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Suite & Sexy - Three's Not a Crowd

"Christy and Kyle have a few tricks up their sleeve when they visit Miss Nicole together."

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Author's Notes

"This sequel to both Parking Lot Ding and Kyle Gets Christy can stand on its own, but you'll enjoy it more if you read the prior stories first."

Part Three - Three's Not a Crowd

On my way up! Oh my God, I can’t wait!

I can’t wait to see you! … and you know!

We’re both gonna get spanked today!

Yeah, are you okay? Your bottom?

Yes, I’ll be okay.


Christy and Kyle’s texts showed they were more than excited at the prospect of spending an afternoon together with Miss Nicole. They knew what she was like from their individual sessions with her, but being together held the promise of a fantastic afternoon, especially after the night they spent with each other the night before.

It had been a magical night for them, with a romantic dinner and stimulating conversation that landed them in Kyle’s hotel room and Christy across Kyle’s knee, getting only her second spanking ever and her first from a man. They gave all they had to each other that night and vowed to do it again, but there was still this issue of Miss Nicole showing up the next day expecting to treat Kyle to another session as a reward for his honesty in damaging her car.

Kyle was going to turn it down in deference to his new-found feelings for Christy, but Nicole had surprised them with an invitation for both to share in Kyle’s session, and it took only a glance between them to know they both wanted to do it.

“Why don’t you join him this afternoon? You each had some fun with me last time, why don’t we do it all together? A sexy, naughty threesome!” she had said.

“We’d like that, Miss Nicole! But you’d better be careful. We might gang up on you!” he threatened.

“I’m counting on it!” she replied, not meaning it but loving the surprised smiles on their faces. “See you both at one! And plan to spend a couple of hours!”

Christy made her way to Kyle’s room as they had agreed, planning to arrive together at Miss Nicole’s suite. They’d gotten no further instructions from her, so he assumed he should be dressed as he was the first time; that is to say, undressed, as he wore nothing but the hotel bathrobe. He was looking forward to stripping Christy and seeing her delicious body again, and his pulse quickened with her knock on the door.

The door opened, and they fell into each other’s arms, longing for that intimate contact they couldn’t share in the hotel lobby that morning. Their lips met after a brief hug, the kiss becoming passionate almost immediately as their hands clutched at their backs.

“I brought a robe like you told me,” Christy said, bending to pick up the robe she’d dropped when she saw his outstretched arms. “I hope I know what it’s for?” she said, guessing incorrectly.

“When I went to see her the first time, she told me to come in nothing but a bathrobe, so I figured we should do the same today.”

Christy smiled as he approached her, reaching for the top button of her blouse. He lightly kissed her lips, cheeks, and even her nose before working his way down the front of her blouse. As he pushed it over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, she wanted to grab him but resisted, hoping he would continue to strip her naked.

Her skirt was next, and as Kyle knelt to open the button and zipper at the side and, pulling it down over her rounded hips, he groaned at the site of her tight, pink bikini panties with a thin, wet line over her slit. He wanted to lick her right then and there but stuck to his plan. Her bra was next, and this time, he didn’t hold back, cupping her round tits from underneath and pressing them together to form the enticing cleavage she’d shown him last night.

Kneeling again, he removed her shoes first before taking her panties down and off as her body shivered from the combination of the chilly air of the overly cool room and the excitement of being undressed so gently and deliberately.

She reached out to hold him when he stood again, but he pushed her arms back to her side and, holding her face in his hands, kissed her lovingly at first but with increasing intensity. He pulled away and again pushed her arms down so he could kiss his way down her trembling body, the tremors increasing as his lips reached her nipples, her navel, her mons, and she moaned when his lips reached her dewy labia at the same time as gently holding her tingling bottom.

“Oh my …” she started, but couldn’t finish when his tongue slithered into her slit.

“Sit,” he said simply as he helped her step backward to sit on the edge of the bed.

A kiss with his darting tongue preceded his pushing her down to lay on the bed. At the same time, his hands slid down the same path his tongue had just traversed and, coming to her thighs and knees, spread them apart and gently planted his mouth over her now-swollen lips, licking softly but earnestly, getting nothing but breathy moans and gasps from Christy.

His tongue licked and slurped at her increasingly wet pussy as she lifted her hips, pushing into and wiping his face with her slippery lips. He savored her juicy fruit with his hands under her pink cheeks while she approached that pleasurable peak. Squeezing her tender cheeks now, he gave her clit all his tongue’s attention, and finally, she came, her crotch jerking into his face as the climax hit her.

Collapsed on the bed, Kyle bent over her, looking at her face as the pleasure grew, then subsided and delighted in her opening her eyes and seeing him with a loving smile.

“I love doing that to you!” he said before bending further for a quick kiss.

“And I love how you do it,” she replied with still uneven breaths.

“It’s almost one,” he said as he helped her sit up.

“We’re gonna be late, Kyle!” she said alarmingly.

“What’s she gonna do? Spank us?” he said with a laugh.

Christy helped him take his clothes off, but apart from a quick stroke of his hardness, there was little of the stimulation she’d been given. He helped her with her robe, using the tying of the sash as an excuse to hug and kiss her again. He put his robe on, and off they went, both excited and nervous, unsure of what pain and pleasure awaited them.

Kyle knocked, and Nicole answered, dressed in her sexy, black best: matching black leather bra, corset, and panties, with lace top thigh-high stockings.

“There’s my two naughty kids!” she greeted them, still standing in the door blocking their entrance. “I’m sure you know your lateness will have consequences?”

“Hello, Miss Nicole,” Kyle replied, speaking for both of them. “We’re sorry … the elevator.”

“No excuses, Kyle!” she scolded, stepping aside to let them in. “Bend over!” she commanded once the door was closed, producing a round, wooden paddle from behind her back.

Kyle dropped his robe, turned, bent as ordered, and was rewarded with five hard swats on each cheek. Initially, he was a little embarrassed to be naked and paddled in front of Christy, but that soon disappeared as the delicious pain set in, and he was left rubbing his pink bottom with an erection starting to form.

“I guess Kyle didn’t tell you what you’re supposed to do with your robe when you come in? Take it off, little girl,” she said to Christy.

Christy looked to Kyle for confirmation; a discrete nod was all she needed. With just a little modesty, she turned her back, opened her robe, and let it fall to the floor, not realizing it left her pink bottom on display.

“Is your bottom blushing, little girl, or did Kyle give that to you as well?”

“Yes, Kyle,” she started shyly, “… Kyle spanked me last night.”

“And judging from his lily-white bottom, you didn’t return the favor?” she asked. Christy just shook her head slightly. “Well, we’ll have to remedy that straight away, won’t we!”

She walked over to the chair in its conspicuous position and told Christy to sit. A mixture of nerves and excitement had her haltingly walking to and sitting in the chair. Kyle, on the other hand, was very excited at the chance to get spanked by his new love, and his eagerness to lay on her lap, as well as his full erection, made it obvious.

Making sure his cock was between her legs, Kyle settled in quickly across Christy’s knee and looked back at her with expectation. She gave him a little smile when she closed her thighs on his hardness and began rubbing his sexy, round bottom.

“You’re not making love, little girl!” Nicole admonished, “Spank him! Get even for spanking your bare butt last night!”

She lifted her hand and brought it down tentatively on his proffered cheeks a few times. She knew he’d want it to hurt, but being her first time, she was still unsure of herself until Kyle looked back at her, saying ‘Harder!’ with his eyes. She started ramping up the intensity; the harder she spanked, the better she liked it and was soon spanking with utter abandon.

Kyle was in heaven, already imagining this happening regularly with Christy. He was soon surprised at the enthusiasm with which she spanked him and, looking at her face with its evil smile, realized it had changed from sexy spanking to retribution. Still, the desired pain was enhanced because it was Christy, and she was enjoying it, too.

“Okay. Okay, little girl!” Nicole warned as she, too, was surprised by Christy’s sudden blossoming into a disciplinarian.

Her hand stopped in the upraised position, and breathing erratically, she was somewhat surprised at what she’d done and the energy with which she’d done it.

“Well, well, Christy! With a little more control, you’ve got the makings of dominatrix! Perhaps there’ll be a few more lessons learned today, but I’ve got something special planned for you two today!”

“May I get up, Miss Christy?” Kyle asked with a smile, acknowledging her dominant role.

“Yes, you may, Kyle,” she replied officiously, “but I hope you’ll remember what happens next time you think about being naughty!” They smiled broadly at each other as he lifted himself off her lap and kissed her hard, hopefully telling her how much he’d just enjoyed himself.

“Aww, isn’t that sweet!” Nicole said sarcastically, “Now get over here, you naughty kids!”

As before, he didn’t notice the spanking bench when he entered the room and was surprised to see two of them end to end. He and Christy walked over to the corner of the room where they stood, Christy looking at Kyle, a little worried about what was next.

“So, two young lovers who enjoy spankings ought to enjoy watching each other getting spanked, paddled … and maybe strapped? Hm?” Nicole said suggestively.

Tapping the bench nearest Kyle, she told them to get on. Having not been on the bench when she had been with Miss Nicole the first time, Christy looked at Kyle and copied his movements as he mounted it like a horse, swinging his leg over it and positioning his knees on the supports. After ensuring their knees and elbows were comfortably placed, they looked up to see the other’s face just inches away, still not realizing why they were positioned this way.

Again, Christy’s excitement was mixed with some fear as to whether she’d endure, but that didn’t keep her pussy from dripping on the bench, while Kyle felt his erection growing again, having diminished from Christy’s spirited spanking. They looked at each other with apprehension but more with anticipation as Nicole strapped them securely to their respective benches. Kyle tested his bonds, showing his girlfriend how utterly helpless they were.

They were smiling at each other when Kyle received the first hard spanks from Nicole’s hand, Christy seeing his face change from smiling to surprised and, finally, to pain as a particularly hard series of spanks were felt on his lower cheeks. Kyle was soon to learn, as Christy just had, what this unique position afforded them when Christy received the same introduction, though without surprise as she knew what was coming when Miss Nicole came to her end of the benches. The first hard swat opened her eyes wide while she grimaced with the hard swats just above her thighs.  

Seeing that they could now appreciate their unique viewpoint, Nicole peppered their backsides with her hands, using a variety of spanking styles to paint looks of shock, pain, and pleasure on their faces. Their bodies reacted with jerks and invitations for more and harder treatment while the other one watched with sympathetic satisfaction, knowing they’d be getting the same soon enough.

Despite starting with an already pink bottom, Christy loved getting another spanking, even if it was less than a day since her last. There was a difference between their styles as Kyle was less of a disciplinarian than Nicole, taking her reaction into account as the spanking progressed, while Nicole pushed her limits more, giving her what she thought Christy deserved.

Lengthy breaks kept the arousal level up as they shared the intimacy of seeing the other getting spanked and their minute-by-minute reactions. Christy looked for the pained expressions on Kyle’s face, knowing he could take it and hoping she’d have another chance at his bottom herself. Kyle was happy when Christy’s face showed the ecstasy they shared, but his sympathy ratcheted up quickly when he thought she was in real pain.

“All right, you naughty kids! I think it's time for some paddling, don’t you?” Nicole cried, brandishing a long wooden paddle, thinner than the one she’d used on Kyle before. “Ready?” she asked, paddle raised high behind Christy’s sore bottom.

“Yes, Miss,” they both replied, Kyle with a little fear as he knew how much more the paddle hurt.

Kyle watched as the paddle swung down in a wide arc to meet Christy’s ample bottom with a loud report, both from the paddle and Christy’s cry. Kyle screwed up his face in empathy for the painful punishment. He wondered what Miss Nicole would do if he interfered on Christy’s behalf; though restrained as he was, there wasn’t much he could do. Ten swats and it was his turn.

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Again, Nicole paused with the paddle raised high for Christy’s benefit and smashed it into Kyle’s ass with an even louder crack; Kyle was rendered breathless as he pulled against his restraints. It seemed as though each swat was harder than the last, and though he still enjoyed his submissive position, he was glad when she stopped, but only briefly, as Christy cried out on several of the ten swats she got.

Finally, after three rounds of ten each and another with twenty swats, she was finished with the paddle but had apparently decided against the strap as she started unfastening their restraints. After less than an hour, they already had very sore bottoms, though both would admit to wanting another spanking if it were offered.

Christy got up first and went to Kyle to rub his bottom while Nicole freed him as well. She whispered in his ear that she was okay and he could stop worrying about her as she had seen the concern on his face during her paddling. Once Kyle was free to stand as well, they hugged with hands instinctively reaching for the other’s punished cheeks, wincing if squeezed.

“I’ve got something special for my two young lovers. Christy, sit in the middle of the bed, knees up and legs spread.” She sat as instructed with her arms behind her, supporting her body. “That’s it. Now, Kyle, you’re going to bend over the edge of the bed with your face planted firmly in your girlfriend’s crotch. Good, but don’t even touch her until I say you can, okay?”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied, her pussy just out of tongue’s reach once he laid down. He was getting hard again just thinking about it and couldn’t wait to taste her for the second time today. Their eyes met as they wondered what exactly was going to happen, and when her eyes went wide, he looked back at what had caught her attention and saw Miss Nicole approaching with the strap she’d used on him last time. He remembered that he initially liked it, especially the sight of the flexible leather band flying through the air towards its target and the sound like a whipcrack. Still, the pain had soon become almost unbearable.

“Now, on the first crack of the strap, you will begin licking her pussy, and you’d better do an outstanding job of it because I’m not going to stop with the strap until you make her cum! Understood?”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied again, and Christy moved closer so she was directly underneath his mouth. Kyle moved his hands up, ready to cup her sore buns.

“No hands or fingers! Just your tongue! Ready?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, and Kyle saw the first stroke coming in Christy’s eyes, then felt the sting as a bright red band was painted across his cheeks. He dove in with his tongue deep in her slit, Christy moaning almost immediately. His tongue slid up and down her steamy slit during the ten-second pause and came free when his head jerked up on the next stroke.

Unexpectedly he was enjoying the combination of getting extreme pain while giving Christy extreme pleasure as she pushed her pussy into his face, her body writhing to the tune of his talented tongue. Another slash had him grunting in pain and doubling his efforts to make her cum.

Nicole shortened the time between strokes each time the strap lashed at Kyle’s deepening red bottom, which served as additional motivation, and after ten strokes, the strapping was almost continuous.

“C’mon, Kyle!” Christy encouraged him, “I’m cumming! Eat me, Kyle! Make me … make me … make … ahhhhhhmmmm!” A slash of the strap, already on its way when she came, was the best as his face was bathed in her juice and held tight between her thighs while her body reacted spastically. “Oh my God, Kyle!” she cried when speech as again possible. “That was unbelievable!” she moaned as she stroked his hair, his face still between her thighs.

“Good job, Kyle!” Nicole said as she sat next to his prone body. “But that was entirely too fast. Do it again!” she demanded and began spanking him, not hard, but hard enough.

Christy hadn’t fully recovered from the first time, and suddenly her pussy was under attack once again while Nicole spanked alternate cheeks at a one-per-second pace. After twenty or so, Nicole could see how quickly Christy was approaching another climax, her body squirming under Kyle’s tongue, not knowing which way to turn. Stepping up the pace as she had before, it wasn’t long before her hand was a blur as it spanked Kyle’s ass while her other hand pushed his face roughly into Christy’s crotch.

“Oh my … FUCK!” Christy screamed as another climax ravaged her body while grunts and gasps escaped her lips. When Nicole got off the bed and disappeared into the other room of her suite, Kyle lifted himself from the bed’s surface and kissed Christy passionately. Their eyes met, and they knew they were both enjoying themselves immensely. Christy’s eyes shifted and opened wide again, and when Kyle turned to see Nicole coming at him with the strap-on, he smiled, to Christy’s great surprise.

“Looking forward to this again, are you, Kyle?” Nicole said, also seeing his smile. “Come here, little girl. And you, Kyle, need to turn over on your back!” she ordered, and they both complied.

Christy got off the bed to stand next to Nicole, who was now standing before Kyle with his legs hanging off the end of the bed and spread wide. He knew what was coming next, but not completely. Watching as she covered the dildo with lube, he couldn’t avoid clenching as he thought of that hard rubber dick penetrating his ass.

Christy didn’t know what to think, nor what Nicole was about to have her do. This was entirely new for her, but she watched with fascination as Nicole dribbled the clear, slick fluid between Kyle’s red cheeks and unconsciously crossed her legs when Nicole’s finger slid into his ass to spread the lube while Kyle lifted his legs and held them apart by his knees.

“As you will see, liberal amounts of lube are desirable when penetrating anally,” she instructed. Spreading her legs and bracing her knees against the bed, she placed the tip of the stiff, rubber shaft at his opening and slowly pushed in, Kyle groaning in the process. Out and in again was smoother the second time and easy the third. She settled into a slow, graceful rhythm, and Kyle adjusted to the continuous intrusion.

“This is only his second time, so you need to be a bit gentle, but only a bit,” she said to Christy, who noted the change in instruction, implying that she’d be doing this as well, having to admit to herself, that she wanted to after seeing Kyle’s favorable reaction.

Nicole saw ‘little girl’ Christy as a trainee, assuming that Kyle’s submissive nature would put her in the dominant position more often than not, despite Christy being the one who’d been spanked the night before. She’d barely fucked his ass a dozen times when she started taking the strap-on off and handing it to Christy, leaving all three smiling at this change. With a bit of help, Christy was sporting the phallus and an evil smile as she looked down at Kyle.

Having been primed by Nicole, Christy slid into his tight rear easier and soon settled into a slow rhythm and just a little jerk for the final inch, a surprised grunt his response. Nicole watched for a few thrusts to be sure she was into her groove, stripped off her bra and panties, and climbed on the bed next to him while Christy took hold of his cock and stroked it slowly, paying particular attention to the head.

“Now you just keep fucking that ass till he makes me cum with my dripping, wet cunt in his mouth!” Lifting her leg over his prone body with her back to Christy, Nicole delivered on her promise, grinding her slippery, wet lips against his face.

Smothered in Nicole’s grinding gash, he couldn’t see Christy’s euphoric smile, but he could certainly feel her false phallus stabbing his nether hole, and the stroking of his cock threatened an imminent eruption. Unaware of the additional stimulation Christy was giving him, Nicole was surprised by the shot of semen she felt on her back. Christy giggled.

“You’re both going to … Ohh! … pay for that! Oh my ...” she said in mock anger as Kyle’s cumming had driven his tongue into a frenzy, giving Nicole the orgasm she’d felt approaching. Getting every last little bit of it from him, her hips jerked, dabbing her dripping lips against his nose and mouth. Her gyrations finally settled into a slow circular motion, painting his face with her juice.

“All right, both of you at the end of the bed!” she ordered as she rose off his face and shakily got off the bed.

Christy had continued to stroke his cock with both hands but was motionless in his bottom. Hearing Nicole’s angry instructions, she hoped they’d both get spanked again. He turned over just as Christy lay next to him, and they smiled at each other, sharing their enjoyment of the events and making plans of their own.

Nicole when to the bathroom briefly to get a towel to wipe ‘Kyle’ off her back and returned to see her naughty kids, bent over the end of the bed as ordered, side by side, and two cocks hanging below. She didn’t bother having Christy remove the strap-on as she knelt behind them, each with a leg between hers, and started spanking four cheeks with two hands, both fast and hard.

The two naughty kids welcomed this unexpected spanking, sharing smiles and grimaces as the spanking continued, Nicole rewarding each smile with an extra hard smack that inevitably brought first a pained gasp, then another smile and another hard whack. Finally giving up on this sexy variation of Whack-A-Mole, Nicole stopped spanking.

“My turn now!” she declared, ordering Christy off the bed and Kyle on his back. Smiling when she saw his long, hard cock ready for another go, she climbed right on top of him and, after stuffing his cum gun into her well-lubricated cunt, leaned forward above him, her face inches from his, urging him to ‘fuck her good and hard.’ Kyle smiled at her as well as Christy as she saw their opportunity.

Christy picked up the bottle of lube from the floor and coated the rubber dick liberally with its clear fluid. Knowing she had barely seconds to get it right, she planned her attack carefully but quickly.

“Take that off and sit on his face,” Nicole commanded, unaware of her impending danger.

Christy knelt on the edge of the bed with two pairs of legs between hers and holding the lube up to and finally against Nicole’s spread cheeks, squirted the liquid into her ass, dropped the bottle, and quickly slid into her ass with a long, slow thrust, surprising her with this sudden attack. Kyle reached for Nicole’s shoulders to hold her in place lest she try to escape, but it was unnecessary as a delighted smile appeared on her upraised face.

“Holy fuck!” she cried as both of her cylinders were alternately pumped by two pistons. Holding still, she finally felt the two find a steady rhythm while she gasped, groaned, and moaned at the welcome double penetration she hadn’t felt in ages. Her body stiffened with the first orgasm, but she successfully hid it from her naughty kids, encouraging them to fuck her harder.

Emboldened by their successful ambush, Christy spanked Nicole while Kyle managed to get one of her tits, swinging invitingly above his face, into his mouth as Nicole repeatedly screamed, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck!!” Both holes filled with long, stiff shafts, her ass spanked, and her tits nibbled and sucked was more than she could handle, and her body convulsed in the latest climax that wouldn’t end because her naughty kids wouldn’t stop. In a fit of self-preservation, she rolled to her side, away from her tormentors, so that she could recover. The spasms gradually subsided, and she managed to stand.

“Come here, little girl!” she said as she reached for Christy’s arm. “You’ve done enough damage with this!” she said as she yanked on the straps and practically tore the strap-on off her body. Putting her foot on the bed, she lifted Christy onto her upraised knee and spanked her harder than ever. “Nobody spanks me!” she scolded as the thirty or so spanks brightened the red hue of her punished cheeks, after which she was placed back on her feet, with Nicole’s face inches away.

“But I’m glad you did!” she said, enjoying the surprise on Christy’s face. Sitting Christy on the bed, she pushed her torso down and buried her face between her plump, young thighs, licking and sucking the younger pussy till she was squirming and panting on the bed, lying right next to Kyle, who enjoyed the show. It didn’t take long to have her come explosively, muttering incomprehensively as the crest of each wave overpowered her.

Sitting up, she fell into Kyle’s arms as they embraced affectionately.

It was clear to all that the anticipated session with Miss Nicole went far beyond all their expectations, most of all, Nicole, who hadn’t let herself be fucked, sucked, and spanked since she was a trainee in the arts she practiced. Having not realized how much she had been missing, she resolved to loosen up a bit in the right company. She couldn’t show that kind of weakness to her regular clientele but wondered whether her naughty kids would like to do it again next month.

Kyle stood first and, after giving Nicole a kiss of thanks, retrieved Christy’s robe, held it open to put her arms through, then wrapped his arms lovingly around her and tied the sash. Christy hugged Nicole, providing her wordless thanks, and with Kyle back in his robe, they headed for the door.

“Listen,” Nicole said, holding the door open. “Do you think you two will have earned another spanking a month from now?” she asked kindly and hopefully. Christy and Kyle looked first at each other, nodded immediately, and gave their answer with a group hug, including Nicole.

All the way to Kyle’s room, the two were ready to burst with excitement at what they’d experienced but feared being overheard, so as soon as his room’s door was closed, they exploded with exclamations about the unbelievable time they’d just spent with Miss Nicole. Remarking on the progress two relative rookies in the BDSM world had made, they looked forward expectantly to next month.

Kyle removed her robe and kissed his way down her body, and after dropping his robe to the floor, the two fell on the bed and made sweet, passionate love to each other, thoughts of next month still on their minds.

Written by 2bespanked
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