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Author's Notes

"This final chapter of Mark's sojourn through the spanking world begins a new series that holds a lot of promise!"

Chapter 1 - Getting To Know Her

Part 1 - I’ve Been Naughty!

“I’ve been naughty!”

This isn’t something you expect to have whispered in your ear in the dentist’s office by your dental hygienist. I’ve known Susie for quite a few years in this capacity, and I’ve always known her to be very nice and friendly but subdued.

Initially, I thought her surprising comment about her behavior completely out of character, but eventually, I remembered my last visit where I’d used the ‘you need a spankin’ line on her. In this case, it is more like a funny phrase that most people ignore, with or without a smile. I also remembered the context as a reply to her lamenting about something she had messed up somehow.

“You need a spanking!” I’d said back then, trying to lighten the mood from her admonishment.

“What did you say?” she asked with a tinge of anger. It was frustrating to converse with someone who always wore a protective mask. You don’t realize how much you rely on facial expressions to understand a person's words until you can’t do it anymore. I’m not sure I could even picture her face, having not seen it for over a year. What I remembered was a cute, girl-next-door face.


“No, really. What did you say?” This time, with a bit more curiosity than a challenge.

“I said, ‘You need a spanking.’”

“What do you mean by that?” clearly confused.

“I meant nothing by it. It’s just a throwaway phrase, icebreaker, tension relief. You told me how you messed up that appointment and interview. You could get spanked by your daddy for such a mistake.”

“You’ve said this before?”


“And how do people normally react to it?”

“Most just smile at the slightly risqué suggestion. Occasionally, someone takes it as a real threat and walks off in a huff.”

“Do some people take it as an invitation? I assume some don’t consider it a joke?”

“I spank them if they’ll let me.”

“Really?” If I could see her face, I might read interest in it.

“Sure! I’m a big fan of spanking, so if someone wants me to spank them, I will.”

“Just like that?”

“No, it’s not just like that. It’s rare and much more complicated than that. I usually make that comment in a social setting, and I’m not about to take them right over my knee! Anyway, forget it, Susie. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“It’s okay. I’m not … not offended,” she replied as though she did have some other strong reaction to it. “You’re all done. You should probably come back in three or four months to make sure those crowns are okay,” she said as she removed the bib around my neck and lowered the chair.

“Will do. Bye, Susie!

“Bye, Mark.”

I went to the front desk, paid the bill, and made the next appointment for just over three months away.

So, that appointment is where we are now, with Susie having just declared she’d been a naughty girl. About ten minutes before, the other women in the office had called out, ‘Quitting time,’ Sue!’ to which she replied, ‘I’m almost done. You guys go ahead. I’ll lock up tonight.’ Now, putting that together with her guilty admission, I think Susie has a plan, and if I play it right, I might have her over my knee for a spanking!

In a situation like this, I’d generally have a better idea of the girl's appearance. Funny that any woman with whom I shared a spanking interest was a ‘girl,’ not a woman, regardless of age. It's probably a connection to the typical ‘naughty, little girl’ scenario. Anyway, my memory of her face was accurate now that she stood on my right with her mask and face shield off.

She had shoulder-length hair that would look much better with some attention. I couldn’t tell much about her body as she always wore loose-fitting scrubs that revealed little. I’m sure she wasn’t overweight, but she could be anything from a skinny little thing to a voluptuous sexpot! Well, maybe not voluptuous, as I could see she wasn’t sporting more than medium-sized breasts, which is fine with me! I like them small, preferring them to big old tits flopping about.

“I’ve been naughty,” she repeated.

“So you’ve said. I think you know what has to happen now, Susie. Naughty behavior needs to be pun …” I stopped because she’d laid herself across my lap, still in the dentist’s chair, which was pretty comfortable since she’d lowered it to seating height and raised the arms as always to allow me to get up, but in this case, they were nicely out of the way for the spanking she was about to get.

“… need to be punished,” I finished. “I think you need to be spanked, Susie. A good spanking on your bottom!” I didn’t add the usual ‘bare bottom’ description as I didn’t know how far this would go. It’s uncommon, but I have had a girl who jumped up after twenty or so spanks and ran away screaming. I’d read somewhere that it was getting more common since the movie 50 Shades of Gray popularized BDSM play. It all looked so sexy on the screen, so women wanted to try it but found even a little bit of pain intolerable.

“I’m going to give you a spanking. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, looking back at me with apprehension and a little fear evident in her face. She placed a lot of trust in me and worried that trust might be misplaced.

“Okay. Here we go,” I warned, giving her a few firm but soft swats to her upturned bottom. “When you get spanked, Susie, you accept the consequences of your behavior and take your punishment as best you can. When the spanking is done, you are a good girl again, completely forgiven, and the bad behavior forgotten.” She squirmed a bit as I spanked, but it looked more like she was trying to raise her bottom to meet my spanking hand than avoiding it, a good sign.

I was starting to get a feel for her bottom, which I suspected was small but with nicely rounded cheeks. I don’t know how long I spanked, but as her only reaction was soft ‘Oh’s’ and “Mmm’s’ I think she was ready to have her pants down.

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“You’re taking your spanking very well, Susie. Have you ever been spanked before?”

“No, sir. Never.”

“Well, you’re handling it well, but I think it’s time to take your pants down. A spanking should hurt your bottom and help you remember to behave. Okay?”

“Yes, sir. Should I get up?”

“Yes, you’ll have to since your drawstring is inaccessible in this position.” She clumsily climbed up and off my lap and stood facing me as she untied the drawstring, pulled the waist fully open, and let the pants fall to the floor. Seeing more of her body now, I’d describe it as petite: cute, firm, and a delicious, little round bottom. I almost wished I was also taking her panties down now, though I was sure I would get them down before we were done.

When she turned to give me a full-frontal view, I saw tight navy houndstooth panties with white lace that displayed her feminine shapes beautifully. I looked at her face and saw a hint of a smile; she knew I liked what I saw.

“Susie, do you think such panties are appropriate for work?”

“Nobody can see the …”

“It doesn’t matter that no one can see them. It’s a matter of having personal pride in your professional appearance. I think plain white cotton panties that fully cover your bottom would be more appropriate for your work and your punishment.” I hoped she’d read into this that she should wear such panties if we repeated this scene. “Okay, back over my knee, Susie.”

She was biting her lip most endearingly as she looked at me while getting back in position. With her bottom and panties in full view, seeing her petite little bottom and perfectly round cheeks was arousing. An inch or two of the cleft between her cheeks was visible above her tight, little panties. I started spanking again, easing up a little as a first-time Spankee is often surprised at how much more it hurts when the pants come down.

“Does it hurt a little more, Susie?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good! Hopefully, some pain in your bottom will remind you to behave properly in the future.”

I continued spanking with gradually increasing intensity, to which Susie responded similarly. She raised her bottom to meet my spanking hand, which said, ‘Spank harder, please?’ One could tell from the sound of the spanks that they were getting harder. Susie responded more favorably than the other spanking virgins I’d had the pleasure of introducing to a warm, red bottom.

There was no doubt I’d be spanking her bare bottom soon, but I thought I should ramp it up to see if I could find her limit. She was getting more animated, but again, that reflected her enjoyment rather than discomfort. I was still spanking much softer than I would with an experienced spankee, but she seemed to be soaking it up with no sign of a limit in sight.

“I don’t think I’m getting through to you, Susie. There’s no point in a spanking that doesn’t hurt, so I think I should pull your panties down and spank quite a bit harder! Are you prepared for that? It’s going to hurt, Susie.”

“Yes, sir, I’m sorry. I probably do need to be spanked on my bare bottom.”

“Good girl! You need to accept your punishment. Okay, lift your hips a bit so I can get your panties down,” I said as I slipped my fingers under the elastic and slid them down over her hips. ‘Oh my God,’ absolutely the cutest little butt I’d ever seen. I got a good sense of size and general shape once her pants were down, but now? Wow!

The big difference in this view was seeing the deep cleft between those perfectly round cheeks, defining the very essence of the ‘spankable’ bottom. Google ‘cute female bottom,’ and there’d be a picture of Susie’s perfect specimen. I must have been staring for a while; who wouldn’t!? When I noticed her looking, Susie bit her lip again but smiled as if to say, ‘I’m glad you like my bottom.’ I couldn’t help commenting on it.

“Susie, you have a very cute and spankable bottom! I suspect it’s going to inspire many more spankings!” She smiled in a way that showed the compliment was somewhat embarrassing. “But that's the future, and this is now, and you need to be SPANKED for your bad behavior!” I said with spanks that she felt more than before. “Don’t you, Susie?”

“Yes, sir! Ow! I know I … Oww! … I deserve to be … Oww! … to be … Ow-ow-ow-ow! … spanked!” She was squirming now to avoid, rather than invite, my hand. I’m close to her limit now, but she’s still enjoying it.

“Good! I think you’re finally feeling the kind of pain in your bottom that will help keep your behavior in check in the future.” My hand was large enough and her bottom small enough to get both cheeks on her sit-spot with each spank, even her firm cheeks jiggling just a little. Just twenty or thirty more, and I should probably stop. I laid those down alternating between cheeks, a bit harder and much faster, so the sting built quickly.

“There,” I said, indicating I was finished. “You’ve taken your spanking, and now all is forgiven,” I said as I caressed her bottom, soothing the sting. “Let me help you up.” I got up as well, and we faced each other on opposite sides of the chair.

“Thank you for spanking me, sir,” she said with a cute pouty face.

“Give me a hug,” I said, arms outstretched into which she fell comfortably.

We separated with hands still touching each other, and she tipped her head up to look at me. She may have wanted a kiss, but I was afraid that was too personal for our short time together. I turned to go, and she led me to the front door. I said goodbye, sincerely hoping it wouldn’t be the last time.

“Goodbye, Mark,” she said softly. I went through the door, and she closed it behind me. Noticing some motion through the door’s side windows, I looked in time to see her doing a happy dance through the lobby and rubbing her bottom as she turned into the hallway. I was almost sure I would see her cute little bottom again. I got in my car and drove away with a level of happiness I hadn’t felt for a long time.


I hope you liked the beginning of my new series, which has quite a bit of variety coming! Please 'like' and/or 'favorite' the story if it appeals to you! Thanks for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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