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Suite & Sexy - Parking Lot Ding

"Carelessness in the hotel parking lot gets Kyle far more than his honesty expected!"

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Author's Notes

"If a dinged car door was all it took to get ..."

Part One - Parking Lot Ding

Briefcase in hand, Kyle made his way through the misting rain to the hotel entrance and its front desk.

“Christy, I’m glad it’s you,” he said, comforted by a familiar female face, “Do you know who owns the black Escalade with custom wheels?”

“Oh, yes. Why?” she asked, showing both concern and amusement.

“It seems I’ve put a ding in the passenger-side door when I opened mine too far. I should tell the owner. Can you put me in touch with them?”

“Um, yes. That’s Miss Knight. She’s usually in the gym this time of day. Would you like me to get her?”

“Yes. Would you?”

Christy’s reaction to Kyle’s admission was based on knowing Miss Knight and guessing what her reaction to this news might be. Nevertheless, she found her in the gym, explained what had happened, and asked if she would meet with Kyle in the hotel lobby. She agreed with a look of disgust and followed Christy back to where Kyle was waiting for her. Christy pointed him out and went back to her station.

“Are you the man who dinged my car?” she asked, approaching him.

“Yes. I’m sorry. Kyle,” he said as he rose, offering his first name and his hand with hardly a glance at her. When he did look, he was immediately nervous, which was his usual reaction to many women, especially extremely attractive women.

“Miss Knight,” she said, keeping things formal and not taking his hand. Having been in the gym, she was dressed in even more arousing attire, with tight, black pants, as well as a sleeveless crop top, both of which accentuated every aspect of her amazing body, from perfect tits squashed by her sports bra to shapely and firm tummy, hips, and butt. His timidity also had him missing an impressive cameltoe between her thighs, but since he could barely look her in the eye, this was a feature that went unnoticed. “Shall we go have a look then?” she asked as she got up and headed for the door, not waiting for an answer.

His intimidation rose to new heights as he followed her out the door with his eyes pasted to her perfect, sexy butt, her confident walk making it ever more enticing. While he was a successful businessman who, in his regular travels, dealt with all kinds of people every day, a beautiful woman in any kind of social setting always left him anxious and tongue-tied. It was a large part of the reason he was in his mid-thirties, still single, and rarely attached in any way.

“So … you did this to my car?” she asked, looking for a clear confession of guilt, to which she got only a guilty nod. It wasn’t a large dent and with no paint chipped. Looking at his rental car, she noticed a paint chip on the edge of the door where the body crease formed the offending point that damaged her car. “Not as bad as I was expecting, but still… ” she said, looking at him in a threatening way. The misting rain had become more of a steady shower, so she suggested going back inside.

Following him this time, she took more notice of his body. Not a muscleman, he still had an attractive, manly look about him with broad shoulders and a very nice ass she’d love to have her way with. In her business, she had to be able to size a man up with just a look and a short conversation, and she was quite good at it. She had noticed his discomfort in facing her and decided she was going to have some fun at his expense.

He returned to where he had been sitting and waited for her to sit first in his usual display of old-fashioned chivalry. As he sat opposite her, she could see how uncomfortable he was, and looking at his crotch, she thought, ‘he probably has a really small dick’, but still went on as she’d planned anyway.

​“Here’s the thing, Kyle. I don’t like insurance companies, and I don’t want the hassle of a body shop to fix my car, so I’m not going to have it fixed, and you don’t owe me anything.”

“Oh! Um, thank you, Miss Knight! I don’t know what to… ”

“Just a minute. I said you don’t have to fix my car, but I didn’t say there wouldn’t be any consequences for your carelessness,” she interrupted, seeing him visibly gulp. “I do think there should be punishment, don’t you?” He nodded, having only guessed what he'd agreed to. “Good. At six o’clock, you will come to my room wearing nothing but a hotel bathrobe. When you enter my room, you will drop the robe and be taken across my knee for a long, painful spanking.” She smiled as his eyes widened in sudden shock with no protest offered. “And that’s only the beginning, Kyle. Do you understand?”

“Um, yes… yes, Miss Knight!” he stammered, not knowing what to think. 

“You’ll call me Miss Nicole while you’re being punished, okay? Good,” she replied to another more vigorous nod and, putting her hand on his knee, added, “I’ll see you in about an hour.” She got up and walked away, leaving him in a daze. 

Still in shock, he managed to get up and, walking past the front desk, offered Christy a barely perceptible wave as he headed back to his room to prepare for something he was still struggling to fathom. 

Christy had been watching the whole scene between Kyle and Miss Knight, and though she heard nothing, she had a fairly good idea of what was going to happen, especially when she’d placed her hand on his knee. Knowing of the special arrangement Miss Knight had with the hotel, and particularly with the manager, she could easily guess that Kyle would be the next ‘customer’ of the domination services she offered every month from the best suite in the hotel. 

During her first visit over a year ago, the manager had to visit her room to deal with a complaint of strange noises coming from her room. Christy didn’t know what exactly took place but was told to move Miss Knight to the largest suite on the top floor and to keep the adjacent rooms empty.  Every month since, her manager would be sure to be available for Miss Knight’s check-in with a substantial discount for that same room and, a few hours later, would disappear for an hour only to return, walking a little funny, but in an extremely good mood. Until today she’d only guessed incorrectly as to why.

She returned his small wave as he passed, smiling inwardly as she realized her green blouse appropriately reflected the envy she felt as with her fingers between her legs, wishing she still felt the rawness there; her stinging bottom reminded her of the time she had spent with Miss Knight before her shift today.

Kyle returned to his room, realizing there was nothing to prepare, at least not physically. All he had to do was take all his clothes off, don the bathrobe, and go to her room. Mentally, however, he was still reeling from the extraordinary meeting with Miss Knight and what he’d agreed to though he knew why.

Years ago, he had a girlfriend with whom he’d confessed a desire to be spanked. She didn’t react well at first, but later agreed to do it, saying the ongoing thoughts of it had aroused her unexpectedly. They set up a scenario they thought they’d enjoy, and when it played out, he ended up across her knee getting a mild spanking, but a spanking, nonetheless. While he thought it went great for the first time, it left his girlfriend cold on the whole ‘spanking thing’, and she broke up with him days later. Understandably he hadn’t brought it up with the few girlfriends he’d had since, suppressing his desire for a sore, red bottom.

Naked in his robe, he headed for the elevators and punched the ‘up’ button, the thoughts of what was soon to happen beginning to create a noticeable protrusion in the front of his robe. Rearranging himself, he managed to hide it, but when the elevator doors opened and there were several people already on board, his embarrassment had him waiting for the next one.

Another elevator arrived, and this time the passengers got off on his floor, leaving it empty, and he happily got on only to find it going down, his face red again when at the lobby, several people got on going ‘up’. His paranoia had him sure that his appearance somehow revealed his submissive nature and that he was on his way to get spanked.

Finally, at her room, he found the door ajar and walked in, calling out, “Miss Kni… um, Miss Nicole?”

“In here, Kyle,” she replied from a bedroom on the right. Her imposing appearance made him stop short, having never seen a woman dressed so. Wearing all black — bustier, matching panties, thigh highs and high heels — had his cock growing even larger. “You’re late,” she declared sternly, breaking his reverie.

“I’m sorry. The elevators… ” he started.

“No excuses! As a result, I’ll be adding a strapping to your punishment,” she threatened, although she’d had every intention of strapping him anyway. “Come here. What did I tell you to do when you entered my room?”

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“Oh, um… sorry, Miss Nicole,” he said, opening his robe and letting it fall to the floor, allowing his previously confined eight-plus inches to pop out at her.

“Oooh, well, I guess I had that wrong!” she said, taking him in hand and stroking another fraction of an inch out his long, thick cock. “We’ll definitely find some use for that later, but first, you've got a good spanking coming! Over my knee,” she ordered, pulling him down by his long shaft, which she positioned between her thighs, squeezing it tight.

Having only forty-five minutes left to do all she had planned for him, she wasted no time and began spanking the second he was stable on her lap. She loved how quickly his virgin bottom (she assumed) turned ever deeper shades of red as she spanked awfully hard and fast, giving him only short rests before resuming his punishment.

He gasped at the amount of pain he felt the instant she started, but as the pain increased, so did his pleasure, admitting to himself this was the kind of spanking he’d always wanted. Still, he twisted and writhed on her lap as her hand beat out a rhythm on his burning bottom. The pace stayed the same, but the pain dramatically increased when she switched to a large, heavy hairbrush, and just at the point he didn’t think he could take anymore, she stopped.

“Oh-oh-oh!” he cried as she scratched her long, pointy fingernails across the tender flesh she’d so expertly spanked.

With an obedient ‘Yes, Miss Nicole,’ he got up as ordered and received a slap on his hands when he tried to rub his red-hot bottom. He’d only just noticed the spanking bench in the room when he was ordered to mount it with his hands and legs in position to be bound. As he was fully strapped down, he saw an array of paddles on the bed and could only imagine how much more painful this would be.

She again wasted no time in picking up the first implement, a small round leather paddle, peppering his red bottom with random swats to both cheeks, again fast and hard. Here too, the pain morphed from excruciating to painfully pleasurable, but though he strained and tested his bonds, he could only take it with the requisite cries of pain.

Switching paddles afforded him a longer rest between as she stroked his long, hard dick hanging temptingly over the end of the bench. Suggesting correctly that his anus was virginal as well, she pressed her fingertips against the tight hole, her pointy fingernails scratching between his tortured cheeks eliciting new yowls of surprise at this intrusion. ‘Wait till he sees what’s coming!’ she thought as the volume increased when she pressed her finger inside for one short stroke in and out.

The procedure was the same with each new paddle though the agony seemed to rise exponentially with each harder and heavier implement despite receiving the same twenty-five swats before the savory interludes in between. Again, she seemed to know just when to stop, somehow sensing his inability to take anymore, though as she released his straps one by one, he remembered the strapping and guessed correctly that this would likely hurt the most, by a significant margin.

Finally climbing off the bench, he was immediately directed to lie on top of a large wedge-shaped cushion on the bed. Bent over the high end of the cushion, he was to stretch his arms and legs out straight, allowing her to tie each wrist and ankle individually with a silky fabric to the ends of the bed. Once restrained, he found he could separate his arms and legs in a limited way but was still helplessly positioned for the strapping that began with a threatening lash on the bed right next to his face.

With his body following the contour of the cushion, the first stroke of the strap ripped across his flaming red ass, painting a solid stripe across the evenly red cheeks. Watching her wind up, he saw a three-inch wide strap of supple leather fly through the air before whipping across his proffered bottom, his face wincing and contorting in extreme pain. He liked the position, the restraints, and the sight of her arm arcing in a wide circle to bring the strap slashing across his intensely sore bottom, and even the pain had a small measure of pleasure, but he was glad when she stopped.

Wondering whether he could really take any more, his next sight was both frightening and comforting at the same time. Having been told to close his eyes, he did not see Miss Nicole donning the strap-on, but upon opening them, he had a close-up view of a long, black phallus strapped to her abdomen, the purpose of which was alarmingly clear. At least the various forms of spanking had stopped.

“Lift up,” she instructed and pulled the cushion out from under him as he raised his hips up, leaving his face still flat on the bed. Climbing on the bed and kneeling behind him, she told him to spread his legs further, at the same time squirting a generous dose of lube between his cheeks, her finger guiding it inside with full penetration of her middle finger. Clenching hard on her finger, he was told to relax, which was easier said than done especially considering what he’d be feeling in there next.

‘Next’ came all too quickly when he felt her rubber cock splitting his ass apart as it slowly entered his most private place. He had no choice but to hold still as the insertion progressed, and when all five inches were deep inside, he found the fullness surprisingly pleasurable. As she stroked a little faster, she took hold of his still-hard cock and jerked him off while fucking his tight ass with the hard shaft. In addition to the penetration, all the other sensations came together quickly in a thundering orgasm while semen spurted on the bed just inches from his face.

“Mmm, that was fun!” she said, “Now it’s my turn! Turn over.” He found his restraints allowed him to roll over onto his back though the binds tightened enough to keep his arms and legs together, which she noted with a smile while climbing on top of him, his chest between her thighs as she presented her beautifully bald pussy directly above his mouth.

“Yum!” he said just before her meaty lips were split by his chin. When she felt his tongue in her steamy slit, she slid up till his large nose pushed inside her and squirmed around before sliding back down to his tongue. Back and forth she went, grinding away as each part of his face sawed into her gash, driving her to increasingly loud gasps, moans, and ecstatic cries until reaching back to find him fully erect again, she went into overdrive pounding his face into the bed. It wasn’t long before her juice flowed over his face as his tongue continued to savor her delicious pussy while she looked down at him, smiling.

“And now, the finale!” she said as she slid back down his body until his upright cock was pressing against her crack and, lifting her hips, punctured her cunt until all eight inches were inside with guttural exclamations from the deep penetration. When she rose, he followed her where at the peak, he pulled out and slammed back into her in a surprisingly aggressive move for him. “That’s it! Fuck me, Kyle!” she screamed as his balls slapped against her perineum with each hard thrust.

Moving together now, they fucked more like a horny couple than a Dom and her sub encouraging each other with filthy talk describing what each wanted from this fucking. Lasting much longer than he expected, he was finally approaching his climax, and upon warning her, he was told to ‘keep fucking my hungry cunt!’, so seconds later he came deep inside her ‘hungry cunt’ and saw it dripping down his cock as she continued to ride him until she came as well, squirming around on his cock for every last bit of stimulation.

After the last few spasms passed over her, she bent over and kissed him hungrily in an unusual display of affection. Still tied up, he could only kiss back, though he really wanted his hands to explore her luscious body. He kissed her again as she untied his wrists, then moving to his ankles, freed them as well. When he sat up on the bed, free to move for the first time, she handed him his robe.

“I’m sorry, Kyle, but we went a little over, and I’ve got a customer coming in less than ten minutes,” she said in the kindest voice he’d heard from her yet. At the door, she put her arms around his neck, allowed his hands on her ass, and said, “Now, that was for being a naughty boy and damaging my car. If you come back next month, we’ll do it again as a reward for being so honest, okay?” He nodded, kissed her hard, and walked out the door.

​Kyle left the next day in yet another kind of daze, but after a conspiratorial conversation with Christy, she arranged for him to get a confirmation email whenever Miss Nicole booked again. Having a good idea as to what Miss Knight had done to him and hoping she and Kyle might also enjoy some painful pleasures together, she added her email to his booking confirmations as well, smiling and rubbing her tight bottom in anticipation.

Written by 2bespanked
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