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Diary of a Cougar, Chapter 4

"Zuri is one sexy older woman who redefines her sexual freedom after her husband dies"

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Sunday, May 26, 1996.

A week never felt so magical. He spent every day spoiling me. The new truck was more than enough. And still, every morning, I woke up to fresh flowers at breakfast. That Sunday morning, we were engaged in an activity.

He had been teaching me how to give him a proper blow job. I kneeled between his legs as he rested back on the bed. My mouth covered his cock. It wasn't easy, but every day, I was getting better. I found ways to fit all that meat into my mouth. Lord knows my jaws hurt the first few times.

His fingers glided through my hair as my head bobbed up and down. I took it back until I gagged. He grunted and groaned. "Come here, Pearl," he instructed.

I eased up and straddled him. He watched his dick disappear into my center. He guided my hips to his liking. He taught me his cadence. His rhythm. The rhythm that pleased us both. He felt my pussy vibrate, "Yes, that's it, Pearl, cum all over my dick,"

"Ahhh, Nigel!"

"Yes. Yes. That's my Pearl." He pulled me into him. It was sweet how we kissed. His hands caressed my back down to my ass. He grabbed my ass firmly and worked my pussy underneath. I was moaning sweetly for him. He felt me cumming again. I trembled in his arms, "I wanna cum inside," he said.

"The doctor said I have to wait at least another three weeks before the pills take effect."

"I don't care. You know if you get pregnant, I'll take care of the baby."

He stroked it so good. I couldn't say no.

He went a little faster and burst inside. I felt him tremble. I looked into his eyes. He moved back my hair, "I have a surprise for you."

"Is it more flowers?"

"You'll see it when you go into the bathroom."

I rolled off his cock. I hurried to the bathroom to find a long box sitting on the counter. I opened it and found a gold watch. "Babe, thank you."

He stood behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist. He kissed my neck. I looked at our reflection, "You don't have to keep buying me gifts. I love you regardless," I said without realizing that last sentence. I proceeded to get ready for a shower.

He stopped me and smiled. "You love me?"

My heart nearly beat out of my chest. I played back my words. Did I just tell Nigel that I loved him? Lord...I smiled. "I do."

He kissed my mouth slowly, "I love you too."


Sunday, April 4, 2021.

Sundays were sacred. So many Sundays, Nigel and I spent together. A day for doing nothing but basking in the glow of one another. I loved rainy Sundays. We would lay in bed and watch television. Or the winter ones when it was too cold to leave the house...we'd keep each other warm.

Many folks think the older you get, sexual desires cease, but for Nigel and I...over the years, our desire for one another never waned. As I lay in bed, somewhere between sleep and consciousness, I felt the warmth of flesh next to mine.

I turned and saw Danny lying next to me. I nudged him, "Danny, what in the world?" I asked quietly.

His eyes opened, "Hey, morning."

"Morning? Why are you in my bed? It's Sunday."

He rested his head on his hand as he lay on his side, "You don't remember anything from last night?"

I searched my mind. I remembered coming home from the club. I remembered going inside and having a drink.

He chuckled. "Last night, I found you in the bar. You had quite a few drinks. You were listening to the same song over and over. Some old-school jam. He attempted to sing a few words.

I smiled, "Old school jam? That's a classic. Shania Twain."

"Oh yeah, I think I've heard of her."

"And you want my Sundays? If you don't know Shania can I take you seriously."

"That is kind of before my time."

"Good music has no time. It lives on beyond us."

He smiled, "True."

"Seriously, you have to get going before any of the guys see you leaving my room."

"It's still early. They won't be up until at least noon," he said as he eased on top of me, "Ummm, there, see, you were waiting for me."

"Why are you so hard-headed, Danny?"

His strokes were slow and deep. "You can let me have at least one Sunday a month."

"Oh, God, yes."


"No, just, yes. I like that."

"Please, Duchess." He pressed deeper. His mouth found my left nipple. I played in his hair.

"Yes. One Sunday a month. No one can find out."

He nodded and stroked evenly until I gasped quietly. He released into my yoni. He rolled off. I turned to him. He smiled, "I'll text the place where we're going to meet later."

I watched his fine ass leave the bed. His ass was sculpted. His back was insane. I shook my head. He put on his joggers and left the room.

I sat up. I rolled over to reach for my cell phone. I checked my messages. I had one from my oldest child, Simon Craddock, "Hey mum. I miss you. I can't wait to see you in June. I'm coming down with Ashlyn and her new boyfriend."

I smiled and replied, "That's great, son. I can't wait to see you all."

"Maybe we can get with Uncle Theo when we come. I heard that he moved to Florida too."

I hesitated and then responded, "Sure, son."

I placed the phone down and hummed, "Looks like we made it look how far we've come, my baby...."


Tuesday, May 28, 1996.

It was a nice night. We were in the auditorium practicing for the play. I loved to sit and watch the actors run through their lines. As I sat in the front row watching the two stars go back and forth, the actress forgot her line.

"Line?" she asked in frustration.

"It's high time you get yourself together and stop making foolish mistakes," I said before the script assistant could say it out loud.

The actress didn't respond. She looked at the young girl holding the script. The girl nodded rapidly, "That's it. That's the line."

The actress rolled her eyes and repeated, "It's high time you—"

"Take five!" Belted out the director from the seats.

She huffed and left the stage.

Later I heard the director with the actress in the dressing room, "The play is next week," he reminded her.

She huffed, "I know. I'll be ready."

"This is not like a film where you get to do retakes. It has to be as perfect as you can get it the night you perform."

"You casted me for this job, right?"

"I didn't. I was doing a friend a favor by giving you a chance. Your resume stated you could do a variety of accents. This character is from the South. All I can hear is the Yankee in your voice. Where's a little Carolina drawl? At this point...I'd settle for a little Virginia twang."

"What do you want me to do?"

"The new girl. She works here, Zuri," I heard him mention my name, "she's from here. She can coach you on how a Southerner speaks. The mannerisms. It's not all about y'all and ain't. There's a charm to it. An ebb & a flow of pleasantries sometimes masked behind a pinch of sarcasm. Work with her."

"Ugh, seriously. That girl. I refuse. I am a few film credits from becoming SAG. Why would I waste my time? You're not even paying me enough. Just give the little sweet tea-drinking, gravy, and biscuit-eating girl the part."

I was standing by the door when she marched out. The director stepped out and smiled, "I don't suppose you were listening?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't."

He chuckled, "That part is yours, Zuri. Congratulations. I'm counting on you."

I hugged him, "Thank you so much. I'm going to do your play justice. I promise."


That night, I drove to Nigel's apartment. I was excited. We shared a bottle of wine. I looked into his sexy blue eyes, "And you're sure you had nothing to do with this?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I promise. I had nothing to do with it. So, does it pay?"

I nodded, "Not much."

"What are you doing with your money since I've been helping you."

I shrugged, "I keep most of it in a cookie jar."

He chuckled and touched my hair, "Pearl, cookie jars don't earn interest. You have to get yourself a financial advisor."

"Can I use one of yours?"

His head motioned side-to-side, "I prefer it be someone not connected to my family. Right now, my wife has her lawyers deep in my books trying to see what all she can get."

My eyes widened, "She would do that?"

"She's not going to go away empty-handed."

I nodded. He was right. It was time for me to get smart about money. I planned to find an advisor first thing in the morning. He touched my chin, "Pearl, I have family moving to the States from Whales this weekend. Which means---"

"I get it, Nigel. It's okay. At least, you're communicating that to me this time."

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He chucked, "You're right. I do love you."

"I love you too."

"Come, let's go make love on the balcony."

I laughed, but he was serious. I saw the chair on the balcony. "We're too loud for the balcony."

"You're too loud, but I don't care."

We undressed indoors. I followed him out to the balcony. He sat in the chair, and I mounted him in reverse. His hands explored my body. I tasted his fingers, then he held my tits. His hands found my gem. He polished it until I quivered.

He stood and walked me to the railing. I grabbed on as he worked me from the rear. Our bodies collided. It was the sexiest sound in the quiet of the night. "Ugh," he grunted, "fuck," he said as he shot into my center.

I turned to him slowly. Our naked bodies were close as we kissed sweetly under the stars.


Sunday, April 4, 2021.

The house was quiet. It usually was on Sundays. It was perfect for me to slide out dressed in a long white maxi dress and big framed sunshades. My hair was pulled up into a high bun. In my late forties, I still managed to look youthful.

I put the directions in for the spot where Danny wanted to meet. It was a brunch spot. I took a deep breath and hoped that our date would not be interrupted.

When I arrived in Lutz. I saw Danny standing at the entrance waiting for me. He smiled, "You look amazing."

"Thanks, Danny."

He opened the door, and we walked inside. The hostess guided us to a table. We ordered bottomless mimosas. The server walked away. I was surprised we didn't get looks, but I forgot that I happened to look younger than my age.

He studied my face, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "I'm just surprised. We aren't getting stares. It was quite different when I was with my former husband. He was over twenty years my senior."

"Seriously, why?"

"Why not? He was handsome and charming. Besides, he wasn't some old fart. He was still very vibrant up until his last days."

He tasted his lips and smiled as he gazed upon me, "You really loved him."

I smiled, "Yes. He was my first. He was my everything."

"You know you can find love like that again."

I scoffed, "I'm not looking to fall in love. I'm almost fifty years old. I'm probably going to be a grandmother in a couple of years. I just want companionship."

He nodded and looked down at the menu, "I think I'm feeling this omelet with fresh fruit. What are you having?"

"This is tough. The country girl in me wants to try this buttermilk biscuit smothered in country sausage gravy, served with cheesy eggs and potatoes. But I'm feeling sort adventurous and would like to see what the chorizo and eggs are all about."

He smiled, "Go for the adventure."

I nodded, "I think I will."

After we placed our order, he reached for my hand, "Can we take a selfie?"

I stared at him. He was already getting close to me to snap the picture with his phone. The server smiled, "You guys are so cute; let me take it."

"See, I told you, babe," he replied as he kissed my cheek and handed the young woman his cell phone.

"Here you are," she said as she handed him back his phone, "I took a few."

He scrolled through the pictures excitedly. He stood, "I'm going to run to the restroom." He kissed my left cheek and walked off.

As I sat waiting. I pulled out my phone. I had a few messages from my girls. We called ourselves The Menopause Madams. I replied that I was having brunch with one of my lovers.

Marsha replied, "Good for you."

I shook my head. Just as I was about to put my phone away, I got another message, "You look amazing, T."

I stared at my phone. I saw the dots...then another text came through, "I'm sitting by the window."

I looked over by the windows. He waved. I waved back. His date had returned to their table, and so had mine. Moments later, our food was served.


Bruch was nice. Danny was good conversation. He wanted to open a chain of spas. That he was writing a business plan to get a loan. His parents lived in California. He had a big family, which consisted of four brothers and three sisters. He was the Fourth child.

He said he wasn't worried about having kids because he had plenty of nieces and nephews. He loved to dance. He showed me videos of him performing the Haka. It was powerful. He was also an avid Latin dancer.

After brunch, he suggested that we ride out to Anna Maria Island. It's somewhat secluded. Sugar white sands. The water appears emerald on one side and a deep blue on the other. We ended up at Bean Point Beach.

I tied a knot in my dress. He was wearing shorts. We walked into the water until it reached mid-calf. "I hope that you've enjoyed your Sunday with me."

I smiled, "I have. It's been nice."

He chuckled, "You seem surprised."

"You have a good head on your shoulders."

He pulled me close and kissed me slowly. He looked down into my eyes and developed a mischievous grin. I shook my head, "Don't even think about it, Danny."

He lifted me and walked me out deeper into the ocean. He placed me down. My dress was wet. I wasn't wearing a bra. My nipple print was visible. He grabbed me and kissed me again. The sun was beating down on us. Yet, the wind was pleasant. I could feel his dick pressing against my pelvic bone. "You got me all wet," I said with a naughty look.

He smiled, "I should do something about that."

I nodded, "You should."

We left the beach and went to his car. He sat in the passenger seat. I was in his lap, riding his cock into the sunset. We grunted and moaned. The windows began to fog. I kissed his mouth as I humped. I slowed and looked into his eyes as he filled me with cum for the second time that day.

"Thank you for my Sunday," he said sweetly.

I pecked his mouth. "We should head back."

The car door opened. I got out. Then he got out. "I'll see you at the house later," he said.

I waved at him before walking to my car.


Luckily, I kept a ho bag in the car. Some people call it a "spend the night bag." It's a bag I keep with essentials and a change of clothes. I freshened up and then started my journey home. I got a phone call. I looked and saw it was Theo. I answered, "Hello, Theo."

"Hello, Zuri. I would ask how you've been, but I see that you're already having a good time with a kid half your age. Does he know you're almost fifty?"

"Ha, you're one to talk. I saw your young date. Does she know you're already fifty?"

"She does. And she's fine with it."

"Then good for you."

"Is it serious?"

"Of course not. He is my lover. I am allowed to fuck whomever I want."

"I didn't say otherwise. I was just—I thought you would—"

"Would what? No, sir. I am living my life. I have nothing to prove to anyone."

"No. I was hoping that we would revisit—"

"No. we can't. We promised Nigel that we would not. Plus, you know how your family is. And his evil ex-wife has already poisoned everyone against me. It would just add fuel to the fire."

He sighed, "We had something special."

I was silent. It was true. Theo was the only other man that came close to loving me as Nigel did. Let him tell it; he'd say he loved me more. That he loved me better.


"It was special."

"Now we're both single."

"I'm. I don't. I can't. I told you that."

He sucked his teeth. He huffed, "Simon called me. He said he and Ashlyn were coming down in June. He wants us to meet up."


Simon adored Theo. Theo was always good to Simon. He supported him and was there for him all of his life. Even when Nigel wanted him to stay away, Theo refused, and for reasons you probably can gather. It was a messy situation. One that Nigel drove me to, or I don't know...perhaps it was meant to happen. But I'll get to that later.

"I think we should tell him," Theo suggested.

"That's not a good idea. No family drama when Ashlyn brings her boyfriend to meet us. That would be so cliché."

"Then when?"

"It has to be in person. It has to be the three of us. We can fly to North Carolina in July and tell him."

"It's a date."

"It's not a date. It's an appointment."

"Fine. I will keep in touch." I could still hear his breath on the phone. Then he said, "I never stopped loving you, Zuri."

My eyes watered, "Theo—"

"It's okay. I know. I get it. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Damn you, Theo," I grunted as I continued home.

Written by Marianna_Love_Romance
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