Chapter 4 - A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On
Part 13 – The Long Weekend
A week or so later, as I was getting ready to take Susan home on a Sunday night, I told her of a business trip I’d be taking that week, leaving Tuesday morning and returning Friday around midday. I’d been putting off telling her, afraid of her reaction, as I wasn’t happy about it and imagined she wouldn’t be either. We saw each other very often, never skipping more than a day. She got noticeably quiet as we made our way to my car.
“I’ll miss you so much!” I said as we stood next to my car.
“Ohhh! I’ll miss you too! You’ll call me?” she asked, and ‘of course’ was my reply. “Well, I guess we’ll have this from time to time, so we’d best just grin and bear it,” she said in a feigned adult voice. “… but you’re going to get it when you get back for leaving me alone for four days!” she added with both a serious and laughing tone.
“Yes, Miss!”
We’d said our goodbyes the night before, and Tuesday morning found me at the airport on my way to Dallas. It was a trip like many I’d made before, but considerably more important that the outcome of this trip be favorable. I don’t particularly like business travel, having had more than my share in my career, but this time was more challenging with Susan always on my mind. I’d found in the past that the time goes much quicker if I immerse myself in the work, concentrating on doing it well and thoroughly. It helped a bit, but Susan still came to mind often, a pleasant but frustrating distraction.
Phone calls at night with Susan had us sharing our day’s activities and affectionate comments. After the second day, it occurred to me that these calls sounded just like those made by my colleagues to their wives, which started another train of thought, but I put it aside.
“Mark, Chloe’s returning to school in a week or so. She asked me if she could use the Spanker Machine again before she leaves,” Susan asked on the first night’s call.
“Tell her to have fun with it! You’ve got a key to the house, so you’ll be there with her?”
“Yes. I was, um, thinking of trying it myself. Are you okay with that?”
“I just wish I could be there to watch!”
“I’ll be thinking of you … while I get spanked.”
“Good. It’ll make you appreciate the real spanking I’ll give you when I get home!”
“Mmm! Are you going to spank me when you get home? Hm? Take me over your knee, pull my little panties down, and spank my hiney?”
“Yes, Susan! I will give you a good spanking with my hand and a hairbrush on your bare hiney!”
“Yes, sir. Are you going to touch me? And lick me between my legs after to make me feel better?”
“Oh, I’m gonna do so much more than just touch and lick you! My fingers and tongue will explore your whole body, caressing your tits, squeezing your nipples, rubbing your sore bottom, and scraping my fingernails across the tender, red cheeks! Fingers running through your slippery, wet slit and probing deep inside you! Followed by my tongue tasting every bit of your delicious pussy! And finally, I’ll slip my throbbing, hard cock into your steamy, wet pussy and fuck you until we both explode!”
“Oh God, Mark! I want your cock in me right now! I am so wet! Mmm, did we just have phone sex?”
“Not without us both cumming. Want to take it further?”
“I don’t need to! I need to take care of myself now!”
The call ended quickly, leaving us both aroused and wishing we were together.
My work continued with some challenges, but I handled them and found myself satisfied with the result Thursday evening as I dined with the group I’d been working with. With the work completed, my mind wandered willingly to Susan, returning home, and what we should do this weekend. I had a rough idea of what I’d like to do and ran it by her on our call.
“Hey, beautiful!”
“Oh, Mark! I’m so glad you’re coming home tomorrow!”
“Me too! How would you like to spend the whole weekend together at my house?”
“I’d love it! I was thinking of the same thing, actually!”
“Great! I’ll be back at work midday. Why don’t I leave a little early and pick you up at work to start the weekend off right!”
“Ooo, great idea! I’ll have to pack some things. Will I need a bathing suit,” she said, laughing.
“Only if you think you need it. I’d like to think the only time we’ll be fully dressed is when we go out!”
“I was thinking of taking Monday off. Could you as well?”
“Another great idea! Three days together! I’ll have to hustle when I get in the office, but I can do it!”
“I can’t wait, Mark! Mainly just to see you, but for the weekend as well. I’ll get Chloe to take me to work so we don’t have to worry about my car.”
“I’ll go in a little late and take you to work on Tuesday, okay?”
“Yes! This is gonna be so much fun!”
“It will. Hey, did you try the Spanker Machine?”
“I’ll tell you about it when you get home. I think I’ll say goodnight now. I have a bag to pack. Goodnight, Mark!”
“Goodnight, little one!”
We hung up, and I went to work logging into our network to finish more work and lessen my load for Friday and Monday. In quiet moments, my mind would wander to ideas for the weekend. We hadn’t been to the beach in a while, so that’s good for one night. I’d been thinking about taking Susan to my favorite adult store and getting her some sexy lingerie; maybe something in the Dominatrix line? I wasn’t sure whether she’d want to go or not. If you haven’t been, the first time can be a little intimidating.
I remembered a fun spreadsheet program I’d written called the Spanking Generator, which, using a dice-throwing analogy, comes up with a random spanking. You can use it with any game; the loser has to push the button and get the spanking it decides for you. I think Susan would find it fun. We’ve played card games before, so this would add an exciting element and risk of losing!
I did as much work as possible, staying up a bit later than usual. My flight in the morning was late enough that I ought to be able to get a decent night’s sleep and still get breakfast before my flight. Trying to sleep initially proved difficult as my mind was still planning.
Thankfully, everything went well on Friday, and I got to the office shortly after one o’clock. I got to work getting things in place to allow me to take Monday off. That, too, went well, hopefully, a good omen for the weekend, and I was right on time to pick Susan up. I pulled into the parking lot and was barely out of the car when she came running out and literally jumped into my arms!
“I missed you so much,” she said between long, passionate kisses with her arms and legs wrapped around me.
“Mmm, you feel so good in my arms!” I replied. Staring into each other’s eyes, something else caught my attention. I looked to my right and saw her co-workers at the window watching us! “Susan, the girls are all watching us!”
“Ignore them. It’ll wear off, eventually.”
“Who did they do this to before us?”
“Nobody. You know they see you as my white knight who came to rescue me and take me away,” she explained. After a pause, she looked into my eyes and said tearfully, “I do too, Mark! I love you so much!”
“I love you too! Let’s say we rescued each other?” With that, we hugged as tightly as possible with our lips mashed together, sucking each other’s face. After letting go of me, she went back inside to retrieve a bag, and after putting it in my trunk, we took off for my house.
At the house, we both changed our clothes into something relaxed and casual, as we decided this was the night to take one of our regular walks on the beach after dinner, which was pizza and beer because it was simple, easy, and close by. We talked about our week in more detail than we had on the phone. Susan’s stories were usually about something or someone amusing in her dental chair, but Chloe is always part of her days. In my case, I gave her a layman’s description of the work I’d done in Dallas. We took our time, feeling no need to rush with a nice, long weekend together before us.
We finished dinner and headed to the beach a little earlier than usual, with the hot sun still well above the horizon. Looking at the clouds, I could see a possibility of a nice sunset, but that could change in the hour or so we still had. We took the blanket I kept in the trunk and left it in the same spot where I’d gotten my beach spanking. Leaving our sandals, we headed off to walk the shoreline.
“So, you never told me how you liked the Spanker Machine,” I said, starting one of our sexy talks.
“Well, I will say it really hurts! I started at four and worked my way up to eight, but then I made the mistake of pulling my panties down and not lowering the dial. It's a good thing you have that kill switch because it stung big time! But did I like it? I don’t know; it’s obviously not like the real thing, so if you aren’t as lucky as me to be dating an expert spanker, it's better than nothing. Chloe went to the notch above ten on her bare bottom and finished seemingly very satisfied.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s different for you. You’re new to all this and started with someone to share it with. If, like me and Chloe, you’ve had this desire for a long time and relatively few real experiences, you get what you can, even if it’s by your own hand.”
“I wondered whether you ever spanked yourself back when we talked about ‘self-pleasuring,’” she said with a smile.
“I wouldn’t dream of asking Chloe, but I’d be willing to bet she does as well. It’s a desire you can’t ignore. Can I tell you something, and you promise not to be mad at me?”
“Well, okay,” she replied, initially showing some concern.
“I’ll just come right out and say it. I have paid women to spank me.”
“What? You mean like a prostitute?” she asked, not doing well on the not-getting-mad thing.
“Not really, I mean, sort of. There is no sex involved at all! They gave me spankings in whatever way I wished, and that was the end of it.”
“You’re sure? No sex? I mean, it seems a little strange. I’ve seen how you get worked up after a spanking and what you do to me after!”
“Yes, I’m sure. Even if I wanted to, they wouldn’t do it. They’re there to provide BDSM services only.”
“BDSM? You mean like domination, tying you up, and all that masochist stuff?”
“Yes, that’s what they do for others. For me, it was just spanking, though at times, they’d try to get me into something more severe, and I tried some very mild things but didn’t like it, so we’d go back to spanking, paddling, strapping, etc.
“So, going back to where this started. If you haven’t had a good spanking in a while, you’ll do many things to satisfy that desire. The simplest but least satisfying is spanking yourself, which is where all my paddles came from. They’re a little more effective than using your hand. The Spanker Machine is much better than doing it yourself, but not as good as having a real person spank you, even if you’re paying for it. But nothing comes close to the real thing with someone who understands and shares that need, like my ‘little one’!”
“So, what? You paid for it a few times when you just had to have it?”
“More than a few times. I went to one woman every other month or so for over five years! But in all that time, we learned very little about each other. It was a professional relationship only, and because of that, it was not as satisfying as you might think.”
“Five years? And she wasn’t the only one?” she asked, clearly getting less comfortable with my honesty.

“You have to realize that I was in my late teens when this interest started, and it became a real desire when I was out of school! That’s almost forty years ago! And I’ve had, I guess, three relationships that lasted a while, but none more than six months, give or take? So, eighteen months of regular spanking experiences and the rest of the forty years with a short or even one-off event here and there and no one the rest of the time! I hope you never have to experience that need with no one to share it with.”
“I’m sorry, Mark. You’re right. I don’t know what it’s like, and I hope I never find out!” she said with a hopeful look in her eyes. If I’m honest, I hoped the same thing. “You said three. You’ve only told me about two.”
“The other was another girl at work named Justina, but that was a purely sexual spanking relationship, and before you ask what happened to her, she got another job in a different state, and I’ve never seen or heard from her again.”
“So other times you used that ‘You need a spanking line’ to get someone else?”
“Yeah, but it only worked a few times. I’ve had some interesting short encounters, but you don’t want to hear about them.”
“I might! Were there any funny ones?”
“Okay, well, there was one with a woman who had a ‘Honk if you need a spanking’ bumper sticker on her car, so I honked! And I got a really good spanking in the back of her minivan. Another involved a woman I’d become good friends with, a rare friend with whom I’d shared my spanking interests. We got into a discussion once about child discipline after hearing about the trials and tribulations of raising a teenage daughter alone. She blew my mind when she asked me if I’d spank her eighteen-year-old daughter as punishment for being a typical ornery teenager! I objected strongly, but she didn’t give in. It took quite a while, but eventually, she wore me down, and I agreed.
“The first time was at her home, so she was there to observe, which I had insisted on. The second time was at my home, but she was there as well. The third time, she called to ask if she could send her daughter over alone, which she did despite my objections.
“The fourth time, the girl just showed up on her own, claiming her mother had sent her. I called her mother, and she responded strangely, saying I should spank her anyway! Her daughter had an amazing body, so it didn’t take much convincing to get me to do it. She came three or four more times and confessed to liking it.”
“Wow! I can’t imagine doing that as a mother!”
“That wasn’t the strange or funny part! At some point, she came to me and, in a roundabout way, told me she’d been really turned on watching me spank her daughter and felt a great deal of envy when Kelly came home openly rubbing the sting in her bottom. I was expecting her to want me to spank her, but what turned her on was watching me give the spanking. She knew I liked getting spanked as well and very excitedly asked if I’d let her spank me, and she did, several times, both of us enjoying it, but never going beyond the spanking!”
“I guess with so many years with it on your mind, I can see how it could play out like this.”
I stopped walking, took Susan in my arms, and kissed her passionately. “Susan, none of those experiences or even all of them together come close to how I feel about you!”
“Oh, Mark! I should know that by now! I love you so much! Maybe I need a little punishment spanking later for doubting you?”
“Oh, you’ll get spanked later, but you won’t consider it a punishment!”
“Mmm, can’t wait! Look! The sun is getting close. Why don’t we go lay on the blanket!?” she added with that cute bitten-lip look I loved so much. From the blanket, we watched the sun go down and added plenty of our own color to the brilliant display of colors from the sun.
“Mark? With all that time to take care of ‘things’ yourself, you must have invented scenarios you like. Fantasies of ideal spanking situations? Perhaps ones we could make a reality?”
“Yes, I have a few like that, but I’ll only tell you if you promise to share one of yours as well.”
“Okay, but I haven’t had as much time to dream up anything amazing,” she warned.
“That’s okay. I’ll take whatever you want to share with me. I told you about the girls I paid for and them wanting to give me some of that domination experience? Relax! I won’t ask you to whip me or lead me around on a leash like a dog!” She smiled with a relieved look.
“One of the things they describe on their websites is the idea of giving up total control to another to do with you as they please, sometimes called a ‘power exchange.’ This aspect interested me as there have been many times when the stress of my job was overwhelming, and the idea of no one needing me, asking me questions, looking for decisions, and someone else deciding everything was appealing, but it didn’t work so well in that paid situation. I felt it needed a more personal connection. You kind of did that the first time you spanked me, but you weren’t controlling the situation to the degree I’m talking about. Do you understand what I mean?”
“I think so, and I think I could do that,” she replied, smiling gently.
“Mmm, good! The first scenario involves two of my favorite things; getting spanked and licking your pussy!” That piqued Susan’s interest. “It starts with you telling me you’re dissatisfied with how I’m licking you and suggesting giving me lessons to learn to do it right. If a lesson is unsuccessful, I get spanked.”
“But Mark! I love the way you lick me!”
“You’ll have to have a very arrogant attitude about it! You know, demanding! And a little mean! The lesson goes like this; you give me three minutes to make you cum with only my tongue! If you’re not satisfied, even if you cum, I get spanked for three minutes in whatever way you want. Then I get to try again with five minutes allowed, this time with the same consequence for failure. Adding two minutes each time until I’m finally successful! And you reward me by sitting on my face!”
“Wow! I want to do it, but I don’t last two minutes with your tongue in my pussy, let alone three, five or more minutes!”
“Well, to be fair, I’m usually using my hands and fingers, not just my tongue, and you can still enjoy it, but just act like it wasn’t good enough!”
“Okay! When do you want to do it?”
“It shouldn’t be planned, or I shouldn’t know when you will do it. Just sometime when I’ve got my face between your luscious thighs, you spring it on me.”
“Woo! Okay! It ought to be exciting! Do you want to hear mine now? It’s not as exciting as yours, but …”
“If you’re involved, I know I’ll love it!”
“Okay. Well, you remember when we talked about sexy words that first time you came to my house? And we both said the word ‘spanking’ was one of those words? Just hearing the word was arousing?”
“Yes, and I think I like where this is going!”
“So, it starts with you coming to me and asking me to spank you, but not just once. Repeatedly all through the scene. Like … ‘Susan, please give me a spanking? I want to get spanked! Spank me! Please?!?’ We both repeatedly use that word throughout the long spanking. ‘I’m gonna give you such a good spanking, Mark! I’m gonna pull your pants down and spank your bare hiney! Oh yes, Susan! Please give me a good, hard spanking! Spank my hiney!’ … like that.”
“Ooo! I want to crawl over your knee right now and beg you to spank me!”
“Yeah? Do you like it? Speaking of crawling over my knee, can we go home and make somebody’s bottom red?”
“Definitely! But we both want to get spanked tonight, don’t we?”
“Yes, but you said spanking each other the same night doesn’t work!”
“Well, I’ve got a way that might, and I’ve been dying to try it!”
“Ooo, another fantasy?”
“Yeah, I guess, kinda. It involves a program I wrote for when I’d spank myself, but I’d love to try it with both of us. Want to hear about it?” She looked doubtful. “This isn’t the romantic reunion you had in mind, is it?”
“Yeah. Mark, I’d love to play the game, but maybe tomorrow night? Tonight, I just want to be in bed with you and feel you everywhere! Okay?”
“I love you, Susan!” Taking her in my arms, I added, “And I can’t think of a better way to spend the night! Let’s go home!”
“I love you too!” she said after we stood up and hugged. “You know, I’m gonna spank your hiney tonight!” she said as she swatted my bottom a few times.
“Oh? Have I been naughty?”
“No. I just want to spank your hiney!” she replied, laughing.
We decided to forgo the tea and donuts we originally planned to get home as quickly as possible. Susan teased me with her hand in my crotch as I drove, so I responded similarly. By the time we got home and closed the door, we were pawing at each other, taking clothes off as we made it to the bedroom.
The pawing continued as we fell together on the bed, and our fingers explored every part of our bodies. Pushing Susan onto her back, I made my way down her body with fingers and tongue probing everything, with my tongue finding its home in the delicious slit between her legs. When I found her clit, she arched her back in extreme pleasure, and a few more trips up and down her slit found her cumming hard.
“Come here, you naughty boy!” she said as she maneuvered me onto my belly and a few dozen smacks on my underpants before yanking them down to spank my ‘bare hiney.’ “You need a good spanking, don’t you?” she asked, shades of her fantasy coming through.
“Yes, Susan! Spank me! Spank my hiney!” I said, playing along as she spanked me over a hundred times, leaving me with a stinging red bottom. Satisfied with the color of my bottom, she turned me over and engulfed my hard-on with her mouth. Expertly sucking my hard cock for what seemed like a short time, she had me cumming in a fountain falling back on my belly.
“I think you’d like to get spanked too, hm?” She nodded her approval, and over my knee, she went with the spanking following immediately after. I spanked her tight, little bottom to a nice rosy pink, after which I plunged my fingers into her dripping wet pussy, which had her writhing on the bed. Off my lap, I positioned myself behind her and, taking her by the waist, lifted her bottom and stuffed my face in her pussy from behind, which found my hard-on returning.
“Ohhh, I want you in me, Mark! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” Lowering her back onto her knees, I slid into her slick pussy easily. Slowly gliding in and out, I gave her ‘hard’ by pushing hard into her for the last inch or so, her cheeks slapping against me with each thrust. Having both cum once already, we could make this last a little longer before we came like a freight train, me preceding Susan but staying stiff enough to finish her off.
The night continued with variations on the theme we’d already been following with repeated licking, spanking, and fucking. Both of us physically spent, we lay together, enjoying the gentle touch of our bodies before deciding we needed a shower to wash off the sweat and other bodily juices from our lovemaking.
Unable to resist the sight of water running down between her firm thighs, I again dove into her inviting pussy, licking her till her knees grew weak, and she came as she pulled my face hard into her crotch.
We stood in the water flow, pressing our bodies together in a warm, loving embrace. We washed each other gently with foamy body wash running down our bodies into the drain. After drying each other off, we put on clean underwear, and only underwear, to go to the kitchen for a late-night cup of tea. We still couldn’t keep our hands off each other, though it was with gentle, loving caresses rather than sexual urgency.
“Mmm, if that’s what happens when you return from a trip, I might view you traveling a bit differently!” she said, her face close enough for lips to touch, just touch gently. We went to bed expressing our hopes that the rest of the weekend would be as good as only the first night had been and soon fell asleep with bodies pressed together.
I hope you liked the beginning of this 'Long Weekend'! Read on as the excitement grows, and don't forget to 'like' and/or 'favorite' this story if you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!