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More Than a MILF - Something More - Pt. 1

"A widower and sex starved mother both want something more from life."

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Author's Notes

"A new series exploring the MILF genre that I'm enjoying writing for. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy it too!"

It had been almost three years since Scott’s wife died unexpectedly while still in their early forties. He felt he was done grieving and had been looking for companionship for months now. Unsuccessfully. He’d dated a couple of times with work colleagues and had done the bar routine, but neither proved fruitful, and he didn’t even enjoy ‘the chase,’ as some called it, so he abandoned both paths.

Visiting a playground loaded with kids on a beautiful, sunny Saturday wasn’t intended to be another way to find a female friend. The park was a destination on his exercise walks, and this time, the excited voices of kids joyfully playing drew him in. He remembered many days in this same playground with his daughter, now a sophomore in college.

Those were joyful days when he loved being a father, and playing with her on the playground was one of his favorite ‘fatherly’ things to do. They’d chase each other around all the equipment, playing one childish game or another, and visiting this park now revived those fond memories. He watched other parents having the same kind of fun they’d recall in later life as he was now.

He’d watch various families, noting which were engaged with their kids versus just watching to be sure they were okay. Most mothers tired quickly and would return to the bench where they’d dumped their diaper bags, drink coolers, purses, and toy bags. All the benches were full of ‘stuff’ apart from his on which only he sat.

He watched one mother chasing her hyperactive son all over and, more than once, had to lean against something to catch her breath. Eventually, she came to sit on his bench, resigned to watching from a distance and offering Scott a quick ‘hello.’

“They can really wear you out, can’t they?” he offered sympathetically.

“Oh my God, you have no idea,” she said, assuming from the greying at his temples that he didn’t have children of this age any longer.

“I used to come here with my daughter. She’s in college now.”

“Lucky you!”

“Don’t wish these times away. They’ll be gone sooner than you know it, and you’ll look back and wish they were young again.”

“At the moment, that’s hard to imagine. Jason! Get down from there!” she called out to her son and started to get up, but seeing him obey her for once, she sat back down.

Suddenly, the joyful exuberance of the playground was interrupted by a crying child, drawing everyone’s attention, assuming they’d been hurt in some way, and dismayed to find the mother dragging her daughter of five or six to a nearby shelter, smacking her bottom all the way. Away from most prying eyes, she gave the little girl a formal spanking, scolding her as she did with angry words but out of earshot from the crowd.

“Wow! You don’t see parents doing that anymore,” Scott commented.

“Well, not to their kids anyway,” she chuckled. Seeing his questioning look, she added, “I have a friend who gets spanked by her husband all the time! She really likes it. Keeps saying I should try it,” she said, surprising Scott with her openness.

“And you … don’t want to?” he asked, sensing an air of envy for the friend.

“My husband’s not home enough to try anything that exciting,” she complained.

Suddenly, she jumped up and ran to her son, who’d climbed too high on some kind of modern monkey bar ‘thing’ and couldn’t get down. She climbed up after him, brought him down, and sent him off to play again. Returning to the bench, she took notice of Scott’s rugged good looks, trim body, and greying hair.

“I’m Summer,” she said, offering her hand in introduction as she sat down, this time a little closer to Scott. “Where were we?” she asked, knowing she wanted to continue the prior conversation but wasn’t quite sure where they left it.

“I’m Scott … and you said you don’t get a chance to try anything exciting,” he reminded her.

“Oh yeah. That sounds rather dull, doesn’t it?” she asked, looking at him to gauge his interest, encouraged by his intent face. “It is, actually, sadly. It’s not just that he travels almost every week, but he’s such a workhorse; he’s usually too tired until Saturday, and that’s …” She stopped and wondered what was making her share such details all of a sudden with this stranger.

“I traveled a lot for work too, not every week, but a couple of weeks a month. For us, my first night back was often the best! Now I hardly travel but savor those memories of better days,” he said, realizing he sounded a bit maudlin.

“Why were those better days?”

“When my wife was alive,” he said, feeling he had to answer the question, which was the quickest way to end that conversation and return to the previous one.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” she said, putting a hand on his knee in sympathy.

“Thank you. It’s been a few years, and I still miss her, but I’m finding my way.”

Summer wanted to get back to the prior discussion but didn’t know how to bridge his grief for his wife to what she’d been hinting at. She let him continue, hoping that his ‘I’m finding my way’ comment might lead him back to it.

“Anyway, your comment about your friend reminds me of one of my returns home. It was the first time I spanked her!” he said, hoping his segue wasn’t too abrupt and pleased to see her face light up.

“The first time?”

“Yeah. We’d been teasing each other about it on our nightly phone calls, neither thinking the other was serious, but apparently both wanting to do it. I thought about it during my flight home and decided that as soon as I got home, I’d do it without giving her any warning or time to think about it.”

He stopped intentionally to measure her interest.

“Don’t stop there!” she said as soon as the pause was long enough that she feared he would.

“Well, I walked in the door, and instead of a ‘welcome home’ hug, I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, I pulled her down over my knee, lifted her skirt, and scolded her for teasing me the way she did on the phone. And then she got the first of many spankings to come.”

“Wow! Um. Oh, well, I guess she really liked it?” she stammered, stating the obvious and signaling her own interest. 

“Oh yeah!” he started, knowing he had her rapt attention now. “It started as a playful thing. A few dozen swats on her beautiful bottom, but it progressed from there. She’d want it a little more severe each time.”

“And it didn’t hurt her?”

“Well, it did hurt, of course, but only as much as she wanted it to. She’s the one who handed me a hairbrush at one point, insisting I spank her with it. From there, we got a paddle and a flogger. I knew how far to go until she got what she called ‘that delicious sting,’ and I’d stop. What happened after, even that first time, made it all the more exciting and kept it going for us both.”

Summer was dumbstruck. She wanted to hear more about it while being frustrated by her desire that wouldn’t be met for over a week now as her husband was on one of his two-week trips, today being the midpoint. She tried to avoid squirming in her incited state and was glad she’d worn dark-colored shorts to hide a wet spot she was sure would be showing by now.

Scott felt he could sense her whetted appetite, though there were no outward signs apart from her pulling her legs together. Her interest and seeming arousal had him feeling a tightening in his pants, which only increased when he started taking stock of her attractive appearance.

He’d first noticed her full and shapely ass when she got up to rescue her son and got a better look at her navy athletic shorts, rather tight in the crotch, when she returned. Her almost exotic face with dark brown eyes and hair drew attention to her sensuous lips, begging to be kissed. He guessed she was probably in her early thirties, though he was often way off with such estimates. She had a mature body that showed some of the signs of childbearing, but she wore her slightly larger curves well, especially her largish breasts that now made their arousal known, poking through her bra and T-shirt.

“Wow!” she said again, “That was some story! I’d let you take me over your knee right here on this bench if all these people weren’t around!” she confessed and then, acutely embarrassed, apologized. “I’m sorry! I can’t believe I said that! I should go!” regretting what she’d let slip as soon as she’d said it.

“It’s okay! Don’t go, Summer!” he pled, feeling like she was at the tipping point. She sat back down, and with her head down, her eyes looked up into his sheepishly. “Should I change the subject, or would you like me to go on?” he asked, knowing what her honest answer would be. She would have left or changed the subject herself if she hadn’t wanted to hear more, so he continued.

“It’s funny you should mention this bench like that,” he paused again to gauge her interest. “I gave her a spanking on this very bench once!”

“Oh, my God,” Summer said softly, as though she couldn’t take anymore and wanted all the details at the same time.

“We live … lived, close by and came to this park at night. We were playing on the equipment like a couple of kids, and when I warned her about climbing too high, she said, ‘What’re you gonna do? Spank me,’ which is, of course, exactly what she wanted. We never did it again, but anytime we came to this park, we’d sit on this bench and remember.”

“Jesus, Scott! God, I wish …” she started but stopped, putting her head in her hands.

“I’m sorry, Summer. This is too much …” and it was his turn to stop when she interrupted.

“You’ve got me wanting to get spanked more than anything right now, but …” she said and paused, looking away into the distance, “but there’s no one, least of all my husband, that I would dream about asking for it.”

She looked at him expectantly, hoping he’d take the next step and offer to do it. She’d easily gotten over the thought of cheating by rationalizing his lack of interest in her in general and knowing he’d have some demeaning name for her if she asked him.

“Summer, are thinking you’d like me to …”

“Yes! Please?” she said, jumping at the suggestion.

“Your husband?” he felt obligated to mention, though he wanted it almost as badly as she did.

“Won’t be home for a week and will never know!”

“You’re sure?” he asked again, soothing his guilty conscience.


“When?” he asked, caving into their mutual hunger.

“Tonight? I’ll tell my mother I’m going out with the girls and have her take the kids for a couple hours. And Scott, I’m not just talking about spanking,” she added, making sure he knew it was the ‘what happened after’ that she wanted as well.

“Your place or mine?”

“Yours would be better, but either is okay with me.”

They agreed on a time, exchanged contact info and addresses, then left at the same time and walked to opposite ends of the park to get home. With Jason in tow, she looked back several times until she couldn’t see him anymore, getting more excited with each passing minute.

Summer had to change her panties when she got home, so arousing were her thoughts of this clandestine meeting and getting her first spanking. It wasn’t an entirely new interest for her as she had come across titillating pictures and videos used during her more-than-weekly self-love sessions that helped her get through the time alone. Her friend’s encouraging comments about trying spanking got her thinking seriously about it, but as she’d told Scott, who would she get to do it? She thought about her husband several times and was surprised that she harbored no guilty feelings about what she was about to do.

Scott went home and tidied up for his guest, feeling nothing but excitement about the coming evening with Summer. He missed the intimate times with his wife, but the occasional one-night stand satisfied those urges to a degree. It was the spanking and his wife’s glee when he was smacking her bottom that he really missed from that intimacy. He wondered whether a similar one-off with Summer would scratch that itch, or would it be like the meaningless sex with the ‘flavor of the month.’


Though he lived close enough to walk, she drove to avoid any curious neighbors. Her excitement was palpable as she’d felt neglected for so long by her husband, who spoon-fed her desire like crumbs from his plate. She felt no guilt now but wondered if she might afterward. It wouldn’t stop her from taking all Scott was willing to give, and then some, following the devil on her shoulder while the angel didn’t even make an appearance.

“Hello, Summer!” Scott said, greeting her at the door and noting her apprehension.

“Hi, Scott,” she replied quietly and stepped inside.

“You look nervous.”

“I am … nervous and excited,” she admitted and reached for a hug.

“Would you like some wine? To loosen up a bit?” he offered, enjoying an unexpectedly amorous embrace.

He comforted her with hands stroking her back, and when one hand moved toward her neck, she tipped her head back, those kissable lips begging for one. Stroking her cheek and then her hair, he bent to kiss her tentatively at first, but passion soon took over, and two sets of hands wandered over both bodies pressed tightly together.

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“I’m sorry! I get like that when I’m nervous,” she said, her body still squirming against his. “I could use a drink. A shot of Scotch would be nice if you have it?”

She followed him into a large kitchen with a wet bar in one corner. He opened the bottom cabinet to retrieve the liquor and glass he had only for guests and quickly poured a full shot. With some red wine for himself, he raised his glass in a silent toast, and they clinked glasses before Summer downed the shot in one quick gulp. He poured another shot, and it disappeared just as quickly, but she declined a third.

“So, how would you like to do this?” he asked, getting right to the point. He continued when she looked uncertain about what he meant. “Do you want a scenario? Daddy’s naughty little girl, perhaps? Or maybe a misbehaving girlfriend? Dom and sub? Or …” he said before she interrupted him. 

“I don’t think I’d be any good at role-playing right now. As I said, I’m a little nervous, very excited, and incredibly horny! So why don’t you just lead, and I’ll follow.”

Taking the shot glass from her hand, he put it on the bar and pulled her in for another kiss and squeeze. Moving so that his leg was between hers, she ground her crotch against his thigh, moaning into his mouth.

“Do you want me to spank you, Summer?” he asked between short, wet kisses.

“Yes! Yes, please!?” she pled.

“Tell me! Ask me for it!” he told her, knowing that putting that desire in words could be exceedingly arousing.

“Oh, God! Spank me, Scott!” she said, surprised at her reaction to verbalizing her need. “I want to get spanked! Oh my! Please? Put me across your knee and give me a spanking on my bare ass!” she begged, responding to her own pleas and his hands on her ass.

He took her to the bedroom and sat on the corner of his bed. Looking lasciviously at her tits and well-toned thighs, this time below a short skirt, he pulled her to his side. She was quivering when he pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist, revealing light blue bikini panties with a pronounced dark, wet spot between her legs. She shivered when he pressed his finger into the deep slit between her puffy lips.

“You want this … to be spanked badly, don’t you, Summer?”

“Yes! Please give me a spanking! Oh!” she yipped when he grabbed her upper arm and pulled her down onto his lap.

He helped her get positioned properly and put both hands on her full, shapely cheeks. Gently caressing and squeezing all he touched, his hands ran down her thighs, coming up between them and through the deep cleft between her cheeks. Finally, he tugged here and there on the elastic of her panties, smoothing the light cotton fabric over her sumptuous bottom.

“Ready?” he asked with a hand resting on each cheek. She nodded. “Remember, this will only hurt as much as you want it to!” he said reassuringly.

Feeling like she was being edged with the tortuous teasing all over her back and legs, she wished he’d get on with it and finally yelped with the first playful smack, startled more than hurt. Another, just a bit harder, got a pleasurable response and was followed by several on alternating cheeks.

“Ooo, yeah!” she cried, then, “Ow! Ow-ow-ow! Oh, God, yeah! Spank me!” she pled, lifting her hips and wanting more.

With an ever longer series of spanks, he increased the cumulative sting without spanking much harder, and her pleasured cries continued. She was pretty vocal with repeated pleas to ‘Spank me!’ and ‘Give me a spanking!’ This was new to Scott, but he soon found he liked it and joined in with replies of, ‘Yeah? You want me to spank you?’ and similar responses. He likened it to ‘dirty talk’ and wondered, hoped really, that it would continue beyond the spanking.

“Oh God, Scott! Spank me harder!”

“Like this!? And this!?” he answered with well-connected swats to her lower cheeks.

“Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Take my panties off? Please!?”

Astonished at how the painful smacks felt so incredibly good, she could feel the collective arousal building, even the removal of her panties feeding it.

“Oh wow! Yeah! Yeah! Spank me! Spank me!” she urged, the flesh-on-flesh contact amplifying the incredible feeling. The impact of each agitating smack went straight to her core, and it felt like an explosive release was just around the corner.

He’d missed this so much and reveled in her joy while also entranced by the fleshy waves undulating across her full bottom with each spank. He doubted he could ever do this as real punishment because he wanted to see her enjoy it with him, and her cries of pleasure weren’t the only clue. She’d spread her legs enough to see her slit glistening with her juice and teased her with a fingertip between her moist lips.

“Oh fuck yeah! My pussy!” she cried, entreating him to use his other hand as well. “Oh! Ohh! Oh!” she panted as his hand crept under her raised hips, slipping his finger into the length of her steamy slit. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Harder! Spank me harder!” she said as she pressed her crotch against his hand.

Writhing in his lap, it was abundantly clear that she was about to cum, and wanting her to have the best orgasm ever, both hands doubled their efforts. He spanked a bit harder but, remembering she was still a rookie, stepped up the pace of the spanking instead, two or three at a time on each cheek. Curling the finger in her pussy, he managed to poke at her seething slot on one end and tease her clit on the other.

“Holy fuck!” she yelled, her body twisting and threatening to fall off his lap. “Ohhh myyy Goood! Ahhhmmm!” she screamed as she came, her body spastically twitching while still draped over his knee.

Slowly, her body settled, though still with an occasional spasm due to Scott’s hands touching and caressing to prolong the euphoria.

“Wow! I certainly didn’t expect it to be like that!” she said as she stood up.

“I enjoyed watching you,” he started, “Your bottom is gorgeous and so spankable!”

“Let’s get naked!” she declared, reaching for his shirt, and in seconds, he was naked and doing the same for her.

Standing behind, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight to his body with her gorgeous tits in his hands and his erection sliding between her stinging cheeks in back. She rocked her hips, stroking his cock with her sore cheeks. She let him stroke her pussy for a minute or so before turning around and kneeling to take his cock in her mouth.

“Oh yeah, Summer!” he moaned as her tongue circled the tip with extra attention to the sensitive underside that she teased mercilessly. 

With a technique new to him, she wrapped her tongue around his shaft while bobbing her head and using both hands. One hand fondled his sac while the other slipped between his legs to finger his anus, twitching under her teasing fingertip. Loudly proclaiming his enjoyment of this new touch, she pressed harder, inserting just the tip of her finger. 

“Holy shit! Summer! I’m going to cum!” he warned, which only energized her tongue and fingers further till he spewed his load into her welcoming mouth. She smiled up at him as he watched her swallow. 

“Come here!” he said, pulling her up into his arms, loving the feel of her ample tits pressed against his chest as their tongues tangoed, tasting salty remnants of his seed. “That was … amazing!” he said, unable to come up with a better word. “I’ve never had … that,” he said with a pause, not knowing how to describe ‘that.’ 

“You liked my finger in your bottom?” she asked between kisses. “Maybe more next time?” she suggested, raising his hopes that this was not a one-off. 

“I’m willing if you are! But right now, I wanna eat you up!”

“Yeah? You want to eat my pussy? Hm? Lick my dripping-wet cunt!?” she replied with a sexy smile. 

“Yes! Lay down and spread those legs. I’m gonna eat your cunt!” he replied, using her vulgar word. 

Giggling, she fell on the bed with legs up and apart, inviting him in. Subtlety, apparently a foreign word to her, he dove in, sucking her puffy lips in and licking with abandon. 

“Fuck yeah, Scott! Eat my pussy!” she moaned, grinding her pretty pussy into his face, painting it with her free-flowing juice. 

Taking a play from her book, he fingered her ass as well and pressed his finger in when she lifted her hips, begging for it. Having never had someone so vocal about what she wanted and how much she loved it, he was inspired to give her all and more. 

Summer was in heaven seeing her encouragement so favorably received. This was more than just getting extra sex, denied by her staid and tired husband; it was living any number of fantasies that had sustained her through lonely days and nights, and she knew she could no longer do without.

Feeling another climax coming fast, she grabbed hold of his head and pulled his face into her seething snatch, with hips gyrating. Treating him like a fuck toy, she directed him where she wanted and came hard, putting a fresh coat of her ‘paint’ on his face. 

She reached for him, and he lay between her legs, kissing her, sharing her taste and aroma with tongues entwined. 

“Again? Please?!” she pled and, seeing him slide down to her crotch again, turned over and got up on all fours. “Like this so you can spank me too! Ooo!” she squeaked with a couple of firm smacks on one cheek. 

In this position, he could finger her pussy and her ass at the same time as he nibbled on her protruding clit. Leaving his finger in her cunt, he’d pull his face away and spank her again on taut cheeks to her raucous cries for more. The spanking became the focus, with his finger driving her on and an occasional lick escalating till she came again, with a shuddering orgasm shaking her body.

“Fuck me, Scott! Please? Fill my cunt with your hard cock!” she implored him, her body still jerking. 

He didn’t need to be asked twice and was sliding into her slippery slot seconds later.

“Oh God, Summer! You feel so good!” 

“Fuck me hard, Scott!” she pled again and added, “Ow! Yeah! Spank me! Hard! Really hard!” 

He smacked her red cheeks as hard as he could in this position while pumping his stiff shaft ramming hard into her frothing cunt. Surprised by another quick climax, he didn’t miss a beat as he still had a ways to go before his. 

“Oh my God, Scott! Ungh! Ungh!” she grunted as she absorbed impacts from his hips and his hands, building fast to another, even higher, peak. 

She was almost delirious when she felt the pulsing of his cock depositing its load deep within with a final hard thrust. As an afterthought, he spanked her again, triggering her most shattering orgasm yet, and looked on with shock as a stream of clear liquid shot straight from her pussy to his chest. He moved back just in time as a second and third gush landed on the bed.

He’d heard of a woman’s squirting ejaculation but had never seen it and was stunned by the raw sexuality of it. 

“Wow, Summer! I’ve never seen …” he started but didn’t know how to finish. 

“Oh Jesus!” she cried with panting breaths. “It’s been SO long since I last squirted! Thank you! Thank you!” she said, still trying to control her breathing and reaching out to hold him. 

“I’ve never seen that before,” he repeated, whispering in her ear as he lay beside her, pulling her body close, not noticing her crying right away. “Summer! Are you okay? Are you in pain?” he asked when he did see and turned her to face him. 

“Only my ass!” she started with a small smile, “and it feels so good! I’m sorry. I was hoping this would be exciting, but it was so much more. It’s just been so long …” she started but started crying again, turning her back to snuggle up against him, and pulling his arms around her.

He suspected correctly that she was seeing this as a temporary solution to a larger problem. He didn’t know how to comfort her or make her feel better about the situation, as he was powerless to do anything meaningful about it.

“I wish I could stay here all night,” she said through her tears.

“That sounds like you’re leaving soon?” he asked.

“I have a little more time, but not enough to … you know,” she said, turning to face him again. “I have to pick up the kids by ten, and it’ll take me twenty minutes to get there. This was so incredible, Scott. Do you think we could do it again?” she asked, afraid that he’d not want to continue a relationship that could never be more than occasional stolen nights.

“How do you feel about it? You’re the one who’s …” he stopped, not wanting to say ‘cheating.’

“I know, but I don’t just feel like I want it. I feel like I need it now! Like I just can’t go back to …”

“Wow. I guess you really liked getting spanked!” he said in jest, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah,” she laughed, “I really liked the spanking! Mmm,” she moaned, feeling his hands on her stinging sore cheeks. “But you know it was more than that, don’t you?” she asked, genuinely worried that it might not mean as much to him.

“Yes, and I’ll take whatever part of you I can get,” he said, wiping a final tear streaking down her cheek.

She smiled and leaned in for a kiss that cemented their deceitful relationship.

She loved how he helped her get dressed, still paying attention in a way she was no longer accustomed to. He kissed her and stroked her body as he did, and it saddened her that she was again aroused, wet, and horny, and she’d have to wait to get home and get the kids in bed before she could satisfy that itch herself … if it was even still there.

They said goodbye at the door, and with a kiss, she left with them both feeling a little less lonely than before they’d met on the other playground.


Summer and Scott seem to be off to a great start, but can it last? They'll certainly give it their all! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' my story before you go and Thanks For Reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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