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Author's Notes

"Lot's more fun like this to come! Stay tuned!"

Chapter 2 - Getting To Spank Her

Part 7 - My Secret Is Out

I kept thinking about how and when I would tell Susan how I felt about her, but there’s one thing she needs to know before I tell her: I like to get spanked, too. I can’t yet picture myself across Susan’s knee, but I’m sure, like everything else, it’ll be amazing.

I felt I had to do this before revealing my true feelings for her because first, she has a right to know, and second, I don’t want to say it during the first spanking she gives me, if she even does, because she could take it as just a phrase blurted out in the throes of passion. If she doesn’t want to spank me, I’d still have to wait a bit so she doesn’t think I’m saying it to get her to spank me. So, I needed to tell her about this part of my spanking life, then worry about the other.

Of course, there’s another possible outcome, but I don’t even want to consider it. She could feel like I didn’t trust her to accept it and not want anything to do with me anymore. My main reason for not telling her till now is that she was so vulnerable when we started. A person experiencing their first spanking will often look at their spanker as an authority figure, and at that vulnerable time, she doesn’t need to think that ‘daddy’s a wuss.’ I’m not religious, but I find myself praying, ‘Please, God, let her accept me the way I am!’

It was the Sunday after the whole ‘pervert’ affair as I was thinking and planning over a cup of tea. I hate Mondays, so I was trying to decide between Tuesday and Wednesday. Finally, I decided on Tuesday, wanting to do it sooner rather than later. I had to work a bit later than usual, so I called Susan around five-thirty about when she’d be home from work.

“Hi, beautiful!” I said, trying to get off on the right foot.

“Hi, handsome,” she threw right back at me, “You know, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you calling me that! What’s up? Can you come over tonight?” she asked hopefully.

“Actually, that’s why I’m calling, to ask if it’s alright that I stop by.”

“Sure! What time?”

“I’m still at work but should leave within thirty to forty-five minutes, so six-thirty?”

“Maybe I should delay dinner? So, you can join us?”

“No, not tonight. I had a big lunch out with visitors. Should I come later so you can finish dinner?”

“No, we’re about to start now, so we’ll be done in a half hour.”

“Good, so I’ll see you around six-thirty.”

“Okay! Don’t be late!” she said, expecting some fun.

I finished my work a little earlier than planned, so I stopped at a coffee shop for some tea and cake to pass the time. I was extremely nervous about telling her because I had no idea how she’d react. Her general views towards spanking made me think she’d be okay with it; she might not want to take part in it, but it wouldn’t affect what we’ve had. I hadn’t finished when it was time to go. I drove casually to her house, trying to calm my nerves. I parked in the street and went to the door just as it opened with Chloe coming out.

“You two behave!” she said, laughing, and left in her car. Susan was right behind her with a big hug and a kiss for me just outside the door.

“And I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that!” I said as we looked into each other’s eyes.

“I hope you don’t!” she said, then took my hand and led me inside. “Can I get you anything? Wine, beer?” she asked as I sat on the sofa.

“A cup of tea would be nice?”

“Sure! English Breakfast, right? Be right back!” She came with my tea when I noticed a glass of wine on the table. “So, you sounded like this wasn’t just a social call, like you had a purpose,” she correctly guessed as she sat practically in my lap.

“Susan, there’s something about me that you don’t know.”

“You’re a spy! You’re gay! You’re a woman!!” she joked. I pulled her over my knee and gave her about twenty swats over her gym shorts.

“Are you going to let me speak now?”

“I’m sorry, Mark. You seem so serious; I was just trying to lighten the mood!”

“It is serious.”

“Uh-oh!” she responded only half-jokingly.

“First, I want you to know that nothing … absolutely nothing I’ve told you has been untrue about my past and present. I have never told you a lie. But there is a lie of omission here. I haven’t lied about it; I just haven’t told you about it.”

“Mark, you’re scaring me!”

“I can understand that, but let me finish. Ultimately, I hope you don’t think it’s all that bad. I guess I should just say it. I like to get spanked, too.” She only showed a look of mild surprise. “I love spankings, too!” A sadder look appeared on her face.

“Oh, Mark. Why didn’t you tell me? Were you embarrassed in some way to tell me?”

“It’s not embarrassment. My main, and really only, reason for not telling you was for your sake.”

I gave her my whole defense about her being vulnerable and new to it, probably seeing me as an authority figure, etc. “During all those wonderful times we’ve had, all those delicious spankings I gave you, can you honestly say it wouldn’t bother you to hear me say, ‘Please spank my hiney, Mommy!’?” I saw the briefest flicker of a smile cross her face at this intentionally ridiculous suggestion.

“I guess I can understand that, but I still feel like you didn’t trust me enough to tell me. I need to think about this for a while. I think you should leave.” That was the worst reaction I could get: sending me away until she rendered a verdict on my ‘crime.’

“May I tell you one more thing before I leave?” She nodded. “I wouldn’t trade what we’ve had … have for anything. You’re the most important person in my life right now. I would love to have you give me a spanking, many spankings, but our future doesn’t depend on that. If you don’t want to add this to our relationship, I will be as happy as I am now doing everything we’ve done and more. We can keep just what we’ve had, but I’ll know I didn’t keep this from you.”

“Okay. I need to think, Mark,” she said as she got up and led us to the door.

“When will I hear from you?” I asked, feeling like I could start crying any minute.

“I don’t know. It could be an hour, a day, or a couple of days. I don’t know how I’ll process this.” As I’d done the first time I kissed her, I held her face and kissed her gently on the forehead.

“Goodbye, Susan,” I said, tears welling up as I thought about losing her.

“Bye, Mark,” she said softly, closing the door behind me.

I drove away with the whole disastrous conversation going through my head repeatedly. Should I have done it differently? Did I screw up in the telling of it? Should I even have told her? On that point, there was no doubt I had to tell her. I still felt my reasoning for why I didn’t was both truthful and sound. Going over what I said, I concluded I couldn’t have said it in any appreciably better way. I finally told myself that I’d done the right thing in telling her and how I told her, and now I just had to wait for her to process it all until sentencing.

I went for a drive to try to clear my head. With the top down, wind in my hair, and music blasting so everyone on the interstate could hear me coming, I went bombing down I275 toward St. Pete as fast as traffic would permit. I didn’t know how I would wait days, or even a day, thinking I might lose Susan. I’d never told her before, but I truly meant it when I said she was the most important person in my life.

It had been about an hour since I’d left her home, and I was off the interstate driving some of the curvy coastal roads where I needed more attention on my driving. The music stopped because the phone was ringing. The caller ID on the infotainment screen said it was Susan! I slowed down and pulled into a parking lot because talking on the phone was almost impossible while driving with the top down. I skidded to a stop, hastily parked.

“Hello? Susan?”

“Yes, it’s me. Where are you? What’s all that noise?” she asked with the same subdued voice I’d left her with.

“I’m in St. Pete, and the noise is traffic. I’ve pulled over so I can hear you clearly.”

“Oh. Do you think you could come back? I think we need to settle this.”

“I can be there in about twenty to twenty-five minutes.”

“Okay, good. See you then. Bye!”

“See you th …” and the line went dead. My worry ramped up even more. Her voice still sounded so sad, and she practically hung up on me at the end. I wished I were closer, not just because I wanted to be there quickly, but because now I had twenty minutes to analyze and worry about every word and nuance of our short phone call.

I arrived at her home and came to a screeching stop in the driveway. I jumped out of the car and almost ran the short distance to the door. Finally, I stopped. ‘Slow down,’ I said to myself as I stood at the door and prayed again not to lose Susan. After a minute or so, I rang the doorbell.

“Come in! It’s open!” I heard her say from inside. I opened the door expecting the worst and was stunned to tears at what I saw. I stood there speechless and motionless. She stood maybe twelve feet away, next to our ‘spanking chair’ dressed in a flimsy, white blouse, tight, black skirt that ended inches above mid-thigh, and heels that added several inches to her height.

Her face was made up lightly, and her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. It was dusk outside, so it was an otherworldly scene with all the lights off except one above her head. It was a devilish look and so appropriate, but to me, in my state of mind, she was my little angel. Silent tears still flowed down my face.

“Why don't you close the door,” she said gently.

“Hi,” I said, barely recovering my voice.

“I think you know what’s going to happen here.” I simply nodded, speech still difficult. “So why aren’t you pulling your pants down?” I stood there, still too stunned to move or speak, and overwhelmingly relieved to know I hadn’t lost her. No matter what happened, I would still think of this as one of the best days of my life.

“Okay. Come here!” she said in a stern and understanding voice as she sat in the chair. I managed to stand in front of her, seated on her throne.

“You know you’ve been a very naughty boy! So, you need to get spanked! I’m going to take your pants off, put you across my knee, and give you a good, hard spanking! Do you understand?” she finished as she reached up and wiped some tears from my face.

“Yes, Susan. I know I deserve to get spanked,” I replied, finally finding the ability to speak more than two words at a time.

“Good. Let’s get these pants off,” she said as she started to undo the belt and zipper of my pants. Now open, she pulled them down and had me step out of them. Going for the waistband of my underwear, she said, “Given the seriousness of this situation, I don’t think these should remain either. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Susan. Spank me on my bare bottom,” I answered, getting more into the scene.

“Spank you on your bare what!?” she said sternly.

“Hiney! On my bare hiney, Susan!”

“That’s better. Naughty boys need to have their hineys spanked,” she answered as my underwear came down and off.

Standing naked from the waist down, she pulled me to her side and guided me down onto her lap, the coming spanking finally arousing other parts of my body. She pulled me against her body with her left arm and held me tightly. It had been so long for me that even these seemingly insignificant acts were arousing. Gently rubbing and patting my bottom, she said, “You’re going to get a well-deserved spanking, Mark! Ready? Here we go!”

With that, her hand came down, and the first of what would hopefully be many spankings from her began. I was in heaven! While she didn’t spank awfully hard, it was still much harder than I expected from a rookie. She spanked continuously and consistently, laying down what had to be fifty spanks before she stopped.

“Hm, that was a good start! Now, this is how it will go for the rest of this portion of your spanking. I’m going to spank you five times on one cheek at a time. On the fifth spank, I want you to say, ‘Spank me, Susan.’ I’ll go back and forth to both cheeks with you, asking for more each time. Understand?”

I looked back at her and said, “Yes, Susan,” as our eyes connected with me, trying to acknowledge her excellent job. It began. Five on my right cheek. “Spank me, Susan!” Five on the left. “Spank me, Susan.” Back to the right. “Spank me, Susan!” Back and forth with ‘Spank me, Susan!’ after each cycle. She tried to do one cycle across both cheeks, but her hands were so petite it didn’t work. Still, “Spank me, Susan!”

She sped up a few times, and I barely got my phrase in before she started again. I felt like I just kept saying, ‘Spank me, Susan!’ continuously, which seemed so appropriate given what I’d failed to tell her. She continued for quite a while, which I imagined was maybe ten or fifteen repeats, but she’d later tell me it was twenty! A hundred continuous spanks from a newbie!

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“Okay, that’s enough for now. Mmm, you’re coloring nicely!” she said as she stroked my pink and not-so-sore cheeks. “Now get up and kneel on the floor right here in front of me.” Out of practice, I clumsily got off her lap and knelt before her. “Take my shoes off?” she asked rather than demanded. As I did, she got a little massage on her tiny feet. We both smiled as our eyes connected again. “Aren’t you going to thank me for your spanking?”

“Thank you, Sue …”

“No, not with your words,” she chided as she slid out to the edge of the chair and hitched her skirt up and up until she revealed her naked crotch. Her skirt now bunched around her waist, she said, “With your tongue!”

I smiled broadly as my hands slid up the tender inside of her thighs to her magic place. As I reached in to slip my tongue into her slit, she made it seem like she’d done this before, although I knew she hadn’t. ‘I can’t believe my good fortune,’ I thought just before my tongue slithered into her waiting pussy.

I promised myself that this would be the best pussy licking she’d ever had as I went into high gear, nibbling and licking, tasting and fingering, each eliciting all sorts of pleasurable sounds from Susan. Slipping my hands beneath her, I got a hold of those cute little cheeks of hers. Now being able to pull her crotch into my face, I upped the intensity to a chorus of ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’ and short staccato breaths, and as I sensed the end was near, I drove for home, my face bathed in her juice as she came.

She sat up, and seeing my wet face, she pulled my shirt off, wiped my face clean with it, and planted one of the best kisses I’ve ever had on my appreciative face. “That was very good, but don’t think it gets you off the hook!” I nodded eagerly. “And there’s lots more fun and spanking to come!”

“Oh, Susan! I …” I said but stopped abruptly.


“No, another time.”

“Okay,” she replied, but I think she had an idea of what I was going to say. “Strip me, Mark! Strip me naked!” I went for the skirt first, finding a zipper on the side that allowed it to slip down her gorgeous body easily. The blouse was just as easy with only three or four buttons, and ta-da! completely naked, as she hadn’t worn a bra either.

As soon as I dropped the blouse, she threw herself into my arms, and we wrapped our naked bodies in each other. She looked up, and I tried to kiss her as well as she had kissed me a few moments ago.

“C’mon! Let’s go to the bedroom for the rest! Mmm, I want to be in bed with you!” she took my hand and pulled me willingly into the bedroom, where we fell on the bed, hugging and kissing again.

“We forgot the spanking chair. Will you get it?” I quickly returned with the chair and placed it near the end of the bed Susan was sitting on. “Sit down,” she instructed. I sat casually with my legs spread a bit apart. She stood in front of me, pushed my legs together, and sat on my lap, her legs spread around me and her tempting body getting a good rise out of me. She started telling me what she wanted me to do, with a kiss on my face between phrases.

“Now, I want you to … ask me very nicely to … spank you. You have to convince me … that I should … spank you again … and the kind of spanking you get … will depend on how well … you convince me that you should … be spanked! … okay?” she finished. “Good … begin!” She continued kissing me and caressing my body lightly as I spoke. Occasionally, I got a soft ‘Mm-hm’ or an ‘Uh-uh’ in response to my pleading.

“Please, Susan, I want you to give me a spanking. I should get spanked because I didn’t trust you. I deserve to be spanked very hard, don’t I?”


“So, are you going to spank me now?”


“Well, I’ve been a bad boy, and bad boys should always get spanked on their bare hineys, right?”


“Maybe you should give me a stand-up spanking first? You sit in the chair, and I’ll stand before you, maybe bent over a little while you spank me!” No reaction; just continued pawing and kissing. “Then maybe you should sit on the bed, put me over your knees, and spank me with the hairbrush? You know how much that hurts!”


“Now, do you want to spank me?”

“Uh-uh.” I finally realized what she was doing. Being new to all this and never even considered giving someone else a spanking, she was looking for ideas! And a very clever way to get them!

“Next, you could bend me over the chair and spank me like I did to you? With the hairbrush, maybe, to make it more painful? Would you like that?”

“Mm-hm.” I sensed that still didn’t convince her, so I suggested a scenario I’d always wanted to try but had never found the opportunity to. I wasn’t sure how it would work with a rookie spanker.

“Would you like my tongue in your pussy while you spank me? Hm? I could lie on my back on the bed while you straddle me with your back to me and sit on my face, stuffing your pussy in my mouth while you lift my legs and diaper spank me!?” She stopped kissing me and looked me straight in the eye with a devious smile. That was the winning idea.

“Get up and stand with your back to me! I’ll watch you jiggle and shake while I spank your hiney!”

Here we go, I said to myself. I gave the chair up to her while she moved me within striking distance and then didn’t waste any time going to town on my soft cheeks. It’s one of my favorite warm-up positions, and Susan made good use of it with both hands and fifty spanks!

“Mmm, that was good,” she said as she got up to sit on the bed. She was changing the sequence of my suggested ideas. “Get the hairbrush and come to my side on the bed! Good! I’ll take the brush, and you get right over my knee!”

I was lying across her lap as instructed, and in no time, I felt her pat my cheeks with the brush. It had been such a long time since I’d had any spanking, least of all with a hairbrush, and I wished I could ask her to go easy at first, but that would spoil the mood. “I do remember how much the brush hurts!” she said with a hard swat to my left cheek. “And I think you should feel it too!” with another hard swat!

“Yowww!” I yelled involuntarily. “No! Please, Susan! Please don’t spank me like that. Owww!” as another landed on the soft center of my bottom.

I got three good, hard ones on each cheek with a yelp from me on each, and then, thankfully, she spanked a little softer for the rest. I nearly jumped off her lap when she scraped her long fingernails across my tender buns. She giggled at that, knowing first-hand how intense that feeling was. Enjoying it as she did, she changed to giving me six on each cheek, getting harder with each swat, and then quickly scratching my over-sensitized cheeks.

After a while, she changed to just spanking me with her hand. She’d later tell me she was concerned about how painfully red my cheeks were. Perhaps another fifty, and we were changing again, this time to the face sitting!

“Mmm, your hiney hurts, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, Susan, but it’s supposed to hurt, right?

“Yes, and I think I can do much better than that! Okay, lie here on the bed,” she said, indicating the space to her right. “Good, now just lay there and don’t move!” She lifted her right leg over my chest, landing on my right side. I was now staring at her beautiful bottom, and when she bent even a little, I’d see her pretty pussy! She moved back to position her pussy right over my mouth.

“Okay, I’m gonna wipe your face with my pussy! Mmm, are you nice and wet now, too? Yeah? Now, open your mouth and stick your tongue out! Ooo, now that’s me in your mouth! You’re going to get another spanking! … a diaper spanking! They hurt a lot too, don’t they?” I could only mumble a reply as she was grinding her pussy on my face and stuffing it into my mouth. “Lift your legs! C’mon! Up! That’s it!” she said, wrapping her arm around my legs at the knees.

With my tongue sliding through her slit, she began spanking my taught bottom, not too hard but hard enough to hurt a lot, especially someone as out of shape as me.

“Mmm, that feels good, Mark! I love the way you lick me! You’d better hope you can make me cum quickly because I won’t stop spanking until you do!” With that, she began spanking earnestly but was often distracted by my tongue working her dripping wet pussy.

I don’t like diaper spankings, but this scenario was perfect for it. Susan switched hands, holding my legs with the spanking hand and vice versa with the other. I loved this! And it showed in my hardening shaft.

I had no idea how many spanks I got since they got increasingly irregular, as my tongue brought Susan to a full boil such that she couldn’t keep up the spanking as regularly when she was about to cum! And cum she did with my face bathed from above by her flowing juices! She prompted a few aftershocks by lifting off my face and dropping again to squirm on me, my nose, mouth, and chin all serving as something to grind her sloppy wet pussy against.

Eventually, she stopped and lifted off me. Grabbing a portion of the bedsheet, she wiped my face. Finishing that, she had her mouth on mine in a frenzied kiss before finally exclaiming how amazing what we just did was.

“Oh, Mark! I’ve never done anything even close to that! The spanking, obviously, but sitting on your face!? Ohh, I hope you like it because I loved it and I’ll want to do it a lot!”

“I can’t wait! I loved watching you completely out of control while tasting your delicious pussy!”

“Oh my God! We’re trying that this weekend! Now you’ve still got one more spanking coming! For tonight, anyway. You’ll get a lot more spanking to catch up with me!”

“Can’t wait for that either!”

“C’mon, I want you bent over the chair!” We both struggled off the bed, at least partly due to the exhaustion we both felt from the last episode. We moved to the chair, and I got behind it, about to bend over and place my hands on the seat, but Susan stopped me. “From the other side … and put your hands on the front of the seat!” I was barely in this position before she rubbed my bottom in preparation.

“Now, I’m going to do the five on a side like before, but this time, I want you to say, ‘Spank me, Susan’ on one side and ‘Spank my hiney’ on the other, okay?” I nodded my agreement, and the spanking began.

“Spank me, Susan!” five hard spanks on the left. “Spank my hiney” with five hard spanks on the right. We kept this up for another hundred or so when Susan surprised me by grabbing my hard cock and jerking me off in time to the spanks. “Ohhh, Susan! Mmm, oh, spank my … my hiney!” I tried as it got harder and harder to concentrate on anything but her hand on my dick. I was so hard when she started that it only took a minute before I spewed my cum all over the chair and the floor. Now, it was my turn to collapse in ecstasy.

“Mmm, now that’s a good boy,” she said as she had me stand up and turn to be taken in her arms in a vicious hug. “You’re not a naughty boy anymore! You’re a good boy who wants to lay me on the bed and bury his face in my crotch, licking my sticky, wet pussy until he’s hard enough again to fuck me good!”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her with her arms and legs wrapped around me, took her to the bed, laid her down, and dove into her waiting pussy. As I licked, nibbled, and sucked her soft lips, she put her hands on my head, forcing my face harder into her.

Surprisingly, it didn’t take long before I was ready to plunge into her and fuck her hard, as she requested. A writhing, rocking rhythm had us both speeding toward our climax, with Susan cumming a few seconds before me. We collapsed in each other’s arms while my cock shrunk inside her.

“Oh, Mark! If these times together keep getting better at this pace, I’m not sure we’ll survive it!” She said, breathing heavily and laughing softly at the same time.

“We can only hope!” I felt tears coming as I thought of how this night began with the fear of losing her. “Thank you, Susan!” tears rolling down my face now. “I was so afraid I was gonna lose you!” Susan was tearing up now as well.

“I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. It wasn’t fair, and I promise never to make you feel like that again! Will you forgive me?”

“I have, Susan. It was a mean thing to do, but the scene you played out was unbelievable! I don’t know, maybe you’ll get a spanking for it, but I don't think so.”

“Thank you! I still feel so bad about it, so it will have to be a real punishment spanking!” she said through a tearful smile.

We just lay together for a long time, affectionately touching and kissing each other. As I realized the first step of my plan was complete, my thoughts turned to when and how to tell her how I really felt about her. I kept thinking it should be special in timing and location but was drawing a blank on the details.

When I finally dressed to leave, Susan walked me to the door, still naked, which made our goodbye hug and kiss even more special.

“Would you like to have dinner tomorrow?”

“Mmm, I’d love to!”

“Pick you up at six?”

“Perfect!” I drove home with plans trying to form in my tired mind.


Susan proved to be quite a capable spanker, didn't she? I hope you liked the way this played out. Don't forget to 'like' and/or 'favorite' it if you did! Thank you so much for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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