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Author's Notes

"Audrey starts developing her own public spanking scenes, some planned and some improvised!"

Part 3 – Audrey’s Plan

From this point on, it was usually Audrey who was coming up with locations and scenarios for these almost-public spankings. As I had done to her, she would spring them on me unexpectedly, but often they were last-minute ideas, entering her imagination for a situation or locale, and almost demanding immediate action. Like the time in a Walmart that was extremely busy when she pulled her pants and panties down and told me to spank her very hard and fast! I was reluctant because although we were in a less busy part of the store, there were many people there and to me the risk of discovery was great. We got away with it, and I had to admit the increased risk also increased the pleasure.

Or the time at a county park where we’d stopped for a rest in one of the many picnic shelters that was fifty yards or so away from another shelter where a noisy kid’s party was going on. Hearing the laughter and screeching noise from the kids made her believe no one would hear us and suddenly she was again baring her bottom and bending over the end of the picnic table begging me to smack her naked butt. The party noise did cover our actions but the way those kids were running around, it was easy to imagine them discovering us and running back to tell a parent that some lady was getting a spanking! These stunts showed I’d created a monster with an insatiable desire to be spanked in increasingly risky places and times.

One very enjoyable outdoor spanking we did was in my backyard. We were spending the day lying in the sun and swimming in the pool and I happened to mention that both of my neighbors (I only had two) were away for the weekend, something I knew because one had asked me to keep an eye on their home and the other was away almost every weekend.

We were lying in the chaise lounges in our swimsuits, and immediately upon hearing of our unusual privacy, she got up, stripped her suit off and lay across my lap in an obvious invitation to spank her. As we really were alone, I started smacking that beautiful bottom, before she’d even finished saying, “Spank me!” A longer than usual spanking during which I stopped to go inside and fetch a round, leather paddle that we both liked and peppered her butt with hundreds of swats, but it didn’t stop with just spanking! We licked and fucked and spanked all afternoon in the bright Florida sun.

A few weeks later a comparable situation arose where one neighbor would be gone on a week’s vacation and the other told me of an event they’d be attending well into the night. Audrey asked if we could repeat the whole backyard scene but start earlier and maybe go even later. I agreed, noting that we’d need the cooperation of the weather to make it work.

The day came and though it wasn’t as sunny as the prior day, there was some sun and no rain, so the plan was on. We got our suits on, noting that Audrey had gotten a new black one-piece suit that would have her almost completely naked when it was time to bare her bottom. We went outside and lay in the sun for a while enjoying a cold beer and idle conversation. I went back in for another beer and when I came out, I found her bending over, trying to position her towel on the lounge properly. Taking it as an invitation, I put the beers down and began spanking her over her suit.

“No! Not yet!? Please don’t spank me!?” she cried, which I took as role-playing and continued spanking, even pulling her suit up in a wedgie to bare her cheeks. She continued protesting, which eventually I saw as genuine and stopped.

“I’m sorry!” I said as I took her in my arms and kissed her. “I thought you wanted it like last time, but if you don’t it’s totally okay!”

“No, I do!” she said and with a devious smile added, “I just have a… a plan! Let’s go in the pool!” So, we went swimming for a while and I noticed her checking her watch often assuming it had something to do with her plan. So, we just enjoyed our swim, which included a lot of groping inside our suits and even some licking and sucking with suits pulled out of the way. Getting out, we just lay in the sun to dry, not bothering to towel off.

After checking her watch again, she asked me to get her another beer, so I went inside for it. As I was heading back out, I noticed through the glass doors that she had moved an armless chair into a conspicuous location and seemed to be looking towards the gate in the side yard. She nodded her head just as I opened the door, which caught her off guard, but she quickly recovered. She was standing by the chair she’d moved, holding her hands behind her, and twisting back and forth in imitation of a nervous, little girl.

“I’m sorry, daddy! I’ve been such a naughty girl!” she said standing beside the chair, once glancing quickly to the side yard again. “Are you gonna spank me?” I decided to let my suspicions go and just play along.

“Silly question!” I said loudly. “You know what happens when you’ve been a bad girl! You get spanked on your bare bottom,” I scolded as I sat in the chair she’d so obviously placed for this purpose. “I said bare bottom, little girl,” as she went to lay over my lap with her suit on. She stood up, quickly stripped the suit off, and lay across my knees smiling at me as she bent over.

“Oh, daddy! Please don’t spank my hiney too hard!?” she said but changed to squeals as she felt the first smacks land on her perfect, naked bottom. I spanked for several minutes in all the usual patterns and Audrey just took it all with nothing but pleasure showing on her face. Noticing her periodically looking to the side yard again, I decided to find out what she was looking at.


“Yes, daddy?” she answered looking back at me.

“You’ve been looking over at the side of the house over and over again. Just what has captured your attention so?”

“They’re watching me getting spanked, daddy!”

“Who is!?” I asked and got an answer from a different voice.

“We are,” a girl’s voice said, and two women stood up from behind a bush at the corner of the house and walked toward us.

“You remember Kim, don’t you, Mark? …And that’s Diane, another friend of mine!”

“Hello, Kim! Nice to meet you, Diane!” I said, adding, “This is an unusual time for you both to turn up!” Audrey remained across my knee, giggling.

“They’re here to watch me getting spanked!” she said still giggling.

“Audrey’s idea,” Kim said.

“Don’t let us stop you,” Diane added with a look that said she was enjoying this naughty display.

“Then I guess you both know that Audrey gets spanked on her bare bottom quite often,” I said as I resumed spanking.

“Yes. We’ve heard… frequently!” Kim replied.

“Please, daddy! Don’t spank me in front of my friends! It’s so embarrassing!” she cried getting back in her little-girl role, but her body betraying her again, showing just how much she was enjoying it.

“Help yourself,” I said to the girls, pointing to the two beers I’d left on the table. “This may take a while,” I added as they placed two chairs just a few feet away and sipped on the beer. Even just a few more minutes of spanking was quite a lot even for Audrey and her bottom was deep red, all over. “Kim, would you hand me what’s under that towel?” I asked, pointing to the table. She lifted the towel and smiled when she found a leather paddle that was a favorite of us both.

“Oooh, you’re in for it now, Audrey!” she said, handing me the paddle and sitting back down.

“NO! Please, daddy! Don’t paddle me! My hiney really, really hurts!”

“Since we started on your bare bottom, we need something else to make sure you remember what happens when you disobey me!” Starting on the word ‘else’ I began paddling at about medium intensity but building quickly. Audrey was genuinely hurting as she flailed around on my lap and her bottom got hotter and redder! Since she had set this up, I wanted to make sure the girls got their money’s worth!

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Finally, I was finished and helped her up to see her furiously rubbing her sore bottom. The girls were touching her bottom and commenting on how red, how hot, and how bruised her bottom was, and Audrey was loving the attention. Eventually she came to me for a big hug and a kiss.

“Thank you for spanking me, daddy!” she said, almost mocking her little-girl persona.

Back with her friends, she talked about how exciting it was to get spanked in front of them and how she’d like to do it again sometime. Their voices fell to just above a whisper, which I couldn’t hear, but their conversation was highly animated. Diane, in particular, was excited about something, shaking her head no, then nodding yes, then a questioning look at Audrey as if to say, ‘Are you sure?’ and Audrey nodded ‘yes’.

“Daddy?” Audrey said, returning to her role. “Daddy, Diane has been a naughty girl too and she thinks she should get spanked as well, but she’s afraid it will hurt too much! Will you give her a little spanking?”

“Your first spanking, Diane?” I asked.

“Yes… sir,” she replied.

“A spanking is supposed to hurt, you know, and I think you’ll want it to hurt as well, but being your first time, I promise it will only hurt as much as you want it to, okay?”

“Will you paddle me as well?” she asked, clearly warming to the idea.

“It might be too much for you, so only if you find you want it.”

“I do! I want to feel the paddle. Will you spank me and paddle me, sir?” she asked, finding her courage as she walked up to stand in front of me. As I sized her up, she was a very petite girl, with a girlish figure, small breasts and a cute little butt shown off by her tight spandex shorts. I looked over at Audrey for approval and she nodded her agreement.

Sitting and patting my thigh, I said, “Over my knee, Diane. You’ve been a bad girl, and bad girls get their bottoms spanked!”

She came to my side saying, “Yes, sir!” and lay across my lap. Kim and Audrey sat down to watch. “Oh! Oooh! Ow! Mmm! Oh yeah!” she said as I started spanking over her very tight-fitting shorts, revealing every crease and crevice from her bottom cleft to her pussy, where a dark spot started to show her arousal.

From the feel of her petite cheeks, I guessed she was without panties underneath. Well, I’ll find out shortly, I thought when I’d been spanking for a couple of minutes. Everything she was doing — squirming, exclamations, raising her bottom to meet my hand — told me there was plenty of pleasure to go with the pain.

“I think it’s time to take your shorts down, young lady!” I said and getting a friendly nod from her I slipped my hands into the elastic and peeled the tight fabric off her firm body, leaving them about mid-thigh, allowing me to see the shiny, wet pussy lips between. Moaning as I caressed her tiny little butt, she squirmed enticingly on my lap.

“Ow! Mmm! Oh my god! Ow! Ohhhhh god! Ugh!” she cried as she felt the first spanks on her naked cheeks. She was loving every minute of it, even squirming impatiently when I’d stop to rub and squeeze her buns as though to say, ‘Get on with it!’ Spanking for another couple of minutes, she was turning very red, so I thought I needed to wrap things up.

“I think you’ve had just about enough,” I said with her looking a little sad, but she perked right up when I added, “but you still need to be paddled! Twenty swats on each cheek, little girl! Hand me the paddle, Audrey?” Wiggling suggestively on my lap, Diane was clearly loving it, her leaking pussy giving an overall sheen to her crotch.

Audrey came to give me the paddle and see her wet crotch, leaned over to whisper in my ear, “Make her cum, Mark! However you want to do it, as long as you don’t fuck her, okay?” She gave me a kiss and smiled before taking her seat again.

“Forty swats, little girl! Are you ready?” I asked and getting an animated nod, I started. After ten swats on each side, I stopped, allowing her to enjoy the different feeling. She raised her butt up again and got the next ten harder than the last. This time she seemed to need a little longer before she got more so I waited for her signal. Her bottom raised again, she got the next ten, this time five in succession on each cheek and harder, still getting gasps when I stopped again. “Ten more, little girl! Ready?”

“Please, sir, make it twenty?” she asked with a little smile on her cute face. Starting again, I gave her ten in succession on each side, both harder and faster than any before, after which her hands flew to her sore bottom and rubbed deliciously. Remembering Audrey’s approval, my soothing hands on her bright red orbs became fingers dipping between her cheeks and into her slippery slit, which got her motor going very quickly. I really wanted to make her cum from licking her pretty, little bald pussy so I helped her turn over on my lap after which I lifted her up, standing myself, and turned to sit her in the chair.

She looked confused, but not for long as I pulled on her legs behind her knees to get her sitting on the edge of the chair, and then pulled her knees apart giving me my first look at her little flower-petal pussy. My hands slid up her thighs, reaching the top just as my tongue slipped into her slit. I took it easy at first because I knew she was right on the edge already and wanted us both to enjoy it a little longer.

Up and down her slit I licked, only touching her clit briefly on each cycle, and still she was moving to climax quickly, so wanting it to be explosive, I sucked her tiny lips into my mouth and slathered them with my tongue before concentrating on her clit and in seconds she was cumming, her body shaking spasmodically in the chair as streams of her slick nectar squirted from her cunt three times, drenching my face and chest.

“Oh my god!” she said repeatedly as she regained her composure. Somewhat calm now, she sat up and said, “Thank you for spanking me!” and after a kiss on the cheek added, “daddy!” with a big smile. “Oh god, it feels so good!” she said, rubbing her cute, little butt in a very sensual way.

The girls talked amongst themselves for a while as I went inside for another beer. By the time I came back out, Kim and Diane were about to leave. They both thanked me for the show of Audrey’s spanking and Diane thanked me again for her spanking. When they turned to leave the way they came, they walked arm in arm and then I saw Kim’s hand go down to squeeze Diane’s sore bottom and then give it a little smack just before they rounded the corner out of sight.

“They’re lovers,” Audrey said in explanation of what was obvious, as she put her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “Thank you for doing that… spanking her. Obviously, they knew about my spankings, and it really intrigued them, but Kim couldn’t see doing that to Diane and Diane in turn wasn’t sure about the pain, so I set this up! I got to have my friends watch me getting spanked and they’ve got a new thing to do together!”

“I have to admit I enjoyed spanking Diane, but right now I’d like to have my little girl over my knee again!”

“Oh yes, daddy!” was her simple reply.

“Have you been a naughty girl again or do you just want to get spanked good and hard?” I asked as I kneeled down in front of her still-naked body and slid my tongue into her slick, wet slit! Groaning, she spread her legs, giving me more access to her steamy crotch where my tongue went crazy all over her tender lips. “I just want… Ohhh… to get… Mmm… to get… Oh god!… get SPANKED!” she screamed as she came hard. Still struggling to breathe, she added, “but I want it in bed, okay?”

“Okay,” I answered simply, and we made our way to the bedroom where for a couple of hours we did everything our sex-filled minds could think of to make us both cum over and over again.

Written by 2bespanked
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