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Author's Notes

"I hope everyone appreciates the direction this story is going as it is different from my usual story development. Enjoy!"

Chapter 3 - Getting To Love Her

Part 8 - Love?

Susan was up early the following morning to go to work and pranced through the house, wearing only her panties, singing, “Guess who got spanked last night!?” Chloe heard this as intended since she was also up but still lying in bed.

“Oh, Mom! Don’t rub it in!?”

“… and it wasn’t me!!” she added, and Chloe jumped out of bed, running into the kitchen where Susan was making her tea.

“What?! You spanked Mark!?” She sat at the small kitchen table, wanting to know everything.

“Oh, Chloe, it was so amazing! Part of it was that it was so sexy, having Mark asking me to spank him. Another part was all the great sex between the spankings! It was really nice to know he trusted me completely. He would have done anything I told him to. Of course, he was already doing anything I asked, but this was different. You know what he liked? For the first spanking, I told him to say, ‘Spank me, Susan,’ after every five spanks on one cheek. He liked saying it, and I loved hearing it!”

“I am so happy for you, Mom! You are so lucky to have him, and I’m still envious! Has he ever done anything bad?”

“No, not really. But I let him think he had before the spankings.”

“Was he a naughty boy?”

“Yes, but that’s not what I meant. He came over yesterday after work just to tell me that he liked getting spanked, too. He decided we’d come far enough that I deserved to know.”

“Yes, that was the right thing to do.”

“Yeah, but I acted like I didn’t see it that way and got mad at him for keeping it from me. I told him he should leave as I needed time to think about it, and I didn’t know when we’d be able to talk about it again.”


“I did it because I needed the time to set up my plan!”

“What plan?”

“Well, you know I suspected he liked it too.”

“No, you didn’t!”

“I did! When he almost slipped a couple of times talking about some past spanking experience, I was almost certain. So, I started developing a plan for when he eventually did tell me, and we both loved it better than anything we’ve done before!”

“So, how did it work after you kicked him out?”

“I didn’t kick him out!”

“Yes, you did! You asked him to leave.”

“I felt bad about that. He was so sad! I called him after about an hour and asked him to come back, saying we had to ‘settle this,’ which gave him no clue about our fate. I dressed in that outfit you call the ‘strict teacher’ and stood next to the spanking chair when he came in. Once he saw me and put all the puzzle pieces together, he just froze and didn’t move or speak. Chloe, he had tears running down his face!”

“Oh, Mom! That was so cruel! He spent all that time thinking he was gonna lose you!”

“I know. I felt awful when I saw that. I tried to make it up to him all night, and it was the most amazing night, but ….”

“I think he loves you, Mom.”

“Do you? I don’t know. Guys don’t fall in love that fast.”

“What are you basing that opinion on?”

“I can’t tell you how many girls I’ve worked with over the years who thought they’d found ‘the one,’ speaking in grand terms about being in love only to find his feelings weren’t that strong when it came to the ‘L’ word!”

“But you love him, don’t you?” Chloe asked as she saw her mother’s eyes wet with tears.

“I do! I love him, Chloe!” and she broke down crying.

“You have to tell him, Mom!” Chloe said as she put her arms around her and hugged her.

“I can’t! I can’t be the one to say it first! What if he doesn’t? It would all come crashing down!”

“Yeah, I guess. I’ve never had that kind of relationship, so I wouldn’t know how that rejection would feel.”

“Why can’t I just enjoy what we have and give him time to figure out he loves me, too? He may have almost said it last night. He’d just finished, you know, licking me? His face was still wet with tears and … me, so I pulled his shirt off and wiped his face. When I told him there was more spanking to come, he said, ‘Oh, Susan, I …” He stopped and wouldn’t finish even when I asked.”

“Mom, you have got to apologize and do something to make it up to him.”

“Yeah, I know. We talked about it at the end, both of us in tears, him telling me how he was so afraid he would lose me and me apologizing for it. I wish I’d done it differently. Since I was pretty sure he would tell me at some point, I could have had a scene ready to go rather than banishing him as I did. I’ve got to find a way to make it right because I’ll never feel right about it until I do!”


Later that week, I called Susan after dinner and asked if she’d like to walk the beach, to which I received an enthusiastic ‘Yes!’ Walking on the beach had become a regular pastime for Susan and me. Often, it was not the ‘romantic walks on the beach’ cited in dating site profiles but discussions of our favorite pastime and other less sexy topics. Our beach visits had no pattern, but it was probably once a week.

We arrived at the Redington Shores public beach, went through the parking process, and headed for the beach barefoot. The conversation probably didn’t start this way, but it was memorable nonetheless.

“Did your parents spank you, Mark?” she asked in a kind and curious way.

“Yes, but not the kind of spankings we do. Just simple discipline, no hugs or forgiving, just quick, painful at the time, spanks to get our attention often with a ‘go to your room’ command. So, how about you? I’m guessing ‘no’ as that likely would have been your trigger point.”

“Yeah. I mean, no, I never got spanked. Not even an idle threat, but you know I had an interesting conversation with Chloe the other day about our family and spanking. Remember at the park when you said something about my history and trigger points for spanking may go back a lot further than I thought?”

“Yes,” I replied simply.

“So, I talked to Chloe, and she reminded me of several spanking instances within my family that I had forgotten or maybe blocked out. The first was actually my parents! Chloe reminded me of something my father used to do with Mom. She’d be in the kitchen bent over a stove, cutting board, or something, and my father would come up behind her and give her a “good swat on the fanny’ he called it.

“I’d completely forgotten about it, but once Chloe reminded me, another similar memory came back from when I was young. It was the same setting, and my father did the same thing, but once, my mother replied, ‘Not here, dear!’ suggesting that in some other place, my Dad spanked my Mom!”

“Wow! I’d call that a big-time trigger!”

“Yeah, and that’s not all! I had an aunt and uncle, Myrna and George, who were probably spankers. Chloe reminded me of a party we had for several family couples. Chloe was supposed to be in bed, but she was peeking through her door and saw my uncle bend Aunt Myrna over in front of everyone and give her three of four playful smacks.

“Again, this revived a memory of mine where I was walking down the hall of somebody’s house when I heard a loud smack. I turned the corner and saw Aunt Myrna pinned to the wall by Uncle George with her bottom stuck out saying, ‘George! The children!’”

“Susan, it really does run in your family!” I said, chuckling. Susan laughed as well.

“And even one more! I remembered this one, at least partially. It involved a Netflix series called ‘Weeds.’ Did you watch that series? No? Well, there’s a scene where the main character is taken over the knee of some drug dealer in the back of his limo and spanked on her sexy black panties, a real, hard spanking! Chloe says I showed an unusual interest in this particular episode when I told her about it. What do you think it means, Mark?”

“I don’t know, and it would probably take a professional to figure it out. Do you really want to know? Or can you just be happy that you’ve discovered the interest in time to enjoy it?”

“I guess,” she said resignedly.

We walked silently for a few minutes, enjoying beach sounds, water lapping at our feet, a sea breeze blowing through, seagulls, and even other people as they walked by us, just enjoying walking arm in arm together.

“Mark, do you remember the first time you came to my house, and we talked about sexy words and words we don’t like?”

“Yes, and you used some of those words last night, didn’t you?”

“Um, yeah, I guess. But actually, that’s a perfect example. After your last spanking, when I told you to fuck me? As wound up as we were, saying, ‘Make love to me wouldn't sound right.’ Do you agree?”

“Partly. I think my aversion to some of these sex words takes me back to pornographic movies we’d see at the Triple X movie theatres. At the time, they were really hot, but see enough of them, and the dirty talk just sounded dirty and phony, not sexy. Coming from you the way it did? I must admit, it was really hot because it was a sincere, sexy response.”

“So, you were okay with it?”

“Yes, in that instance. There are some words I can’t imagine using in any sexual context without sounding just dirty, but maybe that’s just the limitation of my imagination.”

“Like what, for example?”

“Okay, the word ‘cunt’! It sounds so debasing, maybe because of its other uses, but I can’t see you saying, ‘Please eat my cunt’ in any scenario. For me, there’s only one word that sounds a little sexy but not dirty, and that’s ‘pussy’. How about quim? Or slit? Are there other words for your vagina that would be okay with you?” At this, I turned and swept her off her feet to hold her in my arms, saying, “I want to eat your vagina!” and plunged my face into her crotch! Susan giggled girlishly before replying.

“Certainly not vagina! No, I can’t think of any offhand. But that brings up clinical words rather than dirty words, like vagina, penis, and buttocks. I guess ‘breasts’ is an okay word. So, if neither the clinical nor the dirty word sounds right, are we left with a single word?” A quick kiss and I put her back on her feet.

“I imagine there are other words we’re not thinking about. But being a bit out of practice, they’re not coming to me. Here’s another word I hate, ‘masturbate’! I can’t even say what I don’t like about it, but I certainly wouldn’t use it to describe anything I’m doing. The alternatives, ‘jerk off,’ ‘rub one out,’ don’t sound any better. It’s funny because everybody does it in some way, yet there’s no nice word for it?”

“I call it pleasuring myself,” she said with an embarrassed smile.

“Mmm, so now I know! It would be incredibly hot if you told me what you do to pleasure yourself!?”

“Mark! No way! Would you tell me?”

“Not that exciting, really, but watching a woman stroke her body and plunge fingers into herself? Wow! How about I get a blanket from the car, and we find a secluded spot after the sunset?”


“C’mon! Nobody will be around, and you don’t have to take any clothes off!”


“I’ll let you spank me on the beach!”

“NO! But how about this? Tell me what you think I do, and I’ll say yes or no. On the first ‘no,’ you get your pants pulled down for a spanking on your underpants!” I considered this for a while.

“Okay. Deal! I’ve got to get the blanket and move the car out of the parking lot before they close it after sunset.”

“Okay, you do that, and I’ll scout a place for our game.”

“No way! You’re coming with me!”

“But …”

“No buts. I’m not leaving you alone on a darkening beach trying to find an even darker spot to play. You’re coming with me!”

“Aww! I like it when you get all protective over me!”

I bit my tongue to avoid blurting out my true feelings for her. I still felt it should be in a special time and place.

I took her hand, and we walked back to the car. I found a spot on the street to park only a block away. We grabbed the blanket I’d been keeping in my trunk since Susan and I made the beach at sunset a regular event. Back to the beach, we walked high up on the sand just in front of the small dunes separating the private homes from the beach.

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Three or four houses down, we found a spot. The house we were behind looked as though it was closed up for the summer, so it was not likely anyone would be coming out of it, and the dunes are a little higher than elsewhere, providing better shelter. We quickly spread the blanket out and seemed to have the same goal in mind as we kissed passionately on the blanket in each other’s arms.

“Okay, ready?” I ask, “Ready to start the game.”


“Alright, so … first, where you do it. Your bed is your first choice, but occasionally you find your fingers wandering in the shower?”


“You rarely do it fully dressed but might shove your hand down your pants if you feel the need. Otherwise, you wear very little, usually only panties, but sometimes a nightgown or even naked?


“Depending on how bad you need it, you start with your tits, squeezing and pinching a little? But when you’re really hot, your hand goes into your panties immediately.”

“Mm-hm.” Her ‘mm-hmms' were getting a little breathier with each statement.

“You rub your pussy either in or out of your panties to build excitement before targeting specific spots.”


“As your arousal builds, you start running a finger through your slit and inside you, trying to decide whether to use one of your two or, maybe, three toys or just continue with your fingers.”

“Mmm! Mm-hm.”

“Your climax is welling up inside you, and you furiously manhandle your pussy to get you closer to cumming. You’re breathing heavily as you imagine someone doing this to you!”

“Oh god! Mm-hm.”

“You’re almost there when you may try various things to build excitement, like fast finger fucking.”

“Ohh! Mm-hm.”

“Rubbing your tits or your bottom?”


“Where you slide your finger down your crack and gently push just the tip of your finger into your bottom!”

“Uh-Uh! No, that I don’t do! But you really got me going on everything else! You’ll have to take care of a pair of very wet panties later! But now you get a spanking! Kneel in front of me!” I’d barely stood up, and she was already yanking my shorts down to my knees!

“Okay. C’mon, over my knee! You’re lucky there’s hardly anyone on the beach anymore!” As I lay across her outstretched legs, I suddenly realized we had never said how long she would spank me! “You’re getting a public spanking on the beach!” she said as she began spanking me. Knowing you might be discovered getting spanked is scary and a little exciting.

Susan continued with both playful and painful spanks in no apparent pattern or rhythm. We could occasionally hear distant voices of people walking closer to the water, oblivious to our little game, but then we heard voices coming nearer, and they sounded like they were behind us! Two female voices, young voices, and before we could react, they were standing over us, apparently having come on a path through the dunes we didn’t notice when we picked this spot.

“Ooo! What have we got here?” girl one asked.

“Has he been a naughty boy?” girl two asked as they stood and watched. Susan didn’t stop spanking but did slow down.

“Oh yes! And whenever he’s naughty, he goes right over my knee for a good spanking!”

“Mmm! I wonder if Jaime would like that?” girl one commented.

“He just might, Candy! Hey! Aren’t you gonna pull his underpants down?” girl two asked. I’d kept my face hidden as best I could, but I looked up to find Susan with a questioning smile asking silently, ‘Should I?’ I decided, ‘What the hell.’ I’ll never see these two girls again; they don’t even know what I look like.

“Yeah, it’s just about time to pull his pants down and spank him on his bare bottom!” and with that, she grabbed the waistband, and as I lifted my body, my bottom was naked! “Are you gonna be a good boy, now?” she asked as the spanking resumed, though harder and louder as her hand smacked my bare cheeks.

“Don’t stop until you’re sure he’s had enough!” girl two said as though we needed her instructions.

“Goodbye, naughty boy!” girl one said as they turned towards the beach and left. Susan continued spanking me as I wished because this had been one of the most unusual and exciting spankings I’d ever gotten. After two rounds of really hard spanks and fingernail scraping, she finished.

“Come here, ‘naughty boy’!” she said as she bent down to first kiss each sore, red cheek and then kissed my face when I turned over. “That was fun, wasn’t it?” she asked, unsure of what my answer would be.

“It really was! Though I don’t think I’d make a habit of it. Would you like to try that? Getting spanked in a kind of public way?”

“No, I don’t think so, at least not any time soon. You did spank me in that park, remember? We were well off the trail and probably out of sight of anybody, but they might have heard and come looking!”

“We should go,” I said, getting up on my knees.

“Yeah, but don’t forget about my wet panties!”

“I’m looking forward to it!”


A few days later, I got a frantic call from Susan on a Saturday morning. I could hear the panic in her voice, “Hello, Mark!?”

“What’s wrong, Susan!” I asked, with my panic level rising as well.

“Can you come over right away? I was trying to clean the ceiling fan in the dinette, and it came crashing down with glass breaking and - and what a mess!”

“Are you okay?” I asked, my concern showing.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I'm a little rattled, but okay. Can you come?”

“I’ll grab my tools and be there in ten minutes!” Fortunately, I was dressed and just had to get my tool bag into my car. I drove at breakneck speeds on local roads to get there and came to another screeching stop in her driveway. I grabbed my tools from the trunk and walked quickly towards the front door. Before I got there, Susan came out and grabbed me around the waist in a big hug.

“Thank you for coming so quick! I’m okay, but it really scared me with the fan blade hitting my shoulder and the crash when it hit the floor! Come see!”

We went inside, and just as she had described it, the fan lay crashed on the floor with one broken fan blade and lots of broken glass from both the bulbs and the globes. I looked up at the ceiling, seeing only the electrical box and three wires pulled straight down until the wire nuts had given way.

“Susan, what were you doing when it came down?” I asked with panic and concern in my voice.

“I was on the stepladder trying to clean the blades. I lost my balance, and the only thing I could grab onto was the fan blade. It only held me for a second before it came down. The blade I held onto hit my shoulder when it all came down.”

“Let me see your shoulder!” I demanded. She pulled her t-shirt up to reveal the beginning of a bruise. “What were you thinking? You’re lucky that was all that happened! You could have been hurt much worse!” I scolded in a raised voice.

“I’m okay, Mark! Why are you yelling at me?”

“I’m not yelling! Well, maybe I am, but that was a very careless thing to do! You could have been hurt seriously!”

“Okay, okay, but why are you freaking out so?”

“I’m just … I don’t know. You are so important to me, Susan, and I can’t bear the thought of you being hurt or worse!” I said, struggling with words, finally realizing this was the time. “And because I … I love you!”

“What? You love me? Did you say you love me?”

“I did, Susan! I love you so much!”

“Oh, Mark! I love you too! I don’t know what I’d do without you now!” she said as she wrapped her arms around me and started crying. We fell into each other’s arms, hugging so tightly, kissing, and wiping each other’s tears away.

“I love you more than anything!” I confessed.

“You’ve wanted to say that to me for a while, haven’t you?” I nodded. “I was almost sure of it, and now … now you’ve told me and … and I love you so much!” Squeezing tightly, we stroked each other’s face, hair, and body, relishing the moment. As though suddenly realizing something, she pulled away and held my face.

“Mark, I was so cruel to you when I kept you waiting for my answer just to set up a scene! I’m so sorry, Mark! Please forgive me? I won’t ever do anything like that again!”

“And I do forgive you, Susan, completely!” I said with a tearful smile.

She put her arms around my neck, saying, “Pick me up, Mark!” and practically jumped into my arms. We kissed, and then she said, “Take me to my bed and make love to me!”

And we did, in a most beautiful and gentle way, with no spanking, an affirmation that our love was more than just a single mutual interest. Once we’d both climaxed, we again laid in each other’s arms, just enjoying the feeling of our bodies wrapped up together.

“Would you like to go out to dinner tonight as a celebration?” I asked as we were getting up.

“I’d love to! What time?”

“I prefer going a little earlier than the fashionable dinner hour to avoid crowds.”

“Me too!”

“Better and better.”

“Will you tell me what that means now?”

“Yes, now that my big secret is out,” We both smiled at that. “As we got to know each other, there were many times you said things that were just so in tune with my own feelings. Little things, like drinking tea, hating bars, liking sexy words, going to dinner early just now, but little things matter, and eventually, it led to today, the beginning of a new chapter for us.”

“I love you, Mark!”

“And I love you, Susan!” We kissed and hugged for a long time, until “Can I pick you up at 4:45?”

“Yes. Perfect! Now, about that mess in my kitchen?”

“You’ll have to get a new fan since one of the blades broke. Let’s just clean up the glass, cover the exposed wires, and get the fan in the trash.”

This was the first time we’d done something together you could consider domestic, but it had a special feeling with our love attached. Susan felt it, too, as we kept looking over at each other and smiling. With that done, we said our loving goodbyes, and I left feeling extraordinarily happy and relieved that I’d finally told her and that she loved me, too!


“Chloe? Is that you?” Susan shouted as she heard the door opening.

“Yeah, it’s me, Mom.”

“I missed you this morning! Where did you go?”

“I just had breakfast with some of my friends.”

“Actually, I’m glad you weren’t here,” she said sheepishly.

“Oh, thank you. I missed you too!” Chloe said with dripping sarcasm, “What, did you and Mark spank each other into oblivion while I was gone?” She paused. “Mom? You look extremely happy about something?”

“He loves me!” she said with tears welling up again, “Chloe, he loves me!”

“Oh, Mom! I am so happy for you! How did it happen, um, I mean, how did he tell you? And on a Saturday morning!” she added with a strange face.

“I don’t care about how and when I’m … I’m just happier than I’ve been in a very, very long time!”

“Oh, Mom!” Chloe said with tears coming to her as well. “Come and tell me about it! I need a cup of tea,” she said, heading into the kitchen. “Hey, where’s the ceiling fan?” Susan started laughing.

“It fell off the ceiling, and I’m so glad it did!” Chloe was now totally confused. “See, I was cleaning the blades, and I slipped and grabbed for the blade, but the whole fan came crashing down with the blade hitting my shoulder and breaking, and I called Mark, and he was here in like ten minutes, and when I told him how it happened, and he saw the fan, he freaked out, and he scolded me telling me I should be more careful and almost yelling at me,” she said speed talking her way through it. “I asked him why he was freaking out, and he said he couldn’t stand the thought of me being hurt or worse because he … he loved me!” she finished and started crying again.

Chloe was crying, too, when she took her mother in her arms and hugged her tightly. As they came apart, Susan repeated, “He loves me!”

“Mom, you guys are great together! And I’m glad you were wrong about how guys fall in love!” They both laughed at that. Chloe made tea as they talked further about the whole thing, essentially repeating everything that had already been said.

“He’s taking me out to dinner tonight to celebrate!”

“Ooo, we should go shopping! You should have a new outfit for a special night!”

“You’ll come with me?” Susan asked, getting excited at the prospect.

“I wouldn’t miss it!” Chloe said enthusiastically.


I hope you liked this development as much as I did. This was a very moving part of the story for me to write. Please 'like' and/or 'favorite' this story if you did. Thanks for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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