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Author's Notes

"Susan discovers sex is something to relish."

As I drove away from my house I wasn't thinking about my boss Steve, who I was about to pick up. We would be away together in Liverpool all week working and no doubt enjoying the sex we always indulged in. My life had changed dramatically in the last couple of months but none more so than the weekend just passed. My daughter and I were so entwined not only by our love of corporal punishment but the sex we enjoy with each other that I swore at one time we would never experience. 

When I arrived at Steve's house, his wife Melissa was already opening the front door. She greeted me with a peck on the cheek and asked me to come in as she told me Steve would be a little while before he was ready. We went into the front room where their daughter Izzy was working on her computer. She greeted me with a wave of her hand then got up to make us a cup of coffee. Izzy was the same age as my daughter Debbie they knew each other as they played against each other at hockey.

Steve's wife Melissa worked in local government and was the perfect specimen of womanhood. She was in her forties but could pass for a girl in her twenties. She had a Mediterranean complexion, a figure to die for and a face that could only be described as beautiful. Her son David was at Cambridge studying politics and daughter Izzy was in her last year at Topley Down College. Izzy had inherited her mother's good looks, both their brains and Steve's love of sport.

I exchanged small talk with Melissa before Izzy returned with our coffee. As she put my cup on the table I saw the familiar stripes of caning on her palms. I  asked Izzy if she had been naughty at school as I just couldn't imagine why such a demure well behaved girl would ever find their selves in enough trouble to be caned like Izzy obviously had been. Izzy started to tell me what happened to her when she suddenly stopped talking as her father came into the room with his bags announcing he was ready to leave. I said my goodbyes giving Izzy a big hug with a tender kiss and told her it would have to be a story for another time.

Steven put his arms around Izzy and said he hoped school would be alright as the incident should now be forgotten. He told Izzy any problems to ring him and suggested she made friends with Freer to placate the situation. He gave Melissa a peck on her cheek and told her he would ring her that night and to have a good week. He picked up his bags waved them goodbye and as we drove away from the house he breathed a big sigh of relief.

He told me I looked beautiful and he was getting hard just thinking about being inside my pussy as he hadn't been intimate since the last time we were in Liverpool. I knew Melissa and Steve hadn't indulged in sex for years and lived what they thought was an amicable platonic life. I told Steve I hadn't had a man since being in Liverpool with him but had lots to tell him. I asked him if he knew why his daughter was caned at school as she had been about to tell me what happened when he came in the room.

Steve told me it was so ironic he had got together with Melissa after she had been caned by the same person twenty five years before her daughter was punished. I was all ears and eager to hear the story as I couldn't even imagine the perfect Melissa holding her hand out to be thrashed. He told me he would start by telling me all about Melissa's caning as he had been told by Rebecca his sister when he got in from school that evening.

He continued by telling me I already knew Melissa was at Topley Down college with my sister Rebecca the school Izzy now attends and although they were very different girls they had been inseparable friends since the first year. He added Melissa was a near-perfect student as you could imagine and she was not just a beautiful young girl but extremely talented as well.

He went on to add that Becks, however, was sport mad she played hockey for the county and was the current Essex cross country champion when they had been at school. In those days she was very much a tomboy but even though she was my sister I knew boys found her attractive as my friends often told me they dreamed of fucking her as they lay in bed playing with their selves. He said to me it was not very subtle he knew but that was what boys were like and he wasn't surprised. He told me they were very close and Becks knew he had a crush on Melissa but was still working up the courage to ask her out.

Becky had been a good student at school but being a boisterous personality often found herself in trouble. Steve told me she was caned five times during her school life more than any other girl at the school and Miss Jones had warned her the next time she digressed it wouldn't be the cane she would feel on her hands but as much as it saddened her expulsion was on the cards. Steve said this had frightened Becks but it proved the desired effect on her behaviour as with only a few months to go before leaving school she had kept her nose clean.

Rebecca had told him during a science lesson, the two girls were partners as per usual as they experimented on a task Mr Grove had set the class. The girls were laughing as Beck's kept tickling Melissa as she tried to fill the glass flask with water. Mr Grove had already told them to concentrate as they were an accident waiting to happen. Sod's law as Melissa tried to avoid Beck's hand she knocked the flask onto the floor shattering it into shreds of glass.

He said Becky told him Mr Groves had gone mad and told them he didn't care how old they were when acting like children they would be treated like children and they could go tell Miss Jones about their little escapade. He told the class to fill in their report books and not to touch any equipment while he was out as he wouldn't belong. He had left the girls standing outside the study while he went in and told Miss Jones what had occurred. As he left he told the girls to go in as Miss Jones was waiting. Melissa knew that Beck's had been threatened with expulsion the last time she was caned so Melissa had told her to let her do the talking and she would try to take the brunt of the blame.

Becky told me Melissa told the headmistress how sorry she was as it was a complete accident when she knocked the flask off the bench shattering it. She said she was to blame as it was her clumsiness, not Becks' that caused the accident. Miss Jones said she admired how Melissa was standing up for her friend but Mr Groves told her he warned both of you to concentrate as you were an accident waiting to happen and you were acting like children.

Beck's said Miss Jones addressed Melissa and told her she was the last person she would expect to punish as her record was unblemished. Rebecca was told she would escape with a caning as the improvement in her behaviour was evident and expelling her so near to her A level was too severe a punishment. She told the girls to report back to her before they went home and to expect the severest of punishments.

Rebecca told me they returned to the classroom and told Mr Groves of the Heads decision to cane them. He told the girls to collect their belongings and to sit in the library until they were to be punished. Becks said poor Melissa was in a right state and asked her what a caning was like. Rebecca told her it would very much depend on how hard the strokes were delivered as her last caning was a real thrashing and she had screamed out loud as the cane landed on her tender palms.

Becks told me she held Melissa's hand kissed her tenderly on the lips and told her she loved her so much and thought it was lovely how she had defended her. She said they had set off to the study barely able to breath, one to be caned for the first time, and the other knowing how much pain she was about to endure.

At this point in the story that Steve was telling me I was ready to explode as my knickers were soaking wet and I found driving very difficult. All I could see was the lovely Melissa holding her hand out while being caned on her palms.

I stopped Steve in mid-flow and told him we were coming up to the services where we could stop for a cuppa as there was something I needed to tell him before we continued our journey. He smiled kissed me on the cheek and little did he know I was so excited I would have let him shag me there in the car park I was so aroused.

He took my hand and kissed my lips. I said to him, "Steve, if you still love me after I tell all you can fuck me in the car park before we continue our journey." Steve got us a coffee and sat next to me kissing me again, fortunately, there weren't too many customers to embarrass. I showed Steve my caned palms and told him how my life had dramatically changed in the last couple of months. I told him there was so much more to tell but if he wanted to shag me we better go now.

Steve held my hand tight and led me to the car. I could see his cock forming a tent in his trousers while liquid from my pussy was running down my leg. Steve asked me if I had been caned at school, I told him three times and I would describe every stroke if he wanted but for now, he better fuck me hard before I explode.

I parked the car around the back of the car park where there wasn't any chance of being disturbed and we climbed into the back seat ready to fuck. Steve put his hand on my pussy and told me I was wringing wet as he pulled down my knickers. I told him to just fuck me as I was ready to come. He said he hadn't done this since he was a boy and I told him to shut the fuck up and shag me until I screamed.

It was the best bunk up of my life. I tossed my head back and enjoyed the sheer pleasure of being fucked hard. Steve thrust his cock into my soaking wet hot pussy until I screamed with delight. As I came with a gush little did he know I was imagining Melissa being caned. Steve came inside me spurting his spunk so hard I could feel it hit me and he shouted he loved me more than life itself. Even in my moment of ecstasy, I thought to myself he must have enjoyed that.

We kissed each other passionately with our tongues entwined and our hands exploring each other. I told Steve when we arrived at the hotel we could carry on where we left off as there was still so much more to explore, but we had to make a move. We dressed properly and my knickers were so wet I left them off. As I started the car Steve kissed me on the lips and said I was the most wonderful girl in the world.

I told him no more stories or sexy talking as I had to concentrate on my driving as we didn't want to end up in a ditch. We had so much to look forward to. As we pulled away I realised how much I had enjoyed the whole scenario as for the first time since I had left home Debbie my daughter hadn't dominated my thoughts.

We talked about work most of the way to Liverpool and the people we had to meet that evening. We discussed the meetings we would have to attend and the journalists who were turning up we were to address. I tried hard to concentrate especially on my driving but having shed my knickers at the services when Steve fucked my brains out my pussy was alight. I was relieved when we parked at our hotel as I couldn't wait to book in and get fucked before dinner. I knew at any moment without my knickers I could leave a puddle on the floor.

We booked in at reception and rushed up to our rooms to drop off our bags and meet in his room. My room was opposite Steve's and in a matter of seconds, we had each other clothes off and were fucking for England. I didn't realise how much I missed sex with a man as Steve pounded my pussy as I thrashed around in ecstasy and my orgasm took me to utopia.

We had to be at dinner in an hour but that didn't stop me discussing my favourite subject the cane as we lay in each other's arms. Steve asked me who caned my hands and told me he had marvelled at the stripes on my beautiful arse. He said you have got me interested in your school girl activities and asked if I had been caned on the bum at school because he didn't believe girls had their bums caned.

I told him there were lots to tell him and that I would reveal all latter in bed that night. I said to him girls weren't caned on the backside as far as I knew but the second time I was punished I had scalded my hands the night before my caning. I asked if I could take the six strokes on my bum rather than wait for my hands to heal and the Headmistress reluctantly agreed.

Steve's cock rose from the dead when I told him my bum was thrashed and I rewarded him by taking his throbbing penis in my mouth and giving him a blow job to remember. He cried with joy as he came in my mouth and told me he never knew he was into caning but I was defiantly converting him. I told him he had heard or seen nothing yet as I would have him punishing me before we went home but for now, we must get dressed for dinner. He kissed me passionately on the lips and reluctantly let me go and I returned to my room in a dream.

I rang my darling daughter and told her a little white lie that I hadn't stopped thinking about her and she told me she was the same. I told her there were lots to tell but I had to dress for dinner and I would give her the gossip tomorrow. I told her I still enjoyed a good fucking by a man and would tell her the details next time we spoke. Debbie said I was unbelievable and she couldn't wait to hear the news. We told each other we loved one another and missed each other so much before saying our goodbyes.

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The dinner was excellent and despite my activities during the day and the long drive, I ate my dinner with relish. Steve sat at the editor's table and I sat with the sub-editors.

My old friend Moira from the Glasgow Express who I had known since we started at the Recorder fifteen years ago enjoyed catching up as usual. Moira was a very attractive Scots girl who was about my age. We had lots in common including as we found out  experience and interest in corporal punishment. Moira had met Debbie, my daughter, on a few occasions when she came to Essex and had stopped over at my house a couple of times.

Moira asked after Debbie and I told her she was doing her A levels and would be starting at Warwick University in September. I told her it had been a difficult couple of months for my daughter and all the problems she encountered. When I told Moira of the canings at school Debbie received she smiled and said poor Debbie, like mother like daughter. I kissed Moira on the cheek and told her I was off to bed as I was shattered from the journey and promised we would have a proper catch-up tomorrow.

When dinner finished we descended to the bar for drinks and socializing. I managed to pull away Steve and we agreed to exit separately as soon as possible and we would meet up in his room. The company was very good but I couldn't wait to get Steve in bed.

Within ten minutes Steve was in the room with me and I greeted him in the nude. I was so excited I was wet, hot and my pussy was burning just waiting to be fucked. He removed his clothes in double quick time and within minutes he was pounding me so hard I nearly fainted the fucking was so intense. He pushed his rock hard cock into my throbbing hole until we came together as I thrashed about throwing back my head arching my body while he massaged my clitoris with his fingers. I now knew Debbie was right to tell me we competed as I was as much a bisexual nymphomaniac as ever she was.

We made frantic love twice more and Steve said I was insatiable to which I agreed but I told him he wasn't doing too badly himself. We laid back on the bed in each other's arms as he put my caned palms to his lips kissed them passionately and told me he couldn't be happier. It was getting late and we had a busy day tomorrow breakfast was from seven and my first meeting was at nine. I told Steve I would need to be in my room long before then as I had lots to sort out before tomorrow. I said if he told me about his school days and experience of corporal punishment he could fuck me again before we went sleep.


He told me his experiences were all about Rebecca as he was never punished or saw someone caned at school. Becky was only ten months younger than Steve and they were very close, sharing all each other's secrets. He said Beck's always showed him her hands after being caned and he found it quite exciting when she told him about the punishment. She'd get Steve to rub cream on her palms and if he hadn't drawn back he felt that Becky wanted more.

Steve said she purred while he rubbed her palms and could tell she was enjoying the massage sexually. He said he had never told anyone this before but he would masturbate when alone thinking of his sister being punished but it was something he stopped as knew these feeling were wrong. He knew if Beck's wasn't his sister they would have gone further and he suppressed these thoughts because he feared the consequences.

He told me the last time Rebecca was caned it was with Melissa and she stopped over at the house that night. The girls showed him their striped palms and Beck's got him to massage her hands with the hand cream. She told us she was popping out to collect some books and would be gone for an hour or so. She told Melissa I would rub the cream in her caned palms and she would feel a lot more comfortable afterwards.

His mum and dad were out for the night and little did I know or care but the girls had arranged for Melissa to be left alone with me. As I massaged her palms she told me how soothing it was and was becoming quite animated. She told me all about her caning and my cock was standing to attention as I became more and more excited. Melissa kissed me passionately on the lips and said she wanted me to make love to her.

He could not believe his luck as all his dreams were coming true. This shy demure beautiful young lady called Melisa suddenly changed into a wild animal begging to be fucked. He thought if all girls knew what a good caning did to them there would be a queue outside the headmistresses door a mile long.

They undressed and he had never seen anything as beautiful as Melissa. She stood with her arm out straight and said he should imagine the cane whistling down to punish her tender palm. They were soon embracing and he put his fingers into her wringing wet pussy and rubbed hard on her clitoris while she was embracing hisy cock with her tender caned hands. She moaned and begged him to fuck her as she had lost her caning virginity earlier and was ready to lose her cherry as well.

As he entered her hot wet hole he slipped in so easy he could not believe she was still a virgin. She cried, screamed and threw back her head as he thrust his rock hard cock hard into her perfect pussy. She thrashed about and they came together screaming with joy and he knew she was the girl he had to have.

As they say, the rest was history and Melissa would never discuss that night or her caning with him again. After she finished at University they did what everyone expected them to do, got married and produced David and Izzy. They loved each other at first, how could you not love someone that beautiful and the sex had been good but never as intense as the night after her caning at school. When the kids were born Melissa changed her attitude to sex and they fucked less and less.

It then stopped altogether and as much as he tried to arouse Melissa's interest in sex it had disappeared. That was when he struck lucky. I got divorced and we became more than good friends. He was living for our time together. He still loved Melissa but although they are the perfect couple in appearance he had sexual desires that she no longer felt. So yes he did find caning exciting but it had taken me to wake his hidden desires. Seeing my lovely hands and adorable bum with stripes made him realise what had been dormant in him for so long.


I kissed Steve passionately and held his cock in my hand and started to rub. He moaned and told me he loved me so much he was ready to explode. I told him not to waste it and pushed his cock into the hole between my legs as he cried out he was going to fuck my brains out. True to his word the sex was amazing and I told him I loved him to and he would never regret loving me. I said now we must sleep but I still had so much to tell and show him I was sure he wouldn't be disappointed.

We spent every night fucking each other until we were on empty and feeling his hard cock inside me made me wish the week would go on forever. I told Steve everything about my relationship with Marion and what Debbie was doing with me. He was so understanding and confessed if things had been different he could have fucked his sister. When he was younger his main fantasy was fucking Rebecca as he wanked himself off.

He asked me if I had ever been punished by a man and I said I hadn't. It was a suppressed fantasy that I never realised I craved. I told him I was a witness when Debbie was caned at school and when she received her last punishment. I saw the whole hockey team thrashed. I told Steve that Marion Debbie's boyfriends mum and I had witnessed our children being punished and it was after this we started the relationship.

I told him at first I couldn't punish Debbie myself although I got excited watching her canings and although Debbie begged me I thought sex with my daughter was taboo. The whole scenario had changed in the last couple of months and I was now the kinky bisexual nymphomaniac he saw lying next to him. We made love for the third time that night and Steve begged me to continue our relationship when we got home. As I kissed him passionately on the lips I told him I would like that as long as he didn't mind sharing me with the ladies.

He laughed and said he hadn't a problem with that especially if he could watch or even join in. I told him one step at a time and kissed him before I said we needed to sleep as we had to get up in five hours. We fell asleep in each other's arms and I remember thinking what would Debbie make of me now.

When I woke up I returned to my room letting Steve sleep on as he must be needing it after shagging me all week. I rang my Debbie to wish her luck as she was to receive her final caning off Miss Artur as punishment for the hockey match fracas. She told me she was so excited that she was frigging herself silly all night imagining the caning and the sex she would have with Marion after her punishment. She asked me how I was getting on and I said I had been on a different planet all week and all would be revealed when I got home. We kissed down the telephone I told her I loved her so much and I would be thinking of her.

It was a good last day and I tried to concentrate on my work as my mind kept wandering to my daughter's punishment at school. Before dinner, we returned to our rooms to change and of course, we had a quick fuck as we couldn't keep our hands off each other for long. I then returned to my room as I was eager to find out how Debbie's caning had gone and the sex she would be have with Marion afterwards.

As soon as Debbie picked up the telephone I knew something was wrong. She was sobbing as she told me it was the worse experience of her life. She said she entered the study a proud young lady and left after her punishment a chastened little school girl.

She told me Miss Artur thrashed her so severely she thought her hands were cut in half. She screamed and cried as the headmistress seemed to deliver each stroke harder than the last. She added that Marion was also crying and was reprimanded herself when she told Miss Artur I had been punished enough. Miss Artur dismissed us and said she hoped it was a lesson well learnt as the punishment was fitting to the crime.

Marion hugged and kissed her as they hurried to the toilets to let cold water soothe my punished palms. Marion told her she was the bravest most beautiful girl she knew and would make it all better later. She told Marion she loved her dearly but couldn't face sex and could Marion just take her home as she needed to be alone. Marion said to her, of course, she would as she kissed her damaged palms and tried to soothe her. Marion dropped her at the door and said she loved her and would ring her later after she had time to recover.

Debbie cried as she told me she wanted me so badly as the caning had made her feel damaged and worthless. I told her she was the most beautiful, cleverest, wonderful daughter any mother could wish for and I felt so proud of her. I said I would be home early in the morning and would try to make her hurt better. She said she needed me so much and was sorry for the trouble she caused me. We cried down the telephone and told each other we loved each other so much that tomorrow would be a better day.

As we walked down to dinner I told Steve about Debbie's woes and how she was distraught when we talked on the telephone. I said to him I would like to go home after the speeches so I would be there for my daughter when she woke up. Steve said to me it was no problem and we could pack and check out after the speeches. He added we could be home by five and I would be there to comfort Debbie.

I kissed him and told him he was so understanding and since he was so good he could give me a quickie before we left. After the speeches, we said our goodbyes and went to our rooms to pack. True to my word I let Steve fuck me and as his rock hard cock rammed into my burning throbbing pussy I shouted out as we came together that I truly loved him. He said to me he couldn't let me go and we must stay together forever.

We checked out and the valet bought my car round to the front of the hotel he wished us a safe journey and gave me my car key. On the way home Steve told me how sorry for Debbie he was as after all I had told him he knew caning usually bought her joy, not pain. I said Marion told me it was as severe a punishment as she had seen and added I could guess how bad it had been when the insatiable Debbie didn't want sex.

We arrived home just before six and Steve kissed me tenderly on the lips wished me luck and said he would ring me tonight. I drove straight home went straight up to Debbie's bedroom and was pleased to see she was soundly asleep as I got in bed beside her. I looked at her palms with their bright red stripes and could see she'd been severely thrashed by Miss Artur. Before I fell asleep exhausted alongside her I kissed both her palms and thought how lucky I was to have such a wonderful daughter.     


 Debbie and Susan have a lot to discuss but that is a story for another day.


Written by debbieshands1
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