickly as I could, but I imagine that when the blonde woman with a runner’s physique went by us, we certainly didn’t look like two people just sitting on a bench. My shorts were around my thighs, which by itself wouldn’t be overly noticeable, but I’m sure she saw the last second or two of the hurried motion and our attempt at disinterested faces certainly didn’t look natural. She passed us by, and we looked at each other thinking we’d gotten away with it until we heard her call back to us.
“Give it to him good, honey! I’m sure he deserves it!” she said loudly, and we both broke out in laughter. We figured she must have heard the distinct sound of spanking, coupled with the way we looked and a person who perhaps was into it herself, we realized she knew well what we were up to.
“Maybe she’d like to join us!?” I said not seriously.
“Oh! You want another hand smacking your bottom? I must not be spanking you hard enough!” Rosa said as she pulled me back across her knee. “I guess I need to lay it on a bit heavier, don’t I?!” And she did, with a hard and fast flurry of painful swats to my sore bottom. She paused and seemed to be fumbling with something behind her. A few moments later, I turned to look just in time to see her hairbrush descending upon my naked cheeks and landing with a distinct sound and even more distinct pain penetrating my tortured flesh.
“Owww! Where did you get that from?” I cried as several more blows landed on alternating cheeks.
“Just my wallet and a bottle of water,” she replied with a smile. It took a second to make the connection, but I remembered that as her reply to a question I’d asked back at home when I saw her zipping a fanny pack closed. I made a note to be careful in the future if Rosa was wearing an appropriately named ‘fanny’ pack, as it was liable to be trouble for my fanny!
She didn’t use the hairbrush too long, returning to her hand when she stood me up and bent me over again. The spanking got decidedly more sensual, with strategically timed smacks and much groping and caressing, particularly of my stiff member. She spanked and stroked until I shot my load, hitting the bench with most of it.
Rosa had come to appreciate my tongue and fingers very much, and lifting her skirt to reveal her naked pussy was the only instruction I needed to know she wanted my face in her crotch. Kneeling before her, I pressed my lips to those beneath her skirt and went to work. After dropping her skirt over me, it looked as though I had stuck my head up her skirt and before long, she was pushing back, smearing her wet pussy over my face and tongue. With my tongue and one set of fingers in her slit, and the other on her ass, she was moving quickly to climax. She came once and then again, before her knees couldn’t support her desire for even more. Slouching on the bench with her bottom hanging off and her legs spread wide, she pulled my face to her cunt and clamped her silky thighs around it to keep me where she wanted me. With only my tongue in her slippery slit, my hands and finger went to work on — and in — her delicious bottom. Her third climax was explosive as she pulled my face even harder into her sex as the orgasmic waves rolled over her.
We got ourselves together before walking back to my car, during which we groped each other’s naked bottoms whenever privacy permitted. About halfway back, we passed the runner who had found us out. With only a knowing smile, she told us she knew exactly what we were up to and probably would have joined in if given the chance.