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Suite & Sexy - Unmistaken Identity

"Nicole asks Kyle and Christy to be part of a session with a regular client"

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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation of my Suite &amp; Sexy series, the last chapter of which, released months ago, found Kyle and Christy, new young lovers, sharing what was supposed to be just a spanking session with Dominatrix Nicole but turned into much more. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Nicole has used the hotel where Christy works for a week every month, punishing her regular clientele."

They met in the hotel lobby after Nicole had checked into her usual isolated suite. Christy was on a break from the front desk, and Kyle had arrived a bit earlier. They were both surprised by Nicole’s email asking if they would be interested in participating in a session with one of her clients. Their shared session with Nicole took a few surprising turns a month ago.

“This is a regular client of mine who asked if having a male as part of her session was possible. She’d leave it up to me what parts he’d play, but she’d pay handsomely for the privilege.”

“What does she normally have you do,” Kyle asked.

“She came to me originally wanting just to be spanked, but she’s progressed into all the things you all got up to last time,” she replied with a knowing smile. “She gets it both ways with my strap-on, but I imagine she’s looking for the real thing this time, maybe even a DP.”

“DP?” Christy asked.

“Double penetration. Like you two did to me!” she answered, smiling with that pleasant memory.

“Oh! I can see what part Kyle would play, but where do I fit in?” Christy asked

“To be honest, I didn’t think you’d want Kyle there without you, but this lady loves to lick me, and you’d be fresh, young fruit for her if you’re up to it,” she finished as a question.

“I won’t do it without you, Christy,” Kyle said, running his hand down her arm.

“You can take part in any way you’d like,” Nicole said, sweetening the pot.

“Hm,” Christy said with a smile, “Could I spank her too? Like, really hard? Maybe with a paddle?”

“Definitely!” and Christy was in. “She won’t know you, Kyle, but she might recognize Christy from the front desk, so would you be okay wearing masks? Just over your eyes, like the Lone Ranger,” she laughed.

“We should probably use fake names as well. She might identify Christy by her name badge,” Kyle added.

“Simon and Simone!” Christy added, getting into the spirit of it.

They discussed a few other things, like what they’d wear and what time to be there, and then went about their days separately. Kyle met with a client, and Christy went home after her shift to change clothes.

Looking through her underwear drawer, she realized she needed to get some sexier panties, if only for Kyle. She looked at her watch, wondering if she had the time, and ran to the mall, still in her uniform. Thankfully, Victoria’s Secret was almost empty, and she found a matching half-cup bra and panties in black satin with some lace trim that she thought would be suitable for today. She picked a few others for Kyle as well.

‘Kyle, are you in your room?’ she texted once back at the hotel.

‘Yes, c’mon up!’

She jumped into his arms as soon as the door opened, having not seen him in over a week.

“I wish you could greet me like that when I first see you!”

“Me too!” Christy replied with a kiss. “I thought about telling them we’d been together before you started coming to this hotel to get past the ‘no fucking the guests’ rule, but I don’t know if they’d buy it.”

“I thought your name was Simone?” he quipped, noticing her name badge.

“Yes, Simon!” she laughed and told him the story about her underwear.

“You’re wearing them now?” he asked with a sly grin, not waiting for an answer to take her blazer and blouse off. After an appreciative smile, the skirt was next, and he groaned at the sight of the panties she’d bought a size smaller, so they were nice and tight. He fell to his knees and pulled her to him, his hands on her ass and his mouth on her pussy, its shape so clearly defined by the fine satin.

“Oh God, Kyle!” she cried. “Kyle! We can’t! It’s time! We have to go!”

Reluctantly, he let his delectable snack go and stood up with a disappointed sigh.

Christy didn’t want to be seen going to Nicole’s room in her uniform, so they both donned their robes again over their underwear. They took the stairs to the floor above and talked excitedly about what was to come. They took a deep breath before knocking and were admitted quickly.

After Nicole gave them a few quick instructions, they took their robes off, donned their masks, and waited side by side for their guest to arrive. Less than a minute later, a knock signaled the beginning of another new experience for them both.

“Come in, young lady,” Nicole said as the door swung open.

“Thank you, Miss Nicole!” the woman said in a sweet, young voice.

Nicole closed the door and stood in their line of sight before introducing them.

“Did you manage to find …” she asked Nicole.

“Yes. I’d like you to meet Simon and Simone,” she said, moving out of the way.

Christy heard Kyle’s gasp but didn’t think anyone else did.

Kyle subconsciously touched his mask to be sure it was in place and worried it wasn’t enough to hide his identity. Only mildly comforted by the fact she hadn’t recognized him yet, he hoped that would last the hour because there was no way to back out now. Not only was she a client of his, but he had an appointment with her later in the week.

He knew her as the owner of a small but growing company whose IT services he’d been trying to get for a couple of years and was close to closing the deal. She was a strong woman who knew her mind and didn’t suffer fools gladly, though he’d managed to develop a friendly relationship with her.

It didn’t hurt that she was attractive with a body a woman of any age would be proud of despite being well into her forties. Though she usually wore business-like suits with skirts or pants, occasionally, he’d find her in something more casual that displayed her female attributes more favorably. The memory of a late-night issue he’d helped her with came to mind, specifically the sight of her braless in a tight T-shirt.

“Mmm, hello!” she said, clearly pleased. “My name is Janine, and I’ve been a very naughty girl! Simone is a nice surprise, Miss Nicole!” she said. “I do hope she’ll play nice!”

“You’ll obey her as you do me! Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she replied, the smile wiped off her face, “Yes, Miss Nicole.”

“Don’t you have something else to say?”

“I thought I already said it,” she said as probably the last assertive thing she’d say this afternoon.

“Neither properly or completely.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right, Miss Nicole,” she said as she opened her black floral silk robe and let it fall to the floor. Her shapely body, dressed only in a matched set of a dark lavender bra and shiny, smooth satin panties, complemented her shoulder-length blonde hair.

“I’ve been a very naughty girl, and I deserve to be punished. Please spank me?” she requested with her head down and arms behind her back.

She had turned to face Nicole for her declaration. Nicole stepped within inches and reached up to briefly caress Janine’s modest breasts, whose nipples were making their presence known, before reaching around back to unclasp her bra.

“You know better than to present yourself in more than just your panties,” she said as the bra fell free of her tits but caught on Janine’s arms crossed behind her.

“You’ll pay for that mistake later!” Janine’s eyes widened and even sparkled in anticipation as Nicole pinched and twisted both nipples. “And you’ve lost the privilege of wearing panties for your first punishments,” she added as she knelt, pulling the tight panties down with her. Janine lifted each foot in turn to step out of them.

Kyle and Christy stood side by side during Nicole’s dominant performance, still unsure of their part in this play. Nicole had only told them to just ‘go with the flow.’ Kyle tried not to show the excitement he felt at seeing this strong woman stripped naked, but there was one thing he couldn’t control, and his tight, black bikini underpants did nothing to hide it.

“Now, since you disrespected my able assistant, she will have the pleasure of putting you in your place, across her knee, for your first spanking.”

Christy, practiced at following a manager's or colleague's lead, moved to the chair, placed specifically for its intended purpose, and sat down. Patting her thigh with one hand, she held the other out in invitation.

“Come here, young lady,” she said, pointing to the floor before her. “Do you have something to say to me?” she asked.

“I’m … I’m sorry I disrespected you, Miss Simone. Please spank me?”

“How shall I spank you?”

“Please, Miss Simone. Put me over your knee and spank me very hard on my bare bottom!” Janine asked, desire dripping from her words.

“As you wish. Come.”

Taking her hand, Christy guided her over her lap, held her tight around her waist, and rubbed the woman’s bare cheeks. She could feel the warmth and humidity of Janine’s crotch against her thigh and a feeling they shared at the moment.

After taking a few moments to let the anticipation build, she started with a firm hand smacking Janine’s wobbly cheeks to the soundtrack of someone clearly enjoying her predicament. Janine’s desire had been building for over ten days now, and she reveled in the delicious warmth and sting building slowly in her upended bottom.

Christy felt like she was spanking her hard enough, but a questioning look at Nicole indicated otherwise, and she stepped up her efforts. She upped the intensity a bit but knew that increasing the tempo had a similar effect and managed to keep it up for almost ten minutes.

“Ow! OW! I’m sorry, Miss Simone! Please!” Janine cried unconvincingly, soaking up the intensity like a sponge. “Please, Miss Nicole! Make her stop!” she pled but was surprised when she did.

“You can get up,” Nicole said and chuckled when Christy gave her another half dozen hard stinging swats on her near cheek before she could move.

“Thank you, Miss Nicole,” she said as she stood.

“You’re thanking the wrong person!”

“Oh, yes. Thank you, Miss Simone!” she said and knelt on the floor between Christy’s legs. Christy looked up again, first at Nicole and then at Kyle, questioning what Janine would do. Kyle smiled, and Nicole stuck her tongue out, licking the air to a surprised smile from Christy.

Christy moving to the edge of the chair and spreading her legs was the signal Janine was waiting for. She reached for the waist of Christy’s panties as her lips kissed her way up her tender, young thighs. Gently pulling the panties down past Christy’s upraised hips, she smiled at the thought of tasting the younger woman.

“You have a pretty little pussy, Miss Simone!” she said as she laid the panties beside her and moved in to kiss first and then lick her pretty pussy.

Christy tried to contain her reactions to maintain her superior position but was helpless under the expert tongue of this woman. Gripping the woman’s head with both hands, she pulled her face into her eager snatch, painting her face with her free-flowing juice. Gasping with short, staccato breaths, she came hard with Janine sucking and licking her clit.

“Thank you for spanking me,” Janine said as she rocked back on her heels, giving Christy a small appreciative smile before getting up.

Awaiting further instructions, she stood close enough to Nicole that their nipples almost touched. She winced as Nicole tweaked her nipples again as she stood with arms respectfully crossed behind her. Leaving one hand to tend to her tits, Nicole ran the other up her neck, behind her head, with fingers combing through her hair and then to her cheek, which she slapped just hard enough. Touching her lips, she slipped her middle finger inside as Janine’s lips closed around it, sucking and licking as the finger fucked her face. After adding another finger, she slid her other hand down over Janine’s mons, through a whisp of hair, and between her smooth, puffy lips.

“Are you enjoying this?” she asked, running her finger through her seething wet slit. Janine shook her head ‘no’ while keeping Nicole’s fingers entertained in her mouth. “No, you’re not supposed to enjoy it. You’re being punished!” she said to Janine’s enthusiastic nodding.

“Miss Simone warmed you up nicely,” she said as she pulled her fingers out of Janine’s mouth, “but Master Simon is going to make sure it hurts! Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss Nicole!”

“Come here!” Kyle called from the chair.

She moved to Kyle’s side and knelt with downcast eyes, waiting for an instruction. However, looking up, his face questioned, ‘Well?’

“I’m sorry I was so naughty, Master Simon. Please spank me good and hard!”

“As you wish,” he said and patted his thighs with both hands.

He helped her into place, but before she was settled, his hand rained a dozen or more hard spanks on both cheeks. Twisting and squirming in his lap, her futile attempts to avoid his hard, spanking hand were met with even harder swats on the lower half of both cheeks.

“You’ll settle down if you know what’s good for you,” he scolded when he stopped. Despite his bravado, he was feeling very strange having this woman over his knee taking a spanking from him. With his threat of escalation, Nicole placed a hairbrush on the floor to his right, where Janine couldn’t see it.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!” she cried as the spanking resumed, thinking, ‘This is why I wanted Nicole to bring a man to the session!’ The hard-on poking at her belly added to her arousal, but she still found it hard to stop squirming, even with Kyle’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

“Master Simon needs some help, Simone! You hold her hands, and I’ll get her feet,” Nicole instructed.

Even more helpless than usual, with her hands and feet held down, Janine was getting the kind of punishment she’d only dreamed of. Still, it hurt a lot, and she tested the woman’s strength to hold her in place, especially after five or six spanks on each cheek in turn. Finally, Kyle stopped and soothed the sting with gently caressing hands as Nicole gestured with her eyes to the hairbrush.

“Oh God! I’m sorry, sir,” she said as much for her pleasure as his.

Looking forward to her favorite position, strapped to the spanking bench, she hoped this was the last round with Kyle. She smiled when she heard, ‘One more, Janine!’ from Kyle, but the smile disappeared when she felt the back of the hairbrush tapping her bottom. Steeling herself, she prepared herself for the worst yet.

“Ow! OW! Please! It hurts!” she cried as Kyle concentrated the swats on her lower cheeks.

After just a few swats, Nicole pulled her legs apart and moved closer between them. She mouthed ‘Hard!’ to Kyle, and once Janine was groaning from the increased pain, she plunged two fingers into Janine’s dripping pussy.

“Holy fuck!” she yelled as Nicole pumped her fingers into her wet snatch, screaming, “OH MY GOD!” when she felt the thumb rubbing her clit, screeching when she crashed head-on with her orgasm.

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She remained on Kyle’s lap, her body twitching in the aftermath of her unexpected climax. With deep, uneven breaths, she could finally tumble off Kyle’s lap and stand. She turned to see Nicole standing there with outstretched arms. Nicole knew they’d pushed past her limits and offered a comforting hug, which Janine gratefully accepted.

“We can skip the bench if you want,” she whispered in an unusual show of sympathy.

“No, I want …” Janine began, pulling away. She was about to admit it was her favorite but resumed her role, saying, “No, Miss Nicole. I deserve to be paddled on the bench.”

“As you wish,” she said, holding her wrist and leading her to it.

Janine climbed on while Nicole took more time than usual, fastening the straps around her wrists, ankles, and body, giving her as much time to recover from her last ordeal as possible. Retrieving the school paddle with its drilled face from her toybox, she stood in front of her victim in a threatening gesture.

"Twenty-five swats, young lady, and you deserve every one, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss Nicole.”

“I want you to count each one and ask for another. Understand?”

With Janine’s agreement, Nicole moved to her position at her side and slid the paddle back and forth over her flaming red bottom. She’d added the counting scheme to slow things down a bit, again recognizing the pain she was already feeling.

Knowing Janine could see her, Nicole raised the paddle high and brought it down a long arc, smacking into its target with a loud report.

“Yeow!” she howled, her mouth gaping open. “Oh fuck! One!” she finally counted, and, after a long pause, “Please, may I have another?”

Kyle and Christy stood together again, watching the scene unfold, wincing with each impact and wondering how much they could take in similar circumstances. She’d just spent more than twenty minutes across their laps and was now being punished with a brutal paddle in a position that heightened the pain.

“Oww! Fuck! Nine!” she cried again, the long time between swats making it a little more bearable. Her head, now in that space that both relished and despised the pain, she was glad she hadn’t copped out when Nicole had given her the chance. She’d taken a long time to get to this level of submission and wouldn’t step backward now. “Please, may I have another?”

“OW! Christ! Fifteen,” she screeched, thinking, ‘Ten more to go,” and expecting a change in tempo. “Please, may I have another?”

“Fuck! Sixteen! Please may I … seventeen! Ooo, oww! Please … eighteen! Yeow, nineteen!”

Nicole was proud of her aspiring sub, having seen her progress from simple over-the-knee spankings to bruising, painful punishments like this. She decided she’d give her a special reward at the end if her assistants were up for it.

“Holy fucking shit! Twenty-five!” she shrieked, her body still tense and her buttocks clenching as though there was still more to come. Eventually, the muscles eased, and she fell to the bench's surface her punished body had risen above for the entire ordeal.

“You did well, young lady,” Nicole complimented, kneeling before her and brushing her hair from her face before kissing her affectionately on the lips. Her hands wandered down her back with soothing caresses and, reaching her battered bottom, touched ever so lightly. Janine’s body moved within the limits of her bonds as fingers stroked lightly between her cheeks and lower, between her legs.

“Ohhh, thank you, Miss Nicole!” she hummed as Nicole released her restraints.

“I think you know that isn’t the proper way to show appreciation for your punishment,” Nicole replied. “Don’t you?” she added as the last strap was undone.

“Yes, Miss Nicole,” she replied and started to get up.

Nicole motioned to Kyle and Christy to help, and they each took an arm as she slowly, clumsily dismounted, wincing from the pain her movements created. She led Nicole’s ‘kids’ over to the bed as they didn’t know what was next. They let go of her arms and watched as this awesome woman rubbed her ass enticingly, still gasping and sighing with mixed pain/pleasure.

Nicole called her assistants over for a huddle while Janine situated herself on the bed with her knees up to minimize contact with her aching bottom. Nicole explained their part in the next act of their play and then asked them if they were willing to participate in the reward she had in mind. They both smiled, making Nicole proud of her ‘kids.’

“Bottom nice and sore,” she asked Janine, kneeling on the bed next to her and kneading her tits.

“Mmm, yes, Miss Nicole,” she smiled, biting her lip.

“Let's see if we can’t make it feel better. Are you ready to thank me properly?”

“Yes, please!” she said as Nicole straddled her prone body, planting her wet pussy directly on the woman’s face, who mumbled as she munched on Nicole’s cunt. Facing her feet, she lifted off Janine’s face, depriving her of her favorite snack, and directed her assistants into place.

“We’re going to do this a little differently! Lift your legs up!”

“Oh, Miss, please, no?!” Janine begged, recognizing the diaper position she’d tried once and didn’t like.

“Excuse me!?” Nicole scolded.

“I’m sorry! Yes, Miss Nicole,” she apologized and lifted her legs for Nicole to hold them straight up, the skin of her tortured bottom stretched painfully tight.

“To show the proper appreciation, you know you have to make me cum, but I suggest you do it quickly as my assistants are going to keep spanking you until I do!” she said and stifled her agreement with her pussy in Janine’s mouth again.

Kyle and Christy took their cue and began spanking playfully as instructed, just reviving some of the delicious sting every spanko craved. Janine’s exclamations were garbled and disjointed as Nicole’s pussy ground into her face, but it was clear to all that she liked the unique take on this position.

Nicole’s arousal depended on which client she was seeing, and though she was normally wet for Janine when it was time for thanking, today was way beyond normal, and she had her able assistants to thank for it. Rocking her hips with Janine’s tongue traversing her slit, she could feel her climax coming and decided to encourage her in yet another way.

Holding her legs up with just one arm, the other reached down, insinuating a finger into the tight slit of her pussy squashed between her upraised legs to an immediate chorus of mumbled excitement from beneath her. Holding herself just within tongue’s reach, she could feel it building as Janine’s body stiffened and suddenly let go, her flooded pussy triggering Nicole's explosive orgasm as well, leaving both women panting.

Kyle looked at Christy, mouthing ‘Wow!’ to Christy’s stunned face. Neither had ever seen anything like it and wondered what her reaction to the reward would be.

“Oh my God, Nicole,” Janine gushed, forgetting to address her properly. “That was …”

“Yeah, it was!” she agreed, kneeling on the bed again, trying to breathe normally. “But I’m still not done with you!” she added to a stunned reaction.

“Please, no!” Janine said, sitting up and knowing her stinging bottom couldn’t take one more spank.

“No?” she challenged. “I think you owe my assistants more than just the usual gratitude!”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she wondered what the sly Nicole had in mind and got her first clue when Kyle stripped off his underwear and lay on the bed with an impressive erection, providing the answer. ‘Really?’ her eyes questioned, and Nicole just smiled.

She climbed back on the bed and, straddling Kyle’s prone body, said, “Thank you, Master Simon!” and impaled her dripping wet pussy on the stiff shaft. Both moaned as she writhed atop him, finally getting the one sexual pleasure she hadn’t had in a long time.

“Mmm, you guys are amazing!” she said as Christy gently stroked her burning bottom.

“Bend over!” Nicole instructed. You could see the worry on the poor woman’s face until she saw the long, black cock protruding from the leather straps and Nicole’s crotch.

Riding Kyle’s cock with long slow strokes, she felt first the cold lube dribbling between her hot cheeks, followed by Nicole’s finger lubricating the tight passage. Kneeling behind her, Nicole held the slippery shaft and guided it into her clenching ass, Janine panting with short quick breaths as it penetrated her back door.

“Oh, my God!” she cried as both cocks fucked her in turns while Kyle’s hands squeezed her tits.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, Christy appeared before her, standing over Kyle and pulling Janine’s face into her ‘pretty little pussy’. So many sensations; two cocks thrusting into her paralyzed body, hands on her hips and tits, and a sweet young cunt in her mouth. She couldn’t react; she just took it all in, climbing toward what promised to be an incredible summit. Despite the ins and outs of two cocks, she was never without one of them inside as one plunged in while the other retreated.

Kyle was nearing his climax, accelerated by feeling the ‘other cock’ inside Janine, and with one final lunge, he exploded inside her. Feeling that final push, his pulsing cock, and all the other stimulations, she came as well, reduced to unintelligible grunts, gasps, and partial words. Her body just shook as the storm broke inside her.

With two cocks still inside her, she could only fall forward, and Christy helped her as she rolled to her side, still convulsing as all three put hands on her abused body with soothing caresses. Her eyes finally fluttered open, and a tired smile formed as she saw them all gathered over her.

“Oh, my fucking God! You outdid yourself, Nicole! All of you! That was so far beyond anything I imagined; I can’t begin to describe it.”

Eventually, she found the strength to get up and sat on the edge of the bed, still breathing heavily.

“Oh! Look at the time! We went over …”

“Don’t worry about the time! We all enjoyed it!” Nicole said, getting agreeable nods from Kyle and Christy.

“Wow! I hope we can do it again sometime?” she asked as she stood up, unaware of Nicole's true relationship with Kyle and Christy. Getting a ‘We’ll see’ kind of shrug from Nicole, she asked, “Maybe I could give the little one a spanking?”

Nicole looked at Christy, who seemed to be considering it, but Kyle jumped to her defense.

“Don’t cross your bridges before your chickens hatch,” he said, using a funny mixed metaphor he’d heard years ago and repeated many times since. He loved the confused reaction it usually got.

Janine turned to him with a sudden, startled face. She’d heard that line before but couldn’t place it. She decided not to say anything more about it as if by some weird chance she actually knew Master Simon from somewhere; she wouldn’t out him now. Her look startled Kyle, leaving him worrying if, after all they’d done, he’d unintentionally revealed his identity at the very end.

They wrapped things up and sent Janine on her way, more sexually satisfied than she’d expected. Nicole turned to her ‘kids,’ thanked them, and handed them half the fee she’d collected for the session.

“You don’t have to pay us!” Christy cried, with Kyle agreeing.

“Listen, that was one of the best sessions I’ve ever had with a client, and I suspect others might be eager to try it as well!” Seeing their concerned faces, she added, “Think about it. I’ll let you know if another opportunity arises, and you can decide then. By the way, Kyle, what was that look she gave you after your ‘chickens hatching’ or whatever it was?”

“Yeah, and I heard you gasp when you first saw Janine!” Christy added.

“I know her. I’ve done a little work for her and hoping to do a lot more … and I don’t mean spanking her!” he said, getting a laugh from them all.

“Do you think she recognized you?” Christy asked.

“She might have. I’ll find out soon enough if she did,” he said, and seeing their questioning looks, he added, “I have an appointment with her Friday afternoon!”

“Wow! I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that meeting,” Nicole said with a chuckle. “So, you kids wanna hang around a bit? You’ve both earned a good spanking if you want it!?” she offered, still more than a little aroused.

“Oh. Well, um, I don’t think so,” Kyle started and looking at Christy, knew she agreed. “That just wore me out, and I need to get some dinner,” he said, making excuses.

They grabbed their robes, not bothering to put their underwear back on, gave Nicole an affectionate hug and kiss, and left.

“Kyle? Are you really tired?” Christy asked once alone in the hallway. “Cuz, I’m so horny, I can’t stand it!”

Kyle just smiled as the elevator dinged. They stepped inside, and as soon as the door closed, he pulled her to his side, lifted her robe, and spanked her bare bottom.

“Have you been a naughty girl?” he asked as he playfully smacked her cute little rump.

“Ohh, are you gonna spank my hiney, Daddy?” she asked just before the doors opened on their floor. They ran to Kyle’s room.


Kyle went to his meeting with Janine Powers, hoping to sign a multi-year contract for his IT services. He had been confident before but now worried he’d blown it.

She showed no signs of recognition as they discussed the various provisions of the contract. They haggled over some of the consulting rates she thought were too high, but they came to an agreement, and after more than an hour of discussion, she told him it was a deal.

“That’s great!” he replied, relieved at his success and his unrealized worries. “We should celebrate! Can you join me for dinner tonight?"

“I’d love to,” she said initially. “But … I had a different sort of celebration in mind, Kyle,” she said with a coy smile. “Or should I say, Simon?”

His face fell noticeably, and he paused before responding.

“You knew?” he asked, suitably embarrassed.

“Not until your silly ‘chickens hatching’ phrase. And even then, I didn’t make the connection to you until I saw your name on my calendar this morning.”

“I don’t know what to say,” he replied, at a loss for words.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. That was the most fantastic sex I’ve ever had! And you’re largely responsible for that! And Simone, your girlfriend?”

“Yeah. Her name is Christy. She works at the hotel. That’s why we wore masks and used assumed names. You need to know—that was the first time either of us did that! We’re not part of Nicole’s usual… services,” he said, not knowing how to put it.

“I don’t care about that! I would love to get together with you and Christy again. You know I can be a very naughty girl! And I know you both know how to deal with naughty girls! What do you think?”

“Um, I’d have to check with Christy,” he said, warming to the idea.

“Do that! I’d love to have you both over tomorrow night! Or you have me over! Your knee, that is, for a nice, long, hard spanking! Check with Christy and call me later!”

“I will … and I think she’ll be up for it,” he agreed, not feeling like he was going out on a limb.

“Great! Call me!” she replied and stood to shake Kyle’s hand, hoping to close more than one deal today.

“Oh! Kyle?” she started as he was at the door to her office, “Do you switch?”



More than any of them bargained for, but is the best yet to come? I hope you enjoyed this delayed continuation of the 'Suite & Sexy' series. Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it! ... and thanks for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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