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Saturday, April 3, 2021. I had an enormous bed with soft white 2000-count sheets. My hand rested on Barry’s chiseled young chest. I will admit, that when I first moved to Florida, I never had intentions of becoming a cougar. It all just sort of happened organically.

I was new to the area. I always enjoyed working out. I signed up for a session with a personal trainer. He was a kid; well, he was twenty-six years old. Deep cinnamon skin, this head full of luscious dreadlocks cascading down his back. He had the most endearing set of soft brown eyes and a gorgeous smile.

After weeks of training with Barry, he asked me out on a date. I was shocked. I asked him if he knew I was old enough to be his mother. And his response with that sexy island accent was, “But you’re not my mother.”

He was right. I wasn’t his mother. I was a woman. My husband had died in January and I had not been with any man since the day before he died. It was time to end my dry spell. I was afraid. My expectations were set high. Nigel was an extraordinary lovemaker. Everything from his foreplay to how he talked dirty in my ears while fucking the shit out of me was intense. Nigel and I fucked right up until the day before he passed away.

I decided to see what the young man was all about. He didn’t disappoint. Thus, he became my lover. He was the first man that I brought into my six-million-dollar mansion to live with me. To pleasure me at my whim.

As I lay with my hand on his chest, I looked up briefly. I saw the time 6:00 a.m. I knew at any moment, there would be a knock at my bedroom door. I nudged him, “Wake up, Barry.”

He cuddled even closer and showered me with kisses. I heard the tap on the door. I giggled as Barry eased on top of me. “What are you doing?” I asked as if I didn’t know. I felt him press his way into my center. I hummed in delight as he stroked.

“He can wait,” he said as he stroked at a nice even tempo. His hip action was insane. I started moaning like crazy. The door opened.

“Get up,” Benjamin demanded, “this is my time with the Duchess.”

That was their nickname for me. I found it adorable. Benjamin was Barry’s identical twin brother but he didn’t have dreadlocks. His hair was cut short. He worked at the hospital as a physician’s assistant. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. He released it. His long dick swung with each step he took.

“Just a minute, brother,” Barry insisted as he stroked my pussy even faster.

“You’re always pulling this mess in the mornings,” Benjamin complained.

“Relax, I’m almost there, I think, um, it feels so good. It’s hard to pull out, ya know.”

I played in his hair. He leaned down and kissed my mouth. I felt him burst inside of me. I held him tightly. We hummed in unison until the moment faded. He kissed me one last time before leaving the bed. “She’s all yours for now, Ben.”

Ben stood on the right side of the bed. He looked annoyed. I knew what he wanted. He loved to taste me and he hated when his brother would intrude on his morning time. Ben only had a short amount of time on Saturday mornings. He had to get to the hospital, and traffic was brutal.

I sat up. “I’ll go clean up quickly.” I left the bed. I hurried to my bathroom. I turned on the shower. As I rinsed off, I heard his footsteps getting closer. Soon, he was standing behind me in the shower. His lips were on my shoulders, my spine, then my ass. He spread me open wide and tasted. I leaned over so he could enjoy every nook and cranny.

My hands were on the wall. His tongue was divine. I felt it stabbing at my center. Then his fingers, then his big dick. He pulled me up and held my hips. “You have to stop letting Barry spend the night in your room,” he said firmly.

“Um, I know. But sometimes we pass out and then it’s morning.”

“I’m starting to think you like him more than the rest of us.”

I looked back. “I like you all the same. I swear.”

He kissed my mouth. I turned to him, went to my knees, and took all that meat into my mouth. I knew that would satisfy him and end his complaints about his brother being the favorite. My cheeks were caved in and I attempted to suck the skin off his dick.

I saw his eyes roll. “Fuck, fuck, Duchess! Ahhh!" None of them was any match for my mouth game. I tasted his flow. It oozed down the sides of my cheek as I stood. I pecked his lips before turning to wash my body.

He hugged me from behind. I pulled away and looked at him. He shook his head. “Why do you move when I hug you from behind?”

I sighed, “No reason.” But there was a reason. That hug reminded me of Nigel. He loved to hug me from behind. It was the sweetest thing that we shared besides the life we created.

I touched his handsome face. “Drive safely.”


After a shower, I dressed in a white bikini top, a white thong, with an off-the-shoulder crochet top. I planned to spend some time at the pool. As I made my way downstairs to the first floor, I could smell the aroma of eggs, bacon, grits, pancakes, being cooked.

I stepped into the kitchen. He was there. Six feet of butter pecan delightfulness. He smiled, “Buenos dias, Mamita, Preciosa!” He kissed my mouth.

“Buenos dias, Ernesto,” I replied as I took a seat at the island countertop. He placed a plate of food in front of me. I said a brief prayer and then began to eat.

He watched as I tasted. He smiled. He loved to watch me eat his food. Ernesto was a chef. He desired to open a restaurant. But at the moment, he was content serving me daily both food and a hearty dose of cock.

Many assumed Ben was my favorite because he was the only one that slept in my bed overnight, but no one complained that out of all of them, Ernesto and I fucked every day, whereas the rest of them had specific days.

After breakfast was over, Ernesto took my plate and placed it into the dishwasher. I knew what was next. He walked around to me, turned me around, peeled the thong to the left, and then pressed his way into my sweet spot. He thrust away the moments. That was our daily ritual. Every morning, after breakfast, we fucked.

“Te gusta?” he asked.

“Si, si, si, Ernesto.”

His hands cupped my large breasts. “I love your pussy."

His dick was pretty good too and the fact that he could cook was a bonus. He pulled out. I turned to him. He lifted me and set me on the counter. He dove back in. We played with my pearl as his cock slid back and forth.

“Ay, si, si, si, Mamita!” he exclaimed. He grabbed me off the counter and bounced me on his cock. He filled my center with warm cum. My feet slowly found the floor. We kissed. I ran my fingers through his soft short black hair. “Looks like I’m going to need another shower.”

He smiled, “Si, Mamita, or you can wait. I’ll probably join you in the pool after I make a few phone calls.”


“Si, Mamita.”

I smiled before going to the guest bathroom to clean my messy pussy. It was a good thing I was beyond childbearing age. It could have gotten tricky fucking all my lovers without protection.


If you flew above my home, you would see something remarkable. Acres of waterfront property that belonged to me. I lay by the poolside enjoying the nice sea breeze. I had a mojito by my side with some snacks I planned to enjoy with Ernesto once he joined me.

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I suppose I should pick up where I left off in the story of how I met Nigel, the greatest love of my life.


Sunday, April 7, 1996, is when I learned that one did not just get out of bed with Nigel in the mornings and leave. I woke up bright and early. Since I took Saturday off, I had to work Sunday to cover Leigh Ann’s shift.

I sat at the edge of the bed. My feet dangled. I felt his hand on the small of my back. “Where are you going?”

I looked back. “Now, Sir, Nigel, I took off work yesterday to spend the whole day with you. I have to go in today to cover Leigh Ann’s shift.”

His hair was messy. He flashed that smile. “Come back to bed. For a little while. You can’t get home without me taking you anyway.”

I crawled back into bed. “Thirty minutes is all I can spare,” I informed him.

He gave a naughty grin. “Thirty minutes.”

“Ahhh,” I moaned as he filled my space. My nails dug into his back. That was the first time I shed tears during sex. He had dove deep into my center, slow and methodically. I felt tingly all over; I shouted and moaned; if no one at the complex knew his name, I was sure after that morning, they knew his name was Nigel.

I loved how he suckled my nipples. He was meticulous. Then he’d pause and stare into my soul. He had me flip. He pressed his way back into my sweet spot. He held a section of my hair and whispered into my right ear, “This sweet little cunt belongs to me, right, Zuri?”

“Yes, oh God, daddy, yes.”

“That’s right.” He released my hair and pressed harder and deeper.

“Fuck, Nigel, Ni-- Ni, oh, fuck!”

He gasped and pulled out just in time to cum all over my back.


After a quick stop at my little apartment, I got ready. I loved how he didn’t judge my little space. He just walked right in and took a seat on the sofa. After I got myself ready for work, I went to the living room where he nodded off.

“Ready?” I asked him.

He woke up, stretched when he stood, and replied, “Yes, my pearl.”

I kissed his mouth. “Okay then, let’s get going.”

When Nigel pulled up to the main entrance, he pulled out a bunch of cash and handed it to me. I stared at it in disbelief. “What’s this? Payment for services rendered?”

He chuckled, “Of course not. I told you that I would care for you and I meant it.”

“I don’t know if I want to accept this. I know we’re not in love, but taking this money will make me feel like, you only wanted me for one thing and this is your way of saying thanks for the good time and I’m done.”

He touched my chin. “My sweet pearl, I could never be done with you. I want you for a lifetime.”

I shook my head. “You sure are a sweet talker, Sir Nigel.”

He blushed. “You’re the only woman that thinks so.”

I touched the scruff on his face. “Then I am blessed.” I kissed his mouth, took the money and left the car. He waved to me before driving off.

As soon as I walked into the clubhouse, I saw all the people. It was packed. John spotted me. “There you are, Princess Zuri, so nice of you to finally join us.”

“Ha ha, John, I got here as soon as I could,” I commented as we hustled to the breakroom where I clocked in. “There sure are a lot more people than I anticipated for a Sunday.”

“It’s the power of a good word from your new, friend, Nigel Craddock,” he boasted as he studied me. “I take it he enjoyed your company?”

I blushed.

He chuckled, “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”

John left the breakroom and I proceeded to head out to help with our guests.


As I sat by the poolside enjoying my beverage, I heard the sounds of jet skis powering by. The sun was nice on my skin and the wind felt perfect. After three months of living by the water, I was used to the salt smell. I even contemplated getting one of those stickers I had seen so many Floridians riding around with pasted to their rear windows, “salt life.”

I heard the patio doors slide open. Then Ernesto emerged wearing a tiny Speedo. I swear his sack nearly was about to fall out of that tiny thing. He was the youngest of my lovers. He had the stamina of a horse and usually required fucking at least twice a day. There were times when we’d fuck three times.

He walked over and kissed my mouth sweetly. Most of the guys called me the Duchess. I had money. I took care of them. He called me, “Mamita,” which was cute but I told him that I was too old for such a sweet innocent name.

He informed me that he didn’t see me as old. He saw me as a woman that he was attracted to. Therefore, I was “Mamita,” to him.

He reached for my hand. “Come, let’s swim, Mamita.”

I peeled off the cover-up and lay it on the lounger. I walked over to the pool. He got in from the side. I opted to use the stairs and walk down into the pool. He swam over to me. “I was thinking I could make tacos tonight.”

“That sounds perfect.”

He stood in front of me. “I have family coming to town in a few weeks. I was wondering if we could use the guest house?”

“It’s fine, Ernesto.”

“Gracias, Mamita,” he said as he kissed my mouth. His hands peeled off the thong I wore. My hand caressed his package. He quickly peeled the Speedo off. I held his huge cock in my right hand. He lifted my left leg and burrowed into my center with my assistance.

I wrapped my right arm around him as he fucked me oh so good. I heard someone approaching. I knew it was Sammy. He loved to go boating first thing in the morning. He’d return with fish and shrimp.

“Well, well, well, would you lookie here,” he said with a big smile as he stood by the edge of the pool watching Ernesto drill my center.

Sammy was just as country as I was at heart. He was from Georgia and had a delightful twang much like the one I had when I first met Nigel. Over the years…my twang disappeared only to surface whenever I was speaking to a true Southerner.

Sammy undressed quickly and cannonballed into the water, causing a huge splash. He wasn’t a little model-type like the rest of the guys. He was a solid fellow. We met on the beach one day. He kept eyeing me like he wanted to taste my caramel.

I invited him to sit with me under my beach umbrella. We spoke for two hours. We laughed and argued about who had the best country food, Georgia or North Carolina. Hands down, North Carolina although he still contends that Georgia was better.

He swam over to us. “I wanna play too,” he joked.

“Your day is Monday,” said Ernesto.”

“Well, aren’t you a selfish little turd?”

Ernesto was still stroking my pussy nicely when Sammy moved in closer. Sammy was also a big jokester. He rubbed Ernesto’s ass. Ernesto moved back. “Hey dude, what the fuck!”

Sammy laughed hard. “Come here, girl, ooooh weee!” he said as he slipped inside.

Ernesto pouted. “You play too much, Sammy.”

Ernesto was about to leave the pool. “Oh don’t be like that, Ernie! We can share.”

He paused. I had not been with two of them at once. I was certain that they had probably discussed it with each other. I motioned with my head for him to come close. He complied. He stood behind me. He pressed and pried until he found his way into my back door.

My body trembled instantly. My eyes rolled. “Shit!” I exclaimed.

“Oh look, our girl likes it. She likes it!” Sammy boasted proudly.

“Te gusta, Mamita?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I replied.

When we finished, I headed up to my room for a shower and a nap.

Written by Marianna_Love_Romance
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