Lady Dona
Kitty was napping on her bed after watching the maids through the keyhole and was woken by a knock on the door. Another maid told her Lady Dona was back and would like to see her whenever she was ready.
Kitty made herself ready and headed downstairs. Taking her time going down she paid more attention to the art on the walls which she'd noticed in passing before but not looked at carefully, and she noticed there was more to it than she'd thought. One picture was three women dressed in Regency style with lots of cleavage on show, with two seated and the third standing behind. The one on the left was approvingly showing the second some kind of drawing and the third standing behind her with her hand on the seated woman's breast. Kitty did a double-take but not only did the third woman definitely have her hand on the other woman's breast she looked an awful lot like Rose.
Further along, she noticed a statuette of what she thought was the 'Three Graces' but looking closer she could see the Grecian looking gowns were actually deceptively moulded Victorian underwear and instead of their hands being around each other's waists they were a little lower down. "Curious," thought Kitty. "Her imprisoned husband's idea?"
Downstairs Kitty bounced into what she learned later was Dona's office for writing letters and such. Lady Dona was there and standing back out of the way so was Rose. Kitty recognized Lady Dona from the court case even though she had only seen her from a distance.
Lady Dona was standing in front of her desk: early forties, full-figured, exceptionally finely dressed with olive skin and black hair tied back in a bun. She was in the process of removing the front panel from the top of her dress revealing an older, more revealing style underneath.
They hugged and Kitty gushed with gratitude over the divorce as Lady Dona smiled politely and looked her up and down. Kitty was also full-figured straining at her dress at the hips and around the bust, pale-skinned with rosy cheeks topped by a mass of red-blonde curls. Lady Dona looked at Rose standing behind near the door and saw Rose smiling knowingly.

Lady Dona stopped Kitty gushing. "Well my dear, the judge has made us housemates until you get your dowry back and I hope your stay will be pleasant. There is only one rule I must insist on. I run a hysteria treatment clinic here and that part of the house is off-limits but apart from that I will trust your judgement."
Kitty gushed some more while Lady Dona smiled and nodded but eventually Kitty got the message the interview was over and she bounced out impressed with Lady Dona's style and composure and thinking "I want to be like her when I'm older."
As soon as Kitty left the room and Rose closed the door Dona crumpled and groaned.
"She is a bit of a peach," said Rose.
"Mon Dieu! This is going to be torture."
"Well, you could always..."
"Non, if it was lust and curiosity yes but not if she's just grateful, that would feel wrong."
"So you want me to go ahead with cancelling the parties?" asked Rose.
"Oui, it's a shame but I think I must find some other way to amuse myself for the year." Dona groaned again, "A year!" she exclaimed.
"Such a peach," Rose repeated. "Do you need anything?"
Dona nodded and started to lift up her skirts and Rose slipped underneath until only her shoes were showing under the mass of petticoats. She pulled Dona's bloomers down and got to work with her tongue. Dona shut her eyes and thought about Kitty and her mass of curls as Rose brought her to a climax.