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It took many more attempts before Lin Ming was able to craft a blowgun that even approached the level of quality she was aiming for, and by that time it was late in the afternoon. Filled with helpless frustration and no small amount of embarrassment, she rose and followed Harwood and the others as the smell of food began to waft from the Great House. All around them, the people of Tlacloban were starting to prepare their evening meals. In every hut, meat was being cooked, and various fruits and vegetables were being chopped, mashed, or otherwise made ready for consumption.

Not all the huts they passed were scenes of cookery, however. In more than one, the Aiwaha were engaged in more intimate activities. Lin was a little more used to seeing such things by now, but it still made her face turn red-hot and she hurriedly averted her eyes even as she felt a now-familiar wetness growing between her legs. Of late, seeing the Aiwaha having sex seemed to affect her more and more each time, and the strange new sensations frightened her as much as they tantalized her. She thought once more of her mysterious suitor and wondered, yet again, how much longer it would be before he revealed himself to her.

Not much longer, as it turned out, but she didn’t know that yet.

Krupa shook her head as they passed a hut where at least four people were coupling at the same time. "That’s it," she declared. "I’m gonna find someone to do it with tonight, I don’t care who it is. I’m sick of this dry spell while everyone else is having fun.”

“Knew you’d crack eventually," Bonnie said, with all the solemnity of a sage dispensing wisdom.

Krupa rolled her eyes. "Whatever. No need to be smug about it, Bonnie.”

“Agree to disagree," the blonde replied sweetly.

Harwood smiled. "You’re free to do as you like, as long as it’s consensual," she said. ”I hope you have fun, Krupa.”

“I intend to. God, I’m more wound up than a coiled spring. What about you, Gabby?”

Gabby shrugged. "I guess I’d be okay with hooking up with someone, as long as he was attractive enough and not intimidated by a more muscular girl." With her stockier build and gym rat’s body, Gabby was rather different from the lithe, athletic body shape most of Tlacloban’s women had.

“I wouldn’t mind having some fun either," Brian admitted.

“I concur," added Richard.

Aisha leaned into Jeremy. "I’ve got all the man I need already," she said. ”Right, honey?”

“You got it," Jeremy said. He gave Richard a sidelong look. "If you’re not getting any, maybe it’s because you’re not making it known that you’re available. You’ve seen what the Aiwaha are like. Hell, all you’ve got to ask and you’ll have a fuck-buddy in no time.”

“I think it’s also because we’ve been so busy," Brian said. "Metztli puts us through the ringer every time we train with her. I think I’m just know...big to be stealthy like a hunter needs to be.”

"You’ll get the hang of it," Richard assured him. "As will we all.”

"That’s exactly the right attitude," said the professor. "All you need to do is keep practicing and training, and you’ll get there soon enough.”

When they reached the Great House, Isaiah was already inside, as was a growing number of native men and women. He was sitting on the hard-packed dirt floor with Metztli and four children whom Lin Ming assumed were Metztli’s. Metztli was holding Isaiah’s hand tightly, and refused to let go, not even when he tried to wave to them.

“Hey guys," he said, a little sheepishly.

“Hey." Richard returned the greeting. He arched an eyebrow. "I guess you two are really official.”

“Isaiah mine," Metztli said simply. There was a glint in her eye that almost dared any of them to challenge that statement. No one did.

“How adorable! You two are so cute together," Aisha gushed.

“So cute," Krupa agreed, whipping out her phone. "I’m totally getting a shot of this to post on my stream when we get back. The shy guy of the group gets together with the super-athletic, super-confident huntress. My subscribers will eat that up! Can we do an impromptu interview?”

“I...I guess," Isaiah said, glancing at Metztli. She gave a slight nod, along with a warning look to make it quick. He stood and went over to a quieter corner of the Great House where they could speak more easily, and she watched them carefully the whole while. Lin remembered that Aiwaha, even married couples, often didn’t mind sharing themselves or their spouses, but it seemed Metztli was not in a sharing sort of mood.

Naka-Mur entered the Great House, accompanied by Kura and a tall, handsome young man whom Lin Ming vaguely recognized. It took her a second to remember that she’d seen him on their first night in Tlacloban, the day they’d first arrived. He’d been eating alongside Naka-Mur on the raised dais where the High Chieftain usually sat, so clearly he was of some relation to the older man, or at the very least, someone of considerable status.

Naka-Mur sat, grunting a little, and then everyone else did too. Food in generous quantities was brought out as the Great House continued to fill with people. Many of Tlacloban’s villagers ate in their own huts, but many others preferred to eat in the larger building, enjoying the sense of community and celebration that it offered with every meal. Lin Ming could see why; the Aiwaha laughed, joked, talked and flirted with an easiness she could only dream of. She nibbled at a papaya fruit, savoring the sweet taste, and felt, as ever, like something of an outsider.

Brian felt just the opposite. No sooner had he begun to eat than a young girl, perhaps twelve or thirteen, walked over to him, leading an older girl by the hand. <“Do you remember me?”> she asked. <“I asked you if you would like to meet my sister, and you said yes. Well, here she is.“>

Harwood translated, though Brian had picked up enough of the tribal dialect by now to make out one in every six or so words. He looked comically surprised. "Really?”

The older girl giggled and nodded. <“Really. My name is Haxti. It is very good to meet you."> Her voice was low, husky, seductive. <“If your belly is full, would you like for us to satisfy your other appetites? Would you like to take me?"> Brian looked at Harwood, who shrugged and smiled. He looked back at Haxti, and then at her sister, and then back at Haxti again. He swallowed hard.

“Well," Brian began, clearing his throat. "I’m flattered, really. But...are you sure you’re not seeing anyone? You’re not married?”

<“I am not,"> Haxti said, her eyes never leaving his face. She smiled, a slow, sexy curve of her lips. <“Are you offering?">

“She wants to know if you’re proposing marriage," Harwood translated.

Brian blanched. "I...Er...”

Haxti giggled and looked at her sister. <“Outlanders are so funny."> She walked closer to Brian and sank gracefully to her knees, scooting in close so they were at eye level. "You...want me?" she asked, switching back to what English she knew. "You handsome. Big. Strong.”

She leaned in, kissing his neck and chest before slipping her tongue between his lips. Brian stiffened with shock, but that didn’t last long. Haxti wrapped her arms around him with a moan of pleasure, and she deepened the kiss, grinding against him with her hips all the while.

“I like you," she giggled. ”Want sex. You want sex?”

Before he could answer, she lifted herself up and, in front of everyone, lowered herself onto his shaft, taking his whole length into her with a shuddering breath. "So big," she whispered, wincing a little.

Brian wasn’t the only one getting some action. Krupa, who by now had finished her interview with Isaiah, stowed her phone in a small leather pouch tied around her waist and went searching for a guy. She barely made it five steps before Xipec, seeing the look in her eye and recognizing it at once, stepped in front of her and took her hand. Krupa gave him an assessing once-over before nodding her assent, and he pulled her in for a strong, forceful kiss before gently turning her around. Krupa helpfully parted her legs to give him better access, and she gasped when he felt his tip touch her entrance. A moment later he plunged into her--the size of him almost made it painful and she whimpered.

Xipec sensed this, and he paused to give her time to adjust to him, though it clearly took a great deal of self-control. She turned her head and smiled to let him know she was okay, then they began to move as one. Krupa fucked him with a rapacious zeal that would have put the Kama Sutra to shame. Even Bonnie looked on with approval.

Brian, meanwhile, was also having the time of his life. Haxti rode him like an animal in heat--she wasn’t as hardcore as Metztli, but she was no slouch either. She rode Brian’s cock, mewling all the while, as the others watched. Her breasts swayed and jiggled as she bounced up and down on his cock with growing speed and vigor, her expression one of absolute delight.

<“So good!"> she cried. <“So good!"> Glancing at Harwood, she said, <“I want this one! Is he claimed? Is he mated?“>

<“He is not,"> Harwood confirmed.

“Then you mine." Haxti cupped Brian’s face in her slender hands. "I claim you. You mine.”

Panic flickered over Brian’s face, cutting through the pleasure he was feeling. "Wh-what? Professor--”

"It’s okay," Harwood assured him. "Just roll with it.”


“Idiot." Richard interrupted waspishly. "A gorgeous woman is all but throwing herself at you. Take the win.”

“For once, I agree with the nerd," Jeremy added. "Bro. Take the win.”

Isaiah was about to say something too, but Metztli elbowed him in the ribs. She was clearly aroused by the sight of Brian and Haxti coupling and was almost trembling with the amount of self-control it took not to start fucking her man, too.

As the party-like atmosphere in the Great Hall increased, someone put a bowl of some drink or other in Lin Ming’s hand. Without thinking she took a long drink, eager to wet a throat that had suddenly gone dry. The liquid had an earthy character, somewhat sour, and it burned on the way down, making her cough and splutter, but then a curious warmth began spreading through her body.

“What is this?" she asked Harwood.

“That," the professor said, "is called caium, a drink made from fermented manioc and flavored with different fruit juices--the Aiwaha prefer to use plantains or bananas, but other tribes might use berries or other things. It’s an alcoholic beverage.”

“Really?" Lin Ming had never had alcohol before. Father would never allow it. And yet, as she regarded her cup, she found she was less opposed to the idea than usual--she felt a curious sense of courage that hadn’t been there before, and wasn’t this whole adventure about breaking out of her shell and her comfort zone?

She took another drink, and the loose, carefree feelings grew more intense. Caium, Lin Ming decided, was awesome.

From the dais alongside his uncle, Zolin watched as his bride-to-be laughed out loud, swaying a little as the caium took hold. He hadn’t expected her to get so intoxicated, but he wasn’t going to look sideways at a gift from the gods, either. As Lin Ming held out her drinking vessel for a refill, he rose to his feet and strode toward her, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it. This was his moment.

Lin Ming, sitting with her back to him, didn’t notice him approaching. She remained oblivious, helped by the buzz the alcohol was giving, right up until he took her by the arm, pulled her gently but firmly to his feet, and planted a strong, hungry kiss on her lips. The young Asian girl squeaked with surprise and shock, and he responded by invading her mouth with his tongue, pulling her closer by wrapping an arm around her waist.

She was so petite, so small and vulnerable and so, so beautiful. She was perfect, Zolin knew. The perfect woman for him, the perfect mate. He’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted this one. His cock was rock-hard, more so than it had ever been before.

“Zolin," he said, by way of introduction, when he finally broke the kiss.

Lin Ming recognized the name, the name of her mysterious suitor. This must be him! But before she could say anything, Zolin scooped her up, threw her over his shoulder, and jogged out of the Great House, his purpose clear. More than a few of the Aiwaha cheered and called out after him, perhaps offering advice or congratulations.

Brian, still in mid-fuck with Haxti, stared. "What the....”

“What just happened?" Richard demanded. ”Professor?”

“That," Harwood said. "was Naka-Mur’s nephew, Zolin. The guy who left the jaguar pelt for Lin Ming, the one who’s been courting her. I guess he’s finally made his move.”

“Clearly." Richard paused. "Will she be okay?”

Harwood nodded. "Don’t worry. The Aiwaha are passionate, but Zolin understands that Lin Ming needs a gentler touch. He’ll treat her right and he won’t cross any lines she doesn’t want him to.”

“About time that girl lost her cherry," Bonnie observed. ”Wish he’d fucked her here rather than someone else. I would love to watch.”

Lin Ming squealed with alarm and panic as Zolin carried her off like a sack of vegetables. As he ran through the rapidly growing darkness through the streets of Tlacloban, she tried to flail and wriggle free, but the effect of the caium coupled with his strong grip rendered escape all but impossible. Zolin ignored her, pausing only long enough to make sure he was going in the right direction before resuming his relentless pace. His whole body was on fire with lust, roaring with need like a furnace demanding fuel. Lin Ming tried to say something, but the alcohol and his rapid movements combined to make her dizzy. All that emerged from her lips was an incomprehensible slurring.

She was still trying to protest when Zolin reached the hut he’d built for them both and carried her over the threshold. Then, gently, he let her fall to the bed of furs he’d made for them to share. Lin Ming bounced a little, staring up at him in wide-eyed shock and more than a little fear.

He sank to one knee and reached out to her. Lin Ming squeaked and flinched, covering herself by reflex, and his hand on her shoulder was so big it completely enveloped not just her shoulder, but a good portion of her upper arm as well. Lin Ming knew right away that there was enough strength in that hand to break her in half as easily as one might snap a toothpick.

“Easy," he grunted, in the smattering of English he knew. "Not be scared, Tiny One. Not be ’fraid. I claim you now. You mine. I yours. I make you feel good tonight.”

Lin Ming opened her mouth to say something, anything, and Zolin took that opportunity to grip her by the back of the head and guide her head toward his. All efforts to escape were futile, and soon Lin Ming found herself in the midst of another heated kiss.

And oh, Lord, what a kiss. It was sensual, possessive, seductive. It was hungry and hot, and it made Lin’s whole body tingle with pleasant fire. Something electric crackled between them, and Lin Ming looked up, her big dark eyes taking in Zolin as the fire crackled in the firepit nearby.

Her heart was beating faster than it ever had in her life. She was trembling, shaking, filled with fear and anxiety and things more difficult to describe. Her loins were growing wetter by the second and her small breasts rose and in time with each panicked breath. This was so naughty, so utterly taboo. It violated every single tenet and standard of ethics she’d ever been raised to believe in. Being alone, naked, with a man she did not know...if Father knew, his fury would drive him to insanity.

And she studied Zolin, she found much to admire. His whole body rippled with strength and corded muscle, his bearing that of a graceful, deadly leopard or big cat. His muscles were well-defined, too. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of excess fat on him, and his tribal tattoos only made him look exotic. Even the predatory gaze he was giving her had a certain softness to it, a fondness that made it marginally less frightening.

“You mine," he repeated. "Be happy, Tiny One. I take good care of you.”

Lin Ming reddened. "But--”

Another kiss silenced her, and whether it was the alcohol or Lin Ming’s long-suppressed sexual energy finally bursting its dam, this time she kissed him back. His tongue invaded her mouth again, and this time Lin made no attempt to dissuade him. She simply melted against him with the sort of delicious submissiveness that was so utterly feminine. Lin Ming’s entire body felt unbearably hot. Need, primal and utterly human, welled up inside her. She began kissing him back, and some part of her that remained lucid marveled at just how effective alcohol was at removing inhibitions. It really was "liquid courage.”

He offered her a hollowed-out gourd filled with more of the caium. Lin drank eagerly, then he drained the rest. And as the alcohol did its work, she found herself becoming less afraid and more excited. Dana would say that this was almost too good to be true. And is it not better to have your first time with someone who knows what they are doing? And Zolin, for all his utter lack of subtlety, seemed genuinely infatuated with her. Lin Ming remembered the jaguar pelt and thought of the courage it must’ve taken to face such a creature one-on-one. He did that for me. He did that to prove himself to me.

She lifted her head, her mouth parted in a silent plea for another kiss. Zolin eagerly obliged her. "So beautiful," he grunted, his voice strained. ”You so beautiful, Tiny One. You are good woman for me.”

Hastily he undid the ties of his loincloth and tossed it hurriedly away. Lin Ming almost flinched at the sight of his hard, rampant manhood. It was so big, so impossibly big! There was no way it would fit inside of her--she’d be torn in two!

Zolin seemed to sense the direction of her thoughts. "Not worry," he assured her. "Get you good and wet first." He placed his hands on her knees and gently began parting her legs. Lin Ming resisted for a moment, then let him have his way.

Zolin took in the glorious sight of her virginal, pink pussy in all its nubile glory. It was the most perfect pussy he’d ever seen, and he’d seen quite a few. He touched it experimentally, and Lin Ming gasped.

Zolin’s face stretched in a smile worthy of the Cheshire Cat. He bent his head between her legs and, with gentle reverence, began to go to work.

At first, his mouth and tongue simply felt weird. But then Lin Ming gasped, stiffening with shock as a bolt of sudden, unexpected pleasure zinged through her. It was enough to momentarily rob her of breath and speech, and it instantly made her soaking wet.

Zolin lapped up her juices like a cat lapping up cream. His skilled tongue caressed her, flicking and stimulating her clit, the very tip of it penetrating her ever so slightly. Flashing lights went off in Lin Ming’s head, zinging and sparking, and she scrabbled helplessly at the dirt floor. She couldn’t think, couldn’t talk, couldn’t do anything but lie there and take it and it felt so amazing. She was pinned by Zolin’s bulk, utterly helpless, and yet she didn’t feel as afraid as she had a few minutes ago. His arms around her were so strong and so warm. They made her feel safe. Protected.

Her hips began to rock involuntarily, seeking more contact with Zolin’s mouth. He rewarded her with a deep, probing lick that made her cry out in pleasure. Lin Ming felt her climax building, growing, becoming inexorable. She knew it was coming, and she knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. The first-ever orgasm of her life.

Zolin sensed her approaching peak and began to work faster, his tongue dancing around her clit like a wizard’s wand, his lips and teeth teasing her entrance. She arched her back and gave a wordless, mewling cry, her hands fisted in the dirt, and then her whole body convulsed with the force of her release. Waves of pleasure crashed over her, washing away any remaining doubt or fear that the alcohol hadn’t already eliminated. And for the first time since she could remember, Ling Ming felt safe. She felt wanted. She felt loved.

It had been a long, long time since she felt truly loved by anyone, even her parents. Her father treated her like a criminal. Her mother, though not as overly tyrannical, rarely stood up for her and almost never voiced an opinion that disagreed with her father. Her siblings either ignored her existence entirely or treated her like an interloper.

But Zolin didn’t treat her that way. The way he touched her, the way he kissed her and caressed her, made Lin Ming feel desired and beautiful and filled a void in her heart that had lain empty for as long as she could remember. He was giving the kind of acceptance and love she’d always wanted so desperately but had never gotten from her own blood relatives.

The afterglow of her orgasm washed over her, leaving her limp and boneless as she tried to catch her breath, but Zolin was just getting started. He rose up onto his knees, positioning himself between her spread legs. The head of his massive cock was a frightening sight as it towered over her, stretching her open, but she felt a thrill of anticipation too. The fear was still there, but it was more in the background now. Zolin paused and watched her expression carefully. In her buzzed state it took Lin Ming a moment to realize he was asking her permission to continue.

She took a deep, shuddering breath and gazed up at him, the image of vulnerable, virginal beauty as she lay on the furs. Her black hair fanned out around her like a midnight-black halo, and for a moment, the only sound was their heavy breathing.

Then she nodded, just once. A single nod, a single gesture that changed the course of Lin Ming’s life forever.

Zolin nodded back. He was fairly vibrating with his need to be inside her, but by some miracle of the gods, he found the restraint to be careful and take his time. He took his cock in his hand and teased her entrance with it like he’d done with countless women countless times before, but this was so different from any other coupling he’d had. This wasn’t just fucking. It was intimacy.

“Might hurt,” he grunted. “I try go slow. If want stop, say so. I stop.”

He pressed forward, feeling the tightness of her entrance resist him. She was so tight, so hot around him, he could only just penetrate her with his tip. It was almost unbearable, but he forced himself to go slow, to be gentle with her. He leaned forward, bracing himself on one arm as he gazed down at her face, watching for any sign of discomfort. She looked back up at him, her eyes wide and dark with desire, her lips parted and glistening wet. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps, and her body trembled beneath him.

“So beautiful," he growled, burying his head in the crook of her neck. He kissed her throat and collarbone and nibbled gently at her earlobe, all the while gently, ever so gently, working his cock deeper inside her one tiny little bit at a time.

Lin Ming arched her back, pressing her mound against Zolin’s broad chest. She felt him slowly push deeper into her, and it was more intense than anything she could have imagined. It was painful, and it was exquisite, and she couldn’t help but whimper with the effort to contain her reactions. But Zolin was gentle, so very gentle, and she knew that he would stop if she asked him to. But she had no intention of doing that. She wanted him to continue. She wanted it with a surprising, fiery intensity.

Zolin stopped as he felt his cock meet the soft, fleshy resistance of her maidenhead. He knew that what happened next would be painful for her, and he smoothed her hair from her lovely face, kissing each cheek and then her lips. He twined his fingers in hers, murmured a prayer in his native tongue to the gods, and plunged his dick inside her with a single, forceful thrust, penetrating her completely and sheathing himself in her tight, hot wetness all the way up to the hilt.

Lin Ming screamed. She couldn’t help it. It hurt. She was shocked at just how much it hurt. It felt like she was being split in two by a baseball bat. Blood from her ruptured hymen mingled with their sweat as it trickled down between her thighs, staining the furs beneath her. She bit her lip, trying to contain her cries, but couldn’t quite stop them. Her body tensed as Zolin’s thickness stretched her tight, unyielding entrance wider and wider, filling her completely, claiming her as his forever.

She sobbed as her body struggled to adjust to the intrusion. Zolin kissed each tear away as they rolled down her cheeks, his own breathing harsh and ragged as he fought to control himself. He stroked her hair, her back, her shoulders, murmuring words of reassurance and love into her ear. She couldn’t understand them, of course, since he was speaking Aiwaha, but their meaning was obvious.

Lin Ming clung to him for dear life, her eyes squeezed shut as her body, little by little, with agonizing slowness, began to adjust to him. As the minutes passed, the pain began to ebb, replaced by a strange, intense fullness, a sensation of utter completeness that was difficult to describe. She was still tight, but no longer quite as uncomfortably so, and when Zolin judged his moment had finally come, he gave an experimental, tentative thrust.

She gasped. Stars exploded in her head as she felt him moving inside her. It was...

It was the most extraordinary thing she’d ever felt. It was like fire and chocolate and fresh roses all at once. She could feel, actually feel, every inch of his cock moving inside her pussy, every ridge and every vein as it slid against her vaginal walls. Her eyes flew open and she looked up at him, and when she saw the expression he wore, she all but melted into a puddle. Zolin’s face was a picture of pure bliss. He gathered her into his arms, holding her tight as he began to move more quickly, and all she could do was hang on tight as he began absolutely going to town. All the pent-up desire he felt for her, all the long days of lusting after his woman since the moment he first laid eyes on her, it all came bursting forth and Zolin made no attempt to restrain it any longer.

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His powerful thrusts drove him deeper and deeper inside her with each passing moment, the head of his cock hitting her cervix like a battering ram with each stroke. Driven by sheer feminine instinct Lin Ming arched her back, her fingernails digging into his shoulders as she sought to find purchase, her hips moving in time with his thrusts to take him deeper inside her, to get closer to him, to feel even more of him. The hut was filled with the sound of their coupling--the sound of their mingled breaths, the slap-slap-slap of their bodies hitting against each other, the almost feral growling noises that tore from Zolin’s throat.

She could feel herself beginning to lose control. Her mind was unspooling, her world contracting, shrinking, until nothing was left in it but the two of them. Zolin’s lips and hands were everywhere at once, and she felt an almost unbearable pressure pooling deep within her, building like a hurricane as it prepared to unleash itself.

Her orgasm hit a heartbeat later, and when it did, Lin Ming thought she would actually die from the sheer force of it. She arched her back and screeched, raking her nails down his back as she writhed and spasmed in the throes of utter ecstasy. They left long, red lines in their wake as her climax consumed her utterly, her petite body convulsing around him. But even as her pussy clenched around his shaft and her body all but cried out for his cum, Zolin restrained himself and kept his own climax at bay. He wanted to draw this out as much as he could. He wanted to make it last, to make it as good for her as possible. Never had he wanted to please a woman so much before, and that is precisely what he intended to do.

So he kept going. He sucked and nipped at her nipples as he continued his relentless pace, thrusting deeper and harder inside her, his hips slapping against hers in a rhythm that seemed to echo through her very core as she came and came and came. Lin Ming’s body began to shine in the firelight with a sheen of sweat, her small breasts rising and falling and jiggling a little each time he pounded into her. Zolin kissed her, ignoring the fact that her lips were already swollen from his kisses, and relished the headiness of the taste of her in his mouth.

Another orgasm followed a heartbeat later, following on the heels of the first even before the aftershocks had faded. Zolin pulled his lips away in time to see her eyes roll back in her head and hear a primal scream rip from Lin Ming’s throat, a sound of animalistic pleasure that seemed entirely out of character for someone with her quiet, shy personality. Zolin let out a breathless laugh that was all but drowned out by her cries. He gloried in the satisfaction of knowing that he was the one making her feel this way, that he was responsible for bringing her to such heights of pleasure. He kept going, utterly relentless, redoubling his efforts and increasing the pace of their frenzied coupling.

Lin Ming couldn’t think. She couldn’t speak. She was beyond such things now. Nothing existed, nothing mattered, save the wonderful things she was feeling right now. Thoughts of her father, of her family, of her upbringing, they all were washed away by the raging tide of desire she felt, by the wonderful things he was making her feel. Lin Ming screamed herself hoarse as he brought her over the edge again and again and again. And each time he did, she wanted him all the more. This, what they were doing--whether you called it fucking or sex or lovemaking or whatever--she wanted more of it. She wanted to do it every single day, and she wanted to do it only with him.

The pressure in Zolin’s groin was becoming unbearable. The strain of keeping his own orgasm at bay was starting to tax even his formidable stamina. Beads of sweat broke out on his brow and he gritted his teeth so hard Lin Ming heard the molars creak. But his desire--no, his love--for his woman drove him to make her cum as many times as he possibly could before he finally let himself go. Her pleasure, not his own, was the priority.

And it was true, he thought, as he kept pounding her like a piledriver. He did love her. Zolin wasn’t sure why, but he did. From the moment he’d first seen her in Tlacloban, he’d loved her. There was no reason to it, no logic, but he was as certain of that as he was of the gods. He loved this small, petite, shy foreigner woman, with her delicate features and wide, innocent eyes. He loved the way she moved, the way she talked, the way she smiled. He loved the way she looked at him with a combination of fear and lust. He loved her scent, her taste, the feel of her skin against his. He loved the softness of her breasts, the fullness of her lips, the wet heat of her pussy. There was not a single thing about her that didn’t fascinate and enthrall him.

In the midst of such passion, it was difficult to find the energy for things like words, but Zolin was able to force out two of them, in his guttural, accented English, between his gritted teeth, two words that seemed woefully insufficient to adequately convey the depth and sincerity of his feelings. But they would have to do, so he spoke them nonetheless, snarling them as he felt his self-control finally begin to shatter.


Then he could hold himself back no more, and Zolin came with a roar that could have come from a lion. It was the hardest, most ball-busting, most forceful orgasm he’d ever had in his life, and that was saying something. He had never cum so hard before, hard enough that it seemed like his dick was being split in two from the sheer force of it. His cum gushed into her like a geyser of white, sticky heat, and he threw his head back in exultation and howled. His cock twitched and throbbed inside her as he emptied himself into her, over and over, filling her womb to overflowing with his seed until it gushed out from between their joining to stain the furs beneath them.

Lin Ming had just enough time to realize what was happening before she, too, came one final time, and what a finale it was! Her last orgasm of the evening was more powerful than any that came before, so strong she feared she’d be swept up and carried away by it, never to return. Her world flew apart and she screamed and screamed and screamed, her pussy tightening and pulsating and contracting around his dick to milk him of every last, precious drop. Lin Ming’s body was wracked with spasm after spasm, her toes curling and uncurling, her fingernails digging into the soft furs beneath her as she lost control and surrendered--to fate, to the mind-breaking pleasure she was feeling, and most of all, to him. His cum kept spewing into her. Lin Ming wept at how good, how right, it felt.

When Zolin was finally spent, he collapsed on top of her, trapping her beneath his weight as he fought desperately for oxygen. His broad, sculpted chest heaved and rose and fell as he struggled to breathe, his muscles quivering with exertion. She could feel the warmth of his body, the dampness of his skin against hers, and it only served to heighten the sensations coursing through her. Lin Ming herself was even more exhausted; she was left as weak as a newborn kitten from the intensity of their coupling, from the undeniable physical and emotional connection they’d made together. She could barely even summon enough strength to swallow, much less talk or do anything else. Lin Ming had never felt so utterly tired in her life, but she also felt good. There was a sense of deep satisfaction within her now, not unlike that of someone who, after years of hunger, had finally sat down to a good meal and been able to eat their fill for the first time. She was sated. More, she felt...happy.

Her whole life, Lin Ming’s father had told her that having sex was a dirty necessity and that after doing it, she could expect to feel filthy and ashamed. But Lin Ming didn’t feel like that at all. Instead, she felt desired, beautiful, safe, and warm. An inexplicable sense of peace washed over her, as if everything that had happened over the past few hours had somehow cleansed her, had washed away all the worries and troubles of her life. More, she felt a deep and growing sense of attachment and fondness for Zolin, this young man who’d so boldly decided he wanted to be with her. He’d chosen her. Krupa and Gabby and Bonnie were much more womanly-looking than Lin Ming was, and yet he’d chosen her. Lin Ming felt a surge of warmth for him, and, a little shyly, she wrapped her arms around his back and somehow found the strength to raise her head just enough to kiss his cheek.

Zolin’s chest rose and fell slowly, his breaths ragged and labored, as he lay atop her. He was heavy, but Lin Ming didn’t mind; it felt good to have him there, his body pressed so close to hers. Emboldened, she ran trembling fingers through the dark curls of his chest hair, tracing patterns on his warm skin, and before she knew what she was saying, the words had already left her lips. Her voice was thready and weak, but could still clearly be heard over the sound of their mingled breaths and the crackling of the fire.

“L-love you too.”

And for the rest of the night, no more words were needed.

Lin Ming woke up the next morning with a sore head, a sore pussy, sore tits, and general all-around ache across her whole body. She felt like someone who'd just completed a heavy workout, and in a way, that was exactly what she'd done. She blinked, tried to sit up, and immediately regretted it.

Her head was pounding, a leftover from all the caium she'd drunk the night before. She felt dizzy and even a little nauseous. Even if she'd been able to stand up, the quivering, aching feeling in her legs and thighs would've sent her crashing back to the floor. Lin was so weak from last night's exertions that even rolling over was an effort. The place between her legs was the worst--it was sore and extremely tender to the touch, a testament to the relentless, vigorous pounding her new mate had subjected it to. Zolin--

Lin gasped as memories of the night before came back in a flood. Her face turned tomato-red and she covered her mouth with her hands.

I had...we had...

Sex. She and Zolin had had sex. Lots and lots of it. He'd taken her, and what's more, she'd let him do it.

Lin Ming was no longer a virgin. Her innocence, which her father had so carefully preserved with his draconian, iron-fisted rules, was gone forever. Zolin had fucked her six ways to Sunday, and she'd even...

I said I loved him.

He said he loves me. He even said it first.

And she knew he'd meant it. It wasn't just some platitude uttered so he could get into her metaphorical pants. The Aiwaha were not given to such two-facedness. Zolin had declared his love for her because that was how he felt, and it'd showed in the way he'd treated her. Lin Ming thought back to last night's events and remembered how gentle he was, how he'd always made sure he didn't hurt her or hold her too tightly, how he'd kissed her and caressed her in a way that made her feel special and beautiful. No one had ever treated her like that before.

Lin's eyes filled with tears. He...he was kind to me. Sweet. He is not a bad person.

She turned to face him. He was still sleeping, curled up next to her like a contented lion. He was still naked--his loincloth still lay on the floor of their hut, and she watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as he slumbered.

Lin ignored the protests of her sore, aching body and scooted closer to him, eager for the warmth and comfort his nearness brought. She studied his face as he slept, tracing her fingers along his cheekbone, his jawline, his brow. He was so handsome, so strong, so...perfect. Not really--no one as truly perfect--but the wonderful things she'd felt with him, the pleasure he'd given her, the way he'd looked at her...

This must be how it felt, to feel loved. It had to be. Lin didn't have a lot of basis for comparison, but what else could it be? Zolin had shown her love--he'd given himself to her in the most intimate way possible--and he'd made her feel...special. Cherished. Like she was the most important person in the world to him. She knew he'd been with lots of girls before meeting her, the Aiwaha were very relaxed about such things, but something told her that he hadn't been intimate with them the way he'd been with her last night.

She ran a finger down his chest, marveling at the strength and power that lay beneath that smooth, supple skin. He was so much bigger than she was, and yet he'd never hurt her or made her feel small. He stirred a little, murmuring something in his sleep, and...and...

And they were together now. Officially. She and Zolin were now a couple. Lin Ming felt a thrill of joy run through her at the thought, but it was short-lived when she realized she had very little idea how such relationships actually worked.

Lin bit her lip. How did a romantic relationship work, anyway? What did people do? She knew they did...things together, but she wasn't sure what. Surely it wasn't just having sex all the time. There had to be more to it than that. Was she supposed to cook for him? Clean for him? What sort of things did couples do or talk about when they weren't...when they weren't being intimate?

Perhaps she should ask some of the other girls in her group for advice. Aisha, for one, seemed to have a strong relationship with Jeremy. Surely she would know what to do and could give Lin some advice. Lin certainly couldn't ask Bonnie. The blonde slut knew as little about relationships as Lin did, though that was by choice rather than circumstance.

Yes, Lin thought. She'd ask Aisha, when she had the opportunity. For now, she supposed the wisest course of action was to just enjoy being with Zolin and earn more about him. She was curious about this man who'd so confidently and boldly claimed her for his own. Unable to help herself, she snuggled closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, her face buried in the crook of his neck. His skin smelled so good, like warm earth and sweat and male musk. It was very forward of her, but she needed to be near him, to be close to him. She craved the feeling of safety and security that his touch brought her. She was like an addict, and Zolin was her drug.

His eyes flickered open at her touch. Lin immediately felt guilty for waking him, but he didn’t seem bothered. “Tiny One,” he said, with a smile that made her loins go damp. “You…are well?”

Lin nodded. Aside from her soreness, she felt all right, if a little hung over. “Y-yes.”

“Last night good, yes?”

She looked away, shyly. “Yes. Very good.”

“So were you.” He pulled her in closer, possessively. “You mine now. I make you feel good every night.” He paused, as if weighing his words. “You want more now? Or want to wait?”

By now, Lin Ming supposed she should be used to his bluntness, but she wasn't. Not yet. She reddened still further and fell silent, considering. Her body cried out for rest, and yet...she did want more. She wanted to feel more of the wonderful things she'd felt with him last night. She met Zolin's gaze through the screen of her black hair where it fell over her eyes and gave him a tiny nod.

"Okay," Lin whispered.

Zolin grinned and sat up, revealing his rampant cock that was now rock-hard and ready for action. Gently, he took her in his arms and placed her in his lap.

Lin was still a novice when it came to the arts of the bedroom, but she knew enough after last night to know what he wanted her to do next. She lifted her hips, somewhat awkwardly, as he positioned himself below her pussy. Then, slowly and carefully, she impaled herself on it, taking his whole length within her inch by agonizing inch.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned softly. Her pussy, sore and tender from heavy use, gripped him like a velvet glove. Zolin's hips came alive beneath her, sliding into her with a deep, rolling motion that made her gasp and arch her back. Lin gripped his shoulders for dear life--it hurt, but it also felt so good. The feeling of completeness she had when he was inside her, the sense that she and Zolin were one with each other, was something she craved. That sense of intimacy, of connection.

"Beautiful," Zolin grunted, running his hands over her breasts as he began slowly and steadily fucking her. "So beautiful, Tiny One. Mine now." His cock pistoned in and out of her, hitting the spot inside her that made her gasp and writhe helplessly.

"I give you strong children," he went on. "I bring you food from each hunt, give you warmth from my fire."

Lin met his gaze, struggling to focus through the haze of pleasure. Children. Zolin wanted her to have his children. Her father didn't even trust her to go and grab milk from the corner store without supervision, but Zolin wanted her to be the mother of his children. Her eyes stung with tears, and she couldn't quite hold back a tiny sob. It was a gift, and an honor, and it scared her senseless. What would his children be like? Would they come into the world as strong as their father?

And Lin did want to have his children. The realization came as something of a surprise. She wanted to be a mother, and the more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. Lin didn't think about what that would mean, or what the consequences might be. She didn't even stop to think that she might have to stay in Tlacloban forever if she got pregnant. She knew only that she didn't want to be away from Zolin, the one person who'd made her feel loved in her entire life, and she wanted to have his babies. Nothing else mattered, not right now.

It was difficult to speak as he pounded into her at an ever-faster pace, difficult to think through the incredible sensations coursing through her body, but somehow she managed it. Lin's pussy was soaking wet now, and though every thrust of his cock was painful, the pleasure far outweighed her discomfort.

"I..." she said, gasping. "Yes." The word tore from her throat in a sobbing cry. "I...I want that too. I w-want to be with you. I want your children. P-please..."

Zolin grinned triumphantly. "You want be mother? Say it again."

"Yes," Lin whispered. She met his eyes, forced herself to. Perhaps she was emboldened by his own arrogant confidence, but Lin wanted him to see how much she meant it. "I do. I want be with you forever." It was a little embarrassing to say it out loud, but it was true. Lin couldn't imagine ever fucking anyone else but him. "I w-want to be your mate in every way."

He buried his face in the arch of her neck, using his tongue to trace a hot path to her earlobe. "Then you are," he growled. "You mine. Mine. No one else's." He increased his pace, fucking her hard and deep, each thrust more powerful than the last. "You will always belong to me, and we do this every day." Lin could feel the tension building in him, the strain as he fought to keep his orgasm at bay. Zolin was wound tighter than a coiled spring.

He reached down and took her clit between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it gently. Lin saw stars and colored spots danced before her eyes. The sensation was too much; she nearly screamed. She knew she was close, so close, and she clung to him, digging her nails into his shoulders. She felt his body tense beneath her, and he groaned her name as his hips thrust forward one final time, his cock spasming deep inside her. Zolin snarled like a jaguar and held her fast as his seed jetted into her in hot, pulsing gushes, making sure she took every last drop. Lin's body arched, her pussy squeezing and clenching. Her orgasm swept her away on its tides, and she clung to Zolin like a life preserver lest she be pulled under completely and lose herself in it.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, she came back to herself. Zolin's masculine scent filled her nostrils, along with the smell of sex that still lingered in their hut. She felt once more the humid jungle air that was ever-present in Tlacloban, heard the ragged panting of his breath in her ear. His cum leaked out from where they were still joined. Lin realized that she'd have to stop taking the birth control pills the group had brought with them in order to let him impregnate her properly. Her hand strayed to her belly and she thought of what it would be like once their first baby started grow there, and--

Her stomach promptly began to growl. Zolin heard it and immediately felt rather foolish. Of course his woman was hungry, after a night of such vigorous fucking. He was famished too, and now that his sexual appetite had been sated for the moment, he needed to make sure their other needs did not go unfulfilled. He stood and offered his hand to help her up. "I hungry too. We got eat now."

That was just fine to Lin Ming. She smiled--a real, genuine smile this time--and took his hand. His grip was firm, confident and strong. He pulled her to her feet as though she weighed nothing at all. Her legs were still sore and weak, but strangely they weren't as sore and weak as they'd been when she first woke up. It was almost as if being with Zolin rejuvenated her, replenishing her strength and energy. He gave her a moment to find her balance, then gently pulled her along with him as they went outside. Zolin wanted everyone to see them together, hand-in-hand. He wanted it known throughout the village that this woman belonged to him, and no other could touch her. Perhaps other men in the village might have been fine with swapping partners, but not Zolin. He wanted his mate all to himself.

Harwood and the others were already in the Great House having breakfast when they arrived, and Lin noted that Gabby and Krupa were moving with a contentedness they hadn't had before. Harwood looked up as she and Zolin approached.

"Good morning! Did you two have a good time?"

Lin smothered a scandalized giggle. "Er...Um..."

"He must've run you ragged," Aisha said teasingly. "Seriously, though, I'm really happy for you. We all are."

Brian nodded. "You deserve to be happy. And Zolin seems like a good guy."

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to share?" Bonnie inquired with a lascivious grin.

"Stop it," Krupa scolded. "Don't listen to her, Lin. Honestly, Bonnie, if you're not careful you're going to get hurt one of these days."

"Yeah, and then where would we be?" Richard asked, deadpan. "We'd have to find another depraved, sex-fueled animal to entertain us."

Bonnie flipped him the bird and said nothing. Lin and Zolin both sat, and Harwood passed them some food and drink. Zolin began devouring a generous chunk of smoked meat.

"So," the professor said quietly. "Lin. In all seriousness, how do you feel?"

"Er...I..." Lin stammered. "I...I'm happy. Very happy. He...was very kind to me, and gentle. And he made me feel...wanted."

"I'm glad." Harwood hugged the younger girl and gave her a fond, almost maternal smile. "You've come such a long way."

Lin hugged her back, unable to help herself. Harwood had been so kind to her from the very beginning, and she was grateful. She looked over at Zolin, who was still eating, and felt a warm glow in her chest. "I love him," she whispered.

"Oh, that much is clear," the professor agreed. "And I wish you both every happiness!"

"Hey, Brian," Richard said, cutting off whatever Lin might have said in reply. "What's the deal with you and that girl from last night? What happened?"

"Oh. Well..." Brian looked a little sheepish. "Things, um, escalated really quickly when she took me back to her hut, but..." He paused. "I guess we're kinda together now."

Lin remembered what he was talking about, remembered the young woman riding Brian's cock at dinner last night, just before Zolin claimed her. Haxti, as if summoned somehow by the talk about her, appeared from somewhere behind Brian and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close.

"Good morning," she said, in heavily-accented, rather poor English. Zolin's English, Lin thought, was better. "Brian. You have good night with me, yes?"

"Oh, yeah," he said, a little uncomfortably. "It was...great."

"Good," Haxti said, squeezing him a little too tightly. "You very good too. Good sex. Good fuck. Want more. Much more." She turned his head to face her and gave him a lewd kiss, her naked body all but oozing sensuality.

"Where's Isaiah?" Aisha asked, changing the topic as Brian and Haxti made out. "I haven't seen him all morning."

"Probably sleeping in," snorted Jeremy. "I think she's wearing him out."

"I think it's sweet," declared Krupa. "For both Isaiah and Lin, and even you, Brian, if you and Haxti decide to get serious. I--" She paused, watching as Naka-Mur ascended the dais and held his hands up for quiet. "Oh, hang on. I think the big guy is about to say something. Must be serious, too, judging from the look on his face."

It was true. Instead of his usual jovial smile, Naka-Mur's face was stoic and somber. He waited until silence had descended on the hall, then cleared his throat. <"My people, the gods have spoken to me in my dreams. Kura has read the signs and the portents, she has seen the will of the gods writ in the stars and heard it whispered in the wind. The omens are clear, and the gods have deemed it time to make their will known to you. It is their will, and the will of the spirits of our ancestors, that the Festival of Fertility be held on the spring equinox, and held soon.

"For three nights, we will make grateful and glad offerings to the gods for our continued good fortune, and ask them to continue showing us their favor. I ask now, as I have asked before, and as every other High Chieftain has asked before me, which of our young women feel called to make the ultimate sacrifice for our people. Do not answer lightly, or without great thought, for although it is a high honor to be chosen, it is not one that can be revoked once given. If you feel called to volunteer as a sacrifice, speak to your loved ones, your friends, those you hold dear. I will consider all volunteers strongly before making the final selection. I ask for no more and no less than fifteen girls, so that five may be offered on each night of this most sacred ceremony."

He retook his seat, and Lin felt her blood turn to ice. Of course, she'd known that, eventually, she and her fellow students would witness the ceremony. Harwood had been very clear that the Aiwaha practiced human sacrifice. But so soon?

"Holy shit," Aisha breathed. "Wow. I...did not expect that."

"It's about to get real," Gabby agreed.

"I wonder who's going to volunteer?" added Brian. "I...hope Haxti doesn't."

Bonnie grinned and gave them all a smirk, her eyes dancing with humor and excitement. Lin and the others were used to some of her antics by now, but what she said next shocked all of them to their core.

"Yeah, well you know what?" the blonde slut asked, looking around at them all. "Fuck it. I'm going to."

Written by LordCorvusCorax
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