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Author's Notes

"Something very close to this happened to me."

My name is Jennifer Lorraine Parfit; I am five foot seven tall, seventeen years old and in my final year at school. I have long blonde hair, a pretty face (so they tell me) and a figure that attracts plenty of attention from both sexes.

I attend a prestigious academy that is a renowned learning institute. The school is for girls whose parents can afford to pay for them to receive a privileged education. Besides being a fee-paying school, only students who pass a comprehensive entrance exam and a stringent interview are recruited.

I count myself very fortunate for the opportunity my parents have provided to give me a secure future. I have a love for sport, which impressed the panel during my interview, and I am the Essex girls hockey team captain. I was head girl at my junior school and left with an impeccable record.

I put most of my positive attributes and sports love down to having my mother's genes. Mummy is often mistaken for my elder sister despite being in her late thirties. My boyfriend, Dave, reckons she is the horniest MLF on the block and said while having a wank he often fantasised fucking mother and daughter together.

I told him a chance would be fine as he hadn't even laid the daughter yet.

My mummy is very sporty and still plays first-team hockey in the Essex league and keeps herself in prime condition with visits to the gym. We have a terrific relationship, sharing most of our thoughts and experiences. The first time I was caned, my mummy told me about her punishments at school and it was such a comfort knowing I wasn't alone.
I count myself fortunate my teachers and peers appear to respect and like me. I have always enjoyed an excellent relationship with them, even the teachers who felt the need to cane my hands. I am told that my popularity is down to my academic and sporting prowess and an infectious, likeable personality. I always try to get on with people and have many friends.

My best pal is Laura Angrim; we have been friends since we started school together, aged five. We were ecstatic when our parents suggested the academy for the pair of us when we finished our time at the juniors.

Laura is a beautiful, lovely person inside and out; we share an incredibly close relationship. Laura is petite, five-foot-tall, and although the same age as me, looks much younger; she still passes for a child when not wearing makeup. She is probably the most intelligent person I have ever met and very adventurous, especially when sex is involved.

She was an excellent tennis player until a shoulder injury put paid to any chance she had of a sporting career. This encouraged her to try a different sport, and she found sex a delightful substitute. Laura was into sex the minute she turned sixteen and had plenty of suitors, some being in their twenties. She knew she excelled at sex as most of her boyfriends, which there were plenty, told her she was the best fuck they had ever had.

Although considered well-behaved, conscientious students, we've both been caned across our palms in the classroom by several of our teachers. The Tooting Academy for Girls is renowned not only as one of the top academic and sporting institutions in England but also for its strict disciplinary policy.

Our parents are fully aware of the school's punishments for their daughters' indiscretions and readily agreed to the repercussions if the rules were breached. We were also informed when attending our induction that discipline is strict but fair, and any transgression would more often than not result in a caning.

Girls attending the academy are encouraged to apply for a university place to complete their education while pursuing a sport of their choice. The school curriculum is geared to encourage best performance, and the school continually achieves the top exam results in Essex.

Our parents gladly signed up to the school's rules and regulations which encourage excellence in their students. By the time I had attended the interview and induction, I was also very aware of their educational ethos. Being regarded as a well-behaved and talented student, I quickly realised I would receive an excellent and privileged education.

The only doubt in my mind was being a corporal punishment recipient appeared unavoidable and I'd never been punished before, let alone on the end of a caning.

I quickly discovered the teachers were always eager to discipline pupils for any misdemeanour, behavioural or work-related. During my time at the school, I never knew any girl who escaped without feeling the cane across their palms. Even the so-called goody-goodies and teacher's pets were punished, much to their classmates' amusement. 
The punishment was usually one stroke of the stick on each hand, which certainly stung, but most girls took the caning stoically. Very few girls cried out loud or made too much of a fuss, and being caned became an accepted part of school life. This definitely achieved what it was designed to achieve, keeping students concentrated on learning, and we accepted it was virtually impossible to avoid being punished during your school career.

The exception to the norm was a thrashing from the headmistress, usually a minimum of four strokes and more often six across your palms. This was a punishment we all feared and only given to girls who committed the severest of misdemeanours. I never dreamt I would ever have to experience a headmistresses caning as I was a conscientious, well-behaved student.

I never heard of any girl leaving the Head's study after feeling the cane across their palms without crying and in a state of distress.
There weren't many girls in my class that Mrs Cairns had cause to punish. Only my friend Diana Oliver was the one I was aware of, although I was sure others had felt her cane.

Seeing the pain Diana experienced when she was punished convinced us all to follow the rules. She showed me her hands after the punishment, and the stripes were so prominent; her hands had looked enormous. Diana told me the pain had been excruciating, and Mrs Cairns seemed to enjoy caning her as she smiled as the cane landed on her palms.

Diana had been caned in class a couple of times but said this punishment was a different experience entirely. I made my mind up there and then that Mrs Cairns would never get the opportunity to punish me.

Little did I know all was about to change most painfully in my final school year. I was required to visit the Head's office on the one occasion when my best friend Laura persuaded me to try smoking as we made our way home from school. Laura's family were smokers and her mum often let her have a fag when she was at home.

I often wondered what a cigarette would taste like, as quite a few of my friends besides Laura appeared to enjoy a smoke. I had never touched a cigarette before or since, but I never imagined the repercussions I would suffer after trying just one.

It was sod's law the time I sampled a puff; one of the teachers spotted me and reported what she witnessed to the headmistress. She called out our names as assembly finished and told us to report to her study immediately after registration. All eyes seemed focused on us, as being called out during assembly, people knew, usually resulted in only the one outcome.

After we attended registration, our teacher, Miss James, spoke to us sympathetically by her desk; she held our hands and gave them a squeeze. She told us she was sure we would take the punishment stoically as she knew from her own experience this would sting to distraction.

As we walked in silence to the Head's study, Laura turned to me with tears in her eyes; she looked so innocent I wanted to hold and comfort her. Poor Laura was distraught; she could not believe she would be responsible for my caning by the headmistress, let alone her own.

I did my best to console her, saying I was old enough to say no to a cigarette if I didn't want to try one and she was not to blame herself. We knew it was to be the cane and we were both dreading the punishment to come.

As we knocked on the door, we were shaking with fear and were summoned to enter. The cane was lying on her desk, and I could hardly believe it would be striking my palms very shortly.

Mrs Cairns said she was appalled that two senior girls had brought the school into disrepute blatantly smoking in public while wearing their school uniform. She angrily told us we were to be punished and a letter sent home to our parents explaining why she had caned us so severely.

Our worst fears were about to come true as we received six strokes across our palms, three on each hand. We both cried our eyes out, and Laura screamed as the cane struck her tender flesh. The pain she was suffering looked excruciating, but seeing my poor friend's punishment made my pussy throb with excitement and my hole soaking wet as my love juice flowed.

This was a new experience for me. I'd witnessed plenty of canings in class, but a tingling pussy was the last thing I expected as I stood in the Head's study, waiting to be punished. I had seen Laura caned a couple of times before, and it had always been like witnessing my younger sister being disciplined.

I experienced nothing but sympathy while watching as her little palms were thrashed with a stick. This time I felt very different. I can only describe it felt like Dave's fingers were being thrust into my pussy at a rapid pace while he was franticly rubbing my clitoris.

My pants become soaking wet, and for a moment, I was so enthralled by Laura's caning I forgot I was the next to receive punishment.

Laura was crying her heart out, pleading for her mum to make the stinging stop as the Head's cane struck her small petite palms again and again. She threw her head back as the tears cascaded down her beautiful face; I stood there petrified, knowing my hands were about to feel the cane as soon as her punishment was complete.

Laura's delicate hands didn't look strong enough to take the thrashing she was receiving, and I winced every time she was struck on those perfect miniature palms.

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My turn arrived much too soon. I was summoned to step forward as I shook with fear at the punishment I was about to receive. I stood in front of the Head, my arm out straight, my palms flat, waiting for the stick to sting my tender flesh. My hands were shaking and it took a great deal of effort to hold them still. My excitement at witnessing my best friend's caning quickly disappeared as I concentrated on my own punishment I was about to receive.

As the cane whistled through the air and struck my hand with a loud crack, the pain became unbearable as my palm felt damaged beyond repair. Being caned in class was nothing compared to this. I sobbed my heart out and begged for mercy while stamping my feet.

The Head took no notice of my pleading and seemed to swing the cane even harder the more the tears were cascading down my face. When the thrashing finished, I was in so much pain that all I wanted to do was hold my hot stinging palms under a cold tap and pray that the stinging would stop.

Mrs Cairns told us although she was sorry it had come to this, she could see we had learnt our lesson. She added the caning would prove most effective as it was nothing less than we deserved. We were ordered to return to her study at the school's finish for letters to take home to our parents; then we were dismissed.

We hurried to the toilets and held our punished hands under the cold water until the stinging subsided. The pain barely improved, and my lovely Laura was very distressed. I hugged her to me, kissed her on the lips passionately and sucked her damaged palms. She gave me a little smile and said she loved me. She told me I was so beautiful; despite her immense pain, she had a small orgasm watching my caning and wanted to hold me as the stick struck my palms.

As we rubbed our punished palms together, Laura said she now knew what true love is after being punished with me. After ten minutes, we calmed down enough, so we could return to our class. We not only got sympathy from our friends but our teacher, Miss James, seemed genuinely sorry for us. She had caned me in class once for talking and not paying attention.

I knew I had always been one of her favourites and she looked more upset while punishing me than I did being caned.

Our classmates could not believe the state of our palms, especially poor Laura's, whose hands looked like she had dipped them in a tin of red paint. Her stripes had all blurred into one as those diminutive palms were certainly not designed to be caned.

We both had regular boyfriends but Laura and I had always enjoyed a loving, close relationship. Laura had been with her boyfriend John for over six months, and she told me they regularly fucked, which she relished with a passion. She told me her appetite for sex knew no bounds, and they had tried most things.

Laura said she had even let John give her arse a spanking which had resulted after much persuasion being fucked up the arse. Although it had been painful at first, Laura told me it had become an enjoyable part of their lovemaking and something she looked forward to.

Laura told me watching the cane thrashing my palms gave her a feeling similar to John being inside her, and she realised the love she felt for me was more than just sisterly.

I had told Laura that David and I were into heavy petting, having tried most things sexual apart from intercourse which I was sure I would submit too soon. David was my first real boyfriend. I was still a virgin, never brave enough to go all the way sexually, because I feared being made pregnant.

I had no other hang-ups as apart from abstaining from David's cock, my pussy was often penetrated by many a toy as well as his fingers. Although I had never experienced a good fucking, I enjoyed taking David's throbbing cock between my lips and swallowing his cum gladly while he ate my pussy, while I was squirting my love juice into his mouth.

Laura and I enjoyed exchanging stories relating to our sex lives and frequently enjoyed kissing while holding hands. Although we loved each other deeply, it was as sisters and we had never indulged in anything more than a kiss.

After she calmed down, Laura suggested we went back to her house after school finished as she needed to explain how she was feeling. We both agreed that the thrashing had been horribly painful, but now we felt as randy as hell and wanted to love each other.

When we entered her house, we hurried up to Laura's bedroom and threw ourselves on the bed. We had only one thing on our mind: to fuck each other senseless as we were bursting and ready to explode. Our tongues entered each other's mouths, entwining together as we passionately kissed.

We rubbed each other's clitoris as fast as we could with our punished hands while our fingers were massaging each other's holes until we exploded while promising our undying love. I said to Laura, her clitoris protruded just like a little penis and seemed more sensitive than mine.

She kissed me tenderly and told me she was told by many of her experienced boyfriends that they had never seen one protrude that much, and she assumed that was why she was such a nympho. You would never have guessed it was the first time either of us performed sex with another girl, as the intensity was something to behold.

Sucking Laura's caned palms blew my mind, and I could tell Laura felt the same as she sucked mine. David had never made me cum like this and although I was blissfully happy, I wondered if I was a lesbian. I had enjoyed sex with Laura so much I couldn't imagine anything being better than this.

I didn't much care about my sexuality as all I wanted was for Laura to thrust her lovely little fingers in my hole again and again till my orgasms came, making me explode with ecstasy. Time seemed to pass too quickly and I had to go home, although I could have played with my lovely Laura forever.

We kissed passionately, looking forward to the next time we would be together for sex. I kissed her beautiful petite punished palms one more time then I was gone.

On the way home, I was still feeling as randy as hell; I decided I wanted David to fuck me that night while I told him about my experiences. I knew he would love that I had been caned with Laura at the hands of Mrs Cairns.

The last time when I had been caned in class, he was as hard as steel when I told him the story. After relating my punishment details, the blow job I gave him had sent him into a frenzy and begging for more.

As I walked up to my door, Mummy already had it open, waiting for me. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight to her chest. She told me she knew I had been caned with Laura by the headmistress as she saw her old school friend Linda Tooth around the shops. Debbie, her daughter in our class, told her mum we had been caned in Mrs Cairns study that afternoon and our hands were in a terrible state.

Linda had said to Mummy, 'like a mother, like a daughter' and never needed to remind her about the caning they had received together for smoking from their headmistress.

After Mummy stopped kissing me, I told her the full story, leaving out the part where Laura and I were having passionate sex. Mummy then rubbed soothing cream onto my tender palms while explaining it had helped quell the stinging whenever she had felt the cane while at school.

Mummy told me she condoned the punishment as smoking was terrible, in school uniform even worse, and felt I deserved the cane. Still, she was surprised we never considered the consequences ourselves as she always considered us to be sensible girls.

Mum added, as I knew, she had been caned at school and twice quite severely by her headmistress. She told me how she had felt after being caned, and there was no disgrace in shedding tears as she certainly had. As she kissed me again, she said she had never seen hands like mine after punishment before and could only imagine what the stinging must feel like.

She was going to the pictures that night with my father, who we agreed would not be told about my punishment. Poor Daddy would never accept the caning his little angel received.

We kissed goodbye and I rang David, my boyfriend, to tell him to bring condoms as tonight I would fulfil all his dreams and more. He told me he was on his way around, ready to perform as it seemed like he had waited for years to fuck me. He told me he wondered what had convinced me to go all the way, although he was ecstatic we were finally going to have real sex.

I said I had lots to tell before I wanted his cock inside my already wet and throbbing pussy. Once told, he would soon realise why I wanted him to fuck my brains out, and he would be overjoyed to know.

That evening was an experience to behold, and all I will say, the three condoms were all used, much to my delight. My lips were sore and tingling on my mouth and pussy through ecstatic use, I must add.

I realised I was probably bisexual as being fucked by David compared favourably with making love to Laura.

The next day at school, I told Laura about my sexual exploits with David, and she told me she wasn't surprised as she had also enjoyed being fucked silly by her John. She added he was so excited listening to the story of our punishment he actually came on the sheets before they started fucking.

Laura said he told her seeing my palms caned would have made him cum in his pants. I told him that it was a coincidence because I had and my knicks were soaking as proof.

I thought to myself, how much things had changed in the last twenty-four hours. I was severely caned by the Head, intimate with my best friend, surrendered my virginity while enjoying a night of sexual bliss being fucked by my gorgeous boyfriend. I realised my life would never be quite the same again, and I was pleased.


Written by debbieshands1
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