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Everyone, even Dr. Harwood, stared at Bonnie in stunned disbelief.

"You're what?" Richard finally asked, breaking the shocked silence.

Bonnie's grin grew wider, a glint of challenge in her eyes. "I'm going to volunteer. Why not? It's not like I've got anything to lose, right?"

"Nothing except your life!" said Brian. "You've got, like, your whole life ahead of you!"

"Seriously, Bonnie, have you thought about this at all?" added Krupa. "You don't have to do this, no one expects you to! I mean...for God's sake, why?"

"Why?" Bonnie repeated. Her confident smirk never wavered. "A couple of reasons. One, it will be the sluttiest, porn-iest, most depraved thing I've ever done, and that's saying something. Two, it will be, like, the ultimate rush, and that's also saying something. And three, let's be fucking honest here, this is my peak." She gestured to her naked body. "My parents are so rich I could live the rest of my life on my trust fund alone. I didn't go to college to, like, get a career and shit, I went so I could party and screw and get shit-faced nonstop for four years, and when I got out, I was gonna do more of the same until I either wind up in an early grave or hit my thirties and start the long, slow decline into middle age and sagginess and wrinkles and all that other shit. And as for settling down? Getting married? Having kids? C'mon. We all know that's not gonna happen either. But this way, I can go out with an absolute bang."

"But your parents?" asked Aisha. "They'll be heartbroken!"

"Fuck my parents," Bonnie replied without missing a beat. "They're never around 'cause they're always away on business and even when they are they never pay any attention to me. I'm a fucking stranger to them, and vice versa."

Her words hung heavily in the air, a stark contrast to the vibrant atmosphere around them in the Great House. Professor Harwood cleared her throat. "Bonnie, this is not a decision to be made lightly. The Festival of Fertility is a profound cultural event, and if you volunteer and are chosen to participate, there is no backing out. You will be committing to an ancient tradition that ends in death. I'm not convinced you understand what you're getting yourself into."

Bonnie's expression remained unruffled. "Oh, I understand perfectly. They're gonna hang me and some other girls from their sacred tree, they're gonna have an orgy around me while I die, and afterward they're gonna dump me face-down in a ceremonial grave in their crop fields to enrich the soil and help the crops grow strong. You explained it all pretty clearly before we left the university."

"'re okay with that." Gabby sounded skeptical.

Bonnie shrugged. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. It's not like I'm mentally ill or suicidal or any of that crap, I'm just a realist and I know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to do shit with my life. I'll just party my way through life till I wind up in an early grave or wither from old age, and that's not exactly the grand exit I want." She smiled broadly. "This way, I get to go out with style. I'll be remembered forever as the hot slutty college chick who got sacrificed to the jungle gods!"

Her words hung in the air, leaving a palpable tension in the room. Even Professor Harwood looked uncomfortable, though she was trying to hide it. "Bonnie, I...I need to talk to you, alone."

The others watched as the professor led the blonde out of the Great House, the door flaps closing behind them with a dull thud. Lin looked over at the others, her heart racing. "Do you think she's really going to do it?" she asked softly.

"I don't know," Aisha said, her eyes wide. "But if she does, it's gonna be one hell of a story to tell back home."

"Just so long as we're both there to tell it," Jeremy added, pulling her closer to him.

Krupa nodded, her eyes lingering on the spot where Bonnie and Harwood had disappeared outside. "Seriously, though. What do you think the professor's going to do?"

"I think she's going to try to talk her out of it," Richard said, his voice low and concerned. "But you know Bonnie. Once she gets something into her head, she's not easily swayed."

For better or worse, Lin Ming knew how true that was. So did Harwood, for that matter, as she spoke to Bonnie in private.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked Bonnie again. "Are you really? Because it's not like you can just back out if you get cold feet. This is..." Harwood paused as she searched for the right words. "I cannot even put into words how serious this is."

Bonnie folded her arms. "You think I don't know that?" she drawled. "Doctor, how many times do I have to say that I know what I'm signing up for? I'm going to fucking do it with or without your approval. You're not gonna talk me out of this, my mind's made up. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I want to do it."

Professor Harwood studied her for a long, tense moment. "I will ask one final time: are you sure?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I want to participate, I want to be sacrificed, I want to take part in an ancient ritual that dates back thousands of years and go out the way I've always wanted: with maximum sluttiness. I want to be a part of it, to experience something so...primal and intense."

Professor Harwood sighed heavily. "Then...If that’s truly what you wish, I won’t stand in your way. I will tell Naka-Mur that you wish to put your name forward as a possible candidate. But know this, Bonnie: if you are chosen, there is no turning back."

"I certainly fucking hope so!" Bonnie said cheerfully. "I'd hate to volunteer for nothing! I don't suppose they'd let you videotape it? I bet I'd, like, go posthumously viral if a recording of the ceremony hit the Internet!"

"The Festival of Fertility is not some porn movie." Harwood's tone was sharp. "It is the most important and most sacred of all the Aiwaha's traditions. I doubt they would allow such a secret, ancient ceremony to be filmed, and even if they did, I wouldn't want to."

"All right, all right. Calm down," Bonnie said, holding a hand up to placate her. "I just was curious, that's all. So, what's the next step?"

"I will tell Naka-Mur, as I said, and he will consider you alongside all the other candidates who have volunteered. When he has made a decision and selected the girls for the Festival, he will announce it publicly."

Bonnie eagerly agreed, shaking visibly with excitement. "Awesome. I'll just have to make sure to make every day count till then! I'm off to get fucked like there's no tomorrow, because for all I know, there isn't one! I'll try and be back in an hour or so."

With that, she strutted away, her ample breasts bouncing as she walked. Harwood watched her go and sighed, then turned and went back into the Great House.

"So?" Aisha asked. "Were you able to talk her out of it?"

Professor Harwood took a deep breath and shook her head. "No, she's made up her mind. I've made it clear what's at stake, and she still insists on volunteering."

Lin felt a knot in her stomach. This was all so much more real now. It was one thing when the girls who were sacrificed were strangers, but now someone they knew, someone they were friends with, might be sacrificed too.

Zolin felt her go tense and pulled her into his lap. "Not worry, Tiny One," he said. "Bonnie does Aiwaha great honor. Very selfless thing, to give up one's life for the gods."

Lin gave him a weak smile. Zolin didn't understand. To him, the Festival of Fertility was completely normal, a yearly occurrence no different, in its own way, from Halloween or Christmas. To them, it was a time of celebration and reverence, a way to honor their gods and ensure the continued prosperity of their people. From his point of view, why wouldn't Bonnie want to volunteer?

She didn't blame him, though. Of course his worldview was different from her own. She knew that, and accepted it, and she also knew that if their relationship was going to work, she'd have to get used to it.

Speaking of relationships...She cleared her throat and looked at Aisha. "Um...Aisha? Can I, er, talk to you once breakfast is over?"

"Sure. Is something wrong?"

"No. I just...I just need your advice about something."

The meal concluded in somewhat somber silence, a marked contrast to the joviality and cheer of the Aiwaha around them. Naka-Mur's announcement had put them all in a festive mood, and it showed. When they were finished, Lin and Aisha both got to their feet, though Lin paused to squeeze Zolin's hand to let him know she'd be back soon.

"So what's up?" Aisha asked, once they were outside.

"I...I need advice," Lin admitted. "Zolin and I...we...I mean...we're, um, together now, and...and now that we've...done it...I am not sure what to do next. You and Jeremy seem to have a very solid relationship. Where do I go from here with Zolin? Surely a relationship is not just sex."

Aisha grinned. "Oh, Lin. You're adorable. Sex is a big part of it, but it's not everything. You guys need to talk, spend time together, learn about each other's likes and dislikes, you know, the usual relationship stuff."

"How?" Lin pressed. "There are no movies for us to watch together, no entertainment to share. What can we do?"

"You can explore the village, go on walks, learn from each other's cultures," Aisha suggested. "And the Festival of Fertility is a big deal here. Maybe you could help him with the preparations or something. His uncle is the High Chief, so Zolin's probably involved in some way too."

Lin considered it. Despite her reservations about the Festival, she knew how it important it was to Zolin, and helping him prepare for it would be a great way to bring them closer together. It would show him that she respected his culture and was willing to be a part of it. Plus, it would give her something to do other than sit around and worry.

"But," Aisha added, a note of caution in her voice, "One thing you need to remember above all is not to rush things. Let your relationship develop organically. You can't force it."

Lin nodded. It made sense, although given what she and Zolin had shared the night before, taking their relationship slowly seemed a little superfluous. But Aisha was right. There was more to a proper relationship than sex, and that was what she wanted: a real, romantic, and deep relationship. "That is good advice," she said, inclining her head respectfully. "Thank you, Aisha."

Aisha gave her a warm smile. "You're welcome, Lin. And I'll say it again: I'm really happy for you. You deserve to feel loved, and I can tell Zolin really cares for you."

Lin felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "I do," she murmured. "I...I do feel loved."

"Best feeling in the world, isn't it?"

"Yes," she whispered. The love and passion that had been shared between her and Zolin was nothing short of incredible. Her skin still fairly crackled where he'd touched her.

Aisha clapped her on the shoulder. "Good for you, girl. Now, go get him."

Lin firmed her resolve and strode back into the Great House, seating herself back in Zolin's lap. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing the side of her neck. "You all right, Tiny One?"

"I am." His chest felt like a brick wall against her back. Lin resisted the urge to run her hands over him. "I...I would like to help, with the Festival. I do not wish to volunteer, but...I would like to be involved and help if I can."

Nothing Lin Ming could've said would have pleased Zolin more than to hear those words come out of her mouth. He looked down at her, his eyes shining with affection. "Really?"

"Yes," she nodded, trying to ignore the warmth spreading through her from his proximity. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. "I want to understand your culture, and be a part of your world. Is that all right?"

Zolin leaned in, whispering into her ear, "That is most excellent, Tiny One. You will see true heart of Aiwaha people. Yes, would love for you to help. I go speak with Uncle, ask what you may do."

In another part of Tlacloban, Isaiah was only just starting to stir awake. His whole body ached from head to foot, worse even than Lin Ming's after her first night with Zolin. Half-healed scratches on his back gave testament to the way Metztli had clawed at him like a wildcat as they fucked for hours. Sex with Metztli was always exhausting and intense, but last night had been on a whole other level. She'd sent her children to spend the night with another family a few huts away, and as soon as they were alone, the young huntress had jumped on him and gone, to borrow one of his father's favorite phrases from back home in Texas, "crazy like a fox locked in a henhouse." She'd drained him dry, taking every last drop of his cum inside her, then fucked him some more just for good measure. Now, as he weakly tried to rise to his elbows, he saw that she was already awake and looking at him.

"Rabbit," she said, by way of greeting.

Isaiah groaned. "Goddamn, Metztli, I think you broke me."

She grinned, showing he white teeth. On most people, the expression would've looked friendly. On her, it looked downright predatory. "Then just shows you need more practice. Need more stamina. More endurance. Only way to do that is fuck more and more."

"Jesus," Isaiah said, collapsing back onto the mat. "I'm exhausted, I can't do it anymore right now."

"I know that, dummy," Metztli retorted. "But when you rested, we do it again." Her tone almost dared him to try and disagree.

Isaiah didn't contradict her. He knew her well enough by now to know that when Metztli made up her mind about something, especially when it came to sex, it was best to just go along with it. Besides, she was really good in bed, even if she left him feeling weak as a newborn kitten afterward. He managed a weak smile. "Okay, sure."

"Good." She sat up and scooted closer to him with lazy, almost feline contentedness. "Can't wait for be pregnant, Isaiah. Want strong healthy son, little brother for Azti." She lowered her head and began running her tongue along his chest. Isaiah shuddered with pleasure. "You may be rabbit, but you my rabbit."

He chuckled. "I guess that makes me a pretty lucky rabbit."

"Duh." She rolled her eyes, then looked away suddenly. "You...make me happy," she admitted, as though it were difficult to say the words. "You still weak and soft like little bunny, but...I like being with you. I glad gods bring us together."

Isaiah felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the tropical heat outside. When he'd decided to go on this trip with Harwood and his classmates, he hadn't expected to find love in in the arms of a wild jungle girl like Metztli. But he had. "I'm happy to be with you, too," he said, stroking her hair as she snuggled up to him. He smiled. "And if it means I get to keep having your pussy wrapped around me like a vice, then I'll be the luckiest rabbit in the world."

"Now you starting sound like Aiwaha," Metztli said approvingly. "May be hope for you yet. May be warrior in you somewhere deep down beneath layers of rabbit-fur."

Isaiah gave a weak smile. "Maybe. But right now, all I can think about is going back to sleep."

"Sleep? No, no more sleep, Rabbit. Day is almost half over already, have things to do." Metztli rose to her feet and took him by the arm. "Come on, Rabbit," she said, yanking him to his feet. "We get up now."

Isaiah groaned. "But Metztli--"

She shot him the fierce glare he'd come to know so well. "What I say about whining, Rabbit?"

"Sorry," Isaiah mumbled. Despite his exhaustion, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. This was his life now. Fucking a fierce, beautiful jungle girl, living in a village with no modern conveniences, and experiencing a culture so far removed from his own that it might as well have been another planet. And, wonder of wonders, he was discovering that he loved every second of it.

"You looking forward to your son?" Metztli asked as they walked to the Great House for a late breakfast. "I think will call him Quauhtli. In your tongue, means is 'eagle.'"

"You're thinking ahead a lot," Isaiah said with a nervous laugh.

"Yes." Metztli cocked her head. "So? Is it bad thing I want have your child? That I want it so much?"

"No, it's not bad," Isaiah assured her quickly. "It's's a big responsibility." He'd never imagined his life would take this turn or anticipated this level of commitment, but something about her fiery spirit and raw passion made it feel right. And it's not like I can just change my mind about everything. Not now. It's too late for that.

"You scared," she said, curling her lip in a sneer. "Scared of be papa."

"No, I'm not scared," Isaiah protested. "But it's, um, a really huge deal for me, emotionally. You can understand that, right?"

“Stop whining,” she said, giving him a side-eye. “Try be excited instead!”

Isaiah couldn't help laughing. Metztli was a force of nature, and her enthusiasm was infectious. "Okay, okay, I'll stop whining," he promised, though his tone was light and teasing. "But what if it's a girl?"

"Then we keep trying," she said. Determination glinted in her eyes. "Will love baby, of course, but will not stop until have son. Want at least one more son."

Isaiah felt a shiver run down his spine at her words, though he couldn't tell if it was one of fear or excitement. "I guess we'll just have to see what happens, won't we?"

"Yes," she said, as they walked into the Great House. "We will."

Isaiah saw Harwood and the others and went over to join them. He bit back a groan as he sat down and nodded his thanks at a young girl who pressed some fresh fruit and a gourd of water into his hands. Metztli hesitated, but he quickly beckoned for her to join him. She did him one better when she saw his cock growing hard. In front of everyone, and before Isaiah could say anything, she settled into his lap and guided his cock into her, right there in front of everyone!

Isaiah opened his mouth to protest, but Metztli turned to give him a look that all but dared him to. She rolled her hips, fucking him gently, slowly, to avoid aggravating his sore muscles. Isaiah had never felt so embarrassed in his life, but at the same time, the thrill of fucking in public, especially in such a taboo way, was undeniable. He had to admit, it was pretty hot. And, as he knew by now, Aiwaha didn't care about such things. To them, sex was as natural as breathing.

"Good morning, you two," Harwood tittered. "You seem to be getting along well."

"Metztli," Zolin said, pulling Lin closer to him as he nodded a greeting.

"Zolin," Metztli replied, returning the nod. "You take mate from foreigners too?"

"Yes. You?"

"Yes." She twined her fingers in Isaiah's. "Gods bring Rabbit and I together."

"Speaking of which..." Harwood seemed to hesitate for a second. "Have you heard the news? You weren't here when Naka-Mur made the announcement earlier."

Isaiah frowned, peering from over Metztli's shoulder as she gently bounced on his cock. "What news?"

"The Festival of Fertility. The...sacrifice. It's going to happen soon," Harwood explained. "And, er, well--"

"I've volunteered!" Bonnie blurted, unable to contain her excitement anymore. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Isaiah stared at her. "You did what? But Bonnie..." He turned to Harwood. "And you're letting her?"

The professor shrugged, a little defensively. "She is a grown woman and the rules are clear: any woman can volunteer as a candidate for selection as long as it's of her own free will. I've talked to her, we all have, but she's determined to go through with it."

"Damn right I am," Bonnie said. She'd returned to the Great House after a few quick fuck-sessions, and was now seated on the floor. "It's gonna be awesome!"

Isaiah fell silent as he tried to process the news. He wasn't in love with Bonnie or anything, but she'd still been his first and he did consider her a friend. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety for her. "But why?" he asked finally. "I mean, I know you're all about sexual freedom and empowerment and all that, but why would you want die for it?"

Bonnie sighed. "Guess I'll have to explain myself all over again." She did so, reiterating everything she'd already told the rest of the group about why she'd decided to volunteer. When she was finished, she added, "I know it sounds crazy to you, but it's what I want. I'm not, like, mentally unbalanced or anything, okay? So don't freak out if I'm chosen--it'll be fun!"

Isaiah listened to Bonnie's explanation, his brow furrowed in thought. It was so bizarre to see someone so psyched about their own possible death. But then, as much as he hated to admit it, a lot of what she'd said made sense. Bonnie was self-aware to see where she was headed and what course her life would probably take, and she was willing to make a bold choice to change that trajectory and choose her own fate. There was a certain bravery in that. And as much as he didn't like the idea of her dying, it wasn't his place to tell her what to do with her life. If this was truly what she wanted, there wasn't anything he could do to stop her. He didn't want the two of them to part on bad terms, if Naka-Mur did choose her to participate. Better to support her decision and hope the High Chieftain didn't select her.

Metztli wasn't nearly as conflicted. To her, like all Aiwaha, the Festival was the most natural and sacred event of the year. It was an integral part of their belief system, and she knew that it was what kept the village prosperous. Her own mother had been a sacrifice years ago, and Metztli still remembered that fateful evening. She'd been a teenager then, and she'd taken her first lover that night, coupling with him and joining in the orgy around the sacred tree as her mother and the other sacrificial women kicked and choked to death from the branches above their heads. She'd watched, as her lover pounded into her tight pussy, as her mother slowly expired and finally went limp, swaying slightly in a warm evening breeze. She'd watched, along with the rest of the tribe, as the bodies were taken to the crop fields and rolled into the open graves waiting for them there.

Metztli hadn't grieved for her mother long, nor did she ever resent her mother's decision to volunteer. Instead, she honored her mother's courage and piety. Her mother had given herself to the gods in the most selfless way, offering up her life to ensure the fertility of the land and the continued prosperity of her people. It was a powerful act of devotion that had left a deep impression on her. Now, as the Festival approached, Metztli couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and solemnity.

"Please don't volunteer," Isaiah whispered to her. "Promise me you'll never volunteer, Metztli. Please?"

Metztli paused her fucking him and turned, looking into his eyes. The sincerity of his words touched her and reminded her that Isaiah didn't not understand, not truly, not the way she and other Aiwaha did. "Will promise not volunteer for long time," she finally said. "But not promise never. If gods call me, must answer." She pressed her lips to his. "Okay?"

Isaiah nodded, feeling torn. He wanted to demand that she never take part at all, but he knew that it was part of her culture, something she believed in deeply. He sighed, trying to let his fear show. "Okay."

"We have long time yet, and may never feel called to do it," Metztli went on. "Lots of girls don't. Most don't. You not worry, we have much time for be together."

Her words gave him a small measure of comfort. "I hope so," he murmured, kissing her.

"I know so," she replied firmly. Metztli began moving again, fucking him gently once more. Isaiah suppressed a moan and Bonnie cheered at the sight.

"Look how far the shy boy from Texas has come!" she laughed. "And Lin too!"

"Hell yeah!" Aisha agreed, raising her cup of distilled fruit juice.

Both Isaiah and Lin Ming blushed furiously. Zolin, unable to help himself and aroused by the sight of Metztli and Isaiah fucking, pulled Lin onto his lap and hurriedly freed his cock. Lin gasped as she realized what he wanted from her, and she opened her mouth to protest, but no words came.

It should have felt humiliating, to do such things in the open. But if it was with him...

That was as far as Lin Ming got before Zolin gently but firmly pulled her down onto his shaft, fucking her so that their noses were inches apart.

Isaiah watched as Lin Ming's eyes rolled back in her head, her tiny body moving in sync with Zolin's thrusts. Metztli saw him watching and grinned wickedly. "Want me fuck you harder? You feel okay enough for that now?"

"Yeah," Isaiah grunted, nodding. He wanted to show everyone that he could handle this, that he wasn't just some naive college kid. Metztli began to move faster, her breasts bouncing in time with her hips.

"Love you," she snarled, her eyes blazing with feral desire. "My little Rabbit." She kissed him fiercely. "Bet I make you cum before Lin makes Zolin cum!"

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The challenge spurred Isaiah on, and he grabbed her hips, thrusting up into her. The pressure was intense, and he knew he wouldn't last long. When he came a few heartbeats later he was surprised he had anything left in his balls after the frenzied fucking he and Metztli had done the night before. But he did, and he painted her insides with a fresh layer of hot, sticky cum as she writhed and moaned in his lap.

Lin and Zolin reached their peak a few minutes later. Lin made a squeaking noise and her body went rigid, her pussy clamping down tight on his shaft.

"Oh, oh, oh," she breathed. "Z-Zolin..."

He chuckled and drew her close for a soft kiss. "Mine," he murmured in her ear.

Metztli nodded, as if in agreement. "Mine," she said, locking eyes with Isaiah.

"Yours," he replied breathlessly.

Harwood cleared her throat, cutting through the two couples' fog of lust. "If you're both quite done, we've got a big day ahead of us. Let's not waste any more time. Richard and Brian, you will join Isaiah for another hunting lesson with Metztli. Girls, you're with me."

Metztli got off him with clear reluctance. "Don't think this means I go easy on you during training," she said. "You not get special treatment, Rabbit."

Isaiah grinned ruefully. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

As soon as breakfast was over, Krupa hurried back to the hut where the group was staying and set up her recording equipment. It was a rudimentary setup, just her phone and a tripod, but she made do. She’d been recording video diaries throughout their trip, and this was one entry she couldn’t wait to make.

She switched the video camera on and beamed. “What up, everyone! It’s your girl Krupa coming at you from the Amazon jungle with the latest update on our epic adventure with the Aiwaha tribe!” She panned the camera around the simple, leaf-covered hut, showing her roommates getting dressed for the day. “A lot of stuff has happened since my last vid, let me tell you. So, like, you know how Lin--my classmate, the shy one--was being super-romanced by some Aiwaha guy? Well, he finally made his move last night! You should’ve seen it, it was so sexy. He just came right up to Lin while we were eating dinner, scooped her up, and carried her off like she fucking weighed nothing! He’s so strong! His name is Zolin and he’s the High Chief’s nephew. He’s a big guy, kinda stoic, but really sweet and he seems to have fallen for Lin fucking hard.

"So those two are, like, officially a hot item now, but Lin’s not the only one. Another one of my classmates, Isaiah--I’ve mentioned him before too--he’s with Metztli. Yeah, that Metztli. The super-intense huntress. She’s totally into him, like, full-on jungle love affair. I think she might be even more into him than Zolin is with Lin; she’s all over him like, all the fucking time, always touching him and whispering in his ear. And guys, let me tell you, Isaiah is not complaining. At all. ”

She paused to let it all sink in. “It’s kinda odd when I think about it, ’cause I never thought Isaiah would be Metztli’s type. She even calls him ‘rabbit’ because he’s shy and not, like, super-assertive the way she is. At first, I think she meant it more as an insult but now I think it’s a term of endearment. It’s super-cute! I think Brian is also paired up with someone, too. One of the local girls, I don’t remember her name, came up to him last night and just started fucking him and I guess one thing led to another.” She giggled, but then her face turned serious. “But the big news is that the Festival of Fertility is gonna happen soon, and Bonnie’s actually put her name down to be a sacrifice! Can you believe it? She was all like, ‘Might as well go out in style, right?’ It’s pretty wild. I mean, I’m all for personal freedom and all, but dying? That’s a pretty extreme way to express yourself, you know? But I guess if anyone was going to volunteer, it’d be her. She’s always looking for something new and depraved to do. Anyway, that’s all the time I’ve got right now, Harwood’s expecting me back soon. Catch you guys later!”

She reached over and switched the recording off, then stood and carefully packed the phone and tripod away. She’d post all the recordings when she got back to the U.S., one per week, for her viewers to enjoy. She had no doubt they’d love hearing about her experiences almost as much as they loved seeing her naked body. The thought that she’d be on display for her subscribers to see made Krupa’s pussy wet.

Harwood poked her into the tent as Krupa finished. “Are you quite finished?”

“Yes, professor!” Krupa chirped.

“Then join me and the other girls outside, please. Today, we will be learning more about how the Aiwaha plant and harvest their crops.”

Krupa smirked. “Seems rather fitting, given Bonnie’s recent...decision. But also, like, a little creepy. Like visiting your own grave, at least for her.”

“I doubt Bonnie will care,” Harwood retorted drily.

The group followed the professor out into the bright sunlight, where they found several Aiwaha men waiting for them, carrying basketfuls of seeds and tools. The idea that the villagers worked hard in the fields around Tlacloban was a stark contrast to the hedonistic lifestyle they enjoyed in their free time. The Aiwaha seemed to take the phrase “work hard and play hard” very seriously indeed.

“The Aiwaha cultivate a wide variety of crops,” Harwood explained, gesturing around them. “Tapioca, manioc, pineapples, and sweet potatoes are all crucial staples of their diet. Coffee, cocoa, and maize are also grown, as well as passion fruit and berries such as the acai berry and the camu camu berry.”

Aisha raised her hand. “How do they keep from wearing out the soil?”

“Good question!” Harwood said. “Well, in addition to the girls buried in the fields after the Festival of Fertility, the tribe keeps the soil fresh by periodically enriching the soil using ash, food scraps, and strictly controlled burns. This ensures that the nutrients are restored and in fact, some anthropologists now believe that the Amazon’s famous dark, loamy soil is not its natural state, but the result of thousands of years of indigenous tribes doing this as part of their agricultural practices. Other types of fertilizer, such as animal dung, are also used whenever a new harvest is planted.” She paused to let it all sink in. “Today, while Richard, Brian, and the other boys are off with Metztli, we will observe how the fields are tended, how the seeds are planted, and what techniques and tools the Aiwaha use to bring the harvest in.” She gestured to one of the Aiwaha men standing next to her. He was older, his face weathered from years of hard work. “This is Tacotl, and he will be our guide today. While he has no formal position, his years of experience in the fields means that he often acts as a sort of foreman, overseeing the crops and ensuring the harvests are completed on time.” She switched to Aiwaha to address the man. <“Tacotl, please share your knowledge with us. We are eager to learn.“>

Tacotl cleared his throat and gestured for them to follow him. <“Pineapples are Naka-Mur’s favorite, so we shall start with those,“> he said, as he began leading them outside the village and into the fields. Around them, Aiwaha of both sexes were hard at work, while small children carried baskets back and forth. <“We grow them by replanting the tops of the fruit after we have eaten the flesh. It is a simple process, but one that requires patience and careful attention.” He stopped at one of the pineapple plants, plucked a ripe fruit, and inspected it with a critical eye. <“You may see the result for yourself.“>

“Indeed,” Harwood said when she finished translating. “It looks delicious!”

<“Thank you,“> Tacotl said gravely. He took a deep breath and pointed to a row of shrubs nearby. <“This is manioc.“> He pulled up one of the tubers with surprising ease, considering his age. <“It is a hardy plant that requires little attention, except for when we harvest it. You see these?”> He held up a handful of small, tubular roots. <“These are the edible parts. Just a few will keep you full for hours. They can also be fermented to make caium.“>

Gabby raised her hand then. “How do you keep pests away?”

Harwood translated the question to Tacotl, who didn’t hesitate to reply.

<“We must deal with many kinds of insects and rodents,“> Tacotl began, his grip firm on the manioc tubers. <“We use a variety of natural repellents and traps. The leaves of certain plants, when crushed and spread around the crops, deter many creatures. Smoke also helps to deter them.“>

“And monkeys?” Krupa asked. “Are they a problem too?”

Tacotl grimaced. <“Yes, though we have ways of dealing with those as well. We use chili powder to deter them from eating the food, though of course we wash the powder off before eating it ourselves. The monkeys cannot stand the taste of it. One bite is usually all it takes to keep them from coming back.“>

Krupa shuffled a little awkwardly. “And, you ever, like, accidentally dig up bones? From the...girls who were sacrificed?”

Tacotl shrugged. <“Not often, but sometimes. It is of no concern. The spirit is what matters, not the body. Their spirits have long departed, they dwell with the gods. After the spirit is gone, what remains is the shell it once wore. They are placed with honor, to ensure the crops grow strong, but if the bones must be removed or put out of the way to till a field or plant new seedlings, then that is what must happen. Anything that helps the crops grow honors their sacrifice.“>

Krupa chewed on that before nodding thoughtfully. It made sense, in a way. The Aiwaha revered the land and its bounty, so why wouldn’t they see the bones of their ancestors as a natural part of that cycle?

Lin Ming, on the other hand, was a little more conflicted. The thought of tilling the fields and suddenly unearthing the bones of some long-dead girl was deeply unsettling, but she had to remind herself that this was just part of the experience. If she was going to come out here and learn about the Aiwaha, she had to accept all of it, not just the parts that were palatable to her. She took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand.

Bonnie took it all in stride. The idea that someone might dig up her remains fifty years from now was actually a turn-on for her. She felt her cunt grow soaking wet at the thought of her skull being pulled from the earth and tossed out of the way, like a forgotten toy. “Cool,” she said. “So it’s like, totally natural. So fucking hot too.”

Tacotl agreed. <“Yes, it is the way of things,” he said. “Now, if you are ready, I will show you how to plant the seeds. I hope you can get your hands dirty.“>

Harwood nodded approvingly at Tacotl’s explanation. “Alright, let’s get to work,” she said with a smile. “Tacotl will show us how to plant the seeds. Pay attention, everyone.”

The Aiwaha foreman demonstrated the process with ease, pushing his bare hands into the soft earth and placing the seeds with care. The students followed suit, their own hands plunging into the dirt for the first time. The soil was rich and moist, filled with the scent of the rainforest. They planted seeds for tapioca, manioc, and sweet potatoes, feeling the connection to the ancient practices that had sustained the tribe for generations.

<“You must make sure the seed stays planted,”> said Tacotl. “Do not simply drop it on the ground. You must embed it in the soil, cover it up, and ensure it has water. You must do that with each seed, the same way, until the planting is finished.”

At his direction, Harwood and the girls began to plant seeds of their own. The girls worked diligently under his watchful eye. Their bare breasts and naked bodies glistened with sweat as they bent over the rows of earth. Bonnie in particular took to the task with a gusto that surprised Harwood. Lin did her best not to let the dirt on her fingers and under her fingernails bother her as she labored with the others. After everything she’d already experienced so far during her stay with the Aiwaha, a little dirt on her hands wasn’t such a huge deal.

Her father, of course, would’ve disagreed. But Father is not here. No matter how many times she told herself that, the thrill of it never got old. You told me sex was a dirty, dreadful necessity, Father, she thought, with a surge of sudden resentment. You said that it was disgusting, that it was a necessary chore. You were wrong. You were mistaken. You lied. It is none of those things. You would have married me off to some man, perhaps twice my own age, who would have been every bit as much my jailer as you.

Lin Ming pushed such negative thoughts aside and tried to focus instead on the warmth of the sun on her back as she worked alongside the other girls, planting the seeds with a newfound sense of purpose. The rhythmic motions of digging a small hole, placing the seed, and covering it with earth grew almost meditative as the hours went by. Lin found comfort in the simplicity and directness of the task. It was a stark contrast to the complexities of her feelings about the Festival of Fertility.

It would be happening soon, and if she was chosen, Bonnie would be sacrificed. Lin Ming didn’t know how to feel about it. She watched as Bonnie, with her usual bravado, hummed cheerfully as she worked. Bonnie’s carefree attitude was contagious, and if Lin was honest with herself, she admired the brash, overly sexual student. Lin’s whole life had been dictated by other people’s expectations. More, she had allowed it to be. But Bonnie never gave a damn what anyone thought of her. She did as she pleased, lived her life the way she wanted, and gave a huge middle finger to anyone who tried to tell her otherwise. There was a certain courage in that, a strength that Lin could only wish she had.

On the other side of the village, Metztli was barking orders at Isaiah, Jeremy, Brian, and Richard. The four boys had finally been given bows to train with, and now she was teaching them, mostly by yelling at them, how to properly nock an arrow and aim it at a target. “No, Rabbit!” she said harshly, marching over to Isaiah and grabbing his wrist. “You hold it wrong! Not like that! Like this!”

She yanked the bow away and held it properly, letting him see how she gripped it. “This way,” she said, and then let him take it back. “Now you try. Go on!”

Isaiah took a deep breath and tried to mimic her grip under the woman’s wilting scrutiny. Metztli watched, arms folded her breasts, as he carefully imitated how she’d held the weapon.

“Good,” she said, and then, as if someone had flipped a switch, she went from harsh taskmistress to passionate lover in the blink of an eye. She yanked Isaiah close and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth and running her hands over his back and chest.

Isaiah responded eagerly, his hands sliding down to cup her firm ass. Metztli pulled back, a grin on her face. “You learn fast, Rabbit,” she murmured. “Perhaps you will make a good hunter yet.”

“Get a room,” Richard drawled, as he tried to nock his own shaft into his bow.

“Oh, come on, Rich,” Brian said. “I think they’re really cute together.”

“You would,” Richard grumped. “How’s that thing with...what’s her name?”

“Haxti.” Brian hesitated. “I,’s kind of up in the air at the moment. We don’ much.”

“I’ll bet,” remarked Jeremy. “She didn’t seem interested in talking the other night.”

Metztli turned from her embrace with Isaiah to make sure the other foreigners weren’t screwing up too badly. She made a quick inspection, and though Brian and Richard were doing okay, Jeremy was holding his bow too loosely and Metztli didn’t hesitate to start berating him.

“No!” she said. “Not like that! You even watch what I do? You even trying? You even care? Stupid!”

Jeremy blinked in surprise. “I--”

“Shut up!” Metztli barked. “You not hold bow like that! You not aim bow like that! You do it like this! You watch close this time or I break bow over your head!”

Richard, Brian and Isaiah stared at her as she continued to rake Jeremy over the coals. Richard, who still sported a faint bruise from the punch Jeremy had given him, watched with particular delight.

Metztli neither noticed nor cared. She made sure Jeremy was observing closely, then took an arrow, nocked it, and assumed the proper stance. “Now you try!” she said, in a tone that would make a drill sergeant wince. “Gods help you if you screw up again!”

Jeremy took a deep breath and tried to focus past the embarrassment of the tongue-lashing he’d just received. With care, he mimicked her stance, planting his feet to anchor himself and nocking the arrow by the fletching.

“Better,” Metztli said, nodding. She turned to the others. “Now you do same. All of you. Any of you mess up, we go back to basics again. Can’t shoot arrow if you can’t do everything else right first!”

Isaiah and his companions all hurried to comply. Patience was not a virtue Metztli had in abundance, and she tended to view hesitation as a sign of weakness or lack of resolve. Isaiah carefully chose an arrow that looked straight and well-made, nocked it on the string of his bow, and drew it back in one smooth, fluid motion until the fletching was by his ear. Brian and Richard did the same.

The target was a tree stump about fifty away. The rest of the world faded as Isaiah honed in on it, the humidity of the jungle and the sweat on his brow all forgotten. Metztli waited for a few heartbeats, then barked, “Loose!”

Four arrows flew through the air, though not all of them reached the target. Richard’s flew pitifully short. Brian’s soared over it. Jeremy’s shaft came close but not close enough.

Isaiah was the only one to hit the target. It wasn’t a bullseye or anything, but the thunk his arrow made as it sank into the rotted wood was enormously satisfying. Metztli’s face lit up with delight and something new, something he hadn’t seen there before when she looked at him.


Metztli was proud of him for the hitting target, and she showed just how proud she was a moment later when she pounced on him like a panther, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him so deeply it seemed like she was trying to inhale him. “Good Rabbit,” she said breathlessly. “You do good just now, very good.”

Isaiah’s cheeks burned hotter than the sun beating down on them. Her praise thrilled him to his marrow. “Thanks,” he mumbled, his heart racing as blood surged to his dick. “I guess I got lucky.”

“No.” Metztli ran her tongue along the side of his neck, then nibbled gently on his earlobe. “Not luck. Hard work and practice. That is why you succeed and the others fail.” She reached down between his legs to stroke his cock and then turned, all but shivering with anticipation and lust. “Fuck me. Now. Need you now.” She turned, splaying her legs in invitation. “Do it. Please. Been too long without you.”

“It’s only been a few hours,” Isaiah protested weakly.

“Still too long.” Her reply was curt. “Now do it!”

Isaiah gulped. Having sex with Metztli was one thing, but doing it in front of people he actually knew? That was something he was still adjusting to, if such a thing was even possible. But then, he reminded himself, Metztli’s culture didn’t have a concept of modesty, not the way people did back home. To her, there was nothing shameful about it at all.

He looked over at the other guys, who were watching with a mix of shock and envy. Jeremy had a smug smirk on his face, probably because he knew exactly how much this was turning Isaiah’s world upside down. Richard looked like he was trying to look away without actually looking away, and Brian was blushing furiously.

Isaiah took a deep breath and stepped up behind Metztli. He set aside his bow and loosened his loincloth, letting his erection spring free. Metztli wiggled her ass a little as he lined himself up against her entrance, and as he pushed into her, she craned her back to look at him.

“Love you,” she growled, her voice both fierce and sultry. “My Rabbit.”

Isaiah felt his heart swell at the endearment, despite the public setting. He pushed deeper into her, feeling the heat of her pussy clench around him. He didn’t bother to hold back his moan as he felt her tight, warm wetness around his shaft and began slowly thrusting in and out. Her body is just built for sex, he thought. It’s like she was made just for me.

Metztli looked over her shoulder, her eyes filled with desire. “Harder,” she demanded. “Fuck me like you mean it! Like you did last night!”

Isaiah swallowed and nodded, gripping her hips tightly. He thrust into her with more force, making her moan. The sound spurred him on, and soon he was fucking her like it was going out of style, driving into her with a ferocity that had her knees buckling. Her breasts bounced and swayed each time he pounded into her and her expression was one of fierce joy.

“Give me baby,” she said, her breath hitching as she laced her fingers in his. “Give me child, give me you son, son with red hair!”

“Beg me to!” Isaiah shouted, slapping her butt hard enough to leave a red handprint behind. The fact that his friends were still watching faded from his consciousness as he lost himself in the ecstasy of being with her like this. Normally he wasn’t so aggressive during sex, but after hitting the target--and being the only one to do so--he was feeling a little cockier than usual. “You’re so hot on having my kid, then beg for it!”

His demand seemed to take her by surprise for a moment, but she quickly complied.

“Please,” Metztli panted. “Please, Rabbit, give me your seed. Make me pregnant. Want it so much! Want to feel you inside me, filling me up! Want be mother to your son!”

“And will you love him?” Isaiah asked, sweat beading on his forehead as he pounded away at her. “Will you love our son, Metztli? Are you gonna be a good mom?”

“Yes!” cried Metztli. “Yes! Yes! Will love baby, Isaiah! Love him with all my spirit! Raise him be strong! Raise him be fierce!”

Her passionate declaration pushed Isaiah over the edge. He felt his orgasm approaching like a runaway train and let go of his inhibitions completely. He grabbed her hips with all his strength and plunged into her as deep as he could physically go, then shouted as his cock nearly split in two from the force of it. Jet after jet of hot, virile cum spewed into Metztli as she writhed and screamed, held fast by his firm grip and unable to do anything but let her orgasm sweep her away.

She could swear to the gods that she felt the exact instant that Isaiah impregnated her, knew the exact second one of his sperm fertilized her egg and the miracle of life began inside her womb. Joy unlike any she’d ever known made her heart soar on the wings of a bird.

Her legs gave out and she collapsed onto the ground, her body still shivering with the aftershocks of pleasure. Isaiah was almost right behind her, his own legs wobbly, but he managed to regain his balance at the last moment.

They lay there for a moment, entwined, listening to the sound of their harsh breathing and the distant calls of the jungle creatures around them. Richard, Brian and Jeremy stared slack-jawed. They were stunned into silence by what they’d seen.

“Well, that was...something,” Richard said, breaking the silence. He’d never seen anyone fuck like that before, not even in the most explicit porn. It was raw, primal, and utterly uninhibited.

“That’s one way of putting it,” Jeremy agreed, swallowing as if his throat was dry all of a sudden.

“He looks almost concussed,” said Brian. “You okay, Isaiah?”

Isaiah pulled out of Metztli with a grunt and a wet popping sound. His cum flowed out of her and she whimpered, cupping a hand to her pussy to try and keep his precious gift from going to waste.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice thready and ragged. “I...I’m fine. I just...need a moment.”

Metztli looked up at him, her eyes shining with a newfound affection that made his chest tighten. “Thank you, Rabbit,” she whispered. “Thank you for baby.”

Isaiah hadn’t even realized how much he’d wanted to hear those words until she said them. He leaned down and kissed her gently, tasting the salt of her sweat and the sweetness of her breath.

“Love you,” she said again, as he helped her to her feet. Metztli nuzzled the side of his neck. Utter contentment washed over her, the sort of satisfaction that only comes with achieving a goal long-sought. She was pregnant. She was going, at long last, to have another son. And it would be a son. She was certain of it. She didn’t know why she was so sure, but she was, and Metztli didn’t question it.

Then her normal attitude reasserted itself and she scowled at all four of them in turn before pushing Isaiah away. “What you all sitting around for? Why you staring?” she barked, in a tone harsh enough to make each of them flinch. “Back to practice! Now!”

Written by LordCorvusCorax
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