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Suite & Sexy - Kyle Gets Christy

"Kyle and Christy's shared experiences with Miss Nicole fuel their own sexy, naughty experiences!"

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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation of my Parking Lot Ding story, and though it easily stands on its own, there's much to be gained by reading the prior story first ... especially given the way the next story is set up here!"

Part Two - Kyle Gets Christy & Christy Gets It!

With bumper-to-bumper traffic, Kyle wished he’d taken the local roads instead of the two exits on the interstate. He had been in a hurry, as he was supposed to have dinner with the customer he’d been with today, but they’d called a few minutes ago and canceled. Still, he hated being stuck in traffic and fumed at the frustration of it.

With his client dinner off his mind, he now turned to more pleasant thoughts; the session with Miss Nicole that she had promised a month ago and also seeing Christy at the hotel. He’d gotten more friendly with Christy, as she was always at the front desk to check him in. With her, he’d gotten over his usual anxiety with women, a testament to her friendly demeanor, as well as her cute face and curvy body. Still, when he thought about asking her out, the nerves returned, and his relationship with her remained only friendly.

Christy made sure this time, especially this time, to be at the desk to check Kyle in. She’d gotten the email over a week ago, the email she’d set up to receive when Kyle made a reservation. She hoped they had something to share regarding their separate, but probably similar, sessions with Miss Nicole, whom she knew was expected the following day. She didn’t know what happened when Kyle went to Miss Nicole’s room, nor did she know that she’d promised Kyle another session, but knowing Miss Nicole Knight was a dominatrix, operating for a week every month out of their best suite, she could make an educated guess.

Christy had taken a liking to Kyle many months ago. Aside from his manly good looks, he was also a kind and gentle man who, even when he had a problem, was friendly and diplomatic about it. She now doubted whether he’d ever get the nerve to ask her out, so this time, she was going to be as forward as necessary to make that happen and maybe … maybe even live out one of the fantasies she had about him.

Kyle’s mood had lightened when he’d finally gotten off the interstate parking lot, and images of Christy’s cute, friendly face filled his mind during the five-minute drive to the hotel. He parked easily and was walking in the door just after five forty-five.

“Kyle!” Christy called out, instantly elevating his mood from neutral to happy. “I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t make it tonight,” she said, and she was worried as her shift ended at six o’clock.

“Hi, Christy! The traffic did its best to keep me from getting here, but it's nice now to see your smiling, happy face,” he said genuinely.

This was more recognition than she typically received from him at first, and it lifted her spirits as well. She checked him in; credit card, keycard, and complimentary bottles of water and asked him what his schedule was like this trip.

“Well, I had a dinner date with a client at five-thirty, but they called to cancel, so all I have left is a client meeting tomorrow morning.”

“Oh? Where were you going to take them?”

“Leonard’s Steakhouse. I had a reservation there for five-thirty, but I’ve probably lost it now that I’m late.”

“Mmm, I’ve heard that’s a nice place, but I’ve never been,” she said, hinting.

“Yes, it is, but not the kind of place you want to go alone,” he countered; a fleeting thought of asking Christy to join him came and went.

“I haven’t had dinner yet,” she said with eyebrows raised, and when he didn’t react, added, “I’ll go with you if you like.”

“Oh! Yes, that would be …,” he stammered, pleasantly surprised at her forwardness, “would be nice, really nice! I should call to see if they’ll still honor my reservation.”

“I’ll do that,” Christy offered, with her usual efficiency, picking up the phone and dialing the number from the hotel’s restaurant directory. “Hello, this is Christy at the Moonglow Inn, calling on behalf of our guest, Kyle Rogers. He had a reservation for five-thirty, but traffic delayed him. Could you still fit him in? You can? That’s wonderful! He’ll be there at six-fifteen. Thank you!” she finished and hung up with a look of pride, having shown off just a bit.

“Thank you, Christy! I’ll just go up to my room to drop my bags and use the, uh … and meet you down here at six, okay?”

“Great!” she said, her enthusiasm bubbling over.

She was excited now that she’d finally get some time with Kyle and planned to make the most of it. Though he didn’t live all that far away, he only came through here every four or five weeks. She knew this time came sooner because of Nicole Knight’s reservation since she was the one to arrange for him to get an email when Miss Knight booked, and tonight, she hoped to find out why. Maybe that conversation would lead to some fun of their own.

Kyle was thrilled at the way his evening plans had changed and to be going out to dinner with Christy. He felt even more at ease with her, especially given her enthusiasm for joining him, and maybe he could be that charming gentleman he knew he could be when he was comfortable with a woman.

After changing to more casual attire, Kyle made his way back to the lobby and, looking around, didn’t see Christy right away, although she was standing in plain view. She, too, had changed clothes, having brought an extra outfit to work, just in case, since she certainly wouldn’t want to go out in her uniform.

“Whoa! Christy! You look beautiful!” he gushed, taking in her tight, sleeveless, black blouse that contrasted nicely with her lightly tanned skin and revealed some enticing cleavage he’d never seen before. A short, print pattern skirt, which flared out at her shapely hips and left just enough thigh visible, completed her appealing look.

“Thank you!” she said, accepting his compliment with a huge smile. “You look pretty good yourself!” she added, having not seen him in anything but his business attire since she usually worked days only. His silky, dark navy shirt worn outside his trim khaki slacks gave off a sexier vibe than she expected.

“Shall we go?” he asked, offering his arm.

The restaurant was close by and not terribly busy, so they were seated and sharing a glass of wine just fifteen minutes later. Their conversation was light and friendly, with just a bit of flirting, although that would build as the evening progressed.

Christy was amazed at the transformation in Kyle’s demeanor, having seen him primarily as an attractive but kind and very shy customer, and this casual, easy-going personality was a pleasant surprise. She wondered, hoped even, whether he might charm her right into his bed that night, as she wasn’t going to wait another month or more till his next visit, just for the sake of propriety.

Apart from her sexier attire, Kyle saw Christy as he always did; a cute, bubbly girl with whom it was impossible to be in a bad mood, and he was so comfortable with her that conversation came easily and increasingly suggestive. He, too, was wondering whether they’d be spending more than dinner together, but the courteous gentleman that he was would never try to push past her wishes.

“We have some excellent dessert choices this evening,” the server offered, having noticed they were finished with their dinner. Kyle gave Christy a questioning look, leaving it up to her.

“No. My heart is saying ‘yes’, but my brain is saying ‘no’ to keep to my diet,” she replied, talking about more than just dessert.

“Diet? Christy, I wouldn’t take one pound off your gorgeous body!” he replied honestly.

“Thank you, but I would like to lose …” she started but thought better of it. “Maybe another glass of wine instead?” she asked, hoping to loosen him up a little more.

The server poured them both another glass from the carafe on the table and left them alone in their quiet booth. The restaurant had never gotten busy, so they felt very comfortable wherever their conversation took them. Christy took a chance at asking about the subject she was very curious about, also hoping to ratchet his arousal up a few notches while hers was already in the danger zone.

“Kyle, I remember on your last trip here, you had that … that talk with Miss Knight after you dinged her car. Afterward, you looked kinda nervous as you passed me at the front desk on your way to your room. What did she say to you?”

“Oh, um, I just had to apologize to her,” he replied, his discomfort obvious.

“I’m sorry. This is making you nervous,” she said, seeing him squirm a bit, but didn’t want to give up on this line of inquiry just yet.

“No, it’s okay,” he replied, “I had to go to her room and give her a … kind of a special apology?” he said, phrasing it as a question to see how Christy would react. He was a little more nervous, but it was more because he almost hoped to reveal what happened, perhaps take a chance that it might interest her, and for a split second, he pictured himself across Christy’s knee.

“Oh?” she said, showing interest with raised eyebrows. “Just how ‘special’ was it?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Well, it was more than just an apology,” he said, getting comfortable again even as their flirtation was heading off the charts.

“I think I have an idea of what it was like,” she said, leaning toward him across the table.

“Do you? Why don’t you tell me?” he challenged, also leaning forward, their faces less than a foot apart.

“Okay. I had to give Miss Knight, or should I say Miss Nicole …” She paused briefly and continued when she saw him pick up on the distinction in names. “… a special apology for a mistake I made that same day.”

“Really!? And I’m guessing that apology didn’t involve many words, did it?” he asked, his interest peaking.

“No, it didn’t,” she replied, pausing again, and loving how they were teasing out the details from each other. “But I did end up with a …”

“With a what?” he interrupted, nearly certain about what she was going to say.

“… with a sore, red bottom!” she finished, with a cute smile and bitten lip, growing into a broad beam when Kyle’s smile broadened as well.

“She’s very good at that, isn’t she?” he asked, confirming he’d had the same treatment.

“Yes, she is. I never thought I could enjoy it,” she replied, implying that it had been her first time.

“First time?” he asked, and getting a nod, continued. “I’ve had an interest in … in spanking for a very long time, but this was the first good time for me.”

With spanking no longer a subtext of their conversation, they continued more openly now. Kyle told her about his early experience with the girlfriend, who’d given him his first and only spanking until Miss Nicole had done it right. Christy admitted to being occasionally intrigued with the idea when it would surface in a movie or book, but she hadn’t expected to like it herself.

“So, you’d like to do it again?” he asked, almost certain of the answer but wanted to hear her say it.


“Christy, I think this has been a very naughty conversation, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, biting her lip again but letting it go when he reached across the table to kiss her.

“Perhaps some kind of punishment is in order?”

“Perhaps. Are you going to spank me?” she asked just before their lips met again, more forcefully this time.

“Yes … I am!”

It seemed to take forever to get the check paid so they could leave, and as soon as they were outside, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her properly, their tongues dancing with each other until the sound of a nearby voice indicated it was no longer private.

The drive to the hotel was silent, but the electricity in the air was palpable. Both had been hoping to do more than just have dinner tonight, but neither had expected this. As soon as the elevator doors closed, they were in each other’s arms again, Kyle’s hands on her plump, round bottom.

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“I’m going to spank you, Christy,” he said when their lips parted.

“Yes, sir. I deserve it … Ooo!” she yipped when she received the first good smack of the night, and she couldn’t wait for more.

Walking arm-in-arm down the long hall to his room, she was glad she’d had the foresight to put him in an isolated hallway, though she certainly hadn’t expected to need the kind of privacy they needed now. Kyle opened the door, and they were again in each other’s arms before the door closed.

“Are you really gonna spank me, sir?” she asked with the cutest, contrite look.

“Yes. Come with me,” he said, taking her by the forearm and leading her to the desk. Pulling out the chair, sitting in it, and still holding her arm, he pulled her down across his knee. “Over my knee! You need to learn that having such suggestive conversations with a man you hardly know is dangerous!” he scolded.

“But letting that man I hardly know spank me, isn’t?” she said, laughing at the contradiction and amusing Kyle as well.

“You’d better behave yourself, young lady! You need …” he started, trying to regain a straight face, but having lifted her skirt and seen her sexy, boy-short panties, “Oh … wow! Very sexy panties, Christy! Still, I will pull them down when it’s time to spank your bare bottom!”

“As you should, sir! Please don’t spank me too hard!” she cried, pretending to be scared.

She’d barely finished when the first spank landed on the tight, black panties that rode up so deliciously between her cheeks, defining a deep cleft between. Christy would say her ass was too big, but Kyle thought it was perfect. He loved her plump cheeks that jiggled so enticingly and looked forward to kneading those fleshy buns with his fingers.

“Oh, sir!” she cried in a desirous voice, the spanking not hard enough to be painful yet, but she was loving every bit of it, from being bent over, with her skirt up, and lifting her bottom, inviting Kyle to spank her. She had liked the spanking she got from Miss Nicole, but it was so much better from a man, from this man she’d wanted for so long. She did everything but ask to get him to spank harder.

Kyle eventually took the hint and began a gradual increase in the intensity while spanking alternate cheeks. He’d never given a spanking before, and he delighted in the way her cheeks undulated in reaction to each spank and the increased color developing in ever darker shades of pink.

“I think it's time your panties came down,” he said as he slid his fingers under the tight elastic at her sides, and she showed her agreement by lifting her hips to allow them to slide down to her thighs, where he left them for now.

The spanking resumed, now on her naked cheeks, and Christy was surprised at how much more it stung, having only had her sheer panties protecting her before. No longer silent, she made both pleasurable and painful noises in reaction to the smacking of her bare bottom. It was starting to hurt, but still, the kind of hurt that one wants from a spanking. She loved the idea that she was being punished for her contrived misdeeds and wondered what it would be like to be punished for real, long and hard, with no control over it, and the pain going beyond the limits of pleasure.

Kyle switched to spanking a single cheek repeatedly before switching to the other side and, after a couple of cycles, gave her a break with soothing caresses of her stinging bottom. He enjoyed the way she squirmed in his lap, first from the increasingly painful spanking and then from the touch of his fingers that wandered into other sensitive areas as well.

“Ohh, Kyle! That feels so good!” she said as his fingers slid between her thighs, just grazing the soft, wet lips of her swollen pussy. Taking that as a cue, he slid the middle finger of his left hand down her crack, over her puckered rosebud, and into her slit, sliding up and down from her protruding clit, to slipping inside and back.

“Oh, God! Keep doing that!” she cried, and while squirming on his lap, she couldn’t remember being so turned on by just being fingered, but that was to increase further when the spanking resumed. Not hard, but just hard enough that the sting would add to the pleasure of him touching that spot inside her.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she gasped as the combined fingering and spanking, alternating with each other, drove her to the precipice of a climax she’d not felt before. Her body convulsing due to the physical effect of his hands and the mental effect of her situation, she came with a shuddering gasp, leaving her lying limp across his lap, her hips jerking to the gradually fading spasms.

“Kyle, that was … amazing,” she said when she finally found the words and rolled off his lap to kneel between his legs.

“I’m so glad you liked it. I’ve never done that before, you know,” he admitted as he stroked her hair, knowing what was coming. After pulling his shoes off, she started undoing his belt, button, and zipper, so she could pull his pants and underwear down and off. He slid to the edge of the chair to give her better access to the stiff rod he’d had since they’d first started talking about spanking at the restaurant.

“Coming from you, it was so much better than … her,” she said before taking him fully into her mouth.

It was his turn to gasp as she skillfully used her tongue and fingers to have him squirm in his seat. Sucking him in till he hit the back of her throat, she glided up and down his long shaft, sucking on the bulbous end on each exit. The incongruity of him gently stroking her hair while she heartily sucked his cock ended when he held her in place, just licking the underside of his glans as he was about to cum.

“That’s it, Christy! I’m cumming! I’m …” he cried, as he pulled her face off him, her stroking hand still milking him of the thick, white cream that shot straight up and then came down on him, her hands, and his shirt.

“Mmm! I would have swallowed you, Kyle,” she offered as she smiled up at him while he was still recovering.

She moved to stand, and he stood with her, taking her in his arms again for a romantic kiss. When their lips parted, they stared into each other’s eyes while they opened each other’s shirts to remove them, and any other clothing that remained.

Kyle turned her around so that he could sit her on the edge of the bed and pushed her body down while kissing her, his hands finding her breasts as their arousal rose again. Kissing his way down her neck to her tits, he took each into his mouth, nibbling and sucking on her erect nipples. Christy moaned and thrust her chest up, pushing them into his face.

Her body stiffened as his tongue traced a line between her tits, across her belly, and onto her smooth, wet pussy. Her moans became gasps as he knelt between her thighs, pushed them far apart, and lapped up the savory juice that covered her soft, meaty lips. Slipping his hands underneath to cup her sore cheeks, he pulled her into his face, eating her like the juicy fruit that she was.

Sucking her delicious lips into his mouth, his tongue alternated between penetrating her dripping hole and flicking her bashful clit, hiding within the folds of her perfect pussy. Kyle loved pleasuring a woman this way, worshiping that most sensitive organ until it succumbed to his artful ministrations.

“Oh my God!” she cried, as another climax was near, and sensing this, he went for broke as his hands squeezed her sore bottom, and his tongue lapped at her sensitive lips while she closed her thighs on his face, just as her fruit gushed its sapid syrup all over his face.

Without delay, and knowing what they both wanted next, she moved back on the bed while he climbed on between her spread legs and slid into her teeming pussy with ease. Christy lifted her hips and gulped air as she felt the deep penetration. They kissed sporadically while they rocked in rhythm to each other’s thrusts. The sheer exertion created a sheen of sweat that lubricated their heaving bodies while they approached their mutual goal together.

Pounding her tight sheath like an over-revving piston, his thrusts short and stabbing, and Christy cried out, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” They came together, Kyle’s hips jerking against her crotch as he pumped his seed deep inside her, neither of them even thinking about the risk in their unbridled passion.

Falling to the bed and wrapped in each other’s arms, they quieted their bodies and minds, just holding and caressing their sweaty bodies, with an occasional sigh or kiss to express their joy.

The rest of the night progressed similarly, though without the spanking, and while it didn’t equal the amazing energy of the first times, the night finished with them both immensely satisfied, knowing they’d do it all again without having to say so.

Christy was expected home that night, so eventually, she had to get up and get dressed. Kyle put on enough clothes to be decent in public.

“Kyle?” she started, tackling another question that had occurred to her at the restaurant when they’d shared their experiences with Miss Nicole. “You had me add your email to Miss Knight’s account so you’d know when she was coming back. Why?”

“Oh,” he started, realizing he needed to choose his words carefully. “When we were done, she told me that that punishment was for damaging her car and that next month, I’d get more for being so honest about it, so … when she gets here tomorrow, she’ll be expecting us to do it again,” he finished making it sound like it wasn’t going to happen.

“You’re not going to do it?” she asked, having read him correctly.

“No. I’d rather be with you,” he said, moving towards her and loving the smile forming on her face.

“Oh, Kyle! That’s so sweet!” she gushed, as they came together for a passionate kiss. “I’ll be here for the morning shift only tomorrow, so I’ll be free after lunch … like you,” she offered, hoping.

“We can spend the afternoon together?” he asked hopefully.

“Yes!” she said with a big smile. “You know, Miss Knight arranged for an early check-in, around ten o’clock.”

“I should be there to let her know before she expects anything.”

“She doesn’t have to know you’re even here,” she offered as a solution.

“No, that wouldn’t be right. Who knows, she may have forgotten all about me or doesn’t expect me to show up, but I shouldn’t avoid it. She could see me, or us, in the lobby, and that would be awkward.”

Christy kissed him again, thinking what a kind and honest man he was and how lucky she was to be with him. These feelings were amplified when he insisted on walking her to her car, not wanting her alone in a dark parking lot, even though she’d done it many times after the occasional late shift.


The next morning, while Christy was at the front desk, Kyle waited in the lobby area for Nicole’s arrival. They shared a stolen glance or a smile at the fresh memories of the night before. Seeing the black Escalade drive by the entrance, he went over to stand by Christy. Nicole Knight walked in a few minutes later, pulling a cart loaded with the tools of her trade.

“Hello, Miss Nicole,” they said in unison.

“Well, if it isn’t my two naughty kids … together! And look at those smiles! You’ve become well ‘acquainted’ with each other, haven’t you?” she asked, using those people assessment skills so helpful in her line of work.

“Your usual suite, Miss Knight,” Christy said, passing her the keycard.

“Thank you. You know, Christy, Kyle is supposed to have a session with me again as a reward for his honesty about denting my car.”

“I don’t think I’ll be …” Kyle started but was interrupted.

“Why don’t you join him this afternoon? You each had some fun with me last time, why don’t we do it all together? A sexy, naughty threesome!” she said with raised eyebrows.

Both were instantly intrigued by the prospect but didn’t want to admit it to the other. Kyle looked at Christy with a big question mark painted on his face, and seeing her eyes looking up at him and biting her lip, he suspected she was as interested as he was, and she confirmed it with the slightest nod.

“We’d like that, Miss Nicole!” he said, speaking for them both. “But you’d better be careful. We might gang up on you!” he threatened.

“I’m counting on it!” she replied, loving the surprised smiles on their faces. “See you both at one! And plan to spend a couple of hours!”

Written by 2bespanked
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