Chapter 4 - A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On
Part 12 – Another Dental Appointment
Morning came, and we enjoyed getting ready for work, moving around each other with much kissing and exploring fingers, though we knew we couldn’t take it too far or we’d both be late for work. As I was to leave first, Susan followed me to the door in a revealing bra and panties, making it difficult to leave.
After a loving kiss, I said, “It would be nice to find another dessert waiting for me when I got home!”
“You’ll probably be home first since I’ll see you before that!” The questioning look on my face prompted an explanation. “You have a dentist’s appointment today at four. Did you forget?” Whipping out my phone and checking my calendar, I confirmed the appointment. “Don’t come too early since the girls will probably smother you with attention.” Again, a questioning look. “They know you, of course, but it will be the first time since we’ve been together.”
“Okay. Hey! Do I get to spank the hygienist again?” I said, laughing.
“NO!!” she replied with made-up fear, “But you can spank her now!” I surprised her by grabbing her arm, pulling her over my bent knee, and spanking her after yanking her panties down. Thirty or forty hard smacks had her screaming in joyous pain.
“You should know better than to tempt me like that!” I said as I pulled her panties up and pulled her in for a long, sexy kiss.
“I got what I wanted!” she said with a cute smile. “See you at four?” she added. I replied in the affirmative and went into the garage to leave.
Four o’clock came quickly as it was a terribly busy day, which it often is when I have to leave early and cram nine hours of work into six or seven. I arrived at her office much earlier than intended as traffic permitted a nonstop drive. I entered the office and signed in while the office assistants and hygienists were busy with each other. One looked up to see me and cried to the others, “It’s him, Susan’s guy!” which stopped everything else and started all the comments and questions.
After many ‘We’ve never seen her happier’ comments, I replied, “Susan has made me at least as happy, and maybe even happier than she is. She’s very important to me!” at which point she turned up to rescue me, having finished with her prior patient.
“Come in, Mark,” she said, grabbing me in a big hug as I passed through the door as though laying claim to me, prompting many ‘Awws’ and ‘Ooos’! Arm in arm, we headed to her station, kissing on the way, starting another round of appreciation.
I sat in her chair, and she did all the usual things to clean and check my teeth. My mind kept returning to the last time I was here and found her lying across my lap, expecting to be spanked, while I was still in the chair. We all know the dentist’s office is not exactly a place to carry on a two-way conversation, but at some point, I realized Susan recalled it as well when she whispered in my ear, “Remember last time you were in this chair,” much as she had said ‘I’ve been naughty’ that first time. I smiled, and we knew we had both been thinking the same thing. She stole a quick kiss after checking to be sure no one was looking.

“You really should be taking better care of your teeth,” she warned, like every hygienist ever, as she finished.
“Oh yeah? What’re you going to do if I don’t?”
“I’ll take you over my knee in the chair and give you a spanking!” We both laughed, which drew the girls' attention at the front desk. “I’m going to have a little fun with them,” she added as she headed for the desk.
“What was so funny, Susan?” one of the girls asked.
“I told him if he didn’t take better care of his teeth, I’d give him a spanking!” she said truthfully, while the others thought it was just a joke. She left them, still laughing as she came back to me.
“You know, I heard what you told them,” With a look showing I appreciated the irony of having told them the truth and them taking it as a joke, I added, “… and if I heard you, chances are they did as well!” motioning to the other hygienist’s station who had just finished with an elderly woman. Susan made a face like ‘Oops!’ and got me ready to leave.
The elderly woman, having gotten out of the chair, said in a voice all could hear, “I often wonder whether my husband would benefit from a good spanking!” Everyone laughed loudly, with Susan and I sharing the secret of the truth of her statement.
After Susan finished, I went to the desk to pay the bill and make another appointment. I was treated like royalty, as they all loved the positive change in Susan’s outlook. As I went through the door to the reception area, Susan followed me through, grabbed me around the waist with a big hug and a lusty kiss, said ‘I love you!” softly in my ear, and “See you later!” in a normal voice, which drew another chorus of ‘Awws’ from the girls who were all watching through the receptionist’s window.
“I love you, too!” I said in a normal voice to yet another chorus.
I went through the front door, waving goodbye to all, and left. Later, Susan told me about all the comments she got about us being a ‘cute couple’ and ‘made for each other,’ but when someone said she was lucky to have me, she replied, “He’s pretty lucky to have me as well!”
“Good for you!” I told her, “… and you are so right!”
I hope you enjoyed this amusing chapter before all the real excitement starts! Remember to 'like' it if you did! Thanks for reading.