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The Party Begins

"This was just the beginning of what was surely going to leave me a sore and exhausted mess."

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The next couple of days were a blur of sex with my loves, Dominic, Andre, and James. Oh, and of course, Bruno, who made me airtight. But, the slut in me was mostly thinking about Saturday and meeting Andre's family as my body was used by my lovers.

Andre spent Friday night with me, but we abstained from sex to give my body a little time off. Although it was his idea, I could tell that he was having a very difficult time holding back. Waking in the morning with him holding me close, I slowly spun around to take him into my mouth. He was as hard as steel, and I wanted to give him some relief. Sucking him deep, I swallowed over and over as he gradually awoke.  

"I thought we were waiting," Andre mumbled groggily.

Easing back a little, I responded, "You needed this."

Back and forth, I moved while running my tongue all around his glans. Andre wasn't usually a hair-trigger, but less than two minutes in, and he was pumping my face with authority. I sucked him dry before sliding back up and giving him a sloppy kiss. Andre wasn't a bit put off by the taste of his own semen and held me close throughout our make-out session. Feeling my own pecker begin to rise, I pulled away while offering to get the coffee started.

Standing naked with a hard-on and a needy twitching ass while the coffee brewed was an unusual experience for me. I couldn't recall ever leaving a lover's bed without a used ass and a load of cum recently deposited. Andre was going above and beyond for this meet-up, and I wouldn't soon forget it. Making a couple of cups, I strolled back into the bedroom to find that he was in the shower. Walking in, I admired his powerfully stocky form through the glass.  

He spied me, admiring him after rinsing the shampoo from his hair. Up until then, Andre's cock had hung thickly amongst his curly black pubic hair. As he slid the door open to take his coffee while eyeing me up, I saw it twitch to life like a spring-loaded toy. Unable to resist, I set my coffee on the counter, pushed the glass door further open, and dropped to my knees. Andre enthusiastically fucked my face as I handled his sac and fingered his pucker. Even with my extra efforts, he held on to his manly juices for nearly ten minutes before surrendering them to me.

"God, you are amazing," he offered while pulling me to my feet. "What can I do to please you, my little whore?"

"You've already done it by inviting me to meet your family of slut-fuckers. With any luck, I'll have multiple loads of cum in and on me before the evening is over. And after a good cleanup, I'm gonna fuck this cock of yours raw," I bragged whilst gripping his junk tightly.

"I have no doubt," Andre replied with a big grin.

 After I showered and we ate the breakfast that he cooked, we sat by the pool for a bit, chit-chatting.

"So, what should I wear to this gathering?" I inquired.

"Nothing special. I'd say a shirt and shorts for the beginning during the drinks and food. It's all going to be buffet-style outdoors. After that, you could walk around in your thong if you wanted. Especially if you want the attention that I know you do," Andre replied.

"When are we leaving to go there?"

"Whenever you want. We can leave now and help with the setup and food preparation if you want."

"Okay then, let me get dressed so we can leave. I'd love to help out!"

"Yeah, sure. I'll bet you would, you little harlot. You just want to be bent over the tables and chairs as you help place them around the yard."

"Well, I wouldn't turn that down, for sure, but honestly, I'd just like to help out and spend more time meeting everyone," I answered as we walked back into my bedroom. I grabbed a button-down short-sleeve shirt and some loose-fitting men's dock shorts. Pulling the thong suit from another drawer, I slipped it into my pocket.

"Going commando, I see. Excellent choice in shorts. With the stretchy waistband, it's an easy slip down for a quick insertion. Although, you might consider a tighter shirt that would put your nipples on better display," Andre teased.

"I thought about that, but some things are better left discovered with a little bit of exploring, don't you think?"

"I do!" Andre agreed as his hands slipped under my shirt to give my tits and nips a quick squeeze.

Andre drove, and during the ride, I slipped off my shorts and turned toward the window to taunt him a little. His finger rimmed my pre-lubed star as I looked out the window. When it slipped in, I pulled my legs apart to give him better access.

Suddenly the sunroof slid open as Andre ordered, "Sit on the center console with your head out the sunroof and ride my fingers like you would my cock. I want everyone that passes by to see my slut in action."

I moved back onto the console with my legs spread and let him move his fingers in place while raising up until my arms and face were out of the top of the car. When I felt his fingers back in my ass, I dropped down until his hand rested on the console with his fingers three knuckles deep. I squirmed in a circular motion at first, then began to ride them. We were in the middle lane with cars passing us on his side while passing trucks on my side. Needless to say, we got quite a bit of scrutiny, especially with my upper body bouncing in and out of the sunroof.

There were several horns ringing out, especially from my side, as they watched my cock bounce while I rode Andre's fingers. In no time at all, we were exiting the highway, and his digits vanished. Sitting back in my chair, I still felt the euphoria of showing off to so many and wanted to do that again. I was pulling my shorts on just as Andre parked the car along the street in front of his Parent's home. We grabbed a few chairs and bags that Andre brought along before heading down the driveway. Andre led me around the side of the house and through the gate into a beautifully landscaped backyard.

The pool was every bit as big as Jason's, where I was staying, although without all the waterworks. The truly impressive part was the patio area. The amount of poured concrete was staggering. The sliding door at the back of the house was easily one hundred feet from the pool, and the whole area was a concrete patio. Not to mention that it encircled the pool with a minimum of twenty feet down the sides and across the back. There was a small pool house for changing, which included a washer and dryer to keep up with the towel usage. There was also a separate structure that was a twenty-five-foot bar with stools included.

I continued to ogle my surroundings as Andre directed me to the tables so that we could drop off the bags. After setting up our chairs around the pool, he finally took me to the bar to meet his Father, Marco. I could instantly see Andre in him. The rugged good looks and the small but powerful form.  

"So, this is your latest slut, huh," Marco stated more than he asked.

"Yes, and this one has an unquenchable thirst for cock," Andre answered while smiling broadly.

"Well then, let's get things started, shall we," Marco commanded while directing me behind the bar. 

There was no hesitation on my part, and I quickly moved in next to him. He pulled me into him by grabbing my butt cheeks through my shorts and kissed me avidly. Tongues danced as my hands encircled his neck, and he jerked my shorts to the floor. He groped my ass aggressively, feeling its firmness. Pressing a finger into me, Marco finger-fucked me while I clamped down to let him know that I had excellent muscle control. Pulling away, he spun me around before walking to the left a little.

Once he had me where he wanted, Marco bent me in half and pushed me under the bar. I immediately saw light coming from the back and realized that the bar had a glory hole for me to pleasure others at the front while being fucked from behind. That's when Marco's hard-on pressed inside me. It wasn't as thick as Andre's, but he got into a maintainable pace as a cock appeared from the front. The owner of my oral assault was unknown, but I'd been here less than ten minutes and was already in slut heaven.

I got my first taste of cum in a few short minutes. I could hear some chatter, and seconds later, another one appeared. About five cocks later, I was pulled back out with Marco's firm prick still buried inside.  

"You are a good one, as my son has boasted. What can I get you to drink?" he asked while still pumping my ass.

"A beer would be great! And might I say that you have amazing staying power!"

"Thank you," he replied, then added, "It's a combination of moving slower and a general lack of sensitivity."

After handing me the beer, I asked, "Would you like me to tighten up a bit or maybe give you a blowjob?"

"It's not necessary right now. I rather enjoy the feeling of a warm ass encompassing my dick with such wonderfully formed glutes to grasp," he added while mauling my cheeks. "I'm also told that you have wonderful nipples as well. Andre is more of a tit man than me, but I guess I should feel them for his sake," he said with a hearty laugh.

Marco's hands moved under my shirt and found my tits. After a bit of tentative rubbing, my nips began to harden quite a bit. He seemed delighted with their rigidity and began pulling and twisting them. I noticed that he was picking up his pace a little and started to tighten up my pucker with each entry. We were both panting as Marco continued to abuse my nips and ass. It happened all too suddenly, without much warning, and he slammed in tight and pumped his warm seed deep into my bowels. It was just enough to do me in, so I lowered my empty beer glass to catch my own expulsions.

As his breathing came back to normal, Marco's softening penis slipped from my ass. Dropping to his knees behind me, he lapped at his exiting juices and my gaped pucker. Standing up, he whispered, "Are you going to drink that?" motioning to my cum-splattered beer glass.

"Not if you want it," I smiled before kissing him hard on the lips. Handing the glass to him, I watched as he sucked it down. Andre was on the mark about this group. There were some serious twink-fuckers here, starting with his father.

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"Pull your shorts back up, and let me introduce you to some of the others," Marco said. There was still a flurry of people setting things up, but there was one table of five older gentlemen that he walked straight towards.  

"These are my oldest friends and now your newest since you've already been acquainted. These are the owners of the pricks that you sucked off while I fucked your delightful ass," he offered with his hand down the back of my pants, groping my buttocks. "Friends, this is Andre's newest and best slut, by my estimation. Do you agree?" he asked them.

There was a rousing set of "Yeses" from the group as he paraded me from one to the next so that they could all feel my ass.

"Whenever you boys are ready for more, just let Andre know, and he'll set it up for you. In the meantime, what can I get you all to drink?"

About that time, Andre appeared and pulled me away from the group. "How are you doing? Is my father treating you okay?"

"Are you kidding me? I just sucked five cocks dry while getting a wonderful fucking and an ass full of cum. I'm flying high!"

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, let's go and see how my mom's doing and see if we can help her out.

"Sounds like a great idea," I acknowledged during our walk toward the back door.  

We dodged a few people coming out before moving upstairs and into the kitchen. I expected to see pots and pans on the fire and a large Italian woman barking orders while filling bowls with sauce. The only thing that I had correct was the barking orders part. All of the food was being delivered by a catering company, which was taking most of the items outside to the tables. Andre's Mother was slim, trim, and smoking hot. If she was actually his mother, then she'd had work done because even I'd fuck her.

"Hey, Mom, this is my newest tart."

"Gabriella," she punctuated while wrapping her arms around me and grasping my buttocks. I was surely with the right group of people because they all seemed to love asses. While groping my ass, she whispered, "How are you at eating pussy?"

"I've been known to cause an orgasm or two in the fairer sex," I mumbled back.

"I need to see and feel this ass. Come with me," Gabriella urged while pulling me out of the kitchen. "Andre, keep them organized! I'll be back soon."

"No problem, Mom," Andre replied as I was whisked away and into a bedroom.

The summer dress she was wearing dropped to the floor just as the door closed behind us. She was stunning for her age or mine. As I gawked like a teenage boy, she made short work of my shirt and shorts. Turning me away from her, Gabriella gave me a shove, and I landed face-down on the bed. I'd no sooner touched down, and her mouth was all over my buttocks, nipping and licking like it was made of sugar. She even nipped at my scrotum before prying open my cheeks and drilling into my eager pucker.

I figured that she'd have a penchant for ass, given the family's love of twinks, but man, she was good. Gabriella swirled where her husband's cock had recently been and left a deposit. Her technique was superb, maybe even better than mine, so I took mental notes.

Pulling away, she gave me a hard slap on each cheek before commanding, "Roll over, slut!"

I quickly conformed before her hairless and meaty puss dropped onto my face.

"Make me cum, Andre's whore, and I'll do the same for you!" she spouted while grinding all over my face.

I grasped her hips and held her tight while my tongue went to work on her sloppy puss. I sucked each of her oversized labia into my mouth and grated them softly with my teeth which seemed to be giving her ample stimulation based on the grunts and jerks. In between, I flicked her growing clit, which seemed to be nearly the size of mine in the cold weather. Drilling her cunt the way she'd done my ass also seemed to help her along. Pulling her forward a little, I went to work on her little star, which upped the ante even more.

It made sense that a woman surrounded by ass-loving men would have probably enjoyed the benefits of anal intercourse and oral pleasure. While pushing my face back into her puss, I slipped a finger into her slick pucker while sucking her clit like a small cock. Patience was the key, much like with a cock. You didn't want to use the teeth too soon.  

"More fingers... ass!" she stammered.

I added another digit while upping my sucking on her distended clit. I began to feel the trembling of her thighs and knew that she was there. With some light gnawing, I catapulted Gabriella into paradise and received a warm reward for my actions as she spewed all over my face. I lapped at her open labia as her quivering eased, and she deliberately lowered her face to my crotch.

Gabriella was a masterful cock-sucker. I was enjoying her oral skills as I continued to please her with mine.

"You know that it's not fair," Gabriella panted.

"What's not fair," I inquired knowingly.

"You... You already made me... cum, and fuuuccckkk!"

I purposely sucked hard on her clit, bringing about another orgasm from my sexy Italian lady. She panted hard onto my crotch as I took in the delicious offering that leaked from her scarlet pussy.  

"Okay, you're definitely a keeper," she huffed while trying to regain her composure. "If Andre ever fucks up and lets you go, you come straight to me, understand?" she added while still sucking air into her lungs.

"I do! And I have to say that I love your flavor and your enlarged vaginal attributes. There is just so much more to taste, nibble, and suck. Also, you don't need to make me cum. I'm here to give you pleasure."

"Oh, darling, there is no way you are leaving this room until I get a mouthful of your semen in my throat, so just give an old girl a second to recover."

I didn't stop my ministrations completely, but I eased off enough for Gabriella to focus. She dipped down, taking my cock in until there was nothing left but my pelvis and balls. I could feel her swallowing repeatedly around my ensconced hard-on, and it was wonderful. This was something that I'd done to her son and countless others prior to him. It was a skill that had to be practiced regularly in order to keep the gagging reflex at bay. Her tongue and mouth were all she used, not cheating, like I had done with her, and she was a pro.

With each complete interment, her tongue would slip from her mouth and slather whatever she could reach. The sensations were like tasting raw vegetables for the first time without any adornments. This was what a blowjob was supposed to feel like. Gabriella was patient, attentive, and unyielding in her need to bring about my climax. It grew from inside my scrotum as the sperm started to swirl in anticipation of their one-way trip to her belly, unfortunately for them.

It was a slow and steady rise as the first ejaculation filled her wanton throat. Gabriella pulled off just a little as the second group followed the first, coating the inside of her mouth. The last couple were much smaller amounts, but she sucked and savored them all down to the last bit.

"You have a tangy and salty taste that would go well with my family's Cabernet," Gabriella said teasingly.

"Wow! I've got nothing else, but wow!"

"That's all you've got?" she moped mockingly.

"It's been a very long time since I've had a straight blowjob with no extras, and that was magnificent! How's that?"

"Much better!" she smiled before spinning around, lying on top of me, and kissing me heartily.

It just happened as we kissed and groped one another. "Oh, yes! That's it! Just take your time. I have nowhere to go. Mmm!"

I'd barely shrunk at all after her oral attention, so when Gabriella did a one-eighty, it just slipped inside her. I pumped her pussy nice and slow, just like she asked. It had been a minute since I was inside one, but I must say that although there rarely as constrictive as most puckers, they are worth doing. The warmth and wetness combined into overwhelming sensations that were hard to beat. We fucked like that for some time, with her on top and me pumping her slippery cavern.

She gradually heated as our mouths tangled while our tongues did battle. In that position, I let my hands wander her back and glutes, while hers were holding my face firmly. Another wonderful sensation was her tits rubbing against mine and the occasional nipple rubbing. Her tits were small, but those nips were the thickness of my thumbs and felt great pushing mine around. With the fury increasing, Gabriella suddenly sat up and took control.

We'd gone from a slow, sultry jaunt to a full-on wild fuck like the flick of a switch. Gabriella went at me wildly, pounding me into the bed like a maniac as I pulled, pinched, and twisted at her large brown nips.

"I want you to cum with me, please!" she begged as her hand found my scrotum. Pulling and squeezing like I was doing to her tits, she also began clenching her box with all she had as she slipped over the edge. Taking me with her in a mutual growl-fest, Gabriella fell onto me before our mouths linked up again and silenced it all.

We lay there coated in sweat and cum and still holding on tight. In between light kisses, I relayed, "Andre got his passion from you, for sure, but he most certainly didn't get it all. It has been a while since I've been with someone as lascivious as you've been today."

"Thank you!" Gabriella whispered enthusiastically through labored breath.

"That's it?" I teased, knowing that she needed a minute.

Smiling while still drawing in air forcefully, she finally added, "I could fuck you all day!"

"Call me when you have the time," I grinned before kissing her some more.

Twenty minutes later, we were up and in the adjoining shower for a little play and a lot of cleanup. With everything clean and dry, we donned our clothing and walked back to the kitchen.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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