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Author's Notes

"Lucy finds bliss with the help of school canings."

My name is Lucy Edwards. I am seventeen, nearly eighteen years old, a five-foot-six tall blond, slim and rather attractive, so friends of both sexes tell me. One evening a week, I attend a Further Education college with my best friend Debbie Smart to study "A" level Sociology because my school doesn't deliver this qualification. We require this for the university courses we had identified, so this proved ideal and recommended by our teachers. 

I wasn't selected as a Prefect in my final year, much to my parent's surprise. Although always excelling academically and playing hockey for Essex, I realised my disciplinary record wasn't the best! Yet, I was also surprised as I seemed popular with both my teachers and peers. I could only surmise my nemesis Miss James had blackballed me as I was certainly not one of her favourites.

She seemed to relish caning me, although I was top of her maths set. She appeared to resent that I had always found doing well in her maths lessons so easy. Being on the end of her cane so often, usually for no good reason, strengthened our intense dislike of each other. As I discovered later, Miss Blythe, my sports teacher, confirmed my assumption that her behaviour towards me was what I suspected, personal.

This teacher proved a good friend to me as she had a quiet word with Miss James, telling her that the staff felt her obsession with punishing me was excessive and had not gone unnoticed. It certainly worked as she had only caned me twice in the last year, both times warranted, I might add. As my maths tutor, she had argued I had enough to concentrate on with "A" levels and county hockey without the added responsibility of the duties being a Prefect involved.

I must admit it proved a blessing in disguise as my life was hectic and fulfilling enough for me never to regret missing out. My parents never knew how often the cow had punished me, or they wouldn't have been surprised that I was never nominated to be a Prefect. In my final two years at Harrow school, I was caned twice by the Headmistress, four on the second occasion and a sixer when punished with the hockey team. It was a rare occurrence for six formers to receive a caning, let alone two.

The teachers regularly used corporal punishment and very few girls had avoided stinging palms. We knew that bad behaviour or performance would result in this punishment and a caning became an accepted part of our school culture. Although quite painful, few girls cried or made a fuss and usually, teachers administered only one or two strokes on your none writing hand. A headmistress caning was altogether different from the punishment administered by teachers in the classroom.

Very few girls had experienced the Headmistresse's stick striking their palms and all pupils dreaded the experience. Just thinking about a caning from her achieved the purpose for which it was designed, as a deterrent for bad behaviour and an incentive to produce the best work you could. Her canings usually consisted of four or six strokes, resulting in three stingers on each palm for a serious misdemeanour. It was virtually unknown for a girl to leave her study anything but chastised with tears flowing down their cheeks and rushing to the toilets to cool their stinging hands.

When we were having our coffee break at college, two boys politely asked if they could join us. I had recently become single after saying goodbye to my boyfriend, David. I saw him for six months but it was more a relationship of convenience for me than one I took seriously.

I hadn't been out with many boys, was still a virgin, and had never contemplated encouraging David to fuck me. He wanted a meaningful relationship and although I was fond of him, I knew he wasn't the one for me. Although we had some rather enjoyable heavy petting sessions, he knew he would get no further than the one wank I had given him when I had let him finger my clitoris and became quite excited. I told him sex was out of the question and upset that we had gone as far as we had. We amicably finished with each other soon after this session as we both realised he wasn't the person I wanted.

I found my relationship with my best friend Debbie Smart much more rewarding. Although Mike was her regular boyfriend and enjoyed a vibrant sexual relationship, our friendship had become much to my liking an intermate one. There wasn't much we never tried, as I had quickly encompassed Deb's obsession with the cane.

Being bisexual never worried either of us, as she told me when I met the right person, she knew I would love feeling my pussy penetrated by a cock as much as she did. She told me she loved being fucked but found sex with me very special as she loved me so much. I was delighted the boys had asked if they could join us.

I found them both very attractive and when the lad called Jamie kept giving me the eye, the look on his face seemed to confirm he liked what he saw. Debbie enjoyed the boy's company but told them she was in a serious relationship with her boyfriend, Mike.

Jamie asked me if I was courting and I told him I was now very single, having parted from my boyfriend over a month ago. He asked if I would like to go out with him Saturday as his football team had their presentation dance. I hoped I didn't appear too eager as I told him I would like that.

We exchanged telephone numbers and he said he would ring me to finalise arrangements. The break flew by; as we enjoyed their company but unfortunately, it was soon time to return to our course. We said our goodbyes and Jamie departed by lifting his hand to his ear, mimicking a phone.

To say I was excited is an understatement of how I felt. If there is such a thing as love at first sight, I had just experienced it. Debbie smiled and told me she hoped it works out as Jamie was a handsome bugger and seemed the perfect boy for me if there was such a person. Debbie added she would have jumped at the chance to date Jamies friend Richie if she wasn't in a relationship with Mike as she found him interesting and very attractive.

Jamie rang to make arrangements and would pick me up at my house at seven o'clock. He was bang on time and made an instant good impression with my parents. As I entered the living room, he talked football with my dad like they were old friends. His face was a picture as he told me I looked amazing and he would be the envy of his mates tonight. Jamie shook hands with my parents as he told them how it had been a pleasure to meet them as he bid his goodbyes, promising he would take good care of me.

Jamie was driving as he didn't mind not drinking as he was playing football for his Sunday team in the morning. As he held the door open for me to enter the car, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. The evening was terrific and the wives, girlfriends and fiances all made me feel welcome, although I guessed I was the youngest there.

I recognised one of the girls, Susanna Reid, Jamie's mate Charly's wife, who had been a prefect when I started at Harrow school. I wasn't surprised she didn't remember me as I had been in the first year and it was seven years ago. I never mentioned we attended the same school and that she had been indirectly responsible for my first feel of the cane.

Our teacher had left her in charge of our class while she attended a meeting. She told Susanna any girl who was not behaving to write their name on the blackboard as she would deal with them when she returned. Sue Rawlings and I found our names on the board as Susanna had already warned us to stop talking and pay attention. That was how I was the first girl caned in the class but certainly not the last.

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Jamie was very popular and won two awards. Managers player and players player of the year. As we had the last dance, Jamie said although this was our first date, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. We kissed passionately and I told him I was utterly smitten; he had made me so happy I could burst.

We said our goodbyes and the girls seemed genuinely pleased to have met me. We all agreed that we would look forward to meeting again.  Jamie told me he was so proud to be with me tonight as he couldn't imagine being without me, although we had only just met. Jamie parked the car outside my house and didn't hesitate when I asked him in for coffee.

My parents play cards with friends Saturdays and stay at each other's houses until the following day. When I told Jamie we would have the place to ourselves as my parents stopped at their friends, his face lit up as he seemed as excited as I was. As we entered the house, we fell into each other's arms, kissing, touching and both realising we were in love.

I didn't hesitate to ask Jamie to fuck me as I desperately wanted to feel his cock inside my pussy. I told him I was a virgin and wanted to lose my cherry to the right person that I knew was him. I said to Jamie I had never felt so horny and I knew he was the one I wanted to fuck me.

He carried me upstairs to bed and said he knew that he loved me as he had also never felt this way before.

We didn't hesitate to strip off our clothes and stood naked, just staring in wonderment at each other. I thought to myself, "God." His cock was twice the size of David's and I was relieved when he promised to be gentle.

I said I had lots to tell him but all he needed to know for the moment was that I was on the pill and I wanted him to cum inside me. He massaged my clitoris while I rubbed his cock with my hands. As I orgasmed with a scream of delight, I guided his as hard as steel penis into my throbbing hole. My pussy was gagging with anticipation and I cried out for him not to be so gentle but to fuck me harder. My back was arching, head tossing as he thrust his gorgeous cock inside me. We exploded together and my orgasm made me cry tears of joy.

I was deliriously happy and told Jamie that I loved him so much that I wanted him to fuck me forever. Well, his recovery rate was quite phenomenal and the next couple of hours, one fuck followed after another. My pussy felt alive as he made me cum screaming with delight until I could cum no more.

Debbie had been so right when she told me I would embrace the moment when the man I fell in love with fucks me. We finally collapsed in each other's arms, exhausted but in a state of euphoria. We knew this was for real and we both wanted more. Before we fell asleep, I told Jamie we had all tomorrow because my parents had Sunday dinner out and didn't return until early evening. As I closed my eyes, Jamie kissed me, told me he loves me so much he hurts and I fell asleep blissfully content.

When I woke up, Jamie held me in his arms, kissing me while caressing my rock-hard nipples. He told me he had let Fred, the Sunday manager, know he couldn't play so we could spend the day together. In between exploring each other's bodies and fucking for England, we told each other of our plans for the future.

When he finished his apprenticeship, Jamie told me the firm wanted him to stay on as a junior draughtsman with the opportunity to gain experience as an estimator. He said he had accepted as he would be just twenty-one and he had his whole life in front of him. He said the position had excellent potential and the salary they offered was very competitive.

I told him I would be eighteen next month and was sitting four "A" levels. Three were at school, the other Sociology as Jamie knew I was studying this at college. Then University was the plan and added I had been accepted at Warwick as long as I gained my expected "A" level grades.

We soon recovered enough to fuck again and his enormous penis thrusting inside my pussy soon ensured I was in a state of pure bliss. Jamie told me I wasn't only the most beautiful girl he had ever seen but must be the most talented as well. He held my hands in his, kissing my palms while saying, like me, they were perfect. I told him he wouldn't have said that if he saw what they looked like after the Headmistress had caned them. Jamie looked at me in disbelief, not believing that Lucy, his gorgeous, perfect girlfriend, could have had her palms thrashed at school.

I told Jamie the principles practised by our school, which achieved top results and grades year after year. We had the most exam passes, students entering University, sporting achievements in the whole of Essex. Parents, students, governors were all aware and in agreement with the rules and regulations. The school never administered detention or lines. If transgressions occurred more often than not, corporal punishment was the remedy used.

I told him I didn't know of any girl at the school who had avoided a caning, indeed not anybody in my class had. Although I added a Headmistress punishment was a rarity and ensured pupils were motivated to behave and perform to the best of their ability. Teachers used the cane as an inducement to ensure they maintained control of our behaviour and performance. It produced an ideal learning environment and the results proved its effectiveness.

I was one of the exceptions that proved the rule, having felt the Headmistress's cane across my palms twice. I was clever, keen, attentive and my behaviour was as acceptable as most girls in the school. I was fortunate to be recognised as talented in both sport and academic subjects. Apart from one teacher that punishing me seemed personal for her rather than remedial, they did not punish me more than any other pupil.

I told Jamie my Headmistress canings are long stories that I promise to relate at another time as his cock stood to attention, apparently eager to fuck me again. Jamie found my revelations arousing as he had cum leaking from the end of his magnificent penis, which was keen to enter my waiting pussy.

Jamie kissed me passionately as his cock entered my throbbing hole and soon, we were in the throes of ecstasy as we were once again exploding together. He asked me to hold my palms to his lips while he ravished my nipples with his fingers. Jamie said the thought of my canings made him sad as he couldn't bear to think of my suffering.  He added although he had to admit he would have found it sexually exciting watching me with my delicate palms face up, waiting for the sting of the cane.

Yesterday I was a virgin but today, I have felt Jamies cock inside me more times than I can remember. I loved the feeling and knew I wanted him to fuck me forever. Unfortunately, it seemed the time for him to leave had arrived much too quickly. As he passionately kissed me goodbye, swearing undying love, we both knew this was the real deal and I had never felt this happy in my life.

Written by debbieshands1
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