After my quick pump and dump at Cynthia's request, she had me lie back in the grass and straddled my face while sucking me back to life. She kept at it while I sucked her cum-filled pussy and clit through two orgasms. Once she was satisfied with my erectile status, she pulled off my face and sank down on my happy boner. We rolled around in the yard for quite a while, taking turns controlling the action. When it was clear that I was getting close, Cynthia rolled on top once more and slipped off before pressing me into her rectum,
"I want to feel your cum back here now," Cynthia grunted as she sank down on my ready hard-on.
She moved in a slow cowgirl style as I palmed her breasts and tweaked her nips. I was just lying there letting her set the pace and depth until she moaned, "Meet me... halfway," haltingly.
With her next lift and fall, I pumped upward to meet her downward movement.
"Gaawwdd!" Cynthia wailed while pressing me back down to the ground. Then, spreading her buttocks to get even more.
"Mmmm," she purred while squirming about on my interred prick.
"Damn girl, you really like it deep, don't you?"
"Yesss, this is just... perfecccttt!" she replied while still twisting and turning on the root of my dick.
"Easy now. You don't want to break it off, do yoouu?" I cautioned with my voice hitting a previously unheard octave.
"Nooo... not really, but it feels so damn good to rotate like this," Cynthia confessed as she kept up the hip gyrations, albeit with a little less force.
It did feel amazing to be buried so far into her backside as she pried open her anal ring while the rest of my hard-on rubbed against her inner walls. I was enjoying this treatment, even while small pangs of jealousy rang quietly in my mind. I knew that it was stupid because I was the one who told her to find some additional help with her unending need, but it was still there nonetheless. What really worried me, I guess, was that she'd quit coming home to me. I knew that our relationship was very strong, but I was concerned that she would find someone that she loved more than me.
Having Brian's hard, hot cock in my ass was fantastic, and the way he always let me take pleasure at my own pace when I needed it that way was one of the many reasons that I loved him like no other. Our relationship was even stronger now than ever because he saw that he couldn't give me everything and allowed me to get it elsewhere. Even if I did eventually fuck another man other than my son, I would always come back to Brian. He was my partner and the love of my life.
My eyes had been closed up until this point in the action, but wanting to convey my thoughts, I opened them to stare into his eyes. I could see the anguish and fear in them mixed with the extraordinary love that I'd always enjoyed.
"Come to me, Honey!" I said with arms extended.
He rose to a sitting position as I continued to squirm on his wonderful cock, and I pulled his face to mine. We kissed the way I always loved, with an intensity that would bring me to orgasm all on its own if it lasted long enough. I never had too much experience with others sexually until just recently, but I can't imagine anyone else having that ability. And that was just one of the many things that I loved about him.
"You know that you are my one and only, right?" I stated firmly. He nodded his acknowledgment before we kissed again even more passionately. This one caused a minor orgasm to course through my groin. Panting hardily from the climax, I added, "You have allowed me the gift of getting something from others while still being able to come back to you. I will never stop loving you for that and will always come back to you to share myself and my adventures. I will also never take advantage of this wonderful gift and will stop if you ever ask me to."
"Thank you, Baby. You know that I'd do anything for you. You have been my entire life since you were born. I can't imagine being happier than I am right now making love to you. I knew that you needed more than I could give and would even let you go if that's what it would take to make you happy," Brian pledged while a single tear formed in his left eye.
"Oh, you're never getting rid of me!" I rebutted while beginning to slide up and down on his prick. "Now, cum inside me and give me your loving seed!" I exclaimed while kissing him with a fervor that we always shared.
It was just as I began to peak from his kiss and the penetration that I felt that indescribable feeling of his semen filling my backside. Then came the way he clenched my body so firmly to his like we'd become one. This time it went on for much longer and I greedily never wanted it to stop. There we were in our backyard in broad daylight like no one else was around and not caring one iota if they were. There was nothing like making love to my man out in the open like this. It would definitely become a regular thing from now on.
We stayed in each other's arms, kissing and holding each other long past our mutual climaxes. He stayed partially inside me for some time before finally slipping free and releasing the seed that he'd deposited. I reveled in the feel of it leaking from me. Knowing that he probably couldn't go again for a while, I suggested, "How about a nice hot bath? We could clean up, relax, and touch each other some more," I proposed.
"That sounds like a great idea," Brian responded before kissing me again.
After a few more minutes, Brian and I helped each other off the grass before he lifted me up and carried me inside. He walked straight into our bathroom and set me down on the edge of the tub before getting the water started.
"Anything to drink? Maybe some champagne? I think that there's a bottle chilling in the fridge as we speak.
"Sounds delightful," I replied while slipping into the water and exposing my sex to him wantonly. Goddd, I was such a slut, even with my husband. One leg was hanging out of the tub while the other was on the opposite rim. "But don't be too long. My little kitty really needs a petting or maybe licking," I suggested while pulling at my nipples gingerly.
"I'll be right back," Brian replied while ogling my overt display with a rising penis.
I heard his thumping feet as he ran to the kitchen. Then, there was the popping sound of the cork released from the champagne bottle. Moments later, he appeared in the doorway, just after I'd leaned forward to add some bath salts to the water. His penis was still at half-mast as he placed the glasses on the edge of the tub for pouring. With the glasses nearly full, Brian set the bottle on the floor and slipped in across from me while handing me one. I pulled my legs into the water but kept them open wide while rubbing his manly gear with my toes. We clinked our glasses, and each took a sip before his fingers found my clit.
"Is this what needs a good petting, or was it licking?" he asked while making slow circles around my swelling bud.
"Yes, Honey!" I replied while pressing his prick against his belly and stroking it up and down with my feet.
After setting his glass on the floor, Brian grabbed my inner thighs and pushed me up the back of the tub and out of the water with uncharacteristic forcefulness. Propped up like I was, opened my pussy for the tongue-lashing that came next. He went at me like a wild man who hadn't had sex in years. I came almost immediately from the excitement alone as I gripped his head to keep from falling over. Then add the masterful way that he tortured my clit with his tongue and teeth, and it was all over. I exploded on his face and reveled in the way he kept me in that orgasmic state with his tongue. Then came the fingers as they searched and found my g-spot, leaving me a continuously quivering mess.
All these years together, and no one could make me cum as quickly or as vigorously as him. I guess it was because he knew me far better than anyone else, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Brian was still giving me pleasure as my head began to clear a little. He knew how to handle me and gradually slowed both his fingers and tongue while letting me enjoy the aftereffects of my recent cum. He let me slip back down into the water and moved to my face with his as we kissed softly. We soaked in the warm bath, kissing and fondling each other and just enjoying being together without distractions.
We lay in the cooling water with our bodies entwined until it was just too cold to continue. Brian pulled the plug, and as the water escaped, he helped me to my feet. We took a nice hot shower to warm up and took our time scrubbing each other meticulously. After a quick drying, we walked back down to the kitchen to make breakfast. We had some eggs, toast, and a little fruit before returning to the porch. Soaking in the sun with bare bodies relaxed us both until my cell rang.
It was the call that I'd been juiced up for, but after such a perfect morning with Brian was now dreading a little.
"Are you going to answer that, Baby?"
"Yeah, I guess," Cynthia pouted.
"Oh, Hi, June."
"Yes... okay... that sounds good, although I may be a little late, but I'll get there. Okay, see you soon."
"What was that all about?" I inquired while stroking her upper thigh with the tips of my fingers.
"We've had such a nice morning that I hate to even say... " Cynthia began.
"But, I had June try to arrange a girl's only pool party over at Susan's house for today. Somehow, she managed to get it done, and there will be six women there, all ready to play," she replied
"Sounds like your kinda fun," I offered as my fingers traced her swelling labia.
"Yeah, but this is very fun, too," Cynthia cooed as I moved up and down from circling her pucker to teasing her clit.
"How about this? I let you scooch this hot little body of yours over there now, but you promise to be home before eight tonight, having saved a little bit of this for me," I proposed while sliding a finger inside her slick pussy.
"It's a deal," she purred with her eyes closed and legs spread, looking for more.
"Make me cum," Cynthia pleaded softly as I added a second finger and used my tongue to energize her clit. Less than a minute later, she was cumming on my fingers and in my mouth.

As we shared my coated digits, I observed, "You really are an orgasm junkie, aren't you?"
With my fingers clean, Cynthia said, "Come help me find something to wear, Lover," as she pulled me inside, never letting go of my hand.
"Really? Help you find something to wear? Aren't you just going to walk over there naked?" I teased while groping her ass with my free hand.
"I considered that but figured there would be a good chance that I wouldn't make it all the way. You know, with all the horny old men wandering the neighborhood," Cynthia needled back.
Cynthia released my hand to open her dresser drawers while I sat on the bed and ogled her ass like I'd never seen it before. Allowing her to go out and share herself with other women was probably the best decision I'd ever made. It was great for both of us. She got to go out and get what she needed elsewhere, and I got to release the guilt that I'd had for so long because I couldn't give her all that she needed. We were both happier and much closer than we'd been in several years.
I was rummaging through my sportswear drawer, looking for something as enticing as what I wore to June's house. I could feel Brian watching me like when we were young. The magic was back in a big way, and it was all because he'd pushed me to play with June. As my mind wandered to the things that I would experience at the pool party, I felt him move in behind me. His groin pressed into my backside as he reached toward another drawer and slid it open. On one side was a jumble of bikini suits that I'd purchased and occasionally wore when were vacationed at the beach.
I paused to enjoy the feeling as his prick began to rise between my thighs and press against my lower labia. He was searching for something in particular as he pushed each item aside. Finally, at the bottom of the scattered suits was what he'd been searching for. It was the string bikini that I'd bought in Jamaica. It looked like a jumble of string in a sandwich-sized plastic baggy.
"Yes, this should work nicely," Brian mumbled aloud as he opened the seal and pulled the ball of thin rope out to survey. Starting with the bra section, he pulled me upright and worked from behind me to attach the minuscule garment. Brian started with the string that wrapped around me under my breasts and tied it semi-tight, knowing that he'd have to make some adjustments. The remaining strings were bound behind my neck with a bow. I chuckled at the sight of the strings with their diamond-shaped patches that barely covered my areolae. With a few titillating moves, they did the job as his cock pressed ever harder between my thighs.
I could feel my juices beginning to flow, caused by his sensual touch. Backing away from me, Brian turned me to face him and continued to play with the small patches of spandex that molded to my now erect nipples. Grabbing the bottoms out of the baggy, he dropped slowly to his knees and worked on attaching the bottoms. With it tied on both sides of my hips, there really was no reason for him to be in that position. He could easily tie them while standing. I think that he just wanted to get my motor running even more.
He motioned for me to open my thighs further as if he needed more space to pull that string between them. I obeyed without question as the temperature in my core continued to rise. The first string was threaded through before knotting the two ends high on my left hip. The first drop escaped from my swelling labia, running between them as it reached my taint. Brian blew a gentle breath inches from my womanhood before pulling the other strings around to the top of my right hip. The small bit of fabric that was supposed to cover me sank deeply between my overly excited lips.
Brian stayed in place, adjusting the insufficient scrap of spandex repeatedly until I gripped his head for balance, pressed it into my crotch, and came appreciatively. I could feel his tongue lap at my leaking, as I struggled to keep my balance. Feeling my instability, Brian slowly stood and wrapped his arms around me as our lips touched. We kissed romantically with Brian controlling the pace and depth.
After a minute or so, he pulled back, suggesting, " Well, I think this will do nicely," as he slowly spun me around to take it all in.
"But I can't walk through the neighborhood like this. I'll get arrested for sure."
"Yeah, that wouldn't do, would it? I mean, the officers would probably keep you in jail for days just to use your seductive body. And imagine if they put you in a cell with others. Why you may never get out of jail," Brian teased before pausing and adding, "Okay, I'll drive you over, but only if I get a blowjob in the car."
"You can have anything you want in the car, Honey," I cooed while gripping his rigid pole.
Brian turned and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts for the ride and pulled them on as we walked toward the garage. Inside the car, I dropped my face in his lap, pulled his dick free from the leg-hole and sucked it hungrily. He gasped a my aggressive suction before raising the door and backing down the driveway. Needless to say, it was a slow ride to Susan's house.
Just as Brian parked out front, I took him down my throat for the finale. Swallowing repeatedly brought about his orgasm just as June approached the car to see what was taking so long.
"Ohhh, now I see what was taking so long," June purred as her hands stroked my exposed flesh.
I rose up and kissed Brian as we shared the remnants of his seed while June continued to caress my buttocks and inner thighs.
"I better get out of this car before June starts fingering me for all to see. Love you, Honey!"
"Love you, Baby!" Brian replied while covering his happy tool. "Shall I come and pick you up, or are you just going to sashay home tonight?" he added with a grin.
"I'll call," I said while sitting up and grabbing my cell. Seconds later, June and I disappeared into Susan's side gate and headed for the pool.
With her arm around my waist, June led me over toward the group of women already in attendance. "Ladies, this is the guest of honor and all-around insatiable...