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Author's Notes

"Debbie never knew hockey could be so painful and rewarding."

Debbie attended her interview at Warwick University where her boyfriend Mike was a first-year student. She had acquitted herself excellently during the interview and the professor who conducted it told her he expected that she would be a credit to the university. Miss Artur, the head of her school had given her a glowing reference and she had impressed him with her outgoing personality, academic, and sporting prowess.

She was only going to be with Mike for a couple of hours as she had to get the train home because she had a County Cup hockey match the next day and she was the team captain. They had been courting for over a year and had an interesting relationship. They loved each other dearly but Debbie being punished played a major role in their lives. Mike caned Debbie's palms just like when she was in school and she revelled in the punishment and found it made their sex life so fulfilling.

She had been caned twice by the headmistress at school and the last time, she had had six strokes on her palms, while Mike had had six on his bum. They witnessed each other being punished in front of their mothers and it resulted in an unexpected turn of events. Mike and Debbie had already made corporal punishment a major part of their sex lives after they had been caned for the first time, Debbie had received four stinging strokes on her palms and Mike had had six also on his hands. They had been caned separately on this occasion but Susan, Debbie's mum had been present to witness her daughter's punishment.

After their second school caning, which was witnessed by both mums, they had all returned home together where they not only discussed their children's caning but seemed delighted to share their schoolgirl escapades. Marion and Susan enjoyed themselves so much that they arranged to meet for a coffee soon.

They had got on so well when they had met, that a serious relationship quickly developed, which continued to evolve and a strong bond was formed between the two women. They found that corporal punishment was a shared attraction and they had progressed from exchanging exciting stories to role play that had involved the regular punishment of each other. The relationship was now so strong that they could not imagine being without it.

When Debbie returned home, Susan wanted to hear all the details of her interview. Debbie told her it couldn't have gone better and she had been promised a place depending on her A-level grades being sufficient for her course. Then Debbie had suddenly burst into tears and sobbed her heart out as she told her mother that she hadn't realized how much she missed Mike and she especially missed being punished by him. She asked Susan if she would cane her as she wanted to be punished as she felt so hurt and lonely. Susan took Debbie in her arms and kissed her. She loved seeing her punished but she could never bring herself to cane her as she loved her far too much.

Susan went on to tell Debbie her relationship with Marion had advanced to the stage where they were now caning each other and if she wanted her too she would ask Marion if she would cane her. Debbie liked the idea but did not want Mike to know this arrangement. Sue told her that Mike had no idea of her relationship with Marion as she had never discussed it with her son. Sue added she was sure Marion would punish her and, although she could never punish Debbie herself, she had to admit seeing her beautiful hands caned was an exciting scenario she would look forward too.

Debbie and her mum embraced and kissed each other good night. Debbie went up to bed to prepare for her match tomorrow and thought to herself she must have the most wonderful, understanding mother in the whole world.

Debbie slept well that night and dreamed of having the cane on her palms and then bringing herself to the most beautiful orgasm. Before she knew, it was morning and time for her to get up. Debbie found she was so wet between her legs that she knew it had been a wonderful and very real wet dream she had just had. She packed her hockey gear, had breakfast with her mum, who wished her good luck and then set off to school.

She met her friend and teammate Jenny at the corner of her street and they made their way to school together. They discussed the match and both agreed that if they played to their full potential there was only one winner and that would be them. They had a very strong team and had won the league last year. The also had Miriam Taylor in the centre who scored goals for fun. She played for the county and was an England trialist and everyone agreed she had a very bright future in the game.

When the girls arrived at school they went straight to the assembly where Miss Artur announced that the coach for the hockey quarter-final with Boreham High would be leaving the school at twelve-thirty.  She added that team and supporters should be seated by twelve-fifteen sharp and she hoped all the girls would enjoy the day but reminded them they were representing the school so to ensure that they behave appropriately.

When the time arrived it was forty-odd very excited girls that climbed onto the coach, the team and their supporters. Miss Gilkes who was their sports teacher and hockey coach informed them that Miss Artur was travelling to the game by car so they should remember to behave appropriately as they knew what to expect if they didn't.  The girls were determined to enjoy themselves but would ensure that they stayed within acceptable limits as they knew the punishment would be very painful if they were seen misbehaving.

When they arrived at Boreham, the team went straight to the changing rooms while the supporters were given refreshments after their journey. The girls then made their way to the playing fields to join the Boreham supporters in watching the match. Soon after both teams ran onto the pitch and were given a rousing reception by their supporters. The match was ready to start and the excitement was high while both sets of supporters ensured that they generated a competitive atmosphere cheering on their teams.

With ten minutes to go Harrow was a comfortable three goals to the good and Debbie although very happy with how things were going ensured that the team kept their concentration until the end of the match. She urged them on verbally and lead by example running all over the pitch. Little could she have envisaged that all hell was about to be let loose?

She collected the ball on the halfway line and raced down the wing before passing the ball inside to Miriam Taylor who was ready and waiting in front of the Boreham goal. Miriam raised her stick and was about to shoot when a Boreham defender made no attempt to play the ball but had instead deliberately struck Miriam across the knees as hard as she could. Miriam collapsed in a heap crying out in pain and withering on the ground in agony. Debbie saw red, she grabbed the Boreham defender by the hair and slapped her hard around the face while calling her a dirty fucking cow.

All hell broke loose and both teams piled into each other while poor Miriam was crying in agony on the floor. The referee blew her whistle and immediately abandoned the match. The girls were pulled apart by the teaching staff and taken to their changing rooms. They were told to gather up they're belongings and get on the coach immediately without changing into their school uniforms. The supporters were already seated on the coach, waiting for the team to board.

An ambulance was called for Miriam as her leg looked broken and her knees were in a terrible state. The Essex committee had been watching the game and was shocked at the fracas that they had just witnessed. They then convened a meeting immediately with the headteachers from both schools attending. They would make their decision on the punishment while the girls were on their way home and they all knew it would be severe as they had never witnessed such mayhem before.

The coach ride home was very subdued as the girls feared the worse once the committee had decided their fate. Miss Gilkes said that although she had some sympathy with them, their resulting retribution would result in severe punishments. She only hoped their futures would not be jeopardized by the events as she knew that their A level exams were imminent and several girls had already secured their places at uni depending on these results. 

When they arrived back at school, the supporters were sent home whilst the team was allowed to shower and change. They were told Miriam was in the hospital with a broken leg but they wouldn't know the extent of the damage to her knees until the swelling had gone down. She would be kept in hospital at least overnight and her parents were on their way to visit her. They were also told to remain in the hall after assembly as Miss Artur would relay the committee's decision to them concerning what their punishments would be.

When Debbie arrived home, Susan knew it was bad news by the look on her face. Debbie related the story to her and couldn't control her emotions and she sobbed her heart out. She told her mum that poor old Miriam was in the hospital and the only consolation was that she would take the same action again if the circumstances arose. She knew she would be punished but she prayed that she wouldn't be expelled as not only her A level exams but her uni place would be put in jeopardy.

She told her mum that they would know their fate in the morning and she would ring her as soon as she knew hers. She thought however bad her punishment was it was nothing compared to Miriam's situation. She would find studying difficult, that is if she could study at all and her hockey dreams were left in tatters after the assault. Debbie kissed her mother and went up to bed but she knew as tired as she was that sleep wouldn't come easily. 

The next morning the hockey team remained in the hall after assembly to learn their fate. They were told that both teams were expelled from the cup and would not be allowed to compete for the next two years. Miss Artur then held up the paper that had the committee's decision on and told them that as they were a team she had decided to tell them all together rather than individually what their punishments would be.

The committee had stated at the beginning of their report that they had only shown leniency when their headteachers had explained the predicament that the A levels and Univerity placements had put them in. They went on to add if the circumstances had been different they were sure that the heads would have had little option but to expel the whole team.

It stated that Sophie Long, the Boremam girl would be expelled from school with immediate effect and it was likely that she would face criminal charges for the assault. They also added that she would be fined and banned her from playing hockey for life as they all felt disgusted at her actions. Debbie thought the girl got everything she deserved and hoped that the police would take action against her. She only had one doubt that she was to be expelled for her part in the incident as Sophie had been. She prayed that this wouldn't be the case.

The headteachers agreed that the remaining members of the Boreham team would receive six strokes each of the cane for their actions after the incident, apart from Clare Small, who as captain of Boreham would receive eight strokes for not trying to restrain her teammates but choosing to join the fracas. They were all banned from hockey for six months and warned about their future conduct. The committee added that as they had already stipulated but for the circumstances, and the arguments stated by the headteachers the punishment would have been much more severe and could well have resulted in their expulsion.

Miss Artur, went on to add that although she could understand how the incident occurred there was no way she could condone their actions. The decision had been made that the Harrow girls were to receive six strokes each with the cane and banned from hockey for six months. She added that this was apart from their captain Debbie Smart who they thought should be expelled. Debbie's eyes started to weep as she thought all her dreams were about to disappear.

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Miss Artur then went on to say that after much debating and deliberating they had agreed to rescind their original decision. They added that they could understand how the red mist developed when Debbie saw her teammate in agony on the floor after being deliberated hit by the Boreham girl. They added that in no way could they condone her actions and apart from the mitigating circumstances they would have had no hesitation but to recommend that she was expelled.

Her punishment, although severe, they had felt justified to recommend and the headteachers had agreed to it. Debbie was to receive twelve strokes of the cane over two weeks, a ban from hockey with six months suspended, a fine and warned to her future conduct.

Debbie breathed a big sigh of relief and couldn't wait to ring her mum with the news. The girls were each given a letter to show their parents and their punishments would be discussed at school on Monday after they had had time to discuss it at home. Most of the girls were delighted with the outcome, they knew that the caning would be severe but compared to the alternative stinging palms were the much-preferred option.

Debbie rang her mum with the good news that she wasn't going to be expelled and she was on way home where she would fill her in with all the details. As she made her way home with Jenny, she was asked what it was like to be caned as Jenny had never been punished before even at junior school and she knew that Debbie had. She wasn't about to tell Jenny her thoughts on caning but told her the truth. Six were painful, that she was sure to cry and would feel uncomfortable but it would be quickly over and she should run her hands under the cold tap as soon as possible to help relieve the pain. 

Jenny told Debbie that she had never thought she would think herself fortunate to be punished but the alternative would have ruined their future. Debbie agreed and she nearly told Jenny the effect the cane had on her but thought better of it as she didn't want people to know her fetish as they might think her strange. They said their goodbyes and Debbie was soon home. Susan was eager to hear all the news now that Debbie would not be expelled.

Debbie told her mum the story and showed Sue the letter she was to read and then sign. She asked Debbie about her punishment and if she could watch her being caned. Debbie thought she could and added that Susan would get her enjoyment before she would. She added they were to meet Miss Artur on Monday to discuss the punishment as there were ten of them to be caned. Susan thought it was a severe punishment but preferable to expulsion. Debbie agreed she knew that the caning would hurt her but the after-effects would be great.

As Debbie went up to bed she was ready to spend a good few hours bringing herself to orgasms while letting her imagination run wild. She undressed and her fingers went inside her as her other hand rubbed on her clitoris. She came again and again as she imagined the cane landing on her palms. She knew that as she drifted off to sleep agony and ecstasy were soon to be hers. She could only imagine the thrill those stripy palms would bring to her.

On Sunday her mum wasn't in work until the afternoon so after breakfast, they sat down for a catch-up. Sue asked her how she was feeling about her upcoming punishments. Debbie said she was apprehensive as she knew she would be caned hard but excited about the after-effects. She asked her mum if they could meet Marion after being punished as she knew her mum was reluctant to do anything sexual together with her. Susan said she was meeting Marion on Tuesday and would ask her but she knew that Marion would jump at the chance.

Debbie said that tomorrow they would all know their fate and there was even talk of them all being caned together in front of their parents. She would like to see the others caned and knew her mum might burst if that was to happen. Seeing Jenny waiting to be caned with her hand out made her excited just thinking about it. She knew that given the chance she would persuade the others that this would be their best option.

She formulated a plan to get in early and suggest as a team they had played together and they should all be punished together. If Miss Artur agreed to this she knew she could get the girls onboard. When she told her mum her plan, she had said it was a brilliant idea and hoped that it would be agreed. On  Monday morning she told Jenny to meet her early and told her what her plan was. She said that if they were caned together she would think it wouldn't be so hard. Jenny agreed, she would help get the girls on board while Debbie saw the head. 

Debbie told Miss Artur her feelings and she had agreed to punish them altogether if that was what they wanted. She would be in the hall waiting and if that was their decision she would arrange the punishments accordingly. Jenny had convinced the girls that a group caning was preferable and they went off to tell Miss Artur their decision. When she arrived Debbie told her that they would like to be punished as a team, Miss Artur told them that she would agree to this and send their parents letters informing them of the arrangements.

She said they would be caned on Wednesday and they must return their forms signed tomorrow. Miss Artur said the punishment would be in the hall and any problems the parents could ring her tonight on the number she would add to the form. She told them that she would make herself available all evening and tell the girls to feel free to ring with any problems. When Debbie got home and told Susan what had happened she kissed Debbie on the lips and told her she knew it was terrible but she felt so excited she thought she would burst. Debbie told her mum not to worry as she felt the same and wondered if any of the other girls were as excited as she was.

On Wednesday, the parents were seated in the hall as the girls entered. Miss Artur explained that they probably already knew that it had been the girls' idea that they were all caned together. She told them she regretted punishing them but they all knew why it was justified. She warned the parents that the girls would be in some distress and they could all go home and return tomorrow with a clean sheet. Sue told Debbie she had laughed to herself because the girls may have had a clean sheet but they would have marked palms.

The first girl called forward was Debbie, Miss Artur had made up her mind to cane Debbie first, as for one, she was the hockey captain and two, she had been caned twice before and knew the procedure. She marched up to Miss Artur raising her arm before she had been asked and she quickly had her palm held out flat awaiting the first stroke.

Susan later told Debbie she had felt so many emotions watching her gorgeous daughter's beautiful palm about to be caned.  She added that she had thought to herself that at least once the punishment was over that Debbie could reach the highs that only a caning can bring and the stinging pain would be replaced by the one of ecstasy.

Then the first stroke had struck that delicate palm with a crack but Debbie hadn't flinched. The girls that were looking gasped at the severity of the stroke. Most had felt the cane before but few had witnessed one delivered that hard. The second bought a shudder from Debbie and the third a moan and tears rolled down her cheeks. She then raised her left arm with the unmarked palm awaiting the cane.

Susan knew it was wrong but told Debbie she had been close to exploding and looking around at the other parents, she knew she hadn't been alone. The cane came down three times onto her palm and poor Debbie let out a little gasp as the third stroke bit into her flesh. She had taken her punishment stoically but she couldn't control the tears. Her palms stung and stung but she had managed a smile for Jenny whose turn it was to be caned next.

Jenny had never been punished before and after watching Debbie's caning, she was terrified. She cried and howled as the cane whooshed through the air and struck her palms but she had kept her hands held out until the punishment was over. She cried her heart out and Debbie wanted to hug her but she had felt so guilty at finding her punishment one of the most erotic things she had ever witnessed.

Jenny stood with Debbie and they managed a little smile of support for each other although their stinging palms had hurt so much. Jennie's mother had tears in her eyes watching her daughters caning and had felt every stroke with her as the cane had struck Jennie's palms.

The punishment continued and all the girls cried. Some screamed and stamped their feet until it was the turn of Sarah Parkin, a sixteen-year-old fifth form girl. She asked Miss Artur if she could take her punishment on the bum as her hands were blistered and so sore after being scalded at home last night. Miss Artur told her it was an unusual request, as usually girls were only caned on their hands but if Sarah's mum agreed she would make an exception in this case.

Sarah's mother gave her approval as she had already discussed the possibility with Sarah and they had agreed there was little alternative. She had then bent over with her hands on her knees as she was prepared to be punished. The cane struck her bum with a loud crack and the poor girl was distraught by the end of the punishment. Six stinging strokes had whacked Sarah's bum and had ensured Sarah would not be sitting comfortably for some time.

Many parents and most pupils were openmouthed to see a sixteen-year-old girl punished that way. Susan had thought that Marion would have exploded watching the punishment and she had become excited. Sarah took her punishment well, cried and moaned but stayed bending until the caning was completed. Miss Artur then thanked the parents for their cooperation and was sorry it had come to that but hoped they had realized the necessity of the punishment as the alternative would have had a terrible impact on their girl's lives.

Most of the girls rushed to the toilets to hold their stinging palms under the cold tap and let the cold water do its job. There wasn't much conversation as they compared their stripes and Jenny came over to Debbie and kissed her on the lips before departing. It was ten sorry-looking girls that walked out of school with their parents to be taken home. Some were still sobbing while others walked quickly forward pleased it was all over.

Marion was in the car waiting for Debbie and Sue as planned. She was going to take them back to her house. As they got in the car, Debbie showed Marion her stinging palms and she hoped that what was going to follow would be the same quality as the caning, as it had been the hardest she had ever received. Debbie told Marion about Sarah's punishment when her bum was caned by Miss Artur. 

Susan smiled and told Marion that if she made her lovely daughter happy, she would ensure that Marion would be rewarded in front of Debbie. Marion couldn't wait to get home as Debbie would be a new experience and one she was looking forward too. She had become so wet and excited she knew that she was ready to explode and hoped that Debbie would be as well.

Debbie had one more caning to come at school and the next story will also include what had happened at Marion's house. I am feeling horny just thinking about it, I hope you are as well. All will be revealed in the next instalment.





Written by debbieshands1
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