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“Zee, will you put sunblock on me?”

“Again?” Zoya glanced at Emma, lying on her front in the sun. “I did your back before we left the hotel room.”

“It’s my Irish heritage. I have to keep reapplying, or I burn.”

Zoya grabbed the bottle of sunblock from Emma’s bag, and straddled her legs. The redhead squealed when she squirted a glob between her shoulder blades, then relaxed as she started to massage it in.

They’d been at the beach for a few hours, reading and relaxing while the boys surfed. Well, Zoya had been reading. Emma was mostly watching Nolan. Even now, she was still squinting against the glare of the sun on the waves, trying to catch a glimpse.

“It’s pretty empty out here, even for a weekday. I guess your dad was right about that convention or whatever.”

“Uh-huh,” Emma agreed.

“Plus, this spot the boys found for surfing is a bit off the beaten path. Kinda isolated.”


“You’re not really listening, are you?”

“Right, right.”

“You’re too busy thinking about kissing Nolan.”

“What?” Emma glanced back, then realized what she said, and blushed.

“Girl, you’ve got it bad for him,” Zoya chuckled.

“Is it obvious?”

“To me, yes. To Nolan, probably not. I get the impression he’s used to girls looking at him the way you do.”

“Oh, good,” Emma murmured, sounding like this was, in fact, terrible news.

“Why are you so flustered?” Zoya laughed. “You’re beautiful. I’m sure you’ve pulled a lad you had a crush on before.” She finished rubbing the cream into Emma’s shoulders and gave her bottom a playful swat before settling back onto her towel.

“I… um.” Emma rolled onto her side and looked at Zoya with quiet intensity. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course,” she grinned, matching Emma’s posture.

“Last night I saw Nolan jerking off.”

“What, did he leave the bathroom door cracked open or something?”

“No, he was in bed. I heard a weird sound and when I rolled over, he was touching himself!”

“Why wouldn’t he go to the bathroom?”

“Maybe he was worried it would wake someone up? Like, it would be less noticeable to stay there? So he waited until he thought everyone was asleep and started stroking!”

“Well, that explains why you’ve been so distracted.” Zoya grinned. “What’d you do?”

“I didn’t do anything, I just stayed quiet and watched.”

“Hmm.” Zoya frowned, a bit disappointed. “Did he cum?”

“Yeah, he came all over his chest. And, um… I think after he finished, he might have seen I was watching.”

“Ooh! How’d he react?”

“He didn’t! I shut my eyes real quick. Maybe he didn’t notice? When he went to the bathroom to clean up, I turned away.”

Just then, the boys came running up, hastily dropping their surfboards and putting on flip-flops.

“We’re going to get some cokes,” Liam said breathlessly.

“D’you two want anything?” Nolan asked.

“Sure, bring us a couple of waters,” Zoya replied since Emma was busy trying not to look at Nolan.

They managed to wait until the boys were out of earshot before they started laughing.

“So what now?” Zoya asked. “Are you gonna take a run at him?”

“I’d like to, but I dunno how I’ll get him alone. He and Liam have been glued together.”

“I wouldn’t mind being glued to Liam.”

“Whaaat? Little Liam, who used to follow us around? You’re joking.”

“You’re only saying that because he’s always standing next to your tall surfer. I’m telling you, Liam’s proper fit now.”

“Oh my god!” Emma grinned and shook her head. “What would you do if you saw Liam jerking off?”

“Well, I wouldn’t just watch, I can tell you that,” Zoya teased. “I’d get right in there and give him a hand.”

Emma laughed and rolled onto her back, trying to adjust her bikini to keep herself covered but still get some sun on her chest.

“Oh, just take it off,” Zoya said, rolling her eyes. “You Americans and your body issues.”

“What? No, I couldn’t,” Emma scoffed.

“No one’s here to see.”

“The boys are coming back!”

“Good! Give Nolan an eyeful, that’ll get his attention.”

“But Liam would see too!”

“So what? They’re just tits.”

“Take yours off if you’re so comfortable.”

“I will.” She untied her top, threw it in the bag, and raised a challenging eyebrow at Emma. Her friend frowned, comparing their chests.

“You have incredible tits, and I’m flat as a board. Nolan won’t even notice me.”

“Em, don’t put yourself down like that. You’re lovely, and Nolan will notice.”

“You really think so?”

“Trust me.”

Emma hesitated, then removed her top. Her shoulders were covered in freckles, and the pale skin of her small breasts faded to a light rose color on her nipples.

“There you are. Now put on these sunglasses so you don’t have to make eye contact. I’ll tell you when they’re coming.”

Zoya felt pleased with herself as she lay down. The sun felt good on her bare skin, and Emma just needed a little push to get past her insecurities.

Before long, she heard the boys approaching, and gave Emma a nudge. She could tell the moment they realized the girls were topless because their conversation suddenly stopped. Zoya snuck a quick peek. They were standing a short distance away, whispering to each other. Emma was already blushing, but made no move to cover herself.

“Here are your waters, ladies,” Nolan announced as they finally worked up the courage to approach. Zoya sat up and took the bottles from him. Nolan grinned easily, playing it cool, and making at point of meeting her eyes. Liam was clearly struggling not to gawk.

“Thank you, boys,” Zoya purred, cracking one open and taking a drink. Peeking under her half-closed lids, she was pleased to see that Liam was sneaking a look at her chest, but Nolan was glancing at Emma’s.

They dawdled as long as they could while taking their flip-flops off and retrieving their surfboards, but eventually, they ran off to surf.

“You’re welcome,” Zoya quipped.

“Fuck me!” Emma laughed as she sat up and cupped her breasts. “My nipples are so hard right now. Did he look?”

“Girl, of course he looked. I told you he would.”

“What do I do now?”

“You wait for your moment.”


Over the next few hours, the clouds rolled in. Zoya frowned as she felt a raindrop. A moment later, they were squealing, throwing on their cover-ups, and grabbing their bags in a sudden tropical downpour. The rain was strangely warm compared to London, and she laughed as they sprinted back to the hotel room.

“Oh my god, I’m drenched, and covered in wet sand,” Emma giggled as they dropped their things on the floor.

“Let’s rinse off,” Zoya said, pulling Emma after her into the bathroom.

She peeled off her bottoms, and turned on the shower. As she adjusted the temperature, she turned around to find Emma hadn’t moved. Her eyes were locked on Zoya’s shaved mound.

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“Em,” she said gently, “you’re staring.”

“Oh!” Emma blushed and looked away quickly, covering her mouth in surprise. “I’m sorry, I just, um… you, you bent over to turn the water on, and… I didn’t mean to—”

“Relax.” Zoya moved closer and took her hand. “When you go to an all-girls school, you have to become an expert at interpreting looks. Is that girl glaring at me because she’s jealous? Or staring because she likes my outfit? Does she want to borrow my notes? Or does she want me to push her up against a locker and kiss her?”

“Um… what kind of look was I giving you?”

“Well,” Zoya hooked her finger in the redhead’s waistband and pulled her closer. “Why don’t you get in the shower with me and find out?”

Eagerly, Emma stripped and followed her under the hot spray. As the water washed over them, Zoya pulled her into a long, soft kiss.

“It was that kind of look,” Zoya murmured, kissing her again.

“Oh, good,” Emma exhaled, running her hands down Zoya’s back.

“First time kissing a girl?” Zoya guessed.

“No, but the first time I, um…”

“Felt anything?”

“Yeah,” Emma shivered as Zoya touched her breasts. “I never…”

“Don’t overthink it,” Zoya reassured her. “In my experience, everyone’s a little bi. You spent all day getting squishy thinking about Nolan, and now here we are. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

“Alright,” Emma purred as Zoya kissed her neck. “What about you? Have you kissed many girls?”

“Like I said, all-girls school. I’ve been with enough to know it’s fun, but I still mostly prefer guys.”

“You have lovely tits, Zee.” Emma gently explored Zoya’s chest. “I love how dark your nipples are.”

“Thank you, I like yours. They’re such a pale pink, I almost can’t see where they stop.”

“They’re—oh!—sensitive,” Emma gasped as Zoya dragged her thumbs over her nipples. “Sometimes I can cum just from playing with them.”

“I’m jealous! Guys are always pawing at my chest, and it doesn’t do much for me.”

“Will you—ah!—suck on them?”

Zoya lowered her head and pulled one of the sensitive buds into her mouth. Emma gasped and squirmed. She alternated back and forth, tracing circles and feeling her nipples pucker under her tongue. Slowly, she slid her hand down Emma’s front.

“Oooh! Zoya, please…”

She teased her fingers through Emma’s soft curls. The redhead eagerly spread her legs, inviting her in. Zoya found her already slick and slipped a finger between her lips, drawing an excited gasp from her friend.

Emma ran her hands through Zoya’s hair, pulling her closer. Zoya squeezed her breast, and sucked hard on her nipple as she dipped first one and then two fingers inside. Emma was dripping. She must have been on edge since watching Nolan last night.

“Zoya!” Emma squealed, bucking her hips.

Zoya ground the heel of her hand against Emma’s clit and started thrusting her fingers insistently. But the awkward crouching stance was starting to hurt her back, so she dropped to her knees. Emma looked down at her, eyes full of shock and desire, as Zoya buried her face in her wet red curls.

“Oh my god,” she gasped. “Oh fuck.”

Zoya kept two fingers inside as she licked around Emma’s swollen clit. The hot water cascaded down her back as she pursed her lips and sucked. Emma grunted and rolled her hips, grinding against Zoya’s tongue.

“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!”

Zoya continued expertly stimulating her friend, feeling the tension build. She felt Emma’s walls fluttering as her orgasm approached. She curled her fingers, tapping the magic spot. Emma’s legs stiffened, and she cried out as a gush of hot fluid washed over Zoya’s hand.

After a moment, Emma pulled her up into a shaky kiss.

“I want to make you feel good, too,” she breathed.

Zoya kissed her deeply and turned around, spreading her legs and placing her hands on the wall. The spray massaged her lower back as Emma moved to stand behind her. She reached around to squeeze Zoya’s breasts, and kiss the back of her neck, but laughed and straightened up again, sputtering after catching the spray in her face.

“Touch me from behind,” Zoya encouraged. “Reach around and rub my clit. I like feeling someone behind me while I get off.”

Emma didn’t hesitate, grinding her pelvis against Zoya’s ass and grabbing her hips like she was fucking her. She thrust several times, then Zoya felt her friend’s hand tentatively reach lower.

“I love that you shave it all off,” Emma remarked, caressing Zoya’s folds.

“Hmm, I like that you keep yours,” Zoya replied. “I feel like everyone just expects you to shave. It’s hot when someone doesn’t.”

“I’m just lazy,” Emma giggled, teasing a finger between Zoya’s lips. “Oh, you’re already wet,” she purred.

“I have been since you looked at me like that.”

“That’s hot,” Emma murmured as she coated her finger in Zoya’s wetness.

“My clit,” Zoya begged, and then gasped as Emma traced up to brush against her most sensitive spot. “Yes, yes, like that,” she purred as Emma started tracing tight little circles.

“I’ve never touched another girl like this,” Emma said breathlessly.

“You’re doing—ah!—great, just—uh!—touch me like you’d touch yourself.”

Emma adjusted her hand, spreading her fingers on either side of Zoya’s clit, rubbing urgently up and down.

“This is so fucking hot,” Emma breathed.

Zoya grunted in agreement. Bracing herself on the wall, she pushed back against Emma’s pelvis, making them both gasp.

“Oh that feels good,” Emma moaned, grinding against her. “I’m still so sensitive.”

Zoya bit her lip and focused on the growing heat in her core as Emma fucked against her, rubbing her clit the whole time.

“Ah, that’s it, just like that,” Zoya groaned. “I’m getting close, keep doing that, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.” Her body was buzzing with anticipation, and she was grunting with each thrust, the stimulation building in waves of intensity.

She was so close. Her vision blurred. Her fingernails scrabbled at the tile wall. The hot water washed over them both. Emma’s breathing was becoming ragged, but she didn’t stop or change pace, relentlessly pursuing Zoya’s climax.

“Fuck!” Zoya grunted, breathlessly, as her core tensed. “I’m going to—”

There was a sudden loud banging on the bathroom door.

“Hey, don’t use all the hot water,” Liam called. “Me and Nolan are back, and we need to rinse off too!”

Emma squeaked, but Zoya grabbed her hand and held it in place, humping against her fingers as her insides started to clench. Emma let out a little surprised sound as Zoya pushed their hands lower and curled their middle fingers inside. They rocked in place as Zoya came hard around their fingers.

After a minute, she straightened up, and turned to pull her into a kiss. Emma moaned and kissed her deeply, and when she finally withdrew her finger, Zoya sighed happily.

“Oh shit!” Emma suddenly panicked as Zoya turned off the water.


“We came in here without any clothes! We’ve only got our bikini bottoms!”

“Relax, Em. This is an opportunity. We’re going to walk out of here wearing just a towel. And then we'll make the boys come in here while we get dressed.”

“What’s the opportunity? They saw us topless earlier. Why would a towel excite them now?”

“It’s because they saw us topless earlier. Being covered up in a towel is going to remind Nolan you’re naked under there. And he'll go to bed tonight thinking about you.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. I told you, you’re beautiful. Nolan thinks so too, trust me.”

Zoya grinned at Emma and handed her a towel.

“Are you ready?”

Written by pinkysurprise
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